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- @prefix rdf: <> .
- @prefix rdfs: <> .
- @prefix sh: <> .
- @prefix skos: <> .
- @prefix bdo: <> .
- @prefix bdr: <> .
- @prefix bds: <> .
- bdr:NMC2A097019ABA499F
- a bdo:FruitCake ;
- rdfs:label "dri med 'od zer/"@bo-x-ewts ;
- .
- bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E
- a bdo:PersonPrimaryTitle ;
- skos:prefLabel "sprul sku dri med/"@bo-x-ewts ;
- .
- bdr:NM2463D933BA1F9A38
- a bdo:PersonPrimaryTitle ;
- rdfs:label "bdud 'joms gter sras dri med 'od zer/"@bo-x-ewts ;
- .
- bdr:NMEA2B380AF0BBFB1B
- a bdo:PersonGterStonTitle ;
- rdfs:label "pad+ma 'gro 'dul gsang sngags gling pa/"@bo-x-ewts ;
- .
- bdr:P707 a bdo:Person ;
- bdo:hasFather bdr:P707 ;
- bdo:hasParent bdr:P705 ;
- bdo:isRoot true ;
- bdo:kinWith bdr:P705 ;
- bdo:personGender bdr:GenderMale ;
- bdo:personName bdr:NM0895CB6787E8AC6E , bdr:NM2463D933BA1F9A38 , bdr:NMEA2B380AF0BBFB1B , bdr:NMC2A097019ABA499F ;
- skos:prefLabel "dri med 'od zer/"@bo-x-ewts ;
- .
- bdo:PersonPrimaryName rdfs:subClassOf bdo:PersonName .
- bdo:PersonPrimaryTitle rdfs:subClassOf bdo:PersonName .
- bdo:PersonGterStonTitle rdfs:subClassOf bdo:PersonName .
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