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- --0.5.1 by derekseitz 3/10/2015
- local site = {}
- local screen = {}
- local selected = 1
- local selectedObj = 1
- local z = 1
- local mode = "mainmenu"
- local errorText = nil
- local w,h = term.getSize()
- w = w + 1
- local updateInterval = 2
- local delay = os.startTimer(0.5)
- local colorName = {colors.white,, colors.magenta, colors.lightBlue, colors.yellow, colors.lime,, colors.lightGray, colors.cyan, colors.purple,, colors.brown,,,}
- local colorHex = {0xFFFFFF,0xFF8800,0xFF8CFF,0x00FFFF,0xFFF700,0x00FF11,0xF7B5DE,0xBFBFBF,0x65A1D6,0xAF56B3,0x0000FF,0x754302,0x004000,0xFF0000,0x000000}
- local rednetSide = {"top","bottom","right","front"}
- local b = peripheral.wrap("left")
- local net = peripheral.wrap("back")
- -- type x y w h {c} {t} unit method {param} {var} minNumber maxNumber fadeout action
- -- type text x y c
- -- type x y text unit method maxNumber c cMax var param
- -- type x y w h cBorder tBorder cBack tBack cOne tOne cTwo tTwo unit method maxNumber var param
- -- type x y w h minNumber maxNumber c t fadeout unit method var param
- -- type unit method operator limitNumber action
- for i=1, 199 do
- site[i] = {}
- screen[i] = {}
- end
- function save()
- local file ="openPeripheralClient","w")
- file.writeLine(textutils.serialize(site))
- file.writeLine(textutils.serialize(screen))
- file.writeLine(updateInterval)
- file.writeLine(selected)
- file.close()
- end
- function buildString(stringBuilder, site)
- stringBuilder = stringBuilder .. "{"
- local added = false
- for i, var in pairs(site) do -- VARIABLE
- added = true
- if type(var) == "string" then
- stringBuilder = stringBuilder .. "\"" .. var .. "\""
- elseif type(var) == "number" then
- stringBuilder = stringBuilder .. var
- elseif type(var) == "boolean" then
- stringBuilder = stringBuilder .. tostring(var)
- elseif type(var) == "table" then
- stringBuilder = buildString(stringBuilder, site[i])
- end
- stringBuilder = stringBuilder .. ","
- end
- if added then
- stringBuilder = stringBuilder:sub(1,stringBuilder:len()-1)
- end
- return stringBuilder .. "}"
- end
- function load()
- if not fs.exists("openPeripheralClient") then return end
- local file ="openPeripheralClient","r")
- local firstLine = file.readLine()
- if firstLine == "OPEN PERIPHERAL CLIENT DATABASE" then -- NEWEST since 0.5
- site = textutils.unserialize(file.readLine())
- screen = textutils.unserialize(file.readLine())
- updateInterval = tonumber(file.readLine())
- selected = tonumber(file.readLine())
- file.close()
- elseif firstLine == "OPEN PERIPHERAL CLIENT DATA" then -- since 0.3
- site = textutils.unserialize(file.readLine())
- file.close()
- oldLoad03()
- else -- OLDEST since 0.1
- file.close()
- oldLoad01()
- end
- end
- function oldLoad03()
- local newDB = {}
- for i=1,199 do
- newDB[i] = {}
- end
- for siteID, s in pairs(site) do
- for objID, obj in pairs(s) do
- if obj[1] == "text" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1],text=obj[2],x=obj[3],y=obj[4],color=obj[5]}
- elseif obj[1] == "box" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1],x=obj[2],y=obj[3],w=obj[4],h=obj[5],inner_color=obj[6],inner_transparency=obj[7],border_color=obj[8],border_transparency=obj[9]}
- elseif obj[1] == "number" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1],x=obj[2],y=obj[3],text=obj[4],unit=obj[5],method=obj[6],maxNumber=obj[7],text_standardColor=obj[8],text_maxNumberColor=obj[9],arguments=obj[10]}
- elseif obj[1] == "bar" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1],x=obj[2],y=obj[3],w=obj[4],h=obj[5],color=obj[6],transparency=obj[7],color2=obj[8],transparency2=obj[9],color3=obj[10],transparency3=obj[11],color4=obj[12],transparency4=obj[13],unit=obj[14],method=obj[15],maxNumber=obj[16], arguments=obj[17]}
- elseif obj[1] == "graphPillar" or obj[1] == "graphPoint" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1],x=obj[2],y=obj[3],w=obj[4],h=obj[5],minNumber=obj[6],maxNumber=obj[7],color=obj[8],transparency=obj[9],fadeout=obj[10],unit=obj[11],method=obj[12],arguments=obj[14]}
- elseif obj[1] == "frame" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1],frame=obj[2],x=obj[3],y=obj[4]}
- elseif obj[1] == "ALARM" then
- if obj[7] == "TEXT" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1] ,unit=obj[2], method=obj[3], arguments=obj[4], operator=obj[5], number=obj[6], action_type=obj[7],action_x=obj[8],action_y=obj[9],action_text=obj[10], action_text_color=obj[11]}
- elseif obj[7] == "ACTIVATION" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1] ,unit=obj[2], method=obj[3], arguments=obj[4], operator=obj[5], number=obj[6], action_type=obj[7],action_unit=obj[8],action_method=obj[9],action_arguments=obj[10]}
- elseif obj[7] == "REDNET" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1] ,unit=obj[2], method=obj[3], arguments=obj[4], operator=obj[5], number=obj[6], action_type=obj[7],action_text=obj[9]}
- else
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1] ,unit=obj[2], method=obj[3], arguments=obj[4], operator=obj[5], number=obj[6], action_type=obj[7]}
- end
- elseif obj[1] == "CHAT" then
- if obj[3] == "TEXT" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1],text=obj[2],action_type=obj[3],action_x=obj[4],action_y=obj[5],action_text=obj[6], action_text_color=obj[7]}
- elseif obj[3] == "ACTIVATION" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1],text=obj[2],action_type=obj[3],action_unit=obj[4],action_method=obj[5],action_arguments=obj[6]}
- elseif obj[3] == "REDNET" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1],text=obj[2],action_type=obj[3],action_text=obj[5]}
- else
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1],text=obj[2],action_type=obj[3]}
- end
- elseif obj[1] == "REDNET" then
- if obj[3] == "TEXT" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1],text=obj[2],action_type=obj[3],action_x=obj[4],action_y=obj[5],action_text=obj[6], action_text_color=obj[7]}
- elseif obj[3] == "ACTIVATION" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1],text=obj[2],action_type=obj[3],action_unit=obj[4],action_method=obj[5],action_arguments=obj[6]}
- elseif obj[3] == "REDNET" then
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1],text=obj[2],action_type=obj[3],action_text=obj[5]}
- else
- newDB[siteID][objID] = {type=obj[1],text=obj[2],action_type=obj[3]}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- site = newDB
- save()
- load()
- end
- function oldLoad01()
- if not fs.exists("openPeripheralClient") then return end
- local file ="openPeripheralClient","r")
- for i=1,198 do
- local amountObj = tonumber(file.readLine())
- for k=1,amountObj do
- local amountVars = tonumber(file.readLine())
- local typ = file.readLine()
- site[i][k] = {}
- site[i][k][1] = typ
- for m=2,amountVars do
- if typ == "text" then
- if m == 2 then
- site[i][k][m] = file.readLine()
- else
- site[i][k][m] = tonumber(file.readLine())
- end
- elseif typ == "box" then
- site[i][k][m] = tonumber(file.readLine())
- elseif typ == "number" then
- if m == 2 or m == 3 or m >= 7 then
- site[i][k][m] = tonumber(file.readLine())
- else
- site[i][k][m] = file.readLine()
- end
- elseif typ == "bar" then
- if (m >= 2 and m <=13) or m == 16 then
- site[i][k][m] = tonumber(file.readLine())
- else
- site[i][k][m] = file.readLine()
- end
- elseif typ == "graphPillar" or typ == "graphPoint" then
- if m >= 2 and m <= 9 then
- site[i][k][m] = tonumber(file.readLine())
- elseif m == 10 then
- if file.readLine() == "true" then
- site[i][k][m] = true
- else
- site[i][k][m] = false
- end
- elseif m == 11 or m == 12 then
- site[i][k][m] = file.readLine()
- else
- local amount = tonumber(file.readLine())
- site[i][k][m] = {}
- for a=1,amount do
- site[i][k][m][a] = tonumber(file.readLine())
- end
- end
- elseif typ == "frame" then
- site[i][k][m] = tonumber(file.readLine())
- end
- end
- end
- save()
- load()
- end
- file.close()
- end
- function clear(color)
- color = color or
- term.setBackgroundColor(color)
- term.clear()
- term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- end
- function countArray(a)
- local amount = 0
- for k,v in pairs(a) do
- amount = amount + 1
- end
- return amount
- end
- function write(text,x,y,c)
- c = c or colors.white
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- term.setTextColor(c)
- term.write(text)
- end
- function centered(text,y,c)
- c = c or colors.white
- term.setCursorPos(w/2-math.ceil(#tostring(text)/2),y)
- term.setTextColor(c)
- term.write(tostring(text))
- end
- function fill(text,y)
- centered(string.rep(tostring(text), w), y)
- end
- function setColors(text,background)
- background = background or colors.lightGray
- term.setTextColor(text)
- term.setBackgroundColor(background)
- end
- function drawArrows(y)
- write("<",14,y)
- write(">",36,y)
- end
- function checkAlarm(chatCommand, rednetMessage) -- DONE 1
- chatCommand = chatCommand or ""
- rednetMessage = rednetMessage or ""
- local number = 0
- for objID, obj in pairs(site[199]) do
- if obj.type == "ALARM" then -- ALARM
- number = table.remove(screen[199][objID]["values"], 1)
- if type(number) == "number" then -- ERROR
- if obj.operator == "=" and number == obj.number then
- makeAction(obj, objID)
- elseif obj.operator == ">" and number > obj.number then
- makeAction(obj, objID)
- elseif obj.operator == "<"and number < obj.number then
- makeAction(obj, objID)
- end
- end
- elseif not (chatCommand == "") and obj.type == "CHAT" and obj.text == chatCommand then -- CHAT
- makeAction(obj, objID)
- elseif not (rednetMessage == "") and obj.type == "REDNET" and obj.text == rednetMessage then -- REDNET
- makeAction(obj, objID)
- end
- end
- end
- function makeAction(obj, objID)
- if obj.action_type == "TEXT" then
- drawText(199, objID)
- elseif obj.action_type == "ACTIVATION" then
- if net.isPresentRemote(obj.action_unit) and obj.action_method ~= "NONE" and type(obj.action_arguments) == "table" then
- if countArray(obj.action_arguments) >= 1 then
- local noErr,res = pcall( net.callRemote, obj.action_unit, obj.action_method, unpack(obj.action_arguments))
- if not noErr then
- if errorText == nil then
- end
- end
- else
- local noErr,res = pcall( net.callRemote, obj.action_unit, obj.action_method, unpack(obj.action_arguments))
- if not noErr then
- if errorText == nil then
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif obj.action_type == "REDNET" then
- rednet.broadcast(obj.action_text)
- end
- end
- -- type text x y c
- function drawText(siteID, objID, relX, relY)
- local obj = site[siteID][objID]
- if obj.type == "text" then
- local var = b.addText(obj.x+relY,obj.y+relY,obj.text,colorHex[obj.text_color])
- setZDimension(var)
- elseif obj.action_type == "TEXT" then
- local var = b.addText(obj.action_x+relX,obj.action_y+relY,obj.action_text,colorHex[obj.action_text_color])
- setZDimension(var)
- end
- end
- -- type x y w h cOne tOne cTwo tTwo
- function drawBox(siteID, objID, relX, relY)
- local obj = site[siteID][objID]
- local cOne = colorHex[obj.inner_color]
- local cTwo = colorHex[obj.border_color]
- local var1 = b.addBox(obj.x+relX,obj.y+relY,obj.w,2,cTwo,obj.border_transparency)
- setZDimension(var1)
- local var2 = b.addBox(obj.x+relX,obj.y+2+relY,2,obj.h-4,cTwo,obj.border_transparency)
- setZDimension(var2)
- local var3 = b.addBox(obj.x+relX,obj.y+relY+obj.h-2,obj.w,2,cTwo,obj.border_transparency)
- setZDimension(var3)
- local var4 = b.addBox(obj.x+relX+obj.w-2,obj.y+relY+2,2,obj.h-4,cTwo,obj.border_transparency)
- setZDimension(var4)
- local var5 = b.addBox(obj.x+relX+2,obj.y+relY+2,obj.w-4,obj.h-4,cOne,obj.inner_transparency)
- setZDimension(var5)
- end
- -- type x y text unit method maxNumber c cMax
- function drawNumber(siteID, objID, relX, relY)
- local obj = site[siteID][objID]
- local c = colorHex[obj.text_standardColor]
- local cMax = colorHex[obj.text_maxNumberColor]
- local number = table.remove(screen[siteID][objID]["values"], 1)
- local lengthText = ((#obj.text) + 2)*6
- local lengthNumber = (#(tostring(number)))*6
- local maxLength = (#(tostring(obj.maxNumber)))*6
- if type(number) == "string" or (type(number) == "number" and number == maxNumber) then
- local var1 = b.addText(obj.x+relX,obj.y+relY,obj.text .. ":",c)
- setZDimension(var1)
- local var2 = b.addText(obj.x+relX+lengthText,obj.y+relY,tostring(number),cMax)
- setZDimension(var2)
- local var3 = b.addText(obj.x+relX+lengthText+(#(tostring(number)))*6,obj.y+relY, " / " .. obj.maxNumber, c)
- setZDimension(var3)
- else
- local var1 = b.addText(obj.x+relX,obj.y+relY, obj.text .. ":", c )
- setZDimension(var1)
- local var2 = b.addText(obj.x+relX+lengthText+(maxLength-lengthNumber),obj.y+relY, number .. " / " .. obj.maxNumber,c)
- setZDimension(var2)
- end
- end
- -- type x y w h cBorder tBorder cBack tBack cOne tOne cTwo tTwo unit method maxNumber
- function drawBar(siteID, objID, relX, relY)
- local obj = site[siteID][objID]
- local cBorder = colorHex[obj.color3]
- local cBack = colorHex[obj.color4]
- local cOne = colorHex[obj.color]
- local cTwo = colorHex[obj.color2]
- local tBorder = obj.transparency3
- local tBack = obj.transparency4
- local tOne = obj.transparency
- local tTwo = obj.transparency2
- local var1 = b.addBox(obj.x+relX+2,obj.y+relY+2,obj.w-4,obj.h-4,cBack,tBack)
- setZDimension(var1)
- local var2 = b.addBox(obj.x+relX,obj.y+relY,obj.w,2,cBorder,tBorder)
- setZDimension(var2)
- local var3 = b.addBox(obj.x+relX,obj.y+relY+obj.h-2,obj.w,2,cBorder,tBorder)
- setZDimension(var3)
- local var4 = b.addBox(obj.x+relX,obj.y+relY+2,2,obj.h-4,cBorder,tBorder)
- setZDimension(var4)
- local var5 = b.addBox(obj.x+relX+obj.w-2,obj.y+relY+2,2,obj.h-4,cBorder,tBorder)
- setZDimension(var5)
- local number = table.remove(screen[siteID][objID]["values"], 1)
- if type(number) == "number" then
- local box = b.addGradientBox(obj.x+relX+2,obj.y+relY+2,math.ceil((number/obj.maxNumber)*(obj.w-4)),obj.h-4,cOne,tOne,cTwo,tTwo,2)
- z = z + 1
- setZDimension(box)
- end
- end
- -- type x y w h minNumber maxNumber c t fadeout unit method var
- function drawGraph(siteID, objID, rX, rY)
- local obj = site[siteID][objID]
- local var = screen[siteID][objID]["values"]
- table.remove(screen[siteID][objID]["values"], math.ceil(obj.w+2/2))
- local t = obj.transparency
- local decrease = obj.transparency/20
- local c = colorHex[obj.color]
- for relX=2,obj.w,2 do
- if obj.fadeout and relX >= obj.w-20 and t > 0.05 then
- t = t - decrease
- end
- if obj.type == "graphPillar" then
- if type(var[relX/2]) == "number" then
- if var[relX/2] > obj.minNumber then
- local box = b.addBox(obj.x+rX+relX-2,obj.y+rY+(obj.h-1-(math.ceil((var[relX/2]/(obj.maxNumber))*obj.h))),2,(math.ceil((var[relX/2]/(obj.maxNumber))*obj.h)),c,t)
- setZDimension(box)
- else
- local box = b.addBox(obj.x+rX+relX-2,obj.y+rY+obj.h-2,2,1,c,t)
- setZDimension(box)
- end
- else
- local box = b.addBox(obj.x+rX+relX-2,obj.y+rY+obj.h-2,2,1,c,t)
- setZDimension(box)
- end
- else
- if type(var[relX/2]) == "number" then
- if var[relX/2] > obj.minNumber then
- local box = b.addBox(obj.x+rX+relX-2,obj.y+rY+(obj.h-1-((math.ceil((var[relX/2]/(obj.maxNumber))*obj.h)))),2,2,c,t)
- setZDimension(box)
- local box = b.addBox(obj.x+rX+relX-2,obj.y+rY+obj.h-1,2,1,c,t)
- setZDimension(box)
- else
- local box = b.addBox(obj.x+rX+relX-2,obj.y+rY+obj.h-1,2,1,c,t)
- setZDimension(box)
- end
- else
- local box = b.addBox(obj.x+rX+relX-2,obj.y+rY+obj.h-1,2,1,c,t)
- setZDimension(box)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function setZDimension(obj)
- local wtf = ( obj.setZ and obj.setZ(z) ) or ( obj.setZIndex and obj.setZIndex(z) )
- z = z + 1
- end
- function drawSite()
- update()
- if selected == 0 then return end
- z = 1
- b.clear()
- for i=1,4 do
- innerDraw(0,0,selected,i)
- end
- checkAlarm()
- save()
- end
- function update() -- DONE 1
- for siteID, selectedSite in pairs(site) do -- SITE
- for objID, obj in pairs(selectedSite) do -- OBJECT
- if siteID == selected or ( obj.type == "graphPillar" or obj.type == "graphPoint" or obj.type == "ALARM" or obj.type == "CHAT" or obj.type == "REDNET") then -- JUST NEEDED INFORMATION.
- if obj.unit ~= nil and obj.method ~= nil then
- callMethod(siteID, objID, obj, "unit", "method", "arguments","values")
- end
- if obj.action_type ~= "ACTIVATION" and obj.action_unit ~= nil and obj.action_method ~= nil then
- callMethod(siteID, objID, obj, "action_unit", "action_method", "action_arguments", "action_values")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function callMethod(siteID, objID, obj, unit_pos, method_pos, arguments_pos, values_pos) -- DONE 1
- if screen[siteID][objID] == nil then
- screen[siteID][objID] = {}
- screen[siteID][objID]["values"] = {}
- screen[siteID][objID]["action_values"] = {}
- screen[siteID][objID]["objects"] = {}
- end
- if net.isPresentRemote(obj[unit_pos]) and obj[method_pos] ~= "NONE" then
- if type(obj[arguments_pos]) ~= "table" then
- table.insert(screen[siteID][objID]["values"], 1, "ERROR")
- table.insert(screen[siteID][objID]["action_values"], 1, "ERROR")
- return
- end
- if countArray(obj[arguments_pos]) == 0 then
- local noError, value = pcall( net.callRemote, obj[unit_pos], obj[method_pos] )
- if noError then
- table.insert(screen[siteID][objID][values_pos], 1, value)
- elseif errorText == nil then
- table.insert(screen[siteID][objID][values_pos], 1, "ERROR")
- if siteID <= 99 then siteID = "Site: " .. siteID
- elseif siteID <= 198 then siteID = "Frame: " .. siteID-99
- else siteID = "ALARM'N'ACTION"
- end
- errorText = {"ERROR! ".. siteID .. " Object: " .. objID .. " Unit: " .. obj[unit_pos] .. " Method: " .. obj[method_pos] .. " No arguments!", "Original Error Code: " .. value}
- end
- else
- local noError, value = pcall( net.callRemote, obj[unit_pos], obj[method_pos], unpack(obj[arguments_pos]) )
- if noError then
- table.insert(screen[siteID][objID][values_pos], 1, value)
- elseif errorText == nil then
- table.insert(screen[siteID][objID][values_pos], 1, "ERROR")
- if siteID <= 99 then siteID = "Site: " .. siteID
- elseif siteID <= 198 then siteID = "Frame: " .. siteID-99
- else siteID = "ALARM'N'ACTION"
- end
- errorText = {"ERROR! ".. siteID .. " Object: " .. objID .. " Unit: " .. obj[unit_pos] .. " Method: " .. obj[method_pos] .. " Arguments: " .. countArray(obj[arguments_pos]), "Original Error Code: " .. value}
- end
- end
- elseif countArray(screen[siteID][objID]["values"]) == 0 or countArray(screen[siteID][objID]["action_values"]) then
- table.insert(screen[siteID][objID]["values"], 1, "ERROR")
- table.insert(screen[siteID][objID]["action_values"], 1, "ERROR")
- end
- end
- function innerDraw(relX, relY, s, layer) -- DONE 1
- if layer == 4 then -- ERROR
- if type(errorText) == "table" then
- local length = #errorText[1]
- if #errorText[1] < #errorText[2] then
- length = errorText[2]
- end
- local box1 = b.addBox(0,0,math.ceil(length*5.3),28,colorHex[1],1)
- setZDimension(box1)
- local box2 = b.addBox(0,28,1+math.ceil(length*5.3),2,colorHex[14],1)
- setZDimension(box2)
- local box3 = b.addBox(math.ceil(length*5.3),0,2,29,colorHex[14],1)
- setZDimension(box3)
- local var1 = b.addText(5,5,errorText[1],colorHex[14])
- setZDimension(var1)
- local var2 = b.addText(5,15, errorText[2],colorHex[14])
- setZDimension(var2)
- errorText = nil
- end
- end
- for objID, obj in pairs(site[s]) do
- if obj.type == "frame" then
- innerDraw(obj.x, obj.y, obj.frame, layer)
- elseif layer == 1 then -- BOX
- if obj.type == "box" then
- drawBox(s, objID, relX, relY)
- end
- elseif layer == 2 then -- NUMBER, BAR, GRAPH
- if obj.type == "number" then
- drawNumber(s, objID, relX, relY)
- elseif obj.type == "bar" then
- drawBar(s, objID, relX, relY)
- elseif obj.type == "graphPillar" or obj.type == "graphPoint" then
- drawGraph(s, objID, relX, relY)
- end
- elseif layer == 3 then -- TEXT
- if obj.type == "text" or obj.action_type == "TEXT" then
- drawText(s, objID, relX, relY)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function betterRead(x,y,numberOnly,pos,clickX) -- DONE 1
- local previousMode = mode
- local selectedSite = selected
- mode = "betterRead"
- term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray)
- term.setCursorBlink(true)
- local s
- if clickX < x then
- s = ""
- else
- s = tostring(site[selected][selectedObj][pos])
- end
- while true do
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- term.write( string.rep(' ', w - x + 1) )
- term.setCursorPos(x,y)
- if s:len()+x < w then
- term.write(s)
- else
- term.write(s:sub( s:len() - (w-x-2)))
- end
- local e = { os.pullEvent() }
- if checkEvent(e, false, true) then
- if e[1] == "mouse_click" then
- mode = "back"
- elseif e[1] == "char" then
- s = s .. e[2]
- elseif e[1] == "key" then
- if e[2] == keys.enter then
- mode = "back"
- elseif e[2] == keys.backspace then
- s = s:sub( 1, s:len() - 1 )
- end
- end
- end
- if mode == "back" then
- mode = previousMode
- break
- elseif not (mode == "betterRead") then
- break
- end
- end
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- if numberOnly then
- s = tonumber(s)
- if s then
- site[selectedSite][selectedObj][pos] = s
- end
- else
- site[selectedSite][selectedObj][pos] = s
- end
- term.setCursorBlink(false)
- drawSite()
- end
- function drawColor(color,y) -- DONE 1
- drawArrows(y)
- term.setBackgroundColor(colorName[color])
- centered(" ",y)
- term.setBackgroundColor(
- end
- function drawTransparent(transparency,y) -- DONE 1
- drawArrows(y)
- centered(transparency, y)
- end
- function changeColor(x, color) -- DONE 1
- if x < 25 then
- site[selected][selectedObj][color] = site[selected][selectedObj][color] - 1
- else
- site[selected][selectedObj][color] = site[selected][selectedObj][color] + 1
- end
- if site[selected][selectedObj][color] <= 0 then
- site[selected][selectedObj][color] = 15
- elseif site[selected][selectedObj][color] >= 16 then
- site[selected][selectedObj][color] = 1
- end
- end
- function changeTransparence(x, transparency) -- DONE 1
- if x < 25 then
- site[selected][selectedObj][transparency] = site[selected][selectedObj][transparency] - 0.1
- else
- site[selected][selectedObj][transparency] = site[selected][selectedObj][transparency] + 0.1
- end
- if site[selected][selectedObj][transparency] < 0 then
- site[selected][selectedObj][transparency] = 1
- elseif site[selected][selectedObj][transparency] > 1 then
- site[selected][selectedObj][transparency] = 0
- end
- end
- function menuArguments(unit_pos, method_pos, arguments_pos, amount, args, advancedMethodsSupport) -- DONE 1
- local previousMode = mode
- mode = "arguments"
- local param = site[selected][selectedObj][arguments_pos]
- if advancedMethodsSupport then
- for i=1, amount do
- if args[i]["type"] == "NUMBER" and param[i] == nil then
- param[i] = i
- elseif param[i] == nil then
- param[i] = "Argument" .. i
- end
- end
- end
- while true do
- -- DRAW
- amount = countArray(param)
- clear()
- centered("ENTER ARGUMENTS FOR METHOD " .. site[selected][selectedObj][method_pos], 1)
- fill("-", 2)
- centered("APPLY", 15)
- for i=1, amount do
- write("ARG ".. i ..": " .. param[i],11,3+i)
- end
- if not advancedMethodsSupport and amount <= 10 then
- centered("ADD NEW MANUAL ARGUMENT", 16)
- end
- if not advancedMethodsSupport and amount > 0 then
- centered("DELETE LAST ARGUMENT", 17)
- end
- -- EVENT
- local event = { os.pullEvent() }
- if checkEvent(event) then
- x,y = event[3], event[4]
- if y >= 4 and y <= amount+3 then
- site[selected][selectedObj][arguments_pos] = param[y-3]
- if advancedMethodsSupport then
- if args[y-3]["type"] == "NUMBER" then
- betterRead(18,y,true,arguments_pos,x)
- else
- betterRead(18,y,false,arguments_pos,x)
- end
- else -- not advancedMethodsSupport
- betterRead(18,y,false,arguments_pos,x)
- local tempVar = tonumber(site[selected][selectedObj][arguments_pos])
- if tempVar then
- site[selected][selectedObj][arguments_pos] = tempVar
- end
- end
- param[y-3] = site[selected][selectedObj][arguments_pos]
- elseif not advancedMethodsSupport and amount <= 10 and y == 16 then
- param[amount+1] = "Manual Argument" .. amount+1
- elseif not advancedMethodsSupport and amount > 0 and y == 17 then
- param[amount] = nil
- elseif y == 15 then
- mode = "back"
- end
- end
- if mode == "back" then
- mode = previousMode
- break
- elseif not (mode == "arguments") then
- break
- end
- end
- site[selected][selectedObj][arguments_pos] = param
- save()
- end
- function menuUnit(unit_pos, method_pos, arguments_pos) -- DONE 1
- clear()
- local list = net.getNamesRemote()
- if countArray(list) == 0 then
- while true do
- local event = {os.pullEvent()}
- if event[1] == "timer" and event[2] == delay then
- drawSite()
- delay = os.startTimer(updateInterval)
- else
- return "NONE"
- end
- end
- end
- local selectedUnit = 1
- for k,v in pairs(list) do
- selectedUnit = selectedUnit + 1
- if advancedMethodsSupport and v["name"] == site[selected][selectedObj][unit_pos] then
- break
- elseif not advancedMethodsSupport and v == site[selected][selectedObj][unit_pos] then
- break
- end
- end
- selectedUnit = selectedUnit - 1
- selectedUnit = 1
- local previousMode = mode
- mode = "unit"
- while true do
- -- DRAW
- clear()
- centered("SELECT A UNIT",1)
- fill("-",2)
- centered("SELECT",14)
- fill(" ",9)
- drawArrows(9)
- centered(list[selectedUnit],9)
- -- EVENT
- local event = { os.pullEvent() }
- if checkEvent(event) then
- x,y = event[3], event[4]
- if y >= 8 and y <= 10 then
- if x <= 25 then
- selectedUnit = selectedUnit - 1
- else
- selectedUnit = selectedUnit + 1
- end
- if selectedUnit == 0 then
- selectedUnit = countArray(list)
- elseif selectedUnit > countArray(list) then
- selectedUnit = 1
- end
- elseif y == 14 then
- mode = "back"
- end
- end
- if mode == "back" then
- mode = previousMode
- break
- elseif not (mode == "unit") then
- break
- end
- end
- site[selected][selectedObj][unit_pos] = list[selectedUnit]
- site[selected][selectedObj][method_pos] = "NONE"
- site[selected][selectedObj][arguments_pos] = {}
- end
- function menuMethod(method_pos, unit_pos, arguments_pos, allReturnTypes) -- DONE 1
- local unit = site[selected][selectedObj][unit_pos]
- allReturnTypes = allReturnTypes or false
- clear()
- if not net.isPresentRemote(unit) then
- return "NONE"
- end
- -- methods available?
- local basicMethods = net.getMethodsRemote(unit)
- if basicMethods ~= nil and countArray(basicMethods) == 0 then
- centered("NO METHOD FOUND!",9)
- while true do
- local event = {os.pullEvent()}
- if event[1] == "timer" and event[2] == delay then
- drawSite()
- delay = os.startTimer(updateInterval)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- return "NONE"
- end
- -- advanced or normal support? (fixed by blunty666)
- local advancedMethodsSupport = false
- local unitType = "NONE"
- local tempList = {}
- for k,v in pairs(basicMethods) do
- if v == "getAdvancedMethodsData" then
- advancedMethodsSupport = true
- unitType = net.getTypeRemote(unit)
- tempList = net.callRemote(unit, "getAdvancedMethodsData")
- break
- end
- end
- --[[ get advanced methods if possible
- local list = {}
- if advancedMethodsSupport then
- local counter = 1
- for k,v in pairs(tempList) do
- if allReturnTypes or ( v["returnType"] ~= nil and v["returnType"] ) or ( v["returnTypes"][1] == "NUMBER" ) then
- table.insert(list, 1, v)
- counter = counter - 1
- end
- counter = counter + 1
- end
- else
- list = net.getMethodsRemote(unit)
- end]]
- -- get advanced methods if possible (fixed by blunty666)
- local list = {}
- if advancedMethodsSupport then
- local counter = 1
- for k,v in pairs(tempList) do
- if allReturnTypes or ( v["returnType"] ~= nil and v["returnType"] ) or ( v["returnTypes"][1] == "NUMBER" ) then
- local tempT = v --same as v
- = k --adds name to v which is the index k in tempList
- table.insert(list, 1, tempT)
- counter = counter - 1
- end
- counter = counter + 1
- end
- else
- list = net.getMethodsRemote(unit)
- end
- -- still methods with number as return value available?
- if advancedMethodsSupport and list ~= nil and countArray(list) == 0 then
- centered("NO METHOD FOUND!",9)
- while true do
- local event = {os.pullEvent()}
- if event[1] == "timer" and event[2] == delay then
- drawSite()
- delay = os.startTimer(updateInterval)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- return "NONE"
- end
- -- selection of the method
- local method = 1
- for k,v in pairs(list) do
- method = method + 1
- if advancedMethodsSupport and v["name"] == site[selected][selectedObj][method_pos] then
- break
- elseif not advancedMethodsSupport and v == site[selected][selectedObj][method_pos] then
- break
- end
- end
- method = method - 1
- local previousMode = mode
- local previousSelected = selected
- mode = "method"
- while true do
- -- DRAW
- clear()
- centered("SELECT A METHOD FROM " .. unit ,1)
- fill("-",2)
- centered("SELECT",16)
- local methodName = "UNKNOWN"
- local methodDescription = "UNKNOWN! No Advanced Methods Support available!"
- local methodReturnType = "UNKNOWN"
- local methodArgumentamount = 1337
- local methodArgs = {}
- if advancedMethodsSupport then
- local counter = 1
- for k, v in pairs(list) do
- if counter == method then
- methodName = v["name"]
- methodDescription = v["description"]
- methodReturnType = v["returnType"] or v["returnTypes"][1]
- methodArgumentamount = countArray(v["args"]) or 0
- methodArgs = v["args"] or {}
- break
- end
- counter = counter + 1
- end
- else
- methodDescription = "UNKNOWN! No Advanced Methods Support available!"
- methodReturnType = "UNKNOWN"
- methodArgumentamount = 0
- methodName = list[method]
- end
- fill(" ",6)
- drawArrows(6)
- centered(methodName, 6)
- term.setCursorPos(1,8)
- print(" Description: " .. methodDescription)
- print(" Returns: " .. methodReturnType)
- print(" Arguments: " .. methodArgumentamount)
- if advancedMethodsSupport and methodArgumentamount >= 1 then
- centered("SET OR CHANGE ARGUMENTS", 15)
- elseif not advancedMethodsSupport then
- end
- -- EVENT
- local event = { os.pullEvent() }
- if checkEvent(event) then
- site[selected][selectedObj][method_pos] = methodName
- x,y = event[3], event[4]
- if y >= 5 and y <= 8 then
- site[selected][selectedObj][arguments_pos] = {}
- screen[selected][selectedObj][arguments_pos] = {}
- if x <= 25 then
- method = method - 1
- else
- method = method + 1
- end
- if method == 0 then
- method = countArray(list)
- elseif method > countArray(list) then
- method = 1
- end
- elseif advancedMethodsSupport and methodArgumentamount >= 1 and y == 15 then
- menuArguments(unit_pos, method_pos, arguments_pos, methodArgumentamount, methodArgs, true)
- elseif not advancedMethodsSupport and y == 15 then
- menuArguments(unit_pos, method_pos, arguments_pos, countArray(site[selected][selectedObj][arguments_pos]), methodArgs, false)
- elseif y == 16 then
- mode = "back"
- end
- end
- if mode == "back" then
- mode = previousMode
- break
- elseif not (mode == "method") then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- function menuSiteOrFrame(setMode) -- DONE 1
- mode = setMode
- local selectedFrame = 100
- if mode == "site" then
- selected = 1
- else
- selected = 100
- end
- selectedObj = 1
- while true do
- -- DRAW
- clear()
- drawArrows(1)
- if mode == "site" then
- centered("SITE " .. selected ,1)
- elseif mode == "frame" then
- centered("FRAME " .. selected-99 ,1)
- end
- fill("-",2)
- local obj = site[selected][selectedObj]
- if type(obj) == "table" then
- centered(selectedObj.. " - " .. obj.type , 3)
- else
- centered(selectedObj , 3)
- end
- drawArrows(3)
- fill("-",4)
- write("BACK",48,1)
- if type(obj) == "table" then -- object exists
- write("DELETE",1,1)
- if obj.type == "text" then -- TEXT
- write("TEXT: " .. obj.text,10,7)
- write("X: " .. obj.x,10,9)
- write("Y: " .. obj.y,10,11)
- drawColor(obj.text_color,13)
- elseif obj.type == "box" then -- BOX
- write("X: " .. obj.x,10,5)
- write("Y: " .. obj.y,10,6)
- write("WIDTH: " .. obj.w,10,7)
- write("HEIGHT: " .. obj.h,10,8)
- drawColor(obj.border_color,9)
- drawTransparent(obj.border_transparency,10)
- drawColor(obj.inner_color,11)
- drawTransparent(obj.inner_transparency,12)
- elseif obj.type == "number" then -- NUMBER
- write("X: "..obj.x,10,5)
- write("Y: "..obj.y,10,6)
- write("TEXT: "..obj.text,10,7)
- write("UNIT: "..obj.unit,10,8)
- write("METHOD: "..obj.method,10,9)
- write("MAX: "..obj.maxNumber,10,10)
- drawColor(obj.text_standardColor,11)
- drawColor(obj.text_maxNumberColor,12)
- elseif obj.type == "bar" then -- BAR
- write("X: "..obj.x,10,5)
- write("Y: "..obj.y,10,6)
- write("WIDTH: "..obj.w,10,7)
- write("HEIGHT: "..obj.h,10,8)
- write("UNIT: "..obj.unit,10,9)
- write("METHOD: "..obj.method,29,9)
- write("MAX: "..obj.maxNumber,10,10)
- drawColor(obj.color,11)
- drawTransparent(obj.transparency,12)
- drawColor(obj.color2,13)
- drawTransparent(obj.transparency2,14)
- drawColor(obj.color3,15)
- drawTransparent(obj.transparency3,16)
- drawColor(obj.color4,17)
- drawTransparent(obj.transparency4,18)
- write("ADD AUTO TEXT", 10, 19)
- elseif obj.type == "graphPillar" or obj.type == "graphPoint" then
- write("X: "..obj.x,10,5)
- write("Y: "..obj.y,10,6)
- write("WIDTH: "..obj.w,10,7)
- write("HEIGHT: "..obj.h,10,8)
- write("UNIT: "..obj.unit,10,9)
- write("METHOD: "..obj.method,10,10)
- write("MIN: "..obj.minNumber,10,11)
- write("MAX: "..obj.maxNumber,10,12)
- drawColor(obj.color,13)
- drawTransparent(obj.transparency,14)
- write("FADEOUT: "..tostring(obj.fadeout),10,15)
- write("TYPE: " ..obj.type,10,16)
- write("ADD AUTO BOX", 10, 17)
- elseif obj.type == "frame" then -- FRAME
- centered(obj.frame-99,5)
- drawArrows(5)
- fill("-",6)
- write("X: "..obj.x,10,8)
- write("Y: "..obj.y,10,10)
- end
- else --create new object
- write("TEXT",20,6)
- write("BOX",20,7)
- write("NUMBER",20,8)
- write("BAR",20,9)
- write("GRAPH (PILLAR)",20,10)
- write("GRAPH (POINT)",20,11)
- if mode == "site" then
- write("FRAME",20,12)
- end
- end
- -- EVENT
- local event = { os.pullEvent() }
- if checkEvent(event) then
- x, y = event[3], event[4]
- if y == 1 and x >= w-4 then
- mode = "mainmenu"
- elseif type(site[selected][selectedObj]) == "table" and y == 1 and x <=6 then
- site[selected][selectedObj] = nil
- if selectedObj >= 2 then
- selectedObj = selectedObj - 1
- end
- elseif y == 1 then
- selectedObj = 1
- if x < 25 then
- selected = selected - 1
- else
- selected = selected + 1
- end
- if mode == "site" then
- if selected <= 0 then
- selected = 99
- elseif selected >= 100 then
- selected = 1
- end
- elseif mode == "frame" then
- if selected <= 99 then
- selected = 198
- elseif selected >= 199 then
- selected = 100
- end
- end
- elseif y >= 2 and y <= 4 then
- if x < 25 then
- selectedObj = selectedObj - 1
- else
- selectedObj = selectedObj + 1
- end
- if selectedObj == 0 then
- selectedObj = 1
- end
- elseif type(site[selected][selectedObj]) == "table" then
- if site[selected][selectedObj].type == "text" then
- if y == 7 then
- betterRead(16,y,false,"text",x)
- elseif y == 9 then
- betterRead(16,y,true,"x",x)
- elseif y == 11 then
- betterRead(16,y,true,"y",x)
- elseif y == 13 then
- changeColor(x,"text_color")
- end
- elseif site[selected][selectedObj].type == "box" then
- if y == 5 then
- betterRead(18,y,true,"x",x)
- elseif y == 6 then
- betterRead(18,y,true,"y",x)
- elseif y == 7 then
- betterRead(18,y,true,"w",x)
- elseif y == 8 then
- betterRead(18,y,true,"h",x)
- elseif y == 9 then
- changeColor(x,"border_color")
- elseif y == 10 then
- changeTransparence(x,"border_transparency")
- elseif y == 11 then
- changeColor(x,"inner_color")
- elseif y == 12 then
- changeTransparence(x,"inner_transparency")
- end
- elseif site[selected][selectedObj].type == "number" then
- if y == 5 then
- betterRead(18,y,true,"x",x)
- elseif y == 6 then
- betterRead(18,y,true,"y",x)
- elseif y == 7 then
- betterRead(18,y,false,"text",x)
- elseif y == 8 then
- menuUnit("unit","method","arguments")
- elseif y == 9 then
- if x < 18 then
- menuMethod("method","unit","arguments",true)
- else
- menuMethod("method","unit","arguments",false)
- end
- elseif y == 10 then
- betterRead(18,y,true,"maxNumber",x)
- elseif y == 11 then
- changeColor(x,"text_standardColor")
- elseif y == 12 then
- changeColor(x,"text_maxNumberColor")
- end
- elseif site[selected][selectedObj].type == "bar" then
- if y == 5 then
- betterRead(18,y,true,"x",x)
- elseif y == 6 then
- betterRead(18,y,true,"y",x)
- elseif y == 7 then
- betterRead(18,y,true,"w",x)
- elseif y == 8 then
- betterRead(18,y,true,"h",x)
- elseif y == 9 then
- if x < 28 then
- menuUnit("unit","method","arguments")
- else
- if x < 18 then
- menuMethod("method","unit","arguments",true)
- else
- menuMethod("method","unit","arguments",false)
- end
- end
- elseif y == 10 then
- betterRead(18,y,true,"maxNumber",x)
- elseif y == 11 then
- changeColor(x,"color")
- elseif y == 12 then
- changeTransparence(x,"transparency")
- elseif y == 13 then
- changeColor(x,"color2")
- elseif y == 14 then
- changeTransparence(x,"transparency2")
- elseif y == 15 then
- changeColor(x,"color3")
- elseif y == 16 then
- changeTransparence(x,"transparency3")
- elseif y == 17 then
- changeColor(x,"color4")
- elseif y == 18 then
- changeTransparence(x,"transparency4")
- elseif y == 19 then
- local bar = site[selected][selectedObj]
- local textProperties = {type="text",text="YOUR TEXT",x=bar.x-59,y=bar.y+4,text_color=bar.color}
- table.insert(site[selected], selectedObj+1, textProperties )
- selectedObj = selectedObj+1
- betterRead(25,y,false,"text",50)
- site[selected][selectedObj].x = bar.x - 10 - math.floor(5.5 * #site[selected][selectedObj].text)
- end
- elseif site[selected][selectedObj].type == "graphPillar" or site[selected][selectedObj].type == "graphPoint" then
- if y == 5 then
- betterRead(19,y,true,"x",x)
- elseif y == 6 then
- betterRead(19,y,true,"y",x)
- elseif y == 7 then
- betterRead(19,y,true,"w",x)
- elseif y == 8 then
- betterRead(19,y,true,"h",x)
- elseif y == 9 then
- menuUnit("unit","method","arguments")
- elseif y == 10 then
- if x < 18 then
- menuMethod("method","unit","arguments",true)
- else
- menuMethod("method","unit","arguments",false)
- end
- elseif y == 11 then
- betterRead(19,y,true,"minNumber",x)
- elseif y == 12 then
- betterRead(19,y,true,"maxNumber",x)
- elseif y == 13 then
- changeColor(x,"color")
- elseif y == 14 then
- changeTransparence(x,"transparency")
- elseif y == 15 then
- site[selected][selectedObj].fadeout = not site[selected][selectedObj].fadeout
- elseif y == 16 then
- if site[selected][selectedObj].type == "graphPoint" then
- site[selected][selectedObj].type = "graphPillar"
- elseif site[selected][selectedObj].type == "graphPillar" then
- site[selected][selectedObj].type = "graphPoint"
- end
- elseif y == 17 then
- local g = site[selected][selectedObj]
- local boxProperties = {type="box", x=g.x-4, y=g.y-6, w=g.w+8, h=g.h+10, inner_color=1, inner_transparency=0.4, border_color=g.color, border_transparency=0.9}
- table.insert(site[selected], selectedObj+1, boxProperties )
- selectedObj = selectedObj+1
- end
- elseif site[selected][selectedObj].type == "frame" then
- if y == 5 then
- if x < 25 then
- site[selected][selectedObj].frame = site[selected][selectedObj].frame - 1
- else
- site[selected][selectedObj].frame = site[selected][selectedObj].frame + 1
- end
- if site[selected][selectedObj].frame == 99 then
- site[selected][selectedObj].frame = 198
- elseif site[selected][selectedObj].frame == 199 then
- site[selected][selectedObj].frame = 100
- end
- elseif y == 8 then
- betterRead(13,y,true,"x",x)
- elseif y == 10 then
- betterRead(13,y,true,"y",x)
- end
- end
- else -- CREATE
- if y == 6 then
- site[selected][selectedObj] = {type="text",text="derekseitz",x=1,y=1,text_color=1}
- elseif y == 7 then
- site[selected][selectedObj] = {type="box",x=1,y=1,w=10,h=10,inner_color=1,inner_transparency=0.4,border_color=15,border_transparency=1}
- elseif y == 8 then
- site[selected][selectedObj] = {type="number",x=1,y=1,text="derekseitz",unit="NONE",method="NONE",maxNumber=1337,text_standardColor=1,text_maxNumberColor=14,arguments={}}
- elseif y == 9 then
- site[selected][selectedObj] = {type="bar",x=1,y=1,w=40,h=15,color=1,transparency=1,color2=2,transparency2=1,color3=3,transparency3=1,color4=4,transparency4=1,unit="NONE",method="NONE",maxNumber=1337, arguments={}}
- elseif y == 10 then
- site[selected][selectedObj] = {type="graphPillar",x=1,y=1,w=100,h=40,minNumber=0,maxNumber=1337,color=1,transparency=1,fadeout=false,unit="NONE",method="NONE",arguments={}}
- elseif y == 11 then
- site[selected][selectedObj] = {type="graphPoint",x=1,y=1,w=100,h=40,minNumber=0,maxNumber=1337,color=1,transparency=1,fadeout=false,unit="NONE",method="NONE",arguments={}}
- elseif y == 12 and mode == "site" then
- site[selected][selectedObj] = {type="frame",frame=100,x=0,y=0}
- end
- end
- end
- if not (mode == "site" or mode == "frame") then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- function menuAlarm() -- DONE 1
- mode = "alarm"
- local previousSelected = selected
- selected = 199
- selectedObj = 1
- while true do
- local obj = site[199][selectedObj]
- -- DRAW
- clear()
- b.clear()
- centered("ALARM'N'ACTION", 1)
- fill("-",2)
- if type(site[199][selectedObj]) == "table" then
- centered(selectedObj .. " - " .. obj.type, 3)
- else
- centered(selectedObj, 3)
- end
- drawArrows(3)
- fill("-",4)
- write("BACK", 48, 1)
- local relY = 0
- if type(obj) == "table" and obj.type == "ALARM" then
- write("DELETE", 1, 1)
- write("UNIT: "..obj.unit, 10, 6)
- write("METHOD: "..obj.method, 10, 7)
- write("NUMBER: "..obj.operator .. " " .. obj.number, 10, 8)
- write("ACTION: "..obj.action_type, 10, 9)
- relY = 2
- elseif type(obj) == "table" and obj.type == "CHAT" then
- write("DELETE", 1, 1)
- write("COMMAND: $$"..obj.text, 10, 6)
- write("ACTION: "..obj.action_type, 10, 7)
- elseif type(obj) == "table" and obj.type == "REDNET" then
- write("DELETE", 1, 1)
- write("MESSAGE: "..obj.text, 10, 6)
- write("ACTION: "..obj.action_type, 10, 7)
- else
- write("ALARM", 10, 9)
- write("CHAT", 10, 10)
- write("REDNET", 10 , 11)
- end
- if type(obj) == "table" then
- if obj.action_type == "TEXT" then
- write("| X: "..obj.action_x, 10, 8+relY)
- write("| Y: "..obj.action_y, 10, 9+relY)
- write("| TEXT: "..obj.action_text, 10, 10+relY)
- drawColor(obj.action_text_color, 11+relY)
- elseif obj.action_type == "ACTIVATION" then
- write("| UNIT: "..obj.action_unit, 10, 8+relY)
- write("| METHOD: "..obj.action_method, 10, 9+relY)
- elseif obj.action_type == "REDNET" then
- write("| MESSAGE: "..obj.action_text, 10, 8+relY)
- end
- end
- -- EVENT
- local event = { os.pullEvent() }
- if checkEvent(event) then
- x, y = event[3], event[4]
- if y == 1 and x <= 6 and type(site[199][selectedObj]) == "table" then
- site[199][selectedObj] = nil
- if selectedObj >= 2 then
- selectedObj = selectedObj - 1
- end
- elseif y == 1 and x >= 48 then
- save()
- selected = previousSelected
- selectedObj = 1
- mode = "mainmenu"
- elseif y == 3 or y == 4 then
- if x > 25 then
- selectedObj = selectedObj + 1
- elseif selectedObj > 1 then
- selectedObj = selectedObj - 1
- end
- elseif type(site[199][selectedObj]) == "table" and site[199][selectedObj].type == "ALARM" then -- ALARM
- if y == 6 then
- menuUnit("unit","method","arguments")
- elseif y == 7 then
- if x < 20 then
- menuMethod("method", "unit","arguments",true)
- else
- menuMethod("method", "unit","arguments",false)
- end
- elseif y == 8 and x >=19 and x <= 21 then
- if site[199][selectedObj].operator == "=" then
- site[199][selectedObj].operator = ">"
- elseif site[199][selectedObj].operator == ">" then
- site[199][selectedObj].operator = "<"
- elseif site[199][selectedObj].operator == "<" then
- site[199][selectedObj].operator = "="
- end
- elseif y == 8 then
- betterRead(23,y,true,"number",x)
- elseif y == 9 then
- setAction()
- elseif site[199][selectedObj].action_type == "TEXT" then -- ALARM: TEXT
- if y == 10 then
- betterRead(21,y,true,"action_x",x)
- elseif y == 11 then
- betterRead(21,y,true,"action_y",x)
- elseif y == 12 then
- betterRead(21,y,false,"action_text",x)
- elseif y == 13 then
- changeColor(x,"action_text_color")
- end
- elseif site[199][selectedObj].action_type == "ACTIVATION" then -- ALARM: ACTIVATION
- if y == 10 then
- menuUnit("action_unit","action_method","action_arguments")
- elseif y == 11 then
- if x < 20 then
- menuMethod("action_method", "action_unit", "action_arguments", true)
- else
- menuMethod("action_method", "action_unit", "action_arguments",false)
- end
- end
- elseif site[199][selectedObj].action_type == "REDNET" then -- ALARM: REDNET
- if y == 11 then
- betterRead(21,y,false,"action_text",x)
- end
- end
- elseif type(site[199][selectedObj]) == "table" and ( site[199][selectedObj].type == "CHAT" or site[199][selectedObj].type == "REDNET") then -- CHAT AND REDNET
- if y == 6 then
- betterRead(21,y,false,"text",x)
- elseif y == 7 then
- setAction()
- elseif site[199][selectedObj].action_type == "TEXT" then -- ALARM: TEXT
- if y == 8 then
- betterRead(21,y,true,"action_x",x)
- elseif y == 9 then
- betterRead(21,y,true,"action_y",x)
- elseif y == 10 then
- betterRead(21,y,false,"action_text",x)
- elseif y == 11 then
- changeColor(x,"action_text_color")
- end
- elseif site[199][selectedObj].action_type == "ACTIVATION" then -- ALARM: ACTIVATION
- if y == 8 then
- menuUnit("action_unit","action_method","action_arguments")
- elseif y == 9 then
- if x < 20 then
- menuMethod("action_method", "action_unit","action_arguments",true)
- else
- menuMethod("action_method", "action_unit", "action_arguments",false)
- end
- end
- elseif site[199][selectedObj].action_type == "REDNET" then -- ALARM: REDNET
- if y == 8 then
- betterRead(21,y,false,"action_text",x)
- end
- end
- else -- CREATE NEW
- site[199][selectedObj] = {}
- if y == 9 then
- site[199][selectedObj] = {type="ALARM" ,unit="NONE", method="NONE", arguments={}, operator="=", number=42, action_type="NONE"}
- elseif y == 10 then
- site[199][selectedObj] = {type="CHAT",text="NONE",action_type="NONE"}
- elseif y == 11 then
- site[199][selectedObj] = {type="REDNET",text="NONE",action_type="NONE"}
- end
- end
- end
- if not (mode == "alarm") then
- selected = previousSelected
- break
- end
- end
- end
- function setAction() -- DONE 1
- if site[199][selectedObj].action_type == "NONE" then
- site[199][selectedObj].action_type = "TEXT"
- site[199][selectedObj].action_x = 1
- site[199][selectedObj].action_y = 1
- site[199][selectedObj].action_text = "derekseitz"
- site[199][selectedObj].action_text_color = 1
- elseif site[199][selectedObj].action_type == "TEXT" then
- site[199][selectedObj].action_type = "ACTIVATION"
- site[199][selectedObj].action_unit = "NONE"
- site[199][selectedObj].action_method = "NONE"
- site[199][selectedObj].action_arguments = {}
- site[199][selectedObj].action_text_color = nil
- site[199][selectedObj].action_text = nil
- site[199][selectedObj].action_x = nil
- site[199][selectedObj].action_y = nil
- elseif site[199][selectedObj].action_type == "ACTIVATION" then
- site[199][selectedObj].action_type = "REDNET"
- site[199][selectedObj].action_text = "derekseitz"
- site[199][selectedObj].action_unit = nil
- site[199][selectedObj].action_method = nil
- site[199][selectedObj].action_arguments = nil
- elseif site[199][selectedObj].action_type == "REDNET" then
- site[199][selectedObj].action_type = "NONE"
- site[199][selectedObj].action_text = nil
- end
- end
- function mainMenu() -- DONE 1
- mode = "mainmenu"
- while true do
- for _, side in pairs(rednetSide) do
- if peripheral.getType(side) == "modem" then
- end
- end
- -- DRAW
- clear()
- fill("-", 2)
- write("by derekseitz", w-13, h)
- write("Site",20,6)
- write("Frame",20,8)
- write("Alarm'n'Action",20,10)
- write("Quit",20,13)
- write("< " .. updateInterval .. " >",2, h)
- -- EVENT
- local event = { os.pullEvent() }
- if checkEvent(event) then
- x, y = event[3], event[4]
- if y == 6 then
- menuSiteOrFrame("site")
- elseif y == 8 then
- menuSiteOrFrame("frame")
- elseif y == 10 then
- menuAlarm()
- elseif y == 13 then
- save()
- b.clear()
- mode = "quit"
- elseif y == h then
- if x <= 3 then
- updateInterval = updateInterval / 2
- elseif x >=10 and x <= 12 and updateInterval < 16 then
- updateInterval = updateInterval * 2
- end
- if updateInterval < 0.5 then
- updateInterval = 0.5
- end
- end
- end
- if mode == "quit" then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- function checkEvent(event, justUpdate, charAndKeyEvent)
- charAndKeyEvent = charAndKeyEvent or false
- justUpdate = justUpdate or false
- if event[1] == "timer" and event[2] == delay then
- if justUpdate then
- update()
- else
- drawSite()
- end
- delay = os.startTimer(updateInterval)
- elseif event[1] == "mouse_click" then
- return true
- elseif charAndKeyEvent and ( event[1] == "char" or event[1] == "key" ) then
- return true
- elseif event[1] == "chat_command" then
- mode = "mainmenu"
- checkAlarm(event[2])
- if event[2] == "clear" or event[2] == "" then
- b.clear()
- selected = 0
- elseif event[2] == "sync" then
- b.clear()
- local var = b.addText(10, 10, "Sync!", colorHex[14])
- setZDimension(var)
- if selected == 0 then
- selected = 1
- end
- sleep(2)
- delay = os.startTimer(0.2)
- else
- for i=1,99 do
- if event[2] == "site"..i then
- selected = i
- drawSite()
- break
- end
- end
- end
- elseif event[1] == "rednet_message" then
- checkAlarm("", tostring(event[3]))
- end
- return false
- end
- -- START
- load()
- mainMenu()
- clear()
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