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- ---
- - name: arch-core.yml - base setup for arch
- hosts: arch
- become: yes
- vars:
- the_user: "{{ ansible_user_id }}"
- tasks:
- # CONFIG - Pacman
- - name: Pacman - Enable color, ParallelDownloads, ILoveCandy, VerbosePkgLists, and NoExtract
- lineinfile:
- path: /etc/pacman.conf
- regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}"
- line: "{{ item.line }}"
- loop:
- - { regexp: '^#Color$', line: 'Color' }
- - { regexp: 'ParallelDownloads =', line: 'ParallelDownloads = 16' }
- - { regexp: '^#ILoveCandy$', line: 'ILoveCandy' }
- - { regexp: '^#VerbosePkgLists$', line: 'VerbosePkgLists' }
- - { regexp: '^#NoExtract$', line: 'NoExtract = usr/lib/security/' }
- # CONFIG - nano
- - name: Nano - Enable color in config
- lineinfile:
- path: /etc/nanorc
- line: '{{ item }}'
- loop:
- - 'include "/usr/share/nano/extra/*.nanorc"'
- - 'include "/usr/share/nano/*.nanorc"'
- # CONFIG - makepkg
- - name: makepkg - disable pkg compression
- lineinfile:
- path: /etc/makepkg.conf
- regexp: "PKGEXT='.pkg.tar.zst'"
- line: "PKGEXT='.pkg.tar'"
- # PACKAGES - Upgrade
- - name: Full system upgrade via pacman
- pacman:
- update_cache: true
- upgrade: true
- # PACKAGES - Setup
- - name: Setup base needed packages
- pacman:
- update_cache: yes
- name:
- - nano
- - less
- - git
- - base-devel
- - curl
- - wget
- - rsync
- - bat
- - fastfetch
- - btop
- - lsd
- - zsh
- - zsh-autosuggestions
- - zsh-syntax-highlighting
- - zsh-history-substring-search
- - zsh-completions
- - inxi
- - pigz
- - pbzip2
- - fwupd
- - amd-ucode
- - linux-firmware
- - github-cli
- - networkmanager
- - python3
- - reflector
- state: present
- - name: fstab - change relatime to noatime
- replace:
- path: /etc/fstab
- regexp: 'relatime'
- replace: 'noatime'
- - name: Disable unnecessary services
- systemd:
- name: "{{ item }}"
- state: stopped
- enabled: no
- loop:
- - bluetooth.service
- - ModemManager.service
- - pcscd.service
- - name: Enable performance governor
- command: cpupower frequency-set -g performance
- # ZSH
- - name: change shell to zsh
- user:
- shell: /bin/zsh
- name: "{{ the_user }}"
- - name: copy zsh dotfiles
- copy:
- src: "user_home/{{ item }}"
- dest: "/home/{{ the_user }}/{{ item }}"
- force: True
- owner: "{{ the_user }}"
- group: "{{ the_user }}"
- mode: u+rw,g+r,o--
- loop:
- - .zshrc
- - .p10k-main.zsh
- - .p10k-portable.zsh
- - .p10k.zsh
- # AUR Setup
- - name: Install yay using makepkg if it isn't installed already
- kewlfft.aur.a
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