

Nov 3rd, 2017
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  9. #
  11. Kernel: 4.10.12 #1 SMP Mon Oct 30 22:14:40 CET 2017 @armv7l
  12. Date: Friday, 03 November 2017, 17:51:22
  14. hd51.NI-102C61 login: root
  15. Password:
  16. [hd51] /var/root # sn
  17. [neutrino] armbox framebuffer Instance created
  18. libstb-hal debug options can be set by exporting HAL_DEBUG.
  19. The following values (or bitwise OR combinations) are valid:
  20. component: audio 0x01
  21. component: video 0x02
  22. component: demux 0x04
  23. component: play 0x08
  24. component: power 0x10
  25. component: init 0x20
  26. component: ca 0x40
  27. component: record 0x80
  28. all components: 0xff
  29. [LT:00000000:init ] init_td_api begin, initialized=0, debug=0x00
  30. [LT:00000000:init ] init_td_api end
  31. [fb_generic] [bcmfb] framebuffer 24300k video mem
  32. [fb_accel_arm] SetMode: 32bits, red 8:16 green 8:8 blue 8:0 transp 8:24
  33. [fb_accel_arm] 1920x1080x32 line length 7680. using bcmfb graphics accelerator.
  34. [neutrino] executing /var/tuxbox/config/neutrino.start.
  35. /var/tuxbox/config/neutrino.start failed: No such file or directory
  36. [LT:00000000:init ] init_td_api begin, initialized=1, debug=0x00
  37. [LT:00000000:init ] init_td_api end
  38. [neutrino.cpp] executing /var/tuxbox/config/
  39. [neutrino] recording dir: /media/sda1/movies
  40. [neutrino] timeshift dir: /media/sda1/movies/.timeshift
  41. [CWebTVSetup] loading: /share/tuxbox/neutrino/webtv/filmon.xml
  42. [CWebTVSetup] loading: /share/tuxbox/neutrino/webtv/hdporntv.xml
  43. [CWebTVSetup] loading: /share/tuxbox/neutrino/webtv/yt_live.xml
  44. [neutrino] [CNeutrinoFonts] [SetupNeutrinoFonts - 154] font file: /share/fonts/ubuntu-l-webfont.ttf
  45. [neutrino] [CNeutrinoFonts] [SetupNeutrinoFonts - 176] standard font family: Ubuntu
  46. [neutrino] [CNeutrinoFonts] [SetupDynamicFonts - 136] dynamic font family: Ubuntu
  47. CLCD::setlcdparameter(dimm 15 power 1)
  48. display ''
  49. display ' '
  50. [fe0] frontend fd 7 type 1
  51. [femanager.cpp:Init:100] add fe 0
  52. [frontend.cpp:Open:249] /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend1: No such file or directory
  53. [frontend.cpp:Open:249] /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend2: No such file or directory
  54. [frontend.cpp:Open:249] /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend3: No such file or directory
  55. [femanager.cpp:Init:116] found 1 frontends, 4 demuxes
  56. [LT:00578428:video ] #1: openDevice cannot open /dev/dvb/adapter0/video1: No such file or directory, retries 0
  57. [zapit] Loading services, channel size 456 ..
  58. [getservices.cpp:LoadServices:936] Loading cables...
  59. [getservices.cpp:LoadServices:941] Loading terrestrial...
  60. [getservices.cpp:FindTransponder:606] going to parse dvb-c provider Goeltzschtalbruecke
  61. [zapit] 583 services loaded (583)...
  62. [zapit] service loading took: 11 msec
  63. [zapit.cpp:PrepareChannels:1066] LoadServices: success
  64. [bouquets.cpp:parseBouquetsXml:400] reading bouquets from /var/tuxbox/config/zapit/bouquets.xml
  65. [bouquets.cpp:parseBouquetsXml:493] total: 98 bouquets
  66. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:830] Loading webtv from /var/tuxbox/config/webtv_usr.xml ...
  67. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:830] Loading webtv from /share/tuxbox/neutrino/webtv/filmon.xml ...
  68. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:865] * auto epg_id found for CNBC's: ffffffff8a0c0a0a
  69. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:865] * auto epg_id found for MMA Now: ffffffff162a186a
  70. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:865] * auto epg_id found for Runway TV: ffffffff7f4554e2
  71. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:865] * auto epg_id found for Die neue Zeit TV: 659d03f700011269
  72. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:865] * auto epg_id found for Sophia TV: 3d9d041d00015278
  73. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:865] * auto epg_id found for La Mejor: ffffffffddca5c08
  74. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:865] * auto epg_id found for Rotana: ffffffff01d731a4
  75. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:865] * auto epg_id found for QVC®: ffffffff9bca8f42
  76. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:865] * auto epg_id found for 30a TV: ffffffffef6e3074
  77. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:865] * auto epg_id found for Travel with Rick: ffffffff01109229
  78. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:865] * auto epg_id found for HollyHood: ffffffff5415cbdd
  79. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:830] Loading webtv from /share/tuxbox/neutrino/webtv/hdporntv.xml ...
  80. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:830] Loading webtv from /share/tuxbox/neutrino/webtv/yt_live.xml ...
  81. [bouquets.cpp:loadWebchannels:830] Loading webradio from /var/tuxbox/config/webradio_usr.xml ...
  82. [bouquets.cpp:parseBouquetsXml:400] reading bouquets from /var/tuxbox/config/zapit/ubouquets.xml
  83. [bouquets.cpp:parseBouquetsXml:493] total: 106 bouquets
  84. ############## CBouquetManager::makeRemainingChannelsBouquet: numbers start at: tv 1 radio 1 ############
  85. [zapit] bouquet loading took: 92 msec
  86. [zapit.cpp:Start:2542] channels have been loaded succesfully
  87. [zapit.cpp] diseqc type = 0
  88. [femanager.cpp:loadSettings:245] load config for fe0
  89. [femanager.cpp:linkFrontends:415] linking..
  90. [femanager.cpp:linkFrontends:466] Frontend #0: is independent
  91. [frontend.cpp:setDiseqcType:1366] fe0: NO_DISEQC
  92. [femanager.cpp:linkFrontends:483] pip demux: 2
  93. [zapit] GetConfig...
  94. [zapit] starting... tid 31877
  95. [neutrino VideoSettings] setupVideoSystem setup videosystem...
  96. [zapit] sdt monitor started
  97. >>>>>[changeOsdResolution:78] osd mode: OSDMODE_1080 => OSDMODE_1080, automode: true, forceOsdReset: false
  98. [fb_accel_arm] SetMode: 32bits, red 8:16 green 8:8 blue 8:0 transp 8:24
  99. [fb_accel_arm] 1920x1080x32 line length 7680. using bcmfb graphics accelerator.
  100. [neutrino VideoSettings] setVideoSettings init video settings...
  101. [rcinput:checkdev] /dev/input mtime changed
  102. [rcinput:open] opened /dev/input/event3 (fd 17) ev 0x100013
  103. [rcinput:open] opened /dev/input/event2 (fd 18) ev 0x3
  104. [rcinput:open] opened /dev/input/event1 (fd 19) ev 0x100003
  105. [rcinput:open] opened /dev/input/event0 (fd 20) ev 0x100003
  106. [zapit.cpp:leaveStandby:2377] standby 1 recording 0
  107. [zapit.cpp:ZapIt:516] [zapit] zap to 80s80s - Depeche Mode (ffffffffc8d6453b tp 0)
  108. [LT:00000000:demux ] SetSource(1, 0) => 0 to 0
  109. [femanager.cpp:allocateFE:695] pip demux: 2
  110. [frontend.cpp:getDelSys:949] unknown FEC: 0!
  111. [fe0] tune to 498000 DVB-C(Annex A) QAM_64 AUTO H/L srate 6875000 (tuner 498000000 offset 0 timeout 4000)
  112. [frontend.cpp:buildProperties:1149] [fe0] unknown FEC: 0
  113. [frontend.cpp:getEvent:723] [fe0] ******** FE_HAS_LOCK: freq 498000000
  114. [fe0] tuning took: 183 msec (min 183 max 183)
  115. [neutrino.cpp] executing /var/tuxbox/config/
  116. /var/tuxbox/config/ failed: No such file or directory
  117. [neutrino CEC Settings] setCECSettings init CEC settings...
  118. timerd startup, tid 31879
  119. CStreamManager::Listen: on 31339, fd 21
  120. [ 17:51:49.988 ] dvbsub_thread started
  121. [ 17:51:49.989 ] cDvbSubtitleConverter: new converter
  122. [yhttpd] Webserver nhttpd/3.4.1 (yhttpd_core/1.3.2) tid 31882
  123. [ 17:51:49.989 ] reader_thread stopped
  124. [LT:b0700598:demux ] Stop #0: not open!
  125. 17:51:49.990 [sectionsd] start
  126. [sectionsd] Caching: 7 days, 168 hours Extended Text, max 30000 events, Events are old 1 hours after end time
  127. [sectionsd] NTP: enabled, command /sbin/ntpdate
  128. Starting STREAM thread keeper, tid 31883
  129. 17:51:49.997 [sectionsd] starting
  130. SIevent size: 92
  131. ====> USING SLOW ADDEVENT. export 'NO_SLOW_ADDEVENT=1' to avoid <===
  132. 17:51:50.006 timeThread::run:: starting, pid 31870 (2934961232)
  133. [yhttpd] Webserver starting...
  134. [LT:006eef58:demux ] _open: setting /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 to source 0
  135. 17:51:50.008 eitThread::run:: starting, pid 31870 (2926572624)
  136. 17:51:50.012 cnThread::run:: starting, pid 31870 (2918184016)
  137. 17:51:50.016 freeSatThread::run:: starting, pid 31870 (2909795408)
  138. CInfoIcons::Init() reports 5 entries
  139. [neutrino] menue setup
  140. [neutrino] init menus...
  141. [neutrino] mediaplayer menu instance created
  142. [network config] Instance created
  143. [neutrino] ScanSetup Instance created
  144. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:cPlayback
  145. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:cPlayback - This program is linked against GStreamer 1.12.3
  146. [mb]->refreshBrowserList
  147. [mb]->refreshFilterList 22
  148. [ConfigFile] Unable to open file /var/tuxbox/config/bookmarks for reading.
  149. [neutrino CMoviePlayerGui] Instance created...
  150. [neutrino] integratePlugins: add STB-StartUp Einstellung
  151. [neutrino] integratePlugins: add NI - Indola
  152. [neutrino] integratePlugins: add Favoriten sichern
  153. [neutrino] integratePlugins: add Benutzer-Bouquets
  154. [neutrino] registering as event client
  155. [neutrino] had to wait 0 ms for timerd start...
  156. CLCD::setMuted 0
  157. display ''
  158. display '======'
  159. display 'NI \o/'
  160. [neutrino] Creating channels lists...
  161. [neutrino] got 1583 TV and 110 RADIO channels
  162. [neutrino] all channels took: 1 msec
  163. [neutrino] created Goeltzschtalbruecke (3853) bouquet with 463 TV and 108 RADIO channels
  164. [neutrino] sat took: 3 msec
  165. [neutrino] got 1120 WebTV channels
  166. [neutrino] got 2 WebRadio channels
  167. [neutrino] got 11 removed TV channels
  168. [neutrino] got 1 removed RADIO channels
  169. [neutrino] sats took: 6 msec
  170. [neutrino] got 89 TV and 21 RADIO bouquets
  171. [neutrino] took: 7 msec
  172. CNeutrinoApp::SetChannelMode 0 [radio]
  173. [neutrino.cpp:SetChannelMode:1989] newmode 0 sort old -1 new 0
  174. [neutrino.cpp:radioMode:4522] rezap 1 current mode 2
  175. display 'NI \o/'
  176. StopAutoRecord: autoshift 0
  177. 17:51:53.141 [sectionsd] Reading Information from file /media/sda1/epg/index.xml:
  178. CRemoteControl::radioMode
  179. CNeutrinoApp::SetChannelMode 0 [radio]
  180. [neutrino.cpp:SetChannelMode:1989] newmode 0 sort old -1 new 0
  181. CRadioText::run: ###################### Starting thread ######################
  182. [LT:b0803e40:demux ] Stop #1: not open!
  183. CRadioText::run: ###################### waiting for pid.. ######################
  184. **************************** CChannelList::zapTo_ChannelID ffffffffc8d6453b
  185. **************************** CChannelList::zapToChannel me 0x5907d0 Alle Kanäle tuned 268435455 new 80s80s - Depeche Mode -> ffffffffc8d6453b
  186. CRadioText::radiotext_stop: ###################### pid 0x0 ######################
  187. stopPlayBack: stopping...
  188. stopPlayBack: stopped
  189. CChannelList::adjustToChannelID me 0x5907d0 [Alle Kanäle] list size 110 channel_id ffffffffc8d6453b
  190. [zapit.cpp:ZapIt:516] [zapit] zap to 80s80s - Depeche Mode (ffffffffc8d6453b tp 0)
  191. [zapit] saving channel, apid 0 sub pid 0 mode 0 volume 40
  192. [ 17:51:53.158 ] cDvbSubtitleConverter::Pause: pause
  193. [dvb-sub] paused
  194. CHDDDestExec: noise 254 sleep 60 /dev/sda
  196. /dev/sda:
  197. setting acoustic management to 254
  198. SG_IO: bad/missing sense data, sb[]: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  199. setting standby to 60 (5 minutes)
  200. SG_IO: bad/missing sense data, sb[]: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  201. SG_IO: bad/missing sense data, sb[]: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0a 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
  202. acoustic = not supported
  203. [CLCD4l] StartLCD4l: starting thread
  204. ################################## after all ##################################: 3966 msec
  205. [neutrino] initialized everything
  206. [CPlugins] could not find startup
  207. EVT_WEBTV_ZAP_COMPLETE: ffffffffc8d6453b
  208. stopPlayBack: stopping...
  209. stopPlayBack: stopped
  210. PlayBackgroundStart: starting...
  211. stopPlayBack: stopping...
  212. stopPlayBack: stopped
  213. PlayBackgroundStart: this 0x708888 started, thread a8eff450
  214. EVT_WEBTV_ZAP_COMPLETE: ffffffffc8d6453b
  215. stopPlayBack: stopping...
  216. stopPlayBack: this 0x708888 join background thread a8eff450
  217. bgPlayThread: starting... instance 0x7db6f0
  218. StartWebtv: starting...
  219. cutNeutrino: playing 0 isUPNP 0
  220. [zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2301] standby 1 playing 0 forced 0 send_pmt 1
  221. cutNeutrino: save mode 102
  222. CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: CHANGEMODE to 11 rezap 0
  223. [LT:00708178:play ] Open: PlayMode 1
  224. [LT:005782f8:video ] Start: stillpicture == true, doing implicit StopPicture()
  225. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start
  227. (neutrino:31870): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_mini_object_unref: assertion 'mini_object != NULL' failed
  228. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start - filename=
  229. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start - m_gst_playbin
  230. [LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition NULL -> READY
  231. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:SetSpeed speed 1
  232. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
  233. [LT:00708178:play ] FindAllPids: 0 audio
  234. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
  235. [LT:00708178:play ] FindAllPids: 0 audio
  236. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
  237. [LT:00708178:play ] FindAllPids: 0 audio
  238. bgPlayThread: started: 1
  239. bgPlayThread: play end...
  240. PlayFileEnd: stopping, this 0x7db6f0 thread 0xd7a24
  241. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:SetSpeed speed 1
  242. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close
  243. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Stop playing 1
  244. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Stop playing 0
  245. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close - GST bus handler closed
  246. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close - GST playbin closed
  247. restoreNeutrino: playing 1 isUPNP 0
  248. [zapit.cpp:StartPlayBack:2212] standby 0 playing 0 forced 0
  249. [zapit] vpid 0 apid 0 pcr 0
  250. restoreNeutrino: restore mode 102
  251. CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: CHANGEMODE to 2 rezap 0
  252. [neutrino.cpp:radioMode:4522] rezap 0 current mode 11
  253. display 'NI \o/'
  254. StopAutoRecord: autoshift 0
  255. CRemoteControl::radioMode
  256. CNeutrinoApp::SetChannelMode 0 [radio]
  257. [neutrino.cpp:SetChannelMode:1989] newmode 0 sort old -1 new 0
  258. restoreNeutrino: restoring done.
  259. PlayFileEnd: stopped
  260. stopPlayBack: stopped
  261. PlayBackgroundStart: starting...
  262. stopPlayBack: stopping...
  263. stopPlayBack: stopped
  264. PlayBackgroundStart: this 0x708888 started, thread a8eff450
  265. bgPlayThread: starting... instance 0x7db6f0
  266. StartWebtv: starting...
  267. cutNeutrino: playing 0 isUPNP 0
  268. [zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2301] standby 1 playing 0 forced 0 send_pmt 1
  269. [basicsocket] send_data: Broken pipe
  270. send_data: errno 32 data 1
  271. [CBasicClient] send failed: /tmp/zapit.sock
  272. cutNeutrino: save mode 102
  273. CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: CHANGEMODE to 11 rezap 0
  274. [LT:00708178:play ] Open: PlayMode 1
  275. [LT:005782f8:video ] Start: stillpicture == true, doing implicit StopPicture()
  276. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start
  278. (neutrino:31870): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_mini_object_unref: assertion 'mini_object != NULL' failed
  279. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start - filename=
  280. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start - m_gst_playbin
  281. [LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition NULL -> READY
  282. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:SetSpeed speed 1
  283. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
  284. [LT:00708178:play ] FindAllPids: 0 audio
  285. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
  286. [LT:00708178:play ] FindAllPids: 0 audio
  287. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
  288. [LT:00708178:play ] FindAllPids: 0 audio
  289. bgPlayThread: started: 1
  290. [LT:00708178:play ] GetPosition - 810 failed
  291. 17:51:54.474 [sectionsd] Reading Information finished after 1334 milliseconds (29868 events)
  292. display '80s80s - Depeche Mode'
  293. [LT:00708178:play ] GetPosition - 810 failed
  294. [LT:00708178:play ] GetPosition - 810 failed
  295. 3 Nov 17:51:56 ntpdate[31892]: adjust time server offset 0.001807 sec
  296. 17:51:56.766 17:51:56.766 17:51:56.766 cnThread::run:: time set: Fri Nov 3 17:51:56 2017
  297. eitThread::run:: time set: Fri Nov 3 17:51:56 2017
  298. 17:51:56.767 freeSatThread::run:: time set: Fri Nov 3 17:51:56 2017
  299. timeThread: Time set via NTP, going to sleep for 1800 seconds.
  300. [LT:00708178:play ] GetPosition - 810 failed
  301. [LT:00708178:play ] GetPosition - 810 failed
  302. 17:51:58.442 cnThread::shouldSleep first retry (1) -> restart demux
  303. [LT:00708178:play ] GetPosition - 810 failed
  304. CMoviePlayerGui::bgPlayThread: playback stopped, try to rezap...
  305. bgPlayThread: play end...
  306. PlayFileEnd: stopping, this 0x7db6f0 thread 0xd7a24
  307. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:SetSpeed speed 1
  308. EVT_WEBTV_ZAP_COMPLETE: ffffffffc8d6453b
  309. stopPlayBack: stopping...
  310. stopPlayBack: this 0x708888 join background thread a8eff450
  311. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close
  312. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Stop playing 1
  313. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Stop playing 0
  314. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close - GST bus handler closed
  315. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close - GST playbin closed
  316. restoreNeutrino: playing 1 isUPNP 0
  317. [zapit.cpp:StartPlayBack:2212] standby 0 playing 0 forced 0
  318. [zapit] vpid 0 apid 0 pcr 0
  319. restoreNeutrino: restore mode 102
  320. CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: CHANGEMODE to 2 rezap 0
  321. [neutrino.cpp:radioMode:4522] rezap 0 current mode 11
  322. display '80s80s - Depeche Mode'
  323. StopAutoRecord: autoshift 0
  324. CRemoteControl::radioMode
  325. CNeutrinoApp::SetChannelMode 0 [radio]
  326. [neutrino.cpp:SetChannelMode:1989] newmode 0 sort old -1 new 0
  327. [ConfigFile] saving /var/tuxbox/config/timerd.conf
  328. restoreNeutrino: restoring done.
  329. PlayFileEnd: stopped
  330. stopPlayBack: stopped
  331. PlayBackgroundStart: starting...
  332. stopPlayBack: stopping...
  333. stopPlayBack: stopped
  334. PlayBackgroundStart: this 0x708888 started, thread a8eff450
  335. bgPlayThread: starting... instance 0x7db6f0
  336. StartWebtv: starting...
  337. cutNeutrino: playing 0 isUPNP 0
  338. [zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2301] standby 1 playing 0 forced 0 send_pmt 1
  339. cutNeutrino: save mode 102
  340. CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: CHANGEMODE to 11 rezap 0
  341. [LT:00708178:play ] Open: PlayMode 1
  342. [LT:005782f8:video ] Start: stillpicture == true, doing implicit StopPicture()
  343. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start
  345. (neutrino:31870): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_mini_object_unref: assertion 'mini_object != NULL' failed
  346. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start - filename=
  347. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start - m_gst_playbin
  348. [LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition NULL -> READY
  349. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:SetSpeed speed 1
  350. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
  351. [LT:00708178:play ] FindAllPids: 0 audio
  352. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
  353. [LT:00708178:play ] FindAllPids: 0 audio
  354. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
  355. [LT:00708178:play ] FindAllPids: 0 audio
  356. bgPlayThread: started: 1
  357. [LT:00708178:play ] GetPosition - 810 failed
  358. [LT:00708178:play ] GetPosition - 810 failed
  359. [LT:00708178:play ] GetPosition - 810 failed
  360. [LT:00708178:play ] GetPosition - 810 failed
  361. [LT:00708178:play ] GetPosition - 810 failed
  362. [LT:00708178:play ] GetPosition - 810 failed
  363. CMoviePlayerGui::bgPlayThread: playback stopped, try to rezap...
  364. bgPlayThread: play end...
  365. PlayFileEnd: stopping, this 0x7db6f0 thread 0xd7a24
  366. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:SetSpeed speed 1
  367. EVT_WEBTV_ZAP_COMPLETE: ffffffffc8d6453b
  368. stopPlayBack: stopping...
  369. stopPlayBack: this 0x708888 join background thread a8eff450
  370. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close
  371. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Stop playing 1
  372. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Stop playing 0
  373. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close - GST bus handler closed
  374. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Close - GST playbin closed
  375. restoreNeutrino: playing 1 isUPNP 0
  376. [zapit.cpp:StartPlayBack:2212] standby 0 playing 0 forced 0
  377. [zapit] vpid 0 apid 0 pcr 0
  378. restoreNeutrino: restore mode 102
  379. CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: CHANGEMODE to 2 rezap 0
  380. [neutrino.cpp:radioMode:4522] rezap 0 current mode 11
  381. display '80s80s - Depeche Mode'
  382. StopAutoRecord: autoshift 0
  383. CRemoteControl::radioMode
  384. CNeutrinoApp::SetChannelMode 0 [radio]
  385. [neutrino.cpp:SetChannelMode:1989] newmode 0 sort old -1 new 0
  386. restoreNeutrino: restoring done.
  387. PlayFileEnd: stopped
  388. stopPlayBack: stopped
  389. PlayBackgroundStart: starting...
  390. stopPlayBack: stopping...
  391. stopPlayBack: stopped
  392. PlayBackgroundStart: this 0x708888 started, thread a8eff450
  393. bgPlayThread: starting... instance 0x7db6f0
  394. StartWebtv: starting...
  395. cutNeutrino: playing 0 isUPNP 0
  396. [zapit.cpp:StopPlayBack:2301] standby 1 playing 0 forced 0 send_pmt 1
  397. cutNeutrino: save mode 102
  398. CNeutrinoApp::handleMsg: CHANGEMODE to 11 rezap 0
  399. [LT:00708178:play ] Open: PlayMode 1
  400. [LT:005782f8:video ] Start: stillpicture == true, doing implicit StopPicture()
  401. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start
  403. (neutrino:31870): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_mini_object_unref: assertion 'mini_object != NULL' failed
  404. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start - filename=
  405. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:Start - m_gst_playbin
  406. [LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition NULL -> READY
  407. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:SetSpeed speed 1
  408. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
  409. [LT:00708178:play ] FindAllPids: 0 audio
  410. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
  411. [LT:00708178:play ] FindAllPids: 0 audio
  412. [LT:00708178:play ] [playback.cpp]:FindAllPids
  413. [LT:00708178:play ] FindAllPids: 0 audio
  414. bgPlayThread: started: 1
  415. [LT:00708178:play ] GetPosition - 810 failed
  416. [LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition READY -> PAUSED
  417. [LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp] Gst_bus_call - audio sink created
  418. [LT:00000000:play ] [playback.cpp]:Gst_bus_call - GST_MESSAGE_STATE_CHANGED: state transition PAUSED -> PLAYING
  419. 17:52:08.714 cnThread::shouldSleep timed out after 11s -> going to sleep
  420. [neutrino] CSectionsdClient::EVT_GOT_CN_EPG
  421. 17:52:08.715 cnThread: eit update filter, ch 0x000000000000, current ver 0xff got events 0 (not active)
  422. display '80s80s - Depeche Mode'
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