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- using Plots
- runge = x->1/(1+x^2)
- f = x->1/(1+25x^2)
- #P2D to macierz Nx2 o wierszach [x y]
- # współczynniki ilorazów dla interp. Newtona
- function _diff(P2D)
- b, n = Array(P2D[:, 2]), length(P2D[:, 1])
- for i = 2:n
- for j = n:-1:i
- b[j] = (b[j] - b[j-1])/(P2D[j, 1] - P2D[j-i+1, 1])
- end
- end
- return b
- end
- # Zwraca wartość ilorazu.
- function diff(P2D)
- last(_diff(P2D))
- end
- function interp_newton(P2D)
- return function(x)
- b, n = _diff(P2D), length(P2D[:, 1])-1
- sum, p = b[1], 1
- for i in 1:n
- p *= (x - P2D[i, 1])
- sum += b[i+1]*p
- end # nie chce mi się robić Hornera
- sum
- end
- end;
- err = f_interp->x->abs(f(x)-f_interp(x))
- maxerr = f_interp->reduce(max, map(x->err(f_interp)(x), range(-1,stop=1,length=1000)))
- w9_eq = interp_newton(reduce(vcat, map(x->[x f(x)], collect(range(-1,stop=1, length=10))))) # w równoodległych
- w9_T10_zeros = interp_newton(reduce(vcat, map(x->[x f(x)], map(j->cos(pi*((2*j-1)/(2*10))), [1:10;])))) # w zerach Czebyszewa
- w9_T9_extremums = interp_newton(reduce(vcat, map(x->[x f(x)], map(j->cos(j*pi/9), [0:9;])))) # w extremach Czebyszewa
- equal_plot = begin
- plot(f, -1, 1, line=(color=:blue), label="f", title="equal")
- plot!(w9_eq, line=(color=:green), label="equal")
- plot!(err(w9_eq), line=(color=:red),fill=(0, 0.1, :red), label="EQ error")
- annotate!(-1, 2, text(string("max error: ", maxerr(w9_eq)), 10, :left, :top, :crimson))
- end
- Chebyshev_zeros_plot = begin
- plot(f, -1, 1, line=(color=:blue), label="f", title="Chebyshev's zeros")
- plot!(w9_T10_zeros, line=(color=:green), label="Ch. zeros")
- plot!(err(w9_T10_zeros), line=(color=:red),fill=(0, 0.1, :red), label="CH. zeros error")
- annotate!(-1, 2, text(string("max error: ", maxerr(w9_T10_zeros)), 10, :left, :top, :crimson))
- end
- row1_plot = plot(equal_plot, Chebyshev_zeros_plot, layout=(1,2), ylims=(-0.3, 2))
- Chebyshev_extremums_plot = begin
- plot(f, -1, 1, line=(color=:blue), label="f", title="Chebyshev's extremums")
- plot!(w9_T9_extremums, line=(color=:green), label="Ch. extremums")
- plot!(err(w9_T9_extremums), line=(color=:red), fill=(0, 0.1, :red), label="CH. extremums error")
- annotate!(-1, 1, text(string("max error: ", maxerr(w9_T9_extremums)), 10, :left, :top, :crimson))
- end
- plot(row1_plot, Chebyshev_extremums_plot, layout=(2,1), size=(900, 600), fmt=:png)
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