
imagination not stunted by video games, ritalin at fault

Feb 26th, 2013
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  1. <j> you ever have an awesome dream, then realize you are in a parallel universe universe where gi joe toys and legos are the same thing, you being a child's toy activated by a child's imagination the entire time, the whole time the themesong to Titanic is playing?
  2. <ACDC> Yep
  3. <Starch> i just had that dream
  4. <ACDC> Nods
  5. <Starch> except it was barbies not gi joes
  6. <ACDC> My little ponies here
  7. <ACDC> Yep
  8. <ACDC> I don't think it was titanic though
  9. <j> I was hunted as an alien invader they realized was not part of that world the surveillance was so high
  10. <j> I think the kid was given Ritalin.
  11. <j> :(
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