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- --[[ORE COLLECTING MINER V2.5.1 by BrunoZockt
- MIT License
- Copyright (c) 2018 Bruno Heberle
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- V1.0 released 22.07.2016 17kb
- V1.1 released 16.08.2016 17kb
- V2.0 released 07.10.2017 35kb
- V2.1 released 15.12.2017 40kb
- V2.2 released 17.12.2017 42kb
- V2.3 released 11.02.2018 46kb
- V2.4 released 19.06.2018 57kb
- V2.5 released 15.07.2018 68kb
- V2.5.1 released 19.08.2018 78kb
- This program is a work in progress and
- will automatically update itself.
- If you have any problems, questions or
- suggestions I'd be happy if you wrote
- an e-mail to
- Feel free to use this program whenever
- you want. If you want to use parts of
- my program for developing, do so but
- don't say it's yours - a sidenote
- e.g. "by BrunoZockt" would be nice :)
- If you want to understand this program
- I recommend to read the variables first
- and then the rest of the code from the
- bottom to the top! Maybe I will add
- some comments for better understanding
- soon! The names of my functions and
- variables may sound strange because
- some are german and others are not
- really creative, but I hope you
- understand it anyways ;) ]]--
- -----###-----configurable variables-----###-----
- local extVar = {}
- local variables = {
- ["length"] = 8,
- ["quantity"] = 10,
- ["lateralTorches"] = 1,
- ["tunnelspace"] = 4,
- ["mainTorches"] = true,
- ["Autofuel"] = true,
- ["chestSelect"] = 3,
- ["torches"] = true,
- ["floor"] = true,
- ["language"] = "en",
- ["ignor"] = {"minecraft:stone", "minecraft:cobblestone", "minecraft:dirt", "minecraft:lava", "minecraft:flowing_lava", "minecraft:water", "minecraft:flowing_water", "minecraft:torch"},
- ["trash"] = false,
- ["walls"] = false
- }
- -----###-----global variables-----###-----
- local label = os.getComputerLabel() or "the turtle"
- local chestSlot = 16
- local fuelLevel = turtle.getFuelLevel()
- local w, h = term.getSize()
- local searching = false
- local kill = false
- local level = 0
- local direction = 1
- local select = 1
- local FuelDemand
- local maxSpace = false
- local setup
- local menustate
- local checkbox = false
- local focus = 100
- local orientation
- -----###-----ugly global variables-----###-----
- local vars = {
- ["notificationCenter"] = {
- time = 0
- },
- ["drawOptions"] = {
- shift = 0,
- shift2 = 0,
- saved = false,
- scroll = 0,
- scroll2 = 0,
- ypos
- },
- ["drawPopup"] = {
- scroll = 0,
- lastscroll = 0,
- ypos = 9
- },
- ["drawNews"] = {
- scroll = 0
- }
- }
- -----###-----tables-----###-----
- local cache = {}
- local toDoList = {}
- local torchPositions = {}
- local gone = {}
- local timer = {}
- local chest = {"enderchest", "chest", "none"}
- local objects = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}
- local slots = {"_","_","_","_","_","_","_","_","_","_","_","_","_","_","_","_"}
- local errors = {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false}
- local Check = {["Fuellevel"] = false, ["torches"] = false, ["chest"] = false}
- local stats = {
- ["dug"] = 0,
- ["ores"] = 0,
- ["time"] = 0,
- ["moves"] = 0
- }
- -----###-----helpful functions-----###-----
- function Sprint(str, xpos, ypos)
- term.setCursorPos(xpos, ypos)
- term.write(str)
- end
- function printCentered(str, ypos)
- term.setCursorPos(w/2 - #str/2 + 1, ypos)
- term.write(str)
- end
- function printRight(str, ypos, xoffset)
- if xoffset == nil then
- xoffset = 0
- end
- term.setCursorPos(w - xoffset - (#str - 1), ypos)
- term.write(str)
- end
- function printLeft(str, ypos)
- term.setCursorPos(1, ypos)
- term.write(str)
- end
- function printB(tab, y, stop, start)
- if start == nil then
- start = 1
- end
- if stop == nil then
- stop = w
- end
- local letters = 0
- for i in pairs(tab) do
- letters = letters + #tab[i]
- end
- local space = (stop-start)+1-letters
- term.setCursorPos(start, y)
- if (space/(#tab+1))%1 == 0 then
- for i in ipairs(tab) do
- term.write(string.rep(" ", space/(#tab+1))[i])
- end
- elseif (space/(#tab))%2 == 0 then
- term.write(string.rep(" ", (space/#tab)/2))
- for i in ipairs(tab) do
- term.write(tab[i]..string.rep(" ", space/#tab))
- end
- elseif space == #tab-1 then
- term.write(tab[1])
- for i = 2, #tab do
- term.write(" "[i])
- end
- else
- for i in ipairs(tab) do
- term.write(string.rep(" ", round(space/(#tab-i+2), "u"))[i])
- space = space - round(space/(#tab-i+2), "u")
- end
- end
- end
- function printWrapped(tab, xpos, ypos, Space, sep)
- local sep = sep or " "
- local leftSpace = Space
- local newxpos = xpos
- for word = 1, #tab do
- if Space < #tab[word] + #sep then
- return false
- elseif leftSpace >= #tab[word]+#sep then
- Sprint(tab[word]..sep, newxpos, ypos)
- leftSpace = leftSpace - (#tab[word]+#sep)
- newxpos = newxpos + #tab[word]+#sep
- else
- ypos = ypos + 1
- leftSpace = Space
- Sprint(tab[word]..sep, xpos, ypos)
- leftSpace = leftSpace - (#tab[word]+#sep)
- newxpos = xpos + (#tab[word]+#sep)
- end
- end
- return ypos
- end
- function printLine(xpos, start, stop, point, endPoint)
- for i = start, stop do
- Sprint("|", xpos, i)
- end
- if point ~= nil then
- Sprint(point, xpos, start)
- Sprint((endPoint or point), xpos, stop)
- end
- end
- function Splitter(inputstr, sep)
- if inputstr == nil then
- return nil
- elseif sep == nil then
- sep = "%s"
- end
- local t, i = {}, 1
- for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do
- t[i] = str
- i = i + 1
- end
- return t
- end
- local Version = tonumber(Splitter(os.version())[2])
- function ItemCount(Block, Slot)
- if Slot == 0 then
- return false
- elseif Slot == nil then
- return false
- end
- if Version >= 1.64 then
- local Data = turtle.getItemDetail(Slot)
- if Data == nil then
- return 0
- elseif == Block then
- return Data.count
- else
- return false
- end
- else
- return turtle.getItemCount(Slot)
- end
- end
- function Color()
- if Version <= 1.45 then
- return false
- elseif term.isColor() then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function MoveObjects(deleted, mode)
- if mode == 1 then
- for k, v in ipairs(gone) do
- if v == deleted then
- return
- end
- end
- for k, v in ipairs(objects) do
- if k > deleted and k < 12 then
- objects[k] = objects[k] - 1
- end
- end
- table.insert(gone, deleted)
- elseif mode == 2 then
- for k, v in ipairs(gone) do
- if v == deleted then
- table.remove(gone, k)
- for k, v in ipairs(objects) do
- if k > deleted and k < 12 then
- objects[k] = objects[k] + 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function OreCounter()
- if searching == true then
- stats["ores"] = stats["ores"] + 1
- if stats["ores"] == 1 then
- print(lang.status(variables.language, 1))
- else
- print(lang.status(variables.language, 2, stats["ores"]))
- end
- end
- end
- function SlotCalculator(code, param)
- local output = {}
- if param ~= nil and param ~= "check" then
- item = param
- elseif param == "check" then
- if code == "T" then
- item = "minecraft:torch"
- elseif code == "C" then
- if variables.chestSelect == 1 then
- item = "EnderStorage:enderChest"
- elseif variables.chestSelect == 2 then
- item = "minecraft:chest"
- end
- end
- end
- for n = 1, #slots do
- if slots[n] == code then
- if param == "empty" then
- table.insert(output, n)
- elseif param == nil then
- if turtle.getItemCount(n) > 0 then
- table.insert(output, n)
- end
- elseif ItemCount(item, n) ~= false and ItemCount(item, n) ~= 0 then
- table.insert(output, n)
- end
- end
- end
- return output
- end
- function refuel(Amount, Execute)
- local ActualAmount = turtle.getItemCount()
- if ActualAmount < Amount then
- if Execute == true then
- if turtle.refuel() == false then
- return false
- else
- while turtle.refuel() ~= false do
- end
- return ActualAmount
- end
- else
- return false
- end
- else
- turtle.refuel(Amount)
- return true
- end
- end
- function basicInputHandler(orientation, event, key)
- if event == "key" then
- if key == 28 then
- menustate = menu[menustate].options[select]
- select = 1
- elseif orientation == "vertical" then
- if key == 200 and select > 1 then
- select = select-1
- elseif key == 208 and select < #menu[menustate].options then
- select = select + 1
- end
- else
- if key == 203 and select > 1 then
- select = select - 1
- elseif key == 205 and select < #menu[menustate].options then
- select = select + 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function save(path, content)
- local file =, "w")
- if type(content) == "table" then
- file.writeLine(textutils.serialize(content))
- else
- file.writeLine(content)
- end
- file.close()
- end
- function edit(path, content)
- local file =, "w")
- for k, v in pairs(content) do
- if type(content[k]) == "table" then
- file.writeLine(k.." = "..textutils.serialize(content[k]))
- else
- file.writeLine(k.." = "..tostring(content[k]))
- end
- end
- file.close()
- end
- function translate(str, category)
- if category == "layout" then
- n = 35
- end
- for i = 1, n do
- if str == lang[category]("en", i) then
- return lang[category](variables.language, i)
- end
- end
- end
- function round(int, mode, dez)
- if dez == nil then
- dez = 1
- end
- if mode == "d" then
- mode = 0.4999
- elseif mode == "u" then
- mode = 0.5
- end
- return math.floor(int/dez+mode)*dez
- end
- -----###-----improved functions-----###-----
- function dig()
- OreCounter()
- stats["dug"] = stats["dug"] + 1
- return turtle.dig()
- end
- function digUp()
- OreCounter()
- stats["dug"] = stats["dug"] + 1
- return turtle.digUp()
- end
- function digDown()
- OreCounter()
- stats["dug"] = stats["dug"] + 1
- return turtle.digDown()
- end
- function face(int)
- if int == direction then
- return
- elseif (int + direction)%2 == 0 then
- turn()
- elseif math.abs(int - direction) == 1 then
- if direction < int then
- left()
- else
- right()
- end
- else
- if direction < int then
- right()
- else
- left()
- end
- end
- end
- function right()
- turtle.turnRight()
- direction = direction - 1
- if direction == 0 then
- direction = 4
- end
- end
- function left()
- turtle.turnLeft()
- direction = direction + 1
- if direction == 5 then
- direction = 1
- end
- end
- function turn()
- left()
- left()
- end
- function Freeway()
- searching = false
- while not turtle.forward() do
- if turtle.getFuelLevel == 0 then
- Fuel()
- elseif dig() == false then
- turtle.attack()
- end
- end
- stats["moves"] = stats["moves"] + 1
- end
- function FreewayUp()
- searching = false
- level = level + 1
- while not turtle.up() do
- if turtle.getFuelLevel == 0 then
- Fuel()
- elseif digUp() == false then
- turtle.attackUp()
- end
- end
- stats["moves"] = stats["moves"] + 1
- end
- function FreewayDown()
- searching = false
- level = level - 1
- while not turtle.down() do
- if turtle.getFuelLevel == 0 then
- Fuel()
- elseif digDown() == false then
- turtle.attackDown()
- end
- end
- stats["moves"] = stats["moves"] + 1
- end
- function FreewayBack()
- searching = false
- while not turtle.back() do
- if turtle.getFuelLevel == 0 then
- Fuel()
- else
- turn()
- if dig() == false then
- for i = 1, 20 do
- turtle.attack()
- os.sleep(0.05)
- end
- end
- turn()
- end
- end
- stats["moves"] = stats["moves"] + 1
- end
- -----###-----drawMenus-----###-----
- function notificationCenter()
- local advice = {
- lang.adv(variables.language, 1, ErrorSlot),
- lang.adv(variables.language, 2, 1),
- lang.adv(variables.language, 3, chestSlot),
- lang.adv(variables.language, 4, chestSlot),
- lang.adv(variables.language, 5, chestSlot),
- lang.adv(variables.language, 6, chestSlot),
- lang.adv(variables.language, 7, 1),
- lang.adv(variables.language, 8, 1)
- }
- if vars["notificationCenter"].time > 5 then
- for i = 1, #errors do
- if errors[i] ~= false then
- printWrapped(Splitter(advice[i], " "), 1, objects[8], w - 10)
- return
- end
- end
- end
- for i = 1, 4 do
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, i), objects[i+7])
- end
- vars["notificationCenter"].time = vars["notificationCenter"].time + 0.5
- end
- function drawPopup(event, p1, p2, p3)
- local errorMessages = {
- lang.popup(variables.language, 1, ErrorSlot),
- lang.popup(variables.language, 2),
- lang.popup(variables.language, 1, chestSlot),
- lang.popup(variables.language, 3),
- lang.popup(variables.language, 1, chestSlot),
- lang.popup(variables.language, 4),
- lang.popup(variables.language, 5),
- lang.popup(variables.language, 6)
- }
- local leftBorder = round(w/9, "u")
- local rightBorder = round(w+1-w/9, "u")
- local winWidth = rightBorder-leftBorder-1
- vars["drawPopup"].lastscroll = vars["drawPopup"].scroll
- if event == "mouse_scroll" then
- vars["drawPopup"].scroll = vars["drawPopup"].scroll - p1
- elseif event == "mouse_click" and p1 == 1 then
- if p2 == leftBorder+winWidth then
- if p3 == 6 then
- vars["drawPopup"].scroll = vars["drawPopup"].scroll + 1
- elseif p3 == h-3 then
- vars["drawPopup"].scroll = vars["drawPopup"].scroll - 1
- end
- end
- elseif event == "key" then
- if p1 == 208 then
- vars["drawPopup"].scroll = vars["drawPopup"].scroll - 1
- elseif p1 == 200 then
- vars["drawPopup"].scroll = vars["drawPopup"].scroll + 1
- end
- end
- if vars["drawPopup"].scroll < -(vars["drawPopup"].ypos-vars["drawPopup"].lastscroll-(math.ceil((h-6)/10)+6)) then
- vars["drawPopup"].scroll = -(vars["drawPopup"].ypos-vars["drawPopup"].lastscroll-(math.ceil((h-6)/10)+6))
- elseif vars["drawPopup"].scroll > 0 then
- vars["drawPopup"].scroll = 0
- end
- printLine(leftBorder, 4, h-1, "+")
- printLine(rightBorder, 4, h-1, "+")
- vars["drawPopup"].ypos = math.ceil((h-6)/10)+5+vars["drawPopup"].scroll
- for i = 1, #errors do
- if errors[i] == true then
- vars["drawPopup"].ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- "..errorMessages[i]), leftBorder+1, vars["drawPopup"].ypos+1, winWidth, " ")
- end
- end
- printCentered(string.rep("-", winWidth), 4)
- printCentered(string.rep("-", winWidth), h-1)
- printCentered(string.rep(" ", winWidth), 5)
- printCentered(string.rep(" ", winWidth), 6)
- printWrapped(Splitter(lang.popup(variables.language, 7, label)), leftBorder+1, math.ceil((h-6)/10)+4, winWidth, " ")
- printCentered(string.rep(" ", winWidth), h-3)
- printCentered(string.rep(" ", winWidth), 3)
- drawHeader()
- printLine(rightBorder-1, 6, h-3, "^", "v")
- if select == 1 then
- printB({">"..lang.popup(variables.language, 8).."<"," "..lang.popup(variables.language, 9).." ", " "..lang.popup(variables.language, 10).." "}, math.ceil((h-6)/10*9)+4, rightBorder-1, leftBorder+1)
- elseif select == 2 then
- printB({" "..lang.popup(variables.language, 8).." ",">"..lang.popup(variables.language, 9).."<", " "..lang.popup(variables.language, 10).." "}, math.ceil((h-6)/10*9)+4, rightBorder-1, leftBorder+1)
- else
- printB({" "..lang.popup(variables.language, 8).." "," "..lang.popup(variables.language, 9).." ", ">"..lang.popup(variables.language, 10).."<"}, math.ceil((h-6)/10*9)+4, rightBorder-1, leftBorder+1)
- end
- end
- function drawHeader()
- printCentered("ORE SEARCHING STRIP MINER by BrunoZockt", 1)
- printLeft(string.rep("-", w), 2)
- end
- function drawUpdate(event, p1, p2, p3)
- local leftBorder = round(w/6, "u")
- local rightBorder = round(w/6*5, "u")
- local winWidth = rightBorder-leftBorder-1
- local space = round(winWidth-13, "u")
- if event == "mouse_click" and p1 == 1 then
- if p2 == leftBorder+3 and p3 == math.ceil((h-6)/2)+5 then
- checkbox = not checkbox
- elseif p3 == math.ceil((h-6)/10*9)+4 then
- if p2 >= leftBorder+round(0.25*space, "u")+1 and p2 <= leftBorder+round(0.25*space, "u")+11 then
- if select == 1 then
- menustate = menu[menustate].options[select]
- else
- select = 1
- end
- elseif leftBorder+round(0.75*space, "u")+12 <= p2 and p2 <= leftBorder+round(0.75*space, "u")+13 then
- if select == 2 then
- menustate = menu[menustate].options[select]
- else
- select = 2
- end
- end
- end
- elseif event == "key" then
- if p1 == 203 and select > 1 then
- select = select - 1
- elseif p1 == 205 and select < #menu[menustate].options then
- select = select + 1
- elseif p1 == 28 then
- menustate = menu[menustate].options[select]
- end
- end
- printCentered(lang.layout(variables.language, 5), math.ceil((h-6)/6.9)+4)
- printCentered(string.rep("-", math.floor(w/3*2)), 4)
- printCentered(string.rep("-", math.floor(w/3*2)), 12)
- printLine(leftBorder, 4, 12, "+")
- printLine(rightBorder, 4, 12, "+")
- Sprint("_", leftBorder+3, math.ceil((h-6)/2)+4)
- Sprint("|_|"..lang.layout(variables.language, 6), leftBorder+2, math.ceil((h-6)/2)+5)
- if select == 1 then
- printB({">"..lang.layout(variables.language, 7).."<", " "..lang.layout(variables.language, 8).." "}, math.ceil((h-6)/10*9)+4, rightBorder-1, leftBorder+1)
- elseif select == 2 then
- printB({" "..lang.layout(variables.language, 7).." ", ">"..lang.layout(variables.language, 8).."<"}, math.ceil((h-6)/10*9)+4, rightBorder-1, leftBorder+1)
- end
- if checkbox == true then
- Sprint("X", leftBorder+3, math.ceil((h-6)/2)+5)
- end
- end
- function drawNews(event, p1, p2, p3)
- if event == "mouse_scroll" then
- vars["drawNews"].scroll = vars["drawNews"].scroll - p1
- elseif event == "key" then
- if p1 == 28 then
- menustate = menu[menustate].options[select]
- select = 1
- vars["drawNews"].scroll = 0
- elseif p1 == 208 then
- vars["drawNews"].scroll = vars["drawNews"].scroll - 1
- elseif p1 == 200 then
- vars["drawNews"].scroll = vars["drawNews"].scroll + 1
- end
- elseif event == "mouse_click" then
- if p1 == 1 then
- if p2 == w then
- if p3 == 3 then
- vars["drawNews"].scroll = vars["drawNews"].scroll + 1
- elseif p3 == h then
- vars["drawNews"].scroll = vars["drawNews"].scroll - 1
- end
- elseif p2 >= w/2-2 and p2 <= w/2+2 and p3 == h then
- menustate = menu[menustate].options[select]
- select = 1
- vars["drawNews"].scroll = 0
- end
- end
- end
- if vars["drawNews"].scroll > 0 then
- vars["drawNews"].scroll = 0
- elseif vars["drawNews"].scroll < -234 then
- vars["drawNews"].scroll = -234
- end
- Sprint("Patch 2.5.1", 1, 3+vars["drawNews"].scroll)
- Sprint("-----------", 1, 4+vars["drawNews"].scroll)
- Sprint("1.NEW FEATURES", 3, 6+vars["drawNews"].scroll)
- local ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- You can now choose to let the turtle build walls and ceiling to prevent the hallways from being flooded by water or lava."), 5, 7+vars["drawNews"].scroll, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- If torches need to be placed, the turtle will now determine it's cardial direction at the beginning of digging."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Torches will -now for real- be placed under all circumstances (see 'Bug fixes')."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- Sprint("2.OPTIMIZATIONS", 3, ypos+2)
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- When trash-option or chest-option is true, the turtle will now keep 1 Stack of cobblestone to place floor or walls, if selected."), 5, ypos+3, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Added the page counter in the bottom left"), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- Sprint("3.Bug fixes", 3, ypos+2)
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- There was a 50% chance (turtle heading north or south) that 50% of the torches (either on the right or the left crosstunnel) were lost. That is because torches are by default placed heading west if possible. The turtle will now determine where it is heading and adjust the way it places torches accordingly so that it never loses a single torch."), 5, ypos+3, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- When in default settings, 'chest' was set to 'none' there would be a slot for a chest anyways."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- I missed two instances in my code that would cause a crash when no cobblestone was available. However the probability to hit this crash was soooo low that I'm sure nobody ever encountered it."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- Sprint("Patch 2.5", 1, ypos+2)
- Sprint("---------", 1, ypos+3)
- Sprint("1.NEW FEATURES", 3, ypos+5)
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- If you are using ComputerCraft Version 1.64 or higher, the turtle won't determine whether to mine a block or not by comparing it to the Ignor-slots but by comparing it with the new Ignor-list, which you can add blocks to. This is not only easier and more flexible but also a lot faster."), 5, ypos+6, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- If you want to, the turtle will now throw away items contained on the Ignor-list."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- The decision whether to empty the inventory into a chest, also takes the length of the lateral tunnel into account now, to prevent the loss of items."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Torches will now be placed immediatly after digging the tunnel and not only after searching through the tunnel, to prevent mobspawns."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Torches will now be placed under all circumstances, even if a block for the torch to hold on to has to be placed."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- As soon as torch-slots become free because all its torches have been placed, it changes to an empty slot now, which makes it available for ores."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- The program wont throw an error and terminate, when it doesn't have blocks it wants to place, it simply doesn't place them."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- Sprint("2.OPTIMIZATIONS", 3, ypos+2)
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- The turtle will also search right and left at the very first two blocks of the tunnel, just in case you are lazy."), 5, ypos+3, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- When you decide to use no chest, the chest-slot will now be converted to an empty slot, available as inventory."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- The floor will now be placed after digging out ores, so that there will definitly be no holes in the ground."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- The inventory will now be cleared after finishing."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Optimized the dig() function to run faster, increasing the overall speed of the program drasticly."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- Sprint("3.Bug fixes", 3, ypos+2)
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- In the main hallway, there was a 25% chance that the block a torch was just placed on gets destroyed a second after, and thereby losing the torch."), 5, ypos+3, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- In rare cases when selected normal chest, the turtle would try to return to its chest after the program had finished, resulting in the turtle vanishing to Australia."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Asking for fuel and taking that fuel wasn't always sync."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- The turtle would sometimes put the coal it needs to fuel itself into the chest."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- When a tunnellength <= 4 was chosen the turtle placed way too much torches."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Many variables weren't refreshed after changing some options, messing up the preparation page."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- When running out of fuel the turtle would think that it encountered an obstacle, constantly digging and hitting the air in front."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- Sprint("Patch 2.4", 1, ypos+2)
- Sprint("---------", 1, ypos+3)
- Sprint("1.NEW FEATURES", 3, ypos+5)
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Option to place a floor, if needed"), 5, ypos+6, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Option to change language. Currently available: english, german"), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Added a scrollbar to the options page, too"), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- Sprint("2.OPTIMIZATIONS", 3, ypos+2)
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- The positions of the Buttons are determined more intelligent now, therefore being evenly spaced on every possible monitor size"), 5, ypos+3, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- The structure of code is more centralized now, which results in faster processing and less blocked storage"), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- The Buttons of the options page won't slide up anymore when there is enough space, was a stupid feature anyways..."), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- Sprint("3.Bug fixes", 3, ypos+2)
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- When more than 12 stacks torches were needed the ignore slots were overwritten, and wouldn't reset even when the options were changed to need less torches"), 5, ypos+3, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Fixed a bug that caused the turtle to claim having found an ore, even though it had not"), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Fixed a bug where the turtle would place torches at wrong positions when the options were changed before start"), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Everytime after placing a torch the turtle would freeze for a few seconds (related to the bug above), this precious time is being saved now"), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- Sprint("Patch 2.3", 1, ypos+2)
- Sprint("---------", 1, ypos+3)
- Sprint("1.LAYOUT", 3, ypos+5)
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Popup on execution in case of Errors"), 5, ypos+6, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Tiny optical improvement on the scrollbar"), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- Sprint("2.NEW FEATURES", 3, ypos+2)
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Option to make the turtle place the floor when it's missing"), 5, ypos+3, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Captions in the startmenu are visible for at least 5 seconds now"), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- Sprint("3.Bug fixes", 3, ypos+2)
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Autofuel would always refuel 5 coal, no matter how much was needed"), 5, ypos+3, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Options sometimes couldn't be selected or the layout got ugly"), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- In the startmenu the displayed amount of necessary torches was wrong"), 5, ypos+1, w-5, " ")
- Sprint("Patch 2.2", 1, ypos+2)
- Sprint("---------", 1, ypos+3)
- Sprint("1.NEW LAYOUT", 3, ypos+5)
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- The awesome update window!"), 5, ypos+6, w-6, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("-> Anti-Annoying-Checkbox ;)"), 7, ypos+1, w-8, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- This awesome news window!"), 5, ypos+1, w-6, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("-> Very functional scrollbar (mouse_wheel, arrow-keys or arrow-buttons can be used)"), 7, ypos+1, w-8, " ")
- Sprint("2.NEW FEATURES", 3, ypos+2)
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Favorite options are now savable"), 5, ypos+3, w-6, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- There is a new function that, when activated, places torches automatically: Perfectly spaced so no mobs can spawn!!!"), 5, ypos+1, w-6, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Torches on the main floor are placed instantly now, to prevent mobs from spawning"), 5, ypos+1, w-6, " ")
- Sprint("3.Bug fixes", 3, ypos+2)
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- Putting wrong items into a torchslot resulted in a wrong Errormessage"), 5, ypos+3, w-6, " ")
- ypos = printWrapped(Splitter("- When normal chest was selected, the program crashed trying to deploy the chest"), 5, ypos+1, w-6, " ")
- printLeft(string.rep(" ", w-2), h)
- printLeft("Page "..tostring(math.ceil((-vars["drawNews"].scroll+1)/10)).."/24", h)
- printCentered(">Ok<", h)
- printLine(w, 3, h, "^", "v")
- drawHeader()
- end
- function drawHome(event, p1, p2, p3)
- for i = 1, 3 do
- printCentered(lang.layout(variables.language, i+8), round((h-5)*(i/4), "u")+i+2)
- end
- printCentered(string.rep("-", #lang.layout(variables.language, select+8)), round((h-5)*(select/4), "u")+select+3)
- end
- function drawStart(event, p1, p2, p3)
- --Fuellevel
- if turtle.getFuelLevel ~= "unlimited" then
- MoveObjects(3, 2)
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 12), objects[3])
- if variables.Autofuel then
- fuelLevel = turtle.getFuelLevel()
- if fuelLevel < 3*FuelDemand/variables.quantity then
- Fuellevel = "low"
- errors[8] = true
- printCentered(lang.layout(variables.language, 13), objects[3])
- elseif fuelLevel >= FuelDemand then
- Fuellevel = "perfect"
- errors[8] = false
- elseif fuelLevel > FuelDemand*0.5 then
- Fuellevel = "ready"
- errors[8] = false
- else
- Fuellevel = "risky"
- errors[8] = false
- end
- else
- if fuelLevel >= FuelDemand*1.5 then
- Fuellevel = "perfect"
- elseif fuelLevel >= FuelDemand*1 then
- Fuellevel = "ready"
- else
- Fuellevel = "low"
- printCentered(lang.layout(variables.language, 13), objects[3])
- end
- end
- if help[1] == false then
- help[1] = fuelLevel
- end
- if Color() then
- if Fuellevel == "perfect" then
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lime)
- elseif Fuellevel == "ready" or Fuellevel == "risky" then
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.yellow)
- elseif Fuellevel == "low" then
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- printRight(fuelLevel.."/"..FuelDemand, objects[3])
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- else
- if Fuellevel == "perfect" then
- printRight("+ "..fuelLevel.."/"..FuelDemand, objects[3])
- elseif Fuellevel == "ready" or Fuellevel == "risky" then
- printRight("+/- "..fuelLevel.."/"..FuelDemand, objects[3])
- elseif Fuellevel == "low" then
- printRight("- "..fuelLevel.."/"..FuelDemand, objects[3])
- end
- end
- else
- MoveObjects(3, 1)
- end
- --Torches
- local TorchAmount = 0
- ErrorSlot = 0
- for i = 1, #slots do
- if slots[i] == "T" then
- if ItemCount("minecraft:torch", i) ~= false then
- TorchAmount = TorchAmount + ItemCount("minecraft:torch", i)
- else
- ErrorSlot = i
- end
- end
- end
- if ErrorSlot ~= 0 then
- errors[1] = true
- else
- errors[1] = false
- end
- if TorchDemand ~= 0 then
- MoveObjects(4, 2)
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 14), objects[4])
- if TorchAmount < TorchDemand then
- Check.torch = false
- if Color() then
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- else
- Check.torch = true
- if Color() then
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lime)
- end
- end
- printRight(TorchAmount.."/"..TorchDemand, objects[4])
- if Check.torch == false then
- errors[7] = true
- else
- errors[7] = false
- end
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- else
- MoveObjects(4, 1)
- errors[7] = false
- end
- --Chest
- errors[2] = false
- errors[3] = false
- errors[4] = false
- errors[5] = false
- errors[6] = false
- Check.chest = false
- if variables.chestSelect == 1 then
- MoveObjects(5, 2)
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 15), objects[5])
- if Version < 1.64 then
- if turtle.getItemCount(chestSlot) == 0 then
- errors[4] = true
- else
- Check.chest = true
- end
- else
- if ItemCount("minecraft:ender_chest", chestSlot) ~= false and ItemCount("minecraft:ender_chest", chestSlot) > 0 then
- errors[2] = true
- elseif ItemCount("EnderStorage:enderChest", chestSlot) == false then
- errors[3] = true
- elseif ItemCount("EnderStorage:enderChest", chestSlot) == 0 then
- errors[4] = true
- else
- Check.chest = true
- end
- end
- elseif variables.chestSelect == 2 then
- MoveObjects(5, 2)
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 18), objects[5])
- if ItemCount("minecraft:chest", chestSlot) == false then
- errors[5] = true
- elseif ItemCount("minecraft:chest", chestSlot) == 0 then
- errors[6] = true
- else
- Check.chest = true
- end
- else
- Check.chest = true
- MoveObjects(5, 1)
- end
- if Check.chest == false then
- if Color() then
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- printRight(lang.layout(variables.language, 16), objects[5])
- else
- if Color() then
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lime)
- end
- printRight(lang.layout(variables.language, 17), objects[5])
- end
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- --Autofuel
- if variables.Autofuel == true then
- MoveObjects(6, 2)
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 19), objects[6])
- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.lime)
- printRight(lang.layout(variables.language, 17), objects[6])
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- if help[4] == false then
- help[4] = turtle.getItemCount(AutofuelSlot)
- end
- else
- MoveObjects(6, 1)
- end
- printLeft(string.rep("-", w), objects[7])
- --Inventory
- if Version < 1.64 then
- for i = 1, #slots do
- if slots[i] == "I" then
- slots[i] = "_"
- end
- end
- for i = 1, variables.ignor do
- slots[i] = "I"
- end
- end
- for k, v in ipairs(SlotCalculator("T", "empty")) do
- slots[v] = "_"
- end
- local stupid = SlotCalculator("_", "empty")
- for k, v in ipairs(stupid) do
- if k > #stupid-math.ceil(TorchDemand/64) then
- slots[v] = "T"
- end
- end
- notificationCenter()
- printRight("|"..slots[1].."|"..slots[2].."|"..slots[3].."|"..slots[4].."|", objects[8])
- printRight("|"..slots[5].."|"..slots[6].."|"..slots[7].."|"..slots[8].."|", objects[9])
- printRight("|"..slots[9].."|"..slots[10].."|"..slots[11].."|"..slots[12].."|", objects[10])
- printRight("|"..slots[13].."|"..slots[14].."|"..slots[15].."|"..slots[16].."|", objects[11])
- if objects[11] < 12 then
- printLeft(string.rep("-", w), 12)
- end
- --Buttons
- if select == 1 then
- printB({">"..lang.layout(variables.language, 20).."<", " "..lang.layout(variables.language, 10).." ", " "..lang.layout(variables.language, 21).." "}, objects[13])
- elseif select == 2 then
- printB({" "..lang.layout(variables.language, 20).." ", ">"..lang.layout(variables.language, 10).."<", " "..lang.layout(variables.language, 21).." "}, objects[13])
- elseif select == 3 then
- printB({" "..lang.layout(variables.language, 20).." ", " "..lang.layout(variables.language, 10).." ", ">"..lang.layout(variables.language, 21).."<"}, objects[13])
- end
- --Action
- if fuelLevel < 3*FuelDemand/variables.quantity then
- local FuelAmount = math.ceil((3*FuelDemand/variables.quantity-fuelLevel)/80)
- for i = 1, #SlotCalculator("_", "minecraft:coal") do
-"_", "minecraft:coal")[i])
- local output = refuel(FuelAmount, true)
- if output == true then
- errors[8] = false
- Fuellevel = "risky"
- else
- FuelAmount = FuelAmount - output
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function drawOptions(event, p1, p2, p3)
- if focus == 100 then
- calculateFuelDemand()
- TorchCalculator()
- if vars["drawOptions"].saved == true and select == 3 then
- select = 2
- end
- end
- if event == "mouse_scroll" then
- if focus == 100 then
- vars["drawOptions"].scroll = vars["drawOptions"].scroll - p1
- elseif focus == 13+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift and ((p1 < 0 and vars["drawOptions"].scroll2 < 0) or (p1 >= 0 and h < vars["drawOptions"].ypos)) then
- vars["drawOptions"].scroll2 = vars["drawOptions"].scroll2 - p1
- end
- elseif event == "mouse_click" and p1 == 1 and focus == 100 then
- if p2 == w then
- if p3 == 3 then
- vars["drawOptions"].scroll = vars["drawOptions"].scroll + 1
- elseif p3 == h then
- vars["drawOptions"].scroll = vars["drawOptions"].scroll - 1
- end
- else
- focus = p3
- if focus > 15+vars["drawOptions"].shift+vars["drawOptions"].shift2 or focus > h-3 or focus < 3 then
- focus = 100
- end
- end
- elseif event == "key" then
- if p1 == 28 and focus ~= 0 then
- vars["drawOptions"].saved = false
- focus = 100
- elseif p1 == 208 and focus == 100 then
- vars["drawOptions"].scroll = vars["drawOptions"].scroll - 1
- elseif p1 == 200 and focus == 100 then
- vars["drawOptions"].scroll = vars["drawOptions"].scroll + 1
- else
- if variables.torches == false then
- if focus == 8+vars["drawOptions"].scroll then
- if p1 == 203 and variables.mainTorches == false then
- variables.mainTorches = true
- elseif p1 == 205 and variables.mainTorches == true then
- variables.mainTorches = false
- end
- end
- end
- vars["drawOptions"].shift2 = 0
- if Version >= 1.64 then
- if focus == 14+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift then
- if p1 == 203 and variables.trash == false then
- variables.trash = true
- elseif p1 == 205 and variables.trash == true then
- variables.trash = false
- end
- end
- else
- vars["drawOptions"].shift2 = vars["drawOptions"].shift2-1
- end
- if focus == 3+vars["drawOptions"].scroll then
- if p1 == 203 and variables.language == "de" then
- variables.language = "en"
- elseif p1 == 205 and variables.language == "en" then
- variables.language = "de"
- end
- elseif focus == 4+vars["drawOptions"].scroll then
- if p1 == 203 and variables.tunnelspace == 4 then
- variables.tunnelspace = 3
- elseif p1 == 205 and variables.tunnelspace == 3 then
- variables.tunnelspace = 4
- end
- elseif focus == 7+vars["drawOptions"].scroll then
- if p1 == 203 and variables.chestSelect > 1 then
- variables.chestSelect = variables.chestSelect - 1
- elseif p1 == 205 and variables.chestSelect < #chest then
- variables.chestSelect = variables.chestSelect + 1
- end
- for k, v in ipairs(chest) do
- if k == variables.chestSelect then
- v = true
- else
- v = false
- end
- end
- elseif focus == 8+vars["drawOptions"].scroll then
- if p1 == 203 and variables.torches == false then
- variables.torches = true
- elseif p1 == 205 and variables.torches == true then
- variables.torches = false
- end
- elseif focus == 11+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift then
- if p1 == 203 and variables.Autofuel == false then
- variables.Autofuel = true
- elseif p1 == 205 and variables.Autofuel == true then
- variables.Autofuel = false
- end
- elseif focus == 12+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift then
- if p1 == 203 and variables.floor == false then
- variables.floor = true
- elseif p1 == 205 and variables.floor == true then
- variables.floor = false
- end
- elseif focus == 13+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift then
- if p1 == 200 and vars["drawOptions"].scroll2 < 0 then
- vars["drawOptions"].scroll2 = vars["drawOptions"].scroll2+1
- elseif p1 == 208 and h < vars["drawOptions"].ypos then
- vars["drawOptions"].scroll2 = vars["drawOptions"].scroll2-1
- elseif Version >= 1.64 then
- if p1 == 57 or p1 == 14 then
- for i = 1, 16 do
- local data = turtle.getItemDetail(i)
- if data then
- for k, v in ipairs(variables.ignor) do
- if v == then
- table.remove(variables.ignor, k)
- end
- end
- if p1 == 57 then
- table.insert(variables.ignor,
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif focus == 15+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift then
- if p1 == 203 and variables.walls == false then
- variables.walls = true
- elseif p1 == 205 and variables.walls == true then
- variables.walls = false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if vars["drawOptions"].scroll > 0 then
- vars["drawOptions"].scroll = 0
- elseif vars["drawOptions"].scroll < -(5+vars["drawOptions"].shift+vars["drawOptions"].shift2) then
- vars["drawOptions"].scroll = -(5+vars["drawOptions"].shift+vars["drawOptions"].shift2)
- end
- if variables.torches == false then
- if focus == 9+vars["drawOptions"].scroll then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 31), focus)
- if variables.mainTorches == true then
- printRight(">"..lang.layout(variables.language, 29).."< "..lang.layout(variables.language, 30).." ", focus)
- else
- printRight(lang.layout(variables.language, 29).." >"..lang.layout(variables.language, 30).."<", focus)
- end
- elseif focus == 10+vars["drawOptions"].scroll then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 32), focus)
- term.setCursorPos(w-2, focus)
- variables.lateralTorches = tonumber(read())
- term.clear()
- drawHeader()
- return drawOptions("key", 28)
- end
- vars["drawOptions"].shift = 0
- else
- vars["drawOptions"].shift = -2
- end
- if Version >= 1.64 then
- if focus == 14+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 39), focus)
- if variables.trash == true then
- printRight(">"..lang.layout(variables.language, 29).."< "..lang.layout(variables.language, 30).." ", focus)
- else
- printRight(lang.layout(variables.language, 29).." >"..lang.layout(variables.language, 30).."<", focus)
- end
- end
- end
- if focus == 3+vars["drawOptions"].scroll then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 34), focus)
- if variables.language == "en" then
- printRight(">en< de ", focus)
- else
- printRight("en >de<", focus)
- end
- elseif focus == 4+vars["drawOptions"].scroll then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 22), focus)
- if variables.tunnelspace == 3 then
- printRight(">2< 3 ", focus)
- else
- printRight("2 >3<", focus)
- end
- elseif focus == 5+vars["drawOptions"].scroll then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 23), focus)
- term.setCursorPos(w-2, focus)
- variables.quantity = tonumber(read())
- term.clear()
- drawHeader()
- return drawOptions("key", 28)
- elseif focus == 6+vars["drawOptions"].scroll then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 24), focus)
- term.setCursorPos(w-2, focus)
- variables.length = tonumber(read())
- term.clear()
- drawHeader()
- return drawOptions("key", 28)
- elseif focus == 7+vars["drawOptions"].scroll then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 18), focus)
- slots[16] = "C"
- if variables.chestSelect == 1 then
- printRight(">"..lang.layout(variables.language, 25).."< "..lang.layout(variables.language, 26).." "..lang.layout(variables.language, 27).." ", focus)
- elseif variables.chestSelect == 2 then
- printRight(lang.layout(variables.language, 25).." >"..lang.layout(variables.language, 26).."< "..lang.layout(variables.language, 27).." ", focus)
- else
- printRight(lang.layout(variables.language, 25).." "..lang.layout(variables.language, 26).." >"..lang.layout(variables.language, 27).."<", focus)
- if slots[16] == "C" then
- slots[16] = "_"
- end
- end
- elseif focus == 8+vars["drawOptions"].scroll then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 28), focus)
- if variables.torches == true then
- printRight(">"..lang.layout(variables.language, 29).."< "..lang.layout(variables.language, 30).." ", focus)
- else
- printRight(" "..lang.layout(variables.language, 29).." >"..lang.layout(variables.language, 30).."<", focus)
- end
- elseif focus == 11+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 19), focus)
- if variables.Autofuel == true then
- printRight(">"..lang.layout(variables.language, 29).."< "..lang.layout(variables.language, 30).." ", focus)
- else
- printRight(lang.layout(variables.language, 29).." >"..lang.layout(variables.language, 30).."<", focus)
- end
- elseif focus == 12+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 33), focus)
- if variables.floor == true then
- printRight(">"..lang.layout(variables.language, 29).."< "..lang.layout(variables.language, 30).." ", focus)
- else
- printRight(lang.layout(variables.language, 29).." >"..lang.layout(variables.language, 30).."<", focus)
- end
- elseif focus == 13+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift then
- if Version >= 1.64 then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 36), 3)
- local ypos = printWrapped(textutils.unserialize(string.gsub(textutils.serialize(variables.ignor), "minecraft:(%a+)", function(q) return q.."," end)), 1, 4, w)
- vars["drawOptions"].ypos = printWrapped(Splitter(lang.layout(variables.language, 37, label)), 1, ypos+2+vars["drawOptions"].scroll2, w-1)
- for i = 1, ypos+1 do
- printLeft(string.rep(" ", w), i)
- end
- drawHeader()
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 36), 3)
- printWrapped(textutils.unserialize(string.gsub(textutils.serialize(variables.ignor), "minecraft:(%a+_*%a*)", function(q) return q.."," end)), 1, 4, w)
- printLine(w, ypos+2, h, "^", "v")
- else
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 38), focus)
- term.setCursorPos(w-2, focus)
- variables.ignor = tonumber(read())
- term.clear()
- drawHeader()
- return drawOptions("key", 28)
- end
- elseif focus == 15+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 40), focus)
- if variables.walls == true then
- printRight(">"..lang.layout(variables.language, 29).."< "..lang.layout(variables.language, 30).." ", focus)
- else
- printRight(lang.layout(variables.language, 29).." >"..lang.layout(variables.language, 30).."<", focus)
- end
- elseif focus == 100 then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 34), 3+vars["drawOptions"].scroll)
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 22), 4+vars["drawOptions"].scroll)
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 23), 5+vars["drawOptions"].scroll)
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 24), 6+vars["drawOptions"].scroll)
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 18), 7+vars["drawOptions"].scroll)
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 28), 8+vars["drawOptions"].scroll)
- if variables.torches == false then
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 31), 9+vars["drawOptions"].scroll)
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 32), 10+vars["drawOptions"].scroll)
- end
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 19), 11+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift)
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 33), 12+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift)
- printLeft("#"..lang.layout(variables.language, 36), 13+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift)
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 39), 14+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift)
- printLeft(lang.layout(variables.language, 40), 15+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift)
- printRight(variables.language, 3+vars["drawOptions"].scroll, 1)
- printRight(tostring(variables.tunnelspace-1), 4+vars["drawOptions"].scroll, 1)
- printRight(tostring(variables.quantity), 5+vars["drawOptions"].scroll, 1)
- printRight(tostring(variables.length), 6+vars["drawOptions"].scroll, 1)
- printRight(translate(chest[tonumber(variables.chestSelect)], "layout"), 7+vars["drawOptions"].scroll, 1)
- printRight(translate(tostring(variables.torches), "layout"), 8+vars["drawOptions"].scroll, 1)
- if variables.torches == false then
- printRight(translate(tostring(variables.mainTorches), "layout"), 9+vars["drawOptions"].scroll, 1)
- printRight(tostring(variables.lateralTorches), 10+vars["drawOptions"].scroll, 1)
- end
- printRight(translate(tostring(variables.Autofuel), "layout"), 11+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift, 1)
- printRight(translate(tostring(variables.floor), "layout"), 12+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift, 1)
- if Version >= 1.64 then
- printRight(tostring(#variables.ignor-4), 13+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift, 1)
- else
- printRight(tostring(variables.ignor), 13+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift, 1)
- end
- printRight(translate(tostring(variables.trash), "layout"), 14+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift, 1)
- printRight(translate(tostring(variables.walls), "layout"), 15+vars["drawOptions"].scroll+vars["drawOptions"].shift, 1)
- printLeft(string.rep(" ", w-1), h)
- printLeft(string.rep(" ", w-1), h-1)
- printLeft(string.rep(" ", w-1), h-2)
- printB({lang.layout(variables.language, 9), lang.layout(variables.language, 21), lang.layout(variables.language, 35)}, 12)
- if select == 1 then
- printB({string.rep("_", #lang.layout(variables.language, 9)), string.rep(" ", #lang.layout(variables.language, 21)), string.rep(" ", #lang.layout(variables.language, 35))}, 13)
- elseif select == 2 then
- printB({string.rep(" ", #lang.layout(variables.language, 9)), string.rep("_", #lang.layout(variables.language, 21)), string.rep(" ", #lang.layout(variables.language, 35))}, 13)
- else
- printB({string.rep(" ", #lang.layout(variables.language, 9)), string.rep(" ", #lang.layout(variables.language, 21)), string.rep("_", #lang.layout(variables.language, 35))}, 13)
- end
- printLine(w, 3, h-2, "^", "v")
- drawHeader()
- end
- end
- menu = {
- ["Update"] = {
- options = {"News", "Home"},
- orientation = "horizontal",
- draw = drawUpdate
- },
- ["News"] = {
- options = {"Home"},
- orientation = "horizontal",
- draw = drawNews
- },
- ["Home"] = {
- options = {"Start", "Options", "Quit"},
- orientation = "vertical",
- draw = drawHome
- },
- ["Start"] = {
- options = {"Go!", "Options", "Home"},
- orientation = "horizontal",
- draw = drawStart
- },
- ["Options"] = {
- options = {"Start", "Home", "Save as default"},
- orientation = "horizontal",
- draw = drawOptions
- },
- ["Popup"] = {
- options = {"Go!", "Start", "Quit"},
- orientation = "horizontal",
- draw = drawPopup
- }
- }
- -----###-----sequences-----###-----
- function Return(_)
- face(1)
- if #cache == 0 then
- table.remove(toDoList, #toDoList)
- return
- end
- if cache[#cache] == 5 then
- FreewayDown()
- elseif cache[#cache] == 6 then
- FreewayUp()
- else
- FreewayBack()
- direction = cache[#cache]
- end
- table.remove(cache, #cache)
- table.remove(toDoList, #toDoList)
- end
- function search()
- while #toDoList > 0 do
- searching = true
- local param = false
- if type(toDoList[#toDoList]) == "boolean" then
- param = toDoList[#toDoList]
- table.remove(toDoList, #toDoList)
- end
- toDoList[#toDoList](param)
- end
- face(1)
- end
- function compare(direction, slotNum)
- if direction == "down" then
- return turtle.compareDown()
- elseif direction == "up" then
- return turtle.compareUp()
- elseif direction == "front" then
- return
- end
- end
- function CompareDown(walls)
- table.remove(toDoList, #toDoList)
- if Version >= 1.64 then
- local boolean, data = turtle.inspectDown()
- if boolean then
- for k, v in pairs(variables.ignor) do
- if v == then
- return
- end
- end
- else
- return
- end
- elseif turtle.detectDown() then
- for k, v in pairs(SlotCalculator("I")) do
- if compare("down", k) == true then
- return
- end
- end
- else
- return
- end
-"_", "empty")[1])
- digDown()
- FreewayDown()
- table.insert(cache, 6)
- CompareAll(CompareUp)
- end
- function CompareUp(walls)
- table.remove(toDoList, #toDoList)
- if Version >= 1.64 then
- local boolean, data = turtle.inspectUp()
- if boolean then
- for k, v in pairs(variables.ignor) do
- if v == then
- return
- end
- end
- else
- return (walls and placeWall("placeUp")) or nil
- end
- elseif turtle.detectUp() then
- for k, v in pairs(SlotCalculator("I")) do
- if compare("up", k) == true then
- return
- end
- end
- else
- return (walls and placeWall("placeUp")) or nil
- end
-"_", "empty")[1])
- digUp()
- FreewayUp()
- table.insert(cache, 5)
- if walls == true then
- table.insert(toDoList, placeWallUp)
- end
- CompareAll(CompareDown)
- end
- function CompareRight(walls)
- Compare(4, walls)
- end
- function CompareBack(walls)
- Compare(3, walls)
- end
- function CompareLeft(walls)
- Compare(2, walls)
- end
- function Compare(facing, walls)
- if type(facing) == "boolean" then
- walls = facing
- facing = 1
- end
- face(facing)
- table.remove(toDoList, #toDoList)
- if Version >= 1.64 then
- local boolean, data = turtle.inspect()
- if boolean then
- for k, v in pairs(variables.ignor) do
- if v == then
- return
- end
- end
- else
- return (walls and placeWall()) or nil
- end
- elseif turtle.detect() then
- for k, v in pairs(SlotCalculator("I")) do
- if compare("front", k) == true then
- return
- end
- end
- else
- return (walls and placeWall()) or nil
- end
-"_", "empty")[1])
- dig()
- Freeway()
- table.insert(cache, direction)
- direction = 1
- if walls == true then
- table.insert(toDoList, placeWall)
- end
- CompareAll(CompareBack)
- end
- function CompareAll(...)
- local exceptions = {...}
- local walls
- if type(exceptions[1]) == "boolean" then
- walls = exceptions[1]
- table.remove(exceptions, 1)
- end
- table.insert(toDoList, Return)
- table.insert(toDoList, CompareDown)
- table.insert(toDoList, CompareUp)
- table.insert(toDoList, CompareRight)
- table.insert(toDoList, CompareBack)
- table.insert(toDoList, CompareLeft)
- table.insert(toDoList, Compare)
- for i = 1, #exceptions do
- for j = #toDoList, 1, -1 do
- for k, v in ipairs(exceptions) do
- if v == toDoList[j] then
- table.remove(toDoList, j)
- table.remove(exceptions, k)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if walls == true then
- local temp = {}
- for i = #toDoList, 1, -1 do
- if toDoList[i] == Return then
- break
- else
- table.insert(temp, i)
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #temp do
- table.insert(toDoList, temp[i]+1, true)
- end
- end
- end
- function trash(keptCobble)
- for k, v in ipairs(SlotCalculator("_")) do
- local data = turtle.getItemDetail(v)
- for k2, v2 in pairs(variables.ignor) do
- if v2 == then
- if not keptCobble and v2 == "minecraft:cobblestone" then
- keptCobble = true
- else
- turtle.drop()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function Enderchest(keptCoal, keptCobble)
- if (#SlotCalculator("_") >= #SlotCalculator("_", "empty")-1-math.ceil(variables.length/12) or keptCoal == true) and #SlotCalculator("C", "check") ~= 0 then
-"C", "check")[1])
- if level == 1 then
- FreewayDown()
- end
- FreewayBack()
- while not do
- turtle.attack()
- end
- for k, v in ipairs(SlotCalculator("_")) do
- if variables.Autofuel and not keptCoal and Version >= 1.64 and turtle.getItemDetail(v).name == "minecraft:coal" then
- keptCoal = true
- elseif not keptCobble and v == "minecraft:cobblestone" then
- keptCobble = true
- else
- while not turtle.drop() do
- print(lang.status(variables.language, 3))
- sleep(10)
- end
- end
- end
-"C", "empty")[1])
- dig()
- Freeway()
-"_", "empty")[1])
- print(lang.status(variables.language, 4))
- end
- end
- function NormalChest(keptCoal, keptCobble)
- local function goToOrigin()
- turn()
- if level == 1 then
- FreewayDown()
- end
- for Way_Back = 1, CrosswayAmount*variables.tunnelspace do
- Freeway()
- end
- turn()
- end
- local function dropOff()
- for k, v in ipairs(SlotCalculator("_")) do
- if variables.Autofuel and not keptCoal and Version >= 1.64 and turtle.getItemDetail(v).name == "minecraft:coal" then
- keptCoal = true
- elseif not keptCobble and v == "minecraft:cobblestone" then
- keptCobble = true
- else
- while not turtle.dropDown() and turtle.getItemCount() ~= 0 do
- print(lang.status(variables.language, 3))
- sleep(10)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if setup == nil then
- if #SlotCalculator("C", "check") == 0 then
- setup = false
- elseif #SlotCalculator("_") >= #SlotCalculator("_", "empty")-1-math.ceil(variables.length/12) then
- goToOrigin()
-"C", "check")[1])
- while not turtle.placeDown() do
- digDown()
- end
- setup = true
- dropOff()
- for Way_Back = 1, CrosswayAmount*variables.tunnelspace do
- Freeway()
- end
- print(lang.status(variables.language, 4))
- end
- elseif setup == true then
- goToOrigin()
- dropOff()
- for Way_Back = 1, CrosswayAmount*variables.tunnelspace do
- Freeway()
- end
- print(lang.status(variables.language, 4))
- end
- end
- function Fuel()
- local FuelAmount = math.ceil(3*FuelDemand/variables.quantity/80)
- fuelLevel = turtle.getFuelLevel()
- if fuelLevel < 3*FuelDemand/variables.quantity then
- while true do
- while #SlotCalculator("_", "minecraft:coal") > 0 do
-"_", "minecraft:coal")[1])
- local output = refuel(FuelAmount, true)
- if output == true then
- print(lang.status(variables.language, 5))
- return
- else
- FuelAmount = FuelAmount - output
- end
- end
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- print(lang.status(variables.language, 6))
- write(lang.status(variables.language, 7))
- for k, v in ipairs(SlotCalculator("_", "empty")) do
- if k == #SlotCalculator("_", "empty") then
- print(v)
- else
- write(v..", ")
- end
- end
- os.pullEvent()
- end
- end
- end
- function placeWall(param)
- if toDoList[#toDoList] == placeWall then
- table.remove(toDoList, #toDoList)
- end
- if param == true then
- param = "place"
- else
- param = param or "place"
- end
- if #SlotCalculator("_", "minecraft:cobblestone") > 0 then
-"_", "minecraft:cobblestone")[1])
- turtle[param]()
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function placeWallUp(_)
- if toDoList[#toDoList] == placeWallUp then
- table.remove(toDoList, #toDoList)
- end
- return placeWall("placeUp")
- end
- -----###-----Processing-----###-----
- function TorchCalculator()
- local Tspace
- if variables.torches == true then
- if (variables.tunnelspace == 4 and variables.length <= 8) or (variables.tunnelspace == 3 and variables.length <= 10) then
- variables.lateralTorches = 1
- else
- variables.lateralTorches = math.floor((variables.length-math.floor(16/variables.tunnelspace))/12)+1
- end
- if (variables.tunnelspace == 4 and variables.length <= 3) or (variables.tunnelspace == 3 and variables.length <= 4) then
- variables.mainTorches = true
- variables.lateralTorches = 0
- elseif (variables.tunnelspace == 4 and ((variables.length+2)%12 <= 5 or variables.length == 9)) or (variables.tunnelspace == 3 and (variables.length+1)%12 <= 5) then
- variables.mainTorches = true
- else
- variables.mainTorches = false
- end
- end
- if variables.lateralTorches >= 1 then
- if variables.mainTorches == true then
- Tspace = round((variables.length+(variables.tunnelspace-1)-variables.lateralTorches)/(variables.lateralTorches+0.5), "u")
- else
- Tspace = (variables.length+(variables.tunnelspace-1)-variables.lateralTorches)/variables.lateralTorches
- end
- if Tspace == 11 then
- maxSpace = true
- else
- maxSpace = false
- end
- local done = false
- while not done do
- torchPositions = {}
- table.insert(torchPositions, round(Tspace/2, "d")+1)
- for i = 2, variables.lateralTorches do
- table.insert(torchPositions, round(Tspace+1+torchPositions[i-1], "d"))
- end
- if torchPositions[#torchPositions] > variables.length then
- Tspace = Tspace - 0.1
- else
- done = true
- end
- end
- else
- maxSpace = false
- torchPositions = {}
- end
- TorchDemand = 2*(variables.lateralTorches*variables.quantity)
- if variables.mainTorches == true then
- TorchDemand = TorchDemand + variables.quantity
- end
- for k, v in ipairs(SlotCalculator("T", "empty")) do
- slots[v] = "_"
- end
- local stupid = SlotCalculator("_", "empty")
- for k, v in ipairs(stupid) do
- if k > #stupid-math.ceil(TorchDemand/64) then
- slots[v] = "T"
- end
- end
- end
- function calculateFuelDemand()
- if variables.chestSelect == 1 then
- FuelDemand = ((variables.length*2+variables.tunnelspace)*3+3)*variables.quantity
- elseif variables.chestSelect == 2 then
- FuelDemand = math.ceil(((variables.length*2+variables.tunnelspace)*3+2)*variables.quantity+variables.tunnelspace*(variables.quantity/2)^2)
- else
- FuelDemand = ((variables.length*2+variables.tunnelspace)*3+2)*variables.quantity
- end
- if maxSpace == true then
- FuelDemand = FuelDemand + #torchPositions
- end
- end
- -----###-----Core functions-----###-----
- function update()
- local programName = shell.getRunningProgram()
- if not fs.exists("database/OCM/state") then
- save("database/OCM/state", "0")
- end
- save("database/OCM/programName", programName)
- file ="database/OCM/state", "r")
- local fileData = {}
- local line = file.readLine()
- repeat
- table.insert(fileData, line)
- line = file.readLine()
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- updated = fileData[1]
- if updated == "0" then
- kill = true
- term.clear()
- print("loading...")
-"pastebin get cR9vEiTc database/OCM/lang")
- term.clear()
- if"database/OCM/updater") == false then
- term.clear()
- print("loading...")
-"pastebin get rUMt9siN database/OCM/updater")
- term.clear()
- end
- end
- end
- function getVariables()
- if fs.exists("database/OCM/variables") then
- file ="database/OCM/variables", "r")
- local line = Splitter(file.readLine(), " = ")
- repeat
- if line[2] == "{" then
- local str = "{"
- repeat
- local tline = file.readLine()
- if tline ~= nil then
- str = str..tline
- end
- until tline == "}"
- extVar[line[1]] = textutils.unserialize(str)
- elseif (line[1] == "ignor" and Version >= 1.64) == false then
- extVar[line[1]] = line[2]
- end
- line = Splitter(file.readLine(), " = ")
- until line == nil
- file.close()
- for k, v in pairs(extVar) do
- if type(extVar[k]) ~= "table" then
- if not tonumber(extVar[k]) then
- if extVar[k] == "true" or extVar[k] == "false" then
- extVar[k] = extVar[k] == "true"
- end
- else
- extVar[k] = tonumber(extVar[k])
- end
- end
- variables[k] = extVar[k]
- end
- end
- if fs.exists("database/OCM/updateCheckbox/V2.5.1") then
- local file ="database/OCM/updateCheckbox/V2.5.1", "r")
- checkbox = file.readLine() == "true"
- file.close()
- end
- if checkbox == true then
- menustate = "Home"
- else
- menustate = "Update"
- end
- if variables.chestSelect < 3 and #SlotCalculator("C", "empty") == 0 then
- slots[16] = "C"
- end
- calculateFuelDemand()
- TorchCalculator()
- end
- function saveVars()
- edit("database/OCM/variables", variables)
- end
- function compStep(n)
- if n == nil then
- n = 1
- else
- n = tonumber(n)
- end
- for i = 1, n do
-"T", "empty")[1])
- Freeway()
- if level == 0 then
- CompareAll(variables.walls, Compare, CompareBack, CompareUp)
- search()
- if variables.floor == true and turtle.detectDown() == false and #SlotCalculator("_", "minecraft:cobblestone") ~= 0 then
-"_", "minecraft:cobblestone")[1])
- turtle.placeDown()
- end
-"T", "empty")[1])
- FreewayUp()
- CompareAll(variables.walls, Compare, CompareBack, CompareDown)
- search()
- elseif level == 1 then
- CompareAll(variables.walls, Compare, CompareBack, CompareDown)
- search()
-"T", "empty")[1])
- FreewayDown()
- CompareAll(variables.walls, Compare, CompareBack, CompareUp)
- search()
- if variables.floor == true and turtle.detectDown() == false and #SlotCalculator("_", "minecraft:cobblestone") ~= 0 then
-"_", "minecraft:cobblestone")[1])
- turtle.placeDown()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function mainStep(n, first)
- if n == nil then
- n = 1
- else
- n = tonumber(n)
- end
-"_", "empty")[1])
- for i = 1, n do
- searching = false
- dig()
- Freeway()
- if level == 0 then
- if variables.floor == true and turtle.detectDown() == false and #SlotCalculator("_", "minecraft:cobblestone") ~= 0 then
-"_", "minecraft:cobblestone")[1])
- turtle.placeDown()
- end
- digUp()
- if (first and i == 1) or (variables.walls == true and i == 2 and variables.tunnelspace == 4) then
- CompareAll(variables.walls, Compare, CompareBack, CompareUp)
- else
- table.insert(toDoList, CompareDown)
- end
- search()
- FreewayUp()
- if (first and i == 1) or (variables.walls == true and i == 2 and variables.tunnelspace == 4) then
- CompareAll(variables.walls, Compare, CompareBack, CompareDown)
- else
- table.insert(toDoList, CompareUp)
- table.insert(toDoList, variables.walls)
- end
- search()
- elseif level == 1 then
- digDown()
- if (first and i == 1) or (variables.walls == true and i == 2 and variables.tunnelspace == 4) then
- CompareAll(variables.walls, Compare, CompareBack, CompareDown)
- else
- table.insert(toDoList, CompareUp)
- end
- search()
- if i == 2 and variables.mainTorches then
- searching = false
- while dig() == true do
- os.sleep(0.05)
- end
- end
- FreewayDown()
- if (first and i == 1) or (variables.walls == true and i == 2 and variables.tunnelspace == 4) then
- CompareAll(variables.walls, Compare, CompareBack, CompareUp)
- else
- table.insert(toDoList, CompareDown)
- end
- search()
- if variables.floor == true and turtle.detectDown() == false and #SlotCalculator("_", "minecraft:cobblestone") ~= 0 then
-"_", "minecraft:cobblestone")[1])
- turtle.placeDown()
- end
- end
- if variables.mainTorches == true then
- if i == 2 and #SlotCalculator("T", "check") ~= 0 then
-"T", "check")[1])
- if level == 1 then
- FreewayDown()
- end
- if not turtle.placeUp() and #SlotCalculator("_", "minecraft:cobblestone") > 0 then
- FreewayUp()
- turtle.turnLeft()
-"_", "minecraft:cobblestone")[1])
- dig()
- turtle.turnRight()
- FreewayDown()
-"T", "check")[1])
- turtle.placeUp()
- end
- for k, v in ipairs(SlotCalculator("T", "empty")) do
- slots[v] = "_"
- end
- local stupid = SlotCalculator("_", "empty")
- for k, v in ipairs(stupid) do
- if k > #stupid-math.ceil(TorchDemand/64) then
- slots[v] = "T"
- end
- end
- TorchDemand = TorchDemand - 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function stepAside(n)
- if n == nil then
- n = 1
- else
- n = tonumber(n)
- end
- for i = 1, n do
- searching = false
- dig()
- Freeway()
- if level == 1 then
- digDown()
- elseif level == 0 then
- if variables.floor == true and turtle.detectDown() == false and #SlotCalculator("_", "minecraft:cobblestone") ~= 0 then
-"_", "minecraft:cobblestone")[1])
- turtle.placeDown()
- end
- digUp()
- end
- end
- end
- function youJustGotLittUp(steps, func, left)
- if left == nil then
- left = false
- end
- for Steprepeat = 1, steps do
- if func == stepAside then
- func()
- end
- for k, v in ipairs(torchPositions) do
- if ((func == stepAside and variables.length-v+1 == Steprepeat) or (func == compStep and v == Steprepeat)) and #SlotCalculator("T", "check") > 0 then
-"T", "check")[1])
- if maxSpace == true then
- if variables.mainTorches == false and left == true then
- if k%2 == #torchPositions%2 then
- if level == 1 then
- if orientation == "North" or orientation == "South" then
- dig()
- end
- FreewayDown()
- elseif orientation == "North" or orientation == "South" then
- FreewayUp()
- dig()
- FreewayDown()
- end
- else
- if level == 0 then
- FreewayUp()
- end
- end
- else
- if k%2 == #torchPositions%2 then
- if level == 0 then
- FreewayUp()
- end
- else
- if level == 1 then
- if orientation == "North" or orientation == "South" then
- dig()
- end
- FreewayDown()
- elseif orientation == "North" or orientation == "South" then
- FreewayDown()
- dig()
- FreewayUp()
- end
- end
- end
- elseif orientation == "North" or orientation == "South" then
- if level == 0 then
- FreewayUp()
- end
- end
- if level == 1 then
- turtle.placeDown()
- elseif level == 0 then
- if not turtle.placeUp() and #SlotCalculator("_", "minecraft:cobblestone") > 0 then
- FreewayUp()
- turtle.turnLeft()
-"_", "minecraft:cobblestone")[1])
- dig()
- turtle.turnRight()
- FreewayDown()
-"T", "check")[1])
- turtle.placeUp()
- end
- end
- for k, v in ipairs(SlotCalculator("T", "empty")) do
- slots[v] = "_"
- end
- local stupid = SlotCalculator("_", "empty")
- for k, v in ipairs(stupid) do
- if k > #stupid-math.ceil(TorchDemand/64) then
- slots[v] = "T"
- end
- end
- if func == compStep then
- TorchDemand = TorchDemand - 1
- end
-"_", "empty")[1])
- end
- end
- if func == compStep then
- if Steprepeat == variables.length then
- Freeway()
- else
- func()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function Tunnel(first)
- if variables.Autofuel == true then
- Fuel()
- end
- if variables.trash == true then
- trash()
- end
- if variables.chestSelect == 1 then
- Enderchest()
- elseif variables.chestSelect == 2 then
- NormalChest()
- end
- mainStep(variables.tunnelspace, first)
- turtle.turnRight()
- youJustGotLittUp(variables.length, stepAside)
- if level == 1 then
- CompareAll(variables.walls, CompareBack, CompareDown)
- search()
- FreewayDown()
- CompareAll(variables.walls, CompareBack, CompareUp)
- else
- CompareAll(variables.walls, CompareBack, CompareUp)
- search()
- FreewayUp()
- CompareAll(variables.walls, CompareBack, CompareDown)
- end
- search()
- face(3)
- direction = 1
- youJustGotLittUp(variables.length, compStep)
- youJustGotLittUp(variables.length, stepAside, true)
- if level == 1 then
- CompareAll(variables.walls, CompareBack, CompareDown)
- search()
- FreewayDown()
- CompareAll(variables.walls, CompareBack, CompareUp)
- else
- CompareAll(variables.walls, CompareBack, CompareUp)
- search()
- FreewayUp()
- CompareAll(variables.walls, CompareBack, CompareDown)
- end
- search()
- face(3)
- direction = 1
- youJustGotLittUp(variables.length, compStep, true)
- turtle.turnLeft()
- end
- function getOrientation()
- if #SlotCalculator("T", "check") ~= 0 then
- Freeway()
- if Version >= 1.64 then
- FreewayUp()
- for i = 1, 3 do
- right()
- dig()
- end
- right()
- if turtle.detect() == false then
- end
- FreewayDown()
-"T", "check")[1])
- turtle.placeUp()
- local torch = {"West","East","North","South","Invalid"}
- local boolean, data = turtle.inspectUp()
- digUp()
- FreewayBack()
- return torch[data.metadata]
- else
- Freeway()
- digDown()
- FreewayUp()
- for i = 1, 4 do
- if turtle.detect() == false then
- end
- right()
- end
- FreewayDown()
-"T", "check")[1])
- turtle.placeUp()
- local torch = {"West","South","East","North"}
- for i = 1, 4 do
- Freeway()
- digUp()
- os.sleep(0.5)
- FreewayBack()
- if turtle.detectUp() == false then
-"T", "check")[1])
- turtle.suckDown()
- FreewayBack()
- FreewayBack()
- return torch[i]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function Go()
- local startDay =
- local startTime = os.time()
- CrosswayAmount = 0
- local first = true
- orientation = getOrientation()
- for Tunnelrepeat = 1, variables.quantity do
- Tunnel(first)
- first = false
- CrosswayAmount = CrosswayAmount + 1
- print(lang.status(variables.language, 8, CrosswayAmount, variables.quantity))
- end
- print(lang.status(variables.language, 9))
- turn()
- if level == 1 then
- FreewayDown()
- end
- for Way_Back = 1, variables.quantity*variables.tunnelspace do
- Freeway()
- end
- CrosswayAmount = 0
- if variables.trash == true then
- trash(true)
- end
- if variables.chestSelect == 1 then
- Enderchest(true, true)
- elseif variables.chestSelect == 2 then
- NormalChest(true, true)
- end
- local endDay =
- local endTime = os.time()
- stats["time"] = (endDay-startDay)*24.000+(endTime-startTime)
- end
- function Navigation()
- table.insert(timer, os.startTimer(0.05))
- while true do
- local tempState = menustate
- local event, p1, p2, p3 = os.pullEvent()
- while (event == "timer" and p1 ~= timer[#timer]) or event == "key_up" do
- event, p1, p2, p3 = os.pullEvent()
- end
- if focus == 100 then
- basicInputHandler(menu[menustate].orientation, event, p1)
- end
- if menustate == "Quit" then
- break
- elseif menustate == "Save as default" then
- saveVars()
- vars["drawOptions"].saved = true
- menustate = "Options"
- elseif menustate == "Go!" then
- menustate = "Popup"
- local ready = true
- for i = 1, #errors do
- if errors[i] == true then
- ready = false
- end
- end
- if (Fuellevel ~= "low" and ready == true) or tempState == "Popup" then
- return Go()
- end
- end
- term.clear()
- drawHeader()
- if tempState == menustate then
- menu[menustate].draw(event, p1, p2, p3)
- else
- menu[menustate].draw()
- end
- if tempState == "Update" then
- save("database/OCM/updateCheckbox/V2.5.1", checkbox)
- end
- table.insert(timer, os.startTimer(0.5))
- end
- end
- function extractStats()
- save("database/OCM/stats", stats)
- end
- function close()
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- if Color() then
- term.setTextColor(colors.yellow)
- print(os.version())
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- else
- print(os.version())
- end
- term.setCursorPos(1, 2)
- end
- -----###-----Executive-----###------
- function main()
- update()
- if kill == true then
- return
- end
- os.loadAPI("database/OCM/lang")
- save("database/OCM/state", "0")
- getVariables()
- Navigation()
- --extractStats()
- close()
- end
- main()
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