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- --
- -- RSA Key Generator
- -- By 1lann
- --
- -- Refer to license:
- --
- --
- -- Start of third-party libraries/helpers
- --
- -- two functions to help make Lua act more like C
- local function fl(x)
- if x < 0 then
- return math.ceil(x) + 0 -- make -0 go away
- else
- return math.floor(x)
- end
- end
- local function cmod(a, b)
- local x = a % b
- if a < 0 and x > 0 then
- x = x - b
- end
- return x
- end
- local radix = 2^24 -- maybe up to 2^26 is safe?
- local radix_sqrt = fl(math.sqrt(radix))
- local bigintmt -- forward decl
- local function alloc()
- local bi = {}
- setmetatable(bi, bigintmt)
- bi.comps = {}
- bi.sign = 1;
- return bi
- end
- local function clone(a)
- local bi = alloc()
- bi.sign = a.sign
- local c = bi.comps
- local ac = a.comps
- for i = 1, #ac do
- c[i] = ac[i]
- end
- return bi
- end
- local function normalize(bi, notrunc)
- local c = bi.comps
- local v
- -- borrow for negative components
- for i = 1, #c - 1 do
- v = c[i]
- if v < 0 then
- c[i+1] = c[i+1] + fl(v / radix) - 1
- v = cmod(v, radix)
- if v ~= 0 then
- c[i] = v + radix
- else
- c[i] = v
- c[i+1] = c[i+1] + 1
- end
- end
- end
- -- is top component negative?
- if c[#c] < 0 then
- -- switch the sign and fix components
- bi.sign = -bi.sign
- for i = 1, #c - 1 do
- v = c[i]
- c[i] = radix - v
- c[i+1] = c[i+1] + 1
- end
- c[#c] = -c[#c]
- end
- -- carry for components larger than radix
- for i = 1, #c do
- v = c[i]
- if v > radix then
- c[i+1] = (c[i+1] or 0) + fl(v / radix)
- c[i] = cmod(v, radix)
- end
- end
- -- trim off leading zeros
- if not notrunc then
- for i = #c, 2, -1 do
- if c[i] == 0 then
- c[i] = nil
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- -- check for -0
- if #c == 1 and c[1] == 0 and bi.sign == -1 then
- bi.sign = 1
- end
- end
- local function negate(a)
- local bi = clone(a)
- bi.sign = -bi.sign
- return bi
- end
- local function compare(a, b)
- local ac, bc = a.comps, b.comps
- local as, bs = a.sign, b.sign
- if ac == bc then
- return 0
- elseif as > bs then
- return 1
- elseif as < bs then
- return -1
- elseif #ac > #bc then
- return as
- elseif #ac < #bc then
- return -as
- end
- for i = #ac, 1, -1 do
- if ac[i] > bc[i] then
- return as
- elseif ac[i] < bc[i] then
- return -as
- end
- end
- return 0
- end
- local function lt(a, b)
- return compare(a, b) < 0
- end
- local function eq(a, b)
- return compare(a, b) == 0
- end
- local function le(a, b)
- return compare(a, b) <= 0
- end
- local function addint(a, n)
- local bi = clone(a)
- if bi.sign == 1 then
- bi.comps[1] = bi.comps[1] + n
- else
- bi.comps[1] = bi.comps[1] - n
- end
- normalize(bi)
- return bi
- end
- local function add(a, b)
- if type(a) == "number" then
- return addint(b, a)
- elseif type(b) == "number" then
- return addint(a, b)
- end
- local bi = clone(a)
- local sign = bi.sign == b.sign
- local c = bi.comps
- for i = #c + 1, #b.comps do
- c[i] = 0
- end
- local bc = b.comps
- for i = 1, #bc do
- local v = bc[i]
- if sign then
- c[i] = c[i] + v
- else
- c[i] = c[i] - v
- end
- end
- normalize(bi)
- return bi
- end
- local function sub(a, b)
- if type(b) == "number" then
- return addint(a, -b)
- elseif type(a) == "number" then
- a = bigint(a)
- end
- return add(a, negate(b))
- end
- local function mulint(a, b)
- local bi = clone(a)
- if b < 0 then
- b = -b
- bi.sign = -bi.sign
- end
- local bc = bi.comps
- for i = 1, #bc do
- bc[i] = bc[i] * b
- end
- normalize(bi)
- return bi
- end
- local function multiply(a, b)
- local bi = alloc()
- local c = bi.comps
- local ac, bc = a.comps, b.comps
- for i = 1, #ac + #bc do
- c[i] = 0
- end
- for i = 1, #ac do
- for j = 1, #bc do
- c[i+j-1] = c[i+j-1] + ac[i] * bc[j]
- end
- -- keep the zeroes
- normalize(bi, true)
- end
- normalize(bi)
- if bi ~= bigint(0) then
- bi.sign = a.sign * b.sign
- end
- return bi
- end
- local function kmul(a, b)
- local ac, bc = a.comps, b.comps
- local an, bn = #a.comps, #b.comps
- local bi, bj, bk, bl = alloc(), alloc(), alloc(), alloc()
- local ic, jc, kc, lc = bi.comps, bj.comps, bk.comps, bl.comps
- local n = fl((math.max(an, bn) + 1) / 2)
- for i = 1, n do
- ic[i] = (i + n <= an) and ac[i+n] or 0
- jc[i] = (i <= an) and ac[i] or 0
- kc[i] = (i + n <= bn) and bc[i+n] or 0
- lc[i] = (i <= bn) and bc[i] or 0
- end
- normalize(bi)
- normalize(bj)
- normalize(bk)
- normalize(bl)
- local ik = bi * bk
- local jl = bj * bl
- local mid = (bi + bj) * (bk + bl) - ik - jl
- local mc = mid.comps
- local ikc = ik.comps
- local jlc = jl.comps
- for i = 1, #ikc + n*2 do -- fill it up
- jlc[i] = jlc[i] or 0
- end
- for i = 1, #mc do
- jlc[i+n] = jlc[i+n] + mc[i]
- end
- for i = 1, #ikc do
- jlc[i+n*2] = jlc[i+n*2] + ikc[i]
- end
- jl.sign = a.sign * b.sign
- normalize(jl)
- return jl
- end
- local kthresh = 12
- local function mul(a, b)
- if type(a) == "number" then
- return mulint(b, a)
- elseif type(b) == "number" then
- return mulint(a, b)
- end
- if #a.comps < kthresh or #b.comps < kthresh then
- return multiply(a, b)
- end
- return kmul(a, b)
- end
- local function divint(numer, denom)
- local bi = clone(numer)
- if denom < 0 then
- denom = -denom
- bi.sign = -bi.sign
- end
- local r = 0
- local c = bi.comps
- for i = #c, 1, -1 do
- r = r * radix + c[i]
- c[i] = fl(r / denom)
- r = cmod(r, denom)
- end
- normalize(bi)
- return bi
- end
- local function multi_divide(numer, denom)
- local n = #denom.comps
- local approx = divint(numer, denom.comps[n])
- for i = n, #approx.comps do
- approx.comps[i - n + 1] = approx.comps[i]
- end
- for i = #approx.comps, #approx.comps - n + 2, -1 do
- approx.comps[i] = nil
- end
- local rem = approx * denom - numer
- if rem < denom then
- quotient = approx
- else
- quotient = approx - multi_divide(rem, denom)
- end
- return quotient
- end
- local function multi_divide_wrap(numer, denom)
- -- we use a successive approximation method, but it doesn't work
- -- if the high order component is too small. adjust if needed.
- if denom.comps[#denom.comps] < radix_sqrt then
- numer = mulint(numer, radix_sqrt)
- denom = mulint(denom, radix_sqrt)
- end
- return multi_divide(numer, denom)
- end
- local function div(numer, denom)
- if type(denom) == "number" then
- if denom == 0 then
- error("divide by 0", 2)
- end
- return divint(numer, denom)
- elseif type(numer) == "number" then
- numer = bigint(numer)
- end
- -- check signs and trivial cases
- local sign = 1
- local cmp = compare(denom, bigint(0))
- if cmp == 0 then
- error("divide by 0", 2)
- elseif cmp == -1 then
- sign = -sign
- denom = negate(denom)
- end
- cmp = compare(numer, bigint(0))
- if cmp == 0 then
- return bigint(0)
- elseif cmp == -1 then
- sign = -sign
- numer = negate(numer)
- end
- cmp = compare(numer, denom)
- if cmp == -1 then
- return bigint(0)
- elseif cmp == 0 then
- return bigint(sign)
- end
- local bi
- -- if small enough, do it the easy way
- if #denom.comps == 1 then
- bi = divint(numer, denom.comps[1])
- else
- bi = multi_divide_wrap(numer, denom)
- end
- if sign == -1 then
- bi = negate(bi)
- end
- return bi
- end
- local counter = 0
- local function activityDot()
- counter = counter + 1
- if counter >= 1000 then
- counter = 0
- write(".")
- sleep(0.01)
- end
- end
- local function intrem(bi, m)
- if m < 0 then
- m = -m
- end
- local rad_r = 1
- local r = 0
- local bc = bi.comps
- for i = 1, #bc do
- activityDot()
- local v = bc[i]
- r = cmod(r + v * rad_r, m)
- rad_r = cmod(rad_r * radix, m)
- end
- if bi.sign < 1 then
- r = -r
- end
- return r
- end
- local function intmod(bi, m)
- local r = intrem(bi, m)
- if r < 0 then
- r = r + m
- end
- return r
- end
- local function rem(bi, m)
- if type(m) == "number" then
- return bigint(intrem(bi, m))
- elseif type(bi) == "number" then
- bi = bigint(bi)
- end
- return bi - ((bi / m) * m)
- end
- local function mod(a, m)
- local bi = rem(a, m)
- if bi.sign == -1 then
- bi = bi + m
- end
- return bi
- end
- local printscale = 10000000
- local printscalefmt = string.format("%%.%dd", math.log10(printscale))
- local function makestr(bi, s)
- if bi >= bigint(printscale) then
- makestr(divint(bi, printscale), s)
- end
- table.insert(s, string.format(printscalefmt, intmod(bi, printscale)))
- end
- local function biginttostring(bi)
- local s = {}
- if bi < bigint(0) then
- bi = negate(bi)
- table.insert(s, "-")
- end
- makestr(bi, s)
- s = table.concat(s):gsub("^0*", "")
- if s == "" then s = "0" end
- return s
- end
- local function biginttonumber(bi)
- return tonumber(biginttostring(bi))
- end
- bigintmt = {
- __add = add,
- __sub = sub,
- __mul = mul,
- __div = div,
- __mod = mod,
- __unm = negate,
- __eq = eq,
- __lt = lt,
- __le = le,
- __tostring = biginttostring,
- }
- local cache = {}
- local ncache = 0
- function bigint(n)
- if cache[n] then
- return cache[n]
- end
- local bi
- if type(n) == "string" then
- local digits = { n:byte(1, -1) }
- for i = 1, #digits do
- digits[i] = string.char(digits[i])
- end
- local start = 1
- local sign = 1
- if digits[i] == '-' then
- sign = -1
- start = 2
- end
- bi = bigint(0)
- for i = start, #digits do
- bi = addint(mulint(bi, 10), tonumber(digits[i]))
- end
- bi = mulint(bi, sign)
- else
- bi = alloc()
- bi.comps[1] = n
- normalize(bi)
- end
- if ncache > 100 then
- cache = {}
- ncache = 0
- end
- cache[n] = bi
- ncache = ncache + 1
- return bi
- end
- --
- -- Start of my code
- --
- local bigZero = bigint(0)
- local bigOne = bigint(1)
- local function gcd(a, b)
- if b ~= bigZero then
- return gcd(b, a % b)
- else
- return a
- end
- end
- local function modexp(base, exponent, modulus)
- local r = 1
- while true do
- if exponent % 2 == bigOne then
- r = r * base % modulus
- end
- exponent = exponent / 2
- if exponent == bigZero then
- break
- end
- base = base * base % modulus
- end
- return r
- end
- local function bigRandomWithLength(length, cap)
- if not cap then
- cap = 999999999
- end
- local randomString = tostring(math.random(100000000, cap))
- while true do
- randomString = randomString ..
- tostring(math.random(100000000, cap))
- if #randomString >= length then
- local finalRandom = randomString:sub(1, length)
- if finalRandom:sub(-1, -1) == "2" then
- return bigint(finalRandom:sub(1, -2) .. "3")
- elseif finalRandom:sub(-1, -1) == "4" then
- return bigint(finalRandom:sub(1, -2) .. "5")
- elseif finalRandom:sub(-1, -1) == "6" then
- return bigint(finalRandom:sub(1, -2) .. "7")
- elseif finalRandom:sub(-1, -1) == "8" then
- return bigint(finalRandom:sub(1, -2) .. "9")
- elseif finalRandom:sub(-1, -1) == "0" then
- return bigint(finalRandom:sub(1, -2) .. "1")
- else
- return bigint(finalRandom)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function bigRandom(minNum, maxNum)
- if maxNum < bigint(1000000000) then
- return bigint(math.random(biginttonumber(minNum),
- biginttonumber(maxNum)))
- end
- local maxString = tostring(maxNum)
- local cap = tonumber(tostring(maxNum):sub(1, 9))
- local range = #maxString - #tostring(minNum)
- if range == 0 then
- return bigRandomWithLength(#maxString, cap)
- end
- if #maxString > 30 then
- return bigRandomWithLength(#maxString - 1)
- end
- local randomLength = math.random(1, 2^(#maxString - 1))
- for i = 1, #maxString - 1 do
- if randomLength <= (2^i) then
- return bigRandomWithLength(i)
- end
- end
- end
- local function isPrime(n)
- if type(n) == "number" then
- n = bigint(n)
- end
- if n % 2 == bigZero then
- return false
- end
- local s, d = 0, n - bigOne
- while d % 2 == bigZero do
- s, d = s + 1, d / 2
- end
- for i = 1, 3 do
- local a = bigRandom(bigint(2), n - 2)
- local x = modexp(a, d, n)
- if x ~= bigOne and x + 1 ~= n then
- for j = 1, s do
- x = modexp(x, bigint(2), n)
- if x == bigOne then
- return false
- elseif x == n - 1 then
- a = bigZero
- break
- end
- end
- if a ~= bigZero then
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- local function generateLargePrime()
- local i = 0
- while true do
- local randomNumber = bigRandomWithLength(39)
- if isPrime(randomNumber) then
- return randomNumber
- end
- end
- end
- local function generatePQ(e)
- local randomPrime
- while true do
- randomPrime = generateLargePrime()
- if gcd(e, randomPrime - 1) == bigOne then
- return randomPrime
- end
- end
- end
- local function euclidean(a, b)
- local x, y, u, v = bigZero, bigOne, bigOne, bigZero
- while a ~= bigZero do
- local q, r = b / a, b % a
- local m, n = x - u * q, y - v * q
- b, a, x, y, u, v = a, r, u, v, m, n
- end
- return b, x, y
- end
- local function modinv(a, m)
- local gcdnum, x, y = euclidean(a, m)
- if gcdnum ~= bigOne then
- return nil
- else
- return x % m
- end
- end
- local function generateKeyPair()
- while true do
- local e = generateLargePrime()
- write("-")
- sleep(0.1)
- local p = generatePQ(e)
- write("-")
- sleep(0.1)
- local q = generatePQ(e)
- write("-")
- sleep(0.1)
- local n = p * q
- local phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
- local d = modinv(e, phi)
- -- 104328 is just a magic number (can be any semi-unique number)
- local encrypted = modexp(bigint(104328), e, n)
- local decrypted = modexp(encrypted, d, n)
- write("+")
- sleep(0.1)
- counter = 0
- if decrypted == bigint(104328) then
- counter = 0
- return {
- shared = tostring(n),
- public = tostring(e),
- }, {
- shared = tostring(n),
- private = tostring(d),
- }
- end
- end
- end
- if fs.exists("/public.key") or fs.exists("/private.key") then
- print("Generating new RSA keys will overwrite")
- write("your current ones. Continue? [y/N]: ")
- if not read():lower():find("y") then
- return
- end
- end
- print("Generating RSA key pair...")
- print("This can take up to a few minutes.")
- local start = os.clock()
- local publicKey, privateKey = generateKeyPair()
- local f ="/public.key", "w")
- f:write(textutils.serialize(publicKey))
- f:close()
- f ="/private.key", "w")
- f:write(textutils.serialize(privateKey))
- f:close()
- print("")
- print("Finished! Took " .. math.ceil(os.clock() - start) .. " seconds.")
- print("Keys saved to /private.key and /public.key")
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