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- xh=function(){var a=new sh(2147483647);return function(b){return th(a,b,0)}};
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- zh=function(a){(a="version"in a)&&window.console&&window.console.error("You have included the Google Maps JavaScript API multiple times on this page. This may cause unexpected errors.");return a};
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- if(!a.getCenter())throw _.Qc("Circle is missing center.");if(void 0==a.getRadius())throw _.Qc("Circle is missing radius.");}return a};[];_.Kh="function"==typeof Object.create?Object.create:function(a){function b(){}b.prototype=a;return new b};
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- Aa="function"==typeof Object.defineProperties?Object.defineProperty:function(a,b,c){a!=Array.prototype&&a!=Object.prototype&&(a[b]=c.value)};Ba.prototype.toString=_.oa("j");var za=function(){function a(c){if(this instanceof a)throw new TypeError("Symbol is not a constructor");return new Ba("jscomp_symbol_"+(c||"")+"_"+b++,c)}var b=0;return a}();
- Ea("Promise",function(a){function b(g){this.l=0;this.m=void 0;this.j=[];var h=this.A();try{g(h.resolve,h.reject)}catch(k){h.reject(k)}}function c(){this.j=null}function d(g){return g instanceof b?g:new b(function(h){h(g)})}if(a)return a;c.prototype.l=function(g){if(null==this.j){this.j=[];var h=this;this.m(function(){h.C()})}this.j.push(g)};var e=_.ya.setTimeout;c.prototype.m=function(g){e(g,0)};c.prototype.C=function(){for(;this.j&&this.j.length;){var g=this.j;this.j=[];for(var h=0;h<g.length;++h){var k=
- g[h];g[h]=null;try{k()}catch(l){this.A(l)}}}this.j=null};c.prototype.A=function(g){this.m(function(){throw g;})};b.prototype.A=function(){function g(l){return function(m){k||(k=!0,,m))}}var h=this,k=!1;return{resolve:g(this.K),reject:g(this.C)}};b.prototype.K=function(g){if(g===this)this.C(new TypeError("A Promise cannot resolve to itself"));else if(g instanceof b)this.fa(g);else{a:switch(typeof g){case "object":var h=null!=g;break a;case "function":h=!0;break a;default:h=!1}h?this.J(g):this.D(g)}};
- b.prototype.J=function(g){var h=void 0;try{h=g.then}catch(k){this.C(k);return}"function"==typeof h?,g):this.D(g)};b.prototype.C=function(g){this.F(2,g)};b.prototype.D=function(g){this.F(1,g)};b.prototype.F=function(g,h){if(0!=this.l)throw Error("Cannot settle("+g+", "+h+"): Promise already settled in state"+this.l);this.l=g;this.m=h;this.H()};b.prototype.H=function(){if(null!=this.j){for(var g=0;g<this.j.length;++g)f.l(this.j[g]);this.j=null}};var f=new c;b.prototype.fa=function(g){var h=
- this.A();g.Vd(h.resolve,h.reject)};,h){var k=this.A();try{,k.resolve,k.reject)}catch(l){k.reject(l)}};b.prototype.then=function(g,h){function k(r,v){return"function"==typeof r?function(u){try{l(r(u))}catch(w){m(w)}}:v}var l,m,q=new b(function(r,v){l=r;m=v});this.Vd(k(g,l),k(h,m));return q};b.prototype["catch"]=function(g){return this.then(void 0,g)};b.prototype.Vd=function(g,h){function k(){switch(l.l){case 1:g(l.m);break;case 2:h(l.m);break;default:throw Error("Unexpected state: "+
- l.l);}}var l=this;null==this.j?f.l(k):this.j.push(k)};b.resolve=d;b.reject=function(g){return new b(function(h,k){k(g)})};b.race=function(g){return new b(function(h,k){for(var,;!m.done;,k)})};b.all=function(g){var,;return k.done?d([]):new b(function(l,m){function q(u){return function(w){r[u]=w;v--;0==v&&l(r)}}var r=[],v=0;do r.push(void 0),v++,d(k.value).Vd(q(r.length-1),m),;while(!k.done)})};return b});
- Ea("Array.prototype.findIndex",function(a){return a?a:function(b,c){return Fa(this,b,c).je}});Ea("String.prototype.startsWith",function(a){return a?a:function(b,c){var d=Ga(this,b,"startsWith");b+="";var e=d.length,f=b.length;c=Math.max(0,Math.min(c|0,d.length));for(var g=0;g<f&&c<e;)if(d[c++]!=b[g++])return!1;return g>=f}});
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- return!l.has(h)&&4==l.get(k)}catch(m){return!1}}())return a;var f="$jscomp_hidden_"+Math.random();e("freeze");e("preventExtensions");e("seal");var g=0;b.prototype.set=function(h,k){d(h);if(!Ha(h,f))throw Error("WeakMap key fail: "+h);h[f][this.j]=k;return this};b.prototype.get=function(h){return Ha(h,f)?h[f][this.j]:void 0};b.prototype.has=function(h){return Ha(h,f)&&Ha(h[f],this.j)};b.prototype["delete"]=function(h){return Ha(h,f)&&Ha(h[f],this.j)?delete h[f][this.j]:!1};return b});
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- list:m,index:-1,Xa:void 0}}function e(h){this.l={};this.j=b();this.size=0;if(h){;for(var k;!(;)k=k.value,this.set(k[0],k[1])}}if(function(){if(!a||"function"!=typeof a||!a.prototype.entries||"function"!=typeof Object.seal)return!1;try{var h=Object.seal({x:4}),k=new a([[h,"s"]]));if("s"!=k.get(h)||1!=k.size||k.get({x:4})||k.set({x:4},"t")!=k||2!=k.size)return!1;var l=k.entries(),;if(m.done||m.value[0]!=h||"s"!=m.value[1])return!1;;return m.done||4!=
- m.value[0].x||"t"!=m.value[1]||!!1:!0}catch(q){return!1}}())return a;(0,_.Da)();var f=new WeakMap;e.prototype.set=function(h,k){h=0===h?0:h;var l=d(this,h);l.list||(l.list=this.l[]=[]);l.Xa?l.Xa.value=k:(l.Xa={next:this.j,Nb:this.j.Nb,head:this.j,key:h,value:k},l.list.push(l.Xa),,this.j.Nb=l.Xa,this.size++);return this};e.prototype["delete"]=function(h){h=d(this,h);return h.Xa&&h.list?(h.list.splice(h.index,1),h.list.length||delete this.l[],,
-,h.Xa.head=null,this.size--,!0):!1};e.prototype.clear=function(){this.l={};this.j=this.j.Nb=b();this.size=0};e.prototype.has=function(h){return!!d(this,h).Xa};e.prototype.get=function(h){return(h=d(this,h).Xa)&&h.value};e.prototype.entries=function(){return c(this,function(h){return[h.key,h.value]})};e.prototype.keys=function(){return c(this,function(h){return h.key})};e.prototype.values=function(){return c(this,function(h){return h.value})};e.prototype.forEach=function(h,k){for(var l=
- this.entries(),m;!(;)m=m.value,,m[1],m[0],this)};e.prototype[Symbol.iterator]=e.prototype.entries;var g=0;return e});
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- return b});Ea("",function(a){return a?a:function(b,c){return b===c?0!==b||1/b===1/c:b!==b&&c!==c}});Ea("Array.prototype.includes",function(a){return a?a:function(b,c){var d=this;d instanceof String&&(d=String(d));var e=d.length;c=c||0;for(0>c&&(c=Math.max(c+e,0));c<e;c++){var f=d[c];if(f===b||,b))return!0}return!1}});Ea("String.prototype.includes",function(a){return a?a:function(b,c){return-1!==Ga(this,b,"includes").indexOf(b,c||0)}});
- Ea("Array.from",function(a){return a?a:function(b,c,d){c=null!=c?;var e=[],f="undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator&&b[Symbol.iterator];if("function"==typeof f){;for(var g=0;!(;)e.push(,f.value,g++))}else for(f=b.length,g=0;g<f;g++)e.push(,b[g],g));return e}});Ea("Math.sign",function(a){return a?a:function(b){b=Number(b);return 0===b||isNaN(b)?b:0<b?1:-1}});Ea("Math.log2",function(a){return a?a:function(b){return Math.log(b)/Math.LN2}});
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- Ea("Object.assign",function(a){return a||Qh});
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- f.value[1]!=f.value[0]?!}catch(g){return!1}}())return a;(0,_.Da)();b.prototype.add=function(c){c=0===c?0:c;this.j.set(c,c);this.size=this.j.size;return this};b.prototype["delete"]=function(c){c=this.j["delete"](c);this.size=this.j.size;return c};b.prototype.clear=function(){this.j.clear();this.size=0};b.prototype.has=function(c){return this.j.has(c)};b.prototype.entries=function(){return this.j.entries()};b.prototype.values=function(){return this.j.values()};b.prototype.keys=b.prototype.values;
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- Math.uuid.js (v1.4)
- Copyright (c) 2010 Robert Kieffer
- Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
- */
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- ;/*! jQuery UI - v1.11.4 - 2015-05-31
- *
- * Includes: core.js, widget.js, mouse.js, position.js, draggable.js, droppable.js, resizable.js, selectable.js, sortable.js, accordion.js, autocomplete.js, button.js, datepicker.js, dialog.js, menu.js, progressbar.js, selectmenu.js, slider.js, spinner.js, tabs.js, tooltip.js, effect.js, effect-blind.js, effect-bounce.js, effect-clip.js, effect-drop.js, effect-explode.js, effect-fade.js, effect-fold.js, effect-highlight.js, effect-puff.js, effect-pulsate.js, effect-scale.js, effect-shake.js, effect-size.js, effect-slide.js, effect-transfer.js
- * Copyright 2015 jQuery Foundation and other contributors; Licensed MIT */
- (function( factory ) {
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- // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
- define([ "jquery" ], factory );
- } else {
- // Browser globals
- factory( jQuery );
- }
- }(function( $ ) {
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Core 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- // $.ui might exist from components with no dependencies, e.g., $.ui.position
- $.ui = $.ui || {};
- $.extend( $.ui, {
- version: "1.11.4",
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- }
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- // plugins
- $.fn.extend({
- scrollParent: function( includeHidden ) {
- var position = this.css( "position" ),
- excludeStaticParent = position === "absolute",
- overflowRegex = includeHidden ? /(auto|scroll|hidden)/ : /(auto|scroll)/,
- scrollParent = this.parents().filter( function() {
- var parent = $( this );
- if ( excludeStaticParent && parent.css( "position" ) === "static" ) {
- return false;
- }
- return overflowRegex.test( parent.css( "overflow" ) + parent.css( "overflow-y" ) + parent.css( "overflow-x" ) );
- }).eq( 0 );
- return position === "fixed" || !scrollParent.length ? $( this[ 0 ].ownerDocument || document ) : scrollParent;
- },
- uniqueId: (function() {
- var uuid = 0;
- return function() {
- return this.each(function() {
- if ( ! ) {
- = "ui-id-" + ( ++uuid );
- }
- });
- };
- })(),
- removeUniqueId: function() {
- return this.each(function() {
- if ( /^ui-id-\d+$/.test( ) ) {
- $( this ).removeAttr( "id" );
- }
- });
- }
- });
- // selectors
- function focusable( element, isTabIndexNotNaN ) {
- var map, mapName, img,
- nodeName = element.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- if ( "area" === nodeName ) {
- map = element.parentNode;
- mapName =;
- if ( !element.href || !mapName || map.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "map" ) {
- return false;
- }
- img = $( "img[usemap='#" + mapName + "']" )[ 0 ];
- return !!img && visible( img );
- }
- return ( /^(input|select|textarea|button|object)$/.test( nodeName ) ?
- !element.disabled :
- "a" === nodeName ?
- element.href || isTabIndexNotNaN :
- isTabIndexNotNaN) &&
- // the element and all of its ancestors must be visible
- visible( element );
- }
- function visible( element ) {
- return $.expr.filters.visible( element ) &&
- !$( element ).parents().addBack().filter(function() {
- return $.css( this, "visibility" ) === "hidden";
- }).length;
- }
- $.extend( $.expr[ ":" ], {
- data: $.expr.createPseudo ?
- $.expr.createPseudo(function( dataName ) {
- return function( elem ) {
- return !!$.data( elem, dataName );
- };
- }) :
- // support: jQuery <1.8
- function( elem, i, match ) {
- return !!$.data( elem, match[ 3 ] );
- },
- focusable: function( element ) {
- return focusable( element, !isNaN( $.attr( element, "tabindex" ) ) );
- },
- tabbable: function( element ) {
- var tabIndex = $.attr( element, "tabindex" ),
- isTabIndexNaN = isNaN( tabIndex );
- return ( isTabIndexNaN || tabIndex >= 0 ) && focusable( element, !isTabIndexNaN );
- }
- });
- // support: jQuery <1.8
- if ( !$( "<a>" ).outerWidth( 1 ).jquery ) {
- $.each( [ "Width", "Height" ], function( i, name ) {
- var side = name === "Width" ? [ "Left", "Right" ] : [ "Top", "Bottom" ],
- type = name.toLowerCase(),
- orig = {
- innerWidth: $.fn.innerWidth,
- innerHeight: $.fn.innerHeight,
- outerWidth: $.fn.outerWidth,
- outerHeight: $.fn.outerHeight
- };
- function reduce( elem, size, border, margin ) {
- $.each( side, function() {
- size -= parseFloat( $.css( elem, "padding" + this ) ) || 0;
- if ( border ) {
- size -= parseFloat( $.css( elem, "border" + this + "Width" ) ) || 0;
- }
- if ( margin ) {
- size -= parseFloat( $.css( elem, "margin" + this ) ) || 0;
- }
- });
- return size;
- }
- $.fn[ "inner" + name ] = function( size ) {
- if ( size === undefined ) {
- return orig[ "inner" + name ].call( this );
- }
- return this.each(function() {
- $( this ).css( type, reduce( this, size ) + "px" );
- });
- };
- $.fn[ "outer" + name] = function( size, margin ) {
- if ( typeof size !== "number" ) {
- return orig[ "outer" + name ].call( this, size );
- }
- return this.each(function() {
- $( this).css( type, reduce( this, size, true, margin ) + "px" );
- });
- };
- });
- }
- // support: jQuery <1.8
- if ( !$.fn.addBack ) {
- $.fn.addBack = function( selector ) {
- return this.add( selector == null ?
- this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter( selector )
- );
- };
- }
- // support: jQuery 1.6.1, 1.6.2 (
- if ( $( "<a>" ).data( "a-b", "a" ).removeData( "a-b" ).data( "a-b" ) ) {
- $.fn.removeData = (function( removeData ) {
- return function( key ) {
- if ( arguments.length ) {
- return this, $.camelCase( key ) );
- } else {
- return this );
- }
- };
- })( $.fn.removeData );
- }
- // deprecated
- $ = !!/msie [\w.]+/.exec( navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() );
- $.fn.extend({
- focus: (function( orig ) {
- return function( delay, fn ) {
- return typeof delay === "number" ?
- this.each(function() {
- var elem = this;
- setTimeout(function() {
- $( elem ).focus();
- if ( fn ) {
- elem );
- }
- }, delay );
- }) :
- orig.apply( this, arguments );
- };
- })( $.fn.focus ),
- disableSelection: (function() {
- var eventType = "onselectstart" in document.createElement( "div" ) ?
- "selectstart" :
- "mousedown";
- return function() {
- return this.bind( eventType + ".ui-disableSelection", function( event ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- });
- };
- })(),
- enableSelection: function() {
- return this.unbind( ".ui-disableSelection" );
- },
- zIndex: function( zIndex ) {
- if ( zIndex !== undefined ) {
- return this.css( "zIndex", zIndex );
- }
- if ( this.length ) {
- var elem = $( this[ 0 ] ), position, value;
- while ( elem.length && elem[ 0 ] !== document ) {
- // Ignore z-index if position is set to a value where z-index is ignored by the browser
- // This makes behavior of this function consistent across browsers
- // WebKit always returns auto if the element is positioned
- position = elem.css( "position" );
- if ( position === "absolute" || position === "relative" || position === "fixed" ) {
- // IE returns 0 when zIndex is not specified
- // other browsers return a string
- // we ignore the case of nested elements with an explicit value of 0
- // <div style="z-index: -10;"><div style="z-index: 0;"></div></div>
- value = parseInt( elem.css( "zIndex" ), 10 );
- if ( !isNaN( value ) && value !== 0 ) {
- return value;
- }
- }
- elem = elem.parent();
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- });
- // $.ui.plugin is deprecated. Use $.widget() extensions instead.
- $.ui.plugin = {
- add: function( module, option, set ) {
- var i,
- proto = $.ui[ module ].prototype;
- for ( i in set ) {
- proto.plugins[ i ] = proto.plugins[ i ] || [];
- proto.plugins[ i ].push( [ option, set[ i ] ] );
- }
- },
- call: function( instance, name, args, allowDisconnected ) {
- var i,
- set = instance.plugins[ name ];
- if ( !set ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( !allowDisconnected && ( !instance.element[ 0 ].parentNode || instance.element[ 0 ].parentNode.nodeType === 11 ) ) {
- return;
- }
- for ( i = 0; i < set.length; i++ ) {
- if ( instance.options[ set[ i ][ 0 ] ] ) {
- set[ i ][ 1 ].apply( instance.element, args );
- }
- }
- }
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Widget 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var widget_uuid = 0,
- widget_slice = Array.prototype.slice;
- $.cleanData = (function( orig ) {
- return function( elems ) {
- var events, elem, i;
- for ( i = 0; (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
- try {
- // Only trigger remove when necessary to save time
- events = $._data( elem, "events" );
- if ( events && events.remove ) {
- $( elem ).triggerHandler( "remove" );
- }
- //
- } catch ( e ) {}
- }
- orig( elems );
- };
- })( $.cleanData );
- $.widget = function( name, base, prototype ) {
- var fullName, existingConstructor, constructor, basePrototype,
- // proxiedPrototype allows the provided prototype to remain unmodified
- // so that it can be used as a mixin for multiple widgets (#8876)
- proxiedPrototype = {},
- namespace = name.split( "." )[ 0 ];
- name = name.split( "." )[ 1 ];
- fullName = namespace + "-" + name;
- if ( !prototype ) {
- prototype = base;
- base = $.Widget;
- }
- // create selector for plugin
- $.expr[ ":" ][ fullName.toLowerCase() ] = function( elem ) {
- return !!$.data( elem, fullName );
- };
- $[ namespace ] = $[ namespace ] || {};
- existingConstructor = $[ namespace ][ name ];
- constructor = $[ namespace ][ name ] = function( options, element ) {
- // allow instantiation without "new" keyword
- if ( !this._createWidget ) {
- return new constructor( options, element );
- }
- // allow instantiation without initializing for simple inheritance
- // must use "new" keyword (the code above always passes args)
- if ( arguments.length ) {
- this._createWidget( options, element );
- }
- };
- // extend with the existing constructor to carry over any static properties
- $.extend( constructor, existingConstructor, {
- version: prototype.version,
- // copy the object used to create the prototype in case we need to
- // redefine the widget later
- _proto: $.extend( {}, prototype ),
- // track widgets that inherit from this widget in case this widget is
- // redefined after a widget inherits from it
- _childConstructors: []
- });
- basePrototype = new base();
- // we need to make the options hash a property directly on the new instance
- // otherwise we'll modify the options hash on the prototype that we're
- // inheriting from
- basePrototype.options = $.widget.extend( {}, basePrototype.options );
- $.each( prototype, function( prop, value ) {
- if ( !$.isFunction( value ) ) {
- proxiedPrototype[ prop ] = value;
- return;
- }
- proxiedPrototype[ prop ] = (function() {
- var _super = function() {
- return base.prototype[ prop ].apply( this, arguments );
- },
- _superApply = function( args ) {
- return base.prototype[ prop ].apply( this, args );
- };
- return function() {
- var __super = this._super,
- __superApply = this._superApply,
- returnValue;
- this._super = _super;
- this._superApply = _superApply;
- returnValue = value.apply( this, arguments );
- this._super = __super;
- this._superApply = __superApply;
- return returnValue;
- };
- })();
- });
- constructor.prototype = $.widget.extend( basePrototype, {
- // TODO: remove support for widgetEventPrefix
- // always use the name + a colon as the prefix, e.g., draggable:start
- // don't prefix for widgets that aren't DOM-based
- widgetEventPrefix: existingConstructor ? (basePrototype.widgetEventPrefix || name) : name
- }, proxiedPrototype, {
- constructor: constructor,
- namespace: namespace,
- widgetName: name,
- widgetFullName: fullName
- });
- // If this widget is being redefined then we need to find all widgets that
- // are inheriting from it and redefine all of them so that they inherit from
- // the new version of this widget. We're essentially trying to replace one
- // level in the prototype chain.
- if ( existingConstructor ) {
- $.each( existingConstructor._childConstructors, function( i, child ) {
- var childPrototype = child.prototype;
- // redefine the child widget using the same prototype that was
- // originally used, but inherit from the new version of the base
- $.widget( childPrototype.namespace + "." + childPrototype.widgetName, constructor, child._proto );
- });
- // remove the list of existing child constructors from the old constructor
- // so the old child constructors can be garbage collected
- delete existingConstructor._childConstructors;
- } else {
- base._childConstructors.push( constructor );
- }
- $.widget.bridge( name, constructor );
- return constructor;
- };
- $.widget.extend = function( target ) {
- var input = arguments, 1 ),
- inputIndex = 0,
- inputLength = input.length,
- key,
- value;
- for ( ; inputIndex < inputLength; inputIndex++ ) {
- for ( key in input[ inputIndex ] ) {
- value = input[ inputIndex ][ key ];
- if ( input[ inputIndex ].hasOwnProperty( key ) && value !== undefined ) {
- // Clone objects
- if ( $.isPlainObject( value ) ) {
- target[ key ] = $.isPlainObject( target[ key ] ) ?
- $.widget.extend( {}, target[ key ], value ) :
- // Don't extend strings, arrays, etc. with objects
- $.widget.extend( {}, value );
- // Copy everything else by reference
- } else {
- target[ key ] = value;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return target;
- };
- $.widget.bridge = function( name, object ) {
- var fullName = object.prototype.widgetFullName || name;
- $.fn[ name ] = function( options ) {
- var isMethodCall = typeof options === "string",
- args = arguments, 1 ),
- returnValue = this;
- if ( isMethodCall ) {
- this.each(function() {
- var methodValue,
- instance = $.data( this, fullName );
- if ( options === "instance" ) {
- returnValue = instance;
- return false;
- }
- if ( !instance ) {
- return $.error( "cannot call methods on " + name + " prior to initialization; " +
- "attempted to call method '" + options + "'" );
- }
- if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt( 0 ) === "_" ) {
- return $.error( "no such method '" + options + "' for " + name + " widget instance" );
- }
- methodValue = instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );
- if ( methodValue !== instance && methodValue !== undefined ) {
- returnValue = methodValue && methodValue.jquery ?
- returnValue.pushStack( methodValue.get() ) :
- methodValue;
- return false;
- }
- });
- } else {
- // Allow multiple hashes to be passed on init
- if ( args.length ) {
- options = $.widget.extend.apply( null, [ options ].concat(args) );
- }
- this.each(function() {
- var instance = $.data( this, fullName );
- if ( instance ) {
- instance.option( options || {} );
- if ( instance._init ) {
- instance._init();
- }
- } else {
- $.data( this, fullName, new object( options, this ) );
- }
- });
- }
- return returnValue;
- };
- };
- $.Widget = function( /* options, element */ ) {};
- $.Widget._childConstructors = [];
- $.Widget.prototype = {
- widgetName: "widget",
- widgetEventPrefix: "",
- defaultElement: "<div>",
- options: {
- disabled: false,
- // callbacks
- create: null
- },
- _createWidget: function( options, element ) {
- element = $( element || this.defaultElement || this )[ 0 ];
- this.element = $( element );
- this.uuid = widget_uuid++;
- this.eventNamespace = "." + this.widgetName + this.uuid;
- this.bindings = $();
- this.hoverable = $();
- this.focusable = $();
- if ( element !== this ) {
- $.data( element, this.widgetFullName, this );
- this._on( true, this.element, {
- remove: function( event ) {
- if ( === element ) {
- this.destroy();
- }
- }
- });
- this.document = $( ?
- // element within the document
- element.ownerDocument :
- // element is window or document
- element.document || element );
- this.window = $( this.document[0].defaultView || this.document[0].parentWindow );
- }
- this.options = $.widget.extend( {},
- this.options,
- this._getCreateOptions(),
- options );
- this._create();
- this._trigger( "create", null, this._getCreateEventData() );
- this._init();
- },
- _getCreateOptions: $.noop,
- _getCreateEventData: $.noop,
- _create: $.noop,
- _init: $.noop,
- destroy: function() {
- this._destroy();
- // we can probably remove the unbind calls in 2.0
- // all event bindings should go through this._on()
- this.element
- .unbind( this.eventNamespace )
- .removeData( this.widgetFullName )
- // support: jquery <1.6.3
- //
- .removeData( $.camelCase( this.widgetFullName ) );
- this.widget()
- .unbind( this.eventNamespace )
- .removeAttr( "aria-disabled" )
- .removeClass(
- this.widgetFullName + "-disabled " +
- "ui-state-disabled" );
- // clean up events and states
- this.bindings.unbind( this.eventNamespace );
- this.hoverable.removeClass( "ui-state-hover" );
- this.focusable.removeClass( "ui-state-focus" );
- },
- _destroy: $.noop,
- widget: function() {
- return this.element;
- },
- option: function( key, value ) {
- var options = key,
- parts,
- curOption,
- i;
- if ( arguments.length === 0 ) {
- // don't return a reference to the internal hash
- return $.widget.extend( {}, this.options );
- }
- if ( typeof key === "string" ) {
- // handle nested keys, e.g., "" => { foo: { bar: ___ } }
- options = {};
- parts = key.split( "." );
- key = parts.shift();
- if ( parts.length ) {
- curOption = options[ key ] = $.widget.extend( {}, this.options[ key ] );
- for ( i = 0; i < parts.length - 1; i++ ) {
- curOption[ parts[ i ] ] = curOption[ parts[ i ] ] || {};
- curOption = curOption[ parts[ i ] ];
- }
- key = parts.pop();
- if ( arguments.length === 1 ) {
- return curOption[ key ] === undefined ? null : curOption[ key ];
- }
- curOption[ key ] = value;
- } else {
- if ( arguments.length === 1 ) {
- return this.options[ key ] === undefined ? null : this.options[ key ];
- }
- options[ key ] = value;
- }
- }
- this._setOptions( options );
- return this;
- },
- _setOptions: function( options ) {
- var key;
- for ( key in options ) {
- this._setOption( key, options[ key ] );
- }
- return this;
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- this.options[ key ] = value;
- if ( key === "disabled" ) {
- this.widget()
- .toggleClass( this.widgetFullName + "-disabled", !!value );
- // If the widget is becoming disabled, then nothing is interactive
- if ( value ) {
- this.hoverable.removeClass( "ui-state-hover" );
- this.focusable.removeClass( "ui-state-focus" );
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- enable: function() {
- return this._setOptions({ disabled: false });
- },
- disable: function() {
- return this._setOptions({ disabled: true });
- },
- _on: function( suppressDisabledCheck, element, handlers ) {
- var delegateElement,
- instance = this;
- // no suppressDisabledCheck flag, shuffle arguments
- if ( typeof suppressDisabledCheck !== "boolean" ) {
- handlers = element;
- element = suppressDisabledCheck;
- suppressDisabledCheck = false;
- }
- // no element argument, shuffle and use this.element
- if ( !handlers ) {
- handlers = element;
- element = this.element;
- delegateElement = this.widget();
- } else {
- element = delegateElement = $( element );
- this.bindings = this.bindings.add( element );
- }
- $.each( handlers, function( event, handler ) {
- function handlerProxy() {
- // allow widgets to customize the disabled handling
- // - disabled as an array instead of boolean
- // - disabled class as method for disabling individual parts
- if ( !suppressDisabledCheck &&
- ( instance.options.disabled === true ||
- $( this ).hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ) ) ) {
- return;
- }
- return ( typeof handler === "string" ? instance[ handler ] : handler )
- .apply( instance, arguments );
- }
- // copy the guid so direct unbinding works
- if ( typeof handler !== "string" ) {
- handlerProxy.guid = handler.guid =
- handler.guid || handlerProxy.guid || $.guid++;
- }
- var match = event.match( /^([\w:-]*)\s*(.*)$/ ),
- eventName = match[1] + instance.eventNamespace,
- selector = match[2];
- if ( selector ) {
- delegateElement.delegate( selector, eventName, handlerProxy );
- } else {
- element.bind( eventName, handlerProxy );
- }
- });
- },
- _off: function( element, eventName ) {
- eventName = (eventName || "").split( " " ).join( this.eventNamespace + " " ) +
- this.eventNamespace;
- element.unbind( eventName ).undelegate( eventName );
- // Clear the stack to avoid memory leaks (#10056)
- this.bindings = $( this.bindings.not( element ).get() );
- this.focusable = $( this.focusable.not( element ).get() );
- this.hoverable = $( this.hoverable.not( element ).get() );
- },
- _delay: function( handler, delay ) {
- function handlerProxy() {
- return ( typeof handler === "string" ? instance[ handler ] : handler )
- .apply( instance, arguments );
- }
- var instance = this;
- return setTimeout( handlerProxy, delay || 0 );
- },
- _hoverable: function( element ) {
- this.hoverable = this.hoverable.add( element );
- this._on( element, {
- mouseenter: function( event ) {
- $( event.currentTarget ).addClass( "ui-state-hover" );
- },
- mouseleave: function( event ) {
- $( event.currentTarget ).removeClass( "ui-state-hover" );
- }
- });
- },
- _focusable: function( element ) {
- this.focusable = this.focusable.add( element );
- this._on( element, {
- focusin: function( event ) {
- $( event.currentTarget ).addClass( "ui-state-focus" );
- },
- focusout: function( event ) {
- $( event.currentTarget ).removeClass( "ui-state-focus" );
- }
- });
- },
- _trigger: function( type, event, data ) {
- var prop, orig,
- callback = this.options[ type ];
- data = data || {};
- event = $.Event( event );
- event.type = ( type === this.widgetEventPrefix ?
- type :
- this.widgetEventPrefix + type ).toLowerCase();
- // the original event may come from any element
- // so we need to reset the target on the new event
- = this.element[ 0 ];
- // copy original event properties over to the new event
- orig = event.originalEvent;
- if ( orig ) {
- for ( prop in orig ) {
- if ( !( prop in event ) ) {
- event[ prop ] = orig[ prop ];
- }
- }
- }
- this.element.trigger( event, data );
- return !( $.isFunction( callback ) &&
- callback.apply( this.element[0], [ event ].concat( data ) ) === false ||
- event.isDefaultPrevented() );
- }
- };
- $.each( { show: "fadeIn", hide: "fadeOut" }, function( method, defaultEffect ) {
- $.Widget.prototype[ "_" + method ] = function( element, options, callback ) {
- if ( typeof options === "string" ) {
- options = { effect: options };
- }
- var hasOptions,
- effectName = !options ?
- method :
- options === true || typeof options === "number" ?
- defaultEffect :
- options.effect || defaultEffect;
- options = options || {};
- if ( typeof options === "number" ) {
- options = { duration: options };
- }
- hasOptions = !$.isEmptyObject( options );
- options.complete = callback;
- if ( options.delay ) {
- element.delay( options.delay );
- }
- if ( hasOptions && $.effects && $.effects.effect[ effectName ] ) {
- element[ method ]( options );
- } else if ( effectName !== method && element[ effectName ] ) {
- element[ effectName ]( options.duration, options.easing, callback );
- } else {
- element.queue(function( next ) {
- $( this )[ method ]();
- if ( callback ) {
- element[ 0 ] );
- }
- next();
- });
- }
- };
- });
- var widget = $.widget;
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Mouse 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var mouseHandled = false;
- $( document ).mouseup( function() {
- mouseHandled = false;
- });
- var mouse = $.widget("ui.mouse", {
- version: "1.11.4",
- options: {
- cancel: "input,textarea,button,select,option",
- distance: 1,
- delay: 0
- },
- _mouseInit: function() {
- var that = this;
- this.element
- .bind("mousedown." + this.widgetName, function(event) {
- return that._mouseDown(event);
- })
- .bind("click." + this.widgetName, function(event) {
- if (true === $.data(, that.widgetName + ".preventClickEvent")) {
- $.removeData(, that.widgetName + ".preventClickEvent");
- event.stopImmediatePropagation();
- return false;
- }
- });
- this.started = false;
- },
- // TODO: make sure destroying one instance of mouse doesn't mess with
- // other instances of mouse
- _mouseDestroy: function() {
- this.element.unbind("." + this.widgetName);
- if ( this._mouseMoveDelegate ) {
- this.document
- .unbind("mousemove." + this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate)
- .unbind("mouseup." + this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate);
- }
- },
- _mouseDown: function(event) {
- // don't let more than one widget handle mouseStart
- if ( mouseHandled ) {
- return;
- }
- this._mouseMoved = false;
- // we may have missed mouseup (out of window)
- (this._mouseStarted && this._mouseUp(event));
- this._mouseDownEvent = event;
- var that = this,
- btnIsLeft = (event.which === 1),
- // works around a bug in IE 8 with
- // disabled inputs (#7620)
- elIsCancel = (typeof this.options.cancel === "string" && ? $( : false);
- if (!btnIsLeft || elIsCancel || !this._mouseCapture(event)) {
- return true;
- }
- this.mouseDelayMet = !this.options.delay;
- if (!this.mouseDelayMet) {
- this._mouseDelayTimer = setTimeout(function() {
- that.mouseDelayMet = true;
- }, this.options.delay);
- }
- if (this._mouseDistanceMet(event) && this._mouseDelayMet(event)) {
- this._mouseStarted = (this._mouseStart(event) !== false);
- if (!this._mouseStarted) {
- event.preventDefault();
- return true;
- }
- }
- // Click event may never have fired (Gecko & Opera)
- if (true === $.data(, this.widgetName + ".preventClickEvent")) {
- $.removeData(, this.widgetName + ".preventClickEvent");
- }
- // these delegates are required to keep context
- this._mouseMoveDelegate = function(event) {
- return that._mouseMove(event);
- };
- this._mouseUpDelegate = function(event) {
- return that._mouseUp(event);
- };
- this.document
- .bind( "mousemove." + this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate )
- .bind( "mouseup." + this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate );
- event.preventDefault();
- mouseHandled = true;
- return true;
- },
- _mouseMove: function(event) {
- // Only check for mouseups outside the document if you've moved inside the document
- // at least once. This prevents the firing of mouseup in the case of IE<9, which will
- // fire a mousemove event if content is placed under the cursor. See #7778
- // Support: IE <9
- if ( this._mouseMoved ) {
- // IE mouseup check - mouseup happened when mouse was out of window
- if ($ && ( !document.documentMode || document.documentMode < 9 ) && !event.button) {
- return this._mouseUp(event);
- // Iframe mouseup check - mouseup occurred in another document
- } else if ( !event.which ) {
- return this._mouseUp( event );
- }
- }
- if ( event.which || event.button ) {
- this._mouseMoved = true;
- }
- if (this._mouseStarted) {
- this._mouseDrag(event);
- return event.preventDefault();
- }
- if (this._mouseDistanceMet(event) && this._mouseDelayMet(event)) {
- this._mouseStarted =
- (this._mouseStart(this._mouseDownEvent, event) !== false);
- (this._mouseStarted ? this._mouseDrag(event) : this._mouseUp(event));
- }
- return !this._mouseStarted;
- },
- _mouseUp: function(event) {
- this.document
- .unbind( "mousemove." + this.widgetName, this._mouseMoveDelegate )
- .unbind( "mouseup." + this.widgetName, this._mouseUpDelegate );
- if (this._mouseStarted) {
- this._mouseStarted = false;
- if ( === {
- $.data(, this.widgetName + ".preventClickEvent", true);
- }
- this._mouseStop(event);
- }
- mouseHandled = false;
- return false;
- },
- _mouseDistanceMet: function(event) {
- return (Math.max(
- Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageX - event.pageX),
- Math.abs(this._mouseDownEvent.pageY - event.pageY)
- ) >= this.options.distance
- );
- },
- _mouseDelayMet: function(/* event */) {
- return this.mouseDelayMet;
- },
- // These are placeholder methods, to be overriden by extending plugin
- _mouseStart: function(/* event */) {},
- _mouseDrag: function(/* event */) {},
- _mouseStop: function(/* event */) {},
- _mouseCapture: function(/* event */) { return true; }
- });
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Position 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- (function() {
- $.ui = $.ui || {};
- var cachedScrollbarWidth, supportsOffsetFractions,
- max = Math.max,
- abs = Math.abs,
- round = Math.round,
- rhorizontal = /left|center|right/,
- rvertical = /top|center|bottom/,
- roffset = /[\+\-]\d+(\.[\d]+)?%?/,
- rposition = /^\w+/,
- rpercent = /%$/,
- _position = $.fn.position;
- function getOffsets( offsets, width, height ) {
- return [
- parseFloat( offsets[ 0 ] ) * ( rpercent.test( offsets[ 0 ] ) ? width / 100 : 1 ),
- parseFloat( offsets[ 1 ] ) * ( rpercent.test( offsets[ 1 ] ) ? height / 100 : 1 )
- ];
- }
- function parseCss( element, property ) {
- return parseInt( $.css( element, property ), 10 ) || 0;
- }
- function getDimensions( elem ) {
- var raw = elem[0];
- if ( raw.nodeType === 9 ) {
- return {
- width: elem.width(),
- height: elem.height(),
- offset: { top: 0, left: 0 }
- };
- }
- if ( $.isWindow( raw ) ) {
- return {
- width: elem.width(),
- height: elem.height(),
- offset: { top: elem.scrollTop(), left: elem.scrollLeft() }
- };
- }
- if ( raw.preventDefault ) {
- return {
- width: 0,
- height: 0,
- offset: { top: raw.pageY, left: raw.pageX }
- };
- }
- return {
- width: elem.outerWidth(),
- height: elem.outerHeight(),
- offset: elem.offset()
- };
- }
- $.position = {
- scrollbarWidth: function() {
- if ( cachedScrollbarWidth !== undefined ) {
- return cachedScrollbarWidth;
- }
- var w1, w2,
- div = $( "<div style='display:block;position:absolute;width:50px;height:50px;overflow:hidden;'><div style='height:100px;width:auto;'></div></div>" ),
- innerDiv = div.children()[0];
- $( "body" ).append( div );
- w1 = innerDiv.offsetWidth;
- div.css( "overflow", "scroll" );
- w2 = innerDiv.offsetWidth;
- if ( w1 === w2 ) {
- w2 = div[0].clientWidth;
- }
- div.remove();
- return (cachedScrollbarWidth = w1 - w2);
- },
- getScrollInfo: function( within ) {
- var overflowX = within.isWindow || within.isDocument ? "" :
- within.element.css( "overflow-x" ),
- overflowY = within.isWindow || within.isDocument ? "" :
- within.element.css( "overflow-y" ),
- hasOverflowX = overflowX === "scroll" ||
- ( overflowX === "auto" && within.width < within.element[0].scrollWidth ),
- hasOverflowY = overflowY === "scroll" ||
- ( overflowY === "auto" && within.height < within.element[0].scrollHeight );
- return {
- width: hasOverflowY ? $.position.scrollbarWidth() : 0,
- height: hasOverflowX ? $.position.scrollbarWidth() : 0
- };
- },
- getWithinInfo: function( element ) {
- var withinElement = $( element || window ),
- isWindow = $.isWindow( withinElement[0] ),
- isDocument = !!withinElement[ 0 ] && withinElement[ 0 ].nodeType === 9;
- return {
- element: withinElement,
- isWindow: isWindow,
- isDocument: isDocument,
- offset: withinElement.offset() || { left: 0, top: 0 },
- scrollLeft: withinElement.scrollLeft(),
- scrollTop: withinElement.scrollTop(),
- // support: jQuery 1.6.x
- // jQuery 1.6 doesn't support .outerWidth/Height() on documents or windows
- width: isWindow || isDocument ? withinElement.width() : withinElement.outerWidth(),
- height: isWindow || isDocument ? withinElement.height() : withinElement.outerHeight()
- };
- }
- };
- $.fn.position = function( options ) {
- if ( !options || !options.of ) {
- return _position.apply( this, arguments );
- }
- // make a copy, we don't want to modify arguments
- options = $.extend( {}, options );
- var atOffset, targetWidth, targetHeight, targetOffset, basePosition, dimensions,
- target = $( options.of ),
- within = $.position.getWithinInfo( options.within ),
- scrollInfo = $.position.getScrollInfo( within ),
- collision = ( options.collision || "flip" ).split( " " ),
- offsets = {};
- dimensions = getDimensions( target );
- if ( target[0].preventDefault ) {
- // force left top to allow flipping
- = "left top";
- }
- targetWidth = dimensions.width;
- targetHeight = dimensions.height;
- targetOffset = dimensions.offset;
- // clone to reuse original targetOffset later
- basePosition = $.extend( {}, targetOffset );
- // force my and at to have valid horizontal and vertical positions
- // if a value is missing or invalid, it will be converted to center
- $.each( [ "my", "at" ], function() {
- var pos = ( options[ this ] || "" ).split( " " ),
- horizontalOffset,
- verticalOffset;
- if ( pos.length === 1) {
- pos = rhorizontal.test( pos[ 0 ] ) ?
- pos.concat( [ "center" ] ) :
- rvertical.test( pos[ 0 ] ) ?
- [ "center" ].concat( pos ) :
- [ "center", "center" ];
- }
- pos[ 0 ] = rhorizontal.test( pos[ 0 ] ) ? pos[ 0 ] : "center";
- pos[ 1 ] = rvertical.test( pos[ 1 ] ) ? pos[ 1 ] : "center";
- // calculate offsets
- horizontalOffset = roffset.exec( pos[ 0 ] );
- verticalOffset = roffset.exec( pos[ 1 ] );
- offsets[ this ] = [
- horizontalOffset ? horizontalOffset[ 0 ] : 0,
- verticalOffset ? verticalOffset[ 0 ] : 0
- ];
- // reduce to just the positions without the offsets
- options[ this ] = [
- rposition.exec( pos[ 0 ] )[ 0 ],
- rposition.exec( pos[ 1 ] )[ 0 ]
- ];
- });
- // normalize collision option
- if ( collision.length === 1 ) {
- collision[ 1 ] = collision[ 0 ];
- }
- if ([ 0 ] === "right" ) {
- basePosition.left += targetWidth;
- } else if ([ 0 ] === "center" ) {
- basePosition.left += targetWidth / 2;
- }
- if ([ 1 ] === "bottom" ) {
- += targetHeight;
- } else if ([ 1 ] === "center" ) {
- += targetHeight / 2;
- }
- atOffset = getOffsets(, targetWidth, targetHeight );
- basePosition.left += atOffset[ 0 ];
- += atOffset[ 1 ];
- return this.each(function() {
- var collisionPosition, using,
- elem = $( this ),
- elemWidth = elem.outerWidth(),
- elemHeight = elem.outerHeight(),
- marginLeft = parseCss( this, "marginLeft" ),
- marginTop = parseCss( this, "marginTop" ),
- collisionWidth = elemWidth + marginLeft + parseCss( this, "marginRight" ) + scrollInfo.width,
- collisionHeight = elemHeight + marginTop + parseCss( this, "marginBottom" ) + scrollInfo.height,
- position = $.extend( {}, basePosition ),
- myOffset = getOffsets(, elem.outerWidth(), elem.outerHeight() );
- if ([ 0 ] === "right" ) {
- position.left -= elemWidth;
- } else if ([ 0 ] === "center" ) {
- position.left -= elemWidth / 2;
- }
- if ([ 1 ] === "bottom" ) {
- -= elemHeight;
- } else if ([ 1 ] === "center" ) {
- -= elemHeight / 2;
- }
- position.left += myOffset[ 0 ];
- += myOffset[ 1 ];
- // if the browser doesn't support fractions, then round for consistent results
- if ( !supportsOffsetFractions ) {
- position.left = round( position.left );
- = round( );
- }
- collisionPosition = {
- marginLeft: marginLeft,
- marginTop: marginTop
- };
- $.each( [ "left", "top" ], function( i, dir ) {
- if ( $.ui.position[ collision[ i ] ] ) {
- $.ui.position[ collision[ i ] ][ dir ]( position, {
- targetWidth: targetWidth,
- targetHeight: targetHeight,
- elemWidth: elemWidth,
- elemHeight: elemHeight,
- collisionPosition: collisionPosition,
- collisionWidth: collisionWidth,
- collisionHeight: collisionHeight,
- offset: [ atOffset[ 0 ] + myOffset[ 0 ], atOffset [ 1 ] + myOffset[ 1 ] ],
- my:,
- at:,
- within: within,
- elem: elem
- });
- }
- });
- if ( options.using ) {
- // adds feedback as second argument to using callback, if present
- using = function( props ) {
- var left = targetOffset.left - position.left,
- right = left + targetWidth - elemWidth,
- top = -,
- bottom = top + targetHeight - elemHeight,
- feedback = {
- target: {
- element: target,
- left: targetOffset.left,
- top:,
- width: targetWidth,
- height: targetHeight
- },
- element: {
- element: elem,
- left: position.left,
- top:,
- width: elemWidth,
- height: elemHeight
- },
- horizontal: right < 0 ? "left" : left > 0 ? "right" : "center",
- vertical: bottom < 0 ? "top" : top > 0 ? "bottom" : "middle"
- };
- if ( targetWidth < elemWidth && abs( left + right ) < targetWidth ) {
- feedback.horizontal = "center";
- }
- if ( targetHeight < elemHeight && abs( top + bottom ) < targetHeight ) {
- feedback.vertical = "middle";
- }
- if ( max( abs( left ), abs( right ) ) > max( abs( top ), abs( bottom ) ) ) {
- feedback.important = "horizontal";
- } else {
- feedback.important = "vertical";
- }
- this, props, feedback );
- };
- }
- elem.offset( $.extend( position, { using: using } ) );
- });
- };
- $.ui.position = {
- fit: {
- left: function( position, data ) {
- var within = data.within,
- withinOffset = within.isWindow ? within.scrollLeft : within.offset.left,
- outerWidth = within.width,
- collisionPosLeft = position.left - data.collisionPosition.marginLeft,
- overLeft = withinOffset - collisionPosLeft,
- overRight = collisionPosLeft + data.collisionWidth - outerWidth - withinOffset,
- newOverRight;
- // element is wider than within
- if ( data.collisionWidth > outerWidth ) {
- // element is initially over the left side of within
- if ( overLeft > 0 && overRight <= 0 ) {
- newOverRight = position.left + overLeft + data.collisionWidth - outerWidth - withinOffset;
- position.left += overLeft - newOverRight;
- // element is initially over right side of within
- } else if ( overRight > 0 && overLeft <= 0 ) {
- position.left = withinOffset;
- // element is initially over both left and right sides of within
- } else {
- if ( overLeft > overRight ) {
- position.left = withinOffset + outerWidth - data.collisionWidth;
- } else {
- position.left = withinOffset;
- }
- }
- // too far left -> align with left edge
- } else if ( overLeft > 0 ) {
- position.left += overLeft;
- // too far right -> align with right edge
- } else if ( overRight > 0 ) {
- position.left -= overRight;
- // adjust based on position and margin
- } else {
- position.left = max( position.left - collisionPosLeft, position.left );
- }
- },
- top: function( position, data ) {
- var within = data.within,
- withinOffset = within.isWindow ? within.scrollTop :,
- outerHeight = data.within.height,
- collisionPosTop = - data.collisionPosition.marginTop,
- overTop = withinOffset - collisionPosTop,
- overBottom = collisionPosTop + data.collisionHeight - outerHeight - withinOffset,
- newOverBottom;
- // element is taller than within
- if ( data.collisionHeight > outerHeight ) {
- // element is initially over the top of within
- if ( overTop > 0 && overBottom <= 0 ) {
- newOverBottom = + overTop + data.collisionHeight - outerHeight - withinOffset;
- += overTop - newOverBottom;
- // element is initially over bottom of within
- } else if ( overBottom > 0 && overTop <= 0 ) {
- = withinOffset;
- // element is initially over both top and bottom of within
- } else {
- if ( overTop > overBottom ) {
- = withinOffset + outerHeight - data.collisionHeight;
- } else {
- = withinOffset;
- }
- }
- // too far up -> align with top
- } else if ( overTop > 0 ) {
- += overTop;
- // too far down -> align with bottom edge
- } else if ( overBottom > 0 ) {
- -= overBottom;
- // adjust based on position and margin
- } else {
- = max( - collisionPosTop, );
- }
- }
- },
- flip: {
- left: function( position, data ) {
- var within = data.within,
- withinOffset = within.offset.left + within.scrollLeft,
- outerWidth = within.width,
- offsetLeft = within.isWindow ? within.scrollLeft : within.offset.left,
- collisionPosLeft = position.left - data.collisionPosition.marginLeft,
- overLeft = collisionPosLeft - offsetLeft,
- overRight = collisionPosLeft + data.collisionWidth - outerWidth - offsetLeft,
- myOffset =[ 0 ] === "left" ?
- -data.elemWidth :
-[ 0 ] === "right" ?
- data.elemWidth :
- 0,
- atOffset =[ 0 ] === "left" ?
- data.targetWidth :
-[ 0 ] === "right" ?
- -data.targetWidth :
- 0,
- offset = -2 * data.offset[ 0 ],
- newOverRight,
- newOverLeft;
- if ( overLeft < 0 ) {
- newOverRight = position.left + myOffset + atOffset + offset + data.collisionWidth - outerWidth - withinOffset;
- if ( newOverRight < 0 || newOverRight < abs( overLeft ) ) {
- position.left += myOffset + atOffset + offset;
- }
- } else if ( overRight > 0 ) {
- newOverLeft = position.left - data.collisionPosition.marginLeft + myOffset + atOffset + offset - offsetLeft;
- if ( newOverLeft > 0 || abs( newOverLeft ) < overRight ) {
- position.left += myOffset + atOffset + offset;
- }
- }
- },
- top: function( position, data ) {
- var within = data.within,
- withinOffset = + within.scrollTop,
- outerHeight = within.height,
- offsetTop = within.isWindow ? within.scrollTop :,
- collisionPosTop = - data.collisionPosition.marginTop,
- overTop = collisionPosTop - offsetTop,
- overBottom = collisionPosTop + data.collisionHeight - outerHeight - offsetTop,
- top =[ 1 ] === "top",
- myOffset = top ?
- -data.elemHeight :
-[ 1 ] === "bottom" ?
- data.elemHeight :
- 0,
- atOffset =[ 1 ] === "top" ?
- data.targetHeight :
-[ 1 ] === "bottom" ?
- -data.targetHeight :
- 0,
- offset = -2 * data.offset[ 1 ],
- newOverTop,
- newOverBottom;
- if ( overTop < 0 ) {
- newOverBottom = + myOffset + atOffset + offset + data.collisionHeight - outerHeight - withinOffset;
- if ( newOverBottom < 0 || newOverBottom < abs( overTop ) ) {
- += myOffset + atOffset + offset;
- }
- } else if ( overBottom > 0 ) {
- newOverTop = - data.collisionPosition.marginTop + myOffset + atOffset + offset - offsetTop;
- if ( newOverTop > 0 || abs( newOverTop ) < overBottom ) {
- += myOffset + atOffset + offset;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- flipfit: {
- left: function() {
- $.ui.position.flip.left.apply( this, arguments );
- $ this, arguments );
- },
- top: function() {
- $ this, arguments );
- $ this, arguments );
- }
- }
- };
- // fraction support test
- (function() {
- var testElement, testElementParent, testElementStyle, offsetLeft, i,
- body = document.getElementsByTagName( "body" )[ 0 ],
- div = document.createElement( "div" );
- //Create a "fake body" for testing based on method used in
- testElement = document.createElement( body ? "div" : "body" );
- testElementStyle = {
- visibility: "hidden",
- width: 0,
- height: 0,
- border: 0,
- margin: 0,
- background: "none"
- };
- if ( body ) {
- $.extend( testElementStyle, {
- position: "absolute",
- left: "-1000px",
- top: "-1000px"
- });
- }
- for ( i in testElementStyle ) {
-[ i ] = testElementStyle[ i ];
- }
- testElement.appendChild( div );
- testElementParent = body || document.documentElement;
- testElementParent.insertBefore( testElement, testElementParent.firstChild );
- = "position: absolute; left: 10.7432222px;";
- offsetLeft = $( div ).offset().left;
- supportsOffsetFractions = offsetLeft > 10 && offsetLeft < 11;
- testElement.innerHTML = "";
- testElementParent.removeChild( testElement );
- })();
- })();
- var position = $.ui.position;
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Draggable 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- $.widget("ui.draggable", $.ui.mouse, {
- version: "1.11.4",
- widgetEventPrefix: "drag",
- options: {
- addClasses: true,
- appendTo: "parent",
- axis: false,
- connectToSortable: false,
- containment: false,
- cursor: "auto",
- cursorAt: false,
- grid: false,
- handle: false,
- helper: "original",
- iframeFix: false,
- opacity: false,
- refreshPositions: false,
- revert: false,
- revertDuration: 500,
- scope: "default",
- scroll: true,
- scrollSensitivity: 20,
- scrollSpeed: 20,
- snap: false,
- snapMode: "both",
- snapTolerance: 20,
- stack: false,
- zIndex: false,
- // callbacks
- drag: null,
- start: null,
- stop: null
- },
- _create: function() {
- if ( this.options.helper === "original" ) {
- this._setPositionRelative();
- }
- if (this.options.addClasses){
- this.element.addClass("ui-draggable");
- }
- if (this.options.disabled){
- this.element.addClass("ui-draggable-disabled");
- }
- this._setHandleClassName();
- this._mouseInit();
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- this._super( key, value );
- if ( key === "handle" ) {
- this._removeHandleClassName();
- this._setHandleClassName();
- }
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- if ( ( this.helper || this.element ).is( ".ui-draggable-dragging" ) ) {
- this.destroyOnClear = true;
- return;
- }
- this.element.removeClass( "ui-draggable ui-draggable-dragging ui-draggable-disabled" );
- this._removeHandleClassName();
- this._mouseDestroy();
- },
- _mouseCapture: function(event) {
- var o = this.options;
- this._blurActiveElement( event );
- // among others, prevent a drag on a resizable-handle
- if (this.helper || o.disabled || $(".ui-resizable-handle").length > 0) {
- return false;
- }
- //Quit if we're not on a valid handle
- this.handle = this._getHandle(event);
- if (!this.handle) {
- return false;
- }
- this._blockFrames( o.iframeFix === true ? "iframe" : o.iframeFix );
- return true;
- },
- _blockFrames: function( selector ) {
- this.iframeBlocks = this.document.find( selector ).map(function() {
- var iframe = $( this );
- return $( "<div>" )
- .css( "position", "absolute" )
- .appendTo( iframe.parent() )
- .outerWidth( iframe.outerWidth() )
- .outerHeight( iframe.outerHeight() )
- .offset( iframe.offset() )[ 0 ];
- });
- },
- _unblockFrames: function() {
- if ( this.iframeBlocks ) {
- this.iframeBlocks.remove();
- delete this.iframeBlocks;
- }
- },
- _blurActiveElement: function( event ) {
- var document = this.document[ 0 ];
- // Only need to blur if the event occurred on the draggable itself, see #10527
- if ( ! ) ) {
- return;
- }
- // support: IE9
- // IE9 throws an "Unspecified error" accessing document.activeElement from an <iframe>
- try {
- // Support: IE9, IE10
- // If the <body> is blurred, IE will switch windows, see #9520
- if ( document.activeElement && document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "body" ) {
- // Blur any element that currently has focus, see #4261
- $( document.activeElement ).blur();
- }
- } catch ( error ) {}
- },
- _mouseStart: function(event) {
- var o = this.options;
- //Create and append the visible helper
- this.helper = this._createHelper(event);
- this.helper.addClass("ui-draggable-dragging");
- //Cache the helper size
- this._cacheHelperProportions();
- //If ddmanager is used for droppables, set the global draggable
- if ($.ui.ddmanager) {
- $.ui.ddmanager.current = this;
- }
- /*
- * - Position generation -
- * This block generates everything position related - it's the core of draggables.
- */
- //Cache the margins of the original element
- this._cacheMargins();
- //Store the helper's css position
- this.cssPosition = this.helper.css( "position" );
- this.scrollParent = this.helper.scrollParent( true );
- this.offsetParent = this.helper.offsetParent();
- this.hasFixedAncestor = this.helper.parents().filter(function() {
- return $( this ).css( "position" ) === "fixed";
- }).length > 0;
- //The element's absolute position on the page minus margins
- this.positionAbs = this.element.offset();
- this._refreshOffsets( event );
- //Generate the original position
- this.originalPosition = this.position = this._generatePosition( event, false );
- this.originalPageX = event.pageX;
- this.originalPageY = event.pageY;
- //Adjust the mouse offset relative to the helper if "cursorAt" is supplied
- (o.cursorAt && this._adjustOffsetFromHelper(o.cursorAt));
- //Set a containment if given in the options
- this._setContainment();
- //Trigger event + callbacks
- if (this._trigger("start", event) === false) {
- this._clear();
- return false;
- }
- //Recache the helper size
- this._cacheHelperProportions();
- //Prepare the droppable offsets
- if ($.ui.ddmanager && !o.dropBehaviour) {
- $.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(this, event);
- }
- // Reset helper's right/bottom css if they're set and set explicit width/height instead
- // as this prevents resizing of elements with right/bottom set (see #7772)
- this._normalizeRightBottom();
- this._mouseDrag(event, true); //Execute the drag once - this causes the helper not to be visible before getting its correct position
- //If the ddmanager is used for droppables, inform the manager that dragging has started (see #5003)
- if ( $.ui.ddmanager ) {
- $.ui.ddmanager.dragStart(this, event);
- }
- return true;
- },
- _refreshOffsets: function( event ) {
- this.offset = {
- top: -,
- left: this.positionAbs.left - this.margins.left,
- scroll: false,
- parent: this._getParentOffset(),
- relative: this._getRelativeOffset()
- };
- = {
- left: event.pageX - this.offset.left,
- top: event.pageY -
- };
- },
- _mouseDrag: function(event, noPropagation) {
- // reset any necessary cached properties (see #5009)
- if ( this.hasFixedAncestor ) {
- this.offset.parent = this._getParentOffset();
- }
- //Compute the helpers position
- this.position = this._generatePosition( event, true );
- this.positionAbs = this._convertPositionTo("absolute");
- //Call plugins and callbacks and use the resulting position if something is returned
- if (!noPropagation) {
- var ui = this._uiHash();
- if (this._trigger("drag", event, ui) === false) {
- this._mouseUp({});
- return false;
- }
- this.position = ui.position;
- }
- this.helper[ 0 ].style.left = this.position.left + "px";
- this.helper[ 0 ] = + "px";
- if ($.ui.ddmanager) {
- $.ui.ddmanager.drag(this, event);
- }
- return false;
- },
- _mouseStop: function(event) {
- //If we are using droppables, inform the manager about the drop
- var that = this,
- dropped = false;
- if ($.ui.ddmanager && !this.options.dropBehaviour) {
- dropped = $.ui.ddmanager.drop(this, event);
- }
- //if a drop comes from outside (a sortable)
- if (this.dropped) {
- dropped = this.dropped;
- this.dropped = false;
- }
- if ((this.options.revert === "invalid" && !dropped) || (this.options.revert === "valid" && dropped) || this.options.revert === true || ($.isFunction(this.options.revert) &&, dropped))) {
- $(this.helper).animate(this.originalPosition, parseInt(this.options.revertDuration, 10), function() {
- if (that._trigger("stop", event) !== false) {
- that._clear();
- }
- });
- } else {
- if (this._trigger("stop", event) !== false) {
- this._clear();
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- _mouseUp: function( event ) {
- this._unblockFrames();
- //If the ddmanager is used for droppables, inform the manager that dragging has stopped (see #5003)
- if ( $.ui.ddmanager ) {
- $.ui.ddmanager.dragStop(this, event);
- }
- // Only need to focus if the event occurred on the draggable itself, see #10527
- if ( ) ) {
- // The interaction is over; whether or not the click resulted in a drag, focus the element
- this.element.focus();
- }
- return $, event);
- },
- cancel: function() {
- if (".ui-draggable-dragging")) {
- this._mouseUp({});
- } else {
- this._clear();
- }
- return this;
- },
- _getHandle: function(event) {
- return this.options.handle ?
- !!$( ).closest( this.element.find( this.options.handle ) ).length :
- true;
- },
- _setHandleClassName: function() {
- this.handleElement = this.options.handle ?
- this.element.find( this.options.handle ) : this.element;
- this.handleElement.addClass( "ui-draggable-handle" );
- },
- _removeHandleClassName: function() {
- this.handleElement.removeClass( "ui-draggable-handle" );
- },
- _createHelper: function(event) {
- var o = this.options,
- helperIsFunction = $.isFunction( o.helper ),
- helper = helperIsFunction ?
- $( o.helper.apply( this.element[ 0 ], [ event ] ) ) :
- ( o.helper === "clone" ?
- this.element.clone().removeAttr( "id" ) :
- this.element );
- if (!helper.parents("body").length) {
- helper.appendTo((o.appendTo === "parent" ? this.element[0].parentNode : o.appendTo));
- }
- //
- // a helper function can return the original element
- // which wouldn't have been set to relative in _create
- if ( helperIsFunction && helper[ 0 ] === this.element[ 0 ] ) {
- this._setPositionRelative();
- }
- if (helper[0] !== this.element[0] && !(/(fixed|absolute)/).test(helper.css("position"))) {
- helper.css("position", "absolute");
- }
- return helper;
- },
- _setPositionRelative: function() {
- if ( !( /^(?:r|a|f)/ ).test( this.element.css( "position" ) ) ) {
- this.element[ 0 ].style.position = "relative";
- }
- },
- _adjustOffsetFromHelper: function(obj) {
- if (typeof obj === "string") {
- obj = obj.split(" ");
- }
- if ($.isArray(obj)) {
- obj = { left: +obj[0], top: +obj[1] || 0 };
- }
- if ("left" in obj) {
- = obj.left + this.margins.left;
- }
- if ("right" in obj) {
- = this.helperProportions.width - obj.right + this.margins.left;
- }
- if ("top" in obj) {
- = +;
- }
- if ("bottom" in obj) {
- = this.helperProportions.height - obj.bottom +;
- }
- },
- _isRootNode: function( element ) {
- return ( /(html|body)/i ).test( element.tagName ) || element === this.document[ 0 ];
- },
- _getParentOffset: function() {
- //Get the offsetParent and cache its position
- var po = this.offsetParent.offset(),
- document = this.document[ 0 ];
- // This is a special case where we need to modify a offset calculated on start, since the following happened:
- // 1. The position of the helper is absolute, so it's position is calculated based on the next positioned parent
- // 2. The actual offset parent is a child of the scroll parent, and the scroll parent isn't the document, which means that
- // the scroll is included in the initial calculation of the offset of the parent, and never recalculated upon drag
- if (this.cssPosition === "absolute" && this.scrollParent[0] !== document && $.contains(this.scrollParent[0], this.offsetParent[0])) {
- po.left += this.scrollParent.scrollLeft();
- += this.scrollParent.scrollTop();
- }
- if ( this._isRootNode( this.offsetParent[ 0 ] ) ) {
- po = { top: 0, left: 0 };
- }
- return {
- top: + (parseInt(this.offsetParent.css("borderTopWidth"), 10) || 0),
- left: po.left + (parseInt(this.offsetParent.css("borderLeftWidth"), 10) || 0)
- };
- },
- _getRelativeOffset: function() {
- if ( this.cssPosition !== "relative" ) {
- return { top: 0, left: 0 };
- }
- var p = this.element.position(),
- scrollIsRootNode = this._isRootNode( this.scrollParent[ 0 ] );
- return {
- top: - ( parseInt(this.helper.css( "top" ), 10) || 0 ) + ( !scrollIsRootNode ? this.scrollParent.scrollTop() : 0 ),
- left: p.left - ( parseInt(this.helper.css( "left" ), 10) || 0 ) + ( !scrollIsRootNode ? this.scrollParent.scrollLeft() : 0 )
- };
- },
- _cacheMargins: function() {
- this.margins = {
- left: (parseInt(this.element.css("marginLeft"), 10) || 0),
- top: (parseInt(this.element.css("marginTop"), 10) || 0),
- right: (parseInt(this.element.css("marginRight"), 10) || 0),
- bottom: (parseInt(this.element.css("marginBottom"), 10) || 0)
- };
- },
- _cacheHelperProportions: function() {
- this.helperProportions = {
- width: this.helper.outerWidth(),
- height: this.helper.outerHeight()
- };
- },
- _setContainment: function() {
- var isUserScrollable, c, ce,
- o = this.options,
- document = this.document[ 0 ];
- this.relativeContainer = null;
- if ( !o.containment ) {
- this.containment = null;
- return;
- }
- if ( o.containment === "window" ) {
- this.containment = [
- $( window ).scrollLeft() - this.offset.relative.left - this.offset.parent.left,
- $( window ).scrollTop() - -,
- $( window ).scrollLeft() + $( window ).width() - this.helperProportions.width - this.margins.left,
- $( window ).scrollTop() + ( $( window ).height() || document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight ) - this.helperProportions.height -
- ];
- return;
- }
- if ( o.containment === "document") {
- this.containment = [
- 0,
- 0,
- $( document ).width() - this.helperProportions.width - this.margins.left,
- ( $( document ).height() || document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight ) - this.helperProportions.height -
- ];
- return;
- }
- if ( o.containment.constructor === Array ) {
- this.containment = o.containment;
- return;
- }
- if ( o.containment === "parent" ) {
- o.containment = this.helper[ 0 ].parentNode;
- }
- c = $( o.containment );
- ce = c[ 0 ];
- if ( !ce ) {
- return;
- }
- isUserScrollable = /(scroll|auto)/.test( c.css( "overflow" ) );
- this.containment = [
- ( parseInt( c.css( "borderLeftWidth" ), 10 ) || 0 ) + ( parseInt( c.css( "paddingLeft" ), 10 ) || 0 ),
- ( parseInt( c.css( "borderTopWidth" ), 10 ) || 0 ) + ( parseInt( c.css( "paddingTop" ), 10 ) || 0 ),
- ( isUserScrollable ? Math.max( ce.scrollWidth, ce.offsetWidth ) : ce.offsetWidth ) -
- ( parseInt( c.css( "borderRightWidth" ), 10 ) || 0 ) -
- ( parseInt( c.css( "paddingRight" ), 10 ) || 0 ) -
- this.helperProportions.width -
- this.margins.left -
- this.margins.right,
- ( isUserScrollable ? Math.max( ce.scrollHeight, ce.offsetHeight ) : ce.offsetHeight ) -
- ( parseInt( c.css( "borderBottomWidth" ), 10 ) || 0 ) -
- ( parseInt( c.css( "paddingBottom" ), 10 ) || 0 ) -
- this.helperProportions.height -
- -
- this.margins.bottom
- ];
- this.relativeContainer = c;
- },
- _convertPositionTo: function(d, pos) {
- if (!pos) {
- pos = this.position;
- }
- var mod = d === "absolute" ? 1 : -1,
- scrollIsRootNode = this._isRootNode( this.scrollParent[ 0 ] );
- return {
- top: (
- + // The absolute mouse position
- * mod + // Only for relative positioned nodes: Relative offset from element to offset parent
- * mod - // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- ( ( this.cssPosition === "fixed" ? : ( scrollIsRootNode ? 0 : ) ) * mod)
- ),
- left: (
- pos.left + // The absolute mouse position
- this.offset.relative.left * mod + // Only for relative positioned nodes: Relative offset from element to offset parent
- this.offset.parent.left * mod - // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- ( ( this.cssPosition === "fixed" ? -this.offset.scroll.left : ( scrollIsRootNode ? 0 : this.offset.scroll.left ) ) * mod)
- )
- };
- },
- _generatePosition: function( event, constrainPosition ) {
- var containment, co, top, left,
- o = this.options,
- scrollIsRootNode = this._isRootNode( this.scrollParent[ 0 ] ),
- pageX = event.pageX,
- pageY = event.pageY;
- // Cache the scroll
- if ( !scrollIsRootNode || !this.offset.scroll ) {
- this.offset.scroll = {
- top: this.scrollParent.scrollTop(),
- left: this.scrollParent.scrollLeft()
- };
- }
- /*
- * - Position constraining -
- * Constrain the position to a mix of grid, containment.
- */
- // If we are not dragging yet, we won't check for options
- if ( constrainPosition ) {
- if ( this.containment ) {
- if ( this.relativeContainer ){
- co = this.relativeContainer.offset();
- containment = [
- this.containment[ 0 ] + co.left,
- this.containment[ 1 ] +,
- this.containment[ 2 ] + co.left,
- this.containment[ 3 ] +
- ];
- } else {
- containment = this.containment;
- }
- if (event.pageX - < containment[0]) {
- pageX = containment[0] +;
- }
- if (event.pageY - < containment[1]) {
- pageY = containment[1] +;
- }
- if (event.pageX - > containment[2]) {
- pageX = containment[2] +;
- }
- if (event.pageY - > containment[3]) {
- pageY = containment[3] +;
- }
- }
- if (o.grid) {
- //Check for grid elements set to 0 to prevent divide by 0 error causing invalid argument errors in IE (see ticket #6950)
- top = o.grid[1] ? this.originalPageY + Math.round((pageY - this.originalPageY) / o.grid[1]) * o.grid[1] : this.originalPageY;
- pageY = containment ? ((top - >= containment[1] || top - > containment[3]) ? top : ((top - >= containment[1]) ? top - o.grid[1] : top + o.grid[1])) : top;
- left = o.grid[0] ? this.originalPageX + Math.round((pageX - this.originalPageX) / o.grid[0]) * o.grid[0] : this.originalPageX;
- pageX = containment ? ((left - >= containment[0] || left - > containment[2]) ? left : ((left - >= containment[0]) ? left - o.grid[0] : left + o.grid[0])) : left;
- }
- if ( o.axis === "y" ) {
- pageX = this.originalPageX;
- }
- if ( o.axis === "x" ) {
- pageY = this.originalPageY;
- }
- }
- return {
- top: (
- pageY - // The absolute mouse position
- - // Click offset (relative to the element)
- - // Only for relative positioned nodes: Relative offset from element to offset parent
- + // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- ( this.cssPosition === "fixed" ? : ( scrollIsRootNode ? 0 : ) )
- ),
- left: (
- pageX - // The absolute mouse position
- - // Click offset (relative to the element)
- this.offset.relative.left - // Only for relative positioned nodes: Relative offset from element to offset parent
- this.offset.parent.left + // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- ( this.cssPosition === "fixed" ? -this.offset.scroll.left : ( scrollIsRootNode ? 0 : this.offset.scroll.left ) )
- )
- };
- },
- _clear: function() {
- this.helper.removeClass("ui-draggable-dragging");
- if (this.helper[0] !== this.element[0] && !this.cancelHelperRemoval) {
- this.helper.remove();
- }
- this.helper = null;
- this.cancelHelperRemoval = false;
- if ( this.destroyOnClear ) {
- this.destroy();
- }
- },
- _normalizeRightBottom: function() {
- if ( this.options.axis !== "y" && this.helper.css( "right" ) !== "auto" ) {
- this.helper.width( this.helper.width() );
- this.helper.css( "right", "auto" );
- }
- if ( this.options.axis !== "x" && this.helper.css( "bottom" ) !== "auto" ) {
- this.helper.height( this.helper.height() );
- this.helper.css( "bottom", "auto" );
- }
- },
- // From now on bulk stuff - mainly helpers
- _trigger: function( type, event, ui ) {
- ui = ui || this._uiHash();
- $ this, type, [ event, ui, this ], true );
- // Absolute position and offset (see #6884 ) have to be recalculated after plugins
- if ( /^(drag|start|stop)/.test( type ) ) {
- this.positionAbs = this._convertPositionTo( "absolute" );
- ui.offset = this.positionAbs;
- }
- return $ this, type, event, ui );
- },
- plugins: {},
- _uiHash: function() {
- return {
- helper: this.helper,
- position: this.position,
- originalPosition: this.originalPosition,
- offset: this.positionAbs
- };
- }
- });
- $.ui.plugin.add( "draggable", "connectToSortable", {
- start: function( event, ui, draggable ) {
- var uiSortable = $.extend( {}, ui, {
- item: draggable.element
- });
- draggable.sortables = [];
- $( draggable.options.connectToSortable ).each(function() {
- var sortable = $( this ).sortable( "instance" );
- if ( sortable && !sortable.options.disabled ) {
- draggable.sortables.push( sortable );
- // refreshPositions is called at drag start to refresh the containerCache
- // which is used in drag. This ensures it's initialized and synchronized
- // with any changes that might have happened on the page since initialization.
- sortable.refreshPositions();
- sortable._trigger("activate", event, uiSortable);
- }
- });
- },
- stop: function( event, ui, draggable ) {
- var uiSortable = $.extend( {}, ui, {
- item: draggable.element
- });
- draggable.cancelHelperRemoval = false;
- $.each( draggable.sortables, function() {
- var sortable = this;
- if ( sortable.isOver ) {
- sortable.isOver = 0;
- // Allow this sortable to handle removing the helper
- draggable.cancelHelperRemoval = true;
- sortable.cancelHelperRemoval = false;
- // Use _storedCSS To restore properties in the sortable,
- // as this also handles revert (#9675) since the draggable
- // may have modified them in unexpected ways (#8809)
- sortable._storedCSS = {
- position: sortable.placeholder.css( "position" ),
- top: sortable.placeholder.css( "top" ),
- left: sortable.placeholder.css( "left" )
- };
- sortable._mouseStop(event);
- // Once drag has ended, the sortable should return to using
- // its original helper, not the shared helper from draggable
- sortable.options.helper = sortable.options._helper;
- } else {
- // Prevent this Sortable from removing the helper.
- // However, don't set the draggable to remove the helper
- // either as another connected Sortable may yet handle the removal.
- sortable.cancelHelperRemoval = true;
- sortable._trigger( "deactivate", event, uiSortable );
- }
- });
- },
- drag: function( event, ui, draggable ) {
- $.each( draggable.sortables, function() {
- var innermostIntersecting = false,
- sortable = this;
- // Copy over variables that sortable's _intersectsWith uses
- sortable.positionAbs = draggable.positionAbs;
- sortable.helperProportions = draggable.helperProportions;
- =;
- if ( sortable._intersectsWith( sortable.containerCache ) ) {
- innermostIntersecting = true;
- $.each( draggable.sortables, function() {
- // Copy over variables that sortable's _intersectsWith uses
- this.positionAbs = draggable.positionAbs;
- this.helperProportions = draggable.helperProportions;
- =;
- if ( this !== sortable &&
- this._intersectsWith( this.containerCache ) &&
- $.contains( sortable.element[ 0 ], this.element[ 0 ] ) ) {
- innermostIntersecting = false;
- }
- return innermostIntersecting;
- });
- }
- if ( innermostIntersecting ) {
- // If it intersects, we use a little isOver variable and set it once,
- // so that the move-in stuff gets fired only once.
- if ( !sortable.isOver ) {
- sortable.isOver = 1;
- // Store draggable's parent in case we need to reappend to it later.
- draggable._parent = ui.helper.parent();
- sortable.currentItem = ui.helper
- .appendTo( sortable.element )
- .data( "ui-sortable-item", true );
- // Store helper option to later restore it
- sortable.options._helper = sortable.options.helper;
- sortable.options.helper = function() {
- return ui.helper[ 0 ];
- };
- // Fire the start events of the sortable with our passed browser event,
- // and our own helper (so it doesn't create a new one)
- = sortable.currentItem[ 0 ];
- sortable._mouseCapture( event, true );
- sortable._mouseStart( event, true, true );
- // Because the browser event is way off the new appended portlet,
- // modify necessary variables to reflect the changes
- =;
- =;
- sortable.offset.parent.left -= draggable.offset.parent.left -
- sortable.offset.parent.left;
- -= -
- draggable._trigger( "toSortable", event );
- // Inform draggable that the helper is in a valid drop zone,
- // used solely in the revert option to handle "valid/invalid".
- draggable.dropped = sortable.element;
- // Need to refreshPositions of all sortables in the case that
- // adding to one sortable changes the location of the other sortables (#9675)
- $.each( draggable.sortables, function() {
- this.refreshPositions();
- });
- // hack so receive/update callbacks work (mostly)
- draggable.currentItem = draggable.element;
- sortable.fromOutside = draggable;
- }
- if ( sortable.currentItem ) {
- sortable._mouseDrag( event );
- // Copy the sortable's position because the draggable's can potentially reflect
- // a relative position, while sortable is always absolute, which the dragged
- // element has now become. (#8809)
- ui.position = sortable.position;
- }
- } else {
- // If it doesn't intersect with the sortable, and it intersected before,
- // we fake the drag stop of the sortable, but make sure it doesn't remove
- // the helper by using cancelHelperRemoval.
- if ( sortable.isOver ) {
- sortable.isOver = 0;
- sortable.cancelHelperRemoval = true;
- // Calling sortable's mouseStop would trigger a revert,
- // so revert must be temporarily false until after mouseStop is called.
- sortable.options._revert = sortable.options.revert;
- sortable.options.revert = false;
- sortable._trigger( "out", event, sortable._uiHash( sortable ) );
- sortable._mouseStop( event, true );
- // restore sortable behaviors that were modfied
- // when the draggable entered the sortable area (#9481)
- sortable.options.revert = sortable.options._revert;
- sortable.options.helper = sortable.options._helper;
- if ( sortable.placeholder ) {
- sortable.placeholder.remove();
- }
- // Restore and recalculate the draggable's offset considering the sortable
- // may have modified them in unexpected ways. (#8809, #10669)
- ui.helper.appendTo( draggable._parent );
- draggable._refreshOffsets( event );
- ui.position = draggable._generatePosition( event, true );
- draggable._trigger( "fromSortable", event );
- // Inform draggable that the helper is no longer in a valid drop zone
- draggable.dropped = false;
- // Need to refreshPositions of all sortables just in case removing
- // from one sortable changes the location of other sortables (#9675)
- $.each( draggable.sortables, function() {
- this.refreshPositions();
- });
- }
- }
- });
- }
- });
- $.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "cursor", {
- start: function( event, ui, instance ) {
- var t = $( "body" ),
- o = instance.options;
- if (t.css("cursor")) {
- o._cursor = t.css("cursor");
- }
- t.css("cursor", o.cursor);
- },
- stop: function( event, ui, instance ) {
- var o = instance.options;
- if (o._cursor) {
- $("body").css("cursor", o._cursor);
- }
- }
- });
- $.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "opacity", {
- start: function( event, ui, instance ) {
- var t = $( ui.helper ),
- o = instance.options;
- if (t.css("opacity")) {
- o._opacity = t.css("opacity");
- }
- t.css("opacity", o.opacity);
- },
- stop: function( event, ui, instance ) {
- var o = instance.options;
- if (o._opacity) {
- $(ui.helper).css("opacity", o._opacity);
- }
- }
- });
- $.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "scroll", {
- start: function( event, ui, i ) {
- if ( !i.scrollParentNotHidden ) {
- i.scrollParentNotHidden = i.helper.scrollParent( false );
- }
- if ( i.scrollParentNotHidden[ 0 ] !== i.document[ 0 ] && i.scrollParentNotHidden[ 0 ].tagName !== "HTML" ) {
- i.overflowOffset = i.scrollParentNotHidden.offset();
- }
- },
- drag: function( event, ui, i ) {
- var o = i.options,
- scrolled = false,
- scrollParent = i.scrollParentNotHidden[ 0 ],
- document = i.document[ 0 ];
- if ( scrollParent !== document && scrollParent.tagName !== "HTML" ) {
- if ( !o.axis || o.axis !== "x" ) {
- if ( ( + scrollParent.offsetHeight ) - event.pageY < o.scrollSensitivity ) {
- scrollParent.scrollTop = scrolled = scrollParent.scrollTop + o.scrollSpeed;
- } else if ( event.pageY - < o.scrollSensitivity ) {
- scrollParent.scrollTop = scrolled = scrollParent.scrollTop - o.scrollSpeed;
- }
- }
- if ( !o.axis || o.axis !== "y" ) {
- if ( ( i.overflowOffset.left + scrollParent.offsetWidth ) - event.pageX < o.scrollSensitivity ) {
- scrollParent.scrollLeft = scrolled = scrollParent.scrollLeft + o.scrollSpeed;
- } else if ( event.pageX - i.overflowOffset.left < o.scrollSensitivity ) {
- scrollParent.scrollLeft = scrolled = scrollParent.scrollLeft - o.scrollSpeed;
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (!o.axis || o.axis !== "x") {
- if (event.pageY - $(document).scrollTop() < o.scrollSensitivity) {
- scrolled = $(document).scrollTop($(document).scrollTop() - o.scrollSpeed);
- } else if ($(window).height() - (event.pageY - $(document).scrollTop()) < o.scrollSensitivity) {
- scrolled = $(document).scrollTop($(document).scrollTop() + o.scrollSpeed);
- }
- }
- if (!o.axis || o.axis !== "y") {
- if (event.pageX - $(document).scrollLeft() < o.scrollSensitivity) {
- scrolled = $(document).scrollLeft($(document).scrollLeft() - o.scrollSpeed);
- } else if ($(window).width() - (event.pageX - $(document).scrollLeft()) < o.scrollSensitivity) {
- scrolled = $(document).scrollLeft($(document).scrollLeft() + o.scrollSpeed);
- }
- }
- }
- if (scrolled !== false && $.ui.ddmanager && !o.dropBehaviour) {
- $.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(i, event);
- }
- }
- });
- $.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "snap", {
- start: function( event, ui, i ) {
- var o = i.options;
- i.snapElements = [];
- $(o.snap.constructor !== String ? ( o.snap.items || ":data(ui-draggable)" ) : o.snap).each(function() {
- var $t = $(this),
- $o = $t.offset();
- if (this !== i.element[0]) {
- i.snapElements.push({
- item: this,
- width: $t.outerWidth(), height: $t.outerHeight(),
- top: $, left: $o.left
- });
- }
- });
- },
- drag: function( event, ui, inst ) {
- var ts, bs, ls, rs, l, r, t, b, i, first,
- o = inst.options,
- d = o.snapTolerance,
- x1 = ui.offset.left, x2 = x1 + inst.helperProportions.width,
- y1 =, y2 = y1 + inst.helperProportions.height;
- for (i = inst.snapElements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- l = inst.snapElements[i].left - inst.margins.left;
- r = l + inst.snapElements[i].width;
- t = inst.snapElements[i].top -;
- b = t + inst.snapElements[i].height;
- if ( x2 < l - d || x1 > r + d || y2 < t - d || y1 > b + d || !$.contains( inst.snapElements[ i ].item.ownerDocument, inst.snapElements[ i ].item ) ) {
- if (inst.snapElements[i].snapping) {
- (inst.options.snap.release &&, event, $.extend(inst._uiHash(), { snapItem: inst.snapElements[i].item })));
- }
- inst.snapElements[i].snapping = false;
- continue;
- }
- if (o.snapMode !== "inner") {
- ts = Math.abs(t - y2) <= d;
- bs = Math.abs(b - y1) <= d;
- ls = Math.abs(l - x2) <= d;
- rs = Math.abs(r - x1) <= d;
- if (ts) {
- = inst._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: t - inst.helperProportions.height, left: 0 }).top;
- }
- if (bs) {
- = inst._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: b, left: 0 }).top;
- }
- if (ls) {
- ui.position.left = inst._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: 0, left: l - inst.helperProportions.width }).left;
- }
- if (rs) {
- ui.position.left = inst._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: 0, left: r }).left;
- }
- }
- first = (ts || bs || ls || rs);
- if (o.snapMode !== "outer") {
- ts = Math.abs(t - y1) <= d;
- bs = Math.abs(b - y2) <= d;
- ls = Math.abs(l - x1) <= d;
- rs = Math.abs(r - x2) <= d;
- if (ts) {
- = inst._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: t, left: 0 }).top;
- }
- if (bs) {
- = inst._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: b - inst.helperProportions.height, left: 0 }).top;
- }
- if (ls) {
- ui.position.left = inst._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: 0, left: l }).left;
- }
- if (rs) {
- ui.position.left = inst._convertPositionTo("relative", { top: 0, left: r - inst.helperProportions.width }).left;
- }
- }
- if (!inst.snapElements[i].snapping && (ts || bs || ls || rs || first)) {
- (inst.options.snap.snap &&, event, $.extend(inst._uiHash(), { snapItem: inst.snapElements[i].item })));
- }
- inst.snapElements[i].snapping = (ts || bs || ls || rs || first);
- }
- }
- });
- $.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "stack", {
- start: function( event, ui, instance ) {
- var min,
- o = instance.options,
- group = $.makeArray($(o.stack)).sort(function(a, b) {
- return (parseInt($(a).css("zIndex"), 10) || 0) - (parseInt($(b).css("zIndex"), 10) || 0);
- });
- if (!group.length) { return; }
- min = parseInt($(group[0]).css("zIndex"), 10) || 0;
- $(group).each(function(i) {
- $(this).css("zIndex", min + i);
- });
- this.css("zIndex", (min + group.length));
- }
- });
- $.ui.plugin.add("draggable", "zIndex", {
- start: function( event, ui, instance ) {
- var t = $( ui.helper ),
- o = instance.options;
- if (t.css("zIndex")) {
- o._zIndex = t.css("zIndex");
- }
- t.css("zIndex", o.zIndex);
- },
- stop: function( event, ui, instance ) {
- var o = instance.options;
- if (o._zIndex) {
- $(ui.helper).css("zIndex", o._zIndex);
- }
- }
- });
- var draggable = $.ui.draggable;
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Droppable 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- $.widget( "ui.droppable", {
- version: "1.11.4",
- widgetEventPrefix: "drop",
- options: {
- accept: "*",
- activeClass: false,
- addClasses: true,
- greedy: false,
- hoverClass: false,
- scope: "default",
- tolerance: "intersect",
- // callbacks
- activate: null,
- deactivate: null,
- drop: null,
- out: null,
- over: null
- },
- _create: function() {
- var proportions,
- o = this.options,
- accept = o.accept;
- this.isover = false;
- this.isout = true;
- this.accept = $.isFunction( accept ) ? accept : function( d ) {
- return accept );
- };
- this.proportions = function( /* valueToWrite */ ) {
- if ( arguments.length ) {
- // Store the droppable's proportions
- proportions = arguments[ 0 ];
- } else {
- // Retrieve or derive the droppable's proportions
- return proportions ?
- proportions :
- proportions = {
- width: this.element[ 0 ].offsetWidth,
- height: this.element[ 0 ].offsetHeight
- };
- }
- };
- this._addToManager( o.scope );
- o.addClasses && this.element.addClass( "ui-droppable" );
- },
- _addToManager: function( scope ) {
- // Add the reference and positions to the manager
- $.ui.ddmanager.droppables[ scope ] = $.ui.ddmanager.droppables[ scope ] || [];
- $.ui.ddmanager.droppables[ scope ].push( this );
- },
- _splice: function( drop ) {
- var i = 0;
- for ( ; i < drop.length; i++ ) {
- if ( drop[ i ] === this ) {
- drop.splice( i, 1 );
- }
- }
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- var drop = $.ui.ddmanager.droppables[ this.options.scope ];
- this._splice( drop );
- this.element.removeClass( "ui-droppable ui-droppable-disabled" );
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- if ( key === "accept" ) {
- this.accept = $.isFunction( value ) ? value : function( d ) {
- return value );
- };
- } else if ( key === "scope" ) {
- var drop = $.ui.ddmanager.droppables[ this.options.scope ];
- this._splice( drop );
- this._addToManager( value );
- }
- this._super( key, value );
- },
- _activate: function( event ) {
- var draggable = $.ui.ddmanager.current;
- if ( this.options.activeClass ) {
- this.element.addClass( this.options.activeClass );
- }
- if ( draggable ){
- this._trigger( "activate", event, this.ui( draggable ) );
- }
- },
- _deactivate: function( event ) {
- var draggable = $.ui.ddmanager.current;
- if ( this.options.activeClass ) {
- this.element.removeClass( this.options.activeClass );
- }
- if ( draggable ){
- this._trigger( "deactivate", event, this.ui( draggable ) );
- }
- },
- _over: function( event ) {
- var draggable = $.ui.ddmanager.current;
- // Bail if draggable and droppable are same element
- if ( !draggable || ( draggable.currentItem || draggable.element )[ 0 ] === this.element[ 0 ] ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( this.element[ 0 ], ( draggable.currentItem || draggable.element ) ) ) {
- if ( this.options.hoverClass ) {
- this.element.addClass( this.options.hoverClass );
- }
- this._trigger( "over", event, this.ui( draggable ) );
- }
- },
- _out: function( event ) {
- var draggable = $.ui.ddmanager.current;
- // Bail if draggable and droppable are same element
- if ( !draggable || ( draggable.currentItem || draggable.element )[ 0 ] === this.element[ 0 ] ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( this.element[ 0 ], ( draggable.currentItem || draggable.element ) ) ) {
- if ( this.options.hoverClass ) {
- this.element.removeClass( this.options.hoverClass );
- }
- this._trigger( "out", event, this.ui( draggable ) );
- }
- },
- _drop: function( event, custom ) {
- var draggable = custom || $.ui.ddmanager.current,
- childrenIntersection = false;
- // Bail if draggable and droppable are same element
- if ( !draggable || ( draggable.currentItem || draggable.element )[ 0 ] === this.element[ 0 ] ) {
- return false;
- }
- this.element.find( ":data(ui-droppable)" ).not( ".ui-draggable-dragging" ).each(function() {
- var inst = $( this ).droppable( "instance" );
- if (
- inst.options.greedy &&
- !inst.options.disabled &&
- inst.options.scope === draggable.options.scope &&
- inst.element[ 0 ], ( draggable.currentItem || draggable.element ) ) &&
- $.ui.intersect( draggable, $.extend( inst, { offset: inst.element.offset() } ), inst.options.tolerance, event )
- ) { childrenIntersection = true; return false; }
- });
- if ( childrenIntersection ) {
- return false;
- }
- if ( this.element[ 0 ], ( draggable.currentItem || draggable.element ) ) ) {
- if ( this.options.activeClass ) {
- this.element.removeClass( this.options.activeClass );
- }
- if ( this.options.hoverClass ) {
- this.element.removeClass( this.options.hoverClass );
- }
- this._trigger( "drop", event, this.ui( draggable ) );
- return this.element;
- }
- return false;
- },
- ui: function( c ) {
- return {
- draggable: ( c.currentItem || c.element ),
- helper: c.helper,
- position: c.position,
- offset: c.positionAbs
- };
- }
- });
- $.ui.intersect = (function() {
- function isOverAxis( x, reference, size ) {
- return ( x >= reference ) && ( x < ( reference + size ) );
- }
- return function( draggable, droppable, toleranceMode, event ) {
- if ( !droppable.offset ) {
- return false;
- }
- var x1 = ( draggable.positionAbs || draggable.position.absolute ).left + draggable.margins.left,
- y1 = ( draggable.positionAbs || draggable.position.absolute ).top +,
- x2 = x1 + draggable.helperProportions.width,
- y2 = y1 + draggable.helperProportions.height,
- l = droppable.offset.left,
- t =,
- r = l + droppable.proportions().width,
- b = t + droppable.proportions().height;
- switch ( toleranceMode ) {
- case "fit":
- return ( l <= x1 && x2 <= r && t <= y1 && y2 <= b );
- case "intersect":
- return ( l < x1 + ( draggable.helperProportions.width / 2 ) && // Right Half
- x2 - ( draggable.helperProportions.width / 2 ) < r && // Left Half
- t < y1 + ( draggable.helperProportions.height / 2 ) && // Bottom Half
- y2 - ( draggable.helperProportions.height / 2 ) < b ); // Top Half
- case "pointer":
- return isOverAxis( event.pageY, t, droppable.proportions().height ) && isOverAxis( event.pageX, l, droppable.proportions().width );
- case "touch":
- return (
- ( y1 >= t && y1 <= b ) || // Top edge touching
- ( y2 >= t && y2 <= b ) || // Bottom edge touching
- ( y1 < t && y2 > b ) // Surrounded vertically
- ) && (
- ( x1 >= l && x1 <= r ) || // Left edge touching
- ( x2 >= l && x2 <= r ) || // Right edge touching
- ( x1 < l && x2 > r ) // Surrounded horizontally
- );
- default:
- return false;
- }
- };
- })();
- /*
- This manager tracks offsets of draggables and droppables
- */
- $.ui.ddmanager = {
- current: null,
- droppables: { "default": [] },
- prepareOffsets: function( t, event ) {
- var i, j,
- m = $.ui.ddmanager.droppables[ t.options.scope ] || [],
- type = event ? event.type : null, // workaround for #2317
- list = ( t.currentItem || t.element ).find( ":data(ui-droppable)" ).addBack();
- droppablesLoop: for ( i = 0; i < m.length; i++ ) {
- // No disabled and non-accepted
- if ( m[ i ].options.disabled || ( t && !m[ i ] m[ i ].element[ 0 ], ( t.currentItem || t.element ) ) ) ) {
- continue;
- }
- // Filter out elements in the current dragged item
- for ( j = 0; j < list.length; j++ ) {
- if ( list[ j ] === m[ i ].element[ 0 ] ) {
- m[ i ].proportions().height = 0;
- continue droppablesLoop;
- }
- }
- m[ i ].visible = m[ i ].element.css( "display" ) !== "none";
- if ( !m[ i ].visible ) {
- continue;
- }
- // Activate the droppable if used directly from draggables
- if ( type === "mousedown" ) {
- m[ i ] m[ i ], event );
- }
- m[ i ].offset = m[ i ].element.offset();
- m[ i ].proportions({ width: m[ i ].element[ 0 ].offsetWidth, height: m[ i ].element[ 0 ].offsetHeight });
- }
- },
- drop: function( draggable, event ) {
- var dropped = false;
- // Create a copy of the droppables in case the list changes during the drop (#9116)
- $.each( ( $.ui.ddmanager.droppables[ draggable.options.scope ] || [] ).slice(), function() {
- if ( !this.options ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( !this.options.disabled && this.visible && $.ui.intersect( draggable, this, this.options.tolerance, event ) ) {
- dropped = this, event ) || dropped;
- }
- if ( !this.options.disabled && this.visible && this.element[ 0 ], ( draggable.currentItem || draggable.element ) ) ) {
- this.isout = true;
- this.isover = false;
- this, event );
- }
- });
- return dropped;
- },
- dragStart: function( draggable, event ) {
- // Listen for scrolling so that if the dragging causes scrolling the position of the droppables can be recalculated (see #5003)
- draggable.element.parentsUntil( "body" ).bind( "scroll.droppable", function() {
- if ( !draggable.options.refreshPositions ) {
- $.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets( draggable, event );
- }
- });
- },
- drag: function( draggable, event ) {
- // If you have a highly dynamic page, you might try this option. It renders positions every time you move the mouse.
- if ( draggable.options.refreshPositions ) {
- $.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets( draggable, event );
- }
- // Run through all droppables and check their positions based on specific tolerance options
- $.each( $.ui.ddmanager.droppables[ draggable.options.scope ] || [], function() {
- if ( this.options.disabled || this.greedyChild || !this.visible ) {
- return;
- }
- var parentInstance, scope, parent,
- intersects = $.ui.intersect( draggable, this, this.options.tolerance, event ),
- c = !intersects && this.isover ? "isout" : ( intersects && !this.isover ? "isover" : null );
- if ( !c ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( this.options.greedy ) {
- // find droppable parents with same scope
- scope = this.options.scope;
- parent = this.element.parents( ":data(ui-droppable)" ).filter(function() {
- return $( this ).droppable( "instance" ).options.scope === scope;
- });
- if ( parent.length ) {
- parentInstance = $( parent[ 0 ] ).droppable( "instance" );
- parentInstance.greedyChild = ( c === "isover" );
- }
- }
- // we just moved into a greedy child
- if ( parentInstance && c === "isover" ) {
- parentInstance.isover = false;
- parentInstance.isout = true;
- parentInstance, event );
- }
- this[ c ] = true;
- this[c === "isout" ? "isover" : "isout"] = false;
- this[c === "isover" ? "_over" : "_out"].call( this, event );
- // we just moved out of a greedy child
- if ( parentInstance && c === "isout" ) {
- parentInstance.isout = false;
- parentInstance.isover = true;
- parentInstance, event );
- }
- });
- },
- dragStop: function( draggable, event ) {
- draggable.element.parentsUntil( "body" ).unbind( "scroll.droppable" );
- // Call prepareOffsets one final time since IE does not fire return scroll events when overflow was caused by drag (see #5003)
- if ( !draggable.options.refreshPositions ) {
- $.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets( draggable, event );
- }
- }
- };
- var droppable = $.ui.droppable;
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Resizable 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- $.widget("ui.resizable", $.ui.mouse, {
- version: "1.11.4",
- widgetEventPrefix: "resize",
- options: {
- alsoResize: false,
- animate: false,
- animateDuration: "slow",
- animateEasing: "swing",
- aspectRatio: false,
- autoHide: false,
- containment: false,
- ghost: false,
- grid: false,
- handles: "e,s,se",
- helper: false,
- maxHeight: null,
- maxWidth: null,
- minHeight: 10,
- minWidth: 10,
- // See #7960
- zIndex: 90,
- // callbacks
- resize: null,
- start: null,
- stop: null
- },
- _num: function( value ) {
- return parseInt( value, 10 ) || 0;
- },
- _isNumber: function( value ) {
- return !isNaN( parseInt( value, 10 ) );
- },
- _hasScroll: function( el, a ) {
- if ( $( el ).css( "overflow" ) === "hidden") {
- return false;
- }
- var scroll = ( a && a === "left" ) ? "scrollLeft" : "scrollTop",
- has = false;
- if ( el[ scroll ] > 0 ) {
- return true;
- }
- // TODO: determine which cases actually cause this to happen
- // if the element doesn't have the scroll set, see if it's possible to
- // set the scroll
- el[ scroll ] = 1;
- has = ( el[ scroll ] > 0 );
- el[ scroll ] = 0;
- return has;
- },
- _create: function() {
- var n, i, handle, axis, hname,
- that = this,
- o = this.options;
- this.element.addClass("ui-resizable");
- $.extend(this, {
- _aspectRatio: !!(o.aspectRatio),
- aspectRatio: o.aspectRatio,
- originalElement: this.element,
- _proportionallyResizeElements: [],
- _helper: o.helper || o.ghost || o.animate ? o.helper || "ui-resizable-helper" : null
- });
- // Wrap the element if it cannot hold child nodes
- if (this.element[0].nodeName.match(/^(canvas|textarea|input|select|button|img)$/i)) {
- this.element.wrap(
- $("<div class='ui-wrapper' style='overflow: hidden;'></div>").css({
- position: this.element.css("position"),
- width: this.element.outerWidth(),
- height: this.element.outerHeight(),
- top: this.element.css("top"),
- left: this.element.css("left")
- })
- );
- this.element = this.element.parent().data(
- "ui-resizable", this.element.resizable( "instance" )
- );
- this.elementIsWrapper = true;
- this.element.css({
- marginLeft: this.originalElement.css("marginLeft"),
- marginTop: this.originalElement.css("marginTop"),
- marginRight: this.originalElement.css("marginRight"),
- marginBottom: this.originalElement.css("marginBottom")
- });
- this.originalElement.css({
- marginLeft: 0,
- marginTop: 0,
- marginRight: 0,
- marginBottom: 0
- });
- // support: Safari
- // Prevent Safari textarea resize
- this.originalResizeStyle = this.originalElement.css("resize");
- this.originalElement.css("resize", "none");
- this._proportionallyResizeElements.push( this.originalElement.css({
- position: "static",
- zoom: 1,
- display: "block"
- }) );
- // support: IE9
- // avoid IE jump (hard set the margin)
- this.originalElement.css({ margin: this.originalElement.css("margin") });
- this._proportionallyResize();
- }
- this.handles = o.handles ||
- ( !$(".ui-resizable-handle", this.element).length ?
- "e,s,se" : {
- n: ".ui-resizable-n",
- e: ".ui-resizable-e",
- s: ".ui-resizable-s",
- w: ".ui-resizable-w",
- se: ".ui-resizable-se",
- sw: ".ui-resizable-sw",
- ne: ".ui-resizable-ne",
- nw: ".ui-resizable-nw"
- } );
- this._handles = $();
- if ( this.handles.constructor === String ) {
- if ( this.handles === "all") {
- this.handles = "n,e,s,w,se,sw,ne,nw";
- }
- n = this.handles.split(",");
- this.handles = {};
- for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
- handle = $.trim(n[i]);
- hname = "ui-resizable-" + handle;
- axis = $("<div class='ui-resizable-handle " + hname + "'></div>");
- axis.css({ zIndex: o.zIndex });
- // TODO : What's going on here?
- if ("se" === handle) {
- axis.addClass("ui-icon ui-icon-gripsmall-diagonal-se");
- }
- this.handles[handle] = ".ui-resizable-" + handle;
- this.element.append(axis);
- }
- }
- this._renderAxis = function(target) {
- var i, axis, padPos, padWrapper;
- target = target || this.element;
- for (i in this.handles) {
- if (this.handles[i].constructor === String) {
- this.handles[i] = this.element.children( this.handles[ i ] ).first().show();
- } else if ( this.handles[ i ].jquery || this.handles[ i ].nodeType ) {
- this.handles[ i ] = $( this.handles[ i ] );
- this._on( this.handles[ i ], { "mousedown": that._mouseDown });
- }
- if (this.elementIsWrapper && this.originalElement[0].nodeName.match(/^(textarea|input|select|button)$/i)) {
- axis = $(this.handles[i], this.element);
- padWrapper = /sw|ne|nw|se|n|s/.test(i) ? axis.outerHeight() : axis.outerWidth();
- padPos = [ "padding",
- /ne|nw|n/.test(i) ? "Top" :
- /se|sw|s/.test(i) ? "Bottom" :
- /^e$/.test(i) ? "Right" : "Left" ].join("");
- target.css(padPos, padWrapper);
- this._proportionallyResize();
- }
- this._handles = this._handles.add( this.handles[ i ] );
- }
- };
- // TODO: make renderAxis a prototype function
- this._renderAxis(this.element);
- this._handles = this._handles.add( this.element.find( ".ui-resizable-handle" ) );
- this._handles.disableSelection();
- this._handles.mouseover(function() {
- if (!that.resizing) {
- if (this.className) {
- axis = this.className.match(/ui-resizable-(se|sw|ne|nw|n|e|s|w)/i);
- }
- that.axis = axis && axis[1] ? axis[1] : "se";
- }
- });
- if (o.autoHide) {
- this._handles.hide();
- $(this.element)
- .addClass("ui-resizable-autohide")
- .mouseenter(function() {
- if (o.disabled) {
- return;
- }
- $(this).removeClass("ui-resizable-autohide");
- })
- .mouseleave(function() {
- if (o.disabled) {
- return;
- }
- if (!that.resizing) {
- $(this).addClass("ui-resizable-autohide");
- that._handles.hide();
- }
- });
- }
- this._mouseInit();
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- this._mouseDestroy();
- var wrapper,
- _destroy = function(exp) {
- $(exp)
- .removeClass("ui-resizable ui-resizable-disabled ui-resizable-resizing")
- .removeData("resizable")
- .removeData("ui-resizable")
- .unbind(".resizable")
- .find(".ui-resizable-handle")
- .remove();
- };
- // TODO: Unwrap at same DOM position
- if (this.elementIsWrapper) {
- _destroy(this.element);
- wrapper = this.element;
- this.originalElement.css({
- position: wrapper.css("position"),
- width: wrapper.outerWidth(),
- height: wrapper.outerHeight(),
- top: wrapper.css("top"),
- left: wrapper.css("left")
- }).insertAfter( wrapper );
- wrapper.remove();
- }
- this.originalElement.css("resize", this.originalResizeStyle);
- _destroy(this.originalElement);
- return this;
- },
- _mouseCapture: function(event) {
- var i, handle,
- capture = false;
- for (i in this.handles) {
- handle = $(this.handles[i])[0];
- if (handle === || $.contains(handle, {
- capture = true;
- }
- }
- return !this.options.disabled && capture;
- },
- _mouseStart: function(event) {
- var curleft, curtop, cursor,
- o = this.options,
- el = this.element;
- this.resizing = true;
- this._renderProxy();
- curleft = this._num(this.helper.css("left"));
- curtop = this._num(this.helper.css("top"));
- if (o.containment) {
- curleft += $(o.containment).scrollLeft() || 0;
- curtop += $(o.containment).scrollTop() || 0;
- }
- this.offset = this.helper.offset();
- this.position = { left: curleft, top: curtop };
- this.size = this._helper ? {
- width: this.helper.width(),
- height: this.helper.height()
- } : {
- width: el.width(),
- height: el.height()
- };
- this.originalSize = this._helper ? {
- width: el.outerWidth(),
- height: el.outerHeight()
- } : {
- width: el.width(),
- height: el.height()
- };
- this.sizeDiff = {
- width: el.outerWidth() - el.width(),
- height: el.outerHeight() - el.height()
- };
- this.originalPosition = { left: curleft, top: curtop };
- this.originalMousePosition = { left: event.pageX, top: event.pageY };
- this.aspectRatio = (typeof o.aspectRatio === "number") ?
- o.aspectRatio :
- ((this.originalSize.width / this.originalSize.height) || 1);
- cursor = $(".ui-resizable-" + this.axis).css("cursor");
- $("body").css("cursor", cursor === "auto" ? this.axis + "-resize" : cursor);
- el.addClass("ui-resizable-resizing");
- this._propagate("start", event);
- return true;
- },
- _mouseDrag: function(event) {
- var data, props,
- smp = this.originalMousePosition,
- a = this.axis,
- dx = (event.pageX - smp.left) || 0,
- dy = (event.pageY - || 0,
- trigger = this._change[a];
- this._updatePrevProperties();
- if (!trigger) {
- return false;
- }
- data = trigger.apply(this, [ event, dx, dy ]);
- this._updateVirtualBoundaries(event.shiftKey);
- if (this._aspectRatio || event.shiftKey) {
- data = this._updateRatio(data, event);
- }
- data = this._respectSize(data, event);
- this._updateCache(data);
- this._propagate("resize", event);
- props = this._applyChanges();
- if ( !this._helper && this._proportionallyResizeElements.length ) {
- this._proportionallyResize();
- }
- if ( !$.isEmptyObject( props ) ) {
- this._updatePrevProperties();
- this._trigger( "resize", event, this.ui() );
- this._applyChanges();
- }
- return false;
- },
- _mouseStop: function(event) {
- this.resizing = false;
- var pr, ista, soffseth, soffsetw, s, left, top,
- o = this.options, that = this;
- if (this._helper) {
- pr = this._proportionallyResizeElements;
- ista = pr.length && (/textarea/i).test(pr[0].nodeName);
- soffseth = ista && this._hasScroll(pr[0], "left") ? 0 : that.sizeDiff.height;
- soffsetw = ista ? 0 : that.sizeDiff.width;
- s = {
- width: (that.helper.width() - soffsetw),
- height: (that.helper.height() - soffseth)
- };
- left = (parseInt(that.element.css("left"), 10) +
- (that.position.left - that.originalPosition.left)) || null;
- top = (parseInt(that.element.css("top"), 10) +
- ( - || null;
- if (!o.animate) {
- this.element.css($.extend(s, { top: top, left: left }));
- }
- that.helper.height(that.size.height);
- that.helper.width(that.size.width);
- if (this._helper && !o.animate) {
- this._proportionallyResize();
- }
- }
- $("body").css("cursor", "auto");
- this.element.removeClass("ui-resizable-resizing");
- this._propagate("stop", event);
- if (this._helper) {
- this.helper.remove();
- }
- return false;
- },
- _updatePrevProperties: function() {
- this.prevPosition = {
- top:,
- left: this.position.left
- };
- this.prevSize = {
- width: this.size.width,
- height: this.size.height
- };
- },
- _applyChanges: function() {
- var props = {};
- if ( !== ) {
- = + "px";
- }
- if ( this.position.left !== this.prevPosition.left ) {
- props.left = this.position.left + "px";
- }
- if ( this.size.width !== this.prevSize.width ) {
- props.width = this.size.width + "px";
- }
- if ( this.size.height !== this.prevSize.height ) {
- props.height = this.size.height + "px";
- }
- this.helper.css( props );
- return props;
- },
- _updateVirtualBoundaries: function(forceAspectRatio) {
- var pMinWidth, pMaxWidth, pMinHeight, pMaxHeight, b,
- o = this.options;
- b = {
- minWidth: this._isNumber(o.minWidth) ? o.minWidth : 0,
- maxWidth: this._isNumber(o.maxWidth) ? o.maxWidth : Infinity,
- minHeight: this._isNumber(o.minHeight) ? o.minHeight : 0,
- maxHeight: this._isNumber(o.maxHeight) ? o.maxHeight : Infinity
- };
- if (this._aspectRatio || forceAspectRatio) {
- pMinWidth = b.minHeight * this.aspectRatio;
- pMinHeight = b.minWidth / this.aspectRatio;
- pMaxWidth = b.maxHeight * this.aspectRatio;
- pMaxHeight = b.maxWidth / this.aspectRatio;
- if (pMinWidth > b.minWidth) {
- b.minWidth = pMinWidth;
- }
- if (pMinHeight > b.minHeight) {
- b.minHeight = pMinHeight;
- }
- if (pMaxWidth < b.maxWidth) {
- b.maxWidth = pMaxWidth;
- }
- if (pMaxHeight < b.maxHeight) {
- b.maxHeight = pMaxHeight;
- }
- }
- this._vBoundaries = b;
- },
- _updateCache: function(data) {
- this.offset = this.helper.offset();
- if (this._isNumber(data.left)) {
- this.position.left = data.left;
- }
- if (this._isNumber( {
- =;
- }
- if (this._isNumber(data.height)) {
- this.size.height = data.height;
- }
- if (this._isNumber(data.width)) {
- this.size.width = data.width;
- }
- },
- _updateRatio: function( data ) {
- var cpos = this.position,
- csize = this.size,
- a = this.axis;
- if (this._isNumber(data.height)) {
- data.width = (data.height * this.aspectRatio);
- } else if (this._isNumber(data.width)) {
- data.height = (data.width / this.aspectRatio);
- }
- if (a === "sw") {
- data.left = cpos.left + (csize.width - data.width);
- = null;
- }
- if (a === "nw") {
- = + (csize.height - data.height);
- data.left = cpos.left + (csize.width - data.width);
- }
- return data;
- },
- _respectSize: function( data ) {
- var o = this._vBoundaries,
- a = this.axis,
- ismaxw = this._isNumber(data.width) && o.maxWidth && (o.maxWidth < data.width),
- ismaxh = this._isNumber(data.height) && o.maxHeight && (o.maxHeight < data.height),
- isminw = this._isNumber(data.width) && o.minWidth && (o.minWidth > data.width),
- isminh = this._isNumber(data.height) && o.minHeight && (o.minHeight > data.height),
- dw = this.originalPosition.left + this.originalSize.width,
- dh = + this.size.height,
- cw = /sw|nw|w/.test(a), ch = /nw|ne|n/.test(a);
- if (isminw) {
- data.width = o.minWidth;
- }
- if (isminh) {
- data.height = o.minHeight;
- }
- if (ismaxw) {
- data.width = o.maxWidth;
- }
- if (ismaxh) {
- data.height = o.maxHeight;
- }
- if (isminw && cw) {
- data.left = dw - o.minWidth;
- }
- if (ismaxw && cw) {
- data.left = dw - o.maxWidth;
- }
- if (isminh && ch) {
- = dh - o.minHeight;
- }
- if (ismaxh && ch) {
- = dh - o.maxHeight;
- }
- // Fixing jump error on top/left - bug #2330
- if (!data.width && !data.height && !data.left && {
- = null;
- } else if (!data.width && !data.height && ! && data.left) {
- data.left = null;
- }
- return data;
- },
- _getPaddingPlusBorderDimensions: function( element ) {
- var i = 0,
- widths = [],
- borders = [
- element.css( "borderTopWidth" ),
- element.css( "borderRightWidth" ),
- element.css( "borderBottomWidth" ),
- element.css( "borderLeftWidth" )
- ],
- paddings = [
- element.css( "paddingTop" ),
- element.css( "paddingRight" ),
- element.css( "paddingBottom" ),
- element.css( "paddingLeft" )
- ];
- for ( ; i < 4; i++ ) {
- widths[ i ] = ( parseInt( borders[ i ], 10 ) || 0 );
- widths[ i ] += ( parseInt( paddings[ i ], 10 ) || 0 );
- }
- return {
- height: widths[ 0 ] + widths[ 2 ],
- width: widths[ 1 ] + widths[ 3 ]
- };
- },
- _proportionallyResize: function() {
- if (!this._proportionallyResizeElements.length) {
- return;
- }
- var prel,
- i = 0,
- element = this.helper || this.element;
- for ( ; i < this._proportionallyResizeElements.length; i++) {
- prel = this._proportionallyResizeElements[i];
- // TODO: Seems like a bug to cache this.outerDimensions
- // considering that we are in a loop.
- if (!this.outerDimensions) {
- this.outerDimensions = this._getPaddingPlusBorderDimensions( prel );
- }
- prel.css({
- height: (element.height() - this.outerDimensions.height) || 0,
- width: (element.width() - this.outerDimensions.width) || 0
- });
- }
- },
- _renderProxy: function() {
- var el = this.element, o = this.options;
- this.elementOffset = el.offset();
- if (this._helper) {
- this.helper = this.helper || $("<div style='overflow:hidden;'></div>");
- this.helper.addClass(this._helper).css({
- width: this.element.outerWidth() - 1,
- height: this.element.outerHeight() - 1,
- position: "absolute",
- left: this.elementOffset.left + "px",
- top: + "px",
- zIndex: ++o.zIndex //TODO: Don't modify option
- });
- this.helper
- .appendTo("body")
- .disableSelection();
- } else {
- this.helper = this.element;
- }
- },
- _change: {
- e: function(event, dx) {
- return { width: this.originalSize.width + dx };
- },
- w: function(event, dx) {
- var cs = this.originalSize, sp = this.originalPosition;
- return { left: sp.left + dx, width: cs.width - dx };
- },
- n: function(event, dx, dy) {
- var cs = this.originalSize, sp = this.originalPosition;
- return { top: + dy, height: cs.height - dy };
- },
- s: function(event, dx, dy) {
- return { height: this.originalSize.height + dy };
- },
- se: function(event, dx, dy) {
- return $.extend(this._change.s.apply(this, arguments),
- this._change.e.apply(this, [ event, dx, dy ]));
- },
- sw: function(event, dx, dy) {
- return $.extend(this._change.s.apply(this, arguments),
- this._change.w.apply(this, [ event, dx, dy ]));
- },
- ne: function(event, dx, dy) {
- return $.extend(this._change.n.apply(this, arguments),
- this._change.e.apply(this, [ event, dx, dy ]));
- },
- nw: function(event, dx, dy) {
- return $.extend(this._change.n.apply(this, arguments),
- this._change.w.apply(this, [ event, dx, dy ]));
- }
- },
- _propagate: function(n, event) {
- $, n, [ event, this.ui() ]);
- (n !== "resize" && this._trigger(n, event, this.ui()));
- },
- plugins: {},
- ui: function() {
- return {
- originalElement: this.originalElement,
- element: this.element,
- helper: this.helper,
- position: this.position,
- size: this.size,
- originalSize: this.originalSize,
- originalPosition: this.originalPosition
- };
- }
- });
- /*
- * Resizable Extensions
- */
- $.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "animate", {
- stop: function( event ) {
- var that = $(this).resizable( "instance" ),
- o = that.options,
- pr = that._proportionallyResizeElements,
- ista = pr.length && (/textarea/i).test(pr[0].nodeName),
- soffseth = ista && that._hasScroll(pr[0], "left") ? 0 : that.sizeDiff.height,
- soffsetw = ista ? 0 : that.sizeDiff.width,
- style = { width: (that.size.width - soffsetw), height: (that.size.height - soffseth) },
- left = (parseInt(that.element.css("left"), 10) +
- (that.position.left - that.originalPosition.left)) || null,
- top = (parseInt(that.element.css("top"), 10) +
- ( - || null;
- that.element.animate(
- $.extend(style, top && left ? { top: top, left: left } : {}), {
- duration: o.animateDuration,
- easing: o.animateEasing,
- step: function() {
- var data = {
- width: parseInt(that.element.css("width"), 10),
- height: parseInt(that.element.css("height"), 10),
- top: parseInt(that.element.css("top"), 10),
- left: parseInt(that.element.css("left"), 10)
- };
- if (pr && pr.length) {
- $(pr[0]).css({ width: data.width, height: data.height });
- }
- // propagating resize, and updating values for each animation step
- that._updateCache(data);
- that._propagate("resize", event);
- }
- }
- );
- }
- });
- $.ui.plugin.add( "resizable", "containment", {
- start: function() {
- var element, p, co, ch, cw, width, height,
- that = $( this ).resizable( "instance" ),
- o = that.options,
- el = that.element,
- oc = o.containment,
- ce = ( oc instanceof $ ) ? oc.get( 0 ) : ( /parent/.test( oc ) ) ? el.parent().get( 0 ) : oc;
- if ( !ce ) {
- return;
- }
- that.containerElement = $( ce );
- if ( /document/.test( oc ) || oc === document ) {
- that.containerOffset = {
- left: 0,
- top: 0
- };
- that.containerPosition = {
- left: 0,
- top: 0
- };
- that.parentData = {
- element: $( document ),
- left: 0,
- top: 0,
- width: $( document ).width(),
- height: $( document ).height() || document.body.parentNode.scrollHeight
- };
- } else {
- element = $( ce );
- p = [];
- $([ "Top", "Right", "Left", "Bottom" ]).each(function( i, name ) {
- p[ i ] = that._num( element.css( "padding" + name ) );
- });
- that.containerOffset = element.offset();
- that.containerPosition = element.position();
- that.containerSize = {
- height: ( element.innerHeight() - p[ 3 ] ),
- width: ( element.innerWidth() - p[ 1 ] )
- };
- co = that.containerOffset;
- ch = that.containerSize.height;
- cw = that.containerSize.width;
- width = ( that._hasScroll ( ce, "left" ) ? ce.scrollWidth : cw );
- height = ( that._hasScroll ( ce ) ? ce.scrollHeight : ch ) ;
- that.parentData = {
- element: ce,
- left: co.left,
- top:,
- width: width,
- height: height
- };
- }
- },
- resize: function( event ) {
- var woset, hoset, isParent, isOffsetRelative,
- that = $( this ).resizable( "instance" ),
- o = that.options,
- co = that.containerOffset,
- cp = that.position,
- pRatio = that._aspectRatio || event.shiftKey,
- cop = {
- top: 0,
- left: 0
- },
- ce = that.containerElement,
- continueResize = true;
- if ( ce[ 0 ] !== document && ( /static/ ).test( ce.css( "position" ) ) ) {
- cop = co;
- }
- if ( cp.left < ( that._helper ? co.left : 0 ) ) {
- that.size.width = that.size.width +
- ( that._helper ?
- ( that.position.left - co.left ) :
- ( that.position.left - cop.left ) );
- if ( pRatio ) {
- that.size.height = that.size.width / that.aspectRatio;
- continueResize = false;
- }
- that.position.left = o.helper ? co.left : 0;
- }
- if ( < ( that._helper ? : 0 ) ) {
- that.size.height = that.size.height +
- ( that._helper ?
- ( - ) :
- );
- if ( pRatio ) {
- that.size.width = that.size.height * that.aspectRatio;
- continueResize = false;
- }
- = that._helper ? : 0;
- }
- isParent = that.containerElement.get( 0 ) === that.element.parent().get( 0 );
- isOffsetRelative = /relative|absolute/.test( that.containerElement.css( "position" ) );
- if ( isParent && isOffsetRelative ) {
- that.offset.left = that.parentData.left + that.position.left;
- = +;
- } else {
- that.offset.left = that.element.offset().left;
- = that.element.offset().top;
- }
- woset = Math.abs( that.sizeDiff.width +
- (that._helper ?
- that.offset.left - cop.left :
- (that.offset.left - co.left)) );
- hoset = Math.abs( that.sizeDiff.height +
- (that._helper ?
- - :
- ( - );
- if ( woset + that.size.width >= that.parentData.width ) {
- that.size.width = that.parentData.width - woset;
- if ( pRatio ) {
- that.size.height = that.size.width / that.aspectRatio;
- continueResize = false;
- }
- }
- if ( hoset + that.size.height >= that.parentData.height ) {
- that.size.height = that.parentData.height - hoset;
- if ( pRatio ) {
- that.size.width = that.size.height * that.aspectRatio;
- continueResize = false;
- }
- }
- if ( !continueResize ) {
- that.position.left = that.prevPosition.left;
- =;
- that.size.width = that.prevSize.width;
- that.size.height = that.prevSize.height;
- }
- },
- stop: function() {
- var that = $( this ).resizable( "instance" ),
- o = that.options,
- co = that.containerOffset,
- cop = that.containerPosition,
- ce = that.containerElement,
- helper = $( that.helper ),
- ho = helper.offset(),
- w = helper.outerWidth() - that.sizeDiff.width,
- h = helper.outerHeight() - that.sizeDiff.height;
- if ( that._helper && !o.animate && ( /relative/ ).test( ce.css( "position" ) ) ) {
- $( this ).css({
- left: ho.left - cop.left - co.left,
- width: w,
- height: h
- });
- }
- if ( that._helper && !o.animate && ( /static/ ).test( ce.css( "position" ) ) ) {
- $( this ).css({
- left: ho.left - cop.left - co.left,
- width: w,
- height: h
- });
- }
- }
- });
- $.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "alsoResize", {
- start: function() {
- var that = $(this).resizable( "instance" ),
- o = that.options;
- $(o.alsoResize).each(function() {
- var el = $(this);
-"ui-resizable-alsoresize", {
- width: parseInt(el.width(), 10), height: parseInt(el.height(), 10),
- left: parseInt(el.css("left"), 10), top: parseInt(el.css("top"), 10)
- });
- });
- },
- resize: function(event, ui) {
- var that = $(this).resizable( "instance" ),
- o = that.options,
- os = that.originalSize,
- op = that.originalPosition,
- delta = {
- height: (that.size.height - os.height) || 0,
- width: (that.size.width - os.width) || 0,
- top: ( - || 0,
- left: (that.position.left - op.left) || 0
- };
- $(o.alsoResize).each(function() {
- var el = $(this), start = $(this).data("ui-resizable-alsoresize"), style = {},
- css = el.parents(ui.originalElement[0]).length ?
- [ "width", "height" ] :
- [ "width", "height", "top", "left" ];
- $.each(css, function(i, prop) {
- var sum = (start[prop] || 0) + (delta[prop] || 0);
- if (sum && sum >= 0) {
- style[prop] = sum || null;
- }
- });
- el.css(style);
- });
- },
- stop: function() {
- $(this).removeData("resizable-alsoresize");
- }
- });
- $.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "ghost", {
- start: function() {
- var that = $(this).resizable( "instance" ), o = that.options, cs = that.size;
- that.ghost = that.originalElement.clone();
- that.ghost
- .css({
- opacity: 0.25,
- display: "block",
- position: "relative",
- height: cs.height,
- width: cs.width,
- margin: 0,
- left: 0,
- top: 0
- })
- .addClass("ui-resizable-ghost")
- .addClass(typeof o.ghost === "string" ? o.ghost : "");
- that.ghost.appendTo(that.helper);
- },
- resize: function() {
- var that = $(this).resizable( "instance" );
- if (that.ghost) {
- that.ghost.css({
- position: "relative",
- height: that.size.height,
- width: that.size.width
- });
- }
- },
- stop: function() {
- var that = $(this).resizable( "instance" );
- if (that.ghost && that.helper) {
- that.helper.get(0).removeChild(that.ghost.get(0));
- }
- }
- });
- $.ui.plugin.add("resizable", "grid", {
- resize: function() {
- var outerDimensions,
- that = $(this).resizable( "instance" ),
- o = that.options,
- cs = that.size,
- os = that.originalSize,
- op = that.originalPosition,
- a = that.axis,
- grid = typeof o.grid === "number" ? [ o.grid, o.grid ] : o.grid,
- gridX = (grid[0] || 1),
- gridY = (grid[1] || 1),
- ox = Math.round((cs.width - os.width) / gridX) * gridX,
- oy = Math.round((cs.height - os.height) / gridY) * gridY,
- newWidth = os.width + ox,
- newHeight = os.height + oy,
- isMaxWidth = o.maxWidth && (o.maxWidth < newWidth),
- isMaxHeight = o.maxHeight && (o.maxHeight < newHeight),
- isMinWidth = o.minWidth && (o.minWidth > newWidth),
- isMinHeight = o.minHeight && (o.minHeight > newHeight);
- o.grid = grid;
- if (isMinWidth) {
- newWidth += gridX;
- }
- if (isMinHeight) {
- newHeight += gridY;
- }
- if (isMaxWidth) {
- newWidth -= gridX;
- }
- if (isMaxHeight) {
- newHeight -= gridY;
- }
- if (/^(se|s|e)$/.test(a)) {
- that.size.width = newWidth;
- that.size.height = newHeight;
- } else if (/^(ne)$/.test(a)) {
- that.size.width = newWidth;
- that.size.height = newHeight;
- = - oy;
- } else if (/^(sw)$/.test(a)) {
- that.size.width = newWidth;
- that.size.height = newHeight;
- that.position.left = op.left - ox;
- } else {
- if ( newHeight - gridY <= 0 || newWidth - gridX <= 0) {
- outerDimensions = that._getPaddingPlusBorderDimensions( this );
- }
- if ( newHeight - gridY > 0 ) {
- that.size.height = newHeight;
- = - oy;
- } else {
- newHeight = gridY - outerDimensions.height;
- that.size.height = newHeight;
- = + os.height - newHeight;
- }
- if ( newWidth - gridX > 0 ) {
- that.size.width = newWidth;
- that.position.left = op.left - ox;
- } else {
- newWidth = gridX - outerDimensions.width;
- that.size.width = newWidth;
- that.position.left = op.left + os.width - newWidth;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- var resizable = $.ui.resizable;
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Selectable 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var selectable = $.widget("ui.selectable", $.ui.mouse, {
- version: "1.11.4",
- options: {
- appendTo: "body",
- autoRefresh: true,
- distance: 0,
- filter: "*",
- tolerance: "touch",
- // callbacks
- selected: null,
- selecting: null,
- start: null,
- stop: null,
- unselected: null,
- unselecting: null
- },
- _create: function() {
- var selectees,
- that = this;
- this.element.addClass("ui-selectable");
- this.dragged = false;
- // cache selectee children based on filter
- this.refresh = function() {
- selectees = $(that.options.filter, that.element[0]);
- selectees.addClass("ui-selectee");
- selectees.each(function() {
- var $this = $(this),
- pos = $this.offset();
- $.data(this, "selectable-item", {
- element: this,
- $element: $this,
- left: pos.left,
- top:,
- right: pos.left + $this.outerWidth(),
- bottom: + $this.outerHeight(),
- startselected: false,
- selected: $this.hasClass("ui-selected"),
- selecting: $this.hasClass("ui-selecting"),
- unselecting: $this.hasClass("ui-unselecting")
- });
- });
- };
- this.refresh();
- this.selectees = selectees.addClass("ui-selectee");
- this._mouseInit();
- this.helper = $("<div class='ui-selectable-helper'></div>");
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- this.selectees
- .removeClass("ui-selectee")
- .removeData("selectable-item");
- this.element
- .removeClass("ui-selectable ui-selectable-disabled");
- this._mouseDestroy();
- },
- _mouseStart: function(event) {
- var that = this,
- options = this.options;
- this.opos = [ event.pageX, event.pageY ];
- if (this.options.disabled) {
- return;
- }
- this.selectees = $(options.filter, this.element[0]);
- this._trigger("start", event);
- $(options.appendTo).append(this.helper);
- // position helper (lasso)
- this.helper.css({
- "left": event.pageX,
- "top": event.pageY,
- "width": 0,
- "height": 0
- });
- if (options.autoRefresh) {
- this.refresh();
- }
- this.selectees.filter(".ui-selected").each(function() {
- var selectee = $.data(this, "selectable-item");
- selectee.startselected = true;
- if (!event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey) {
- selectee.$element.removeClass("ui-selected");
- selectee.selected = false;
- selectee.$element.addClass("ui-unselecting");
- selectee.unselecting = true;
- // selectable UNSELECTING callback
- that._trigger("unselecting", event, {
- unselecting: selectee.element
- });
- }
- });
- $( {
- var doSelect,
- selectee = $.data(this, "selectable-item");
- if (selectee) {
- doSelect = (!event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey) || !selectee.$element.hasClass("ui-selected");
- selectee.$element
- .removeClass(doSelect ? "ui-unselecting" : "ui-selected")
- .addClass(doSelect ? "ui-selecting" : "ui-unselecting");
- selectee.unselecting = !doSelect;
- selectee.selecting = doSelect;
- selectee.selected = doSelect;
- // selectable (UN)SELECTING callback
- if (doSelect) {
- that._trigger("selecting", event, {
- selecting: selectee.element
- });
- } else {
- that._trigger("unselecting", event, {
- unselecting: selectee.element
- });
- }
- return false;
- }
- });
- },
- _mouseDrag: function(event) {
- this.dragged = true;
- if (this.options.disabled) {
- return;
- }
- var tmp,
- that = this,
- options = this.options,
- x1 = this.opos[0],
- y1 = this.opos[1],
- x2 = event.pageX,
- y2 = event.pageY;
- if (x1 > x2) { tmp = x2; x2 = x1; x1 = tmp; }
- if (y1 > y2) { tmp = y2; y2 = y1; y1 = tmp; }
- this.helper.css({ left: x1, top: y1, width: x2 - x1, height: y2 - y1 });
- this.selectees.each(function() {
- var selectee = $.data(this, "selectable-item"),
- hit = false;
- //prevent helper from being selected if appendTo: selectable
- if (!selectee || selectee.element === that.element[0]) {
- return;
- }
- if (options.tolerance === "touch") {
- hit = ( !(selectee.left > x2 || selectee.right < x1 || > y2 || selectee.bottom < y1) );
- } else if (options.tolerance === "fit") {
- hit = (selectee.left > x1 && selectee.right < x2 && > y1 && selectee.bottom < y2);
- }
- if (hit) {
- if (selectee.selected) {
- selectee.$element.removeClass("ui-selected");
- selectee.selected = false;
- }
- if (selectee.unselecting) {
- selectee.$element.removeClass("ui-unselecting");
- selectee.unselecting = false;
- }
- if (!selectee.selecting) {
- selectee.$element.addClass("ui-selecting");
- selectee.selecting = true;
- // selectable SELECTING callback
- that._trigger("selecting", event, {
- selecting: selectee.element
- });
- }
- } else {
- if (selectee.selecting) {
- if ((event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && selectee.startselected) {
- selectee.$element.removeClass("ui-selecting");
- selectee.selecting = false;
- selectee.$element.addClass("ui-selected");
- selectee.selected = true;
- } else {
- selectee.$element.removeClass("ui-selecting");
- selectee.selecting = false;
- if (selectee.startselected) {
- selectee.$element.addClass("ui-unselecting");
- selectee.unselecting = true;
- }
- // selectable UNSELECTING callback
- that._trigger("unselecting", event, {
- unselecting: selectee.element
- });
- }
- }
- if (selectee.selected) {
- if (!event.metaKey && !event.ctrlKey && !selectee.startselected) {
- selectee.$element.removeClass("ui-selected");
- selectee.selected = false;
- selectee.$element.addClass("ui-unselecting");
- selectee.unselecting = true;
- // selectable UNSELECTING callback
- that._trigger("unselecting", event, {
- unselecting: selectee.element
- });
- }
- }
- }
- });
- return false;
- },
- _mouseStop: function(event) {
- var that = this;
- this.dragged = false;
- $(".ui-unselecting", this.element[0]).each(function() {
- var selectee = $.data(this, "selectable-item");
- selectee.$element.removeClass("ui-unselecting");
- selectee.unselecting = false;
- selectee.startselected = false;
- that._trigger("unselected", event, {
- unselected: selectee.element
- });
- });
- $(".ui-selecting", this.element[0]).each(function() {
- var selectee = $.data(this, "selectable-item");
- selectee.$element.removeClass("ui-selecting").addClass("ui-selected");
- selectee.selecting = false;
- selectee.selected = true;
- selectee.startselected = true;
- that._trigger("selected", event, {
- selected: selectee.element
- });
- });
- this._trigger("stop", event);
- this.helper.remove();
- return false;
- }
- });
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Sortable 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var sortable = $.widget("ui.sortable", $.ui.mouse, {
- version: "1.11.4",
- widgetEventPrefix: "sort",
- ready: false,
- options: {
- appendTo: "parent",
- axis: false,
- connectWith: false,
- containment: false,
- cursor: "auto",
- cursorAt: false,
- dropOnEmpty: true,
- forcePlaceholderSize: false,
- forceHelperSize: false,
- grid: false,
- handle: false,
- helper: "original",
- items: "> *",
- opacity: false,
- placeholder: false,
- revert: false,
- scroll: true,
- scrollSensitivity: 20,
- scrollSpeed: 20,
- scope: "default",
- tolerance: "intersect",
- zIndex: 1000,
- // callbacks
- activate: null,
- beforeStop: null,
- change: null,
- deactivate: null,
- out: null,
- over: null,
- receive: null,
- remove: null,
- sort: null,
- start: null,
- stop: null,
- update: null
- },
- _isOverAxis: function( x, reference, size ) {
- return ( x >= reference ) && ( x < ( reference + size ) );
- },
- _isFloating: function( item ) {
- return (/left|right/).test(item.css("float")) || (/inline|table-cell/).test(item.css("display"));
- },
- _create: function() {
- this.containerCache = {};
- this.element.addClass("ui-sortable");
- //Get the items
- this.refresh();
- //Let's determine the parent's offset
- this.offset = this.element.offset();
- //Initialize mouse events for interaction
- this._mouseInit();
- this._setHandleClassName();
- //We're ready to go
- this.ready = true;
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- this._super( key, value );
- if ( key === "handle" ) {
- this._setHandleClassName();
- }
- },
- _setHandleClassName: function() {
- this.element.find( ".ui-sortable-handle" ).removeClass( "ui-sortable-handle" );
- $.each( this.items, function() {
- ( this.instance.options.handle ?
- this.item.find( this.instance.options.handle ) : this.item )
- .addClass( "ui-sortable-handle" );
- });
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- this.element
- .removeClass( "ui-sortable ui-sortable-disabled" )
- .find( ".ui-sortable-handle" )
- .removeClass( "ui-sortable-handle" );
- this._mouseDestroy();
- for ( var i = this.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
- this.items[i].item.removeData(this.widgetName + "-item");
- }
- return this;
- },
- _mouseCapture: function(event, overrideHandle) {
- var currentItem = null,
- validHandle = false,
- that = this;
- if (this.reverting) {
- return false;
- }
- if(this.options.disabled || this.options.type === "static") {
- return false;
- }
- //We have to refresh the items data once first
- this._refreshItems(event);
- //Find out if the clicked node (or one of its parents) is a actual item in this.items
- $( {
- if($.data(this, that.widgetName + "-item") === that) {
- currentItem = $(this);
- return false;
- }
- });
- if($.data(, that.widgetName + "-item") === that) {
- currentItem = $(;
- }
- if(!currentItem) {
- return false;
- }
- if(this.options.handle && !overrideHandle) {
- $(this.options.handle, currentItem).find("*").addBack().each(function() {
- if(this === {
- validHandle = true;
- }
- });
- if(!validHandle) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- this.currentItem = currentItem;
- this._removeCurrentsFromItems();
- return true;
- },
- _mouseStart: function(event, overrideHandle, noActivation) {
- var i, body,
- o = this.options;
- this.currentContainer = this;
- //We only need to call refreshPositions, because the refreshItems call has been moved to mouseCapture
- this.refreshPositions();
- //Create and append the visible helper
- this.helper = this._createHelper(event);
- //Cache the helper size
- this._cacheHelperProportions();
- /*
- * - Position generation -
- * This block generates everything position related - it's the core of draggables.
- */
- //Cache the margins of the original element
- this._cacheMargins();
- //Get the next scrolling parent
- this.scrollParent = this.helper.scrollParent();
- //The element's absolute position on the page minus margins
- this.offset = this.currentItem.offset();
- this.offset = {
- top: -,
- left: this.offset.left - this.margins.left
- };
- $.extend(this.offset, {
- click: { //Where the click happened, relative to the element
- left: event.pageX - this.offset.left,
- top: event.pageY -
- },
- parent: this._getParentOffset(),
- relative: this._getRelativeOffset() //This is a relative to absolute position minus the actual position calculation - only used for relative positioned helper
- });
- // Only after we got the offset, we can change the helper's position to absolute
- // TODO: Still need to figure out a way to make relative sorting possible
- this.helper.css("position", "absolute");
- this.cssPosition = this.helper.css("position");
- //Generate the original position
- this.originalPosition = this._generatePosition(event);
- this.originalPageX = event.pageX;
- this.originalPageY = event.pageY;
- //Adjust the mouse offset relative to the helper if "cursorAt" is supplied
- (o.cursorAt && this._adjustOffsetFromHelper(o.cursorAt));
- //Cache the former DOM position
- this.domPosition = { prev: this.currentItem.prev()[0], parent: this.currentItem.parent()[0] };
- //If the helper is not the original, hide the original so it's not playing any role during the drag, won't cause anything bad this way
- if(this.helper[0] !== this.currentItem[0]) {
- this.currentItem.hide();
- }
- //Create the placeholder
- this._createPlaceholder();
- //Set a containment if given in the options
- if(o.containment) {
- this._setContainment();
- }
- if( o.cursor && o.cursor !== "auto" ) { // cursor option
- body = this.document.find( "body" );
- // support: IE
- this.storedCursor = body.css( "cursor" );
- body.css( "cursor", o.cursor );
- this.storedStylesheet = $( "<style>*{ cursor: "+o.cursor+" !important; }</style>" ).appendTo( body );
- }
- if(o.opacity) { // opacity option
- if (this.helper.css("opacity")) {
- this._storedOpacity = this.helper.css("opacity");
- }
- this.helper.css("opacity", o.opacity);
- }
- if(o.zIndex) { // zIndex option
- if (this.helper.css("zIndex")) {
- this._storedZIndex = this.helper.css("zIndex");
- }
- this.helper.css("zIndex", o.zIndex);
- }
- //Prepare scrolling
- if(this.scrollParent[0] !== this.document[0] && this.scrollParent[0].tagName !== "HTML") {
- this.overflowOffset = this.scrollParent.offset();
- }
- //Call callbacks
- this._trigger("start", event, this._uiHash());
- //Recache the helper size
- if(!this._preserveHelperProportions) {
- this._cacheHelperProportions();
- }
- //Post "activate" events to possible containers
- if( !noActivation ) {
- for ( i = this.containers.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
- this.containers[ i ]._trigger( "activate", event, this._uiHash( this ) );
- }
- }
- //Prepare possible droppables
- if($.ui.ddmanager) {
- $.ui.ddmanager.current = this;
- }
- if ($.ui.ddmanager && !o.dropBehaviour) {
- $.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(this, event);
- }
- this.dragging = true;
- this.helper.addClass("ui-sortable-helper");
- this._mouseDrag(event); //Execute the drag once - this causes the helper not to be visible before getting its correct position
- return true;
- },
- _mouseDrag: function(event) {
- var i, item, itemElement, intersection,
- o = this.options,
- scrolled = false;
- //Compute the helpers position
- this.position = this._generatePosition(event);
- this.positionAbs = this._convertPositionTo("absolute");
- if (!this.lastPositionAbs) {
- this.lastPositionAbs = this.positionAbs;
- }
- //Do scrolling
- if(this.options.scroll) {
- if(this.scrollParent[0] !== this.document[0] && this.scrollParent[0].tagName !== "HTML") {
- if(( + this.scrollParent[0].offsetHeight) - event.pageY < o.scrollSensitivity) {
- this.scrollParent[0].scrollTop = scrolled = this.scrollParent[0].scrollTop + o.scrollSpeed;
- } else if(event.pageY - < o.scrollSensitivity) {
- this.scrollParent[0].scrollTop = scrolled = this.scrollParent[0].scrollTop - o.scrollSpeed;
- }
- if((this.overflowOffset.left + this.scrollParent[0].offsetWidth) - event.pageX < o.scrollSensitivity) {
- this.scrollParent[0].scrollLeft = scrolled = this.scrollParent[0].scrollLeft + o.scrollSpeed;
- } else if(event.pageX - this.overflowOffset.left < o.scrollSensitivity) {
- this.scrollParent[0].scrollLeft = scrolled = this.scrollParent[0].scrollLeft - o.scrollSpeed;
- }
- } else {
- if(event.pageY - this.document.scrollTop() < o.scrollSensitivity) {
- scrolled = this.document.scrollTop(this.document.scrollTop() - o.scrollSpeed);
- } else if(this.window.height() - (event.pageY - this.document.scrollTop()) < o.scrollSensitivity) {
- scrolled = this.document.scrollTop(this.document.scrollTop() + o.scrollSpeed);
- }
- if(event.pageX - this.document.scrollLeft() < o.scrollSensitivity) {
- scrolled = this.document.scrollLeft(this.document.scrollLeft() - o.scrollSpeed);
- } else if(this.window.width() - (event.pageX - this.document.scrollLeft()) < o.scrollSensitivity) {
- scrolled = this.document.scrollLeft(this.document.scrollLeft() + o.scrollSpeed);
- }
- }
- if(scrolled !== false && $.ui.ddmanager && !o.dropBehaviour) {
- $.ui.ddmanager.prepareOffsets(this, event);
- }
- }
- //Regenerate the absolute position used for position checks
- this.positionAbs = this._convertPositionTo("absolute");
- //Set the helper position
- if(!this.options.axis || this.options.axis !== "y") {
- this.helper[0].style.left = this.position.left+"px";
- }
- if(!this.options.axis || this.options.axis !== "x") {
- this.helper[0] ="px";
- }
- //Rearrange
- for (i = this.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- //Cache variables and intersection, continue if no intersection
- item = this.items[i];
- itemElement = item.item[0];
- intersection = this._intersectsWithPointer(item);
- if (!intersection) {
- continue;
- }
- // Only put the placeholder inside the current Container, skip all
- // items from other containers. This works because when moving
- // an item from one container to another the
- // currentContainer is switched before the placeholder is moved.
- //
- // Without this, moving items in "sub-sortables" can cause
- // the placeholder to jitter between the outer and inner container.
- if (item.instance !== this.currentContainer) {
- continue;
- }
- // cannot intersect with itself
- // no useless actions that have been done before
- // no action if the item moved is the parent of the item checked
- if (itemElement !== this.currentItem[0] &&
- this.placeholder[intersection === 1 ? "next" : "prev"]()[0] !== itemElement &&
- !$.contains(this.placeholder[0], itemElement) &&
- (this.options.type === "semi-dynamic" ? !$.contains(this.element[0], itemElement) : true)
- ) {
- this.direction = intersection === 1 ? "down" : "up";
- if (this.options.tolerance === "pointer" || this._intersectsWithSides(item)) {
- this._rearrange(event, item);
- } else {
- break;
- }
- this._trigger("change", event, this._uiHash());
- break;
- }
- }
- //Post events to containers
- this._contactContainers(event);
- //Interconnect with droppables
- if($.ui.ddmanager) {
- $.ui.ddmanager.drag(this, event);
- }
- //Call callbacks
- this._trigger("sort", event, this._uiHash());
- this.lastPositionAbs = this.positionAbs;
- return false;
- },
- _mouseStop: function(event, noPropagation) {
- if(!event) {
- return;
- }
- //If we are using droppables, inform the manager about the drop
- if ($.ui.ddmanager && !this.options.dropBehaviour) {
- $.ui.ddmanager.drop(this, event);
- }
- if(this.options.revert) {
- var that = this,
- cur = this.placeholder.offset(),
- axis = this.options.axis,
- animation = {};
- if ( !axis || axis === "x" ) {
- animation.left = cur.left - this.offset.parent.left - this.margins.left + (this.offsetParent[0] === this.document[0].body ? 0 : this.offsetParent[0].scrollLeft);
- }
- if ( !axis || axis === "y" ) {
- = - - + (this.offsetParent[0] === this.document[0].body ? 0 : this.offsetParent[0].scrollTop);
- }
- this.reverting = true;
- $(this.helper).animate( animation, parseInt(this.options.revert, 10) || 500, function() {
- that._clear(event);
- });
- } else {
- this._clear(event, noPropagation);
- }
- return false;
- },
- cancel: function() {
- if(this.dragging) {
- this._mouseUp({ target: null });
- if(this.options.helper === "original") {
- this.currentItem.css(this._storedCSS).removeClass("ui-sortable-helper");
- } else {
- }
- //Post deactivating events to containers
- for (var i = this.containers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- this.containers[i]._trigger("deactivate", null, this._uiHash(this));
- if(this.containers[i].containerCache.over) {
- this.containers[i]._trigger("out", null, this._uiHash(this));
- this.containers[i].containerCache.over = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if (this.placeholder) {
- //$(this.placeholder[0]).remove(); would have been the jQuery way - unfortunately, it unbinds ALL events from the original node!
- if(this.placeholder[0].parentNode) {
- this.placeholder[0].parentNode.removeChild(this.placeholder[0]);
- }
- if(this.options.helper !== "original" && this.helper && this.helper[0].parentNode) {
- this.helper.remove();
- }
- $.extend(this, {
- helper: null,
- dragging: false,
- reverting: false,
- _noFinalSort: null
- });
- if(this.domPosition.prev) {
- $(this.domPosition.prev).after(this.currentItem);
- } else {
- $(this.domPosition.parent).prepend(this.currentItem);
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- serialize: function(o) {
- var items = this._getItemsAsjQuery(o && o.connected),
- str = [];
- o = o || {};
- $(items).each(function() {
- var res = ($(o.item || this).attr(o.attribute || "id") || "").match(o.expression || (/(.+)[\-=_](.+)/));
- if (res) {
- str.push((o.key || res[1]+"[]")+"="+(o.key && o.expression ? res[1] : res[2]));
- }
- });
- if(!str.length && o.key) {
- str.push(o.key + "=");
- }
- return str.join("&");
- },
- toArray: function(o) {
- var items = this._getItemsAsjQuery(o && o.connected),
- ret = [];
- o = o || {};
- items.each(function() { ret.push($(o.item || this).attr(o.attribute || "id") || ""); });
- return ret;
- },
- /* Be careful with the following core functions */
- _intersectsWith: function(item) {
- var x1 = this.positionAbs.left,
- x2 = x1 + this.helperProportions.width,
- y1 =,
- y2 = y1 + this.helperProportions.height,
- l = item.left,
- r = l + item.width,
- t =,
- b = t + item.height,
- dyClick =,
- dxClick =,
- isOverElementHeight = ( this.options.axis === "x" ) || ( ( y1 + dyClick ) > t && ( y1 + dyClick ) < b ),
- isOverElementWidth = ( this.options.axis === "y" ) || ( ( x1 + dxClick ) > l && ( x1 + dxClick ) < r ),
- isOverElement = isOverElementHeight && isOverElementWidth;
- if ( this.options.tolerance === "pointer" ||
- this.options.forcePointerForContainers ||
- (this.options.tolerance !== "pointer" && this.helperProportions[this.floating ? "width" : "height"] > item[this.floating ? "width" : "height"])
- ) {
- return isOverElement;
- } else {
- return (l < x1 + (this.helperProportions.width / 2) && // Right Half
- x2 - (this.helperProportions.width / 2) < r && // Left Half
- t < y1 + (this.helperProportions.height / 2) && // Bottom Half
- y2 - (this.helperProportions.height / 2) < b ); // Top Half
- }
- },
- _intersectsWithPointer: function(item) {
- var isOverElementHeight = (this.options.axis === "x") || this._isOverAxis( +,, item.height),
- isOverElementWidth = (this.options.axis === "y") || this._isOverAxis(this.positionAbs.left +, item.left, item.width),
- isOverElement = isOverElementHeight && isOverElementWidth,
- verticalDirection = this._getDragVerticalDirection(),
- horizontalDirection = this._getDragHorizontalDirection();
- if (!isOverElement) {
- return false;
- }
- return this.floating ?
- ( ((horizontalDirection && horizontalDirection === "right") || verticalDirection === "down") ? 2 : 1 )
- : ( verticalDirection && (verticalDirection === "down" ? 2 : 1) );
- },
- _intersectsWithSides: function(item) {
- var isOverBottomHalf = this._isOverAxis( +, + (item.height/2), item.height),
- isOverRightHalf = this._isOverAxis(this.positionAbs.left +, item.left + (item.width/2), item.width),
- verticalDirection = this._getDragVerticalDirection(),
- horizontalDirection = this._getDragHorizontalDirection();
- if (this.floating && horizontalDirection) {
- return ((horizontalDirection === "right" && isOverRightHalf) || (horizontalDirection === "left" && !isOverRightHalf));
- } else {
- return verticalDirection && ((verticalDirection === "down" && isOverBottomHalf) || (verticalDirection === "up" && !isOverBottomHalf));
- }
- },
- _getDragVerticalDirection: function() {
- var delta = -;
- return delta !== 0 && (delta > 0 ? "down" : "up");
- },
- _getDragHorizontalDirection: function() {
- var delta = this.positionAbs.left - this.lastPositionAbs.left;
- return delta !== 0 && (delta > 0 ? "right" : "left");
- },
- refresh: function(event) {
- this._refreshItems(event);
- this._setHandleClassName();
- this.refreshPositions();
- return this;
- },
- _connectWith: function() {
- var options = this.options;
- return options.connectWith.constructor === String ? [options.connectWith] : options.connectWith;
- },
- _getItemsAsjQuery: function(connected) {
- var i, j, cur, inst,
- items = [],
- queries = [],
- connectWith = this._connectWith();
- if(connectWith && connected) {
- for (i = connectWith.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- cur = $(connectWith[i], this.document[0]);
- for ( j = cur.length - 1; j >= 0; j--){
- inst = $.data(cur[j], this.widgetFullName);
- if(inst && inst !== this && !inst.options.disabled) {
- queries.push([$.isFunction(inst.options.items) ? : $(inst.options.items, inst.element).not(".ui-sortable-helper").not(".ui-sortable-placeholder"), inst]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- queries.push([$.isFunction(this.options.items) ?, null, { options: this.options, item: this.currentItem }) : $(this.options.items, this.element).not(".ui-sortable-helper").not(".ui-sortable-placeholder"), this]);
- function addItems() {
- items.push( this );
- }
- for (i = queries.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- queries[i][0].each( addItems );
- }
- return $(items);
- },
- _removeCurrentsFromItems: function() {
- var list = this.currentItem.find(":data(" + this.widgetName + "-item)");
- this.items = $.grep(this.items, function (item) {
- for (var j=0; j < list.length; j++) {
- if(list[j] === item.item[0]) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- });
- },
- _refreshItems: function(event) {
- this.items = [];
- this.containers = [this];
- var i, j, cur, inst, targetData, _queries, item, queriesLength,
- items = this.items,
- queries = [[$.isFunction(this.options.items) ?[0], event, { item: this.currentItem }) : $(this.options.items, this.element), this]],
- connectWith = this._connectWith();
- if(connectWith && this.ready) { //Shouldn't be run the first time through due to massive slow-down
- for (i = connectWith.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- cur = $(connectWith[i], this.document[0]);
- for (j = cur.length - 1; j >= 0; j--){
- inst = $.data(cur[j], this.widgetFullName);
- if(inst && inst !== this && !inst.options.disabled) {
- queries.push([$.isFunction(inst.options.items) ?[0], event, { item: this.currentItem }) : $(inst.options.items, inst.element), inst]);
- this.containers.push(inst);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (i = queries.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- targetData = queries[i][1];
- _queries = queries[i][0];
- for (j=0, queriesLength = _queries.length; j < queriesLength; j++) {
- item = $(_queries[j]);
- + "-item", targetData); // Data for target checking (mouse manager)
- items.push({
- item: item,
- instance: targetData,
- width: 0, height: 0,
- left: 0, top: 0
- });
- }
- }
- },
- refreshPositions: function(fast) {
- // Determine whether items are being displayed horizontally
- this.floating = this.items.length ?
- this.options.axis === "x" || this._isFloating( this.items[ 0 ].item ) :
- false;
- //This has to be redone because due to the item being moved out/into the offsetParent, the offsetParent's position will change
- if(this.offsetParent && this.helper) {
- this.offset.parent = this._getParentOffset();
- }
- var i, item, t, p;
- for (i = this.items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- item = this.items[i];
- //We ignore calculating positions of all connected containers when we're not over them
- if(item.instance !== this.currentContainer && this.currentContainer && item.item[0] !== this.currentItem[0]) {
- continue;
- }
- t = this.options.toleranceElement ? $(this.options.toleranceElement, item.item) : item.item;
- if (!fast) {
- item.width = t.outerWidth();
- item.height = t.outerHeight();
- }
- p = t.offset();
- item.left = p.left;
- =;
- }
- if(this.options.custom && this.options.custom.refreshContainers) {
- } else {
- for (i = this.containers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- p = this.containers[i].element.offset();
- this.containers[i].containerCache.left = p.left;
- this.containers[i] =;
- this.containers[i].containerCache.width = this.containers[i].element.outerWidth();
- this.containers[i].containerCache.height = this.containers[i].element.outerHeight();
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- _createPlaceholder: function(that) {
- that = that || this;
- var className,
- o = that.options;
- if(!o.placeholder || o.placeholder.constructor === String) {
- className = o.placeholder;
- o.placeholder = {
- element: function() {
- var nodeName = that.currentItem[0].nodeName.toLowerCase(),
- element = $( "<" + nodeName + ">", that.document[0] )
- .addClass(className || that.currentItem[0].className+" ui-sortable-placeholder")
- .removeClass("ui-sortable-helper");
- if ( nodeName === "tbody" ) {
- that._createTrPlaceholder(
- that.currentItem.find( "tr" ).eq( 0 ),
- $( "<tr>", that.document[ 0 ] ).appendTo( element )
- );
- } else if ( nodeName === "tr" ) {
- that._createTrPlaceholder( that.currentItem, element );
- } else if ( nodeName === "img" ) {
- element.attr( "src", that.currentItem.attr( "src" ) );
- }
- if ( !className ) {
- element.css( "visibility", "hidden" );
- }
- return element;
- },
- update: function(container, p) {
- // 1. If a className is set as 'placeholder option, we don't force sizes - the class is responsible for that
- // 2. The option 'forcePlaceholderSize can be enabled to force it even if a class name is specified
- if(className && !o.forcePlaceholderSize) {
- return;
- }
- //If the element doesn't have a actual height by itself (without styles coming from a stylesheet), it receives the inline height from the dragged item
- if(!p.height()) { p.height(that.currentItem.innerHeight() - parseInt(that.currentItem.css("paddingTop")||0, 10) - parseInt(that.currentItem.css("paddingBottom")||0, 10)); }
- if(!p.width()) { p.width(that.currentItem.innerWidth() - parseInt(that.currentItem.css("paddingLeft")||0, 10) - parseInt(that.currentItem.css("paddingRight")||0, 10)); }
- }
- };
- }
- //Create the placeholder
- that.placeholder = $(, that.currentItem));
- //Append it after the actual current item
- that.currentItem.after(that.placeholder);
- //Update the size of the placeholder (TODO: Logic to fuzzy, see line 316/317)
- o.placeholder.update(that, that.placeholder);
- },
- _createTrPlaceholder: function( sourceTr, targetTr ) {
- var that = this;
- sourceTr.children().each(function() {
- $( "<td> </td>", that.document[ 0 ] )
- .attr( "colspan", $( this ).attr( "colspan" ) || 1 )
- .appendTo( targetTr );
- });
- },
- _contactContainers: function(event) {
- var i, j, dist, itemWithLeastDistance, posProperty, sizeProperty, cur, nearBottom, floating, axis,
- innermostContainer = null,
- innermostIndex = null;
- // get innermost container that intersects with item
- for (i = this.containers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- // never consider a container that's located within the item itself
- if($.contains(this.currentItem[0], this.containers[i].element[0])) {
- continue;
- }
- if(this._intersectsWith(this.containers[i].containerCache)) {
- // if we've already found a container and it's more "inner" than this, then continue
- if(innermostContainer && $.contains(this.containers[i].element[0], innermostContainer.element[0])) {
- continue;
- }
- innermostContainer = this.containers[i];
- innermostIndex = i;
- } else {
- // container doesn't intersect. trigger "out" event if necessary
- if(this.containers[i].containerCache.over) {
- this.containers[i]._trigger("out", event, this._uiHash(this));
- this.containers[i].containerCache.over = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- // if no intersecting containers found, return
- if(!innermostContainer) {
- return;
- }
- // move the item into the container if it's not there already
- if(this.containers.length === 1) {
- if (!this.containers[innermostIndex].containerCache.over) {
- this.containers[innermostIndex]._trigger("over", event, this._uiHash(this));
- this.containers[innermostIndex].containerCache.over = 1;
- }
- } else {
- //When entering a new container, we will find the item with the least distance and append our item near it
- dist = 10000;
- itemWithLeastDistance = null;
- floating = innermostContainer.floating || this._isFloating(this.currentItem);
- posProperty = floating ? "left" : "top";
- sizeProperty = floating ? "width" : "height";
- axis = floating ? "clientX" : "clientY";
- for (j = this.items.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
- if(!$.contains(this.containers[innermostIndex].element[0], this.items[j].item[0])) {
- continue;
- }
- if(this.items[j].item[0] === this.currentItem[0]) {
- continue;
- }
- cur = this.items[j].item.offset()[posProperty];
- nearBottom = false;
- if ( event[ axis ] - cur > this.items[ j ][ sizeProperty ] / 2 ) {
- nearBottom = true;
- }
- if ( Math.abs( event[ axis ] - cur ) < dist ) {
- dist = Math.abs( event[ axis ] - cur );
- itemWithLeastDistance = this.items[ j ];
- this.direction = nearBottom ? "up": "down";
- }
- }
- //Check if dropOnEmpty is enabled
- if(!itemWithLeastDistance && !this.options.dropOnEmpty) {
- return;
- }
- if(this.currentContainer === this.containers[innermostIndex]) {
- if ( !this.currentContainer.containerCache.over ) {
- this.containers[ innermostIndex ]._trigger( "over", event, this._uiHash() );
- this.currentContainer.containerCache.over = 1;
- }
- return;
- }
- itemWithLeastDistance ? this._rearrange(event, itemWithLeastDistance, null, true) : this._rearrange(event, null, this.containers[innermostIndex].element, true);
- this._trigger("change", event, this._uiHash());
- this.containers[innermostIndex]._trigger("change", event, this._uiHash(this));
- this.currentContainer = this.containers[innermostIndex];
- //Update the placeholder
- this.options.placeholder.update(this.currentContainer, this.placeholder);
- this.containers[innermostIndex]._trigger("over", event, this._uiHash(this));
- this.containers[innermostIndex].containerCache.over = 1;
- }
- },
- _createHelper: function(event) {
- var o = this.options,
- helper = $.isFunction(o.helper) ? $(o.helper.apply(this.element[0], [event, this.currentItem])) : (o.helper === "clone" ? this.currentItem.clone() : this.currentItem);
- //Add the helper to the DOM if that didn't happen already
- if(!helper.parents("body").length) {
- $(o.appendTo !== "parent" ? o.appendTo : this.currentItem[0].parentNode)[0].appendChild(helper[0]);
- }
- if(helper[0] === this.currentItem[0]) {
- this._storedCSS = { width: this.currentItem[0].style.width, height: this.currentItem[0].style.height, position: this.currentItem.css("position"), top: this.currentItem.css("top"), left: this.currentItem.css("left") };
- }
- if(!helper[0].style.width || o.forceHelperSize) {
- helper.width(this.currentItem.width());
- }
- if(!helper[0].style.height || o.forceHelperSize) {
- helper.height(this.currentItem.height());
- }
- return helper;
- },
- _adjustOffsetFromHelper: function(obj) {
- if (typeof obj === "string") {
- obj = obj.split(" ");
- }
- if ($.isArray(obj)) {
- obj = {left: +obj[0], top: +obj[1] || 0};
- }
- if ("left" in obj) {
- = obj.left + this.margins.left;
- }
- if ("right" in obj) {
- = this.helperProportions.width - obj.right + this.margins.left;
- }
- if ("top" in obj) {
- = +;
- }
- if ("bottom" in obj) {
- = this.helperProportions.height - obj.bottom +;
- }
- },
- _getParentOffset: function() {
- //Get the offsetParent and cache its position
- this.offsetParent = this.helper.offsetParent();
- var po = this.offsetParent.offset();
- // This is a special case where we need to modify a offset calculated on start, since the following happened:
- // 1. The position of the helper is absolute, so it's position is calculated based on the next positioned parent
- // 2. The actual offset parent is a child of the scroll parent, and the scroll parent isn't the document, which means that
- // the scroll is included in the initial calculation of the offset of the parent, and never recalculated upon drag
- if(this.cssPosition === "absolute" && this.scrollParent[0] !== this.document[0] && $.contains(this.scrollParent[0], this.offsetParent[0])) {
- po.left += this.scrollParent.scrollLeft();
- += this.scrollParent.scrollTop();
- }
- // This needs to be actually done for all browsers, since pageX/pageY includes this information
- // with an ugly IE fix
- if( this.offsetParent[0] === this.document[0].body || (this.offsetParent[0].tagName && this.offsetParent[0].tagName.toLowerCase() === "html" && $ {
- po = { top: 0, left: 0 };
- }
- return {
- top: + (parseInt(this.offsetParent.css("borderTopWidth"),10) || 0),
- left: po.left + (parseInt(this.offsetParent.css("borderLeftWidth"),10) || 0)
- };
- },
- _getRelativeOffset: function() {
- if(this.cssPosition === "relative") {
- var p = this.currentItem.position();
- return {
- top: - (parseInt(this.helper.css("top"),10) || 0) + this.scrollParent.scrollTop(),
- left: p.left - (parseInt(this.helper.css("left"),10) || 0) + this.scrollParent.scrollLeft()
- };
- } else {
- return { top: 0, left: 0 };
- }
- },
- _cacheMargins: function() {
- this.margins = {
- left: (parseInt(this.currentItem.css("marginLeft"),10) || 0),
- top: (parseInt(this.currentItem.css("marginTop"),10) || 0)
- };
- },
- _cacheHelperProportions: function() {
- this.helperProportions = {
- width: this.helper.outerWidth(),
- height: this.helper.outerHeight()
- };
- },
- _setContainment: function() {
- var ce, co, over,
- o = this.options;
- if(o.containment === "parent") {
- o.containment = this.helper[0].parentNode;
- }
- if(o.containment === "document" || o.containment === "window") {
- this.containment = [
- 0 - this.offset.relative.left - this.offset.parent.left,
- 0 - -,
- o.containment === "document" ? this.document.width() : this.window.width() - this.helperProportions.width - this.margins.left,
- (o.containment === "document" ? this.document.width() : this.window.height() || this.document[0].body.parentNode.scrollHeight) - this.helperProportions.height -
- ];
- }
- if(!(/^(document|window|parent)$/).test(o.containment)) {
- ce = $(o.containment)[0];
- co = $(o.containment).offset();
- over = ($(ce).css("overflow") !== "hidden");
- this.containment = [
- co.left + (parseInt($(ce).css("borderLeftWidth"),10) || 0) + (parseInt($(ce).css("paddingLeft"),10) || 0) - this.margins.left,
- + (parseInt($(ce).css("borderTopWidth"),10) || 0) + (parseInt($(ce).css("paddingTop"),10) || 0) -,
- co.left+(over ? Math.max(ce.scrollWidth,ce.offsetWidth) : ce.offsetWidth) - (parseInt($(ce).css("borderLeftWidth"),10) || 0) - (parseInt($(ce).css("paddingRight"),10) || 0) - this.helperProportions.width - this.margins.left,
- ? Math.max(ce.scrollHeight,ce.offsetHeight) : ce.offsetHeight) - (parseInt($(ce).css("borderTopWidth"),10) || 0) - (parseInt($(ce).css("paddingBottom"),10) || 0) - this.helperProportions.height -
- ];
- }
- },
- _convertPositionTo: function(d, pos) {
- if(!pos) {
- pos = this.position;
- }
- var mod = d === "absolute" ? 1 : -1,
- scroll = this.cssPosition === "absolute" && !(this.scrollParent[0] !== this.document[0] && $.contains(this.scrollParent[0], this.offsetParent[0])) ? this.offsetParent : this.scrollParent,
- scrollIsRootNode = (/(html|body)/i).test(scroll[0].tagName);
- return {
- top: (
- + // The absolute mouse position
- * mod + // Only for relative positioned nodes: Relative offset from element to offset parent
- * mod - // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- ( ( this.cssPosition === "fixed" ? -this.scrollParent.scrollTop() : ( scrollIsRootNode ? 0 : scroll.scrollTop() ) ) * mod)
- ),
- left: (
- pos.left + // The absolute mouse position
- this.offset.relative.left * mod + // Only for relative positioned nodes: Relative offset from element to offset parent
- this.offset.parent.left * mod - // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- ( ( this.cssPosition === "fixed" ? -this.scrollParent.scrollLeft() : scrollIsRootNode ? 0 : scroll.scrollLeft() ) * mod)
- )
- };
- },
- _generatePosition: function(event) {
- var top, left,
- o = this.options,
- pageX = event.pageX,
- pageY = event.pageY,
- scroll = this.cssPosition === "absolute" && !(this.scrollParent[0] !== this.document[0] && $.contains(this.scrollParent[0], this.offsetParent[0])) ? this.offsetParent : this.scrollParent, scrollIsRootNode = (/(html|body)/i).test(scroll[0].tagName);
- // This is another very weird special case that only happens for relative elements:
- // 1. If the css position is relative
- // 2. and the scroll parent is the document or similar to the offset parent
- // we have to refresh the relative offset during the scroll so there are no jumps
- if(this.cssPosition === "relative" && !(this.scrollParent[0] !== this.document[0] && this.scrollParent[0] !== this.offsetParent[0])) {
- this.offset.relative = this._getRelativeOffset();
- }
- /*
- * - Position constraining -
- * Constrain the position to a mix of grid, containment.
- */
- if(this.originalPosition) { //If we are not dragging yet, we won't check for options
- if(this.containment) {
- if(event.pageX - < this.containment[0]) {
- pageX = this.containment[0] +;
- }
- if(event.pageY - < this.containment[1]) {
- pageY = this.containment[1] +;
- }
- if(event.pageX - > this.containment[2]) {
- pageX = this.containment[2] +;
- }
- if(event.pageY - > this.containment[3]) {
- pageY = this.containment[3] +;
- }
- }
- if(o.grid) {
- top = this.originalPageY + Math.round((pageY - this.originalPageY) / o.grid[1]) * o.grid[1];
- pageY = this.containment ? ( (top - >= this.containment[1] && top - <= this.containment[3]) ? top : ((top - >= this.containment[1]) ? top - o.grid[1] : top + o.grid[1])) : top;
- left = this.originalPageX + Math.round((pageX - this.originalPageX) / o.grid[0]) * o.grid[0];
- pageX = this.containment ? ( (left - >= this.containment[0] && left - <= this.containment[2]) ? left : ((left - >= this.containment[0]) ? left - o.grid[0] : left + o.grid[0])) : left;
- }
- }
- return {
- top: (
- pageY - // The absolute mouse position
- - // Click offset (relative to the element)
- - // Only for relative positioned nodes: Relative offset from element to offset parent
- + // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- ( ( this.cssPosition === "fixed" ? -this.scrollParent.scrollTop() : ( scrollIsRootNode ? 0 : scroll.scrollTop() ) ))
- ),
- left: (
- pageX - // The absolute mouse position
- - // Click offset (relative to the element)
- this.offset.relative.left - // Only for relative positioned nodes: Relative offset from element to offset parent
- this.offset.parent.left + // The offsetParent's offset without borders (offset + border)
- ( ( this.cssPosition === "fixed" ? -this.scrollParent.scrollLeft() : scrollIsRootNode ? 0 : scroll.scrollLeft() ))
- )
- };
- },
- _rearrange: function(event, i, a, hardRefresh) {
- a ? a[0].appendChild(this.placeholder[0]) : i.item[0].parentNode.insertBefore(this.placeholder[0], (this.direction === "down" ? i.item[0] : i.item[0].nextSibling));
- //Various things done here to improve the performance:
- // 1. we create a setTimeout, that calls refreshPositions
- // 2. on the instance, we have a counter variable, that get's higher after every append
- // 3. on the local scope, we copy the counter variable, and check in the timeout, if it's still the same
- // 4. this lets only the last addition to the timeout stack through
- this.counter = this.counter ? ++this.counter : 1;
- var counter = this.counter;
- this._delay(function() {
- if(counter === this.counter) {
- this.refreshPositions(!hardRefresh); //Precompute after each DOM insertion, NOT on mousemove
- }
- });
- },
- _clear: function(event, noPropagation) {
- this.reverting = false;
- // We delay all events that have to be triggered to after the point where the placeholder has been removed and
- // everything else normalized again
- var i,
- delayedTriggers = [];
- // We first have to update the dom position of the actual currentItem
- // Note: don't do it if the current item is already removed (by a user), or it gets reappended (see #4088)
- if(!this._noFinalSort && this.currentItem.parent().length) {
- this.placeholder.before(this.currentItem);
- }
- this._noFinalSort = null;
- if(this.helper[0] === this.currentItem[0]) {
- for(i in this._storedCSS) {
- if(this._storedCSS[i] === "auto" || this._storedCSS[i] === "static") {
- this._storedCSS[i] = "";
- }
- }
- this.currentItem.css(this._storedCSS).removeClass("ui-sortable-helper");
- } else {
- }
- if(this.fromOutside && !noPropagation) {
- delayedTriggers.push(function(event) { this._trigger("receive", event, this._uiHash(this.fromOutside)); });
- }
- if((this.fromOutside || this.domPosition.prev !== this.currentItem.prev().not(".ui-sortable-helper")[0] || this.domPosition.parent !== this.currentItem.parent()[0]) && !noPropagation) {
- delayedTriggers.push(function(event) { this._trigger("update", event, this._uiHash()); }); //Trigger update callback if the DOM position has changed
- }
- // Check if the items Container has Changed and trigger appropriate
- // events.
- if (this !== this.currentContainer) {
- if(!noPropagation) {
- delayedTriggers.push(function(event) { this._trigger("remove", event, this._uiHash()); });
- delayedTriggers.push((function(c) { return function(event) { c._trigger("receive", event, this._uiHash(this)); }; }).call(this, this.currentContainer));
- delayedTriggers.push((function(c) { return function(event) { c._trigger("update", event, this._uiHash(this)); }; }).call(this, this.currentContainer));
- }
- }
- //Post events to containers
- function delayEvent( type, instance, container ) {
- return function( event ) {
- container._trigger( type, event, instance._uiHash( instance ) );
- };
- }
- for (i = this.containers.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
- if (!noPropagation) {
- delayedTriggers.push( delayEvent( "deactivate", this, this.containers[ i ] ) );
- }
- if(this.containers[i].containerCache.over) {
- delayedTriggers.push( delayEvent( "out", this, this.containers[ i ] ) );
- this.containers[i].containerCache.over = 0;
- }
- }
- //Do what was originally in plugins
- if ( this.storedCursor ) {
- this.document.find( "body" ).css( "cursor", this.storedCursor );
- this.storedStylesheet.remove();
- }
- if(this._storedOpacity) {
- this.helper.css("opacity", this._storedOpacity);
- }
- if(this._storedZIndex) {
- this.helper.css("zIndex", this._storedZIndex === "auto" ? "" : this._storedZIndex);
- }
- this.dragging = false;
- if(!noPropagation) {
- this._trigger("beforeStop", event, this._uiHash());
- }
- //$(this.placeholder[0]).remove(); would have been the jQuery way - unfortunately, it unbinds ALL events from the original node!
- this.placeholder[0].parentNode.removeChild(this.placeholder[0]);
- if ( !this.cancelHelperRemoval ) {
- if ( this.helper[ 0 ] !== this.currentItem[ 0 ] ) {
- this.helper.remove();
- }
- this.helper = null;
- }
- if(!noPropagation) {
- for (i=0; i < delayedTriggers.length; i++) {
- delayedTriggers[i].call(this, event);
- } //Trigger all delayed events
- this._trigger("stop", event, this._uiHash());
- }
- this.fromOutside = false;
- return !this.cancelHelperRemoval;
- },
- _trigger: function() {
- if ($.Widget.prototype._trigger.apply(this, arguments) === false) {
- this.cancel();
- }
- },
- _uiHash: function(_inst) {
- var inst = _inst || this;
- return {
- helper: inst.helper,
- placeholder: inst.placeholder || $([]),
- position: inst.position,
- originalPosition: inst.originalPosition,
- offset: inst.positionAbs,
- item: inst.currentItem,
- sender: _inst ? _inst.element : null
- };
- }
- });
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Accordion 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var accordion = $.widget( "ui.accordion", {
- version: "1.11.4",
- options: {
- active: 0,
- animate: {},
- collapsible: false,
- event: "click",
- header: "> li > :first-child,> :not(li):even",
- heightStyle: "auto",
- icons: {
- activeHeader: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s",
- header: "ui-icon-triangle-1-e"
- },
- // callbacks
- activate: null,
- beforeActivate: null
- },
- hideProps: {
- borderTopWidth: "hide",
- borderBottomWidth: "hide",
- paddingTop: "hide",
- paddingBottom: "hide",
- height: "hide"
- },
- showProps: {
- borderTopWidth: "show",
- borderBottomWidth: "show",
- paddingTop: "show",
- paddingBottom: "show",
- height: "show"
- },
- _create: function() {
- var options = this.options;
- this.prevShow = this.prevHide = $();
- this.element.addClass( "ui-accordion ui-widget ui-helper-reset" )
- // ARIA
- .attr( "role", "tablist" );
- // don't allow collapsible: false and active: false / null
- if ( !options.collapsible && ( === false || == null) ) {
- = 0;
- }
- this._processPanels();
- // handle negative values
- if ( < 0 ) {
- += this.headers.length;
- }
- this._refresh();
- },
- _getCreateEventData: function() {
- return {
- header:,
- panel: ! ? $() :
- };
- },
- _createIcons: function() {
- var icons = this.options.icons;
- if ( icons ) {
- $( "<span>" )
- .addClass( "ui-accordion-header-icon ui-icon " + icons.header )
- .prependTo( this.headers );
- ".ui-accordion-header-icon" )
- .removeClass( icons.header )
- .addClass( icons.activeHeader );
- this.headers.addClass( "ui-accordion-icons" );
- }
- },
- _destroyIcons: function() {
- this.headers
- .removeClass( "ui-accordion-icons" )
- .children( ".ui-accordion-header-icon" )
- .remove();
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- var contents;
- // clean up main element
- this.element
- .removeClass( "ui-accordion ui-widget ui-helper-reset" )
- .removeAttr( "role" );
- // clean up headers
- this.headers
- .removeClass( "ui-accordion-header ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-default " +
- "ui-corner-all ui-state-active ui-state-disabled ui-corner-top" )
- .removeAttr( "role" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-expanded" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-selected" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-controls" )
- .removeAttr( "tabIndex" )
- .removeUniqueId();
- this._destroyIcons();
- // clean up content panels
- contents =
- .removeClass( "ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom " +
- "ui-accordion-content ui-accordion-content-active ui-state-disabled" )
- .css( "display", "" )
- .removeAttr( "role" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-hidden" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-labelledby" )
- .removeUniqueId();
- if ( this.options.heightStyle !== "content" ) {
- contents.css( "height", "" );
- }
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- if ( key === "active" ) {
- // _activate() will handle invalid values and update this.options
- this._activate( value );
- return;
- }
- if ( key === "event" ) {
- if ( this.options.event ) {
- this._off( this.headers, this.options.event );
- }
- this._setupEvents( value );
- }
- this._super( key, value );
- // setting collapsible: false while collapsed; open first panel
- if ( key === "collapsible" && !value && === false ) {
- this._activate( 0 );
- }
- if ( key === "icons" ) {
- this._destroyIcons();
- if ( value ) {
- this._createIcons();
- }
- }
- // #5332 - opacity doesn't cascade to positioned elements in IE
- // so we need to add the disabled class to the headers and panels
- if ( key === "disabled" ) {
- this.element
- .toggleClass( "ui-state-disabled", !!value )
- .attr( "aria-disabled", value );
- this.headers.add( )
- .toggleClass( "ui-state-disabled", !!value );
- }
- },
- _keydown: function( event ) {
- if ( event.altKey || event.ctrlKey ) {
- return;
- }
- var keyCode = $.ui.keyCode,
- length = this.headers.length,
- currentIndex = this.headers.index( ),
- toFocus = false;
- switch ( event.keyCode ) {
- case keyCode.RIGHT:
- case keyCode.DOWN:
- toFocus = this.headers[ ( currentIndex + 1 ) % length ];
- break;
- case keyCode.LEFT:
- case keyCode.UP:
- toFocus = this.headers[ ( currentIndex - 1 + length ) % length ];
- break;
- case keyCode.SPACE:
- case keyCode.ENTER:
- this._eventHandler( event );
- break;
- case keyCode.HOME:
- toFocus = this.headers[ 0 ];
- break;
- case keyCode.END:
- toFocus = this.headers[ length - 1 ];
- break;
- }
- if ( toFocus ) {
- $( ).attr( "tabIndex", -1 );
- $( toFocus ).attr( "tabIndex", 0 );
- toFocus.focus();
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- },
- _panelKeyDown: function( event ) {
- if ( event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.UP && event.ctrlKey ) {
- $( event.currentTarget ).prev().focus();
- }
- },
- refresh: function() {
- var options = this.options;
- this._processPanels();
- // was collapsed or no panel
- if ( ( === false && options.collapsible === true ) || !this.headers.length ) {
- = false;
- = $();
- // active false only when collapsible is true
- } else if ( === false ) {
- this._activate( 0 );
- // was active, but active panel is gone
- } else if ( && !$.contains( this.element[ 0 ],[ 0 ] ) ) {
- // all remaining panel are disabled
- if ( this.headers.length === this.headers.find(".ui-state-disabled").length ) {
- = false;
- = $();
- // activate previous panel
- } else {
- this._activate( Math.max( 0, - 1 ) );
- }
- // was active, active panel still exists
- } else {
- // make sure active index is correct
- = this.headers.index( );
- }
- this._destroyIcons();
- this._refresh();
- },
- _processPanels: function() {
- var prevHeaders = this.headers,
- prevPanels = this.panels;
- this.headers = this.element.find( this.options.header )
- .addClass( "ui-accordion-header ui-state-default ui-corner-all" );
- this.panels =
- .addClass( "ui-accordion-content ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" )
- .filter( ":not(.ui-accordion-content-active)" )
- .hide();
- // Avoid memory leaks (#10056)
- if ( prevPanels ) {
- this._off( prevHeaders.not( this.headers ) );
- this._off( prevPanels.not( this.panels ) );
- }
- },
- _refresh: function() {
- var maxHeight,
- options = this.options,
- heightStyle = options.heightStyle,
- parent = this.element.parent();
- = this._findActive( )
- .addClass( "ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-active ui-corner-top" )
- .removeClass( "ui-corner-all" );
- .addClass( "ui-accordion-content-active" )
- .show();
- this.headers
- .attr( "role", "tab" )
- .each(function() {
- var header = $( this ),
- headerId = header.uniqueId().attr( "id" ),
- panel =,
- panelId = panel.uniqueId().attr( "id" );
- header.attr( "aria-controls", panelId );
- panel.attr( "aria-labelledby", headerId );
- })
- .next()
- .attr( "role", "tabpanel" );
- this.headers
- .not( )
- .attr({
- "aria-selected": "false",
- "aria-expanded": "false",
- tabIndex: -1
- })
- .next()
- .attr({
- "aria-hidden": "true"
- })
- .hide();
- // make sure at least one header is in the tab order
- if ( ! ) {
- this.headers.eq( 0 ).attr( "tabIndex", 0 );
- } else {
- "aria-selected": "true",
- "aria-expanded": "true",
- tabIndex: 0
- })
- .next()
- .attr({
- "aria-hidden": "false"
- });
- }
- this._createIcons();
- this._setupEvents( options.event );
- if ( heightStyle === "fill" ) {
- maxHeight = parent.height();
- this.element.siblings( ":visible" ).each(function() {
- var elem = $( this ),
- position = elem.css( "position" );
- if ( position === "absolute" || position === "fixed" ) {
- return;
- }
- maxHeight -= elem.outerHeight( true );
- });
- this.headers.each(function() {
- maxHeight -= $( this ).outerHeight( true );
- });
- .each(function() {
- $( this ).height( Math.max( 0, maxHeight -
- $( this ).innerHeight() + $( this ).height() ) );
- })
- .css( "overflow", "auto" );
- } else if ( heightStyle === "auto" ) {
- maxHeight = 0;
- .each(function() {
- maxHeight = Math.max( maxHeight, $( this ).css( "height", "" ).height() );
- })
- .height( maxHeight );
- }
- },
- _activate: function( index ) {
- var active = this._findActive( index )[ 0 ];
- // trying to activate the already active panel
- if ( active ===[ 0 ] ) {
- return;
- }
- // trying to collapse, simulate a click on the currently active header
- active = active ||[ 0 ];
- this._eventHandler({
- target: active,
- currentTarget: active,
- preventDefault: $.noop
- });
- },
- _findActive: function( selector ) {
- return typeof selector === "number" ? this.headers.eq( selector ) : $();
- },
- _setupEvents: function( event ) {
- var events = {
- keydown: "_keydown"
- };
- if ( event ) {
- $.each( event.split( " " ), function( index, eventName ) {
- events[ eventName ] = "_eventHandler";
- });
- }
- this._off( this.headers.add( ) );
- this._on( this.headers, events );
- this._on(, { keydown: "_panelKeyDown" });
- this._hoverable( this.headers );
- this._focusable( this.headers );
- },
- _eventHandler: function( event ) {
- var options = this.options,
- active =,
- clicked = $( event.currentTarget ),
- clickedIsActive = clicked[ 0 ] === active[ 0 ],
- collapsing = clickedIsActive && options.collapsible,
- toShow = collapsing ? $() :,
- toHide =,
- eventData = {
- oldHeader: active,
- oldPanel: toHide,
- newHeader: collapsing ? $() : clicked,
- newPanel: toShow
- };
- event.preventDefault();
- if (
- // click on active header, but not collapsible
- ( clickedIsActive && !options.collapsible ) ||
- // allow canceling activation
- ( this._trigger( "beforeActivate", event, eventData ) === false ) ) {
- return;
- }
- = collapsing ? false : this.headers.index( clicked );
- // when the call to ._toggle() comes after the class changes
- // it causes a very odd bug in IE 8 (see #6720)
- = clickedIsActive ? $() : clicked;
- this._toggle( eventData );
- // switch classes
- // corner classes on the previously active header stay after the animation
- active.removeClass( "ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-active" );
- if ( options.icons ) {
- active.children( ".ui-accordion-header-icon" )
- .removeClass( options.icons.activeHeader )
- .addClass( options.icons.header );
- }
- if ( !clickedIsActive ) {
- clicked
- .removeClass( "ui-corner-all" )
- .addClass( "ui-accordion-header-active ui-state-active ui-corner-top" );
- if ( options.icons ) {
- clicked.children( ".ui-accordion-header-icon" )
- .removeClass( options.icons.header )
- .addClass( options.icons.activeHeader );
- }
- clicked
- .next()
- .addClass( "ui-accordion-content-active" );
- }
- },
- _toggle: function( data ) {
- var toShow = data.newPanel,
- toHide = this.prevShow.length ? this.prevShow : data.oldPanel;
- // handle activating a panel during the animation for another activation
- this.prevShow.add( this.prevHide ).stop( true, true );
- this.prevShow = toShow;
- this.prevHide = toHide;
- if ( this.options.animate ) {
- this._animate( toShow, toHide, data );
- } else {
- toHide.hide();
- this._toggleComplete( data );
- }
- toHide.attr({
- "aria-hidden": "true"
- });
- toHide.prev().attr({
- "aria-selected": "false",
- "aria-expanded": "false"
- });
- // if we're switching panels, remove the old header from the tab order
- // if we're opening from collapsed state, remove the previous header from the tab order
- // if we're collapsing, then keep the collapsing header in the tab order
- if ( toShow.length && toHide.length ) {
- toHide.prev().attr({
- "tabIndex": -1,
- "aria-expanded": "false"
- });
- } else if ( toShow.length ) {
- this.headers.filter(function() {
- return parseInt( $( this ).attr( "tabIndex" ), 10 ) === 0;
- })
- .attr( "tabIndex", -1 );
- }
- toShow
- .attr( "aria-hidden", "false" )
- .prev()
- .attr({
- "aria-selected": "true",
- "aria-expanded": "true",
- tabIndex: 0
- });
- },
- _animate: function( toShow, toHide, data ) {
- var total, easing, duration,
- that = this,
- adjust = 0,
- boxSizing = toShow.css( "box-sizing" ),
- down = toShow.length &&
- ( !toHide.length || ( toShow.index() < toHide.index() ) ),
- animate = this.options.animate || {},
- options = down && animate.down || animate,
- complete = function() {
- that._toggleComplete( data );
- };
- if ( typeof options === "number" ) {
- duration = options;
- }
- if ( typeof options === "string" ) {
- easing = options;
- }
- // fall back from options to animation in case of partial down settings
- easing = easing || options.easing || animate.easing;
- duration = duration || options.duration || animate.duration;
- if ( !toHide.length ) {
- return toShow.animate( this.showProps, duration, easing, complete );
- }
- if ( !toShow.length ) {
- return toHide.animate( this.hideProps, duration, easing, complete );
- }
- total =;
- toHide.animate( this.hideProps, {
- duration: duration,
- easing: easing,
- step: function( now, fx ) {
- = Math.round( now );
- }
- });
- toShow
- .hide()
- .animate( this.showProps, {
- duration: duration,
- easing: easing,
- complete: complete,
- step: function( now, fx ) {
- = Math.round( now );
- if ( fx.prop !== "height" ) {
- if ( boxSizing === "content-box" ) {
- adjust +=;
- }
- } else if ( that.options.heightStyle !== "content" ) {
- = Math.round( total - toHide.outerHeight() - adjust );
- adjust = 0;
- }
- }
- });
- },
- _toggleComplete: function( data ) {
- var toHide = data.oldPanel;
- toHide
- .removeClass( "ui-accordion-content-active" )
- .prev()
- .removeClass( "ui-corner-top" )
- .addClass( "ui-corner-all" );
- // Work around for rendering bug in IE (#5421)
- if ( toHide.length ) {
- toHide.parent()[ 0 ].className = toHide.parent()[ 0 ].className;
- }
- this._trigger( "activate", null, data );
- }
- });
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Menu 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var menu = $.widget( "", {
- version: "1.11.4",
- defaultElement: "<ul>",
- delay: 300,
- options: {
- icons: {
- submenu: "ui-icon-carat-1-e"
- },
- items: "> *",
- menus: "ul",
- position: {
- my: "left-1 top",
- at: "right top"
- },
- role: "menu",
- // callbacks
- blur: null,
- focus: null,
- select: null
- },
- _create: function() {
- this.activeMenu = this.element;
- // Flag used to prevent firing of the click handler
- // as the event bubbles up through nested menus
- this.mouseHandled = false;
- this.element
- .uniqueId()
- .addClass( "ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content" )
- .toggleClass( "ui-menu-icons", !!this.element.find( ".ui-icon" ).length )
- .attr({
- role: this.options.role,
- tabIndex: 0
- });
- if ( this.options.disabled ) {
- this.element
- .addClass( "ui-state-disabled" )
- .attr( "aria-disabled", "true" );
- }
- this._on({
- // Prevent focus from sticking to links inside menu after clicking
- // them (focus should always stay on UL during navigation).
- "mousedown .ui-menu-item": function( event ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- },
- "click .ui-menu-item": function( event ) {
- var target = $( );
- if ( !this.mouseHandled && target.not( ".ui-state-disabled" ).length ) {
- event );
- // Only set the mouseHandled flag if the event will bubble, see #9469.
- if ( !event.isPropagationStopped() ) {
- this.mouseHandled = true;
- }
- // Open submenu on click
- if ( target.has( ".ui-menu" ).length ) {
- this.expand( event );
- } else if ( ! ":focus" ) && $( this.document[ 0 ].activeElement ).closest( ".ui-menu" ).length ) {
- // Redirect focus to the menu
- this.element.trigger( "focus", [ true ] );
- // If the active item is on the top level, let it stay active.
- // Otherwise, blur the active item since it is no longer visible.
- if ( && ".ui-menu" ).length === 1 ) {
- clearTimeout( this.timer );
- }
- }
- }
- },
- "mouseenter .ui-menu-item": function( event ) {
- // Ignore mouse events while typeahead is active, see #10458.
- // Prevents focusing the wrong item when typeahead causes a scroll while the mouse
- // is over an item in the menu
- if ( this.previousFilter ) {
- return;
- }
- var target = $( event.currentTarget );
- // Remove ui-state-active class from siblings of the newly focused menu item
- // to avoid a jump caused by adjacent elements both having a class with a border
- target.siblings( ".ui-state-active" ).removeClass( "ui-state-active" );
- this.focus( event, target );
- },
- mouseleave: "collapseAll",
- "mouseleave .ui-menu": "collapseAll",
- focus: function( event, keepActiveItem ) {
- // If there's already an active item, keep it active
- // If not, activate the first item
- var item = || this.element.find( this.options.items ).eq( 0 );
- if ( !keepActiveItem ) {
- this.focus( event, item );
- }
- },
- blur: function( event ) {
- this._delay(function() {
- if ( !$.contains( this.element[0], this.document[0].activeElement ) ) {
- this.collapseAll( event );
- }
- });
- },
- keydown: "_keydown"
- });
- this.refresh();
- // Clicks outside of a menu collapse any open menus
- this._on( this.document, {
- click: function( event ) {
- if ( this._closeOnDocumentClick( event ) ) {
- this.collapseAll( event );
- }
- // Reset the mouseHandled flag
- this.mouseHandled = false;
- }
- });
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- // Destroy (sub)menus
- this.element
- .removeAttr( "aria-activedescendant" )
- .find( ".ui-menu" ).addBack()
- .removeClass( "ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-menu-icons ui-front" )
- .removeAttr( "role" )
- .removeAttr( "tabIndex" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-labelledby" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-expanded" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-hidden" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-disabled" )
- .removeUniqueId()
- .show();
- // Destroy menu items
- this.element.find( ".ui-menu-item" )
- .removeClass( "ui-menu-item" )
- .removeAttr( "role" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-disabled" )
- .removeUniqueId()
- .removeClass( "ui-state-hover" )
- .removeAttr( "tabIndex" )
- .removeAttr( "role" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-haspopup" )
- .children().each( function() {
- var elem = $( this );
- if ( "ui-menu-submenu-carat" ) ) {
- elem.remove();
- }
- });
- // Destroy menu dividers
- this.element.find( ".ui-menu-divider" ).removeClass( "ui-menu-divider ui-widget-content" );
- },
- _keydown: function( event ) {
- var match, prev, character, skip,
- preventDefault = true;
- switch ( event.keyCode ) {
- case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP:
- this.previousPage( event );
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
- this.nextPage( event );
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.HOME:
- this._move( "first", "first", event );
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.END:
- this._move( "last", "last", event );
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.UP:
- this.previous( event );
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN:
- event );
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.LEFT:
- this.collapse( event );
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT:
- if ( && ! ".ui-state-disabled" ) ) {
- this.expand( event );
- }
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.ENTER:
- case $.ui.keyCode.SPACE:
- this._activate( event );
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE:
- this.collapse( event );
- break;
- default:
- preventDefault = false;
- prev = this.previousFilter || "";
- character = String.fromCharCode( event.keyCode );
- skip = false;
- clearTimeout( this.filterTimer );
- if ( character === prev ) {
- skip = true;
- } else {
- character = prev + character;
- }
- match = this._filterMenuItems( character );
- match = skip && match.index( ) !== -1 ?
- ".ui-menu-item" ) :
- match;
- // If no matches on the current filter, reset to the last character pressed
- // to move down the menu to the first item that starts with that character
- if ( !match.length ) {
- character = String.fromCharCode( event.keyCode );
- match = this._filterMenuItems( character );
- }
- if ( match.length ) {
- this.focus( event, match );
- this.previousFilter = character;
- this.filterTimer = this._delay(function() {
- delete this.previousFilter;
- }, 1000 );
- } else {
- delete this.previousFilter;
- }
- }
- if ( preventDefault ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- },
- _activate: function( event ) {
- if ( ! ".ui-state-disabled" ) ) {
- if ( "[aria-haspopup='true']" ) ) {
- this.expand( event );
- } else {
- event );
- }
- }
- },
- refresh: function() {
- var menus, items,
- that = this,
- icon = this.options.icons.submenu,
- submenus = this.element.find( this.options.menus );
- this.element.toggleClass( "ui-menu-icons", !!this.element.find( ".ui-icon" ).length );
- // Initialize nested menus
- submenus.filter( ":not(.ui-menu)" )
- .addClass( "ui-menu ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-front" )
- .hide()
- .attr({
- role: this.options.role,
- "aria-hidden": "true",
- "aria-expanded": "false"
- })
- .each(function() {
- var menu = $( this ),
- item = menu.parent(),
- submenuCarat = $( "<span>" )
- .addClass( "ui-menu-icon ui-icon " + icon )
- .data( "ui-menu-submenu-carat", true );
- item
- .attr( "aria-haspopup", "true" )
- .prepend( submenuCarat );
- menu.attr( "aria-labelledby", item.attr( "id" ) );
- });
- menus = submenus.add( this.element );
- items = menus.find( this.options.items );
- // Initialize menu-items containing spaces and/or dashes only as dividers
- items.not( ".ui-menu-item" ).each(function() {
- var item = $( this );
- if ( that._isDivider( item ) ) {
- item.addClass( "ui-widget-content ui-menu-divider" );
- }
- });
- // Don't refresh list items that are already adapted
- items.not( ".ui-menu-item, .ui-menu-divider" )
- .addClass( "ui-menu-item" )
- .uniqueId()
- .attr({
- tabIndex: -1,
- role: this._itemRole()
- });
- // Add aria-disabled attribute to any disabled menu item
- items.filter( ".ui-state-disabled" ).attr( "aria-disabled", "true" );
- // If the active item has been removed, blur the menu
- if ( && !$.contains( this.element[ 0 ],[ 0 ] ) ) {
- this.blur();
- }
- },
- _itemRole: function() {
- return {
- menu: "menuitem",
- listbox: "option"
- }[ this.options.role ];
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- if ( key === "icons" ) {
- this.element.find( ".ui-menu-icon" )
- .removeClass( this.options.icons.submenu )
- .addClass( value.submenu );
- }
- if ( key === "disabled" ) {
- this.element
- .toggleClass( "ui-state-disabled", !!value )
- .attr( "aria-disabled", value );
- }
- this._super( key, value );
- },
- focus: function( event, item ) {
- var nested, focused;
- this.blur( event, event && event.type === "focus" );
- this._scrollIntoView( item );
- = item.first();
- focused = "ui-state-focus" ).removeClass( "ui-state-active" );
- // Only update aria-activedescendant if there's a role
- // otherwise we assume focus is managed elsewhere
- if ( this.options.role ) {
- this.element.attr( "aria-activedescendant", focused.attr( "id" ) );
- }
- // Highlight active parent menu item, if any
- .parent()
- .closest( ".ui-menu-item" )
- .addClass( "ui-state-active" );
- if ( event && event.type === "keydown" ) {
- this._close();
- } else {
- this.timer = this._delay(function() {
- this._close();
- }, this.delay );
- }
- nested = item.children( ".ui-menu" );
- if ( nested.length && event && ( /^mouse/.test( event.type ) ) ) {
- this._startOpening(nested);
- }
- this.activeMenu = item.parent();
- this._trigger( "focus", event, { item: item } );
- },
- _scrollIntoView: function( item ) {
- var borderTop, paddingTop, offset, scroll, elementHeight, itemHeight;
- if ( this._hasScroll() ) {
- borderTop = parseFloat( $.css( this.activeMenu[0], "borderTopWidth" ) ) || 0;
- paddingTop = parseFloat( $.css( this.activeMenu[0], "paddingTop" ) ) || 0;
- offset = item.offset().top - this.activeMenu.offset().top - borderTop - paddingTop;
- scroll = this.activeMenu.scrollTop();
- elementHeight = this.activeMenu.height();
- itemHeight = item.outerHeight();
- if ( offset < 0 ) {
- this.activeMenu.scrollTop( scroll + offset );
- } else if ( offset + itemHeight > elementHeight ) {
- this.activeMenu.scrollTop( scroll + offset - elementHeight + itemHeight );
- }
- }
- },
- blur: function( event, fromFocus ) {
- if ( !fromFocus ) {
- clearTimeout( this.timer );
- }
- if ( ! ) {
- return;
- }
- "ui-state-focus" );
- = null;
- this._trigger( "blur", event, { item: } );
- },
- _startOpening: function( submenu ) {
- clearTimeout( this.timer );
- // Don't open if already open fixes a Firefox bug that caused a .5 pixel
- // shift in the submenu position when mousing over the carat icon
- if ( submenu.attr( "aria-hidden" ) !== "true" ) {
- return;
- }
- this.timer = this._delay(function() {
- this._close();
- this._open( submenu );
- }, this.delay );
- },
- _open: function( submenu ) {
- var position = $.extend({
- of:
- }, this.options.position );
- clearTimeout( this.timer );
- this.element.find( ".ui-menu" ).not( submenu.parents( ".ui-menu" ) )
- .hide()
- .attr( "aria-hidden", "true" );
- submenu
- .show()
- .removeAttr( "aria-hidden" )
- .attr( "aria-expanded", "true" )
- .position( position );
- },
- collapseAll: function( event, all ) {
- clearTimeout( this.timer );
- this.timer = this._delay(function() {
- // If we were passed an event, look for the submenu that contains the event
- var currentMenu = all ? this.element :
- $( event && ).closest( this.element.find( ".ui-menu" ) );
- // If we found no valid submenu ancestor, use the main menu to close all sub menus anyway
- if ( !currentMenu.length ) {
- currentMenu = this.element;
- }
- this._close( currentMenu );
- this.blur( event );
- this.activeMenu = currentMenu;
- }, this.delay );
- },
- // With no arguments, closes the currently active menu - if nothing is active
- // it closes all menus. If passed an argument, it will search for menus BELOW
- _close: function( startMenu ) {
- if ( !startMenu ) {
- startMenu = ? : this.element;
- }
- startMenu
- .find( ".ui-menu" )
- .hide()
- .attr( "aria-hidden", "true" )
- .attr( "aria-expanded", "false" )
- .end()
- .find( ".ui-state-active" ).not( ".ui-state-focus" )
- .removeClass( "ui-state-active" );
- },
- _closeOnDocumentClick: function( event ) {
- return !$( ).closest( ".ui-menu" ).length;
- },
- _isDivider: function( item ) {
- // Match hyphen, em dash, en dash
- return !/[^\-\u2014\u2013\s]/.test( item.text() );
- },
- collapse: function( event ) {
- var newItem = &&
- ".ui-menu-item", this.element );
- if ( newItem && newItem.length ) {
- this._close();
- this.focus( event, newItem );
- }
- },
- expand: function( event ) {
- var newItem = &&
- .children( ".ui-menu " )
- .find( this.options.items )
- .first();
- if ( newItem && newItem.length ) {
- this._open( newItem.parent() );
- // Delay so Firefox will not hide activedescendant change in expanding submenu from AT
- this._delay(function() {
- this.focus( event, newItem );
- });
- }
- },
- next: function( event ) {
- this._move( "next", "first", event );
- },
- previous: function( event ) {
- this._move( "prev", "last", event );
- },
- isFirstItem: function() {
- return && ! ".ui-menu-item" ).length;
- },
- isLastItem: function() {
- return && ! ".ui-menu-item" ).length;
- },
- _move: function( direction, filter, event ) {
- var next;
- if ( ) {
- if ( direction === "first" || direction === "last" ) {
- next =
- [ direction === "first" ? "prevAll" : "nextAll" ]( ".ui-menu-item" )
- .eq( -1 );
- } else {
- next =
- [ direction + "All" ]( ".ui-menu-item" )
- .eq( 0 );
- }
- }
- if ( !next || !next.length || ! ) {
- next = this.activeMenu.find( this.options.items )[ filter ]();
- }
- this.focus( event, next );
- },
- nextPage: function( event ) {
- var item, base, height;
- if ( ! ) {
- event );
- return;
- }
- if ( this.isLastItem() ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( this._hasScroll() ) {
- base =;
- height = this.element.height();
- ".ui-menu-item" ).each(function() {
- item = $( this );
- return item.offset().top - base - height < 0;
- });
- this.focus( event, item );
- } else {
- this.focus( event, this.activeMenu.find( this.options.items )
- [ ! ? "first" : "last" ]() );
- }
- },
- previousPage: function( event ) {
- var item, base, height;
- if ( ! ) {
- event );
- return;
- }
- if ( this.isFirstItem() ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( this._hasScroll() ) {
- base =;
- height = this.element.height();
- ".ui-menu-item" ).each(function() {
- item = $( this );
- return item.offset().top - base + height > 0;
- });
- this.focus( event, item );
- } else {
- this.focus( event, this.activeMenu.find( this.options.items ).first() );
- }
- },
- _hasScroll: function() {
- return this.element.outerHeight() < this.element.prop( "scrollHeight" );
- },
- select: function( event ) {
- // TODO: It should never be possible to not have an active item at this
- // point, but the tests don't trigger mouseenter before click.
- = || $( ).closest( ".ui-menu-item" );
- var ui = { item: };
- if ( ! ".ui-menu" ).length ) {
- this.collapseAll( event, true );
- }
- this._trigger( "select", event, ui );
- },
- _filterMenuItems: function(character) {
- var escapedCharacter = character.replace( /[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&" ),
- regex = new RegExp( "^" + escapedCharacter, "i" );
- return this.activeMenu
- .find( this.options.items )
- // Only match on items, not dividers or other content (#10571)
- .filter( ".ui-menu-item" )
- .filter(function() {
- return regex.test( $.trim( $( this ).text() ) );
- });
- }
- });
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Autocomplete 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- $.widget( "ui.autocomplete", {
- version: "1.11.4",
- defaultElement: "<input>",
- options: {
- appendTo: null,
- autoFocus: false,
- delay: 300,
- minLength: 1,
- position: {
- my: "left top",
- at: "left bottom",
- collision: "none"
- },
- source: null,
- // callbacks
- change: null,
- close: null,
- focus: null,
- open: null,
- response: null,
- search: null,
- select: null
- },
- requestIndex: 0,
- pending: 0,
- _create: function() {
- // Some browsers only repeat keydown events, not keypress events,
- // so we use the suppressKeyPress flag to determine if we've already
- // handled the keydown event. #7269
- // Unfortunately the code for & in keypress is the same as the up arrow,
- // so we use the suppressKeyPressRepeat flag to avoid handling keypress
- // events when we know the keydown event was used to modify the
- // search term. #7799
- var suppressKeyPress, suppressKeyPressRepeat, suppressInput,
- nodeName = this.element[ 0 ].nodeName.toLowerCase(),
- isTextarea = nodeName === "textarea",
- isInput = nodeName === "input";
- this.isMultiLine =
- // Textareas are always multi-line
- isTextarea ? true :
- // Inputs are always single-line, even if inside a contentEditable element
- // IE also treats inputs as contentEditable
- isInput ? false :
- // All other element types are determined by whether or not they're contentEditable
- this.element.prop( "isContentEditable" );
- this.valueMethod = this.element[ isTextarea || isInput ? "val" : "text" ];
- this.isNewMenu = true;
- this.element
- .addClass( "ui-autocomplete-input" )
- .attr( "autocomplete", "off" );
- this._on( this.element, {
- keydown: function( event ) {
- if ( this.element.prop( "readOnly" ) ) {
- suppressKeyPress = true;
- suppressInput = true;
- suppressKeyPressRepeat = true;
- return;
- }
- suppressKeyPress = false;
- suppressInput = false;
- suppressKeyPressRepeat = false;
- var keyCode = $.ui.keyCode;
- switch ( event.keyCode ) {
- case keyCode.PAGE_UP:
- suppressKeyPress = true;
- this._move( "previousPage", event );
- break;
- case keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
- suppressKeyPress = true;
- this._move( "nextPage", event );
- break;
- case keyCode.UP:
- suppressKeyPress = true;
- this._keyEvent( "previous", event );
- break;
- case keyCode.DOWN:
- suppressKeyPress = true;
- this._keyEvent( "next", event );
- break;
- case keyCode.ENTER:
- // when menu is open and has focus
- if ( ) {
- // #6055 - Opera still allows the keypress to occur
- // which causes forms to submit
- suppressKeyPress = true;
- event.preventDefault();
- event );
- }
- break;
- case keyCode.TAB:
- if ( ) {
- event );
- }
- break;
- case keyCode.ESCAPE:
- if ( ":visible" ) ) {
- if ( !this.isMultiLine ) {
- this._value( this.term );
- }
- this.close( event );
- // Different browsers have different default behavior for escape
- // Single press can mean undo or clear
- // Double press in IE means clear the whole form
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- break;
- default:
- suppressKeyPressRepeat = true;
- // search timeout should be triggered before the input value is changed
- this._searchTimeout( event );
- break;
- }
- },
- keypress: function( event ) {
- if ( suppressKeyPress ) {
- suppressKeyPress = false;
- if ( !this.isMultiLine || ":visible" ) ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- return;
- }
- if ( suppressKeyPressRepeat ) {
- return;
- }
- // replicate some key handlers to allow them to repeat in Firefox and Opera
- var keyCode = $.ui.keyCode;
- switch ( event.keyCode ) {
- case keyCode.PAGE_UP:
- this._move( "previousPage", event );
- break;
- case keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
- this._move( "nextPage", event );
- break;
- case keyCode.UP:
- this._keyEvent( "previous", event );
- break;
- case keyCode.DOWN:
- this._keyEvent( "next", event );
- break;
- }
- },
- input: function( event ) {
- if ( suppressInput ) {
- suppressInput = false;
- event.preventDefault();
- return;
- }
- this._searchTimeout( event );
- },
- focus: function() {
- this.selectedItem = null;
- this.previous = this._value();
- },
- blur: function( event ) {
- if ( this.cancelBlur ) {
- delete this.cancelBlur;
- return;
- }
- clearTimeout( this.searching );
- this.close( event );
- this._change( event );
- }
- });
- this._initSource();
- = $( "<ul>" )
- .addClass( "ui-autocomplete ui-front" )
- .appendTo( this._appendTo() )
- .menu({
- // disable ARIA support, the live region takes care of that
- role: null
- })
- .hide()
- .menu( "instance" );
- this._on(, {
- mousedown: function( event ) {
- // prevent moving focus out of the text field
- event.preventDefault();
- // IE doesn't prevent moving focus even with event.preventDefault()
- // so we set a flag to know when we should ignore the blur event
- this.cancelBlur = true;
- this._delay(function() {
- delete this.cancelBlur;
- });
- // clicking on the scrollbar causes focus to shift to the body
- // but we can't detect a mouseup or a click immediately afterward
- // so we have to track the next mousedown and close the menu if
- // the user clicks somewhere outside of the autocomplete
- var menuElement =[ 0 ];
- if ( !$( ).closest( ".ui-menu-item" ).length ) {
- this._delay(function() {
- var that = this;
- "mousedown", function( event ) {
- if ( !== that.element[ 0 ] &&
- !== menuElement &&
- !$.contains( menuElement, ) ) {
- that.close();
- }
- });
- });
- }
- },
- menufocus: function( event, ui ) {
- var label, item;
- // support: Firefox
- // Prevent accidental activation of menu items in Firefox (#7024 #9118)
- if ( this.isNewMenu ) {
- this.isNewMenu = false;
- if ( event.originalEvent && /^mouse/.test( event.originalEvent.type ) ) {
- "mousemove", function() {
- $( ).trigger( event.originalEvent );
- });
- return;
- }
- }
- item = "ui-autocomplete-item" );
- if ( false !== this._trigger( "focus", event, { item: item } ) ) {
- // use value to match what will end up in the input, if it was a key event
- if ( event.originalEvent && /^key/.test( event.originalEvent.type ) ) {
- this._value( item.value );
- }
- }
- // Announce the value in the liveRegion
- label = ui.item.attr( "aria-label" ) || item.value;
- if ( label && $.trim( label ).length ) {
- this.liveRegion.children().hide();
- $( "<div>" ).text( label ).appendTo( this.liveRegion );
- }
- },
- menuselect: function( event, ui ) {
- var item = "ui-autocomplete-item" ),
- previous = this.previous;
- // only trigger when focus was lost (click on menu)
- if ( this.element[ 0 ] !== this.document[ 0 ].activeElement ) {
- this.element.focus();
- this.previous = previous;
- // #6109 - IE triggers two focus events and the second
- // is asynchronous, so we need to reset the previous
- // term synchronously and asynchronously :-(
- this._delay(function() {
- this.previous = previous;
- this.selectedItem = item;
- });
- }
- if ( false !== this._trigger( "select", event, { item: item } ) ) {
- this._value( item.value );
- }
- // reset the term after the select event
- // this allows custom select handling to work properly
- this.term = this._value();
- this.close( event );
- this.selectedItem = item;
- }
- });
- this.liveRegion = $( "<span>", {
- role: "status",
- "aria-live": "assertive",
- "aria-relevant": "additions"
- })
- .addClass( "ui-helper-hidden-accessible" )
- .appendTo( this.document[ 0 ].body );
- // turning off autocomplete prevents the browser from remembering the
- // value when navigating through history, so we re-enable autocomplete
- // if the page is unloaded before the widget is destroyed. #7790
- this._on( this.window, {
- beforeunload: function() {
- this.element.removeAttr( "autocomplete" );
- }
- });
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- clearTimeout( this.searching );
- this.element
- .removeClass( "ui-autocomplete-input" )
- .removeAttr( "autocomplete" );
- this.liveRegion.remove();
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- this._super( key, value );
- if ( key === "source" ) {
- this._initSource();
- }
- if ( key === "appendTo" ) {
- this._appendTo() );
- }
- if ( key === "disabled" && value && this.xhr ) {
- this.xhr.abort();
- }
- },
- _appendTo: function() {
- var element = this.options.appendTo;
- if ( element ) {
- element = element.jquery || element.nodeType ?
- $( element ) :
- this.document.find( element ).eq( 0 );
- }
- if ( !element || !element[ 0 ] ) {
- element = this.element.closest( ".ui-front" );
- }
- if ( !element.length ) {
- element = this.document[ 0 ].body;
- }
- return element;
- },
- _initSource: function() {
- var array, url,
- that = this;
- if ( $.isArray( this.options.source ) ) {
- array = this.options.source;
- this.source = function( request, response ) {
- response( $.ui.autocomplete.filter( array, request.term ) );
- };
- } else if ( typeof this.options.source === "string" ) {
- url = this.options.source;
- this.source = function( request, response ) {
- if ( that.xhr ) {
- that.xhr.abort();
- }
- that.xhr = $.ajax({
- url: url,
- data: request,
- dataType: "json",
- success: function( data ) {
- response( data );
- },
- error: function() {
- response([]);
- }
- });
- };
- } else {
- this.source = this.options.source;
- }
- },
- _searchTimeout: function( event ) {
- clearTimeout( this.searching );
- this.searching = this._delay(function() {
- // Search if the value has changed, or if the user retypes the same value (see #7434)
- var equalValues = this.term === this._value(),
- menuVisible = ":visible" ),
- modifierKey = event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey;
- if ( !equalValues || ( equalValues && !menuVisible && !modifierKey ) ) {
- this.selectedItem = null;
- null, event );
- }
- }, this.options.delay );
- },
- search: function( value, event ) {
- value = value != null ? value : this._value();
- // always save the actual value, not the one passed as an argument
- this.term = this._value();
- if ( value.length < this.options.minLength ) {
- return this.close( event );
- }
- if ( this._trigger( "search", event ) === false ) {
- return;
- }
- return this._search( value );
- },
- _search: function( value ) {
- this.pending++;
- this.element.addClass( "ui-autocomplete-loading" );
- this.cancelSearch = false;
- this.source( { term: value }, this._response() );
- },
- _response: function() {
- var index = ++this.requestIndex;
- return $.proxy(function( content ) {
- if ( index === this.requestIndex ) {
- this.__response( content );
- }
- this.pending--;
- if ( !this.pending ) {
- this.element.removeClass( "ui-autocomplete-loading" );
- }
- }, this );
- },
- __response: function( content ) {
- if ( content ) {
- content = this._normalize( content );
- }
- this._trigger( "response", null, { content: content } );
- if ( !this.options.disabled && content && content.length && !this.cancelSearch ) {
- this._suggest( content );
- this._trigger( "open" );
- } else {
- // use ._close() instead of .close() so we don't cancel future searches
- this._close();
- }
- },
- close: function( event ) {
- this.cancelSearch = true;
- this._close( event );
- },
- _close: function( event ) {
- if ( ":visible" ) ) {
- this.isNewMenu = true;
- this._trigger( "close", event );
- }
- },
- _change: function( event ) {
- if ( this.previous !== this._value() ) {
- this._trigger( "change", event, { item: this.selectedItem } );
- }
- },
- _normalize: function( items ) {
- // assume all items have the right format when the first item is complete
- if ( items.length && items[ 0 ].label && items[ 0 ].value ) {
- return items;
- }
- return $.map( items, function( item ) {
- if ( typeof item === "string" ) {
- return {
- label: item,
- value: item
- };
- }
- return $.extend( {}, item, {
- label: item.label || item.value,
- value: item.value || item.label
- });
- });
- },
- _suggest: function( items ) {
- var ul =;
- this._renderMenu( ul, items );
- this.isNewMenu = true;
- // size and position menu
- this._resizeMenu();
- ul.position( $.extend({
- of: this.element
- }, this.options.position ) );
- if ( this.options.autoFocus ) {
- }
- },
- _resizeMenu: function() {
- var ul =;
- ul.outerWidth( Math.max(
- // Firefox wraps long text (possibly a rounding bug)
- // so we add 1px to avoid the wrapping (#7513)
- ul.width( "" ).outerWidth() + 1,
- this.element.outerWidth()
- ) );
- },
- _renderMenu: function( ul, items ) {
- var that = this;
- $.each( items, function( index, item ) {
- that._renderItemData( ul, item );
- });
- },
- _renderItemData: function( ul, item ) {
- return this._renderItem( ul, item ).data( "ui-autocomplete-item", item );
- },
- _renderItem: function( ul, item ) {
- return $( "<li>" ).text( item.label ).appendTo( ul );
- },
- _move: function( direction, event ) {
- if ( ! ":visible" ) ) {
- null, event );
- return;
- }
- if ( && /^previous/.test( direction ) ||
- && /^next/.test( direction ) ) {
- if ( !this.isMultiLine ) {
- this._value( this.term );
- }
- return;
- }
-[ direction ]( event );
- },
- widget: function() {
- return;
- },
- _value: function() {
- return this.valueMethod.apply( this.element, arguments );
- },
- _keyEvent: function( keyEvent, event ) {
- if ( !this.isMultiLine || ":visible" ) ) {
- this._move( keyEvent, event );
- // prevents moving cursor to beginning/end of the text field in some browsers
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- });
- $.extend( $.ui.autocomplete, {
- escapeRegex: function( value ) {
- return value.replace( /[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&" );
- },
- filter: function( array, term ) {
- var matcher = new RegExp( $.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex( term ), "i" );
- return $.grep( array, function( value ) {
- return matcher.test( value.label || value.value || value );
- });
- }
- });
- // live region extension, adding a `messages` option
- // NOTE: This is an experimental API. We are still investigating
- // a full solution for string manipulation and internationalization.
- $.widget( "ui.autocomplete", $.ui.autocomplete, {
- options: {
- messages: {
- noResults: "No search results.",
- results: function( amount ) {
- return amount + ( amount > 1 ? " results are" : " result is" ) +
- " available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.";
- }
- }
- },
- __response: function( content ) {
- var message;
- this._superApply( arguments );
- if ( this.options.disabled || this.cancelSearch ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( content && content.length ) {
- message = this.options.messages.results( content.length );
- } else {
- message = this.options.messages.noResults;
- }
- this.liveRegion.children().hide();
- $( "<div>" ).text( message ).appendTo( this.liveRegion );
- }
- });
- var autocomplete = $.ui.autocomplete;
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Button 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var lastActive,
- baseClasses = "ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all",
- typeClasses = "ui-button-icons-only ui-button-icon-only ui-button-text-icons ui-button-text-icon-primary ui-button-text-icon-secondary ui-button-text-only",
- formResetHandler = function() {
- var form = $( this );
- setTimeout(function() {
- form.find( ":ui-button" ).button( "refresh" );
- }, 1 );
- },
- radioGroup = function( radio ) {
- var name =,
- form = radio.form,
- radios = $( [] );
- if ( name ) {
- name = name.replace( /'/g, "\\'" );
- if ( form ) {
- radios = $( form ).find( "[name='" + name + "'][type=radio]" );
- } else {
- radios = $( "[name='" + name + "'][type=radio]", radio.ownerDocument )
- .filter(function() {
- return !this.form;
- });
- }
- }
- return radios;
- };
- $.widget( "ui.button", {
- version: "1.11.4",
- defaultElement: "<button>",
- options: {
- disabled: null,
- text: true,
- label: null,
- icons: {
- primary: null,
- secondary: null
- }
- },
- _create: function() {
- this.element.closest( "form" )
- .unbind( "reset" + this.eventNamespace )
- .bind( "reset" + this.eventNamespace, formResetHandler );
- if ( typeof this.options.disabled !== "boolean" ) {
- this.options.disabled = !!this.element.prop( "disabled" );
- } else {
- this.element.prop( "disabled", this.options.disabled );
- }
- this._determineButtonType();
- this.hasTitle = !!this.buttonElement.attr( "title" );
- var that = this,
- options = this.options,
- toggleButton = this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio",
- activeClass = !toggleButton ? "ui-state-active" : "";
- if ( options.label === null ) {
- options.label = (this.type === "input" ? this.buttonElement.val() : this.buttonElement.html());
- }
- this._hoverable( this.buttonElement );
- this.buttonElement
- .addClass( baseClasses )
- .attr( "role", "button" )
- .bind( "mouseenter" + this.eventNamespace, function() {
- if ( options.disabled ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( this === lastActive ) {
- $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-active" );
- }
- })
- .bind( "mouseleave" + this.eventNamespace, function() {
- if ( options.disabled ) {
- return;
- }
- $( this ).removeClass( activeClass );
- })
- .bind( "click" + this.eventNamespace, function( event ) {
- if ( options.disabled ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- event.stopImmediatePropagation();
- }
- });
- // Can't use _focusable() because the element that receives focus
- // and the element that gets the ui-state-focus class are different
- this._on({
- focus: function() {
- this.buttonElement.addClass( "ui-state-focus" );
- },
- blur: function() {
- this.buttonElement.removeClass( "ui-state-focus" );
- }
- });
- if ( toggleButton ) {
- this.element.bind( "change" + this.eventNamespace, function() {
- that.refresh();
- });
- }
- if ( this.type === "checkbox" ) {
- this.buttonElement.bind( "click" + this.eventNamespace, function() {
- if ( options.disabled ) {
- return false;
- }
- });
- } else if ( this.type === "radio" ) {
- this.buttonElement.bind( "click" + this.eventNamespace, function() {
- if ( options.disabled ) {
- return false;
- }
- $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-active" );
- that.buttonElement.attr( "aria-pressed", "true" );
- var radio = that.element[ 0 ];
- radioGroup( radio )
- .not( radio )
- .map(function() {
- return $( this ).button( "widget" )[ 0 ];
- })
- .removeClass( "ui-state-active" )
- .attr( "aria-pressed", "false" );
- });
- } else {
- this.buttonElement
- .bind( "mousedown" + this.eventNamespace, function() {
- if ( options.disabled ) {
- return false;
- }
- $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-active" );
- lastActive = this;
- "mouseup", function() {
- lastActive = null;
- });
- })
- .bind( "mouseup" + this.eventNamespace, function() {
- if ( options.disabled ) {
- return false;
- }
- $( this ).removeClass( "ui-state-active" );
- })
- .bind( "keydown" + this.eventNamespace, function(event) {
- if ( options.disabled ) {
- return false;
- }
- if ( event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.SPACE || event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER ) {
- $( this ).addClass( "ui-state-active" );
- }
- })
- // see #8559, we bind to blur here in case the button element loses
- // focus between keydown and keyup, it would be left in an "active" state
- .bind( "keyup" + this.eventNamespace + " blur" + this.eventNamespace, function() {
- $( this ).removeClass( "ui-state-active" );
- });
- if ("a") ) {
- this.buttonElement.keyup(function(event) {
- if ( event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.SPACE ) {
- // TODO pass through original event correctly (just as 2nd argument doesn't work)
- $( this ).click();
- }
- });
- }
- }
- this._setOption( "disabled", options.disabled );
- this._resetButton();
- },
- _determineButtonType: function() {
- var ancestor, labelSelector, checked;
- if ("[type=checkbox]") ) {
- this.type = "checkbox";
- } else if ("[type=radio]") ) {
- this.type = "radio";
- } else if ("input") ) {
- this.type = "input";
- } else {
- this.type = "button";
- }
- if ( this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio" ) {
- // we don't search against the document in case the element
- // is disconnected from the DOM
- ancestor = this.element.parents().last();
- labelSelector = "label[for='" + this.element.attr("id") + "']";
- this.buttonElement = ancestor.find( labelSelector );
- if ( !this.buttonElement.length ) {
- ancestor = ancestor.length ? ancestor.siblings() : this.element.siblings();
- this.buttonElement = ancestor.filter( labelSelector );
- if ( !this.buttonElement.length ) {
- this.buttonElement = ancestor.find( labelSelector );
- }
- }
- this.element.addClass( "ui-helper-hidden-accessible" );
- checked = ":checked" );
- if ( checked ) {
- this.buttonElement.addClass( "ui-state-active" );
- }
- this.buttonElement.prop( "aria-pressed", checked );
- } else {
- this.buttonElement = this.element;
- }
- },
- widget: function() {
- return this.buttonElement;
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- this.element
- .removeClass( "ui-helper-hidden-accessible" );
- this.buttonElement
- .removeClass( baseClasses + " ui-state-active " + typeClasses )
- .removeAttr( "role" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-pressed" )
- .html( this.buttonElement.find(".ui-button-text").html() );
- if ( !this.hasTitle ) {
- this.buttonElement.removeAttr( "title" );
- }
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- this._super( key, value );
- if ( key === "disabled" ) {
- this.widget().toggleClass( "ui-state-disabled", !!value );
- this.element.prop( "disabled", !!value );
- if ( value ) {
- if ( this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio" ) {
- this.buttonElement.removeClass( "ui-state-focus" );
- } else {
- this.buttonElement.removeClass( "ui-state-focus ui-state-active" );
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- this._resetButton();
- },
- refresh: function() {
- //See #8237 & #8828
- var isDisabled = "input, button" ) ? ":disabled" ) : this.element.hasClass( "ui-button-disabled" );
- if ( isDisabled !== this.options.disabled ) {
- this._setOption( "disabled", isDisabled );
- }
- if ( this.type === "radio" ) {
- radioGroup( this.element[0] ).each(function() {
- if ( $( this ).is( ":checked" ) ) {
- $( this ).button( "widget" )
- .addClass( "ui-state-active" )
- .attr( "aria-pressed", "true" );
- } else {
- $( this ).button( "widget" )
- .removeClass( "ui-state-active" )
- .attr( "aria-pressed", "false" );
- }
- });
- } else if ( this.type === "checkbox" ) {
- if ( ":checked" ) ) {
- this.buttonElement
- .addClass( "ui-state-active" )
- .attr( "aria-pressed", "true" );
- } else {
- this.buttonElement
- .removeClass( "ui-state-active" )
- .attr( "aria-pressed", "false" );
- }
- }
- },
- _resetButton: function() {
- if ( this.type === "input" ) {
- if ( this.options.label ) {
- this.element.val( this.options.label );
- }
- return;
- }
- var buttonElement = this.buttonElement.removeClass( typeClasses ),
- buttonText = $( "<span></span>", this.document[0] )
- .addClass( "ui-button-text" )
- .html( this.options.label )
- .appendTo( buttonElement.empty() )
- .text(),
- icons = this.options.icons,
- multipleIcons = icons.primary && icons.secondary,
- buttonClasses = [];
- if ( icons.primary || icons.secondary ) {
- if ( this.options.text ) {
- buttonClasses.push( "ui-button-text-icon" + ( multipleIcons ? "s" : ( icons.primary ? "-primary" : "-secondary" ) ) );
- }
- if ( icons.primary ) {
- buttonElement.prepend( "<span class='ui-button-icon-primary ui-icon " + icons.primary + "'></span>" );
- }
- if ( icons.secondary ) {
- buttonElement.append( "<span class='ui-button-icon-secondary ui-icon " + icons.secondary + "'></span>" );
- }
- if ( !this.options.text ) {
- buttonClasses.push( multipleIcons ? "ui-button-icons-only" : "ui-button-icon-only" );
- if ( !this.hasTitle ) {
- buttonElement.attr( "title", $.trim( buttonText ) );
- }
- }
- } else {
- buttonClasses.push( "ui-button-text-only" );
- }
- buttonElement.addClass( buttonClasses.join( " " ) );
- }
- });
- $.widget( "ui.buttonset", {
- version: "1.11.4",
- options: {
- items: "button, input[type=button], input[type=submit], input[type=reset], input[type=checkbox], input[type=radio], a, :data(ui-button)"
- },
- _create: function() {
- this.element.addClass( "ui-buttonset" );
- },
- _init: function() {
- this.refresh();
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- if ( key === "disabled" ) {
- this.buttons.button( "option", key, value );
- }
- this._super( key, value );
- },
- refresh: function() {
- var rtl = this.element.css( "direction" ) === "rtl",
- allButtons = this.element.find( this.options.items ),
- existingButtons = allButtons.filter( ":ui-button" );
- // Initialize new buttons
- allButtons.not( ":ui-button" ).button();
- // Refresh existing buttons
- existingButtons.button( "refresh" );
- this.buttons = allButtons
- .map(function() {
- return $( this ).button( "widget" )[ 0 ];
- })
- .removeClass( "ui-corner-all ui-corner-left ui-corner-right" )
- .filter( ":first" )
- .addClass( rtl ? "ui-corner-right" : "ui-corner-left" )
- .end()
- .filter( ":last" )
- .addClass( rtl ? "ui-corner-left" : "ui-corner-right" )
- .end()
- .end();
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- this.element.removeClass( "ui-buttonset" );
- this.buttons
- .map(function() {
- return $( this ).button( "widget" )[ 0 ];
- })
- .removeClass( "ui-corner-left ui-corner-right" )
- .end()
- .button( "destroy" );
- }
- });
- var button = $.ui.button;
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Datepicker 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- $.extend($.ui, { datepicker: { version: "1.11.4" } });
- var datepicker_instActive;
- function datepicker_getZindex( elem ) {
- var position, value;
- while ( elem.length && elem[ 0 ] !== document ) {
- // Ignore z-index if position is set to a value where z-index is ignored by the browser
- // This makes behavior of this function consistent across browsers
- // WebKit always returns auto if the element is positioned
- position = elem.css( "position" );
- if ( position === "absolute" || position === "relative" || position === "fixed" ) {
- // IE returns 0 when zIndex is not specified
- // other browsers return a string
- // we ignore the case of nested elements with an explicit value of 0
- // <div style="z-index: -10;"><div style="z-index: 0;"></div></div>
- value = parseInt( elem.css( "zIndex" ), 10 );
- if ( !isNaN( value ) && value !== 0 ) {
- return value;
- }
- }
- elem = elem.parent();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Date picker manager.
- Use the singleton instance of this class, $.datepicker, to interact with the date picker.
- Settings for (groups of) date pickers are maintained in an instance object,
- allowing multiple different settings on the same page. */
- function Datepicker() {
- this._curInst = null; // The current instance in use
- this._keyEvent = false; // If the last event was a key event
- this._disabledInputs = []; // List of date picker inputs that have been disabled
- this._datepickerShowing = false; // True if the popup picker is showing , false if not
- this._inDialog = false; // True if showing within a "dialog", false if not
- this._mainDivId = "ui-datepicker-div"; // The ID of the main datepicker division
- this._inlineClass = "ui-datepicker-inline"; // The name of the inline marker class
- this._appendClass = "ui-datepicker-append"; // The name of the append marker class
- this._triggerClass = "ui-datepicker-trigger"; // The name of the trigger marker class
- this._dialogClass = "ui-datepicker-dialog"; // The name of the dialog marker class
- this._disableClass = "ui-datepicker-disabled"; // The name of the disabled covering marker class
- this._unselectableClass = "ui-datepicker-unselectable"; // The name of the unselectable cell marker class
- this._currentClass = "ui-datepicker-current-day"; // The name of the current day marker class
- this._dayOverClass = "ui-datepicker-days-cell-over"; // The name of the day hover marker class
- this.regional = []; // Available regional settings, indexed by language code
- this.regional[""] = { // Default regional settings
- closeText: "Done", // Display text for close link
- prevText: "Prev", // Display text for previous month link
- nextText: "Next", // Display text for next month link
- currentText: "Today", // Display text for current month link
- monthNames: ["January","February","March","April","May","June",
- "July","August","September","October","November","December"], // Names of months for drop-down and formatting
- monthNamesShort: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], // For formatting
- dayNames: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], // For formatting
- dayNamesShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], // For formatting
- dayNamesMin: ["Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa"], // Column headings for days starting at Sunday
- weekHeader: "Wk", // Column header for week of the year
- dateFormat: "mm/dd/yy", // See format options on parseDate
- firstDay: 0, // The first day of the week, Sun = 0, Mon = 1, ...
- isRTL: false, // True if right-to-left language, false if left-to-right
- showMonthAfterYear: false, // True if the year select precedes month, false for month then year
- yearSuffix: "" // Additional text to append to the year in the month headers
- };
- this._defaults = { // Global defaults for all the date picker instances
- showOn: "focus", // "focus" for popup on focus,
- // "button" for trigger button, or "both" for either
- showAnim: "fadeIn", // Name of jQuery animation for popup
- showOptions: {}, // Options for enhanced animations
- defaultDate: null, // Used when field is blank: actual date,
- // +/-number for offset from today, null for today
- appendText: "", // Display text following the input box, e.g. showing the format
- buttonText: "...", // Text for trigger button
- buttonImage: "", // URL for trigger button image
- buttonImageOnly: false, // True if the image appears alone, false if it appears on a button
- hideIfNoPrevNext: false, // True to hide next/previous month links
- // if not applicable, false to just disable them
- navigationAsDateFormat: false, // True if date formatting applied to prev/today/next links
- gotoCurrent: false, // True if today link goes back to current selection instead
- changeMonth: false, // True if month can be selected directly, false if only prev/next
- changeYear: false, // True if year can be selected directly, false if only prev/next
- yearRange: "c-10:c+10", // Range of years to display in drop-down,
- // either relative to today's year (-nn:+nn), relative to currently displayed year
- // (c-nn:c+nn), absolute (nnnn:nnnn), or a combination of the above (nnnn:-n)
- showOtherMonths: false, // True to show dates in other months, false to leave blank
- selectOtherMonths: false, // True to allow selection of dates in other months, false for unselectable
- showWeek: false, // True to show week of the year, false to not show it
- calculateWeek: this.iso8601Week, // How to calculate the week of the year,
- // takes a Date and returns the number of the week for it
- shortYearCutoff: "+10", // Short year values < this are in the current century,
- // > this are in the previous century,
- // string value starting with "+" for current year + value
- minDate: null, // The earliest selectable date, or null for no limit
- maxDate: null, // The latest selectable date, or null for no limit
- duration: "fast", // Duration of display/closure
- beforeShowDay: null, // Function that takes a date and returns an array with
- // [0] = true if selectable, false if not, [1] = custom CSS class name(s) or "",
- // [2] = cell title (optional), e.g. $.datepicker.noWeekends
- beforeShow: null, // Function that takes an input field and
- // returns a set of custom settings for the date picker
- onSelect: null, // Define a callback function when a date is selected
- onChangeMonthYear: null, // Define a callback function when the month or year is changed
- onClose: null, // Define a callback function when the datepicker is closed
- numberOfMonths: 1, // Number of months to show at a time
- showCurrentAtPos: 0, // The position in multipe months at which to show the current month (starting at 0)
- stepMonths: 1, // Number of months to step back/forward
- stepBigMonths: 12, // Number of months to step back/forward for the big links
- altField: "", // Selector for an alternate field to store selected dates into
- altFormat: "", // The date format to use for the alternate field
- constrainInput: true, // The input is constrained by the current date format
- showButtonPanel: false, // True to show button panel, false to not show it
- autoSize: false, // True to size the input for the date format, false to leave as is
- disabled: false // The initial disabled state
- };
- $.extend(this._defaults, this.regional[""]);
- this.regional.en = $.extend( true, {}, this.regional[ "" ]);
- this.regional[ "en-US" ] = $.extend( true, {}, this.regional.en );
- this.dpDiv = datepicker_bindHover($("<div id='" + this._mainDivId + "' class='ui-datepicker ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all'></div>"));
- }
- $.extend(Datepicker.prototype, {
- /* Class name added to elements to indicate already configured with a date picker. */
- markerClassName: "hasDatepicker",
- //Keep track of the maximum number of rows displayed (see #7043)
- maxRows: 4,
- // TODO rename to "widget" when switching to widget factory
- _widgetDatepicker: function() {
- return this.dpDiv;
- },
- /* Override the default settings for all instances of the date picker.
- * @param settings object - the new settings to use as defaults (anonymous object)
- * @return the manager object
- */
- setDefaults: function(settings) {
- datepicker_extendRemove(this._defaults, settings || {});
- return this;
- },
- /* Attach the date picker to a jQuery selection.
- * @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- * @param settings object - the new settings to use for this date picker instance (anonymous)
- */
- _attachDatepicker: function(target, settings) {
- var nodeName, inline, inst;
- nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- inline = (nodeName === "div" || nodeName === "span");
- if (! {
- this.uuid += 1;
- = "dp" + this.uuid;
- }
- inst = this._newInst($(target), inline);
- inst.settings = $.extend({}, settings || {});
- if (nodeName === "input") {
- this._connectDatepicker(target, inst);
- } else if (inline) {
- this._inlineDatepicker(target, inst);
- }
- },
- /* Create a new instance object. */
- _newInst: function(target, inline) {
- var id = target[0].id.replace(/([^A-Za-z0-9_\-])/g, "\\\\$1"); // escape jQuery meta chars
- return {id: id, input: target, // associated target
- selectedDay: 0, selectedMonth: 0, selectedYear: 0, // current selection
- drawMonth: 0, drawYear: 0, // month being drawn
- inline: inline, // is datepicker inline or not
- dpDiv: (!inline ? this.dpDiv : // presentation div
- datepicker_bindHover($("<div class='" + this._inlineClass + " ui-datepicker ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix ui-corner-all'></div>")))};
- },
- /* Attach the date picker to an input field. */
- _connectDatepicker: function(target, inst) {
- var input = $(target);
- inst.append = $([]);
- inst.trigger = $([]);
- if (input.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
- return;
- }
- this._attachments(input, inst);
- input.addClass(this.markerClassName).keydown(this._doKeyDown).
- keypress(this._doKeyPress).keyup(this._doKeyUp);
- this._autoSize(inst);
- $.data(target, "datepicker", inst);
- //If disabled option is true, disable the datepicker once it has been attached to the input (see ticket #5665)
- if( inst.settings.disabled ) {
- this._disableDatepicker( target );
- }
- },
- /* Make attachments based on settings. */
- _attachments: function(input, inst) {
- var showOn, buttonText, buttonImage,
- appendText = this._get(inst, "appendText"),
- isRTL = this._get(inst, "isRTL");
- if (inst.append) {
- inst.append.remove();
- }
- if (appendText) {
- inst.append = $("<span class='" + this._appendClass + "'>" + appendText + "</span>");
- input[isRTL ? "before" : "after"](inst.append);
- }
- input.unbind("focus", this._showDatepicker);
- if (inst.trigger) {
- inst.trigger.remove();
- }
- showOn = this._get(inst, "showOn");
- if (showOn === "focus" || showOn === "both") { // pop-up date picker when in the marked field
- input.focus(this._showDatepicker);
- }
- if (showOn === "button" || showOn === "both") { // pop-up date picker when button clicked
- buttonText = this._get(inst, "buttonText");
- buttonImage = this._get(inst, "buttonImage");
- inst.trigger = $(this._get(inst, "buttonImageOnly") ?
- $("<img/>").addClass(this._triggerClass).
- attr({ src: buttonImage, alt: buttonText, title: buttonText }) :
- $("<button type='button'></button>").addClass(this._triggerClass).
- html(!buttonImage ? buttonText : $("<img/>").attr(
- { src:buttonImage, alt:buttonText, title:buttonText })));
- input[isRTL ? "before" : "after"](inst.trigger);
- {
- if ($.datepicker._datepickerShowing && $.datepicker._lastInput === input[0]) {
- $.datepicker._hideDatepicker();
- } else if ($.datepicker._datepickerShowing && $.datepicker._lastInput !== input[0]) {
- $.datepicker._hideDatepicker();
- $.datepicker._showDatepicker(input[0]);
- } else {
- $.datepicker._showDatepicker(input[0]);
- }
- return false;
- });
- }
- },
- /* Apply the maximum length for the date format. */
- _autoSize: function(inst) {
- if (this._get(inst, "autoSize") && !inst.inline) {
- var findMax, max, maxI, i,
- date = new Date(2009, 12 - 1, 20), // Ensure double digits
- dateFormat = this._get(inst, "dateFormat");
- if (dateFormat.match(/[DM]/)) {
- findMax = function(names) {
- max = 0;
- maxI = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
- if (names[i].length > max) {
- max = names[i].length;
- maxI = i;
- }
- }
- return maxI;
- };
- date.setMonth(findMax(this._get(inst, (dateFormat.match(/MM/) ?
- "monthNames" : "monthNamesShort"))));
- date.setDate(findMax(this._get(inst, (dateFormat.match(/DD/) ?
- "dayNames" : "dayNamesShort"))) + 20 - date.getDay());
- }
- inst.input.attr("size", this._formatDate(inst, date).length);
- }
- },
- /* Attach an inline date picker to a div. */
- _inlineDatepicker: function(target, inst) {
- var divSpan = $(target);
- if (divSpan.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
- return;
- }
- divSpan.addClass(this.markerClassName).append(inst.dpDiv);
- $.data(target, "datepicker", inst);
- this._setDate(inst, this._getDefaultDate(inst), true);
- this._updateDatepicker(inst);
- this._updateAlternate(inst);
- //If disabled option is true, disable the datepicker before showing it (see ticket #5665)
- if( inst.settings.disabled ) {
- this._disableDatepicker( target );
- }
- // Set display:block in place of which won't work on disconnected elements
- // - A Datepicker created on a detached div has zero height
- inst.dpDiv.css( "display", "block" );
- },
- /* Pop-up the date picker in a "dialog" box.
- * @param input element - ignored
- * @param date string or Date - the initial date to display
- * @param onSelect function - the function to call when a date is selected
- * @param settings object - update the dialog date picker instance's settings (anonymous object)
- * @param pos int[2] - coordinates for the dialog's position within the screen or
- * event - with x/y coordinates or
- * leave empty for default (screen centre)
- * @return the manager object
- */
- _dialogDatepicker: function(input, date, onSelect, settings, pos) {
- var id, browserWidth, browserHeight, scrollX, scrollY,
- inst = this._dialogInst; // internal instance
- if (!inst) {
- this.uuid += 1;
- id = "dp" + this.uuid;
- this._dialogInput = $("<input type='text' id='" + id +
- "' style='position: absolute; top: -100px; width: 0px;'/>");
- this._dialogInput.keydown(this._doKeyDown);
- $("body").append(this._dialogInput);
- inst = this._dialogInst = this._newInst(this._dialogInput, false);
- inst.settings = {};
- $.data(this._dialogInput[0], "datepicker", inst);
- }
- datepicker_extendRemove(inst.settings, settings || {});
- date = (date && date.constructor === Date ? this._formatDate(inst, date) : date);
- this._dialogInput.val(date);
- this._pos = (pos ? (pos.length ? pos : [pos.pageX, pos.pageY]) : null);
- if (!this._pos) {
- browserWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
- browserHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
- scrollX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft;
- scrollY = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
- this._pos = // should use actual width/height below
- [(browserWidth / 2) - 100 + scrollX, (browserHeight / 2) - 150 + scrollY];
- }
- // move input on screen for focus, but hidden behind dialog
- this._dialogInput.css("left", (this._pos[0] + 20) + "px").css("top", this._pos[1] + "px");
- inst.settings.onSelect = onSelect;
- this._inDialog = true;
- this.dpDiv.addClass(this._dialogClass);
- this._showDatepicker(this._dialogInput[0]);
- if ($.blockUI) {
- $.blockUI(this.dpDiv);
- }
- $.data(this._dialogInput[0], "datepicker", inst);
- return this;
- },
- /* Detach a datepicker from its control.
- * @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- */
- _destroyDatepicker: function(target) {
- var nodeName,
- $target = $(target),
- inst = $.data(target, "datepicker");
- if (!$target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
- return;
- }
- nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- $.removeData(target, "datepicker");
- if (nodeName === "input") {
- inst.append.remove();
- inst.trigger.remove();
- $target.removeClass(this.markerClassName).
- unbind("focus", this._showDatepicker).
- unbind("keydown", this._doKeyDown).
- unbind("keypress", this._doKeyPress).
- unbind("keyup", this._doKeyUp);
- } else if (nodeName === "div" || nodeName === "span") {
- $target.removeClass(this.markerClassName).empty();
- }
- if ( datepicker_instActive === inst ) {
- datepicker_instActive = null;
- }
- },
- /* Enable the date picker to a jQuery selection.
- * @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- */
- _enableDatepicker: function(target) {
- var nodeName, inline,
- $target = $(target),
- inst = $.data(target, "datepicker");
- if (!$target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
- return;
- }
- nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- if (nodeName === "input") {
- target.disabled = false;
- inst.trigger.filter("button").
- each(function() { this.disabled = false; }).end().
- filter("img").css({opacity: "1.0", cursor: ""});
- } else if (nodeName === "div" || nodeName === "span") {
- inline = $target.children("." + this._inlineClass);
- inline.children().removeClass("ui-state-disabled");
- inline.find("select.ui-datepicker-month, select.ui-datepicker-year").
- prop("disabled", false);
- }
- this._disabledInputs = $.map(this._disabledInputs,
- function(value) { return (value === target ? null : value); }); // delete entry
- },
- /* Disable the date picker to a jQuery selection.
- * @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- */
- _disableDatepicker: function(target) {
- var nodeName, inline,
- $target = $(target),
- inst = $.data(target, "datepicker");
- if (!$target.hasClass(this.markerClassName)) {
- return;
- }
- nodeName = target.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- if (nodeName === "input") {
- target.disabled = true;
- inst.trigger.filter("button").
- each(function() { this.disabled = true; }).end().
- filter("img").css({opacity: "0.5", cursor: "default"});
- } else if (nodeName === "div" || nodeName === "span") {
- inline = $target.children("." + this._inlineClass);
- inline.children().addClass("ui-state-disabled");
- inline.find("select.ui-datepicker-month, select.ui-datepicker-year").
- prop("disabled", true);
- }
- this._disabledInputs = $.map(this._disabledInputs,
- function(value) { return (value === target ? null : value); }); // delete entry
- this._disabledInputs[this._disabledInputs.length] = target;
- },
- /* Is the first field in a jQuery collection disabled as a datepicker?
- * @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- * @return boolean - true if disabled, false if enabled
- */
- _isDisabledDatepicker: function(target) {
- if (!target) {
- return false;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this._disabledInputs.length; i++) {
- if (this._disabledInputs[i] === target) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- /* Retrieve the instance data for the target control.
- * @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- * @return object - the associated instance data
- * @throws error if a jQuery problem getting data
- */
- _getInst: function(target) {
- try {
- return $.data(target, "datepicker");
- }
- catch (err) {
- throw "Missing instance data for this datepicker";
- }
- },
- /* Update or retrieve the settings for a date picker attached to an input field or division.
- * @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- * @param name object - the new settings to update or
- * string - the name of the setting to change or retrieve,
- * when retrieving also "all" for all instance settings or
- * "defaults" for all global defaults
- * @param value any - the new value for the setting
- * (omit if above is an object or to retrieve a value)
- */
- _optionDatepicker: function(target, name, value) {
- var settings, date, minDate, maxDate,
- inst = this._getInst(target);
- if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof name === "string") {
- return (name === "defaults" ? $.extend({}, $.datepicker._defaults) :
- (inst ? (name === "all" ? $.extend({}, inst.settings) :
- this._get(inst, name)) : null));
- }
- settings = name || {};
- if (typeof name === "string") {
- settings = {};
- settings[name] = value;
- }
- if (inst) {
- if (this._curInst === inst) {
- this._hideDatepicker();
- }
- date = this._getDateDatepicker(target, true);
- minDate = this._getMinMaxDate(inst, "min");
- maxDate = this._getMinMaxDate(inst, "max");
- datepicker_extendRemove(inst.settings, settings);
- // reformat the old minDate/maxDate values if dateFormat changes and a new minDate/maxDate isn't provided
- if (minDate !== null && settings.dateFormat !== undefined && settings.minDate === undefined) {
- inst.settings.minDate = this._formatDate(inst, minDate);
- }
- if (maxDate !== null && settings.dateFormat !== undefined && settings.maxDate === undefined) {
- inst.settings.maxDate = this._formatDate(inst, maxDate);
- }
- if ( "disabled" in settings ) {
- if ( settings.disabled ) {
- this._disableDatepicker(target);
- } else {
- this._enableDatepicker(target);
- }
- }
- this._attachments($(target), inst);
- this._autoSize(inst);
- this._setDate(inst, date);
- this._updateAlternate(inst);
- this._updateDatepicker(inst);
- }
- },
- // change method deprecated
- _changeDatepicker: function(target, name, value) {
- this._optionDatepicker(target, name, value);
- },
- /* Redraw the date picker attached to an input field or division.
- * @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- */
- _refreshDatepicker: function(target) {
- var inst = this._getInst(target);
- if (inst) {
- this._updateDatepicker(inst);
- }
- },
- /* Set the dates for a jQuery selection.
- * @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- * @param date Date - the new date
- */
- _setDateDatepicker: function(target, date) {
- var inst = this._getInst(target);
- if (inst) {
- this._setDate(inst, date);
- this._updateDatepicker(inst);
- this._updateAlternate(inst);
- }
- },
- /* Get the date(s) for the first entry in a jQuery selection.
- * @param target element - the target input field or division or span
- * @param noDefault boolean - true if no default date is to be used
- * @return Date - the current date
- */
- _getDateDatepicker: function(target, noDefault) {
- var inst = this._getInst(target);
- if (inst && !inst.inline) {
- this._setDateFromField(inst, noDefault);
- }
- return (inst ? this._getDate(inst) : null);
- },
- /* Handle keystrokes. */
- _doKeyDown: function(event) {
- var onSelect, dateStr, sel,
- inst = $.datepicker._getInst(,
- handled = true,
- isRTL =".ui-datepicker-rtl");
- inst._keyEvent = true;
- if ($.datepicker._datepickerShowing) {
- switch (event.keyCode) {
- case 9: $.datepicker._hideDatepicker();
- handled = false;
- break; // hide on tab out
- case 13: sel = $("td." + $.datepicker._dayOverClass + ":not(." +
- $.datepicker._currentClass + ")", inst.dpDiv);
- if (sel[0]) {
- $.datepicker._selectDay(, inst.selectedMonth, inst.selectedYear, sel[0]);
- }
- onSelect = $.datepicker._get(inst, "onSelect");
- if (onSelect) {
- dateStr = $.datepicker._formatDate(inst);
- // trigger custom callback
- onSelect.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null), [dateStr, inst]);
- } else {
- $.datepicker._hideDatepicker();
- }
- return false; // don't submit the form
- case 27: $.datepicker._hideDatepicker();
- break; // hide on escape
- case 33: $.datepicker._adjustDate(, (event.ctrlKey ?
- -$.datepicker._get(inst, "stepBigMonths") :
- -$.datepicker._get(inst, "stepMonths")), "M");
- break; // previous month/year on page up/+ ctrl
- case 34: $.datepicker._adjustDate(, (event.ctrlKey ?
- +$.datepicker._get(inst, "stepBigMonths") :
- +$.datepicker._get(inst, "stepMonths")), "M");
- break; // next month/year on page down/+ ctrl
- case 35: if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
- $.datepicker._clearDate(;
- }
- handled = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
- break; // clear on ctrl or command +end
- case 36: if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
- $.datepicker._gotoToday(;
- }
- handled = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
- break; // current on ctrl or command +home
- case 37: if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
- $.datepicker._adjustDate(, (isRTL ? +1 : -1), "D");
- }
- handled = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
- // -1 day on ctrl or command +left
- if (event.originalEvent.altKey) {
- $.datepicker._adjustDate(, (event.ctrlKey ?
- -$.datepicker._get(inst, "stepBigMonths") :
- -$.datepicker._get(inst, "stepMonths")), "M");
- }
- // next month/year on alt +left on Mac
- break;
- case 38: if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
- $.datepicker._adjustDate(, -7, "D");
- }
- handled = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
- break; // -1 week on ctrl or command +up
- case 39: if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
- $.datepicker._adjustDate(, (isRTL ? -1 : +1), "D");
- }
- handled = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
- // +1 day on ctrl or command +right
- if (event.originalEvent.altKey) {
- $.datepicker._adjustDate(, (event.ctrlKey ?
- +$.datepicker._get(inst, "stepBigMonths") :
- +$.datepicker._get(inst, "stepMonths")), "M");
- }
- // next month/year on alt +right
- break;
- case 40: if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
- $.datepicker._adjustDate(, +7, "D");
- }
- handled = event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey;
- break; // +1 week on ctrl or command +down
- default: handled = false;
- }
- } else if (event.keyCode === 36 && event.ctrlKey) { // display the date picker on ctrl+home
- $.datepicker._showDatepicker(this);
- } else {
- handled = false;
- }
- if (handled) {
- event.preventDefault();
- event.stopPropagation();
- }
- },
- /* Filter entered characters - based on date format. */
- _doKeyPress: function(event) {
- var chars, chr,
- inst = $.datepicker._getInst(;
- if ($.datepicker._get(inst, "constrainInput")) {
- chars = $.datepicker._possibleChars($.datepicker._get(inst, "dateFormat"));
- chr = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode == null ? event.keyCode : event.charCode);
- return event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || (chr < " " || !chars || chars.indexOf(chr) > -1);
- }
- },
- /* Synchronise manual entry and field/alternate field. */
- _doKeyUp: function(event) {
- var date,
- inst = $.datepicker._getInst(;
- if (inst.input.val() !== inst.lastVal) {
- try {
- date = $.datepicker.parseDate($.datepicker._get(inst, "dateFormat"),
- (inst.input ? inst.input.val() : null),
- $.datepicker._getFormatConfig(inst));
- if (date) { // only if valid
- $.datepicker._setDateFromField(inst);
- $.datepicker._updateAlternate(inst);
- $.datepicker._updateDatepicker(inst);
- }
- }
- catch (err) {
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- /* Pop-up the date picker for a given input field.
- * If false returned from beforeShow event handler do not show.
- * @param input element - the input field attached to the date picker or
- * event - if triggered by focus
- */
- _showDatepicker: function(input) {
- input = || input;
- if (input.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "input") { // find from button/image trigger
- input = $("input", input.parentNode)[0];
- }
- if ($.datepicker._isDisabledDatepicker(input) || $.datepicker._lastInput === input) { // already here
- return;
- }
- var inst, beforeShow, beforeShowSettings, isFixed,
- offset, showAnim, duration;
- inst = $.datepicker._getInst(input);
- if ($.datepicker._curInst && $.datepicker._curInst !== inst) {
- $.datepicker._curInst.dpDiv.stop(true, true);
- if ( inst && $.datepicker._datepickerShowing ) {
- $.datepicker._hideDatepicker( $.datepicker._curInst.input[0] );
- }
- }
- beforeShow = $.datepicker._get(inst, "beforeShow");
- beforeShowSettings = beforeShow ? beforeShow.apply(input, [input, inst]) : {};
- if(beforeShowSettings === false){
- return;
- }
- datepicker_extendRemove(inst.settings, beforeShowSettings);
- inst.lastVal = null;
- $.datepicker._lastInput = input;
- $.datepicker._setDateFromField(inst);
- if ($.datepicker._inDialog) { // hide cursor
- input.value = "";
- }
- if (!$.datepicker._pos) { // position below input
- $.datepicker._pos = $.datepicker._findPos(input);
- $.datepicker._pos[1] += input.offsetHeight; // add the height
- }
- isFixed = false;
- $(input).parents().each(function() {
- isFixed |= $(this).css("position") === "fixed";
- return !isFixed;
- });
- offset = {left: $.datepicker._pos[0], top: $.datepicker._pos[1]};
- $.datepicker._pos = null;
- //to avoid flashes on Firefox
- inst.dpDiv.empty();
- // determine sizing offscreen
- inst.dpDiv.css({position: "absolute", display: "block", top: "-1000px"});
- $.datepicker._updateDatepicker(inst);
- // fix width for dynamic number of date pickers
- // and adjust position before showing
- offset = $.datepicker._checkOffset(inst, offset, isFixed);
- inst.dpDiv.css({position: ($.datepicker._inDialog && $.blockUI ?
- "static" : (isFixed ? "fixed" : "absolute")), display: "none",
- left: offset.left + "px", top: + "px"});
- if (!inst.inline) {
- showAnim = $.datepicker._get(inst, "showAnim");
- duration = $.datepicker._get(inst, "duration");
- inst.dpDiv.css( "z-index", datepicker_getZindex( $( input ) ) + 1 );
- $.datepicker._datepickerShowing = true;
- if ( $.effects && $.effects.effect[ showAnim ] ) {
-, $.datepicker._get(inst, "showOptions"), duration);
- } else {
- inst.dpDiv[showAnim || "show"](showAnim ? duration : null);
- }
- if ( $.datepicker._shouldFocusInput( inst ) ) {
- inst.input.focus();
- }
- $.datepicker._curInst = inst;
- }
- },
- /* Generate the date picker content. */
- _updateDatepicker: function(inst) {
- this.maxRows = 4; //Reset the max number of rows being displayed (see #7043)
- datepicker_instActive = inst; // for delegate hover events
- inst.dpDiv.empty().append(this._generateHTML(inst));
- this._attachHandlers(inst);
- var origyearshtml,
- numMonths = this._getNumberOfMonths(inst),
- cols = numMonths[1],
- width = 17,
- activeCell = inst.dpDiv.find( "." + this._dayOverClass + " a" );
- if ( activeCell.length > 0 ) {
- datepicker_handleMouseover.apply( activeCell.get( 0 ) );
- }
- inst.dpDiv.removeClass("ui-datepicker-multi-2 ui-datepicker-multi-3 ui-datepicker-multi-4").width("");
- if (cols > 1) {
- inst.dpDiv.addClass("ui-datepicker-multi-" + cols).css("width", (width * cols) + "em");
- }
- inst.dpDiv[(numMonths[0] !== 1 || numMonths[1] !== 1 ? "add" : "remove") +
- "Class"]("ui-datepicker-multi");
- inst.dpDiv[(this._get(inst, "isRTL") ? "add" : "remove") +
- "Class"]("ui-datepicker-rtl");
- if (inst === $.datepicker._curInst && $.datepicker._datepickerShowing && $.datepicker._shouldFocusInput( inst ) ) {
- inst.input.focus();
- }
- // deffered render of the years select (to avoid flashes on Firefox)
- if( inst.yearshtml ){
- origyearshtml = inst.yearshtml;
- setTimeout(function(){
- //assure that inst.yearshtml didn't change.
- if( origyearshtml === inst.yearshtml && inst.yearshtml ){
- inst.dpDiv.find("select.ui-datepicker-year:first").replaceWith(inst.yearshtml);
- }
- origyearshtml = inst.yearshtml = null;
- }, 0);
- }
- },
- // #6694 - don't focus the input if it's already focused
- // this breaks the change event in IE
- // Support: IE and jQuery <1.9
- _shouldFocusInput: function( inst ) {
- return inst.input && ":visible" ) && ! ":disabled" ) && ! ":focus" );
- },
- /* Check positioning to remain on screen. */
- _checkOffset: function(inst, offset, isFixed) {
- var dpWidth = inst.dpDiv.outerWidth(),
- dpHeight = inst.dpDiv.outerHeight(),
- inputWidth = inst.input ? inst.input.outerWidth() : 0,
- inputHeight = inst.input ? inst.input.outerHeight() : 0,
- viewWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth + (isFixed ? 0 : $(document).scrollLeft()),
- viewHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight + (isFixed ? 0 : $(document).scrollTop());
- offset.left -= (this._get(inst, "isRTL") ? (dpWidth - inputWidth) : 0);
- offset.left -= (isFixed && offset.left === inst.input.offset().left) ? $(document).scrollLeft() : 0;
- -= (isFixed && === (inst.input.offset().top + inputHeight)) ? $(document).scrollTop() : 0;
- // now check if datepicker is showing outside window viewport - move to a better place if so.
- offset.left -= Math.min(offset.left, (offset.left + dpWidth > viewWidth && viewWidth > dpWidth) ?
- Math.abs(offset.left + dpWidth - viewWidth) : 0);
- -= Math.min(, ( + dpHeight > viewHeight && viewHeight > dpHeight) ?
- Math.abs(dpHeight + inputHeight) : 0);
- return offset;
- },
- /* Find an object's position on the screen. */
- _findPos: function(obj) {
- var position,
- inst = this._getInst(obj),
- isRTL = this._get(inst, "isRTL");
- while (obj && (obj.type === "hidden" || obj.nodeType !== 1 || $.expr.filters.hidden(obj))) {
- obj = obj[isRTL ? "previousSibling" : "nextSibling"];
- }
- position = $(obj).offset();
- return [position.left,];
- },
- /* Hide the date picker from view.
- * @param input element - the input field attached to the date picker
- */
- _hideDatepicker: function(input) {
- var showAnim, duration, postProcess, onClose,
- inst = this._curInst;
- if (!inst || (input && inst !== $.data(input, "datepicker"))) {
- return;
- }
- if (this._datepickerShowing) {
- showAnim = this._get(inst, "showAnim");
- duration = this._get(inst, "duration");
- postProcess = function() {
- $.datepicker._tidyDialog(inst);
- };
- // DEPRECATED: after BC for 1.8.x $.effects[ showAnim ] is not needed
- if ( $.effects && ( $.effects.effect[ showAnim ] || $.effects[ showAnim ] ) ) {
- inst.dpDiv.hide(showAnim, $.datepicker._get(inst, "showOptions"), duration, postProcess);
- } else {
- inst.dpDiv[(showAnim === "slideDown" ? "slideUp" :
- (showAnim === "fadeIn" ? "fadeOut" : "hide"))]((showAnim ? duration : null), postProcess);
- }
- if (!showAnim) {
- postProcess();
- }
- this._datepickerShowing = false;
- onClose = this._get(inst, "onClose");
- if (onClose) {
- onClose.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null), [(inst.input ? inst.input.val() : ""), inst]);
- }
- this._lastInput = null;
- if (this._inDialog) {
- this._dialogInput.css({ position: "absolute", left: "0", top: "-100px" });
- if ($.blockUI) {
- $.unblockUI();
- $("body").append(this.dpDiv);
- }
- }
- this._inDialog = false;
- }
- },
- /* Tidy up after a dialog display. */
- _tidyDialog: function(inst) {
- inst.dpDiv.removeClass(this._dialogClass).unbind(".ui-datepicker-calendar");
- },
- /* Close date picker if clicked elsewhere. */
- _checkExternalClick: function(event) {
- if (!$.datepicker._curInst) {
- return;
- }
- var $target = $(,
- inst = $.datepicker._getInst($target[0]);
- if ( ( ( $target[0].id !== $.datepicker._mainDivId &&
- $target.parents("#" + $.datepicker._mainDivId).length === 0 &&
- !$target.hasClass($.datepicker.markerClassName) &&
- !$target.closest("." + $.datepicker._triggerClass).length &&
- $.datepicker._datepickerShowing && !($.datepicker._inDialog && $.blockUI) ) ) ||
- ( $target.hasClass($.datepicker.markerClassName) && $.datepicker._curInst !== inst ) ) {
- $.datepicker._hideDatepicker();
- }
- },
- /* Adjust one of the date sub-fields. */
- _adjustDate: function(id, offset, period) {
- var target = $(id),
- inst = this._getInst(target[0]);
- if (this._isDisabledDatepicker(target[0])) {
- return;
- }
- this._adjustInstDate(inst, offset +
- (period === "M" ? this._get(inst, "showCurrentAtPos") : 0), // undo positioning
- period);
- this._updateDatepicker(inst);
- },
- /* Action for current link. */
- _gotoToday: function(id) {
- var date,
- target = $(id),
- inst = this._getInst(target[0]);
- if (this._get(inst, "gotoCurrent") && inst.currentDay) {
- inst.selectedDay = inst.currentDay;
- inst.drawMonth = inst.selectedMonth = inst.currentMonth;
- inst.drawYear = inst.selectedYear = inst.currentYear;
- } else {
- date = new Date();
- inst.selectedDay = date.getDate();
- inst.drawMonth = inst.selectedMonth = date.getMonth();
- inst.drawYear = inst.selectedYear = date.getFullYear();
- }
- this._notifyChange(inst);
- this._adjustDate(target);
- },
- /* Action for selecting a new month/year. */
- _selectMonthYear: function(id, select, period) {
- var target = $(id),
- inst = this._getInst(target[0]);
- inst["selected" + (period === "M" ? "Month" : "Year")] =
- inst["draw" + (period === "M" ? "Month" : "Year")] =
- parseInt(select.options[select.selectedIndex].value,10);
- this._notifyChange(inst);
- this._adjustDate(target);
- },
- /* Action for selecting a day. */
- _selectDay: function(id, month, year, td) {
- var inst,
- target = $(id);
- if ($(td).hasClass(this._unselectableClass) || this._isDisabledDatepicker(target[0])) {
- return;
- }
- inst = this._getInst(target[0]);
- inst.selectedDay = inst.currentDay = $("a", td).html();
- inst.selectedMonth = inst.currentMonth = month;
- inst.selectedYear = inst.currentYear = year;
- this._selectDate(id, this._formatDate(inst,
- inst.currentDay, inst.currentMonth, inst.currentYear));
- },
- /* Erase the input field and hide the date picker. */
- _clearDate: function(id) {
- var target = $(id);
- this._selectDate(target, "");
- },
- /* Update the input field with the selected date. */
- _selectDate: function(id, dateStr) {
- var onSelect,
- target = $(id),
- inst = this._getInst(target[0]);
- dateStr = (dateStr != null ? dateStr : this._formatDate(inst));
- if (inst.input) {
- inst.input.val(dateStr);
- }
- this._updateAlternate(inst);
- onSelect = this._get(inst, "onSelect");
- if (onSelect) {
- onSelect.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null), [dateStr, inst]); // trigger custom callback
- } else if (inst.input) {
- inst.input.trigger("change"); // fire the change event
- }
- if (inst.inline){
- this._updateDatepicker(inst);
- } else {
- this._hideDatepicker();
- this._lastInput = inst.input[0];
- if (typeof(inst.input[0]) !== "object") {
- inst.input.focus(); // restore focus
- }
- this._lastInput = null;
- }
- },
- /* Update any alternate field to synchronise with the main field. */
- _updateAlternate: function(inst) {
- var altFormat, date, dateStr,
- altField = this._get(inst, "altField");
- if (altField) { // update alternate field too
- altFormat = this._get(inst, "altFormat") || this._get(inst, "dateFormat");
- date = this._getDate(inst);
- dateStr = this.formatDate(altFormat, date, this._getFormatConfig(inst));
- $(altField).each(function() { $(this).val(dateStr); });
- }
- },
- /* Set as beforeShowDay function to prevent selection of weekends.
- * @param date Date - the date to customise
- * @return [boolean, string] - is this date selectable?, what is its CSS class?
- */
- noWeekends: function(date) {
- var day = date.getDay();
- return [(day > 0 && day < 6), ""];
- },
- /* Set as calculateWeek to determine the week of the year based on the ISO 8601 definition.
- * @param date Date - the date to get the week for
- * @return number - the number of the week within the year that contains this date
- */
- iso8601Week: function(date) {
- var time,
- checkDate = new Date(date.getTime());
- // Find Thursday of this week starting on Monday
- checkDate.setDate(checkDate.getDate() + 4 - (checkDate.getDay() || 7));
- time = checkDate.getTime();
- checkDate.setMonth(0); // Compare with Jan 1
- checkDate.setDate(1);
- return Math.floor(Math.round((time - checkDate) / 86400000) / 7) + 1;
- },
- /* Parse a string value into a date object.
- * See formatDate below for the possible formats.
- *
- * @param format string - the expected format of the date
- * @param value string - the date in the above format
- * @param settings Object - attributes include:
- * shortYearCutoff number - the cutoff year for determining the century (optional)
- * dayNamesShort string[7] - abbreviated names of the days from Sunday (optional)
- * dayNames string[7] - names of the days from Sunday (optional)
- * monthNamesShort string[12] - abbreviated names of the months (optional)
- * monthNames string[12] - names of the months (optional)
- * @return Date - the extracted date value or null if value is blank
- */
- parseDate: function (format, value, settings) {
- if (format == null || value == null) {
- throw "Invalid arguments";
- }
- value = (typeof value === "object" ? value.toString() : value + "");
- if (value === "") {
- return null;
- }
- var iFormat, dim, extra,
- iValue = 0,
- shortYearCutoffTemp = (settings ? settings.shortYearCutoff : null) || this._defaults.shortYearCutoff,
- shortYearCutoff = (typeof shortYearCutoffTemp !== "string" ? shortYearCutoffTemp :
- new Date().getFullYear() % 100 + parseInt(shortYearCutoffTemp, 10)),
- dayNamesShort = (settings ? settings.dayNamesShort : null) || this._defaults.dayNamesShort,
- dayNames = (settings ? settings.dayNames : null) || this._defaults.dayNames,
- monthNamesShort = (settings ? settings.monthNamesShort : null) || this._defaults.monthNamesShort,
- monthNames = (settings ? settings.monthNames : null) || this._defaults.monthNames,
- year = -1,
- month = -1,
- day = -1,
- doy = -1,
- literal = false,
- date,
- // Check whether a format character is doubled
- lookAhead = function(match) {
- var matches = (iFormat + 1 < format.length && format.charAt(iFormat + 1) === match);
- if (matches) {
- iFormat++;
- }
- return matches;
- },
- // Extract a number from the string value
- getNumber = function(match) {
- var isDoubled = lookAhead(match),
- size = (match === "@" ? 14 : (match === "!" ? 20 :
- (match === "y" && isDoubled ? 4 : (match === "o" ? 3 : 2)))),
- minSize = (match === "y" ? size : 1),
- digits = new RegExp("^\\d{" + minSize + "," + size + "}"),
- num = value.substring(iValue).match(digits);
- if (!num) {
- throw "Missing number at position " + iValue;
- }
- iValue += num[0].length;
- return parseInt(num[0], 10);
- },
- // Extract a name from the string value and convert to an index
- getName = function(match, shortNames, longNames) {
- var index = -1,
- names = $.map(lookAhead(match) ? longNames : shortNames, function (v, k) {
- return [ [k, v] ];
- }).sort(function (a, b) {
- return -(a[1].length - b[1].length);
- });
- $.each(names, function (i, pair) {
- var name = pair[1];
- if (value.substr(iValue, name.length).toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()) {
- index = pair[0];
- iValue += name.length;
- return false;
- }
- });
- if (index !== -1) {
- return index + 1;
- } else {
- throw "Unknown name at position " + iValue;
- }
- },
- // Confirm that a literal character matches the string value
- checkLiteral = function() {
- if (value.charAt(iValue) !== format.charAt(iFormat)) {
- throw "Unexpected literal at position " + iValue;
- }
- iValue++;
- };
- for (iFormat = 0; iFormat < format.length; iFormat++) {
- if (literal) {
- if (format.charAt(iFormat) === "'" && !lookAhead("'")) {
- literal = false;
- } else {
- checkLiteral();
- }
- } else {
- switch (format.charAt(iFormat)) {
- case "d":
- day = getNumber("d");
- break;
- case "D":
- getName("D", dayNamesShort, dayNames);
- break;
- case "o":
- doy = getNumber("o");
- break;
- case "m":
- month = getNumber("m");
- break;
- case "M":
- month = getName("M", monthNamesShort, monthNames);
- break;
- case "y":
- year = getNumber("y");
- break;
- case "@":
- date = new Date(getNumber("@"));
- year = date.getFullYear();
- month = date.getMonth() + 1;
- day = date.getDate();
- break;
- case "!":
- date = new Date((getNumber("!") - this._ticksTo1970) / 10000);
- year = date.getFullYear();
- month = date.getMonth() + 1;
- day = date.getDate();
- break;
- case "'":
- if (lookAhead("'")){
- checkLiteral();
- } else {
- literal = true;
- }
- break;
- default:
- checkLiteral();
- }
- }
- }
- if (iValue < value.length){
- extra = value.substr(iValue);
- if (!/^\s+/.test(extra)) {
- throw "Extra/unparsed characters found in date: " + extra;
- }
- }
- if (year === -1) {
- year = new Date().getFullYear();
- } else if (year < 100) {
- year += new Date().getFullYear() - new Date().getFullYear() % 100 +
- (year <= shortYearCutoff ? 0 : -100);
- }
- if (doy > -1) {
- month = 1;
- day = doy;
- do {
- dim = this._getDaysInMonth(year, month - 1);
- if (day <= dim) {
- break;
- }
- month++;
- day -= dim;
- } while (true);
- }
- date = this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(year, month - 1, day));
- if (date.getFullYear() !== year || date.getMonth() + 1 !== month || date.getDate() !== day) {
- throw "Invalid date"; // E.g. 31/02/00
- }
- return date;
- },
- /* Standard date formats. */
- ATOM: "yy-mm-dd", // RFC 3339 (ISO 8601)
- COOKIE: "D, dd M yy",
- ISO_8601: "yy-mm-dd",
- RFC_822: "D, d M y",
- RFC_850: "DD, dd-M-y",
- RFC_1036: "D, d M y",
- RFC_1123: "D, d M yy",
- RFC_2822: "D, d M yy",
- RSS: "D, d M y", // RFC 822
- TICKS: "!",
- W3C: "yy-mm-dd", // ISO 8601
- _ticksTo1970: (((1970 - 1) * 365 + Math.floor(1970 / 4) - Math.floor(1970 / 100) +
- Math.floor(1970 / 400)) * 24 * 60 * 60 * 10000000),
- /* Format a date object into a string value.
- * The format can be combinations of the following:
- * d - day of month (no leading zero)
- * dd - day of month (two digit)
- * o - day of year (no leading zeros)
- * oo - day of year (three digit)
- * D - day name short
- * DD - day name long
- * m - month of year (no leading zero)
- * mm - month of year (two digit)
- * M - month name short
- * MM - month name long
- * y - year (two digit)
- * yy - year (four digit)
- * @ - Unix timestamp (ms since 01/01/1970)
- * ! - Windows ticks (100ns since 01/01/0001)
- * "..." - literal text
- * '' - single quote
- *
- * @param format string - the desired format of the date
- * @param date Date - the date value to format
- * @param settings Object - attributes include:
- * dayNamesShort string[7] - abbreviated names of the days from Sunday (optional)
- * dayNames string[7] - names of the days from Sunday (optional)
- * monthNamesShort string[12] - abbreviated names of the months (optional)
- * monthNames string[12] - names of the months (optional)
- * @return string - the date in the above format
- */
- formatDate: function (format, date, settings) {
- if (!date) {
- return "";
- }
- var iFormat,
- dayNamesShort = (settings ? settings.dayNamesShort : null) || this._defaults.dayNamesShort,
- dayNames = (settings ? settings.dayNames : null) || this._defaults.dayNames,
- monthNamesShort = (settings ? settings.monthNamesShort : null) || this._defaults.monthNamesShort,
- monthNames = (settings ? settings.monthNames : null) || this._defaults.monthNames,
- // Check whether a format character is doubled
- lookAhead = function(match) {
- var matches = (iFormat + 1 < format.length && format.charAt(iFormat + 1) === match);
- if (matches) {
- iFormat++;
- }
- return matches;
- },
- // Format a number, with leading zero if necessary
- formatNumber = function(match, value, len) {
- var num = "" + value;
- if (lookAhead(match)) {
- while (num.length < len) {
- num = "0" + num;
- }
- }
- return num;
- },
- // Format a name, short or long as requested
- formatName = function(match, value, shortNames, longNames) {
- return (lookAhead(match) ? longNames[value] : shortNames[value]);
- },
- output = "",
- literal = false;
- if (date) {
- for (iFormat = 0; iFormat < format.length; iFormat++) {
- if (literal) {
- if (format.charAt(iFormat) === "'" && !lookAhead("'")) {
- literal = false;
- } else {
- output += format.charAt(iFormat);
- }
- } else {
- switch (format.charAt(iFormat)) {
- case "d":
- output += formatNumber("d", date.getDate(), 2);
- break;
- case "D":
- output += formatName("D", date.getDay(), dayNamesShort, dayNames);
- break;
- case "o":
- output += formatNumber("o",
- Math.round((new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate()).getTime() - new Date(date.getFullYear(), 0, 0).getTime()) / 86400000), 3);
- break;
- case "m":
- output += formatNumber("m", date.getMonth() + 1, 2);
- break;
- case "M":
- output += formatName("M", date.getMonth(), monthNamesShort, monthNames);
- break;
- case "y":
- output += (lookAhead("y") ? date.getFullYear() :
- (date.getYear() % 100 < 10 ? "0" : "") + date.getYear() % 100);
- break;
- case "@":
- output += date.getTime();
- break;
- case "!":
- output += date.getTime() * 10000 + this._ticksTo1970;
- break;
- case "'":
- if (lookAhead("'")) {
- output += "'";
- } else {
- literal = true;
- }
- break;
- default:
- output += format.charAt(iFormat);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return output;
- },
- /* Extract all possible characters from the date format. */
- _possibleChars: function (format) {
- var iFormat,
- chars = "",
- literal = false,
- // Check whether a format character is doubled
- lookAhead = function(match) {
- var matches = (iFormat + 1 < format.length && format.charAt(iFormat + 1) === match);
- if (matches) {
- iFormat++;
- }
- return matches;
- };
- for (iFormat = 0; iFormat < format.length; iFormat++) {
- if (literal) {
- if (format.charAt(iFormat) === "'" && !lookAhead("'")) {
- literal = false;
- } else {
- chars += format.charAt(iFormat);
- }
- } else {
- switch (format.charAt(iFormat)) {
- case "d": case "m": case "y": case "@":
- chars += "0123456789";
- break;
- case "D": case "M":
- return null; // Accept anything
- case "'":
- if (lookAhead("'")) {
- chars += "'";
- } else {
- literal = true;
- }
- break;
- default:
- chars += format.charAt(iFormat);
- }
- }
- }
- return chars;
- },
- /* Get a setting value, defaulting if necessary. */
- _get: function(inst, name) {
- return inst.settings[name] !== undefined ?
- inst.settings[name] : this._defaults[name];
- },
- /* Parse existing date and initialise date picker. */
- _setDateFromField: function(inst, noDefault) {
- if (inst.input.val() === inst.lastVal) {
- return;
- }
- var dateFormat = this._get(inst, "dateFormat"),
- dates = inst.lastVal = inst.input ? inst.input.val() : null,
- defaultDate = this._getDefaultDate(inst),
- date = defaultDate,
- settings = this._getFormatConfig(inst);
- try {
- date = this.parseDate(dateFormat, dates, settings) || defaultDate;
- } catch (event) {
- dates = (noDefault ? "" : dates);
- }
- inst.selectedDay = date.getDate();
- inst.drawMonth = inst.selectedMonth = date.getMonth();
- inst.drawYear = inst.selectedYear = date.getFullYear();
- inst.currentDay = (dates ? date.getDate() : 0);
- inst.currentMonth = (dates ? date.getMonth() : 0);
- inst.currentYear = (dates ? date.getFullYear() : 0);
- this._adjustInstDate(inst);
- },
- /* Retrieve the default date shown on opening. */
- _getDefaultDate: function(inst) {
- return this._restrictMinMax(inst,
- this._determineDate(inst, this._get(inst, "defaultDate"), new Date()));
- },
- /* A date may be specified as an exact value or a relative one. */
- _determineDate: function(inst, date, defaultDate) {
- var offsetNumeric = function(offset) {
- var date = new Date();
- date.setDate(date.getDate() + offset);
- return date;
- },
- offsetString = function(offset) {
- try {
- return $.datepicker.parseDate($.datepicker._get(inst, "dateFormat"),
- offset, $.datepicker._getFormatConfig(inst));
- }
- catch (e) {
- // Ignore
- }
- var date = (offset.toLowerCase().match(/^c/) ?
- $.datepicker._getDate(inst) : null) || new Date(),
- year = date.getFullYear(),
- month = date.getMonth(),
- day = date.getDate(),
- pattern = /([+\-]?[0-9]+)\s*(d|D|w|W|m|M|y|Y)?/g,
- matches = pattern.exec(offset);
- while (matches) {
- switch (matches[2] || "d") {
- case "d" : case "D" :
- day += parseInt(matches[1],10); break;
- case "w" : case "W" :
- day += parseInt(matches[1],10) * 7; break;
- case "m" : case "M" :
- month += parseInt(matches[1],10);
- day = Math.min(day, $.datepicker._getDaysInMonth(year, month));
- break;
- case "y": case "Y" :
- year += parseInt(matches[1],10);
- day = Math.min(day, $.datepicker._getDaysInMonth(year, month));
- break;
- }
- matches = pattern.exec(offset);
- }
- return new Date(year, month, day);
- },
- newDate = (date == null || date === "" ? defaultDate : (typeof date === "string" ? offsetString(date) :
- (typeof date === "number" ? (isNaN(date) ? defaultDate : offsetNumeric(date)) : new Date(date.getTime()))));
- newDate = (newDate && newDate.toString() === "Invalid Date" ? defaultDate : newDate);
- if (newDate) {
- newDate.setHours(0);
- newDate.setMinutes(0);
- newDate.setSeconds(0);
- newDate.setMilliseconds(0);
- }
- return this._daylightSavingAdjust(newDate);
- },
- /* Handle switch to/from daylight saving.
- * Hours may be non-zero on daylight saving cut-over:
- * > 12 when midnight changeover, but then cannot generate
- * midnight datetime, so jump to 1AM, otherwise reset.
- * @param date (Date) the date to check
- * @return (Date) the corrected date
- */
- _daylightSavingAdjust: function(date) {
- if (!date) {
- return null;
- }
- date.setHours(date.getHours() > 12 ? date.getHours() + 2 : 0);
- return date;
- },
- /* Set the date(s) directly. */
- _setDate: function(inst, date, noChange) {
- var clear = !date,
- origMonth = inst.selectedMonth,
- origYear = inst.selectedYear,
- newDate = this._restrictMinMax(inst, this._determineDate(inst, date, new Date()));
- inst.selectedDay = inst.currentDay = newDate.getDate();
- inst.drawMonth = inst.selectedMonth = inst.currentMonth = newDate.getMonth();
- inst.drawYear = inst.selectedYear = inst.currentYear = newDate.getFullYear();
- if ((origMonth !== inst.selectedMonth || origYear !== inst.selectedYear) && !noChange) {
- this._notifyChange(inst);
- }
- this._adjustInstDate(inst);
- if (inst.input) {
- inst.input.val(clear ? "" : this._formatDate(inst));
- }
- },
- /* Retrieve the date(s) directly. */
- _getDate: function(inst) {
- var startDate = (!inst.currentYear || (inst.input && inst.input.val() === "") ? null :
- this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(
- inst.currentYear, inst.currentMonth, inst.currentDay)));
- return startDate;
- },
- /* Attach the onxxx handlers. These are declared statically so
- * they work with static code transformers like Caja.
- */
- _attachHandlers: function(inst) {
- var stepMonths = this._get(inst, "stepMonths"),
- id = "#" + /\\\\/g, "\\" );
- inst.dpDiv.find("[data-handler]").map(function () {
- var handler = {
- prev: function () {
- $.datepicker._adjustDate(id, -stepMonths, "M");
- },
- next: function () {
- $.datepicker._adjustDate(id, +stepMonths, "M");
- },
- hide: function () {
- $.datepicker._hideDatepicker();
- },
- today: function () {
- $.datepicker._gotoToday(id);
- },
- selectDay: function () {
- $.datepicker._selectDay(id, +this.getAttribute("data-month"), +this.getAttribute("data-year"), this);
- return false;
- },
- selectMonth: function () {
- $.datepicker._selectMonthYear(id, this, "M");
- return false;
- },
- selectYear: function () {
- $.datepicker._selectMonthYear(id, this, "Y");
- return false;
- }
- };
- $(this).bind(this.getAttribute("data-event"), handler[this.getAttribute("data-handler")]);
- });
- },
- /* Generate the HTML for the current state of the date picker. */
- _generateHTML: function(inst) {
- var maxDraw, prevText, prev, nextText, next, currentText, gotoDate,
- controls, buttonPanel, firstDay, showWeek, dayNames, dayNamesMin,
- monthNames, monthNamesShort, beforeShowDay, showOtherMonths,
- selectOtherMonths, defaultDate, html, dow, row, group, col, selectedDate,
- cornerClass, calender, thead, day, daysInMonth, leadDays, curRows, numRows,
- printDate, dRow, tbody, daySettings, otherMonth, unselectable,
- tempDate = new Date(),
- today = this._daylightSavingAdjust(
- new Date(tempDate.getFullYear(), tempDate.getMonth(), tempDate.getDate())), // clear time
- isRTL = this._get(inst, "isRTL"),
- showButtonPanel = this._get(inst, "showButtonPanel"),
- hideIfNoPrevNext = this._get(inst, "hideIfNoPrevNext"),
- navigationAsDateFormat = this._get(inst, "navigationAsDateFormat"),
- numMonths = this._getNumberOfMonths(inst),
- showCurrentAtPos = this._get(inst, "showCurrentAtPos"),
- stepMonths = this._get(inst, "stepMonths"),
- isMultiMonth = (numMonths[0] !== 1 || numMonths[1] !== 1),
- currentDate = this._daylightSavingAdjust((!inst.currentDay ? new Date(9999, 9, 9) :
- new Date(inst.currentYear, inst.currentMonth, inst.currentDay))),
- minDate = this._getMinMaxDate(inst, "min"),
- maxDate = this._getMinMaxDate(inst, "max"),
- drawMonth = inst.drawMonth - showCurrentAtPos,
- drawYear = inst.drawYear;
- if (drawMonth < 0) {
- drawMonth += 12;
- drawYear--;
- }
- if (maxDate) {
- maxDraw = this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(maxDate.getFullYear(),
- maxDate.getMonth() - (numMonths[0] * numMonths[1]) + 1, maxDate.getDate()));
- maxDraw = (minDate && maxDraw < minDate ? minDate : maxDraw);
- while (this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(drawYear, drawMonth, 1)) > maxDraw) {
- drawMonth--;
- if (drawMonth < 0) {
- drawMonth = 11;
- drawYear--;
- }
- }
- }
- inst.drawMonth = drawMonth;
- inst.drawYear = drawYear;
- prevText = this._get(inst, "prevText");
- prevText = (!navigationAsDateFormat ? prevText : this.formatDate(prevText,
- this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(drawYear, drawMonth - stepMonths, 1)),
- this._getFormatConfig(inst)));
- prev = (this._canAdjustMonth(inst, -1, drawYear, drawMonth) ?
- "<a class='ui-datepicker-prev ui-corner-all' data-handler='prev' data-event='click'" +
- " title='" + prevText + "'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-" + ( isRTL ? "e" : "w") + "'>" + prevText + "</span></a>" :
- (hideIfNoPrevNext ? "" : "<a class='ui-datepicker-prev ui-corner-all ui-state-disabled' title='"+ prevText +"'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-" + ( isRTL ? "e" : "w") + "'>" + prevText + "</span></a>"));
- nextText = this._get(inst, "nextText");
- nextText = (!navigationAsDateFormat ? nextText : this.formatDate(nextText,
- this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(drawYear, drawMonth + stepMonths, 1)),
- this._getFormatConfig(inst)));
- next = (this._canAdjustMonth(inst, +1, drawYear, drawMonth) ?
- "<a class='ui-datepicker-next ui-corner-all' data-handler='next' data-event='click'" +
- " title='" + nextText + "'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-" + ( isRTL ? "w" : "e") + "'>" + nextText + "</span></a>" :
- (hideIfNoPrevNext ? "" : "<a class='ui-datepicker-next ui-corner-all ui-state-disabled' title='"+ nextText + "'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-circle-triangle-" + ( isRTL ? "w" : "e") + "'>" + nextText + "</span></a>"));
- currentText = this._get(inst, "currentText");
- gotoDate = (this._get(inst, "gotoCurrent") && inst.currentDay ? currentDate : today);
- currentText = (!navigationAsDateFormat ? currentText :
- this.formatDate(currentText, gotoDate, this._getFormatConfig(inst)));
- controls = (!inst.inline ? "<button type='button' class='ui-datepicker-close ui-state-default ui-priority-primary ui-corner-all' data-handler='hide' data-event='click'>" +
- this._get(inst, "closeText") + "</button>" : "");
- buttonPanel = (showButtonPanel) ? "<div class='ui-datepicker-buttonpane ui-widget-content'>" + (isRTL ? controls : "") +
- (this._isInRange(inst, gotoDate) ? "<button type='button' class='ui-datepicker-current ui-state-default ui-priority-secondary ui-corner-all' data-handler='today' data-event='click'" +
- ">" + currentText + "</button>" : "") + (isRTL ? "" : controls) + "</div>" : "";
- firstDay = parseInt(this._get(inst, "firstDay"),10);
- firstDay = (isNaN(firstDay) ? 0 : firstDay);
- showWeek = this._get(inst, "showWeek");
- dayNames = this._get(inst, "dayNames");
- dayNamesMin = this._get(inst, "dayNamesMin");
- monthNames = this._get(inst, "monthNames");
- monthNamesShort = this._get(inst, "monthNamesShort");
- beforeShowDay = this._get(inst, "beforeShowDay");
- showOtherMonths = this._get(inst, "showOtherMonths");
- selectOtherMonths = this._get(inst, "selectOtherMonths");
- defaultDate = this._getDefaultDate(inst);
- html = "";
- dow;
- for (row = 0; row < numMonths[0]; row++) {
- group = "";
- this.maxRows = 4;
- for (col = 0; col < numMonths[1]; col++) {
- selectedDate = this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(drawYear, drawMonth, inst.selectedDay));
- cornerClass = " ui-corner-all";
- calender = "";
- if (isMultiMonth) {
- calender += "<div class='ui-datepicker-group";
- if (numMonths[1] > 1) {
- switch (col) {
- case 0: calender += " ui-datepicker-group-first";
- cornerClass = " ui-corner-" + (isRTL ? "right" : "left"); break;
- case numMonths[1]-1: calender += " ui-datepicker-group-last";
- cornerClass = " ui-corner-" + (isRTL ? "left" : "right"); break;
- default: calender += " ui-datepicker-group-middle"; cornerClass = ""; break;
- }
- }
- calender += "'>";
- }
- calender += "<div class='ui-datepicker-header ui-widget-header ui-helper-clearfix" + cornerClass + "'>" +
- (/all|left/.test(cornerClass) && row === 0 ? (isRTL ? next : prev) : "") +
- (/all|right/.test(cornerClass) && row === 0 ? (isRTL ? prev : next) : "") +
- this._generateMonthYearHeader(inst, drawMonth, drawYear, minDate, maxDate,
- row > 0 || col > 0, monthNames, monthNamesShort) + // draw month headers
- "</div><table class='ui-datepicker-calendar'><thead>" +
- "<tr>";
- thead = (showWeek ? "<th class='ui-datepicker-week-col'>" + this._get(inst, "weekHeader") + "</th>" : "");
- for (dow = 0; dow < 7; dow++) { // days of the week
- day = (dow + firstDay) % 7;
- thead += "<th scope='col'" + ((dow + firstDay + 6) % 7 >= 5 ? " class='ui-datepicker-week-end'" : "") + ">" +
- "<span title='" + dayNames[day] + "'>" + dayNamesMin[day] + "</span></th>";
- }
- calender += thead + "</tr></thead><tbody>";
- daysInMonth = this._getDaysInMonth(drawYear, drawMonth);
- if (drawYear === inst.selectedYear && drawMonth === inst.selectedMonth) {
- inst.selectedDay = Math.min(inst.selectedDay, daysInMonth);
- }
- leadDays = (this._getFirstDayOfMonth(drawYear, drawMonth) - firstDay + 7) % 7;
- curRows = Math.ceil((leadDays + daysInMonth) / 7); // calculate the number of rows to generate
- numRows = (isMultiMonth ? this.maxRows > curRows ? this.maxRows : curRows : curRows); //If multiple months, use the higher number of rows (see #7043)
- this.maxRows = numRows;
- printDate = this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(drawYear, drawMonth, 1 - leadDays));
- for (dRow = 0; dRow < numRows; dRow++) { // create date picker rows
- calender += "<tr>";
- tbody = (!showWeek ? "" : "<td class='ui-datepicker-week-col'>" +
- this._get(inst, "calculateWeek")(printDate) + "</td>");
- for (dow = 0; dow < 7; dow++) { // create date picker days
- daySettings = (beforeShowDay ?
- beforeShowDay.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null), [printDate]) : [true, ""]);
- otherMonth = (printDate.getMonth() !== drawMonth);
- unselectable = (otherMonth && !selectOtherMonths) || !daySettings[0] ||
- (minDate && printDate < minDate) || (maxDate && printDate > maxDate);
- tbody += "<td class='" +
- ((dow + firstDay + 6) % 7 >= 5 ? " ui-datepicker-week-end" : "") + // highlight weekends
- (otherMonth ? " ui-datepicker-other-month" : "") + // highlight days from other months
- ((printDate.getTime() === selectedDate.getTime() && drawMonth === inst.selectedMonth && inst._keyEvent) || // user pressed key
- (defaultDate.getTime() === printDate.getTime() && defaultDate.getTime() === selectedDate.getTime()) ?
- // or defaultDate is current printedDate and defaultDate is selectedDate
- " " + this._dayOverClass : "") + // highlight selected day
- (unselectable ? " " + this._unselectableClass + " ui-state-disabled": "") + // highlight unselectable days
- (otherMonth && !showOtherMonths ? "" : " " + daySettings[1] + // highlight custom dates
- (printDate.getTime() === currentDate.getTime() ? " " + this._currentClass : "") + // highlight selected day
- (printDate.getTime() === today.getTime() ? " ui-datepicker-today" : "")) + "'" + // highlight today (if different)
- ((!otherMonth || showOtherMonths) && daySettings[2] ? " title='" + daySettings[2].replace(/'/g, "'") + "'" : "") + // cell title
- (unselectable ? "" : " data-handler='selectDay' data-event='click' data-month='" + printDate.getMonth() + "' data-year='" + printDate.getFullYear() + "'") + ">" + // actions
- (otherMonth && !showOtherMonths ? " " : // display for other months
- (unselectable ? "<span class='ui-state-default'>" + printDate.getDate() + "</span>" : "<a class='ui-state-default" +
- (printDate.getTime() === today.getTime() ? " ui-state-highlight" : "") +
- (printDate.getTime() === currentDate.getTime() ? " ui-state-active" : "") + // highlight selected day
- (otherMonth ? " ui-priority-secondary" : "") + // distinguish dates from other months
- "' href='#'>" + printDate.getDate() + "</a>")) + "</td>"; // display selectable date
- printDate.setDate(printDate.getDate() + 1);
- printDate = this._daylightSavingAdjust(printDate);
- }
- calender += tbody + "</tr>";
- }
- drawMonth++;
- if (drawMonth > 11) {
- drawMonth = 0;
- drawYear++;
- }
- calender += "</tbody></table>" + (isMultiMonth ? "</div>" +
- ((numMonths[0] > 0 && col === numMonths[1]-1) ? "<div class='ui-datepicker-row-break'></div>" : "") : "");
- group += calender;
- }
- html += group;
- }
- html += buttonPanel;
- inst._keyEvent = false;
- return html;
- },
- /* Generate the month and year header. */
- _generateMonthYearHeader: function(inst, drawMonth, drawYear, minDate, maxDate,
- secondary, monthNames, monthNamesShort) {
- var inMinYear, inMaxYear, month, years, thisYear, determineYear, year, endYear,
- changeMonth = this._get(inst, "changeMonth"),
- changeYear = this._get(inst, "changeYear"),
- showMonthAfterYear = this._get(inst, "showMonthAfterYear"),
- html = "<div class='ui-datepicker-title'>",
- monthHtml = "";
- // month selection
- if (secondary || !changeMonth) {
- monthHtml += "<span class='ui-datepicker-month'>" + monthNames[drawMonth] + "</span>";
- } else {
- inMinYear = (minDate && minDate.getFullYear() === drawYear);
- inMaxYear = (maxDate && maxDate.getFullYear() === drawYear);
- monthHtml += "<select class='ui-datepicker-month' data-handler='selectMonth' data-event='change'>";
- for ( month = 0; month < 12; month++) {
- if ((!inMinYear || month >= minDate.getMonth()) && (!inMaxYear || month <= maxDate.getMonth())) {
- monthHtml += "<option value='" + month + "'" +
- (month === drawMonth ? " selected='selected'" : "") +
- ">" + monthNamesShort[month] + "</option>";
- }
- }
- monthHtml += "</select>";
- }
- if (!showMonthAfterYear) {
- html += monthHtml + (secondary || !(changeMonth && changeYear) ? " " : "");
- }
- // year selection
- if ( !inst.yearshtml ) {
- inst.yearshtml = "";
- if (secondary || !changeYear) {
- html += "<span class='ui-datepicker-year'>" + drawYear + "</span>";
- } else {
- // determine range of years to display
- years = this._get(inst, "yearRange").split(":");
- thisYear = new Date().getFullYear();
- determineYear = function(value) {
- var year = (value.match(/c[+\-].*/) ? drawYear + parseInt(value.substring(1), 10) :
- (value.match(/[+\-].*/) ? thisYear + parseInt(value, 10) :
- parseInt(value, 10)));
- return (isNaN(year) ? thisYear : year);
- };
- year = determineYear(years[0]);
- endYear = Math.max(year, determineYear(years[1] || ""));
- year = (minDate ? Math.max(year, minDate.getFullYear()) : year);
- endYear = (maxDate ? Math.min(endYear, maxDate.getFullYear()) : endYear);
- inst.yearshtml += "<select class='ui-datepicker-year' data-handler='selectYear' data-event='change'>";
- for (; year <= endYear; year++) {
- inst.yearshtml += "<option value='" + year + "'" +
- (year === drawYear ? " selected='selected'" : "") +
- ">" + year + "</option>";
- }
- inst.yearshtml += "</select>";
- html += inst.yearshtml;
- inst.yearshtml = null;
- }
- }
- html += this._get(inst, "yearSuffix");
- if (showMonthAfterYear) {
- html += (secondary || !(changeMonth && changeYear) ? " " : "") + monthHtml;
- }
- html += "</div>"; // Close datepicker_header
- return html;
- },
- /* Adjust one of the date sub-fields. */
- _adjustInstDate: function(inst, offset, period) {
- var year = inst.drawYear + (period === "Y" ? offset : 0),
- month = inst.drawMonth + (period === "M" ? offset : 0),
- day = Math.min(inst.selectedDay, this._getDaysInMonth(year, month)) + (period === "D" ? offset : 0),
- date = this._restrictMinMax(inst, this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(year, month, day)));
- inst.selectedDay = date.getDate();
- inst.drawMonth = inst.selectedMonth = date.getMonth();
- inst.drawYear = inst.selectedYear = date.getFullYear();
- if (period === "M" || period === "Y") {
- this._notifyChange(inst);
- }
- },
- /* Ensure a date is within any min/max bounds. */
- _restrictMinMax: function(inst, date) {
- var minDate = this._getMinMaxDate(inst, "min"),
- maxDate = this._getMinMaxDate(inst, "max"),
- newDate = (minDate && date < minDate ? minDate : date);
- return (maxDate && newDate > maxDate ? maxDate : newDate);
- },
- /* Notify change of month/year. */
- _notifyChange: function(inst) {
- var onChange = this._get(inst, "onChangeMonthYear");
- if (onChange) {
- onChange.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null),
- [inst.selectedYear, inst.selectedMonth + 1, inst]);
- }
- },
- /* Determine the number of months to show. */
- _getNumberOfMonths: function(inst) {
- var numMonths = this._get(inst, "numberOfMonths");
- return (numMonths == null ? [1, 1] : (typeof numMonths === "number" ? [1, numMonths] : numMonths));
- },
- /* Determine the current maximum date - ensure no time components are set. */
- _getMinMaxDate: function(inst, minMax) {
- return this._determineDate(inst, this._get(inst, minMax + "Date"), null);
- },
- /* Find the number of days in a given month. */
- _getDaysInMonth: function(year, month) {
- return 32 - this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(year, month, 32)).getDate();
- },
- /* Find the day of the week of the first of a month. */
- _getFirstDayOfMonth: function(year, month) {
- return new Date(year, month, 1).getDay();
- },
- /* Determines if we should allow a "next/prev" month display change. */
- _canAdjustMonth: function(inst, offset, curYear, curMonth) {
- var numMonths = this._getNumberOfMonths(inst),
- date = this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(curYear,
- curMonth + (offset < 0 ? offset : numMonths[0] * numMonths[1]), 1));
- if (offset < 0) {
- date.setDate(this._getDaysInMonth(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()));
- }
- return this._isInRange(inst, date);
- },
- /* Is the given date in the accepted range? */
- _isInRange: function(inst, date) {
- var yearSplit, currentYear,
- minDate = this._getMinMaxDate(inst, "min"),
- maxDate = this._getMinMaxDate(inst, "max"),
- minYear = null,
- maxYear = null,
- years = this._get(inst, "yearRange");
- if (years){
- yearSplit = years.split(":");
- currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();
- minYear = parseInt(yearSplit[0], 10);
- maxYear = parseInt(yearSplit[1], 10);
- if ( yearSplit[0].match(/[+\-].*/) ) {
- minYear += currentYear;
- }
- if ( yearSplit[1].match(/[+\-].*/) ) {
- maxYear += currentYear;
- }
- }
- return ((!minDate || date.getTime() >= minDate.getTime()) &&
- (!maxDate || date.getTime() <= maxDate.getTime()) &&
- (!minYear || date.getFullYear() >= minYear) &&
- (!maxYear || date.getFullYear() <= maxYear));
- },
- /* Provide the configuration settings for formatting/parsing. */
- _getFormatConfig: function(inst) {
- var shortYearCutoff = this._get(inst, "shortYearCutoff");
- shortYearCutoff = (typeof shortYearCutoff !== "string" ? shortYearCutoff :
- new Date().getFullYear() % 100 + parseInt(shortYearCutoff, 10));
- return {shortYearCutoff: shortYearCutoff,
- dayNamesShort: this._get(inst, "dayNamesShort"), dayNames: this._get(inst, "dayNames"),
- monthNamesShort: this._get(inst, "monthNamesShort"), monthNames: this._get(inst, "monthNames")};
- },
- /* Format the given date for display. */
- _formatDate: function(inst, day, month, year) {
- if (!day) {
- inst.currentDay = inst.selectedDay;
- inst.currentMonth = inst.selectedMonth;
- inst.currentYear = inst.selectedYear;
- }
- var date = (day ? (typeof day === "object" ? day :
- this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(year, month, day))) :
- this._daylightSavingAdjust(new Date(inst.currentYear, inst.currentMonth, inst.currentDay)));
- return this.formatDate(this._get(inst, "dateFormat"), date, this._getFormatConfig(inst));
- }
- });
- /*
- * Bind hover events for datepicker elements.
- * Done via delegate so the binding only occurs once in the lifetime of the parent div.
- * Global datepicker_instActive, set by _updateDatepicker allows the handlers to find their way back to the active picker.
- */
- function datepicker_bindHover(dpDiv) {
- var selector = "button, .ui-datepicker-prev, .ui-datepicker-next, .ui-datepicker-calendar td a";
- return dpDiv.delegate(selector, "mouseout", function() {
- $(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover");
- if (this.className.indexOf("ui-datepicker-prev") !== -1) {
- $(this).removeClass("ui-datepicker-prev-hover");
- }
- if (this.className.indexOf("ui-datepicker-next") !== -1) {
- $(this).removeClass("ui-datepicker-next-hover");
- }
- })
- .delegate( selector, "mouseover", datepicker_handleMouseover );
- }
- function datepicker_handleMouseover() {
- if (!$.datepicker._isDisabledDatepicker( datepicker_instActive.inline? datepicker_instActive.dpDiv.parent()[0] : datepicker_instActive.input[0])) {
- $(this).parents(".ui-datepicker-calendar").find("a").removeClass("ui-state-hover");
- $(this).addClass("ui-state-hover");
- if (this.className.indexOf("ui-datepicker-prev") !== -1) {
- $(this).addClass("ui-datepicker-prev-hover");
- }
- if (this.className.indexOf("ui-datepicker-next") !== -1) {
- $(this).addClass("ui-datepicker-next-hover");
- }
- }
- }
- /* jQuery extend now ignores nulls! */
- function datepicker_extendRemove(target, props) {
- $.extend(target, props);
- for (var name in props) {
- if (props[name] == null) {
- target[name] = props[name];
- }
- }
- return target;
- }
- /* Invoke the datepicker functionality.
- @param options string - a command, optionally followed by additional parameters or
- Object - settings for attaching new datepicker functionality
- @return jQuery object */
- $.fn.datepicker = function(options){
- /* Verify an empty collection wasn't passed - Fixes #6976 */
- if ( !this.length ) {
- return this;
- }
- /* Initialise the date picker. */
- if (!$.datepicker.initialized) {
- $(document).mousedown($.datepicker._checkExternalClick);
- $.datepicker.initialized = true;
- }
- /* Append datepicker main container to body if not exist. */
- if ($("#"+$.datepicker._mainDivId).length === 0) {
- $("body").append($.datepicker.dpDiv);
- }
- var otherArgs =, 1);
- if (typeof options === "string" && (options === "isDisabled" || options === "getDate" || options === "widget")) {
- return $.datepicker["_" + options + "Datepicker"].
- apply($.datepicker, [this[0]].concat(otherArgs));
- }
- if (options === "option" && arguments.length === 2 && typeof arguments[1] === "string") {
- return $.datepicker["_" + options + "Datepicker"].
- apply($.datepicker, [this[0]].concat(otherArgs));
- }
- return this.each(function() {
- typeof options === "string" ?
- $.datepicker["_" + options + "Datepicker"].
- apply($.datepicker, [this].concat(otherArgs)) :
- $.datepicker._attachDatepicker(this, options);
- });
- };
- $.datepicker = new Datepicker(); // singleton instance
- $.datepicker.initialized = false;
- $.datepicker.uuid = new Date().getTime();
- $.datepicker.version = "1.11.4";
- var datepicker = $.datepicker;
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Dialog 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var dialog = $.widget( "ui.dialog", {
- version: "1.11.4",
- options: {
- appendTo: "body",
- autoOpen: true,
- buttons: [],
- closeOnEscape: true,
- closeText: "Close",
- dialogClass: "",
- draggable: true,
- hide: null,
- height: "auto",
- maxHeight: null,
- maxWidth: null,
- minHeight: 150,
- minWidth: 150,
- modal: false,
- position: {
- my: "center",
- at: "center",
- of: window,
- collision: "fit",
- // Ensure the titlebar is always visible
- using: function( pos ) {
- var topOffset = $( this ).css( pos ).offset().top;
- if ( topOffset < 0 ) {
- $( this ).css( "top", - topOffset );
- }
- }
- },
- resizable: true,
- show: null,
- title: null,
- width: 300,
- // callbacks
- beforeClose: null,
- close: null,
- drag: null,
- dragStart: null,
- dragStop: null,
- focus: null,
- open: null,
- resize: null,
- resizeStart: null,
- resizeStop: null
- },
- sizeRelatedOptions: {
- buttons: true,
- height: true,
- maxHeight: true,
- maxWidth: true,
- minHeight: true,
- minWidth: true,
- width: true
- },
- resizableRelatedOptions: {
- maxHeight: true,
- maxWidth: true,
- minHeight: true,
- minWidth: true
- },
- _create: function() {
- this.originalCss = {
- display: this.element[ 0 ].style.display,
- width: this.element[ 0 ].style.width,
- minHeight: this.element[ 0 ].style.minHeight,
- maxHeight: this.element[ 0 ].style.maxHeight,
- height: this.element[ 0 ].style.height
- };
- this.originalPosition = {
- parent: this.element.parent(),
- index: this.element.parent().children().index( this.element )
- };
- this.originalTitle = this.element.attr( "title" );
- this.options.title = this.options.title || this.originalTitle;
- this._createWrapper();
- this.element
- .show()
- .removeAttr( "title" )
- .addClass( "ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content" )
- .appendTo( this.uiDialog );
- this._createTitlebar();
- this._createButtonPane();
- if ( this.options.draggable && $.fn.draggable ) {
- this._makeDraggable();
- }
- if ( this.options.resizable && $.fn.resizable ) {
- this._makeResizable();
- }
- this._isOpen = false;
- this._trackFocus();
- },
- _init: function() {
- if ( this.options.autoOpen ) {
- }
- },
- _appendTo: function() {
- var element = this.options.appendTo;
- if ( element && (element.jquery || element.nodeType) ) {
- return $( element );
- }
- return this.document.find( element || "body" ).eq( 0 );
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- var next,
- originalPosition = this.originalPosition;
- this._untrackInstance();
- this._destroyOverlay();
- this.element
- .removeUniqueId()
- .removeClass( "ui-dialog-content ui-widget-content" )
- .css( this.originalCss )
- // Without detaching first, the following becomes really slow
- .detach();
- this.uiDialog.stop( true, true ).remove();
- if ( this.originalTitle ) {
- this.element.attr( "title", this.originalTitle );
- }
- next = originalPosition.parent.children().eq( originalPosition.index );
- // Don't try to place the dialog next to itself (#8613)
- if ( next.length && next[ 0 ] !== this.element[ 0 ] ) {
- next.before( this.element );
- } else {
- originalPosition.parent.append( this.element );
- }
- },
- widget: function() {
- return this.uiDialog;
- },
- disable: $.noop,
- enable: $.noop,
- close: function( event ) {
- var activeElement,
- that = this;
- if ( !this._isOpen || this._trigger( "beforeClose", event ) === false ) {
- return;
- }
- this._isOpen = false;
- this._focusedElement = null;
- this._destroyOverlay();
- this._untrackInstance();
- if ( !this.opener.filter( ":focusable" ).focus().length ) {
- // support: IE9
- // IE9 throws an "Unspecified error" accessing document.activeElement from an <iframe>
- try {
- activeElement = this.document[ 0 ].activeElement;
- // Support: IE9, IE10
- // If the <body> is blurred, IE will switch windows, see #4520
- if ( activeElement && activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "body" ) {
- // Hiding a focused element doesn't trigger blur in WebKit
- // so in case we have nothing to focus on, explicitly blur the active element
- //
- $( activeElement ).blur();
- }
- } catch ( error ) {}
- }
- this._hide( this.uiDialog, this.options.hide, function() {
- that._trigger( "close", event );
- });
- },
- isOpen: function() {
- return this._isOpen;
- },
- moveToTop: function() {
- this._moveToTop();
- },
- _moveToTop: function( event, silent ) {
- var moved = false,
- zIndices = this.uiDialog.siblings( ".ui-front:visible" ).map(function() {
- return +$( this ).css( "z-index" );
- }).get(),
- zIndexMax = Math.max.apply( null, zIndices );
- if ( zIndexMax >= +this.uiDialog.css( "z-index" ) ) {
- this.uiDialog.css( "z-index", zIndexMax + 1 );
- moved = true;
- }
- if ( moved && !silent ) {
- this._trigger( "focus", event );
- }
- return moved;
- },
- open: function() {
- var that = this;
- if ( this._isOpen ) {
- if ( this._moveToTop() ) {
- this._focusTabbable();
- }
- return;
- }
- this._isOpen = true;
- this.opener = $( this.document[ 0 ].activeElement );
- this._size();
- this._position();
- this._createOverlay();
- this._moveToTop( null, true );
- // Ensure the overlay is moved to the top with the dialog, but only when
- // opening. The overlay shouldn't move after the dialog is open so that
- // modeless dialogs opened after the modal dialog stack properly.
- if ( this.overlay ) {
- this.overlay.css( "z-index", this.uiDialog.css( "z-index" ) - 1 );
- }
- this._show( this.uiDialog,, function() {
- that._focusTabbable();
- that._trigger( "focus" );
- });
- // Track the dialog immediately upon openening in case a focus event
- // somehow occurs outside of the dialog before an element inside the
- // dialog is focused (#10152)
- this._makeFocusTarget();
- this._trigger( "open" );
- },
- _focusTabbable: function() {
- // Set focus to the first match:
- // 1. An element that was focused previously
- // 2. First element inside the dialog matching [autofocus]
- // 3. Tabbable element inside the content element
- // 4. Tabbable element inside the buttonpane
- // 5. The close button
- // 6. The dialog itself
- var hasFocus = this._focusedElement;
- if ( !hasFocus ) {
- hasFocus = this.element.find( "[autofocus]" );
- }
- if ( !hasFocus.length ) {
- hasFocus = this.element.find( ":tabbable" );
- }
- if ( !hasFocus.length ) {
- hasFocus = this.uiDialogButtonPane.find( ":tabbable" );
- }
- if ( !hasFocus.length ) {
- hasFocus = this.uiDialogTitlebarClose.filter( ":tabbable" );
- }
- if ( !hasFocus.length ) {
- hasFocus = this.uiDialog;
- }
- hasFocus.eq( 0 ).focus();
- },
- _keepFocus: function( event ) {
- function checkFocus() {
- var activeElement = this.document[0].activeElement,
- isActive = this.uiDialog[0] === activeElement ||
- $.contains( this.uiDialog[0], activeElement );
- if ( !isActive ) {
- this._focusTabbable();
- }
- }
- event.preventDefault();
- this );
- // support: IE
- // IE <= 8 doesn't prevent moving focus even with event.preventDefault()
- // so we check again later
- this._delay( checkFocus );
- },
- _createWrapper: function() {
- this.uiDialog = $("<div>")
- .addClass( "ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front " +
- this.options.dialogClass )
- .hide()
- .attr({
- // Setting tabIndex makes the div focusable
- tabIndex: -1,
- role: "dialog"
- })
- .appendTo( this._appendTo() );
- this._on( this.uiDialog, {
- keydown: function( event ) {
- if ( this.options.closeOnEscape && !event.isDefaultPrevented() && event.keyCode &&
- event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- this.close( event );
- return;
- }
- // prevent tabbing out of dialogs
- if ( event.keyCode !== $.ui.keyCode.TAB || event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
- return;
- }
- var tabbables = this.uiDialog.find( ":tabbable" ),
- first = tabbables.filter( ":first" ),
- last = tabbables.filter( ":last" );
- if ( ( === last[0] || === this.uiDialog[0] ) && !event.shiftKey ) {
- this._delay(function() {
- first.focus();
- });
- event.preventDefault();
- } else if ( ( === first[0] || === this.uiDialog[0] ) && event.shiftKey ) {
- this._delay(function() {
- last.focus();
- });
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- },
- mousedown: function( event ) {
- if ( this._moveToTop( event ) ) {
- this._focusTabbable();
- }
- }
- });
- // We assume that any existing aria-describedby attribute means
- // that the dialog content is marked up properly
- // otherwise we brute force the content as the description
- if ( !this.element.find( "[aria-describedby]" ).length ) {
- this.uiDialog.attr({
- "aria-describedby": this.element.uniqueId().attr( "id" )
- });
- }
- },
- _createTitlebar: function() {
- var uiDialogTitle;
- this.uiDialogTitlebar = $( "<div>" )
- .addClass( "ui-dialog-titlebar ui-widget-header ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix" )
- .prependTo( this.uiDialog );
- this._on( this.uiDialogTitlebar, {
- mousedown: function( event ) {
- // Don't prevent click on close button (#8838)
- // Focusing a dialog that is partially scrolled out of view
- // causes the browser to scroll it into view, preventing the click event
- if ( !$( ).closest( ".ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ) ) {
- // Dialog isn't getting focus when dragging (#8063)
- this.uiDialog.focus();
- }
- }
- });
- // support: IE
- // Use type="button" to prevent enter keypresses in textboxes from closing the
- // dialog in IE (#9312)
- this.uiDialogTitlebarClose = $( "<button type='button'></button>" )
- .button({
- label: this.options.closeText,
- icons: {
- primary: "ui-icon-closethick"
- },
- text: false
- })
- .addClass( "ui-dialog-titlebar-close" )
- .appendTo( this.uiDialogTitlebar );
- this._on( this.uiDialogTitlebarClose, {
- click: function( event ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- this.close( event );
- }
- });
- uiDialogTitle = $( "<span>" )
- .uniqueId()
- .addClass( "ui-dialog-title" )
- .prependTo( this.uiDialogTitlebar );
- this._title( uiDialogTitle );
- this.uiDialog.attr({
- "aria-labelledby": uiDialogTitle.attr( "id" )
- });
- },
- _title: function( title ) {
- if ( !this.options.title ) {
- title.html( " " );
- }
- title.text( this.options.title );
- },
- _createButtonPane: function() {
- this.uiDialogButtonPane = $( "<div>" )
- .addClass( "ui-dialog-buttonpane ui-widget-content ui-helper-clearfix" );
- this.uiButtonSet = $( "<div>" )
- .addClass( "ui-dialog-buttonset" )
- .appendTo( this.uiDialogButtonPane );
- this._createButtons();
- },
- _createButtons: function() {
- var that = this,
- buttons = this.options.buttons;
- // if we already have a button pane, remove it
- this.uiDialogButtonPane.remove();
- this.uiButtonSet.empty();
- if ( $.isEmptyObject( buttons ) || ($.isArray( buttons ) && !buttons.length) ) {
- this.uiDialog.removeClass( "ui-dialog-buttons" );
- return;
- }
- $.each( buttons, function( name, props ) {
- var click, buttonOptions;
- props = $.isFunction( props ) ?
- { click: props, text: name } :
- props;
- // Default to a non-submitting button
- props = $.extend( { type: "button" }, props );
- // Change the context for the click callback to be the main element
- click =;
- = function() {
- click.apply( that.element[ 0 ], arguments );
- };
- buttonOptions = {
- icons: props.icons,
- text: props.showText
- };
- delete props.icons;
- delete props.showText;
- $( "<button></button>", props )
- .button( buttonOptions )
- .appendTo( that.uiButtonSet );
- });
- this.uiDialog.addClass( "ui-dialog-buttons" );
- this.uiDialogButtonPane.appendTo( this.uiDialog );
- },
- _makeDraggable: function() {
- var that = this,
- options = this.options;
- function filteredUi( ui ) {
- return {
- position: ui.position,
- offset: ui.offset
- };
- }
- this.uiDialog.draggable({
- cancel: ".ui-dialog-content, .ui-dialog-titlebar-close",
- handle: ".ui-dialog-titlebar",
- containment: "document",
- start: function( event, ui ) {
- $( this ).addClass( "ui-dialog-dragging" );
- that._blockFrames();
- that._trigger( "dragStart", event, filteredUi( ui ) );
- },
- drag: function( event, ui ) {
- that._trigger( "drag", event, filteredUi( ui ) );
- },
- stop: function( event, ui ) {
- var left = ui.offset.left - that.document.scrollLeft(),
- top = - that.document.scrollTop();
- options.position = {
- my: "left top",
- at: "left" + (left >= 0 ? "+" : "") + left + " " +
- "top" + (top >= 0 ? "+" : "") + top,
- of: that.window
- };
- $( this ).removeClass( "ui-dialog-dragging" );
- that._unblockFrames();
- that._trigger( "dragStop", event, filteredUi( ui ) );
- }
- });
- },
- _makeResizable: function() {
- var that = this,
- options = this.options,
- handles = options.resizable,
- // .ui-resizable has position: relative defined in the stylesheet
- // but dialogs have to use absolute or fixed positioning
- position = this.uiDialog.css("position"),
- resizeHandles = typeof handles === "string" ?
- handles :
- "n,e,s,w,se,sw,ne,nw";
- function filteredUi( ui ) {
- return {
- originalPosition: ui.originalPosition,
- originalSize: ui.originalSize,
- position: ui.position,
- size: ui.size
- };
- }
- this.uiDialog.resizable({
- cancel: ".ui-dialog-content",
- containment: "document",
- alsoResize: this.element,
- maxWidth: options.maxWidth,
- maxHeight: options.maxHeight,
- minWidth: options.minWidth,
- minHeight: this._minHeight(),
- handles: resizeHandles,
- start: function( event, ui ) {
- $( this ).addClass( "ui-dialog-resizing" );
- that._blockFrames();
- that._trigger( "resizeStart", event, filteredUi( ui ) );
- },
- resize: function( event, ui ) {
- that._trigger( "resize", event, filteredUi( ui ) );
- },
- stop: function( event, ui ) {
- var offset = that.uiDialog.offset(),
- left = offset.left - that.document.scrollLeft(),
- top = - that.document.scrollTop();
- options.height = that.uiDialog.height();
- options.width = that.uiDialog.width();
- options.position = {
- my: "left top",
- at: "left" + (left >= 0 ? "+" : "") + left + " " +
- "top" + (top >= 0 ? "+" : "") + top,
- of: that.window
- };
- $( this ).removeClass( "ui-dialog-resizing" );
- that._unblockFrames();
- that._trigger( "resizeStop", event, filteredUi( ui ) );
- }
- })
- .css( "position", position );
- },
- _trackFocus: function() {
- this._on( this.widget(), {
- focusin: function( event ) {
- this._makeFocusTarget();
- this._focusedElement = $( );
- }
- });
- },
- _makeFocusTarget: function() {
- this._untrackInstance();
- this._trackingInstances().unshift( this );
- },
- _untrackInstance: function() {
- var instances = this._trackingInstances(),
- exists = $.inArray( this, instances );
- if ( exists !== -1 ) {
- instances.splice( exists, 1 );
- }
- },
- _trackingInstances: function() {
- var instances = "ui-dialog-instances" );
- if ( !instances ) {
- instances = [];
- "ui-dialog-instances", instances );
- }
- return instances;
- },
- _minHeight: function() {
- var options = this.options;
- return options.height === "auto" ?
- options.minHeight :
- Math.min( options.minHeight, options.height );
- },
- _position: function() {
- // Need to show the dialog to get the actual offset in the position plugin
- var isVisible = ":visible" );
- if ( !isVisible ) {
- }
- this.uiDialog.position( this.options.position );
- if ( !isVisible ) {
- this.uiDialog.hide();
- }
- },
- _setOptions: function( options ) {
- var that = this,
- resize = false,
- resizableOptions = {};
- $.each( options, function( key, value ) {
- that._setOption( key, value );
- if ( key in that.sizeRelatedOptions ) {
- resize = true;
- }
- if ( key in that.resizableRelatedOptions ) {
- resizableOptions[ key ] = value;
- }
- });
- if ( resize ) {
- this._size();
- this._position();
- }
- if ( ":data(ui-resizable)" ) ) {
- this.uiDialog.resizable( "option", resizableOptions );
- }
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- var isDraggable, isResizable,
- uiDialog = this.uiDialog;
- if ( key === "dialogClass" ) {
- uiDialog
- .removeClass( this.options.dialogClass )
- .addClass( value );
- }
- if ( key === "disabled" ) {
- return;
- }
- this._super( key, value );
- if ( key === "appendTo" ) {
- this.uiDialog.appendTo( this._appendTo() );
- }
- if ( key === "buttons" ) {
- this._createButtons();
- }
- if ( key === "closeText" ) {
- this.uiDialogTitlebarClose.button({
- // Ensure that we always pass a string
- label: "" + value
- });
- }
- if ( key === "draggable" ) {
- isDraggable = ":data(ui-draggable)" );
- if ( isDraggable && !value ) {
- uiDialog.draggable( "destroy" );
- }
- if ( !isDraggable && value ) {
- this._makeDraggable();
- }
- }
- if ( key === "position" ) {
- this._position();
- }
- if ( key === "resizable" ) {
- // currently resizable, becoming non-resizable
- isResizable = ":data(ui-resizable)" );
- if ( isResizable && !value ) {
- uiDialog.resizable( "destroy" );
- }
- // currently resizable, changing handles
- if ( isResizable && typeof value === "string" ) {
- uiDialog.resizable( "option", "handles", value );
- }
- // currently non-resizable, becoming resizable
- if ( !isResizable && value !== false ) {
- this._makeResizable();
- }
- }
- if ( key === "title" ) {
- this._title( this.uiDialogTitlebar.find( ".ui-dialog-title" ) );
- }
- },
- _size: function() {
- // If the user has resized the dialog, the .ui-dialog and .ui-dialog-content
- // divs will both have width and height set, so we need to reset them
- var nonContentHeight, minContentHeight, maxContentHeight,
- options = this.options;
- // Reset content sizing
- width: "auto",
- minHeight: 0,
- maxHeight: "none",
- height: 0
- });
- if ( options.minWidth > options.width ) {
- options.width = options.minWidth;
- }
- // reset wrapper sizing
- // determine the height of all the non-content elements
- nonContentHeight = this.uiDialog.css({
- height: "auto",
- width: options.width
- })
- .outerHeight();
- minContentHeight = Math.max( 0, options.minHeight - nonContentHeight );
- maxContentHeight = typeof options.maxHeight === "number" ?
- Math.max( 0, options.maxHeight - nonContentHeight ) :
- "none";
- if ( options.height === "auto" ) {
- this.element.css({
- minHeight: minContentHeight,
- maxHeight: maxContentHeight,
- height: "auto"
- });
- } else {
- this.element.height( Math.max( 0, options.height - nonContentHeight ) );
- }
- if ( ":data(ui-resizable)" ) ) {
- this.uiDialog.resizable( "option", "minHeight", this._minHeight() );
- }
- },
- _blockFrames: function() {
- this.iframeBlocks = this.document.find( "iframe" ).map(function() {
- var iframe = $( this );
- return $( "<div>" )
- .css({
- position: "absolute",
- width: iframe.outerWidth(),
- height: iframe.outerHeight()
- })
- .appendTo( iframe.parent() )
- .offset( iframe.offset() )[0];
- });
- },
- _unblockFrames: function() {
- if ( this.iframeBlocks ) {
- this.iframeBlocks.remove();
- delete this.iframeBlocks;
- }
- },
- _allowInteraction: function( event ) {
- if ( $( ).closest( ".ui-dialog" ).length ) {
- return true;
- }
- // TODO: Remove hack when datepicker implements
- // the .ui-front logic (#8989)
- return !!$( ).closest( ".ui-datepicker" ).length;
- },
- _createOverlay: function() {
- if ( !this.options.modal ) {
- return;
- }
- // We use a delay in case the overlay is created from an
- // event that we're going to be cancelling (#2804)
- var isOpening = true;
- this._delay(function() {
- isOpening = false;
- });
- if ( ! "ui-dialog-overlays" ) ) {
- // Prevent use of anchors and inputs
- // Using _on() for an event handler shared across many instances is
- // safe because the dialogs stack and must be closed in reverse order
- this._on( this.document, {
- focusin: function( event ) {
- if ( isOpening ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( !this._allowInteraction( event ) ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- this._trackingInstances()[ 0 ]._focusTabbable();
- }
- }
- });
- }
- this.overlay = $( "<div>" )
- .addClass( "ui-widget-overlay ui-front" )
- .appendTo( this._appendTo() );
- this._on( this.overlay, {
- mousedown: "_keepFocus"
- });
- "ui-dialog-overlays",
- ( "ui-dialog-overlays" ) || 0) + 1 );
- },
- _destroyOverlay: function() {
- if ( !this.options.modal ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( this.overlay ) {
- var overlays = "ui-dialog-overlays" ) - 1;
- if ( !overlays ) {
- this.document
- .unbind( "focusin" )
- .removeData( "ui-dialog-overlays" );
- } else {
- "ui-dialog-overlays", overlays );
- }
- this.overlay.remove();
- this.overlay = null;
- }
- }
- });
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Progressbar 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var progressbar = $.widget( "ui.progressbar", {
- version: "1.11.4",
- options: {
- max: 100,
- value: 0,
- change: null,
- complete: null
- },
- min: 0,
- _create: function() {
- // Constrain initial value
- this.oldValue = this.options.value = this._constrainedValue();
- this.element
- .addClass( "ui-progressbar ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" )
- .attr({
- // Only set static values, aria-valuenow and aria-valuemax are
- // set inside _refreshValue()
- role: "progressbar",
- "aria-valuemin": this.min
- });
- this.valueDiv = $( "<div class='ui-progressbar-value ui-widget-header ui-corner-left'></div>" )
- .appendTo( this.element );
- this._refreshValue();
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- this.element
- .removeClass( "ui-progressbar ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" )
- .removeAttr( "role" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-valuemin" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-valuemax" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-valuenow" );
- this.valueDiv.remove();
- },
- value: function( newValue ) {
- if ( newValue === undefined ) {
- return this.options.value;
- }
- this.options.value = this._constrainedValue( newValue );
- this._refreshValue();
- },
- _constrainedValue: function( newValue ) {
- if ( newValue === undefined ) {
- newValue = this.options.value;
- }
- this.indeterminate = newValue === false;
- // sanitize value
- if ( typeof newValue !== "number" ) {
- newValue = 0;
- }
- return this.indeterminate ? false :
- Math.min( this.options.max, Math.max( this.min, newValue ) );
- },
- _setOptions: function( options ) {
- // Ensure "value" option is set after other values (like max)
- var value = options.value;
- delete options.value;
- this._super( options );
- this.options.value = this._constrainedValue( value );
- this._refreshValue();
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- if ( key === "max" ) {
- // Don't allow a max less than min
- value = Math.max( this.min, value );
- }
- if ( key === "disabled" ) {
- this.element
- .toggleClass( "ui-state-disabled", !!value )
- .attr( "aria-disabled", value );
- }
- this._super( key, value );
- },
- _percentage: function() {
- return this.indeterminate ? 100 : 100 * ( this.options.value - this.min ) / ( this.options.max - this.min );
- },
- _refreshValue: function() {
- var value = this.options.value,
- percentage = this._percentage();
- this.valueDiv
- .toggle( this.indeterminate || value > this.min )
- .toggleClass( "ui-corner-right", value === this.options.max )
- .width( percentage.toFixed(0) + "%" );
- this.element.toggleClass( "ui-progressbar-indeterminate", this.indeterminate );
- if ( this.indeterminate ) {
- this.element.removeAttr( "aria-valuenow" );
- if ( !this.overlayDiv ) {
- this.overlayDiv = $( "<div class='ui-progressbar-overlay'></div>" ).appendTo( this.valueDiv );
- }
- } else {
- this.element.attr({
- "aria-valuemax": this.options.max,
- "aria-valuenow": value
- });
- if ( this.overlayDiv ) {
- this.overlayDiv.remove();
- this.overlayDiv = null;
- }
- }
- if ( this.oldValue !== value ) {
- this.oldValue = value;
- this._trigger( "change" );
- }
- if ( value === this.options.max ) {
- this._trigger( "complete" );
- }
- }
- });
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Selectmenu 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var selectmenu = $.widget( "ui.selectmenu", {
- version: "1.11.4",
- defaultElement: "<select>",
- options: {
- appendTo: null,
- disabled: null,
- icons: {
- button: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s"
- },
- position: {
- my: "left top",
- at: "left bottom",
- collision: "none"
- },
- width: null,
- // callbacks
- change: null,
- close: null,
- focus: null,
- open: null,
- select: null
- },
- _create: function() {
- var selectmenuId = this.element.uniqueId().attr( "id" );
- this.ids = {
- element: selectmenuId,
- button: selectmenuId + "-button",
- menu: selectmenuId + "-menu"
- };
- this._drawButton();
- this._drawMenu();
- if ( this.options.disabled ) {
- this.disable();
- }
- },
- _drawButton: function() {
- var that = this;
- // Associate existing label with the new button
- this.label = $( "label[for='" + this.ids.element + "']" ).attr( "for", this.ids.button );
- this._on( this.label, {
- click: function( event ) {
- this.button.focus();
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- });
- // Hide original select element
- this.element.hide();
- // Create button
- this.button = $( "<span>", {
- "class": "ui-selectmenu-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all",
- tabindex: this.options.disabled ? -1 : 0,
- id: this.ids.button,
- role: "combobox",
- "aria-expanded": "false",
- "aria-autocomplete": "list",
- "aria-owns":,
- "aria-haspopup": "true"
- })
- .insertAfter( this.element );
- $( "<span>", {
- "class": "ui-icon " + this.options.icons.button
- })
- .prependTo( this.button );
- this.buttonText = $( "<span>", {
- "class": "ui-selectmenu-text"
- })
- .appendTo( this.button );
- this._setText( this.buttonText, this.element.find( "option:selected" ).text() );
- this._resizeButton();
- this._on( this.button, this._buttonEvents );
- "focusin", function() {
- // Delay rendering the menu items until the button receives focus.
- // The menu may have already been rendered via a programmatic open.
- if ( !that.menuItems ) {
- that._refreshMenu();
- }
- });
- this._hoverable( this.button );
- this._focusable( this.button );
- },
- _drawMenu: function() {
- var that = this;
- // Create menu
- = $( "<ul>", {
- "aria-hidden": "true",
- "aria-labelledby": this.ids.button,
- id:
- });
- // Wrap menu
- this.menuWrap = $( "<div>", {
- "class": "ui-selectmenu-menu ui-front"
- })
- .append( )
- .appendTo( this._appendTo() );
- // Initialize menu widget
- this.menuInstance =
- .menu({
- role: "listbox",
- select: function( event, ui ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- // support: IE8
- // If the item was selected via a click, the text selection
- // will be destroyed in IE
- that._setSelection();
- that._select( "ui-selectmenu-item" ), event );
- },
- focus: function( event, ui ) {
- var item = "ui-selectmenu-item" );
- // Prevent inital focus from firing and check if its a newly focused item
- if ( that.focusIndex != null && item.index !== that.focusIndex ) {
- that._trigger( "focus", event, { item: item } );
- if ( !that.isOpen ) {
- that._select( item, event );
- }
- }
- that.focusIndex = item.index;
- that.button.attr( "aria-activedescendant",
- that.menuItems.eq( item.index ).attr( "id" ) );
- }
- })
- .menu( "instance" );
- // Adjust menu styles to dropdown
- .addClass( "ui-corner-bottom" )
- .removeClass( "ui-corner-all" );
- // Don't close the menu on mouseleave
- this.menuInstance._off(, "mouseleave" );
- // Cancel the menu's collapseAll on document click
- this.menuInstance._closeOnDocumentClick = function() {
- return false;
- };
- // Selects often contain empty items, but never contain dividers
- this.menuInstance._isDivider = function() {
- return false;
- };
- },
- refresh: function() {
- this._refreshMenu();
- this._setText( this.buttonText, this._getSelectedItem().text() );
- if ( !this.options.width ) {
- this._resizeButton();
- }
- },
- _refreshMenu: function() {
- var item,
- options = this.element.find( "option" );
- if ( !options.length ) {
- return;
- }
- this._parseOptions( options );
- this._renderMenu(, this.items );
- this.menuInstance.refresh();
- this.menuItems = "li" ).not( ".ui-selectmenu-optgroup" );
- item = this._getSelectedItem();
- // Update the menu to have the correct item focused
- this.menuInstance.focus( null, item );
- this._setAria( "ui-selectmenu-item" ) );
- // Set disabled state
- this._setOption( "disabled", this.element.prop( "disabled" ) );
- },
- open: function( event ) {
- if ( this.options.disabled ) {
- return;
- }
- // If this is the first time the menu is being opened, render the items
- if ( !this.menuItems ) {
- this._refreshMenu();
- } else {
- // Menu clears focus on close, reset focus to selected item
- ".ui-state-focus" ).removeClass( "ui-state-focus" );
- this.menuInstance.focus( null, this._getSelectedItem() );
- }
- this.isOpen = true;
- this._toggleAttr();
- this._resizeMenu();
- this._position();
- this._on( this.document, this._documentClick );
- this._trigger( "open", event );
- },
- _position: function() {
- this.menuWrap.position( $.extend( { of: this.button }, this.options.position ) );
- },
- close: function( event ) {
- if ( !this.isOpen ) {
- return;
- }
- this.isOpen = false;
- this._toggleAttr();
- this.range = null;
- this._off( this.document );
- this._trigger( "close", event );
- },
- widget: function() {
- return this.button;
- },
- menuWidget: function() {
- return;
- },
- _renderMenu: function( ul, items ) {
- var that = this,
- currentOptgroup = "";
- $.each( items, function( index, item ) {
- if ( item.optgroup !== currentOptgroup ) {
- $( "<li>", {
- "class": "ui-selectmenu-optgroup ui-menu-divider" +
- ( item.element.parent( "optgroup" ).prop( "disabled" ) ?
- " ui-state-disabled" :
- "" ),
- text: item.optgroup
- })
- .appendTo( ul );
- currentOptgroup = item.optgroup;
- }
- that._renderItemData( ul, item );
- });
- },
- _renderItemData: function( ul, item ) {
- return this._renderItem( ul, item ).data( "ui-selectmenu-item", item );
- },
- _renderItem: function( ul, item ) {
- var li = $( "<li>" );
- if ( item.disabled ) {
- li.addClass( "ui-state-disabled" );
- }
- this._setText( li, item.label );
- return li.appendTo( ul );
- },
- _setText: function( element, value ) {
- if ( value ) {
- element.text( value );
- } else {
- element.html( " " );
- }
- },
- _move: function( direction, event ) {
- var item, next,
- filter = ".ui-menu-item";
- if ( this.isOpen ) {
- item = this.menuItems.eq( this.focusIndex );
- } else {
- item = this.menuItems.eq( this.element[ 0 ].selectedIndex );
- filter += ":not(.ui-state-disabled)";
- }
- if ( direction === "first" || direction === "last" ) {
- next = item[ direction === "first" ? "prevAll" : "nextAll" ]( filter ).eq( -1 );
- } else {
- next = item[ direction + "All" ]( filter ).eq( 0 );
- }
- if ( next.length ) {
- this.menuInstance.focus( event, next );
- }
- },
- _getSelectedItem: function() {
- return this.menuItems.eq( this.element[ 0 ].selectedIndex );
- },
- _toggle: function( event ) {
- this[ this.isOpen ? "close" : "open" ]( event );
- },
- _setSelection: function() {
- var selection;
- if ( !this.range ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( window.getSelection ) {
- selection = window.getSelection();
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange( this.range );
- // support: IE8
- } else {
- }
- // support: IE
- // Setting the text selection kills the button focus in IE, but
- // restoring the focus doesn't kill the selection.
- this.button.focus();
- },
- _documentClick: {
- mousedown: function( event ) {
- if ( !this.isOpen ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( !$( ).closest( ".ui-selectmenu-menu, #" + this.ids.button ).length ) {
- this.close( event );
- }
- }
- },
- _buttonEvents: {
- // Prevent text selection from being reset when interacting with the selectmenu (#10144)
- mousedown: function() {
- var selection;
- if ( window.getSelection ) {
- selection = window.getSelection();
- if ( selection.rangeCount ) {
- this.range = selection.getRangeAt( 0 );
- }
- // support: IE8
- } else {
- this.range = document.selection.createRange();
- }
- },
- click: function( event ) {
- this._setSelection();
- this._toggle( event );
- },
- keydown: function( event ) {
- var preventDefault = true;
- switch ( event.keyCode ) {
- case $.ui.keyCode.TAB:
- case $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE:
- this.close( event );
- preventDefault = false;
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.ENTER:
- if ( this.isOpen ) {
- this._selectFocusedItem( event );
- }
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.UP:
- if ( event.altKey ) {
- this._toggle( event );
- } else {
- this._move( "prev", event );
- }
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN:
- if ( event.altKey ) {
- this._toggle( event );
- } else {
- this._move( "next", event );
- }
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.SPACE:
- if ( this.isOpen ) {
- this._selectFocusedItem( event );
- } else {
- this._toggle( event );
- }
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.LEFT:
- this._move( "prev", event );
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT:
- this._move( "next", event );
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.HOME:
- case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP:
- this._move( "first", event );
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.END:
- case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
- this._move( "last", event );
- break;
- default:
- event );
- preventDefault = false;
- }
- if ( preventDefault ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- },
- _selectFocusedItem: function( event ) {
- var item = this.menuItems.eq( this.focusIndex );
- if ( !item.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ) ) {
- this._select( "ui-selectmenu-item" ), event );
- }
- },
- _select: function( item, event ) {
- var oldIndex = this.element[ 0 ].selectedIndex;
- // Change native select element
- this.element[ 0 ].selectedIndex = item.index;
- this._setText( this.buttonText, item.label );
- this._setAria( item );
- this._trigger( "select", event, { item: item } );
- if ( item.index !== oldIndex ) {
- this._trigger( "change", event, { item: item } );
- }
- this.close( event );
- },
- _setAria: function( item ) {
- var id = this.menuItems.eq( item.index ).attr( "id" );
- this.button.attr({
- "aria-labelledby": id,
- "aria-activedescendant": id
- });
- "aria-activedescendant", id );
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- if ( key === "icons" ) {
- this.button.find( "span.ui-icon" )
- .removeClass( this.options.icons.button )
- .addClass( value.button );
- }
- this._super( key, value );
- if ( key === "appendTo" ) {
- this.menuWrap.appendTo( this._appendTo() );
- }
- if ( key === "disabled" ) {
- this.menuInstance.option( "disabled", value );
- this.button
- .toggleClass( "ui-state-disabled", value )
- .attr( "aria-disabled", value );
- this.element.prop( "disabled", value );
- if ( value ) {
- this.button.attr( "tabindex", -1 );
- this.close();
- } else {
- this.button.attr( "tabindex", 0 );
- }
- }
- if ( key === "width" ) {
- this._resizeButton();
- }
- },
- _appendTo: function() {
- var element = this.options.appendTo;
- if ( element ) {
- element = element.jquery || element.nodeType ?
- $( element ) :
- this.document.find( element ).eq( 0 );
- }
- if ( !element || !element[ 0 ] ) {
- element = this.element.closest( ".ui-front" );
- }
- if ( !element.length ) {
- element = this.document[ 0 ].body;
- }
- return element;
- },
- _toggleAttr: function() {
- this.button
- .toggleClass( "ui-corner-top", this.isOpen )
- .toggleClass( "ui-corner-all", !this.isOpen )
- .attr( "aria-expanded", this.isOpen );
- this.menuWrap.toggleClass( "ui-selectmenu-open", this.isOpen );
- "aria-hidden", !this.isOpen );
- },
- _resizeButton: function() {
- var width = this.options.width;
- if ( !width ) {
- width =;
- this.element.hide();
- }
- this.button.outerWidth( width );
- },
- _resizeMenu: function() {
- Math.max(
- this.button.outerWidth(),
- // support: IE10
- // IE10 wraps long text (possibly a rounding bug)
- // so we add 1px to avoid the wrapping
- "" ).outerWidth() + 1
- ) );
- },
- _getCreateOptions: function() {
- return { disabled: this.element.prop( "disabled" ) };
- },
- _parseOptions: function( options ) {
- var data = [];
- options.each(function( index, item ) {
- var option = $( item ),
- optgroup = option.parent( "optgroup" );
- data.push({
- element: option,
- index: index,
- value: option.val(),
- label: option.text(),
- optgroup: optgroup.attr( "label" ) || "",
- disabled: optgroup.prop( "disabled" ) || option.prop( "disabled" )
- });
- });
- this.items = data;
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- this.menuWrap.remove();
- this.button.remove();
- this.element.removeUniqueId();
- this.label.attr( "for", this.ids.element );
- }
- });
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Slider 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var slider = $.widget( "ui.slider", $.ui.mouse, {
- version: "1.11.4",
- widgetEventPrefix: "slide",
- options: {
- animate: false,
- distance: 0,
- max: 100,
- min: 0,
- orientation: "horizontal",
- range: false,
- step: 1,
- value: 0,
- values: null,
- // callbacks
- change: null,
- slide: null,
- start: null,
- stop: null
- },
- // number of pages in a slider
- // (how many times can you page up/down to go through the whole range)
- numPages: 5,
- _create: function() {
- this._keySliding = false;
- this._mouseSliding = false;
- this._animateOff = true;
- this._handleIndex = null;
- this._detectOrientation();
- this._mouseInit();
- this._calculateNewMax();
- this.element
- .addClass( "ui-slider" +
- " ui-slider-" + this.orientation +
- " ui-widget" +
- " ui-widget-content" +
- " ui-corner-all");
- this._refresh();
- this._setOption( "disabled", this.options.disabled );
- this._animateOff = false;
- },
- _refresh: function() {
- this._createRange();
- this._createHandles();
- this._setupEvents();
- this._refreshValue();
- },
- _createHandles: function() {
- var i, handleCount,
- options = this.options,
- existingHandles = this.element.find( ".ui-slider-handle" ).addClass( "ui-state-default ui-corner-all" ),
- handle = "<span class='ui-slider-handle ui-state-default ui-corner-all' tabindex='0'></span>",
- handles = [];
- handleCount = ( options.values && options.values.length ) || 1;
- if ( existingHandles.length > handleCount ) {
- existingHandles.slice( handleCount ).remove();
- existingHandles = existingHandles.slice( 0, handleCount );
- }
- for ( i = existingHandles.length; i < handleCount; i++ ) {
- handles.push( handle );
- }
- this.handles = existingHandles.add( $( handles.join( "" ) ).appendTo( this.element ) );
- this.handle = this.handles.eq( 0 );
- this.handles.each(function( i ) {
- $( this ).data( "ui-slider-handle-index", i );
- });
- },
- _createRange: function() {
- var options = this.options,
- classes = "";
- if ( options.range ) {
- if ( options.range === true ) {
- if ( !options.values ) {
- options.values = [ this._valueMin(), this._valueMin() ];
- } else if ( options.values.length && options.values.length !== 2 ) {
- options.values = [ options.values[0], options.values[0] ];
- } else if ( $.isArray( options.values ) ) {
- options.values = options.values.slice(0);
- }
- }
- if ( !this.range || !this.range.length ) {
- this.range = $( "<div></div>" )
- .appendTo( this.element );
- classes = "ui-slider-range" +
- // note: this isn't the most fittingly semantic framework class for this element,
- // but worked best visually with a variety of themes
- " ui-widget-header ui-corner-all";
- } else {
- this.range.removeClass( "ui-slider-range-min ui-slider-range-max" )
- // Handle range switching from true to min/max
- .css({
- "left": "",
- "bottom": ""
- });
- }
- this.range.addClass( classes +
- ( ( options.range === "min" || options.range === "max" ) ? " ui-slider-range-" + options.range : "" ) );
- } else {
- if ( this.range ) {
- this.range.remove();
- }
- this.range = null;
- }
- },
- _setupEvents: function() {
- this._off( this.handles );
- this._on( this.handles, this._handleEvents );
- this._hoverable( this.handles );
- this._focusable( this.handles );
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- this.handles.remove();
- if ( this.range ) {
- this.range.remove();
- }
- this.element
- .removeClass( "ui-slider" +
- " ui-slider-horizontal" +
- " ui-slider-vertical" +
- " ui-widget" +
- " ui-widget-content" +
- " ui-corner-all" );
- this._mouseDestroy();
- },
- _mouseCapture: function( event ) {
- var position, normValue, distance, closestHandle, index, allowed, offset, mouseOverHandle,
- that = this,
- o = this.options;
- if ( o.disabled ) {
- return false;
- }
- this.elementSize = {
- width: this.element.outerWidth(),
- height: this.element.outerHeight()
- };
- this.elementOffset = this.element.offset();
- position = { x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY };
- normValue = this._normValueFromMouse( position );
- distance = this._valueMax() - this._valueMin() + 1;
- this.handles.each(function( i ) {
- var thisDistance = Math.abs( normValue - that.values(i) );
- if (( distance > thisDistance ) ||
- ( distance === thisDistance &&
- (i === that._lastChangedValue || that.values(i) === o.min ))) {
- distance = thisDistance;
- closestHandle = $( this );
- index = i;
- }
- });
- allowed = this._start( event, index );
- if ( allowed === false ) {
- return false;
- }
- this._mouseSliding = true;
- this._handleIndex = index;
- closestHandle
- .addClass( "ui-state-active" )
- .focus();
- offset = closestHandle.offset();
- mouseOverHandle = !$( ).parents().addBack().is( ".ui-slider-handle" );
- this._clickOffset = mouseOverHandle ? { left: 0, top: 0 } : {
- left: event.pageX - offset.left - ( closestHandle.width() / 2 ),
- top: event.pageY - -
- ( closestHandle.height() / 2 ) -
- ( parseInt( closestHandle.css("borderTopWidth"), 10 ) || 0 ) -
- ( parseInt( closestHandle.css("borderBottomWidth"), 10 ) || 0) +
- ( parseInt( closestHandle.css("marginTop"), 10 ) || 0)
- };
- if ( !this.handles.hasClass( "ui-state-hover" ) ) {
- this._slide( event, index, normValue );
- }
- this._animateOff = true;
- return true;
- },
- _mouseStart: function() {
- return true;
- },
- _mouseDrag: function( event ) {
- var position = { x: event.pageX, y: event.pageY },
- normValue = this._normValueFromMouse( position );
- this._slide( event, this._handleIndex, normValue );
- return false;
- },
- _mouseStop: function( event ) {
- this.handles.removeClass( "ui-state-active" );
- this._mouseSliding = false;
- this._stop( event, this._handleIndex );
- this._change( event, this._handleIndex );
- this._handleIndex = null;
- this._clickOffset = null;
- this._animateOff = false;
- return false;
- },
- _detectOrientation: function() {
- this.orientation = ( this.options.orientation === "vertical" ) ? "vertical" : "horizontal";
- },
- _normValueFromMouse: function( position ) {
- var pixelTotal,
- pixelMouse,
- percentMouse,
- valueTotal,
- valueMouse;
- if ( this.orientation === "horizontal" ) {
- pixelTotal = this.elementSize.width;
- pixelMouse = position.x - this.elementOffset.left - ( this._clickOffset ? this._clickOffset.left : 0 );
- } else {
- pixelTotal = this.elementSize.height;
- pixelMouse = position.y - - ( this._clickOffset ? : 0 );
- }
- percentMouse = ( pixelMouse / pixelTotal );
- if ( percentMouse > 1 ) {
- percentMouse = 1;
- }
- if ( percentMouse < 0 ) {
- percentMouse = 0;
- }
- if ( this.orientation === "vertical" ) {
- percentMouse = 1 - percentMouse;
- }
- valueTotal = this._valueMax() - this._valueMin();
- valueMouse = this._valueMin() + percentMouse * valueTotal;
- return this._trimAlignValue( valueMouse );
- },
- _start: function( event, index ) {
- var uiHash = {
- handle: this.handles[ index ],
- value: this.value()
- };
- if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
- uiHash.value = this.values( index );
- uiHash.values = this.values();
- }
- return this._trigger( "start", event, uiHash );
- },
- _slide: function( event, index, newVal ) {
- var otherVal,
- newValues,
- allowed;
- if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
- otherVal = this.values( index ? 0 : 1 );
- if ( ( this.options.values.length === 2 && this.options.range === true ) &&
- ( ( index === 0 && newVal > otherVal) || ( index === 1 && newVal < otherVal ) )
- ) {
- newVal = otherVal;
- }
- if ( newVal !== this.values( index ) ) {
- newValues = this.values();
- newValues[ index ] = newVal;
- // A slide can be canceled by returning false from the slide callback
- allowed = this._trigger( "slide", event, {
- handle: this.handles[ index ],
- value: newVal,
- values: newValues
- } );
- otherVal = this.values( index ? 0 : 1 );
- if ( allowed !== false ) {
- this.values( index, newVal );
- }
- }
- } else {
- if ( newVal !== this.value() ) {
- // A slide can be canceled by returning false from the slide callback
- allowed = this._trigger( "slide", event, {
- handle: this.handles[ index ],
- value: newVal
- } );
- if ( allowed !== false ) {
- this.value( newVal );
- }
- }
- }
- },
- _stop: function( event, index ) {
- var uiHash = {
- handle: this.handles[ index ],
- value: this.value()
- };
- if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
- uiHash.value = this.values( index );
- uiHash.values = this.values();
- }
- this._trigger( "stop", event, uiHash );
- },
- _change: function( event, index ) {
- if ( !this._keySliding && !this._mouseSliding ) {
- var uiHash = {
- handle: this.handles[ index ],
- value: this.value()
- };
- if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
- uiHash.value = this.values( index );
- uiHash.values = this.values();
- }
- //store the last changed value index for reference when handles overlap
- this._lastChangedValue = index;
- this._trigger( "change", event, uiHash );
- }
- },
- value: function( newValue ) {
- if ( arguments.length ) {
- this.options.value = this._trimAlignValue( newValue );
- this._refreshValue();
- this._change( null, 0 );
- return;
- }
- return this._value();
- },
- values: function( index, newValue ) {
- var vals,
- newValues,
- i;
- if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {
- this.options.values[ index ] = this._trimAlignValue( newValue );
- this._refreshValue();
- this._change( null, index );
- return;
- }
- if ( arguments.length ) {
- if ( $.isArray( arguments[ 0 ] ) ) {
- vals = this.options.values;
- newValues = arguments[ 0 ];
- for ( i = 0; i < vals.length; i += 1 ) {
- vals[ i ] = this._trimAlignValue( newValues[ i ] );
- this._change( null, i );
- }
- this._refreshValue();
- } else {
- if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
- return this._values( index );
- } else {
- return this.value();
- }
- }
- } else {
- return this._values();
- }
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- var i,
- valsLength = 0;
- if ( key === "range" && this.options.range === true ) {
- if ( value === "min" ) {
- this.options.value = this._values( 0 );
- this.options.values = null;
- } else if ( value === "max" ) {
- this.options.value = this._values( this.options.values.length - 1 );
- this.options.values = null;
- }
- }
- if ( $.isArray( this.options.values ) ) {
- valsLength = this.options.values.length;
- }
- if ( key === "disabled" ) {
- this.element.toggleClass( "ui-state-disabled", !!value );
- }
- this._super( key, value );
- switch ( key ) {
- case "orientation":
- this._detectOrientation();
- this.element
- .removeClass( "ui-slider-horizontal ui-slider-vertical" )
- .addClass( "ui-slider-" + this.orientation );
- this._refreshValue();
- // Reset positioning from previous orientation
- this.handles.css( value === "horizontal" ? "bottom" : "left", "" );
- break;
- case "value":
- this._animateOff = true;
- this._refreshValue();
- this._change( null, 0 );
- this._animateOff = false;
- break;
- case "values":
- this._animateOff = true;
- this._refreshValue();
- for ( i = 0; i < valsLength; i += 1 ) {
- this._change( null, i );
- }
- this._animateOff = false;
- break;
- case "step":
- case "min":
- case "max":
- this._animateOff = true;
- this._calculateNewMax();
- this._refreshValue();
- this._animateOff = false;
- break;
- case "range":
- this._animateOff = true;
- this._refresh();
- this._animateOff = false;
- break;
- }
- },
- //internal value getter
- // _value() returns value trimmed by min and max, aligned by step
- _value: function() {
- var val = this.options.value;
- val = this._trimAlignValue( val );
- return val;
- },
- //internal values getter
- // _values() returns array of values trimmed by min and max, aligned by step
- // _values( index ) returns single value trimmed by min and max, aligned by step
- _values: function( index ) {
- var val,
- vals,
- i;
- if ( arguments.length ) {
- val = this.options.values[ index ];
- val = this._trimAlignValue( val );
- return val;
- } else if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
- // .slice() creates a copy of the array
- // this copy gets trimmed by min and max and then returned
- vals = this.options.values.slice();
- for ( i = 0; i < vals.length; i += 1) {
- vals[ i ] = this._trimAlignValue( vals[ i ] );
- }
- return vals;
- } else {
- return [];
- }
- },
- // returns the step-aligned value that val is closest to, between (inclusive) min and max
- _trimAlignValue: function( val ) {
- if ( val <= this._valueMin() ) {
- return this._valueMin();
- }
- if ( val >= this._valueMax() ) {
- return this._valueMax();
- }
- var step = ( this.options.step > 0 ) ? this.options.step : 1,
- valModStep = (val - this._valueMin()) % step,
- alignValue = val - valModStep;
- if ( Math.abs(valModStep) * 2 >= step ) {
- alignValue += ( valModStep > 0 ) ? step : ( -step );
- }
- // Since JavaScript has problems with large floats, round
- // the final value to 5 digits after the decimal point (see #4124)
- return parseFloat( alignValue.toFixed(5) );
- },
- _calculateNewMax: function() {
- var max = this.options.max,
- min = this._valueMin(),
- step = this.options.step,
- aboveMin = Math.floor( ( +( max - min ).toFixed( this._precision() ) ) / step ) * step;
- max = aboveMin + min;
- this.max = parseFloat( max.toFixed( this._precision() ) );
- },
- _precision: function() {
- var precision = this._precisionOf( this.options.step );
- if ( this.options.min !== null ) {
- precision = Math.max( precision, this._precisionOf( this.options.min ) );
- }
- return precision;
- },
- _precisionOf: function( num ) {
- var str = num.toString(),
- decimal = str.indexOf( "." );
- return decimal === -1 ? 0 : str.length - decimal - 1;
- },
- _valueMin: function() {
- return this.options.min;
- },
- _valueMax: function() {
- return this.max;
- },
- _refreshValue: function() {
- var lastValPercent, valPercent, value, valueMin, valueMax,
- oRange = this.options.range,
- o = this.options,
- that = this,
- animate = ( !this._animateOff ) ? o.animate : false,
- _set = {};
- if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
- this.handles.each(function( i ) {
- valPercent = ( that.values(i) - that._valueMin() ) / ( that._valueMax() - that._valueMin() ) * 100;
- _set[ that.orientation === "horizontal" ? "left" : "bottom" ] = valPercent + "%";
- $( this ).stop( 1, 1 )[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( _set, o.animate );
- if ( that.options.range === true ) {
- if ( that.orientation === "horizontal" ) {
- if ( i === 0 ) {
- that.range.stop( 1, 1 )[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { left: valPercent + "%" }, o.animate );
- }
- if ( i === 1 ) {
- that.range[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { width: ( valPercent - lastValPercent ) + "%" }, { queue: false, duration: o.animate } );
- }
- } else {
- if ( i === 0 ) {
- that.range.stop( 1, 1 )[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { bottom: ( valPercent ) + "%" }, o.animate );
- }
- if ( i === 1 ) {
- that.range[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { height: ( valPercent - lastValPercent ) + "%" }, { queue: false, duration: o.animate } );
- }
- }
- }
- lastValPercent = valPercent;
- });
- } else {
- value = this.value();
- valueMin = this._valueMin();
- valueMax = this._valueMax();
- valPercent = ( valueMax !== valueMin ) ?
- ( value - valueMin ) / ( valueMax - valueMin ) * 100 :
- 0;
- _set[ this.orientation === "horizontal" ? "left" : "bottom" ] = valPercent + "%";
- this.handle.stop( 1, 1 )[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( _set, o.animate );
- if ( oRange === "min" && this.orientation === "horizontal" ) {
- this.range.stop( 1, 1 )[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { width: valPercent + "%" }, o.animate );
- }
- if ( oRange === "max" && this.orientation === "horizontal" ) {
- this.range[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { width: ( 100 - valPercent ) + "%" }, { queue: false, duration: o.animate } );
- }
- if ( oRange === "min" && this.orientation === "vertical" ) {
- this.range.stop( 1, 1 )[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { height: valPercent + "%" }, o.animate );
- }
- if ( oRange === "max" && this.orientation === "vertical" ) {
- this.range[ animate ? "animate" : "css" ]( { height: ( 100 - valPercent ) + "%" }, { queue: false, duration: o.animate } );
- }
- }
- },
- _handleEvents: {
- keydown: function( event ) {
- var allowed, curVal, newVal, step,
- index = $( ).data( "ui-slider-handle-index" );
- switch ( event.keyCode ) {
- case $.ui.keyCode.HOME:
- case $.ui.keyCode.END:
- case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP:
- case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
- case $.ui.keyCode.UP:
- case $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT:
- case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN:
- case $.ui.keyCode.LEFT:
- event.preventDefault();
- if ( !this._keySliding ) {
- this._keySliding = true;
- $( ).addClass( "ui-state-active" );
- allowed = this._start( event, index );
- if ( allowed === false ) {
- return;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- step = this.options.step;
- if ( this.options.values && this.options.values.length ) {
- curVal = newVal = this.values( index );
- } else {
- curVal = newVal = this.value();
- }
- switch ( event.keyCode ) {
- case $.ui.keyCode.HOME:
- newVal = this._valueMin();
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.END:
- newVal = this._valueMax();
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP:
- newVal = this._trimAlignValue(
- curVal + ( ( this._valueMax() - this._valueMin() ) / this.numPages )
- );
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
- newVal = this._trimAlignValue(
- curVal - ( (this._valueMax() - this._valueMin()) / this.numPages ) );
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.UP:
- case $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT:
- if ( curVal === this._valueMax() ) {
- return;
- }
- newVal = this._trimAlignValue( curVal + step );
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN:
- case $.ui.keyCode.LEFT:
- if ( curVal === this._valueMin() ) {
- return;
- }
- newVal = this._trimAlignValue( curVal - step );
- break;
- }
- this._slide( event, index, newVal );
- },
- keyup: function( event ) {
- var index = $( ).data( "ui-slider-handle-index" );
- if ( this._keySliding ) {
- this._keySliding = false;
- this._stop( event, index );
- this._change( event, index );
- $( ).removeClass( "ui-state-active" );
- }
- }
- }
- });
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Spinner 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- function spinner_modifier( fn ) {
- return function() {
- var previous = this.element.val();
- fn.apply( this, arguments );
- this._refresh();
- if ( previous !== this.element.val() ) {
- this._trigger( "change" );
- }
- };
- }
- var spinner = $.widget( "ui.spinner", {
- version: "1.11.4",
- defaultElement: "<input>",
- widgetEventPrefix: "spin",
- options: {
- culture: null,
- icons: {
- down: "ui-icon-triangle-1-s",
- up: "ui-icon-triangle-1-n"
- },
- incremental: true,
- max: null,
- min: null,
- numberFormat: null,
- page: 10,
- step: 1,
- change: null,
- spin: null,
- start: null,
- stop: null
- },
- _create: function() {
- // handle string values that need to be parsed
- this._setOption( "max", this.options.max );
- this._setOption( "min", this.options.min );
- this._setOption( "step", this.options.step );
- // Only format if there is a value, prevents the field from being marked
- // as invalid in Firefox, see #9573.
- if ( this.value() !== "" ) {
- // Format the value, but don't constrain.
- this._value( this.element.val(), true );
- }
- this._draw();
- this._on( this._events );
- this._refresh();
- // turning off autocomplete prevents the browser from remembering the
- // value when navigating through history, so we re-enable autocomplete
- // if the page is unloaded before the widget is destroyed. #7790
- this._on( this.window, {
- beforeunload: function() {
- this.element.removeAttr( "autocomplete" );
- }
- });
- },
- _getCreateOptions: function() {
- var options = {},
- element = this.element;
- $.each( [ "min", "max", "step" ], function( i, option ) {
- var value = element.attr( option );
- if ( value !== undefined && value.length ) {
- options[ option ] = value;
- }
- });
- return options;
- },
- _events: {
- keydown: function( event ) {
- if ( this._start( event ) && this._keydown( event ) ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- },
- keyup: "_stop",
- focus: function() {
- this.previous = this.element.val();
- },
- blur: function( event ) {
- if ( this.cancelBlur ) {
- delete this.cancelBlur;
- return;
- }
- this._stop();
- this._refresh();
- if ( this.previous !== this.element.val() ) {
- this._trigger( "change", event );
- }
- },
- mousewheel: function( event, delta ) {
- if ( !delta ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( !this.spinning && !this._start( event ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- this._spin( (delta > 0 ? 1 : -1) * this.options.step, event );
- clearTimeout( this.mousewheelTimer );
- this.mousewheelTimer = this._delay(function() {
- if ( this.spinning ) {
- this._stop( event );
- }
- }, 100 );
- event.preventDefault();
- },
- "mousedown .ui-spinner-button": function( event ) {
- var previous;
- // We never want the buttons to have focus; whenever the user is
- // interacting with the spinner, the focus should be on the input.
- // If the input is focused then this.previous is properly set from
- // when the input first received focus. If the input is not focused
- // then we need to set this.previous based on the value before spinning.
- previous = this.element[0] === this.document[0].activeElement ?
- this.previous : this.element.val();
- function checkFocus() {
- var isActive = this.element[0] === this.document[0].activeElement;
- if ( !isActive ) {
- this.element.focus();
- this.previous = previous;
- // support: IE
- // IE sets focus asynchronously, so we need to check if focus
- // moved off of the input because the user clicked on the button.
- this._delay(function() {
- this.previous = previous;
- });
- }
- }
- // ensure focus is on (or stays on) the text field
- event.preventDefault();
- this );
- // support: IE
- // IE doesn't prevent moving focus even with event.preventDefault()
- // so we set a flag to know when we should ignore the blur event
- // and check (again) if focus moved off of the input.
- this.cancelBlur = true;
- this._delay(function() {
- delete this.cancelBlur;
- this );
- });
- if ( this._start( event ) === false ) {
- return;
- }
- this._repeat( null, $( event.currentTarget ).hasClass( "ui-spinner-up" ) ? 1 : -1, event );
- },
- "mouseup .ui-spinner-button": "_stop",
- "mouseenter .ui-spinner-button": function( event ) {
- // button will add ui-state-active if mouse was down while mouseleave and kept down
- if ( !$( event.currentTarget ).hasClass( "ui-state-active" ) ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( this._start( event ) === false ) {
- return false;
- }
- this._repeat( null, $( event.currentTarget ).hasClass( "ui-spinner-up" ) ? 1 : -1, event );
- },
- // TODO: do we really want to consider this a stop?
- // shouldn't we just stop the repeater and wait until mouseup before
- // we trigger the stop event?
- "mouseleave .ui-spinner-button": "_stop"
- },
- _draw: function() {
- var uiSpinner = this.uiSpinner = this.element
- .addClass( "ui-spinner-input" )
- .attr( "autocomplete", "off" )
- .wrap( this._uiSpinnerHtml() )
- .parent()
- // add buttons
- .append( this._buttonHtml() );
- this.element.attr( "role", "spinbutton" );
- // button bindings
- this.buttons = uiSpinner.find( ".ui-spinner-button" )
- .attr( "tabIndex", -1 )
- .button()
- .removeClass( "ui-corner-all" );
- // IE 6 doesn't understand height: 50% for the buttons
- // unless the wrapper has an explicit height
- if ( this.buttons.height() > Math.ceil( uiSpinner.height() * 0.5 ) &&
- uiSpinner.height() > 0 ) {
- uiSpinner.height( uiSpinner.height() );
- }
- // disable spinner if element was already disabled
- if ( this.options.disabled ) {
- this.disable();
- }
- },
- _keydown: function( event ) {
- var options = this.options,
- keyCode = $.ui.keyCode;
- switch ( event.keyCode ) {
- case keyCode.UP:
- this._repeat( null, 1, event );
- return true;
- case keyCode.DOWN:
- this._repeat( null, -1, event );
- return true;
- case keyCode.PAGE_UP:
- this._repeat( null,, event );
- return true;
- case keyCode.PAGE_DOWN:
- this._repeat( null,, event );
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- },
- _uiSpinnerHtml: function() {
- return "<span class='ui-spinner ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all'></span>";
- },
- _buttonHtml: function() {
- return "" +
- "<a class='ui-spinner-button ui-spinner-up ui-corner-tr'>" +
- "<span class='ui-icon " + this.options.icons.up + "'>▲</span>" +
- "</a>" +
- "<a class='ui-spinner-button ui-spinner-down ui-corner-br'>" +
- "<span class='ui-icon " + this.options.icons.down + "'>▼</span>" +
- "</a>";
- },
- _start: function( event ) {
- if ( !this.spinning && this._trigger( "start", event ) === false ) {
- return false;
- }
- if ( !this.counter ) {
- this.counter = 1;
- }
- this.spinning = true;
- return true;
- },
- _repeat: function( i, steps, event ) {
- i = i || 500;
- clearTimeout( this.timer );
- this.timer = this._delay(function() {
- this._repeat( 40, steps, event );
- }, i );
- this._spin( steps * this.options.step, event );
- },
- _spin: function( step, event ) {
- var value = this.value() || 0;
- if ( !this.counter ) {
- this.counter = 1;
- }
- value = this._adjustValue( value + step * this._increment( this.counter ) );
- if ( !this.spinning || this._trigger( "spin", event, { value: value } ) !== false) {
- this._value( value );
- this.counter++;
- }
- },
- _increment: function( i ) {
- var incremental = this.options.incremental;
- if ( incremental ) {
- return $.isFunction( incremental ) ?
- incremental( i ) :
- Math.floor( i * i * i / 50000 - i * i / 500 + 17 * i / 200 + 1 );
- }
- return 1;
- },
- _precision: function() {
- var precision = this._precisionOf( this.options.step );
- if ( this.options.min !== null ) {
- precision = Math.max( precision, this._precisionOf( this.options.min ) );
- }
- return precision;
- },
- _precisionOf: function( num ) {
- var str = num.toString(),
- decimal = str.indexOf( "." );
- return decimal === -1 ? 0 : str.length - decimal - 1;
- },
- _adjustValue: function( value ) {
- var base, aboveMin,
- options = this.options;
- // make sure we're at a valid step
- // - find out where we are relative to the base (min or 0)
- base = options.min !== null ? options.min : 0;
- aboveMin = value - base;
- // - round to the nearest step
- aboveMin = Math.round(aboveMin / options.step) * options.step;
- // - rounding is based on 0, so adjust back to our base
- value = base + aboveMin;
- // fix precision from bad JS floating point math
- value = parseFloat( value.toFixed( this._precision() ) );
- // clamp the value
- if ( options.max !== null && value > options.max) {
- return options.max;
- }
- if ( options.min !== null && value < options.min ) {
- return options.min;
- }
- return value;
- },
- _stop: function( event ) {
- if ( !this.spinning ) {
- return;
- }
- clearTimeout( this.timer );
- clearTimeout( this.mousewheelTimer );
- this.counter = 0;
- this.spinning = false;
- this._trigger( "stop", event );
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- if ( key === "culture" || key === "numberFormat" ) {
- var prevValue = this._parse( this.element.val() );
- this.options[ key ] = value;
- this.element.val( this._format( prevValue ) );
- return;
- }
- if ( key === "max" || key === "min" || key === "step" ) {
- if ( typeof value === "string" ) {
- value = this._parse( value );
- }
- }
- if ( key === "icons" ) {
- this.buttons.first().find( ".ui-icon" )
- .removeClass( this.options.icons.up )
- .addClass( value.up );
- this.buttons.last().find( ".ui-icon" )
- .removeClass( this.options.icons.down )
- .addClass( value.down );
- }
- this._super( key, value );
- if ( key === "disabled" ) {
- this.widget().toggleClass( "ui-state-disabled", !!value );
- this.element.prop( "disabled", !!value );
- this.buttons.button( value ? "disable" : "enable" );
- }
- },
- _setOptions: spinner_modifier(function( options ) {
- this._super( options );
- }),
- _parse: function( val ) {
- if ( typeof val === "string" && val !== "" ) {
- val = window.Globalize && this.options.numberFormat ?
- Globalize.parseFloat( val, 10, this.options.culture ) : +val;
- }
- return val === "" || isNaN( val ) ? null : val;
- },
- _format: function( value ) {
- if ( value === "" ) {
- return "";
- }
- return window.Globalize && this.options.numberFormat ?
- Globalize.format( value, this.options.numberFormat, this.options.culture ) :
- value;
- },
- _refresh: function() {
- this.element.attr({
- "aria-valuemin": this.options.min,
- "aria-valuemax": this.options.max,
- // TODO: what should we do with values that can't be parsed?
- "aria-valuenow": this._parse( this.element.val() )
- });
- },
- isValid: function() {
- var value = this.value();
- // null is invalid
- if ( value === null ) {
- return false;
- }
- // if value gets adjusted, it's invalid
- return value === this._adjustValue( value );
- },
- // update the value without triggering change
- _value: function( value, allowAny ) {
- var parsed;
- if ( value !== "" ) {
- parsed = this._parse( value );
- if ( parsed !== null ) {
- if ( !allowAny ) {
- parsed = this._adjustValue( parsed );
- }
- value = this._format( parsed );
- }
- }
- this.element.val( value );
- this._refresh();
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- this.element
- .removeClass( "ui-spinner-input" )
- .prop( "disabled", false )
- .removeAttr( "autocomplete" )
- .removeAttr( "role" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-valuemin" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-valuemax" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-valuenow" );
- this.uiSpinner.replaceWith( this.element );
- },
- stepUp: spinner_modifier(function( steps ) {
- this._stepUp( steps );
- }),
- _stepUp: function( steps ) {
- if ( this._start() ) {
- this._spin( (steps || 1) * this.options.step );
- this._stop();
- }
- },
- stepDown: spinner_modifier(function( steps ) {
- this._stepDown( steps );
- }),
- _stepDown: function( steps ) {
- if ( this._start() ) {
- this._spin( (steps || 1) * -this.options.step );
- this._stop();
- }
- },
- pageUp: spinner_modifier(function( pages ) {
- this._stepUp( (pages || 1) * );
- }),
- pageDown: spinner_modifier(function( pages ) {
- this._stepDown( (pages || 1) * );
- }),
- value: function( newVal ) {
- if ( !arguments.length ) {
- return this._parse( this.element.val() );
- }
- spinner_modifier( this._value ).call( this, newVal );
- },
- widget: function() {
- return this.uiSpinner;
- }
- });
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Tabs 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var tabs = $.widget( "ui.tabs", {
- version: "1.11.4",
- delay: 300,
- options: {
- active: null,
- collapsible: false,
- event: "click",
- heightStyle: "content",
- hide: null,
- show: null,
- // callbacks
- activate: null,
- beforeActivate: null,
- beforeLoad: null,
- load: null
- },
- _isLocal: (function() {
- var rhash = /#.*$/;
- return function( anchor ) {
- var anchorUrl, locationUrl;
- // support: IE7
- // IE7 doesn't normalize the href property when set via script (#9317)
- anchor = anchor.cloneNode( false );
- anchorUrl = anchor.href.replace( rhash, "" );
- locationUrl = location.href.replace( rhash, "" );
- // decoding may throw an error if the URL isn't UTF-8 (#9518)
- try {
- anchorUrl = decodeURIComponent( anchorUrl );
- } catch ( error ) {}
- try {
- locationUrl = decodeURIComponent( locationUrl );
- } catch ( error ) {}
- return anchor.hash.length > 1 && anchorUrl === locationUrl;
- };
- })(),
- _create: function() {
- var that = this,
- options = this.options;
- this.running = false;
- this.element
- .addClass( "ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" )
- .toggleClass( "ui-tabs-collapsible", options.collapsible );
- this._processTabs();
- = this._initialActive();
- // Take disabling tabs via class attribute from HTML
- // into account and update option properly.
- if ( $.isArray( options.disabled ) ) {
- options.disabled = $.unique( options.disabled.concat(
- $.map( this.tabs.filter( ".ui-state-disabled" ), function( li ) {
- return that.tabs.index( li );
- })
- ) ).sort();
- }
- // check for length avoids error when initializing empty list
- if ( !== false && this.anchors.length ) {
- = this._findActive( );
- } else {
- = $();
- }
- this._refresh();
- if ( ) {
- this.load( );
- }
- },
- _initialActive: function() {
- var active =,
- collapsible = this.options.collapsible,
- locationHash = location.hash.substring( 1 );
- if ( active === null ) {
- // check the fragment identifier in the URL
- if ( locationHash ) {
- this.tabs.each(function( i, tab ) {
- if ( $( tab ).attr( "aria-controls" ) === locationHash ) {
- active = i;
- return false;
- }
- });
- }
- // check for a tab marked active via a class
- if ( active === null ) {
- active = this.tabs.index( this.tabs.filter( ".ui-tabs-active" ) );
- }
- // no active tab, set to false
- if ( active === null || active === -1 ) {
- active = this.tabs.length ? 0 : false;
- }
- }
- // handle numbers: negative, out of range
- if ( active !== false ) {
- active = this.tabs.index( this.tabs.eq( active ) );
- if ( active === -1 ) {
- active = collapsible ? false : 0;
- }
- }
- // don't allow collapsible: false and active: false
- if ( !collapsible && active === false && this.anchors.length ) {
- active = 0;
- }
- return active;
- },
- _getCreateEventData: function() {
- return {
- tab:,
- panel: ! ? $() : this._getPanelForTab( )
- };
- },
- _tabKeydown: function( event ) {
- var focusedTab = $( this.document[0].activeElement ).closest( "li" ),
- selectedIndex = this.tabs.index( focusedTab ),
- goingForward = true;
- if ( this._handlePageNav( event ) ) {
- return;
- }
- switch ( event.keyCode ) {
- case $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT:
- case $.ui.keyCode.DOWN:
- selectedIndex++;
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.UP:
- case $.ui.keyCode.LEFT:
- goingForward = false;
- selectedIndex--;
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.END:
- selectedIndex = this.anchors.length - 1;
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.HOME:
- selectedIndex = 0;
- break;
- case $.ui.keyCode.SPACE:
- // Activate only, no collapsing
- event.preventDefault();
- clearTimeout( this.activating );
- this._activate( selectedIndex );
- return;
- case $.ui.keyCode.ENTER:
- // Toggle (cancel delayed activation, allow collapsing)
- event.preventDefault();
- clearTimeout( this.activating );
- // Determine if we should collapse or activate
- this._activate( selectedIndex === ? false : selectedIndex );
- return;
- default:
- return;
- }
- // Focus the appropriate tab, based on which key was pressed
- event.preventDefault();
- clearTimeout( this.activating );
- selectedIndex = this._focusNextTab( selectedIndex, goingForward );
- // Navigating with control/command key will prevent automatic activation
- if ( !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey ) {
- // Update aria-selected immediately so that AT think the tab is already selected.
- // Otherwise AT may confuse the user by stating that they need to activate the tab,
- // but the tab will already be activated by the time the announcement finishes.
- focusedTab.attr( "aria-selected", "false" );
- this.tabs.eq( selectedIndex ).attr( "aria-selected", "true" );
- this.activating = this._delay(function() {
- this.option( "active", selectedIndex );
- }, this.delay );
- }
- },
- _panelKeydown: function( event ) {
- if ( this._handlePageNav( event ) ) {
- return;
- }
- // Ctrl+up moves focus to the current tab
- if ( event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.UP ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- },
- // Alt+page up/down moves focus to the previous/next tab (and activates)
- _handlePageNav: function( event ) {
- if ( event.altKey && event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_UP ) {
- this._activate( this._focusNextTab( - 1, false ) );
- return true;
- }
- if ( event.altKey && event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.PAGE_DOWN ) {
- this._activate( this._focusNextTab( + 1, true ) );
- return true;
- }
- },
- _findNextTab: function( index, goingForward ) {
- var lastTabIndex = this.tabs.length - 1;
- function constrain() {
- if ( index > lastTabIndex ) {
- index = 0;
- }
- if ( index < 0 ) {
- index = lastTabIndex;
- }
- return index;
- }
- while ( $.inArray( constrain(), this.options.disabled ) !== -1 ) {
- index = goingForward ? index + 1 : index - 1;
- }
- return index;
- },
- _focusNextTab: function( index, goingForward ) {
- index = this._findNextTab( index, goingForward );
- this.tabs.eq( index ).focus();
- return index;
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- if ( key === "active" ) {
- // _activate() will handle invalid values and update this.options
- this._activate( value );
- return;
- }
- if ( key === "disabled" ) {
- // don't use the widget factory's disabled handling
- this._setupDisabled( value );
- return;
- }
- this._super( key, value);
- if ( key === "collapsible" ) {
- this.element.toggleClass( "ui-tabs-collapsible", value );
- // Setting collapsible: false while collapsed; open first panel
- if ( !value && === false ) {
- this._activate( 0 );
- }
- }
- if ( key === "event" ) {
- this._setupEvents( value );
- }
- if ( key === "heightStyle" ) {
- this._setupHeightStyle( value );
- }
- },
- _sanitizeSelector: function( hash ) {
- return hash ? hash.replace( /[!"$%&'()*+,.\/:;<=>?@\[\]\^`{|}~]/g, "\\$&" ) : "";
- },
- refresh: function() {
- var options = this.options,
- lis = this.tablist.children( ":has(a[href])" );
- // get disabled tabs from class attribute from HTML
- // this will get converted to a boolean if needed in _refresh()
- options.disabled = $.map( lis.filter( ".ui-state-disabled" ), function( tab ) {
- return lis.index( tab );
- });
- this._processTabs();
- // was collapsed or no tabs
- if ( === false || !this.anchors.length ) {
- = false;
- = $();
- // was active, but active tab is gone
- } else if ( && !$.contains( this.tablist[ 0 ],[ 0 ] ) ) {
- // all remaining tabs are disabled
- if ( this.tabs.length === options.disabled.length ) {
- = false;
- = $();
- // activate previous tab
- } else {
- this._activate( this._findNextTab( Math.max( 0, - 1 ), false ) );
- }
- // was active, active tab still exists
- } else {
- // make sure active index is correct
- = this.tabs.index( );
- }
- this._refresh();
- },
- _refresh: function() {
- this._setupDisabled( this.options.disabled );
- this._setupEvents( this.options.event );
- this._setupHeightStyle( this.options.heightStyle );
- this.tabs.not( ).attr({
- "aria-selected": "false",
- "aria-expanded": "false",
- tabIndex: -1
- });
- this.panels.not( this._getPanelForTab( ) )
- .hide()
- .attr({
- "aria-hidden": "true"
- });
- // Make sure one tab is in the tab order
- if ( ! ) {
- this.tabs.eq( 0 ).attr( "tabIndex", 0 );
- } else {
- .addClass( "ui-tabs-active ui-state-active" )
- .attr({
- "aria-selected": "true",
- "aria-expanded": "true",
- tabIndex: 0
- });
- this._getPanelForTab( )
- .show()
- .attr({
- "aria-hidden": "false"
- });
- }
- },
- _processTabs: function() {
- var that = this,
- prevTabs = this.tabs,
- prevAnchors = this.anchors,
- prevPanels = this.panels;
- this.tablist = this._getList()
- .addClass( "ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" )
- .attr( "role", "tablist" )
- // Prevent users from focusing disabled tabs via click
- .delegate( "> li", "mousedown" + this.eventNamespace, function( event ) {
- if ( $( this ).is( ".ui-state-disabled" ) ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- })
- // support: IE <9
- // Preventing the default action in mousedown doesn't prevent IE
- // from focusing the element, so if the anchor gets focused, blur.
- // We don't have to worry about focusing the previously focused
- // element since clicking on a non-focusable element should focus
- // the body anyway.
- .delegate( ".ui-tabs-anchor", "focus" + this.eventNamespace, function() {
- if ( $( this ).closest( "li" ).is( ".ui-state-disabled" ) ) {
- this.blur();
- }
- });
- this.tabs = this.tablist.find( "> li:has(a[href])" )
- .addClass( "ui-state-default ui-corner-top" )
- .attr({
- role: "tab",
- tabIndex: -1
- });
- this.anchors = {
- return $( "a", this )[ 0 ];
- })
- .addClass( "ui-tabs-anchor" )
- .attr({
- role: "presentation",
- tabIndex: -1
- });
- this.panels = $();
- this.anchors.each(function( i, anchor ) {
- var selector, panel, panelId,
- anchorId = $( anchor ).uniqueId().attr( "id" ),
- tab = $( anchor ).closest( "li" ),
- originalAriaControls = tab.attr( "aria-controls" );
- // inline tab
- if ( that._isLocal( anchor ) ) {
- selector = anchor.hash;
- panelId = selector.substring( 1 );
- panel = that.element.find( that._sanitizeSelector( selector ) );
- // remote tab
- } else {
- // If the tab doesn't already have aria-controls,
- // generate an id by using a throw-away element
- panelId = tab.attr( "aria-controls" ) || $( {} ).uniqueId()[ 0 ].id;
- selector = "#" + panelId;
- panel = that.element.find( selector );
- if ( !panel.length ) {
- panel = that._createPanel( panelId );
- panel.insertAfter( that.panels[ i - 1 ] || that.tablist );
- }
- panel.attr( "aria-live", "polite" );
- }
- if ( panel.length) {
- that.panels = that.panels.add( panel );
- }
- if ( originalAriaControls ) {
- "ui-tabs-aria-controls", originalAriaControls );
- }
- tab.attr({
- "aria-controls": panelId,
- "aria-labelledby": anchorId
- });
- panel.attr( "aria-labelledby", anchorId );
- });
- this.panels
- .addClass( "ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" )
- .attr( "role", "tabpanel" );
- // Avoid memory leaks (#10056)
- if ( prevTabs ) {
- this._off( prevTabs.not( this.tabs ) );
- this._off( prevAnchors.not( this.anchors ) );
- this._off( prevPanels.not( this.panels ) );
- }
- },
- // allow overriding how to find the list for rare usage scenarios (#7715)
- _getList: function() {
- return this.tablist || this.element.find( "ol,ul" ).eq( 0 );
- },
- _createPanel: function( id ) {
- return $( "<div>" )
- .attr( "id", id )
- .addClass( "ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" )
- .data( "ui-tabs-destroy", true );
- },
- _setupDisabled: function( disabled ) {
- if ( $.isArray( disabled ) ) {
- if ( !disabled.length ) {
- disabled = false;
- } else if ( disabled.length === this.anchors.length ) {
- disabled = true;
- }
- }
- // disable tabs
- for ( var i = 0, li; ( li = this.tabs[ i ] ); i++ ) {
- if ( disabled === true || $.inArray( i, disabled ) !== -1 ) {
- $( li )
- .addClass( "ui-state-disabled" )
- .attr( "aria-disabled", "true" );
- } else {
- $( li )
- .removeClass( "ui-state-disabled" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-disabled" );
- }
- }
- this.options.disabled = disabled;
- },
- _setupEvents: function( event ) {
- var events = {};
- if ( event ) {
- $.each( event.split(" "), function( index, eventName ) {
- events[ eventName ] = "_eventHandler";
- });
- }
- this._off( this.anchors.add( this.tabs ).add( this.panels ) );
- // Always prevent the default action, even when disabled
- this._on( true, this.anchors, {
- click: function( event ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- });
- this._on( this.anchors, events );
- this._on( this.tabs, { keydown: "_tabKeydown" } );
- this._on( this.panels, { keydown: "_panelKeydown" } );
- this._focusable( this.tabs );
- this._hoverable( this.tabs );
- },
- _setupHeightStyle: function( heightStyle ) {
- var maxHeight,
- parent = this.element.parent();
- if ( heightStyle === "fill" ) {
- maxHeight = parent.height();
- maxHeight -= this.element.outerHeight() - this.element.height();
- this.element.siblings( ":visible" ).each(function() {
- var elem = $( this ),
- position = elem.css( "position" );
- if ( position === "absolute" || position === "fixed" ) {
- return;
- }
- maxHeight -= elem.outerHeight( true );
- });
- this.element.children().not( this.panels ).each(function() {
- maxHeight -= $( this ).outerHeight( true );
- });
- this.panels.each(function() {
- $( this ).height( Math.max( 0, maxHeight -
- $( this ).innerHeight() + $( this ).height() ) );
- })
- .css( "overflow", "auto" );
- } else if ( heightStyle === "auto" ) {
- maxHeight = 0;
- this.panels.each(function() {
- maxHeight = Math.max( maxHeight, $( this ).height( "" ).height() );
- }).height( maxHeight );
- }
- },
- _eventHandler: function( event ) {
- var options = this.options,
- active =,
- anchor = $( event.currentTarget ),
- tab = anchor.closest( "li" ),
- clickedIsActive = tab[ 0 ] === active[ 0 ],
- collapsing = clickedIsActive && options.collapsible,
- toShow = collapsing ? $() : this._getPanelForTab( tab ),
- toHide = !active.length ? $() : this._getPanelForTab( active ),
- eventData = {
- oldTab: active,
- oldPanel: toHide,
- newTab: collapsing ? $() : tab,
- newPanel: toShow
- };
- event.preventDefault();
- if ( tab.hasClass( "ui-state-disabled" ) ||
- // tab is already loading
- tab.hasClass( "ui-tabs-loading" ) ||
- // can't switch durning an animation
- this.running ||
- // click on active header, but not collapsible
- ( clickedIsActive && !options.collapsible ) ||
- // allow canceling activation
- ( this._trigger( "beforeActivate", event, eventData ) === false ) ) {
- return;
- }
- = collapsing ? false : this.tabs.index( tab );
- = clickedIsActive ? $() : tab;
- if ( this.xhr ) {
- this.xhr.abort();
- }
- if ( !toHide.length && !toShow.length ) {
- $.error( "jQuery UI Tabs: Mismatching fragment identifier." );
- }
- if ( toShow.length ) {
- this.load( this.tabs.index( tab ), event );
- }
- this._toggle( event, eventData );
- },
- // handles show/hide for selecting tabs
- _toggle: function( event, eventData ) {
- var that = this,
- toShow = eventData.newPanel,
- toHide = eventData.oldPanel;
- this.running = true;
- function complete() {
- that.running = false;
- that._trigger( "activate", event, eventData );
- }
- function show() {
- eventData.newTab.closest( "li" ).addClass( "ui-tabs-active ui-state-active" );
- if ( toShow.length && ) {
- that._show( toShow,, complete );
- } else {
- complete();
- }
- }
- // start out by hiding, then showing, then completing
- if ( toHide.length && this.options.hide ) {
- this._hide( toHide, this.options.hide, function() {
- eventData.oldTab.closest( "li" ).removeClass( "ui-tabs-active ui-state-active" );
- show();
- });
- } else {
- eventData.oldTab.closest( "li" ).removeClass( "ui-tabs-active ui-state-active" );
- toHide.hide();
- show();
- }
- toHide.attr( "aria-hidden", "true" );
- eventData.oldTab.attr({
- "aria-selected": "false",
- "aria-expanded": "false"
- });
- // If we're switching tabs, remove the old tab from the tab order.
- // If we're opening from collapsed state, remove the previous tab from the tab order.
- // If we're collapsing, then keep the collapsing tab in the tab order.
- if ( toShow.length && toHide.length ) {
- eventData.oldTab.attr( "tabIndex", -1 );
- } else if ( toShow.length ) {
- this.tabs.filter(function() {
- return $( this ).attr( "tabIndex" ) === 0;
- })
- .attr( "tabIndex", -1 );
- }
- toShow.attr( "aria-hidden", "false" );
- eventData.newTab.attr({
- "aria-selected": "true",
- "aria-expanded": "true",
- tabIndex: 0
- });
- },
- _activate: function( index ) {
- var anchor,
- active = this._findActive( index );
- // trying to activate the already active panel
- if ( active[ 0 ] ===[ 0 ] ) {
- return;
- }
- // trying to collapse, simulate a click on the current active header
- if ( !active.length ) {
- active =;
- }
- anchor = active.find( ".ui-tabs-anchor" )[ 0 ];
- this._eventHandler({
- target: anchor,
- currentTarget: anchor,
- preventDefault: $.noop
- });
- },
- _findActive: function( index ) {
- return index === false ? $() : this.tabs.eq( index );
- },
- _getIndex: function( index ) {
- // meta-function to give users option to provide a href string instead of a numerical index.
- if ( typeof index === "string" ) {
- index = this.anchors.index( this.anchors.filter( "[href$='" + index + "']" ) );
- }
- return index;
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- if ( this.xhr ) {
- this.xhr.abort();
- }
- this.element.removeClass( "ui-tabs ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-tabs-collapsible" );
- this.tablist
- .removeClass( "ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" )
- .removeAttr( "role" );
- this.anchors
- .removeClass( "ui-tabs-anchor" )
- .removeAttr( "role" )
- .removeAttr( "tabIndex" )
- .removeUniqueId();
- this.tablist.unbind( this.eventNamespace );
- this.tabs.add( this.panels ).each(function() {
- if ( $.data( this, "ui-tabs-destroy" ) ) {
- $( this ).remove();
- } else {
- $( this )
- .removeClass( "ui-state-default ui-state-active ui-state-disabled " +
- "ui-corner-top ui-corner-bottom ui-widget-content ui-tabs-active ui-tabs-panel" )
- .removeAttr( "tabIndex" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-live" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-busy" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-selected" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-labelledby" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-hidden" )
- .removeAttr( "aria-expanded" )
- .removeAttr( "role" );
- }
- });
- this.tabs.each(function() {
- var li = $( this ),
- prev = "ui-tabs-aria-controls" );
- if ( prev ) {
- li
- .attr( "aria-controls", prev )
- .removeData( "ui-tabs-aria-controls" );
- } else {
- li.removeAttr( "aria-controls" );
- }
- });
- if ( this.options.heightStyle !== "content" ) {
- this.panels.css( "height", "" );
- }
- },
- enable: function( index ) {
- var disabled = this.options.disabled;
- if ( disabled === false ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( index === undefined ) {
- disabled = false;
- } else {
- index = this._getIndex( index );
- if ( $.isArray( disabled ) ) {
- disabled = $.map( disabled, function( num ) {
- return num !== index ? num : null;
- });
- } else {
- disabled = $.map( this.tabs, function( li, num ) {
- return num !== index ? num : null;
- });
- }
- }
- this._setupDisabled( disabled );
- },
- disable: function( index ) {
- var disabled = this.options.disabled;
- if ( disabled === true ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( index === undefined ) {
- disabled = true;
- } else {
- index = this._getIndex( index );
- if ( $.inArray( index, disabled ) !== -1 ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( $.isArray( disabled ) ) {
- disabled = $.merge( [ index ], disabled ).sort();
- } else {
- disabled = [ index ];
- }
- }
- this._setupDisabled( disabled );
- },
- load: function( index, event ) {
- index = this._getIndex( index );
- var that = this,
- tab = this.tabs.eq( index ),
- anchor = tab.find( ".ui-tabs-anchor" ),
- panel = this._getPanelForTab( tab ),
- eventData = {
- tab: tab,
- panel: panel
- },
- complete = function( jqXHR, status ) {
- if ( status === "abort" ) {
- that.panels.stop( false, true );
- }
- tab.removeClass( "ui-tabs-loading" );
- panel.removeAttr( "aria-busy" );
- if ( jqXHR === that.xhr ) {
- delete that.xhr;
- }
- };
- // not remote
- if ( this._isLocal( anchor[ 0 ] ) ) {
- return;
- }
- this.xhr = $.ajax( this._ajaxSettings( anchor, event, eventData ) );
- // support: jQuery <1.8
- // jQuery <1.8 returns false if the request is canceled in beforeSend,
- // but as of 1.8, $.ajax() always returns a jqXHR object.
- if ( this.xhr && this.xhr.statusText !== "canceled" ) {
- tab.addClass( "ui-tabs-loading" );
- panel.attr( "aria-busy", "true" );
- this.xhr
- .done(function( response, status, jqXHR ) {
- // support: jQuery <1.8
- //
- setTimeout(function() {
- panel.html( response );
- that._trigger( "load", event, eventData );
- complete( jqXHR, status );
- }, 1 );
- })
- .fail(function( jqXHR, status ) {
- // support: jQuery <1.8
- //
- setTimeout(function() {
- complete( jqXHR, status );
- }, 1 );
- });
- }
- },
- _ajaxSettings: function( anchor, event, eventData ) {
- var that = this;
- return {
- url: anchor.attr( "href" ),
- beforeSend: function( jqXHR, settings ) {
- return that._trigger( "beforeLoad", event,
- $.extend( { jqXHR: jqXHR, ajaxSettings: settings }, eventData ) );
- }
- };
- },
- _getPanelForTab: function( tab ) {
- var id = $( tab ).attr( "aria-controls" );
- return this.element.find( this._sanitizeSelector( "#" + id ) );
- }
- });
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Tooltip 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var tooltip = $.widget( "ui.tooltip", {
- version: "1.11.4",
- options: {
- content: function() {
- // support: IE<9, Opera in jQuery <1.7
- // .text() can't accept undefined, so coerce to a string
- var title = $( this ).attr( "title" ) || "";
- // Escape title, since we're going from an attribute to raw HTML
- return $( "<a>" ).text( title ).html();
- },
- hide: true,
- // Disabled elements have inconsistent behavior across browsers (#8661)
- items: "[title]:not([disabled])",
- position: {
- my: "left top+15",
- at: "left bottom",
- collision: "flipfit flip"
- },
- show: true,
- tooltipClass: null,
- track: false,
- // callbacks
- close: null,
- open: null
- },
- _addDescribedBy: function( elem, id ) {
- var describedby = (elem.attr( "aria-describedby" ) || "").split( /\s+/ );
- describedby.push( id );
- elem
- .data( "ui-tooltip-id", id )
- .attr( "aria-describedby", $.trim( describedby.join( " " ) ) );
- },
- _removeDescribedBy: function( elem ) {
- var id = "ui-tooltip-id" ),
- describedby = (elem.attr( "aria-describedby" ) || "").split( /\s+/ ),
- index = $.inArray( id, describedby );
- if ( index !== -1 ) {
- describedby.splice( index, 1 );
- }
- elem.removeData( "ui-tooltip-id" );
- describedby = $.trim( describedby.join( " " ) );
- if ( describedby ) {
- elem.attr( "aria-describedby", describedby );
- } else {
- elem.removeAttr( "aria-describedby" );
- }
- },
- _create: function() {
- this._on({
- mouseover: "open",
- focusin: "open"
- });
- // IDs of generated tooltips, needed for destroy
- this.tooltips = {};
- // IDs of parent tooltips where we removed the title attribute
- this.parents = {};
- if ( this.options.disabled ) {
- this._disable();
- }
- // Append the aria-live region so tooltips announce correctly
- this.liveRegion = $( "<div>" )
- .attr({
- role: "log",
- "aria-live": "assertive",
- "aria-relevant": "additions"
- })
- .addClass( "ui-helper-hidden-accessible" )
- .appendTo( this.document[ 0 ].body );
- },
- _setOption: function( key, value ) {
- var that = this;
- if ( key === "disabled" ) {
- this[ value ? "_disable" : "_enable" ]();
- this.options[ key ] = value;
- // disable element style changes
- return;
- }
- this._super( key, value );
- if ( key === "content" ) {
- $.each( this.tooltips, function( id, tooltipData ) {
- that._updateContent( tooltipData.element );
- });
- }
- },
- _disable: function() {
- var that = this;
- // close open tooltips
- $.each( this.tooltips, function( id, tooltipData ) {
- var event = $.Event( "blur" );
- = event.currentTarget = tooltipData.element[ 0 ];
- that.close( event, true );
- });
- // remove title attributes to prevent native tooltips
- this.element.find( this.options.items ).addBack().each(function() {
- var element = $( this );
- if ( "[title]" ) ) {
- element
- .data( "ui-tooltip-title", element.attr( "title" ) )
- .removeAttr( "title" );
- }
- });
- },
- _enable: function() {
- // restore title attributes
- this.element.find( this.options.items ).addBack().each(function() {
- var element = $( this );
- if ( "ui-tooltip-title" ) ) {
- element.attr( "title", "ui-tooltip-title" ) );
- }
- });
- },
- open: function( event ) {
- var that = this,
- target = $( event ? : this.element )
- // we need closest here due to mouseover bubbling,
- // but always pointing at the same event target
- .closest( this.options.items );
- // No element to show a tooltip for or the tooltip is already open
- if ( !target.length || "ui-tooltip-id" ) ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( target.attr( "title" ) ) {
- "ui-tooltip-title", target.attr( "title" ) );
- }
- "ui-tooltip-open", true );
- // kill parent tooltips, custom or native, for hover
- if ( event && event.type === "mouseover" ) {
- target.parents().each(function() {
- var parent = $( this ),
- blurEvent;
- if ( "ui-tooltip-open" ) ) {
- blurEvent = $.Event( "blur" );
- = blurEvent.currentTarget = this;
- that.close( blurEvent, true );
- }
- if ( parent.attr( "title" ) ) {
- parent.uniqueId();
- that.parents[ ] = {
- element: this,
- title: parent.attr( "title" )
- };
- parent.attr( "title", "" );
- }
- });
- }
- this._registerCloseHandlers( event, target );
- this._updateContent( target, event );
- },
- _updateContent: function( target, event ) {
- var content,
- contentOption = this.options.content,
- that = this,
- eventType = event ? event.type : null;
- if ( typeof contentOption === "string" ) {
- return this._open( event, target, contentOption );
- }
- content = target[0], function( response ) {
- // IE may instantly serve a cached response for ajax requests
- // delay this call to _open so the other call to _open runs first
- that._delay(function() {
- // Ignore async response if tooltip was closed already
- if ( ! "ui-tooltip-open" ) ) {
- return;
- }
- // jQuery creates a special event for focusin when it doesn't
- // exist natively. To improve performance, the native event
- // object is reused and the type is changed. Therefore, we can't
- // rely on the type being correct after the event finished
- // bubbling, so we set it back to the previous value. (#8740)
- if ( event ) {
- event.type = eventType;
- }
- this._open( event, target, response );
- });
- });
- if ( content ) {
- this._open( event, target, content );
- }
- },
- _open: function( event, target, content ) {
- var tooltipData, tooltip, delayedShow, a11yContent,
- positionOption = $.extend( {}, this.options.position );
- if ( !content ) {
- return;
- }
- // Content can be updated multiple times. If the tooltip already
- // exists, then just update the content and bail.
- tooltipData = this._find( target );
- if ( tooltipData ) {
- tooltipData.tooltip.find( ".ui-tooltip-content" ).html( content );
- return;
- }
- // if we have a title, clear it to prevent the native tooltip
- // we have to check first to avoid defining a title if none exists
- // (we don't want to cause an element to start matching [title])
- //
- // We use removeAttr only for key events, to allow IE to export the correct
- // accessible attributes. For mouse events, set to empty string to avoid
- // native tooltip showing up (happens only when removing inside mouseover).
- if ( "[title]" ) ) {
- if ( event && event.type === "mouseover" ) {
- target.attr( "title", "" );
- } else {
- target.removeAttr( "title" );
- }
- }
- tooltipData = this._tooltip( target );
- tooltip = tooltipData.tooltip;
- this._addDescribedBy( target, tooltip.attr( "id" ) );
- tooltip.find( ".ui-tooltip-content" ).html( content );
- // Support: Voiceover on OS X, JAWS on IE <= 9
- // JAWS announces deletions even when aria-relevant="additions"
- // Voiceover will sometimes re-read the entire log region's contents from the beginning
- this.liveRegion.children().hide();
- if ( content.clone ) {
- a11yContent = content.clone();
- a11yContent.removeAttr( "id" ).find( "[id]" ).removeAttr( "id" );
- } else {
- a11yContent = content;
- }
- $( "<div>" ).html( a11yContent ).appendTo( this.liveRegion );
- function position( event ) {
- positionOption.of = event;
- if ( ":hidden" ) ) {
- return;
- }
- tooltip.position( positionOption );
- }
- if ( this.options.track && event && /^mouse/.test( event.type ) ) {
- this._on( this.document, {
- mousemove: position
- });
- // trigger once to override element-relative positioning
- position( event );
- } else {
- tooltip.position( $.extend({
- of: target
- }, this.options.position ) );
- }
- tooltip.hide();
- this._show( tooltip, );
- // Handle tracking tooltips that are shown with a delay (#8644). As soon
- // as the tooltip is visible, position the tooltip using the most recent
- // event.
- if ( && ) {
- delayedShow = this.delayedShow = setInterval(function() {
- if ( ":visible" ) ) {
- position( positionOption.of );
- clearInterval( delayedShow );
- }
- }, $.fx.interval );
- }
- this._trigger( "open", event, { tooltip: tooltip } );
- },
- _registerCloseHandlers: function( event, target ) {
- var events = {
- keyup: function( event ) {
- if ( event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE ) {
- var fakeEvent = $.Event(event);
- fakeEvent.currentTarget = target[0];
- this.close( fakeEvent, true );
- }
- }
- };
- // Only bind remove handler for delegated targets. Non-delegated
- // tooltips will handle this in destroy.
- if ( target[ 0 ] !== this.element[ 0 ] ) {
- events.remove = function() {
- this._removeTooltip( this._find( target ).tooltip );
- };
- }
- if ( !event || event.type === "mouseover" ) {
- events.mouseleave = "close";
- }
- if ( !event || event.type === "focusin" ) {
- events.focusout = "close";
- }
- this._on( true, target, events );
- },
- close: function( event ) {
- var tooltip,
- that = this,
- target = $( event ? event.currentTarget : this.element ),
- tooltipData = this._find( target );
- // The tooltip may already be closed
- if ( !tooltipData ) {
- // We set ui-tooltip-open immediately upon open (in open()), but only set the
- // additional data once there's actually content to show (in _open()). So even if the
- // tooltip doesn't have full data, we always remove ui-tooltip-open in case we're in
- // the period between open() and _open().
- target.removeData( "ui-tooltip-open" );
- return;
- }
- tooltip = tooltipData.tooltip;
- // disabling closes the tooltip, so we need to track when we're closing
- // to avoid an infinite loop in case the tooltip becomes disabled on close
- if ( tooltipData.closing ) {
- return;
- }
- // Clear the interval for delayed tracking tooltips
- clearInterval( this.delayedShow );
- // only set title if we had one before (see comment in _open())
- // If the title attribute has changed since open(), don't restore
- if ( "ui-tooltip-title" ) && !target.attr( "title" ) ) {
- target.attr( "title", "ui-tooltip-title" ) );
- }
- this._removeDescribedBy( target );
- tooltipData.hiding = true;
- tooltip.stop( true );
- this._hide( tooltip, this.options.hide, function() {
- that._removeTooltip( $( this ) );
- });
- target.removeData( "ui-tooltip-open" );
- this._off( target, "mouseleave focusout keyup" );
- // Remove 'remove' binding only on delegated targets
- if ( target[ 0 ] !== this.element[ 0 ] ) {
- this._off( target, "remove" );
- }
- this._off( this.document, "mousemove" );
- if ( event && event.type === "mouseleave" ) {
- $.each( this.parents, function( id, parent ) {
- $( parent.element ).attr( "title", parent.title );
- delete that.parents[ id ];
- });
- }
- tooltipData.closing = true;
- this._trigger( "close", event, { tooltip: tooltip } );
- if ( !tooltipData.hiding ) {
- tooltipData.closing = false;
- }
- },
- _tooltip: function( element ) {
- var tooltip = $( "<div>" )
- .attr( "role", "tooltip" )
- .addClass( "ui-tooltip ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-widget-content " +
- ( this.options.tooltipClass || "" ) ),
- id = tooltip.uniqueId().attr( "id" );
- $( "<div>" )
- .addClass( "ui-tooltip-content" )
- .appendTo( tooltip );
- tooltip.appendTo( this.document[0].body );
- return this.tooltips[ id ] = {
- element: element,
- tooltip: tooltip
- };
- },
- _find: function( target ) {
- var id = "ui-tooltip-id" );
- return id ? this.tooltips[ id ] : null;
- },
- _removeTooltip: function( tooltip ) {
- tooltip.remove();
- delete this.tooltips[ tooltip.attr( "id" ) ];
- },
- _destroy: function() {
- var that = this;
- // close open tooltips
- $.each( this.tooltips, function( id, tooltipData ) {
- // Delegate to close method to handle common cleanup
- var event = $.Event( "blur" ),
- element = tooltipData.element;
- = event.currentTarget = element[ 0 ];
- that.close( event, true );
- // Remove immediately; destroying an open tooltip doesn't use the
- // hide animation
- $( "#" + id ).remove();
- // Restore the title
- if ( "ui-tooltip-title" ) ) {
- // If the title attribute has changed since open(), don't restore
- if ( !element.attr( "title" ) ) {
- element.attr( "title", "ui-tooltip-title" ) );
- }
- element.removeData( "ui-tooltip-title" );
- }
- });
- this.liveRegion.remove();
- }
- });
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var dataSpace = "ui-effects-",
- // Create a local jQuery because jQuery Color relies on it and the
- // global may not exist with AMD and a custom build (#10199)
- jQuery = $;
- $.effects = {
- effect: {}
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery Color Animations v2.1.2
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2014 jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- * Date: Wed Jan 16 08:47:09 2013 -0600
- */
- (function( jQuery, undefined ) {
- var stepHooks = "backgroundColor borderBottomColor borderLeftColor borderRightColor borderTopColor color columnRuleColor outlineColor textDecorationColor textEmphasisColor",
- // plusequals test for += 100 -= 100
- rplusequals = /^([\-+])=\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/,
- // a set of RE's that can match strings and generate color tuples.
- stringParsers = [ {
- re: /rgba?\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,
- parse: function( execResult ) {
- return [
- execResult[ 1 ],
- execResult[ 2 ],
- execResult[ 3 ],
- execResult[ 4 ]
- ];
- }
- }, {
- re: /rgba?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,
- parse: function( execResult ) {
- return [
- execResult[ 1 ] * 2.55,
- execResult[ 2 ] * 2.55,
- execResult[ 3 ] * 2.55,
- execResult[ 4 ]
- ];
- }
- }, {
- // this regex ignores A-F because it's compared against an already lowercased string
- re: /#([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})([a-f0-9]{2})/,
- parse: function( execResult ) {
- return [
- parseInt( execResult[ 1 ], 16 ),
- parseInt( execResult[ 2 ], 16 ),
- parseInt( execResult[ 3 ], 16 )
- ];
- }
- }, {
- // this regex ignores A-F because it's compared against an already lowercased string
- re: /#([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])([a-f0-9])/,
- parse: function( execResult ) {
- return [
- parseInt( execResult[ 1 ] + execResult[ 1 ], 16 ),
- parseInt( execResult[ 2 ] + execResult[ 2 ], 16 ),
- parseInt( execResult[ 3 ] + execResult[ 3 ], 16 )
- ];
- }
- }, {
- re: /hsla?\(\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*,\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\%\s*(?:,\s*(\d?(?:\.\d+)?)\s*)?\)/,
- space: "hsla",
- parse: function( execResult ) {
- return [
- execResult[ 1 ],
- execResult[ 2 ] / 100,
- execResult[ 3 ] / 100,
- execResult[ 4 ]
- ];
- }
- } ],
- // jQuery.Color( )
- color = jQuery.Color = function( color, green, blue, alpha ) {
- return new jQuery.Color.fn.parse( color, green, blue, alpha );
- },
- spaces = {
- rgba: {
- props: {
- red: {
- idx: 0,
- type: "byte"
- },
- green: {
- idx: 1,
- type: "byte"
- },
- blue: {
- idx: 2,
- type: "byte"
- }
- }
- },
- hsla: {
- props: {
- hue: {
- idx: 0,
- type: "degrees"
- },
- saturation: {
- idx: 1,
- type: "percent"
- },
- lightness: {
- idx: 2,
- type: "percent"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- propTypes = {
- "byte": {
- floor: true,
- max: 255
- },
- "percent": {
- max: 1
- },
- "degrees": {
- mod: 360,
- floor: true
- }
- },
- support = = {},
- // element for support tests
- supportElem = jQuery( "<p>" )[ 0 ],
- // colors = jQuery.Color.names
- colors,
- // local aliases of functions called often
- each = jQuery.each;
- // determine rgba support immediately
- = "background-color:rgba(1,1,1,.5)";
- support.rgba = "rgba" ) > -1;
- // define cache name and alpha properties
- // for rgba and hsla spaces
- each( spaces, function( spaceName, space ) {
- space.cache = "_" + spaceName;
- space.props.alpha = {
- idx: 3,
- type: "percent",
- def: 1
- };
- });
- function clamp( value, prop, allowEmpty ) {
- var type = propTypes[ prop.type ] || {};
- if ( value == null ) {
- return (allowEmpty || !prop.def) ? null : prop.def;
- }
- // ~~ is an short way of doing floor for positive numbers
- value = type.floor ? ~~value : parseFloat( value );
- // IE will pass in empty strings as value for alpha,
- // which will hit this case
- if ( isNaN( value ) ) {
- return prop.def;
- }
- if ( type.mod ) {
- // we add mod before modding to make sure that negatives values
- // get converted properly: -10 -> 350
- return (value + type.mod) % type.mod;
- }
- // for now all property types without mod have min and max
- return 0 > value ? 0 : type.max < value ? type.max : value;
- }
- function stringParse( string ) {
- var inst = color(),
- rgba = inst._rgba = [];
- string = string.toLowerCase();
- each( stringParsers, function( i, parser ) {
- var parsed,
- match = string ),
- values = match && parser.parse( match ),
- spaceName = || "rgba";
- if ( values ) {
- parsed = inst[ spaceName ]( values );
- // if this was an rgba parse the assignment might happen twice
- // oh well....
- inst[ spaces[ spaceName ].cache ] = parsed[ spaces[ spaceName ].cache ];
- rgba = inst._rgba = parsed._rgba;
- // exit each( stringParsers ) here because we matched
- return false;
- }
- });
- // Found a stringParser that handled it
- if ( rgba.length ) {
- // if this came from a parsed string, force "transparent" when alpha is 0
- // chrome, (and maybe others) return "transparent" as rgba(0,0,0,0)
- if ( rgba.join() === "0,0,0,0" ) {
- jQuery.extend( rgba, colors.transparent );
- }
- return inst;
- }
- // named colors
- return colors[ string ];
- }
- color.fn = jQuery.extend( color.prototype, {
- parse: function( red, green, blue, alpha ) {
- if ( red === undefined ) {
- this._rgba = [ null, null, null, null ];
- return this;
- }
- if ( red.jquery || red.nodeType ) {
- red = jQuery( red ).css( green );
- green = undefined;
- }
- var inst = this,
- type = jQuery.type( red ),
- rgba = this._rgba = [];
- // more than 1 argument specified - assume ( red, green, blue, alpha )
- if ( green !== undefined ) {
- red = [ red, green, blue, alpha ];
- type = "array";
- }
- if ( type === "string" ) {
- return this.parse( stringParse( red ) || colors._default );
- }
- if ( type === "array" ) {
- each( spaces.rgba.props, function( key, prop ) {
- rgba[ prop.idx ] = clamp( red[ prop.idx ], prop );
- });
- return this;
- }
- if ( type === "object" ) {
- if ( red instanceof color ) {
- each( spaces, function( spaceName, space ) {
- if ( red[ space.cache ] ) {
- inst[ space.cache ] = red[ space.cache ].slice();
- }
- });
- } else {
- each( spaces, function( spaceName, space ) {
- var cache = space.cache;
- each( space.props, function( key, prop ) {
- // if the cache doesn't exist, and we know how to convert
- if ( !inst[ cache ] && ) {
- // if the value was null, we don't need to copy it
- // if the key was alpha, we don't need to copy it either
- if ( key === "alpha" || red[ key ] == null ) {
- return;
- }
- inst[ cache ] = inst._rgba );
- }
- // this is the only case where we allow nulls for ALL properties.
- // call clamp with alwaysAllowEmpty
- inst[ cache ][ prop.idx ] = clamp( red[ key ], prop, true );
- });
- // everything defined but alpha?
- if ( inst[ cache ] && jQuery.inArray( null, inst[ cache ].slice( 0, 3 ) ) < 0 ) {
- // use the default of 1
- inst[ cache ][ 3 ] = 1;
- if ( space.from ) {
- inst._rgba = space.from( inst[ cache ] );
- }
- }
- });
- }
- return this;
- }
- },
- is: function( compare ) {
- var is = color( compare ),
- same = true,
- inst = this;
- each( spaces, function( _, space ) {
- var localCache,
- isCache = is[ space.cache ];
- if (isCache) {
- localCache = inst[ space.cache ] || && inst._rgba ) || [];
- each( space.props, function( _, prop ) {
- if ( isCache[ prop.idx ] != null ) {
- same = ( isCache[ prop.idx ] === localCache[ prop.idx ] );
- return same;
- }
- });
- }
- return same;
- });
- return same;
- },
- _space: function() {
- var used = [],
- inst = this;
- each( spaces, function( spaceName, space ) {
- if ( inst[ space.cache ] ) {
- used.push( spaceName );
- }
- });
- return used.pop();
- },
- transition: function( other, distance ) {
- var end = color( other ),
- spaceName = end._space(),
- space = spaces[ spaceName ],
- startColor = this.alpha() === 0 ? color( "transparent" ) : this,
- start = startColor[ space.cache ] || startColor._rgba ),
- result = start.slice();
- end = end[ space.cache ];
- each( space.props, function( key, prop ) {
- var index = prop.idx,
- startValue = start[ index ],
- endValue = end[ index ],
- type = propTypes[ prop.type ] || {};
- // if null, don't override start value
- if ( endValue === null ) {
- return;
- }
- // if null - use end
- if ( startValue === null ) {
- result[ index ] = endValue;
- } else {
- if ( type.mod ) {
- if ( endValue - startValue > type.mod / 2 ) {
- startValue += type.mod;
- } else if ( startValue - endValue > type.mod / 2 ) {
- startValue -= type.mod;
- }
- }
- result[ index ] = clamp( ( endValue - startValue ) * distance + startValue, prop );
- }
- });
- return this[ spaceName ]( result );
- },
- blend: function( opaque ) {
- // if we are already opaque - return ourself
- if ( this._rgba[ 3 ] === 1 ) {
- return this;
- }
- var rgb = this._rgba.slice(),
- a = rgb.pop(),
- blend = color( opaque )._rgba;
- return color( rgb, function( v, i ) {
- return ( 1 - a ) * blend[ i ] + a * v;
- }));
- },
- toRgbaString: function() {
- var prefix = "rgba(",
- rgba = this._rgba, function( v, i ) {
- return v == null ? ( i > 2 ? 1 : 0 ) : v;
- });
- if ( rgba[ 3 ] === 1 ) {
- rgba.pop();
- prefix = "rgb(";
- }
- return prefix + rgba.join() + ")";
- },
- toHslaString: function() {
- var prefix = "hsla(",
- hsla = this.hsla(), function( v, i ) {
- if ( v == null ) {
- v = i > 2 ? 1 : 0;
- }
- // catch 1 and 2
- if ( i && i < 3 ) {
- v = Math.round( v * 100 ) + "%";
- }
- return v;
- });
- if ( hsla[ 3 ] === 1 ) {
- hsla.pop();
- prefix = "hsl(";
- }
- return prefix + hsla.join() + ")";
- },
- toHexString: function( includeAlpha ) {
- var rgba = this._rgba.slice(),
- alpha = rgba.pop();
- if ( includeAlpha ) {
- rgba.push( ~~( alpha * 255 ) );
- }
- return "#" + rgba, function( v ) {
- // default to 0 when nulls exist
- v = ( v || 0 ).toString( 16 );
- return v.length === 1 ? "0" + v : v;
- }).join("");
- },
- toString: function() {
- return this._rgba[ 3 ] === 0 ? "transparent" : this.toRgbaString();
- }
- });
- color.fn.parse.prototype = color.fn;
- // hsla conversions adapted from:
- //
- function hue2rgb( p, q, h ) {
- h = ( h + 1 ) % 1;
- if ( h * 6 < 1 ) {
- return p + ( q - p ) * h * 6;
- }
- if ( h * 2 < 1) {
- return q;
- }
- if ( h * 3 < 2 ) {
- return p + ( q - p ) * ( ( 2 / 3 ) - h ) * 6;
- }
- return p;
- }
- = function( rgba ) {
- if ( rgba[ 0 ] == null || rgba[ 1 ] == null || rgba[ 2 ] == null ) {
- return [ null, null, null, rgba[ 3 ] ];
- }
- var r = rgba[ 0 ] / 255,
- g = rgba[ 1 ] / 255,
- b = rgba[ 2 ] / 255,
- a = rgba[ 3 ],
- max = Math.max( r, g, b ),
- min = Math.min( r, g, b ),
- diff = max - min,
- add = max + min,
- l = add * 0.5,
- h, s;
- if ( min === max ) {
- h = 0;
- } else if ( r === max ) {
- h = ( 60 * ( g - b ) / diff ) + 360;
- } else if ( g === max ) {
- h = ( 60 * ( b - r ) / diff ) + 120;
- } else {
- h = ( 60 * ( r - g ) / diff ) + 240;
- }
- // chroma (diff) == 0 means greyscale which, by definition, saturation = 0%
- // otherwise, saturation is based on the ratio of chroma (diff) to lightness (add)
- if ( diff === 0 ) {
- s = 0;
- } else if ( l <= 0.5 ) {
- s = diff / add;
- } else {
- s = diff / ( 2 - add );
- }
- return [ Math.round(h) % 360, s, l, a == null ? 1 : a ];
- };
- spaces.hsla.from = function( hsla ) {
- if ( hsla[ 0 ] == null || hsla[ 1 ] == null || hsla[ 2 ] == null ) {
- return [ null, null, null, hsla[ 3 ] ];
- }
- var h = hsla[ 0 ] / 360,
- s = hsla[ 1 ],
- l = hsla[ 2 ],
- a = hsla[ 3 ],
- q = l <= 0.5 ? l * ( 1 + s ) : l + s - l * s,
- p = 2 * l - q;
- return [
- Math.round( hue2rgb( p, q, h + ( 1 / 3 ) ) * 255 ),
- Math.round( hue2rgb( p, q, h ) * 255 ),
- Math.round( hue2rgb( p, q, h - ( 1 / 3 ) ) * 255 ),
- a
- ];
- };
- each( spaces, function( spaceName, space ) {
- var props = space.props,
- cache = space.cache,
- to =,
- from = space.from;
- // makes rgba() and hsla()
- color.fn[ spaceName ] = function( value ) {
- // generate a cache for this space if it doesn't exist
- if ( to && !this[ cache ] ) {
- this[ cache ] = to( this._rgba );
- }
- if ( value === undefined ) {
- return this[ cache ].slice();
- }
- var ret,
- type = jQuery.type( value ),
- arr = ( type === "array" || type === "object" ) ? value : arguments,
- local = this[ cache ].slice();
- each( props, function( key, prop ) {
- var val = arr[ type === "object" ? key : prop.idx ];
- if ( val == null ) {
- val = local[ prop.idx ];
- }
- local[ prop.idx ] = clamp( val, prop );
- });
- if ( from ) {
- ret = color( from( local ) );
- ret[ cache ] = local;
- return ret;
- } else {
- return color( local );
- }
- };
- // makes red() green() blue() alpha() hue() saturation() lightness()
- each( props, function( key, prop ) {
- // alpha is included in more than one space
- if ( color.fn[ key ] ) {
- return;
- }
- color.fn[ key ] = function( value ) {
- var vtype = jQuery.type( value ),
- fn = ( key === "alpha" ? ( this._hsla ? "hsla" : "rgba" ) : spaceName ),
- local = this[ fn ](),
- cur = local[ prop.idx ],
- match;
- if ( vtype === "undefined" ) {
- return cur;
- }
- if ( vtype === "function" ) {
- value = this, cur );
- vtype = jQuery.type( value );
- }
- if ( value == null && prop.empty ) {
- return this;
- }
- if ( vtype === "string" ) {
- match = rplusequals.exec( value );
- if ( match ) {
- value = cur + parseFloat( match[ 2 ] ) * ( match[ 1 ] === "+" ? 1 : -1 );
- }
- }
- local[ prop.idx ] = value;
- return this[ fn ]( local );
- };
- });
- });
- // add cssHook and .fx.step function for each named hook.
- // accept a space separated string of properties
- color.hook = function( hook ) {
- var hooks = hook.split( " " );
- each( hooks, function( i, hook ) {
- jQuery.cssHooks[ hook ] = {
- set: function( elem, value ) {
- var parsed, curElem,
- backgroundColor = "";
- if ( value !== "transparent" && ( jQuery.type( value ) !== "string" || ( parsed = stringParse( value ) ) ) ) {
- value = color( parsed || value );
- if ( !support.rgba && value._rgba[ 3 ] !== 1 ) {
- curElem = hook === "backgroundColor" ? elem.parentNode : elem;
- while (
- (backgroundColor === "" || backgroundColor === "transparent") &&
- curElem &&
- ) {
- try {
- backgroundColor = jQuery.css( curElem, "backgroundColor" );
- curElem = curElem.parentNode;
- } catch ( e ) {
- }
- }
- value = value.blend( backgroundColor && backgroundColor !== "transparent" ?
- backgroundColor :
- "_default" );
- }
- value = value.toRgbaString();
- }
- try {
-[ hook ] = value;
- } catch ( e ) {
- // wrapped to prevent IE from throwing errors on "invalid" values like 'auto' or 'inherit'
- }
- }
- };
- jQuery.fx.step[ hook ] = function( fx ) {
- if ( !fx.colorInit ) {
- fx.start = color( fx.elem, hook );
- fx.end = color( fx.end );
- fx.colorInit = true;
- }
- jQuery.cssHooks[ hook ].set( fx.elem, fx.start.transition( fx.end, fx.pos ) );
- };
- });
- };
- color.hook( stepHooks );
- jQuery.cssHooks.borderColor = {
- expand: function( value ) {
- var expanded = {};
- each( [ "Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left" ], function( i, part ) {
- expanded[ "border" + part + "Color" ] = value;
- });
- return expanded;
- }
- };
- // Basic color names only.
- // Usage of any of the other color names requires adding yourself or including
- // jquery.color.svg-names.js.
- colors = jQuery.Color.names = {
- // 4.1. Basic color keywords
- aqua: "#00ffff",
- black: "#000000",
- blue: "#0000ff",
- fuchsia: "#ff00ff",
- gray: "#808080",
- green: "#008000",
- lime: "#00ff00",
- maroon: "#800000",
- navy: "#000080",
- olive: "#808000",
- purple: "#800080",
- red: "#ff0000",
- silver: "#c0c0c0",
- teal: "#008080",
- white: "#ffffff",
- yellow: "#ffff00",
- // 4.2.3. "transparent" color keyword
- transparent: [ null, null, null, 0 ],
- _default: "#ffffff"
- };
- })( jQuery );
- /******************************************************************************/
- /****************************** CLASS ANIMATIONS ******************************/
- /******************************************************************************/
- (function() {
- var classAnimationActions = [ "add", "remove", "toggle" ],
- shorthandStyles = {
- border: 1,
- borderBottom: 1,
- borderColor: 1,
- borderLeft: 1,
- borderRight: 1,
- borderTop: 1,
- borderWidth: 1,
- margin: 1,
- padding: 1
- };
- $.each([ "borderLeftStyle", "borderRightStyle", "borderBottomStyle", "borderTopStyle" ], function( _, prop ) {
- $.fx.step[ prop ] = function( fx ) {
- if ( fx.end !== "none" && !fx.setAttr || fx.pos === 1 && !fx.setAttr ) {
- fx.elem, prop, fx.end );
- fx.setAttr = true;
- }
- };
- });
- function getElementStyles( elem ) {
- var key, len,
- style = elem.ownerDocument.defaultView ?
- elem.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null ) :
- elem.currentStyle,
- styles = {};
- if ( style && style.length && style[ 0 ] && style[ style[ 0 ] ] ) {
- len = style.length;
- while ( len-- ) {
- key = style[ len ];
- if ( typeof style[ key ] === "string" ) {
- styles[ $.camelCase( key ) ] = style[ key ];
- }
- }
- // support: Opera, IE <9
- } else {
- for ( key in style ) {
- if ( typeof style[ key ] === "string" ) {
- styles[ key ] = style[ key ];
- }
- }
- }
- return styles;
- }
- function styleDifference( oldStyle, newStyle ) {
- var diff = {},
- name, value;
- for ( name in newStyle ) {
- value = newStyle[ name ];
- if ( oldStyle[ name ] !== value ) {
- if ( !shorthandStyles[ name ] ) {
- if ( $.fx.step[ name ] || !isNaN( parseFloat( value ) ) ) {
- diff[ name ] = value;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return diff;
- }
- // support: jQuery <1.8
- if ( !$.fn.addBack ) {
- $.fn.addBack = function( selector ) {
- return this.add( selector == null ?
- this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter( selector )
- );
- };
- }
- $.effects.animateClass = function( value, duration, easing, callback ) {
- var o = $.speed( duration, easing, callback );
- return this.queue( function() {
- var animated = $( this ),
- baseClass = animated.attr( "class" ) || "",
- applyClassChange,
- allAnimations = o.children ? animated.find( "*" ).addBack() : animated;
- // map the animated objects to store the original styles.
- allAnimations = {
- var el = $( this );
- return {
- el: el,
- start: getElementStyles( this )
- };
- });
- // apply class change
- applyClassChange = function() {
- $.each( classAnimationActions, function(i, action) {
- if ( value[ action ] ) {
- animated[ action + "Class" ]( value[ action ] );
- }
- });
- };
- applyClassChange();
- // map all animated objects again - calculate new styles and diff
- allAnimations = {
- this.end = getElementStyles( this.el[ 0 ] );
- this.diff = styleDifference( this.start, this.end );
- return this;
- });
- // apply original class
- animated.attr( "class", baseClass );
- // map all animated objects again - this time collecting a promise
- allAnimations = {
- var styleInfo = this,
- dfd = $.Deferred(),
- opts = $.extend({}, o, {
- queue: false,
- complete: function() {
- dfd.resolve( styleInfo );
- }
- });
- this.el.animate( this.diff, opts );
- return dfd.promise();
- });
- // once all animations have completed:
- $.when.apply( $, allAnimations.get() ).done(function() {
- // set the final class
- applyClassChange();
- // for each animated element,
- // clear all css properties that were animated
- $.each( arguments, function() {
- var el = this.el;
- $.each( this.diff, function(key) {
- el.css( key, "" );
- });
- });
- // this is guarnteed to be there if you use jQuery.speed()
- // it also handles dequeuing the next anim...
- animated[ 0 ] );
- });
- });
- };
- $.fn.extend({
- addClass: (function( orig ) {
- return function( classNames, speed, easing, callback ) {
- return speed ?
- $ this,
- { add: classNames }, speed, easing, callback ) :
- orig.apply( this, arguments );
- };
- })( $.fn.addClass ),
- removeClass: (function( orig ) {
- return function( classNames, speed, easing, callback ) {
- return arguments.length > 1 ?
- $ this,
- { remove: classNames }, speed, easing, callback ) :
- orig.apply( this, arguments );
- };
- })( $.fn.removeClass ),
- toggleClass: (function( orig ) {
- return function( classNames, force, speed, easing, callback ) {
- if ( typeof force === "boolean" || force === undefined ) {
- if ( !speed ) {
- // without speed parameter
- return orig.apply( this, arguments );
- } else {
- return $ this,
- (force ? { add: classNames } : { remove: classNames }),
- speed, easing, callback );
- }
- } else {
- // without force parameter
- return $ this,
- { toggle: classNames }, force, speed, easing );
- }
- };
- })( $.fn.toggleClass ),
- switchClass: function( remove, add, speed, easing, callback) {
- return $ this, {
- add: add,
- remove: remove
- }, speed, easing, callback );
- }
- });
- })();
- /******************************************************************************/
- /*********************************** EFFECTS **********************************/
- /******************************************************************************/
- (function() {
- $.extend( $.effects, {
- version: "1.11.4",
- // Saves a set of properties in a data storage
- save: function( element, set ) {
- for ( var i = 0; i < set.length; i++ ) {
- if ( set[ i ] !== null ) {
- dataSpace + set[ i ], element[ 0 ].style[ set[ i ] ] );
- }
- }
- },
- // Restores a set of previously saved properties from a data storage
- restore: function( element, set ) {
- var val, i;
- for ( i = 0; i < set.length; i++ ) {
- if ( set[ i ] !== null ) {
- val = dataSpace + set[ i ] );
- // support: jQuery 1.6.2
- //
- // jQuery 1.6.2 incorrectly returns undefined for any falsy value.
- // We can't differentiate between "" and 0 here, so we just assume
- // empty string since it's likely to be a more common value...
- if ( val === undefined ) {
- val = "";
- }
- element.css( set[ i ], val );
- }
- }
- },
- setMode: function( el, mode ) {
- if (mode === "toggle") {
- mode = ":hidden" ) ? "show" : "hide";
- }
- return mode;
- },
- // Translates a [top,left] array into a baseline value
- // this should be a little more flexible in the future to handle a string & hash
- getBaseline: function( origin, original ) {
- var y, x;
- switch ( origin[ 0 ] ) {
- case "top": y = 0; break;
- case "middle": y = 0.5; break;
- case "bottom": y = 1; break;
- default: y = origin[ 0 ] / original.height;
- }
- switch ( origin[ 1 ] ) {
- case "left": x = 0; break;
- case "center": x = 0.5; break;
- case "right": x = 1; break;
- default: x = origin[ 1 ] / original.width;
- }
- return {
- x: x,
- y: y
- };
- },
- // Wraps the element around a wrapper that copies position properties
- createWrapper: function( element ) {
- // if the element is already wrapped, return it
- if ( element.parent().is( ".ui-effects-wrapper" )) {
- return element.parent();
- }
- // wrap the element
- var props = {
- width: element.outerWidth(true),
- height: element.outerHeight(true),
- "float": element.css( "float" )
- },
- wrapper = $( "<div></div>" )
- .addClass( "ui-effects-wrapper" )
- .css({
- fontSize: "100%",
- background: "transparent",
- border: "none",
- margin: 0,
- padding: 0
- }),
- // Store the size in case width/height are defined in % - Fixes #5245
- size = {
- width: element.width(),
- height: element.height()
- },
- active = document.activeElement;
- // support: Firefox
- // Firefox incorrectly exposes anonymous content
- //
- try {
- } catch ( e ) {
- active = document.body;
- }
- element.wrap( wrapper );
- // Fixes #7595 - Elements lose focus when wrapped.
- if ( element[ 0 ] === active || $.contains( element[ 0 ], active ) ) {
- $( active ).focus();
- }
- wrapper = element.parent(); //Hotfix for jQuery 1.4 since some change in wrap() seems to actually lose the reference to the wrapped element
- // transfer positioning properties to the wrapper
- if ( element.css( "position" ) === "static" ) {
- wrapper.css({ position: "relative" });
- element.css({ position: "relative" });
- } else {
- $.extend( props, {
- position: element.css( "position" ),
- zIndex: element.css( "z-index" )
- });
- $.each([ "top", "left", "bottom", "right" ], function(i, pos) {
- props[ pos ] = element.css( pos );
- if ( isNaN( parseInt( props[ pos ], 10 ) ) ) {
- props[ pos ] = "auto";
- }
- });
- element.css({
- position: "relative",
- top: 0,
- left: 0,
- right: "auto",
- bottom: "auto"
- });
- }
- element.css(size);
- return wrapper.css( props ).show();
- },
- removeWrapper: function( element ) {
- var active = document.activeElement;
- if ( element.parent().is( ".ui-effects-wrapper" ) ) {
- element.parent().replaceWith( element );
- // Fixes #7595 - Elements lose focus when wrapped.
- if ( element[ 0 ] === active || $.contains( element[ 0 ], active ) ) {
- $( active ).focus();
- }
- }
- return element;
- },
- setTransition: function( element, list, factor, value ) {
- value = value || {};
- $.each( list, function( i, x ) {
- var unit = element.cssUnit( x );
- if ( unit[ 0 ] > 0 ) {
- value[ x ] = unit[ 0 ] * factor + unit[ 1 ];
- }
- });
- return value;
- }
- });
- // return an effect options object for the given parameters:
- function _normalizeArguments( effect, options, speed, callback ) {
- // allow passing all options as the first parameter
- if ( $.isPlainObject( effect ) ) {
- options = effect;
- effect = effect.effect;
- }
- // convert to an object
- effect = { effect: effect };
- // catch (effect, null, ...)
- if ( options == null ) {
- options = {};
- }
- // catch (effect, callback)
- if ( $.isFunction( options ) ) {
- callback = options;
- speed = null;
- options = {};
- }
- // catch (effect, speed, ?)
- if ( typeof options === "number" || $.fx.speeds[ options ] ) {
- callback = speed;
- speed = options;
- options = {};
- }
- // catch (effect, options, callback)
- if ( $.isFunction( speed ) ) {
- callback = speed;
- speed = null;
- }
- // add options to effect
- if ( options ) {
- $.extend( effect, options );
- }
- speed = speed || options.duration;
- effect.duration = $ ? 0 :
- typeof speed === "number" ? speed :
- speed in $.fx.speeds ? $.fx.speeds[ speed ] :
- $.fx.speeds._default;
- effect.complete = callback || options.complete;
- return effect;
- }
- function standardAnimationOption( option ) {
- // Valid standard speeds (nothing, number, named speed)
- if ( !option || typeof option === "number" || $.fx.speeds[ option ] ) {
- return true;
- }
- // Invalid strings - treat as "normal" speed
- if ( typeof option === "string" && !$.effects.effect[ option ] ) {
- return true;
- }
- // Complete callback
- if ( $.isFunction( option ) ) {
- return true;
- }
- // Options hash (but not naming an effect)
- if ( typeof option === "object" && !option.effect ) {
- return true;
- }
- // Didn't match any standard API
- return false;
- }
- $.fn.extend({
- effect: function( /* effect, options, speed, callback */ ) {
- var args = _normalizeArguments.apply( this, arguments ),
- mode = args.mode,
- queue = args.queue,
- effectMethod = $.effects.effect[ args.effect ];
- if ( $ || !effectMethod ) {
- // delegate to the original method (e.g., .show()) if possible
- if ( mode ) {
- return this[ mode ]( args.duration, args.complete );
- } else {
- return this.each( function() {
- if ( args.complete ) {
- this );
- }
- });
- }
- }
- function run( next ) {
- var elem = $( this ),
- complete = args.complete,
- mode = args.mode;
- function done() {
- if ( $.isFunction( complete ) ) {
- elem[0] );
- }
- if ( $.isFunction( next ) ) {
- next();
- }
- }
- // If the element already has the correct final state, delegate to
- // the core methods so the internal tracking of "olddisplay" works.
- if ( ":hidden" ) ? mode === "hide" : mode === "show" ) {
- elem[ mode ]();
- done();
- } else {
- elem[0], args, done );
- }
- }
- return queue === false ? this.each( run ) : this.queue( queue || "fx", run );
- },
- show: (function( orig ) {
- return function( option ) {
- if ( standardAnimationOption( option ) ) {
- return orig.apply( this, arguments );
- } else {
- var args = _normalizeArguments.apply( this, arguments );
- args.mode = "show";
- return this, args );
- }
- };
- })( $ ),
- hide: (function( orig ) {
- return function( option ) {
- if ( standardAnimationOption( option ) ) {
- return orig.apply( this, arguments );
- } else {
- var args = _normalizeArguments.apply( this, arguments );
- args.mode = "hide";
- return this, args );
- }
- };
- })( $.fn.hide ),
- toggle: (function( orig ) {
- return function( option ) {
- if ( standardAnimationOption( option ) || typeof option === "boolean" ) {
- return orig.apply( this, arguments );
- } else {
- var args = _normalizeArguments.apply( this, arguments );
- args.mode = "toggle";
- return this, args );
- }
- };
- })( $.fn.toggle ),
- // helper functions
- cssUnit: function(key) {
- var style = this.css( key ),
- val = [];
- $.each( [ "em", "px", "%", "pt" ], function( i, unit ) {
- if ( style.indexOf( unit ) > 0 ) {
- val = [ parseFloat( style ), unit ];
- }
- });
- return val;
- }
- });
- })();
- /******************************************************************************/
- /*********************************** EASING ***********************************/
- /******************************************************************************/
- (function() {
- // based on easing equations from Robert Penner (
- var baseEasings = {};
- $.each( [ "Quad", "Cubic", "Quart", "Quint", "Expo" ], function( i, name ) {
- baseEasings[ name ] = function( p ) {
- return Math.pow( p, i + 2 );
- };
- });
- $.extend( baseEasings, {
- Sine: function( p ) {
- return 1 - Math.cos( p * Math.PI / 2 );
- },
- Circ: function( p ) {
- return 1 - Math.sqrt( 1 - p * p );
- },
- Elastic: function( p ) {
- return p === 0 || p === 1 ? p :
- -Math.pow( 2, 8 * (p - 1) ) * Math.sin( ( (p - 1) * 80 - 7.5 ) * Math.PI / 15 );
- },
- Back: function( p ) {
- return p * p * ( 3 * p - 2 );
- },
- Bounce: function( p ) {
- var pow2,
- bounce = 4;
- while ( p < ( ( pow2 = Math.pow( 2, --bounce ) ) - 1 ) / 11 ) {}
- return 1 / Math.pow( 4, 3 - bounce ) - 7.5625 * Math.pow( ( pow2 * 3 - 2 ) / 22 - p, 2 );
- }
- });
- $.each( baseEasings, function( name, easeIn ) {
- $.easing[ "easeIn" + name ] = easeIn;
- $.easing[ "easeOut" + name ] = function( p ) {
- return 1 - easeIn( 1 - p );
- };
- $.easing[ "easeInOut" + name ] = function( p ) {
- return p < 0.5 ?
- easeIn( p * 2 ) / 2 :
- 1 - easeIn( p * -2 + 2 ) / 2;
- };
- });
- })();
- var effect = $.effects;
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Blind 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectBlind = $.effects.effect.blind = function( o, done ) {
- // Create element
- var el = $( this ),
- rvertical = /up|down|vertical/,
- rpositivemotion = /up|left|vertical|horizontal/,
- props = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "height", "width" ],
- mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "hide" ),
- direction = o.direction || "up",
- vertical = rvertical.test( direction ),
- ref = vertical ? "height" : "width",
- ref2 = vertical ? "top" : "left",
- motion = rpositivemotion.test( direction ),
- animation = {},
- show = mode === "show",
- wrapper, distance, margin;
- // if already wrapped, the wrapper's properties are my property. #6245
- if ( el.parent().is( ".ui-effects-wrapper" ) ) {
- $ el.parent(), props );
- } else {
- $ el, props );
- }
- wrapper = $.effects.createWrapper( el ).css({
- overflow: "hidden"
- });
- distance = wrapper[ ref ]();
- margin = parseFloat( wrapper.css( ref2 ) ) || 0;
- animation[ ref ] = show ? distance : 0;
- if ( !motion ) {
- el
- .css( vertical ? "bottom" : "right", 0 )
- .css( vertical ? "top" : "left", "auto" )
- .css({ position: "absolute" });
- animation[ ref2 ] = show ? margin : distance + margin;
- }
- // start at 0 if we are showing
- if ( show ) {
- wrapper.css( ref, 0 );
- if ( !motion ) {
- wrapper.css( ref2, margin + distance );
- }
- }
- // Animate
- wrapper.animate( animation, {
- duration: o.duration,
- easing: o.easing,
- queue: false,
- complete: function() {
- if ( mode === "hide" ) {
- el.hide();
- }
- $.effects.restore( el, props );
- $.effects.removeWrapper( el );
- done();
- }
- });
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Bounce 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectBounce = $.effects.effect.bounce = function( o, done ) {
- var el = $( this ),
- props = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "height", "width" ],
- // defaults:
- mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "effect" ),
- hide = mode === "hide",
- show = mode === "show",
- direction = o.direction || "up",
- distance = o.distance,
- times = o.times || 5,
- // number of internal animations
- anims = times * 2 + ( show || hide ? 1 : 0 ),
- speed = o.duration / anims,
- easing = o.easing,
- // utility:
- ref = ( direction === "up" || direction === "down" ) ? "top" : "left",
- motion = ( direction === "up" || direction === "left" ),
- i,
- upAnim,
- downAnim,
- // we will need to re-assemble the queue to stack our animations in place
- queue = el.queue(),
- queuelen = queue.length;
- // Avoid touching opacity to prevent clearType and PNG issues in IE
- if ( show || hide ) {
- props.push( "opacity" );
- }
- $ el, props );
- $.effects.createWrapper( el ); // Create Wrapper
- // default distance for the BIGGEST bounce is the outer Distance / 3
- if ( !distance ) {
- distance = el[ ref === "top" ? "outerHeight" : "outerWidth" ]() / 3;
- }
- if ( show ) {
- downAnim = { opacity: 1 };
- downAnim[ ref ] = 0;
- // if we are showing, force opacity 0 and set the initial position
- // then do the "first" animation
- el.css( "opacity", 0 )
- .css( ref, motion ? -distance * 2 : distance * 2 )
- .animate( downAnim, speed, easing );
- }
- // start at the smallest distance if we are hiding
- if ( hide ) {
- distance = distance / Math.pow( 2, times - 1 );
- }
- downAnim = {};
- downAnim[ ref ] = 0;
- // Bounces up/down/left/right then back to 0 -- times * 2 animations happen here
- for ( i = 0; i < times; i++ ) {
- upAnim = {};
- upAnim[ ref ] = ( motion ? "-=" : "+=" ) + distance;
- el.animate( upAnim, speed, easing )
- .animate( downAnim, speed, easing );
- distance = hide ? distance * 2 : distance / 2;
- }
- // Last Bounce when Hiding
- if ( hide ) {
- upAnim = { opacity: 0 };
- upAnim[ ref ] = ( motion ? "-=" : "+=" ) + distance;
- el.animate( upAnim, speed, easing );
- }
- el.queue(function() {
- if ( hide ) {
- el.hide();
- }
- $.effects.restore( el, props );
- $.effects.removeWrapper( el );
- done();
- });
- // inject all the animations we just queued to be first in line (after "inprogress")
- if ( queuelen > 1) {
- queue.splice.apply( queue,
- [ 1, 0 ].concat( queue.splice( queuelen, anims + 1 ) ) );
- }
- el.dequeue();
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Clip 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectClip = $.effects.effect.clip = function( o, done ) {
- // Create element
- var el = $( this ),
- props = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "height", "width" ],
- mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "hide" ),
- show = mode === "show",
- direction = o.direction || "vertical",
- vert = direction === "vertical",
- size = vert ? "height" : "width",
- position = vert ? "top" : "left",
- animation = {},
- wrapper, animate, distance;
- // Save & Show
- $ el, props );
- // Create Wrapper
- wrapper = $.effects.createWrapper( el ).css({
- overflow: "hidden"
- });
- animate = ( el[0].tagName === "IMG" ) ? wrapper : el;
- distance = animate[ size ]();
- // Shift
- if ( show ) {
- animate.css( size, 0 );
- animate.css( position, distance / 2 );
- }
- // Create Animation Object:
- animation[ size ] = show ? distance : 0;
- animation[ position ] = show ? 0 : distance / 2;
- // Animate
- animate.animate( animation, {
- queue: false,
- duration: o.duration,
- easing: o.easing,
- complete: function() {
- if ( !show ) {
- el.hide();
- }
- $.effects.restore( el, props );
- $.effects.removeWrapper( el );
- done();
- }
- });
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Drop 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectDrop = $.effects.effect.drop = function( o, done ) {
- var el = $( this ),
- props = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "opacity", "height", "width" ],
- mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "hide" ),
- show = mode === "show",
- direction = o.direction || "left",
- ref = ( direction === "up" || direction === "down" ) ? "top" : "left",
- motion = ( direction === "up" || direction === "left" ) ? "pos" : "neg",
- animation = {
- opacity: show ? 1 : 0
- },
- distance;
- // Adjust
- $ el, props );
- $.effects.createWrapper( el );
- distance = o.distance || el[ ref === "top" ? "outerHeight" : "outerWidth" ]( true ) / 2;
- if ( show ) {
- el
- .css( "opacity", 0 )
- .css( ref, motion === "pos" ? -distance : distance );
- }
- // Animation
- animation[ ref ] = ( show ?
- ( motion === "pos" ? "+=" : "-=" ) :
- ( motion === "pos" ? "-=" : "+=" ) ) +
- distance;
- // Animate
- el.animate( animation, {
- queue: false,
- duration: o.duration,
- easing: o.easing,
- complete: function() {
- if ( mode === "hide" ) {
- el.hide();
- }
- $.effects.restore( el, props );
- $.effects.removeWrapper( el );
- done();
- }
- });
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Explode 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectExplode = $.effects.effect.explode = function( o, done ) {
- var rows = o.pieces ? Math.round( Math.sqrt( o.pieces ) ) : 3,
- cells = rows,
- el = $( this ),
- mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "hide" ),
- show = mode === "show",
- // show and then visibility:hidden the element before calculating offset
- offset = "visibility", "hidden" ).offset(),
- // width and height of a piece
- width = Math.ceil( el.outerWidth() / cells ),
- height = Math.ceil( el.outerHeight() / rows ),
- pieces = [],
- // loop
- i, j, left, top, mx, my;
- // children animate complete:
- function childComplete() {
- pieces.push( this );
- if ( pieces.length === rows * cells ) {
- animComplete();
- }
- }
- // clone the element for each row and cell.
- for ( i = 0; i < rows ; i++ ) { // ===>
- top = + i * height;
- my = i - ( rows - 1 ) / 2 ;
- for ( j = 0; j < cells ; j++ ) { // |||
- left = offset.left + j * width;
- mx = j - ( cells - 1 ) / 2 ;
- // Create a clone of the now hidden main element that will be absolute positioned
- // within a wrapper div off the -left and -top equal to size of our pieces
- el
- .clone()
- .appendTo( "body" )
- .wrap( "<div></div>" )
- .css({
- position: "absolute",
- visibility: "visible",
- left: -j * width,
- top: -i * height
- })
- // select the wrapper - make it overflow: hidden and absolute positioned based on
- // where the original was located +left and +top equal to the size of pieces
- .parent()
- .addClass( "ui-effects-explode" )
- .css({
- position: "absolute",
- overflow: "hidden",
- width: width,
- height: height,
- left: left + ( show ? mx * width : 0 ),
- top: top + ( show ? my * height : 0 ),
- opacity: show ? 0 : 1
- }).animate({
- left: left + ( show ? 0 : mx * width ),
- top: top + ( show ? 0 : my * height ),
- opacity: show ? 1 : 0
- }, o.duration || 500, o.easing, childComplete );
- }
- }
- function animComplete() {
- el.css({
- visibility: "visible"
- });
- $( pieces ).remove();
- if ( !show ) {
- el.hide();
- }
- done();
- }
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Fade 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectFade = $.effects.effect.fade = function( o, done ) {
- var el = $( this ),
- mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "toggle" );
- el.animate({
- opacity: mode
- }, {
- queue: false,
- duration: o.duration,
- easing: o.easing,
- complete: done
- });
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Fold 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectFold = $.effects.effect.fold = function( o, done ) {
- // Create element
- var el = $( this ),
- props = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "height", "width" ],
- mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "hide" ),
- show = mode === "show",
- hide = mode === "hide",
- size = o.size || 15,
- percent = /([0-9]+)%/.exec( size ),
- horizFirst = !!o.horizFirst,
- widthFirst = show !== horizFirst,
- ref = widthFirst ? [ "width", "height" ] : [ "height", "width" ],
- duration = o.duration / 2,
- wrapper, distance,
- animation1 = {},
- animation2 = {};
- $ el, props );
- // Create Wrapper
- wrapper = $.effects.createWrapper( el ).css({
- overflow: "hidden"
- });
- distance = widthFirst ?
- [ wrapper.width(), wrapper.height() ] :
- [ wrapper.height(), wrapper.width() ];
- if ( percent ) {
- size = parseInt( percent[ 1 ], 10 ) / 100 * distance[ hide ? 0 : 1 ];
- }
- if ( show ) {
- wrapper.css( horizFirst ? {
- height: 0,
- width: size
- } : {
- height: size,
- width: 0
- });
- }
- // Animation
- animation1[ ref[ 0 ] ] = show ? distance[ 0 ] : size;
- animation2[ ref[ 1 ] ] = show ? distance[ 1 ] : 0;
- // Animate
- wrapper
- .animate( animation1, duration, o.easing )
- .animate( animation2, duration, o.easing, function() {
- if ( hide ) {
- el.hide();
- }
- $.effects.restore( el, props );
- $.effects.removeWrapper( el );
- done();
- });
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Highlight 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectHighlight = $.effects.effect.highlight = function( o, done ) {
- var elem = $( this ),
- props = [ "backgroundImage", "backgroundColor", "opacity" ],
- mode = $.effects.setMode( elem, o.mode || "show" ),
- animation = {
- backgroundColor: elem.css( "backgroundColor" )
- };
- if (mode === "hide") {
- animation.opacity = 0;
- }
- $ elem, props );
- elem
- .show()
- .css({
- backgroundImage: "none",
- backgroundColor: o.color || "#ffff99"
- })
- .animate( animation, {
- queue: false,
- duration: o.duration,
- easing: o.easing,
- complete: function() {
- if ( mode === "hide" ) {
- elem.hide();
- }
- $.effects.restore( elem, props );
- done();
- }
- });
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Size 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectSize = $.effects.effect.size = function( o, done ) {
- // Create element
- var original, baseline, factor,
- el = $( this ),
- props0 = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "width", "height", "overflow", "opacity" ],
- // Always restore
- props1 = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "overflow", "opacity" ],
- // Copy for children
- props2 = [ "width", "height", "overflow" ],
- cProps = [ "fontSize" ],
- vProps = [ "borderTopWidth", "borderBottomWidth", "paddingTop", "paddingBottom" ],
- hProps = [ "borderLeftWidth", "borderRightWidth", "paddingLeft", "paddingRight" ],
- // Set options
- mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "effect" ),
- restore = o.restore || mode !== "effect",
- scale = o.scale || "both",
- origin = o.origin || [ "middle", "center" ],
- position = el.css( "position" ),
- props = restore ? props0 : props1,
- zero = {
- height: 0,
- width: 0,
- outerHeight: 0,
- outerWidth: 0
- };
- if ( mode === "show" ) {
- }
- original = {
- height: el.height(),
- width: el.width(),
- outerHeight: el.outerHeight(),
- outerWidth: el.outerWidth()
- };
- if ( o.mode === "toggle" && mode === "show" ) {
- el.from = || zero;
- = o.from || original;
- } else {
- el.from = o.from || ( mode === "show" ? zero : original );
- = || ( mode === "hide" ? zero : original );
- }
- // Set scaling factor
- factor = {
- from: {
- y: el.from.height / original.height,
- x: el.from.width / original.width
- },
- to: {
- y: / original.height,
- x: / original.width
- }
- };
- // Scale the css box
- if ( scale === "box" || scale === "both" ) {
- // Vertical props scaling
- if ( factor.from.y !== ) {
- props = props.concat( vProps );
- el.from = $.effects.setTransition( el, vProps, factor.from.y, el.from );
- = $.effects.setTransition( el, vProps,, );
- }
- // Horizontal props scaling
- if ( factor.from.x !== ) {
- props = props.concat( hProps );
- el.from = $.effects.setTransition( el, hProps, factor.from.x, el.from );
- = $.effects.setTransition( el, hProps,, );
- }
- }
- // Scale the content
- if ( scale === "content" || scale === "both" ) {
- // Vertical props scaling
- if ( factor.from.y !== ) {
- props = props.concat( cProps ).concat( props2 );
- el.from = $.effects.setTransition( el, cProps, factor.from.y, el.from );
- = $.effects.setTransition( el, cProps,, );
- }
- }
- $ el, props );
- $.effects.createWrapper( el );
- el.css( "overflow", "hidden" ).css( el.from );
- // Adjust
- if (origin) { // Calculate baseline shifts
- baseline = $.effects.getBaseline( origin, original );
- = ( original.outerHeight - el.outerHeight() ) * baseline.y;
- el.from.left = ( original.outerWidth - el.outerWidth() ) * baseline.x;
- = ( original.outerHeight - ) * baseline.y;
- = ( original.outerWidth - ) * baseline.x;
- }
- el.css( el.from ); // set top & left
- // Animate
- if ( scale === "content" || scale === "both" ) { // Scale the children
- // Add margins/font-size
- vProps = vProps.concat([ "marginTop", "marginBottom" ]).concat(cProps);
- hProps = hProps.concat([ "marginLeft", "marginRight" ]);
- props2 = props0.concat(vProps).concat(hProps);
- el.find( "*[width]" ).each( function() {
- var child = $( this ),
- c_original = {
- height: child.height(),
- width: child.width(),
- outerHeight: child.outerHeight(),
- outerWidth: child.outerWidth()
- };
- if (restore) {
- $, props2);
- }
- child.from = {
- height: c_original.height * factor.from.y,
- width: c_original.width * factor.from.x,
- outerHeight: c_original.outerHeight * factor.from.y,
- outerWidth: c_original.outerWidth * factor.from.x
- };
- = {
- height: c_original.height *,
- width: c_original.width *,
- outerHeight: c_original.height *,
- outerWidth: c_original.width *
- };
- // Vertical props scaling
- if ( factor.from.y !== ) {
- child.from = $.effects.setTransition( child, vProps, factor.from.y, child.from );
- = $.effects.setTransition( child, vProps,, );
- }
- // Horizontal props scaling
- if ( factor.from.x !== ) {
- child.from = $.effects.setTransition( child, hProps, factor.from.x, child.from );
- = $.effects.setTransition( child, hProps,, );
- }
- // Animate children
- child.css( child.from );
- child.animate(, o.duration, o.easing, function() {
- // Restore children
- if ( restore ) {
- $.effects.restore( child, props2 );
- }
- });
- });
- }
- // Animate
- el.animate(, {
- queue: false,
- duration: o.duration,
- easing: o.easing,
- complete: function() {
- if ( === 0 ) {
- el.css( "opacity", el.from.opacity );
- }
- if ( mode === "hide" ) {
- el.hide();
- }
- $.effects.restore( el, props );
- if ( !restore ) {
- // we need to calculate our new positioning based on the scaling
- if ( position === "static" ) {
- el.css({
- position: "relative",
- top:,
- left:
- });
- } else {
- $.each([ "top", "left" ], function( idx, pos ) {
- el.css( pos, function( _, str ) {
- var val = parseInt( str, 10 ),
- toRef = idx ? :;
- // if original was "auto", recalculate the new value from wrapper
- if ( str === "auto" ) {
- return toRef + "px";
- }
- return val + toRef + "px";
- });
- });
- }
- }
- $.effects.removeWrapper( el );
- done();
- }
- });
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Scale 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectScale = $.effects.effect.scale = function( o, done ) {
- // Create element
- var el = $( this ),
- options = $.extend( true, {}, o ),
- mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "effect" ),
- percent = parseInt( o.percent, 10 ) ||
- ( parseInt( o.percent, 10 ) === 0 ? 0 : ( mode === "hide" ? 0 : 100 ) ),
- direction = o.direction || "both",
- origin = o.origin,
- original = {
- height: el.height(),
- width: el.width(),
- outerHeight: el.outerHeight(),
- outerWidth: el.outerWidth()
- },
- factor = {
- y: direction !== "horizontal" ? (percent / 100) : 1,
- x: direction !== "vertical" ? (percent / 100) : 1
- };
- // We are going to pass this effect to the size effect:
- options.effect = "size";
- options.queue = false;
- options.complete = done;
- // Set default origin and restore for show/hide
- if ( mode !== "effect" ) {
- options.origin = origin || [ "middle", "center" ];
- options.restore = true;
- }
- options.from = o.from || ( mode === "show" ? {
- height: 0,
- width: 0,
- outerHeight: 0,
- outerWidth: 0
- } : original );
- = {
- height: original.height * factor.y,
- width: original.width * factor.x,
- outerHeight: original.outerHeight * factor.y,
- outerWidth: original.outerWidth * factor.x
- };
- // Fade option to support puff
- if ( options.fade ) {
- if ( mode === "show" ) {
- options.from.opacity = 0;
- = 1;
- }
- if ( mode === "hide" ) {
- options.from.opacity = 1;
- = 0;
- }
- }
- // Animate
- el.effect( options );
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Puff 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectPuff = $.effects.effect.puff = function( o, done ) {
- var elem = $( this ),
- mode = $.effects.setMode( elem, o.mode || "hide" ),
- hide = mode === "hide",
- percent = parseInt( o.percent, 10 ) || 150,
- factor = percent / 100,
- original = {
- height: elem.height(),
- width: elem.width(),
- outerHeight: elem.outerHeight(),
- outerWidth: elem.outerWidth()
- };
- $.extend( o, {
- effect: "scale",
- queue: false,
- fade: true,
- mode: mode,
- complete: done,
- percent: hide ? percent : 100,
- from: hide ?
- original :
- {
- height: original.height * factor,
- width: original.width * factor,
- outerHeight: original.outerHeight * factor,
- outerWidth: original.outerWidth * factor
- }
- });
- elem.effect( o );
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Pulsate 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectPulsate = $.effects.effect.pulsate = function( o, done ) {
- var elem = $( this ),
- mode = $.effects.setMode( elem, o.mode || "show" ),
- show = mode === "show",
- hide = mode === "hide",
- showhide = ( show || mode === "hide" ),
- // showing or hiding leaves of the "last" animation
- anims = ( ( o.times || 5 ) * 2 ) + ( showhide ? 1 : 0 ),
- duration = o.duration / anims,
- animateTo = 0,
- queue = elem.queue(),
- queuelen = queue.length,
- i;
- if ( show || !":visible")) {
- elem.css( "opacity", 0 ).show();
- animateTo = 1;
- }
- // anims - 1 opacity "toggles"
- for ( i = 1; i < anims; i++ ) {
- elem.animate({
- opacity: animateTo
- }, duration, o.easing );
- animateTo = 1 - animateTo;
- }
- elem.animate({
- opacity: animateTo
- }, duration, o.easing);
- elem.queue(function() {
- if ( hide ) {
- elem.hide();
- }
- done();
- });
- // We just queued up "anims" animations, we need to put them next in the queue
- if ( queuelen > 1 ) {
- queue.splice.apply( queue,
- [ 1, 0 ].concat( queue.splice( queuelen, anims + 1 ) ) );
- }
- elem.dequeue();
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Shake 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectShake = $.effects.effect.shake = function( o, done ) {
- var el = $( this ),
- props = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "height", "width" ],
- mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "effect" ),
- direction = o.direction || "left",
- distance = o.distance || 20,
- times = o.times || 3,
- anims = times * 2 + 1,
- speed = Math.round( o.duration / anims ),
- ref = (direction === "up" || direction === "down") ? "top" : "left",
- positiveMotion = (direction === "up" || direction === "left"),
- animation = {},
- animation1 = {},
- animation2 = {},
- i,
- // we will need to re-assemble the queue to stack our animations in place
- queue = el.queue(),
- queuelen = queue.length;
- $ el, props );
- $.effects.createWrapper( el );
- // Animation
- animation[ ref ] = ( positiveMotion ? "-=" : "+=" ) + distance;
- animation1[ ref ] = ( positiveMotion ? "+=" : "-=" ) + distance * 2;
- animation2[ ref ] = ( positiveMotion ? "-=" : "+=" ) + distance * 2;
- // Animate
- el.animate( animation, speed, o.easing );
- // Shakes
- for ( i = 1; i < times; i++ ) {
- el.animate( animation1, speed, o.easing ).animate( animation2, speed, o.easing );
- }
- el
- .animate( animation1, speed, o.easing )
- .animate( animation, speed / 2, o.easing )
- .queue(function() {
- if ( mode === "hide" ) {
- el.hide();
- }
- $.effects.restore( el, props );
- $.effects.removeWrapper( el );
- done();
- });
- // inject all the animations we just queued to be first in line (after "inprogress")
- if ( queuelen > 1) {
- queue.splice.apply( queue,
- [ 1, 0 ].concat( queue.splice( queuelen, anims + 1 ) ) );
- }
- el.dequeue();
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Slide 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectSlide = $.effects.effect.slide = function( o, done ) {
- // Create element
- var el = $( this ),
- props = [ "position", "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "width", "height" ],
- mode = $.effects.setMode( el, o.mode || "show" ),
- show = mode === "show",
- direction = o.direction || "left",
- ref = (direction === "up" || direction === "down") ? "top" : "left",
- positiveMotion = (direction === "up" || direction === "left"),
- distance,
- animation = {};
- // Adjust
- $ el, props );
- distance = o.distance || el[ ref === "top" ? "outerHeight" : "outerWidth" ]( true );
- $.effects.createWrapper( el ).css({
- overflow: "hidden"
- });
- if ( show ) {
- el.css( ref, positiveMotion ? (isNaN(distance) ? "-" + distance : -distance) : distance );
- }
- // Animation
- animation[ ref ] = ( show ?
- ( positiveMotion ? "+=" : "-=") :
- ( positiveMotion ? "-=" : "+=")) +
- distance;
- // Animate
- el.animate( animation, {
- queue: false,
- duration: o.duration,
- easing: o.easing,
- complete: function() {
- if ( mode === "hide" ) {
- el.hide();
- }
- $.effects.restore( el, props );
- $.effects.removeWrapper( el );
- done();
- }
- });
- };
- /*!
- * jQuery UI Effects Transfer 1.11.4
- *
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license.
- *
- *
- *
- */
- var effectTransfer = $.effects.effect.transfer = function( o, done ) {
- var elem = $( this ),
- target = $( ),
- targetFixed = target.css( "position" ) === "fixed",
- body = $("body"),
- fixTop = targetFixed ? body.scrollTop() : 0,
- fixLeft = targetFixed ? body.scrollLeft() : 0,
- endPosition = target.offset(),
- animation = {
- top: - fixTop,
- left: endPosition.left - fixLeft,
- height: target.innerHeight(),
- width: target.innerWidth()
- },
- startPosition = elem.offset(),
- transfer = $( "<div class='ui-effects-transfer'></div>" )
- .appendTo( document.body )
- .addClass( o.className )
- .css({
- top: - fixTop,
- left: startPosition.left - fixLeft,
- height: elem.innerHeight(),
- width: elem.innerWidth(),
- position: targetFixed ? "fixed" : "absolute"
- })
- .animate( animation, o.duration, o.easing, function() {
- transfer.remove();
- done();
- });
- };
- }));;/* Modernizr 2.8.3 (Custom Build) | MIT & BSD
- * Build:
- */
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b=[];a&&a.apply(this,b),l()}}(k[n])),g(a[n],j,b,n,h))}else!c&&l()}var h=!!a.test,i=a.load||a.both,j=a.callback||f,k=j,l=a.complete||f,m,n;c(h?a.yep:a.nope,!!i),i&&c(i)}var i,j,l=this.yepnope.loader;if(e(a))g(a,0,l,0);else if(w(a))for(i=0;i<a.length;i++)j=a[i],e(j)?g(j,0,l,0):w(j)?B(j):Object(j)===j&&h(j,l);else Object(a)===a&&h(a,l)},B.addPrefix=function(a,b){z[a]=b},B.addFilter=function(a){x.push(a)},B.errorTimeout=1e4,null==b.readyState&&b.addEventListener&&(b.readyState="loading",b.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",A=function(){b.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",A,0),b.readyState="complete"},0)),a.yepnope=k(),a.yepnope.executeStack=h,a.yepnope.injectJs=function(a,c,d,e,i,j){var k=b.createElement("script"),l,o,e=e||B.errorTimeout;k.src=a;for(o in d)k.setAttribute(o,d[o]);c=j?h:c||f,k.onreadystatechange=k.onload=function(){!l&&g(k.readyState)&&(l=1,c(),k.onload=k.onreadystatechange=null)},m(function(){l||(l=1,c(1))},e),i?k.onload():n.parentNode.insertBefore(k,n)},a.yepnope.injectCss=function(a,c,d,e,g,i){var e=b.createElement("link"),j,c=i?h:c||f;e.href=a,e.rel="stylesheet",e.type="text/css";for(j in d)e.setAttribute(j,d[j]);g||(n.parentNode.insertBefore(e,n),m(c,0))}}(this,document),Modernizr.load=function(){yepnope.apply(window,[],0))};;//
- // By John Mueller:
- var next_data_url; // replaced when loading more
- var prev_data_url; // replaced when loading more
- var next_data_cache;
- var prev_data_cache;
- var last_scroll = 0;
- var is_loading = 0; // simple lock to prevent loading when loading
- var hide_on_load = false; // ID that can be hidden when content has been loaded
- function loadFollowing() {
- if (next_data_url=="") {
- $('div.pagination').show();
- } else {
- is_loading = 1; // note: this will break when the server doesn't respond
- $('div.pagination').hide();
- function showFollowing(data) {
- $('div.listitempage:last').after(data.response);
- next_data_url = data.next_data_url;
- next_data_cache = false;
- $.getJSON(next_data_url, function(preview_data) {
- next_data_cache = preview_data;
- });
- }
- if (next_data_cache) {
- showFollowing(next_data_cache);
- is_loading = 0;
- } else {
- $.getJSON(next_data_url, function(data) {
- showFollowing(data);
- is_loading = 0;
- });
- }
- }
- };
- function loadPrevious() {
- if (prev_data_url=="") {
- $('div.pagination').show();
- } else {
- is_loading = 1; // note: this will break when the server doesn't respond
- $('div.pagination').hide();
- function showPrevious(data) {
- $('div.listitempage:first').before(data.response);
- var item_height = $("div.listitempage:first").height();
- window.scrollTo(0, $(window).scrollTop()+item_height); // adjust scroll
- prev_data_url = data.prev_data_url;
- prev_data_cache = false;
- $.getJSON(prev_data_url, function(preview_data) {
- prev_data_cache = preview_data;
- });
- if (hide_on_load) {
- $(hide_on_load).hide();
- hide_on_load = false;
- }
- }
- if (prev_data_cache) {
- showPrevious(prev_data_cache);
- is_loading = 0;
- } else {
- $.getJSON(prev_data_url, function(data) {
- showPrevious(data);
- is_loading = 0;
- });
- }
- }
- };
- function mostlyVisible(element) {
- // if ca 25% of element is visible
- var scroll_pos = $(window).scrollTop();
- var window_height = $(window).height();
- var el_top = $(element).offset().top;
- var el_height = $(element).height();
- var el_bottom = el_top + el_height;
- return ((el_bottom - el_height*0.25 > scroll_pos) &&
- (el_top < (scroll_pos+0.5*window_height)));
- }
- function initPaginator() {
- $(window).scroll(function() {
- // handle scroll events to update content
- var scroll_pos = $(window).scrollTop();
- if (scroll_pos >= 0.9*($(document).height() - $(window).height())) {
- if (is_loading==0) loadFollowing();
- }
- if (scroll_pos <= 0.9*$("#header").height()) {
- if (is_loading==0) loadPrevious();
- }
- // Adjust the URL based on the top item shown
- // for reasonable amounts of items
- if (Math.abs(scroll_pos - last_scroll)>$(window).height()*0.1) {
- last_scroll = scroll_pos;
- $(".listitempage").each(function(index) {
- if (mostlyVisible(this)) {
- history.replaceState(null, null, $(this).attr("data-url"));
- $("#pagination").html($(this).attr("data-pagination"));
- return(false);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- $(document).ready(function () {
- // if we have enough room, load the next batch
- if ($(window).height()>$("#scrollingcontent").height()) {
- if (next_data_url!="") {
- loadFollowing();
- } else {
- var filler = document.createElement("div");
- = "filler";
- = ($(window).height() -
- $("#scrollingcontent").height())+ "px";
- $("#scrollingcontent").after(filler);
- hide_on_load = "filler";
- }
- }
- // scroll down to hide empty room
- head_height = $("#header").height();
- window.scrollTo(0, head_height);
- });
- }
- function primeCache() {
- if(prev_data_url) {
- $.getJSON(prev_data_url, function(data) { prev_data_cache=data; } );
- }
- if(next_data_url) {
- $.getJSON(next_data_url, function(data) { next_data_cache=data; } );
- }
- }
- ;var Ajax = (function($) {
- var my = {}, onLoad = [], isLoaded = false;
- my.getContent = function(url, boxId, params) {
- // defer that after page load
- onLoad.push(function() {
- var $box = $('#' + boxId);
- $box.html('<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin fa-2x"></i>').addClass('ajax-loading');
- $.get(url, params, function(html) {
- $box.html(html).removeClass('ajax-loading');
- });
- });
- if (isLoaded) {
- onLoad[onLoad.length - 1]();
- }
- };
- my.refreshPage = function(url, dialogBox) {
- // defer that after page load
- onLoad.push(function() {
- $('#' + dialogBox).modal('show');
- window.location.href = url;
- });
- if (isLoaded) {
- onLoad[onLoad.length - 1]();
- }
- };
- my.documentReady = function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < onLoad.length; i++) {
- onLoad[i]();
- }
- isLoaded = true;
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery));
- jQuery(document).ready(Ajax.documentReady);;/*
- Google Maps
- */
- function loadGoogleMap(mapId, geo, myGeoLocation, $getMyLocation, $ajaxLoad) {
- var map, directionsDisplay, directionsService, markers = [], bounds, myLocation;
- if (mapId == null) {
- mapId = 'map-canvas';
- }
- if (geo.length > 0) {
- directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService();
- bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds();
- }
- // Create an array of styles.
- var mapStyle = [
- {
- stylers: [
- { saturation: -100 }
- ]
- }
- ];
- function initialize() {
- /* Add a marker to the map and push to the array. */
- function addMarker(location, title, image, index, openByDefault, tooltip) {
- var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
- position: location,
- map: map,
- title: (tooltip ? tooltip : null),
- icon: image,
- animation: google.maps.Animation.DROP,
- zIndex: google.maps.Marker.MAX_ZINDEX + index
- });
- attachMessage(marker, title, openByDefault);
- bounds.extend(location);
- google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
- Tracking.trackYext(trackingOptions.yextId, 'detailspage', 'mappin');
- });
- markers.push(marker);
- }
- /* Show Message Box */
- function attachMessage(marker, content, openByDefault) {
- var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
- content: content
- });
- google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {
-'map'), marker);
- });
- if (openByDefault == true) {
-'map'), marker);
- }
- }
- function getGeoSuccess(position) {
- var markerLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude);
- addMarker(markerLocation, '<div class="whiteSpace-NoWrap text-base">Mein Standort</div>', '/img/map_marker_green.png', 0, false);
- myLocation = position.coords.latitude + ', ' + position.coords.longitude;
- $("#routeStart").val('Mein Standort');
- }
- function getGeoError(errorCallback) {
- }
- /* remove a marker to the map and push to the array. */
- function removeLastMarker() {
- markers[markers.length - 1].setMap(null);
- }
- /* Sets the map on all markers in the array. */
- function setAllMap(map) {
- for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
- markers[i].setMap(map);
- markers[i].showInfoWindow();
- }
- }
- /* Removes the markers from the map, but keeps them in the array. */
- function clearMarkers() {
- setAllMap(null);
- }
- var mapOptions = {}, centerLatitude, centerLongitude, markerLocation, i, index;
- if (geo.length == 0) {
- mapOptions = {
- zoom: 6,
- center: new google.maps.LatLng(51, 9),
- mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
- styles: mapStyle
- };
- map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(mapId), mapOptions);
- } else {
- directionsDisplay = new google.maps.DirectionsRenderer();
- if (myGeoLocation != null) {
- centerLatitude = myGeoLocation['latitude'];
- centerLongitude = myGeoLocation['longitude'];
- } else {
- centerLatitude = geo[0]['latitude'];
- centerLongitude = geo[0]['longitude'];
- }
- mapOptions = {
- zoom: 12,
- center: new google.maps.LatLng(centerLatitude, centerLongitude),
- mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
- styles: mapStyle
- };
- map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(mapId), mapOptions);
- directionsDisplay.setMap(map);
- directionsDisplay.setPanel(document.getElementById("directionsPanel-" + mapId));
- /* company marks */
- for (i = 0; i < geo.length; i++) {
- if (geo[i]['latitude'] > 0 && geo[i]['longitude'] > 0 && geo[i]['address'] != '') {
- markerLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(geo[i]['latitude'], geo[i]['longitude']);
- }
- index = 0;
- if (geo[i]['icon'] == 'marker') {
- index = 1;
- }
- if (!geo[i]['color']) {
- geo[i]['color'] = 'red';
- }
- addMarker(markerLocation, '<div class="whiteSpace-NoWrap text-base">' + geo[i]['address'] + '</div>', '/img/map_' + geo[i]['icon'] + '_' + geo[i]['color'] + '.png', index, false, geo[i].name);
- }
- /* own marker */
- if (myGeoLocation != null) {
- if (myGeoLocation['latitude'] > 0 && myGeoLocation['longitude'] > 0 && myGeoLocation['address'] != '') {
- markerLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(myGeoLocation['latitude'], myGeoLocation['longitude']);
- addMarker(markerLocation, '<div class="whiteSpace-NoWrap text-base">' + myGeoLocation['address'] + '</div>', '/img/map_marker_green.png', 1, true);
- }
- }
- /* routes */
- if (typeof geo[0]['address'] !== 'undefined') {
- if ($getMyLocation == true) {
- if (navigator.geolocation) {
- navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(getGeoSuccess, getGeoError);
- }
- }
- }
- google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function() {
- Tracking.trackYext(trackingOptions.yextId, 'detailspage', 'mappin');
- });
- if (geo.length > 1) {
- map.fitBounds(bounds);
- }
- $("#calcRoute").click(function() {
- calcRoute();
- });
- function calcRoute() {
- // get the travelmode, startpoint and via point from the form
- var travelMode = $('input[name="travelMode"]:checked').val();
- var end = $("#routeEnd").val();
- var start = $("#routeStart").val();
- if (start == 'Mein Standort' && myLocation) {
- start = myLocation;
- }
- var via = $("#routeVia").val();
- if (travelMode == 'TRANSIT') {
- via = ''; // if the travel mode is transit, don't use the via waypoint because that will not work
- }
- var waypoints = []; // init an empty waypoints array
- if (via != '') {
- // if waypoints (via) are set, add them to the waypoints array
- waypoints.push({
- location: via,
- stopover: true
- });
- }
- var request = {
- origin: start,
- destination: end,
- waypoints: waypoints,
- travelMode: google.maps.DirectionsTravelMode[travelMode]
- };
- directionsService.route(request, function(response, status) {
- if (status == google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) {
- $('#directionsPanel').empty(); // clear the directions panel before adding new directions
- directionsDisplay.setDirections(response);
- if ($("#routeStart").val() == 'Mein Standort') {
- $("#routeStart").val(response.routes[0].legs[0].start_address);
- }
- } else {
- // alert an error message when the route could nog be calculated.
- if (status == 'ZERO_RESULTS') {
- alert('No route could be found between the origin and destination.');
- } else if (status == 'UNKNOWN_ERROR') {
- alert('A directions request could not be processed due to a server error. The request may succeed if you try again.');
- } else if (status == 'REQUEST_DENIED') {
- alert('This webpage is not allowed to use the directions service.');
- } else if (status == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT') {
- alert('The webpage has gone over the requests limit in too short a period of time.');
- } else if (status == 'NOT_FOUND') {
- alert('At least one of the origin, destination, or waypoints could not be geocoded.');
- } else if (status == 'INVALID_REQUEST') {
- alert('The DirectionsRequest provided was invalid.');
- } else {
- alert("There was an unknown error in your request. Requeststatus: nn" + status);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
- if ($ajaxLoad) {
- $(document).ajaxStop(initialize);
- } else {
- google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
- }
- }
- ;var CompanyAjaxLoad = (function($) {
- var my = {};
- my.getAdditionalCompanyInfo = function($select, $companyId, $hashTag, $scrollTo, $id, $boxId) {
- $('#termin-o-reservierung-vereinbaren').hide();
- $('#additionalCompanyInfo').empty();
- if (!$boxId) {
- $boxId = 'additionalCompanyInfo';
- }
- Ajax.getContent('/', $boxId, {
- 'select': $select,
- 'companyId': $companyId
- });
- if ($hashTag) {
- window.location.hash = $hashTag;
- }
- if ($scrollTo == true) {
- $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: $('#pageHeader').offset().top }, 1000);
- }
- if ($id != false) {
- $('#navigationDetailList div').removeClass('gray');
- $('#navigation_' + $id).addClass('gray');
- }
- $('#navigationDetailList').removeClass('in');
- return false;
- };
- my.toggleFromNavigation = function(idNavigation, idBox, $scrollTo, companyInfo) {
- $('#navigationDetailList div').removeClass('gray');
- $('#' + idNavigation).addClass('gray');
- $('#navigationDetailList').removeClass('in');
- if (companyInfo == true) {
- $('#additionalCompanyInfo').empty();
- }
- $('#' + idBox).show();
- $('#' + idBox + ' .panel-collapse').addClass('in');
- if ($scrollTo == true) {
- $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: ($('#' + idBox).offset().top) - 50 }, 1000);
- }
- return false;
- };
- my.claimDuplicate = function($companyId, $userId, $boxId) {
- Ajax.getContent('/', $boxId, {
- 'userId': $userId,
- 'companyId': $companyId
- });
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery));
- var Gallery = (function($) {
- var my = {}, imageList = '.image-list';
- my.showDialog = function(imageId) {
- var $active = $('#' + imageId);
- $(imageList).hide();
- $;
- };
- my.slideImage = function(direction) {
- var $active = $(imageList).filter(":visible"), $first = $(imageList).first(), $last = $(imageList).last();
- $(imageList).hide();
- if (direction == 1) {
- if ($active.attr('id') == $last.attr('id')) {
- $first.toggle("slide", { direction: "right" });
- } else {
- $"slide", { direction: "right" });
- }
- }
- if (direction == 0) {
- if ($active.attr('id') == $first.attr('id')) {
- $last.toggle("slide", { direction: "left" });
- } else {
- $active.prev().toggle("slide", { direction: "left" });
- }
- }
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery));
- ;var lead = (function ($) {
- var my = {};
- my.send = function (formId, modalId, messageId) {
- var $form = $('#'+formId), $btn = $('button[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.text();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- $.post('/', $form.serialize(), function (d) {
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- $('#'+formId+' #message').val('');
- $('#'+modalId).modal('hide');
- $('header').append('<div class="row"><div class="alert alert-success noMargin" role="alert">' + d.msg + '</div></div>');
- if (d.msgUser) {
- $('header').append('<div class="row"><div class="alert alert-success noMargin" role="alert">' + d.msgUser + '</div></div>');
- }
- $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: 0}, "slow");
- } else {
- $('#'+messageId).append('<div class="row"><div class="alert alert-danger noMargin" role="alert">' + d.msg + '</div></div>');
- }
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- });
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery, window));;$(document).ready(function() {
- $.doAjaxRequest = function(method, request, loader) {
- loader.addClass('loader');
- return $.ajax({
- url: 'ajax/get/' + method,
- cache: false,
- type: 'POST',
- dataType: 'json',
- data: request
- });
- };
- $.fn.disableButton = function(text) {
- if (text) {
- text += ' ';
- }
- this.attr('disabled', 'disabled').html((text || '') + '<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>');
- return this;
- };
- $.fn.enableButton = function(text, ok) {
- var $signal, that = this;
- if (text) {
- text += ' ';
- }
- this.attr('disabled', false);
- if (ok === true) {
- $signal = $('<i class="fa fa-check"></i>');
- } else {
- if (ok === false) {
- $signal = $('<i class="fa fa-times"></i>');
- }
- }
- if (typeof ok !== 'undefined') {
- this.html(text || '').append($signal);
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- $signal.fadeOut(300, function() {
- that.html(text)
- })
- }, 2000);
- } else {
- this.html(text);
- }
- return this;
- };
- $.fn.handleResponse = function(response, css_class) {
- response = response || {};
- response = response.hasOwnProperty('data') && Object.size( ?[Object.keys([0]] : false;
- var size = !!response ? Object.size(response) : 0;
- var $select = $(css_class);
- if (size) {
- $select.find('option:gt(0)').remove();
- $select.append('<option value=\"' + response + '\">' + response + '</option>');
- setTimeout(function() {
- $select.prop('disabled', false);
- $select.val(response);
- $('#ort').focus();
- }, 0);
- } else {
- $select.find('option:gt(0)').remove();
- }
- };
- var $form = $('.simple-form form');
- if ($form.length) {
- var timeout, needReload = true;
- $('#plz').on('keyup', function(e) {
- var $this = $(this);
- $this.val($this.val().replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''));
- var zip = $this.val().length;
- if (zip < 5) {
- needReload = true;
- }
- if (needReload) {
- $('#ort').val('').prop('disabled', true);
- if (zip == 5) {
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- timeout = setTimeout(function() {
- var $loader = $('#ort').parent();
- $.doAjaxRequest('residence', { plz: $this.val() }, $loader)
- .success(function(response) {
- needReload = false;
- $this.handleResponse(response, '#ort');
- $loader.removeClass('loader');
- });
- }, 100);
- }
- }
- }).trigger('keyup');
- }
- // find file uploads with size
- $('input[type=file]').each(function() {
- var my = $(this), maxsize ='max-size');
- if (maxsize) {
- my.parents('form').submit(function() {
- if (my.get(0).files.length) {
- if (my.get(0).files[0].size > maxsize) {
- alert('Die Datei ist leider zu groß, bitte senden Sie nur Bilder bis zu ' + (maxsize / 1000000) + ' MB Dateigröße.');
- return false;
- }
- }
- });
- }
- });
- });
- // login module
- var Login = (function(w, d, $, my) {
- var eventListener = [];
- my.registerListener = function(callback) {
- eventListener.push(callback);
- };
- my.popup = function(el) {
- var t = 300, l = 500, y = 530, x = 450;
- var $form = $(el).parents('form');
- /* $('.form-login-email', $form).val('');*/
- $('.form-login-returnBlock').attr('checked', false);
- $('.form-login-terms').attr('checked', true);
- if (w.screen) {
- t = Math.round(w.screen.availHeight / 2 - y / 2 - 50);
- l = Math.round(w.screen.availWidth / 2 - x / 2 - 10);
- // chrome bug
- if (w.screenX > w.screen.availWidth) {
- l += w.screen.availWidth;
- }
- }
-, 'dialo_login', 'width=' + x + ',height=' + y + ',top=' + t + ',screenY=' + t + ',left=' + l + ',screenX=' + l + ',location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,dependent=yes');
- };
- my.popupSubmit = function(form) {
- var $form = $(form), f = new FormData(form), $btn = $('button[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.html();
- $btn.attr('disabled', 'disabled').html(t + ' <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>');
- $.ajax({
- url: my.loginUrl,
- type: 'POST',
- data: f,
- cache: false,
- contentType: false,
- processData: false,
- success: function(d) {
- $btn.attr('disabled', false).html(t);
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- //CustomEvent workarond for IE
- var evt = w.opener.document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
- evt.initCustomEvent('message', false, false, {
- a: 'dialo_login_popup_ok', d: d
- });
- w.opener.dispatchEvent(evt);
- w.close();
- }
- if (d.status == 'error') {
- var $msg = $('<div class="alert alert-danger">' + d.msg + '</div>').hide();
- $('#errorMessage').append($msg);
- $msg.slideDown(100);
- window.setTimeout(function() {
- $msg.slideUp(200);
- }, 2000);
- }
- }
- });
- };
- my.listener = function(e) {
- if (e.detail && e.detail.a === 'dialo_login_popup_ok') {
- var d = e.detail.d;
- $('.form-login-actions').hide();
- $('.form-login-actions').next().hide(); //hide required star
- $('.form-login-email').val('');
- $('.csrf-token').attr('name',;
- $('.form-login-returnBlock').remove();
- $('.form-login-terms').remove();
- $('.form-login-terms-checkbox').attr('checked', true);
- $('.form-login-terms-checkbox').parent().hide();
- $('.form-login-newsletter-checkbox').parent().hide();
- $('.recaptcha-holder').addClass('recaptcha-deactivate'); // remove captcha
- $('.form-login-submit').slideDown();
- if (d.canClaim) {
- $('#claimBox').slideDown();
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < eventListener.length; i++) {
- if (typeof eventListener[i] == 'function') {
- eventListener[i](d);
- }
- }
- if ($('#selectKeywordPayment').length || $('#companyPayment').length) {
- Payment.adpackage.login(e.detail.d.userId);
- }
- }
- };
- my.facebook = function(data) {
- $.ajax({
- url: my.loginUrl,
- type: 'POST',
- data: {
- fbUserId:,
- fbEmail:,
- fbAccessToken: data.auth.authResponse.accessToken
- },
- cache: false,
- success: function(d) {
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- //CustomEvent workarond for IE
- var evt = w.opener.document.createEvent("CustomEvent");
- evt.initCustomEvent('message', false, false, {
- a: 'dialo_login_popup_ok', d: d
- });
- w.opener.dispatchEvent(evt);
- w.close();
- }
- }
- });
- };
- my.facebookRegister = function(data) {
- var html = '';
- html += '<div class="col-md-12">Die Registrierung erfolgt über Facebook.</div>';
- html += '<input type="hidden" name="fbToken" value="' + data.auth.authResponse.accessToken + '" />';
- html += '<input type="hidden" name="fbUsername" value="' + + '" />';
- $('.form-login-options').html(html);
- $('.form-login-submit').slideDown();
- $('#claimBox').slideDown();
- };
- my.facebookConnect = function(data) {
- $('.facebook-login-button').disableButton();
- $.ajax({
- url: my.fbConnectUrl,
- type: 'POST',
- data: {
- fbUserId:,
- fbEmail:,
- fbAccessToken: data.auth.authResponse.accessToken
- },
- cache: false,
- success: function(d) {
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- $('.facebook-login-button').replaceWith('Vielen Dank für die Verknüpfung.');
- }
- }
- });
- };
- my.showRegister = function(el) {
- var $form = $(el).parents('form');
- $('.form-login-email', $form).val('');
- $('.form-login-email', $form).val('');
- $('.form-login-returnBlock').attr('checked', true);
- $('.form-login-terms').attr('checked', false);
- };
- my.checkForSend = function($el) {
- var value = $el.val();
- if (value.length > 4) {
- $('.form-login-submit').slideDown();
- $('#claimBox').slideDown();
- } else {
- $('.form-login-submit').slideUp();
- $('#claimBox').slideUp();
- }
- };
- return my;
- }(window, document, jQuery, Login || {}));
- // Popup FbApp
- function FbPopup(link) {
- var t = 300, l = 500, y = 450, x = 600;
- if (window.screen) {
- t = Math.round(window.screen.availHeight / 2 - y / 2 - 50);
- l = Math.round(window.screen.availWidth / 2 - x / 2 - 10);
- // chrome bug
- if (window.screenX > window.screen.availWidth) {
- l += window.screen.availWidth;
- }
- }
-, 'Facebook Teilen', 'width=' + x + ',height=' + y + ',top=' + t + ',screenY=' + t + ',left=' + l + ',screenX=' + l + ',location=no,menubar=no,status=no,toolbar=no,directories=no,dependent=yes');
- }
- function activateInputSlider(value, sliderId, radiusId, showRadiusId) {
- $slider = $('#' + sliderId);
- $radius = $('#' + radiusId);
- $showRadius = $('#' + showRadiusId);
- $slider.slider({
- range: 'max',
- min: 1,
- max: 100,
- value: value,
- slide: function(event, ui) {
- $radius.val(ui.value);
- $showRadius.text(ui.value);
- }
- });
- }
- function showSearchClearIcon(element, searchWrapper, clearIcon, additionalClass) {
- if ($(window).width() <= 768) { //for iPad & smaller devices
- var t = $(element);
- $('.' + clearIcon).toggle(Boolean(t.val()));
- if (Boolean(t.val())) {
- $('.' + searchWrapper).addClass(additionalClass);
- } else {
- $('.' + searchWrapper).removeClass(additionalClass);
- }
- }
- }
- function clearSearch(element, searchBox, searchWrapper, additionalClass) {
- if ($(window).width() <= 768) { //for iPad & smaller devices
- $('.' + searchBox).val('').focus();
- $('.' + searchWrapper).removeClass(additionalClass);
- $(element).hide();
- }
- }
- function autoresizeTextarea(element) {
- if (element != null) {
- = '0px';
- var textareaHeight = element.scrollHeight + 10;
- if (textareaHeight == 10) {
- textareaHeight = 50;
- }
- var maxHeight = 450;
- if (textareaHeight > maxHeight) {
- = maxHeight + 'px';
- = 'auto';
- } else {
- = textareaHeight + 'px';
- }
- }
- }
- function autoResizePlaceholderImage() {
- $('.imagePlaceholder').each(function(index, value) {
- var height = $(value).height();
- $(value).css({
- 'font-size': (height / 1.5) + 'px',
- 'line-height': height + 'px'
- });
- });
- }
- function outputFlashSession(id) {
- id = typeof id !== 'undefined' ? id : 'flashSessionOutput';
- $.get('/', {}, function(html) {
- $('#' + id).html(html);
- });
- }
- function changeArrow(e) {
- clicked = $(document).find("[href='#" + $('id') + "']");
- icon = clicked.find('i');
- if (icon.hasClass('fa-angle-down')) {
- icon.removeClass('fa-angle-down');
- icon.addClass('fa-angle-up');
- } else {
- icon.removeClass('fa-angle-up');
- icon.addClass('fa-angle-down');
- }
- };;(function() {
- var method, noop = function() {};
- var methods = ['assert', 'clear', 'count', 'debug', 'dir', 'dirxml', 'error', 'exception', 'group', 'groupCollapsed', 'groupEnd', 'info', 'log', 'markTimeline', 'profile', 'profileEnd', 'table', 'time', 'timeEnd', 'timeStamp', 'trace', 'warn'];
- var length = methods.length;
- var console = (window.console = window.console || {});
- while (length--) {
- method = methods[length];
- if (!console[method]) console[method] = noop;
- }
- }());
- ;(function($){
- $(".alert .close").click(function() {
- $(this).parent().fadeTo("slow", 0.00, function(){
- $(this).slideUp();
- }); return false;
- });
- })(jQuery);
- Object.size = function(obj) {
- var size = 0, key;
- for (key in obj) if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++;
- return size;
- };
- ;/*
- Bootstrap - File Input
- ======================
- This is meant to convert all file input tags into a set of elements that displays consistently in all browsers.
- Converts all
- <input type="file">
- into Bootstrap buttons
- <a class="btn">Browse</a>
- */
- $(function() {
- $.fn.bootstrapFileInput = function() {
- this.each(function(i,elem){
- var $elem = $(elem);
- // Maybe some fields don't need to be standardized.
- if (typeof $elem.attr('data-bfi-disabled') != 'undefined') {
- return;
- }
- // Set the word to be displayed on the button
- var buttonWord = 'Browse';
- if (typeof $elem.attr('title') != 'undefined') {
- buttonWord = $elem.attr('title');
- }
- // Start by getting the HTML of the input element.
- // Thanks for the tip
- var input = $('<div>').append( $elem.eq(0).clone() ).html();
- var className = '';
- if (!!$elem.attr('class')) {
- className = ' ' + $elem.attr('class');
- }
- // Now we're going to replace that input field with a Bootstrap button.
- // The input will actually still be there, it will just be float above and transparent (done with the CSS).
- $elem.replaceWith('<a class="file-input-wrapper btn' + className + '">'+buttonWord+input+'</a>');
- })
- // After we have found all of the file inputs let's apply a listener for tracking the mouse movement.
- // This is important because the in order to give the illusion that this is a button in FF we actually need to move the button from the file input under the cursor. Ugh.
- .promise().done( function(){
- // As the cursor moves over our new Bootstrap button we need to adjust the position of the invisible file input Browse button to be under the cursor.
- // This gives us the pointer cursor that FF denies us
- $('.file-input-wrapper').mousemove(function(cursor) {
- var input, wrapper,
- wrapperX, wrapperY,
- inputWidth, inputHeight,
- cursorX, cursorY;
- // This wrapper element (the button surround this file input)
- wrapper = $(this);
- // The invisible file input element
- input = wrapper.find("input");
- // The left-most position of the wrapper
- wrapperX = wrapper.offset().left;
- // The top-most position of the wrapper
- wrapperY = wrapper.offset().top;
- // The with of the browsers input field
- inputWidth= input.width();
- // The height of the browsers input field
- inputHeight= input.height();
- //The position of the cursor in the wrapper
- cursorX = cursor.pageX;
- cursorY = cursor.pageY;
- //The positions we are to move the invisible file input
- // The 20 at the end is an arbitrary number of pixels that we can shift the input such that cursor is not pointing at the end of the Browse button but somewhere nearer the middle
- moveInputX = cursorX - wrapperX - inputWidth + 20;
- // Slides the invisible input Browse button to be positioned middle under the cursor
- moveInputY = cursorY- wrapperY - (inputHeight/2);
- // Apply the positioning styles to actually move the invisible file input
- input.css({
- left:moveInputX,
- top:moveInputY
- });
- });
- $('.file-input-wrapper input[type=file]').change(function(){
- var fileName;
- fileName = $(this).val();
- // Remove any previous file names
- $(this).parent().next('.file-input-name').remove();
- if (!!$(this).prop('files') && $(this).prop('files').length > 1) {
- fileName = $(this)[0].files.length+' files';
- //$(this).parent().after('<span class="file-input-name">'+$(this)[0].files.length+' files</span>');
- }
- else {
- // var fakepath = 'C:\\fakepath\\';
- // fileName = $(this).val().replace('C:\\fakepath\\','');
- fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('\\')+1,fileName.length);
- }
- $(this).parent().after('<span class="file-input-name">'+fileName+'</span>');
- });
- });
- };
- // Add the styles before the first stylesheet
- // This ensures they can be easily overridden with developer styles
- var cssHtml = '<style>'+
- '.file-input-wrapper { overflow: hidden; position: relative; cursor: pointer; z-index: 1; }'+
- '.file-input-wrapper input[type=file], .file-input-wrapper input[type=file]:focus, .file-input-wrapper input[type=file]:hover { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; cursor: pointer; opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity=0); z-index: 99; outline: 0; }'+
- '.file-input-name { margin-left: 8px; }'+
- '</style>';
- $('link[rel=stylesheet]').eq(0).before(cssHtml);
- });;var AjaxForm = (function($, window) {
- var my = {}, dialogTemplate, windowsTemplate;
- dialogTemplate = '<div class="modal fade" id=":id:" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">'
- + '<div class="modal-dialog" style=":style:"><div class="modal-content">'
- + '<div class="modal-header">'
- + '<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>'
- + '<p class="modal-title lead"><strong>:title:</strong></p>'
- + '</div>'
- + '<div class="modal-body" id="modal-body-:id:">:text:</div>'
- + '</div>'
- + '</div></div>';
- windowsTemplate = '<div id=":id:">' +
- '<h3>:title:</h3>' +
- '<div>:text:</div>' +
- '</div>';
- function handleResponse(url, response, options, showInDialog) {
- if (typeof showInDialog === "undefined" || showInDialog === null) {
- showInDialog = true;
- }
- var html, $dialog, id = 'ajaxform_' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000000);
- options = options || {};
- = || '';
- if (showInDialog) {
- html = dialogTemplate.replace(/:id:/g, id)
- .replace(':style:',
- .replace(':title:', response.title)
- .replace(':text:', response.html);
- $('body').append(html);
- $dialog = $('#' + id);
- $dialog.on('', function(e) {
- // user somehow aborted -> kill the dialog
- //$dialog.remove();
- });
- $dialog.modal('show');
- //bugfix scrolling in dialog - add class to body
- $('.modal').on("", function(e) {
- if ($('.modal:visible').length) {
- $('body').addClass('modal-open');
- }
- });
- } else {
- html = windowsTemplate.replace(/:id:/g, id)
- .replace(':title:', response.title)
- .replace(':text:', response.html);
- if (options.boxId) {
- $('#' + options.boxId).append(html);
- }
- $dialog = $('#' + id);
- }
- // grab the submit
- $('form', $dialog).submit(function(e) {
- var $form = $(this), formData = new FormData($form[0]);
- e.preventDefault();
- $.ajax({
- url: url,
- type: 'POST',
- data: formData,
- async: false,
- cache: false,
- contentType: false,
- processData: false,
- success: function(response) {
- if (response.status === 'reload') {
- window.location.reload();
- }
- if (response.status === 'ajax') {
- Ajax.getContent(response.url,, {});
- } else {
- handleResponse(url, response, options);
- }
- }
- });
- if (showInDialog) {
- $dialog.modal('hide');
- }
- });
- }
- = function(url, options, showInDialog) {
- if (window.event) {
- window.event.stopPropagation();
- }
- $('#dialog-waiting').modal('show');
- $.get(url, function(response) {
- handleResponse(url, response, options, showInDialog);
- $('#dialog-waiting').modal('hide');
- });
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery, window));
- var Helper = (function($) {
- var my = {};
- my.previewImage = function(inputElement) {
- if (inputElement.files && inputElement.files[0]) {
- var reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onload = function(e) {
- var $el = $(inputElement), $container = $el.parent(), $preview = $('.image-preview');
- if ($preview.size() === 0) {
- $preview = $('<img/>').addClass('image-preview');
- $preview.appendTo($container);
- }
- $preview.attr('src',;
- };
- reader.readAsDataURL(inputElement.files[0]);
- }
- };
- my.changeImageStatus = function(status) {
- if (status == true) {
- $('.file-manager-file-delete').val('true');
- $('.image-preview').attr('src', '');
- $('.image-preview').attr('alt', '');
- $('#image-delete').hide();
- $('#image-placeholder').show();
- } else {
- $('.file-manager-file-delete').val('false');
- $('#image-delete').show();
- $('#image-placeholder').hide();
- }
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery));
- function cityAutocomplete(element, id) {
- if (!id) {
- id = 'town';
- }
- autocompleteDropDown.start('/', { element: element, threshold: 2 }, id);
- }
- function keywordAutocomplete(element, event, limit) {
- var code = event.keyCode || event.which;
- if (code == 32 || code == 13 || code == 188) { //space, return, comma
- event.preventDefault();
- addKeyword(element, $(element).val(), limit);
- }
- }
- function addKeyword(element, keyword, limit) {
- if (!keyword) {
- keyword = $(element).val();
- }
- if (keyword.trim()) {
- var keywordArray = keyword.split(',');
- if (typeof limit !== "undefined") {
- var $keywords = $('#keywordData').val();
- if ($keywords) {
- $keywords = JSON.parse($keywords);
- if ($keywords.length >= limit) {
- $('#keywordError').show();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- $.each(keywordArray, function(index, value) {
- if (value.trim()) {
- var result = {
- keywordType: null,
- keyword: value
- };
- var $keywords = $('#keywordData'),
- $keywordContainer = $('#keywordContainer');
- $keywordContainer.appendKeyword(result);
- $.updateKeywords($keywordContainer, $keywords);
- $(element).val('');
- }
- });
- }
- }
- $.fn.appendKeyword = function(data) {
- this.append('<span class="btn btn-default" data-type="' + data.keywordType + '" onclick="keywordRemove(this)">' + data.keyword + ' <i class="fa fa-times-circle"></i></span>');
- };
- $.updateKeywords = function($keywordContainer, $keywords) {
- var keywords = [];
- $keywordContainer.find('> span').each(function(i) {
- var $this = $(this);
- keywords.push({
- keywordType: $this.attr('data-type'),
- keyword: $this.text()
- });
- });
- $keywords.val(JSON.stringify(keywords));
- };
- function keywordRemove(element) {
- var $keywords = $('#keywordData');
- $(element).remove().data();
- $.updateKeywords($('#keywordContainer'), $keywords);
- }
- function parseKeywords() {
- var keywordRaw = $('#keywordData').val(), keyword, $keywordContainer = $('#keywordContainer');
- if (keywordRaw) {
- try {
- keyword = jQuery.parseJSON(keywordRaw);
- } catch (e) {
- // old broken keyword structure
- // be nice, it's not their fault
- }
- if ($.isArray(keyword)) {
- $.each(keyword, function(i, v) {
- $keywordContainer.appendKeyword(v);
- });
- }
- }
- }
- function branchAutocomplete(element) {
- $('#clientCategoryText').attr('data-id', '');
- $('#clientCategoryId').val('');
- autocomplete.start('/', {
- element: element,
- threshold: 3,
- pickClass: '',
- onPick: function(element) {
- var data = $(element).data();
- var branchIds = [], $branches = $('#clientCategoryId'),
- $branchContainer = $('#clientCategoryText');
- $branchContainer.find('> span').each(function(i) {
- branchIds.push(parseInt($(this).attr('data-id')));
- });
- if ($.inArray(parseInt(data.key), branchIds) < 0) {
- var result = {
- branch_id: data.key,
- branch: data.value
- };
- $branchContainer.appendBranch(result);
- $.updateBranch($branchContainer, $branches);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- $.fn.appendBranch = function(data) {
- var $el = $('#clientCategoryText');
- $el.val(data.branch);
- $el.attr('data-id', data.branch_id);
- };
- $.updateBranch = function($branchContainer, $branch) {
- $branch.val($branchContainer.attr('data-id'));
- };
- function formatOpeningHours(element) {
- var data = $(element).val();
- if (data.indexOf(".") >= 0) {
- data = data.replace('.', ':');
- $(element).val(data);
- }
- var dataArray = data.split(':');
- if (dataArray.length > 1) {
- if (dataArray[0].length < 2) {
- data = '0' + data;
- }
- data = data.substring(0, 5);
- $(element).val(data);
- }
- }
- jQuery(document).ready(function() {
- parseKeywords();
- var $clientCategoryId = $('#clientCategoryId');
- if ($clientCategoryId.size()) {
- try {
- var branch = jQuery.parseJSON($clientCategoryId.val()),
- $branchContainer = $('#clientCategoryText');
- $.each(branch, function(i, v) {
- $branchContainer.appendBranch(v);
- });
- } catch (err) {
- }
- }
- // help the user with homepage input
- $('input[type=url]').blur(function() {
- var $el = $(this), val = $el.val();
- if (val &&^http/) === -1) {
- $el.val('http://' + val);
- }
- });
- /*
- $('select').each(function () {
- if ($(this).length == 1) {
- $($(this + ' option').get(0)).prop('selected', true);
- }
- });*/
- });
- function fancyButtons($addFontClass) {
- var ua = 0;
- var msie = 0; //IE 10 and older
- var trident = 0; //IE 11+
- var edge = 0;
- if (typeof $addFontClass === undefined) {
- ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
- msie = ua.indexOf("MSIE "); //IE 10 and older
- trident = ua.indexOf('Trident/'); //IE 11+
- edge = ua.indexOf('Edge/');
- }
- if ($addFontClass === false || (typeof $addFontClass === undefined && (edge > 0 || trident > 0 || msie > 0))) {
- $("input[type=checkbox]").each(function() {
- if ($(this).hasClass('fa')) {
- $(this).removeClass('fa');
- }
- });
- $("input[type=radio]").each(function() {
- if ($(this).hasClass('fa')) {
- $(this).removeClass('fa');
- }
- });
- }
- else // If another browser, return 0
- {
- $("input[type=checkbox]").each(function() {
- if (!$(this).hasClass('fa')) {
- $(this).addClass('fa');
- }
- });
- $("input[type=radio]").each(function() {
- if (!$(this).hasClass('fa')) {
- $(this).addClass('fa');
- }
- });
- }
- }
- function openSocialMediaLink(element) {
- var id = $(element).attr('data-id'), val = $('#' + id).val(), link = $('#' + id + '_addon_pre').text() + val;
- if (^http:/) !== -1) {
- link = val;
- }
-, 'Social Media Link');
- }
- function addOpeningHoursRow(containerId, hide) {
- var $container = $('#'+containerId),
- prototype = $'prototype').replace(/__name__/g, 'oh' + (Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000000)));
- $container.append(prototype);
- if (hide === true) {
- $container.children().first().attr('style', 'display:none');
- }
- }
- function removeOpeningHoursRow(button) {
- var row = $(button).closest('.row').closest('.form-group'), parent = row.parent();
- row.remove();
- if (parent.find('.form-group').length) {
- } else {
- addOpeningHoursRow(parent.attr('id'), true);
- }
- }
- $(document).ready(function() {
- $('.btn-checkbox .checkbox input').each(function() {
- if (this.checked) {
- toggleActiveClass($(this).parent());
- }
- });
- });
- $(document).on('click', '.btn-checkbox .checkbox label', function(e) {
- toggleActiveClass($(this).parent());
- });
- $(document).on('click', '.btn-checkbox .checkbox', function(e) {
- toggleActiveClass(this);
- });
- function toggleActiveClass(element) {
- $(element).toggleClass("active");
- var $input = $(element).find('input');
- if ($(element).hasClass("active")) {
- $input.attr('checked', 'checked');
- } else {
- $input.removeAttr('checked');
- }
- }
- ;Mem = (function ($, window) {
- var my = {}, autoTime, selected, prefix = '', frame = 'mainframe', source;
- my.init = function (listId, urlPrefix, project) {
- $('.sidebar-item .head').click(function () {
- $(this).siblings('.body').slideToggle();
- });
- if (listId) {
- my.selectList(listId);
- }
- if (urlPrefix) {
- prefix = urlPrefix;
- }
- if (project) {
- source = project;
- }
- };
- my.selectList = function (listId) {
- Ajax.getContent(prefix + 'merkliste/ajax/detail', frame, {'id': listId, 'source': source});
- };
- my.edit = function (listId) {
- Ajax.getContent(prefix + 'user/memoryEdit', frame, {'id': listId, 'source': source});
- };
- my.editCompany = function (listId) {
- Ajax.getContent(prefix + 'user/memoryEditCompany', frame, {'id': listId, 'source': source});
- };
- my.follow = function (btn, id) {
- var $btn = $(btn);
- var t = 'Nicht mehr folgen';
- $btn.attr("onclick", "Mem.unfollow(this, " + id + ")");
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- url = 'merkliste/ajax/follow';
- $.get(prefix + url, {'id': id, 'f': 1}, function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(t, d.status == 'ok');
- });
- };
- my.unfollow = function (btn, id) {
- var $btn = $(btn);
- var t = 'Folgen';
- $btn.attr("onclick", "Mem.follow(this, " + id + ")");
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- url = 'merkliste/ajax/follow';
- $.get(prefix + url, {'id': id, 'f': 0}, function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(t, d.status == 'ok');
- });
- };
- my.saveListSubmit = function () {
- var $form = $('#listform'), $btn = $('button[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.text();
- var formData = new FormData($form[0]);
- url = 'user/memorySave';
- $.ajax({
- url: prefix + url,
- type: 'POST',
- data: formData,
- async: false,
- cache: false,
- contentType: false,
- processData: false,
- success: function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(t, d.status == 'ok');
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- my.editCompany(;
- } else {
- $('#mainframe').html(d);
- }
- }
- });
- return false;
- };
- my.searchListSubmit = function (page, searchWord, saveHistory) {
- var $form = $('#searchMemoryListForm'), $btn = $('button[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.text();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- if (searchWord != null) {
- $('#searchMemoryListName').val(searchWord);
- }
- $('#memorySearchPage').val(page);
- url = 'merkliste/ajax/searchMemory';
- $.post(prefix + url, $form.serialize(), function (d) {
- if (saveHistory == true) {
- //console.log('Input Field: ' + $('#searchMemoryListName').attr('name'));
- saveHistoryFunction("$.ajax(Ajax.getContent('" + prefix + url + "', '" + frame + "Form')).done(function() {Mem.searchListSubmit(" + $('#memorySearchPage').val() + ", '" + $('#searchMemoryListName').val() + "', false);}); setActiveSidebarEntry('searchFormLink');");
- }
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- $('#memoryResultFrame').html(d);
- });
- };
- my.deleteList = function (listId) {
- if (confirm('Möchtest du diese LieblingsListe wirklich löschen?')) {
- url = 'user/memoryDelete';
- urlSuccess = 'merkliste/ajax/myList';
- $.post(prefix + url, {'l': listId, 'source': source}, function (d) {
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- message('success', 'Die LieblingsListe wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.');
- Ajax.getContent(prefix + urlSuccess, frame);
- }
- });
- }
- };
- function message(type, text) {
- var $msg = $('<div class="alert alert-' + type + '">' + text + '</div>');
- $msg.hide().appendTo($('.messages')).fadeIn();
- window.setTimeout(function () {
- $msg.fadeOut();
- }, 3000);
- }
- my.createCompanySubmit = function () {
- var $form = $('#addNewCompanyContainer #addCompany form'), $btn = $('button[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.html();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- url = 'user/createCompany';
- $.post(prefix + url, $form.serialize(), function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(t, d.status == 'ok');
- if (d.status) {
- $('#companyAddError').text(d.msg).show();
- window.setTimeout(function () {
- $('#companyAddError').fadeOut();
- }, 2000);
- $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: ($('#companyList').offset().top) - 50}, 1000);
- $('#newCompanyErrorMsg').removeClass("hidden", 100, "easeInQuad");
- setTimeout(function () {
- $('#newCompanyErrorMsg').addClass("hidden", 100, "easeInQuad");
- }, 3000);
- } else {
- selected = null;
- $('#companyList').html(d);
- $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: ($('#companyList').offset().top) - 50}, 1000);
- $('#newCompanySuccessMsg').removeClass("hidden", 100, "easeInQuad");
- setTimeout(function () {
- $('#newCompanySuccessMsg').addClass("hidden", 100, "easeInQuad");
- }, 3000);
- }
- });
- };
- my.addFacebookSubmit = function () {
- var $form = $('#addNewCompanyContainer #addFacebookPage form'), $btn = $('button[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.html();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- url = 'user/addFacebookPage';
- $.post(prefix + url, $form.serialize(), function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(t, d.status == 'ok');
- if (d.status) {
- $('#companyAddError').text(d.msg).show();
- window.setTimeout(function () {
- $('#companyAddError').fadeOut();
- }, 2000);
- } else {
- selected = null;
- $('#companyList').html(d);
- $('#facebookPageLink').val('');
- }
- });
- };
- my.add = function (btn, cid) {
- var $btn = $(btn), t = $btn.text();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- $.get('/merkliste/ajax/lists', {'cid': cid}, function (d) {
- var html = '', i;
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- html += '<li class="list-group-item"><div class="row"><div class="col-xs-8">' +
- '<input type="text" id="memoryNew" class="form-control" placeholder="Neue Merkliste anlegen" /></div><div class="col-xs-4">' +
- '<button type="button" class="btn btn-warning" onclick="Mem.selected(0, ' + cid + ')">Neue Merkliste anlegen <i class="fa fa-check"></i></button>' +
- '</div></div></div></li>';
- for (i = 0; i < d.lists.length; i++) {
- var l = d.lists[i];
- var clickAble = '"';
- if (!l.isOnList) {
- clickAble = ' clickable" onclick="Mem.selected(' + + ', ' + cid + ');" ';
- }
- html += '<li class="list-group-item' + clickAble +
- ' data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Zur Merkliste ' + l.title + ' hinzufügen"' +
- '><span class="indicators">' +
- (l.isOnList ? '<i class="fa fa-2x fa-check"></i> ' : '') +
- '</span>' + l.title + '</li>';
- }
- $('#memoryAddContainer').html('<ul class="list-group">' + html + '</ul>').slideDown();
- } else {
- $('#memoryAddContainer').html(d.msg).slideDown();
- }
- });
- };
- my.selected = function (id, cid) {
- var t = '';
- if (id == 0) {
- t = $('#memoryNew').val();
- if (!t) {
- return;
- }
- }
- $('#memoryAddContainer').slideUp();
- $.post('/merkliste/ajax/add', {'id': id, 't': t, 'cid': cid}, function (d) {
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- var $btn = $('#buttonAddToMemoryList');
- $btn.enableButton($btn.text(), true);
- }
- });
- };
- my.addCompanyNotice = function (companyEntryId) {
- var notice = $('#listCompanyNotice_' + companyEntryId).val(), $btn = $('#listCompanyNoticeButton_' + companyEntryId);
- $btn.disableButton();
- $.post('/merkliste/ajax/addCompanyNotice', {'notice': notice, 'cid': companyEntryId}, function (d) {
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- $btn.enableButton('<i class="fa fa-check"></i>');
- }
- });
- };
- my.addCompanyNoticeList = function () {
- var $form = $('#memoryListCompanies'), $btn = $('button[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.text();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- $.post('/merkliste/ajax/addCompanyNoticeList', $form.serialize(), function (d) {
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- }
- });
- };
- my.addCompany = function (listId, companyId) {
- url = 'user/addCompany';
- $.get(prefix + url, {'id': listId, 'cid': companyId}, function (d) {
- if (d.status) {
- $('#companyAddError').text(d.msg).show();
- window.setTimeout(function () {
- $('#companyAddError').fadeOut();
- }, 2000);
- } else {
- selected = null;
- $('#companyList').html(d);
- }
- });
- };
- my.removeCompany = function (listId, companyEntryId) {
- var $row = $('#memoryListCompany_' + companyEntryId), $rowNotice = $('#memoryListCompanyNotice_' + companyEntryId), $btn = $('button', $row), t = $btn.html();
- $btn.disableButton();
- $.post('/user/memoryremove', {'l': listId, 'c': companyEntryId}, function (d) {
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- $row.fadeOut(200);
- $rowNotice.fadeOut(200);
- } else {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- }
- });
- };
- my.searchCompanyListSubmit = function (boxId, page) {
- url = 'user/memorySearchCompany';
- var $form = $('#searchCompanyListForm'), $btn = $('button[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.text();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- $('#companySearchPage').val(page);
- $.post(prefix + url, $form.serialize(), function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- $('#' + boxId).html(d);
- $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: ($('#searchCompanyListForm').offset().top) - 50}, 1000);
- });
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery, window));
- //memory history for app
- var historyList = [];
- function saveHistory(element) {
- var onclickFunction = $(element).attr("onclick");
- onclickFunction = onclickFunction.replace("saveHistory(this);", "");
- saveHistoryFunction(onclickFunction);
- }
- function saveHistoryFunction(functionString) {
- if (functionString != null) {
- if (functionString.indexOf("setActiveSidebarEntry") <= 0) {
- sidebarId = $('#sidebar .btn-danger').attr('id');
- functionString = functionString + 'setActiveSidebarEntry("' + sidebarId + '");';
- }
- historyList.push(functionString);
- if (historyList.length > 1) {
- $('#backButton').show();
- }
- }
- }
- function historyBack() {
- /*
- remove the current element from the list with pop
- trigger the now last entry
- make sure there are at least 2 entries in the list (> 1)
- otherwise the current entry will be removed by pop and can not be reached in the future
- */
- if (historyList.length > 1) {
- historyList.pop();
- var lastFunction = historyList[historyList.length - 1];
- if (lastFunction != 'undefined') {
- eval(lastFunction);
- }
- } else {
- $('#backButton').hide();
- }
- };var Categories = (function () {
- var my = {},
- firstLevelPrefix = 'first-level-',
- secondLevelPrefix = 'second-level-list-',
- categoriesPrefix = 'categories-';
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* categoryList */
- my.showFirstLevelName = function (firstLevelId) {
- hideElement(firstLevelId);
- $('#first-level-' + firstLevelId).slideDown();
- };
- my.showSecondLevelName = function (firstLevelId) {
- hideElement(firstLevelId);
- if ($('#' + firstLevelPrefix + firstLevelId).is(":hidden")) {
- $('#' + firstLevelPrefix + firstLevelId).slideDown();
- }
- if ($('#' + secondLevelPrefix + firstLevelId).is(":hidden")) {
- $('#' + secondLevelPrefix + firstLevelId).slideDown();
- }
- };
- function hideElement(id) {
- $('.first-level-name').each(function () {
- if ($(this).attr('id') != firstLevelPrefix + id) {
- $(this).slideUp();
- }
- });
- $('.second-level-list').each(function () {
- if ($(this).attr('id') != secondLevelPrefix + id) {
- $(this).slideUp();
- }
- });
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* biggestCityList */
- my.showCategoryInCityList = function (cityId) {
- if ($('#' + categoriesPrefix + cityId).is(":hidden")) {
- $('.categories-in-city').each(function () {
- $(this).slideUp();
- });
- $('#' + categoriesPrefix + cityId).slideDown();
- }
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery, window));;var Navigation = (function () {
- var my = {};
- my.scrollTolElement = function (id) {
- $('html, body').animate({
- scrollTop: $('#' + id).offset().top
- }, 1000);
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery, window));;var Mobile = (function($) {
- var my = {}, isMobile = false;
- my.isMobile = function() {
- if ($(window).width() <= 768) { //for iPad & smaller devices
- isMobile = true;
- }
- return isMobile;
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery));;var TrackingCompany = (function () {
- var my = {}, method = '';
- my.send = function (action, companyId, userId) {
- return $.ajax({
- url: '/' + method,
- cache: false,
- type: 'POST',
- dataType: 'json',
- data: {
- 'action': action,
- 'companyId': companyId,
- 'userId': userId
- }
- });
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery, window));;var Cookie = (function($) {
- var my = {};
- my.set = function(key, value) {
- var expires = new Date();
- expires.setTime(expires.getTime() + (1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
- document.cookie = key + '=' + value + ';path=/' + ';expires=' + expires.toUTCString();
- };
- my.get = function(key) {
- var keyValue = document.cookie.match('(^|;) ?' + key + '=([^;]*)(;|$)');
- return keyValue ? keyValue[2] : null;
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery));;/**
- * fontFaceCheck v0.2
- * Roel Nieskens, November 11, 2013
- *
- * Released under the MIT License.
- *
- *
- *
- * Usage:
- * 1. If you call, either a fontfacerender or a no-fontfacerender class
- * will be added to the HTML tag.
- * 2. Or use a callback function to grab the test result:
- * function(isSupported) { alert(isSupported) } );
- *
- * For IE8 and below, also pass the path to the EOT font:'/my/font/');
- *
- * Should work on all JavaScript-enabled browsers, old or new
- *
- * Inspired by the work of Paul Irish:
- */
- var fontFaceCheck = new function() {
- var doc = document,
- body = doc.body || doc.documentElement.appendChild(doc.createElement("fontface")),
- tempElm = doc.createElement("span"),
- tempStyle = doc.createElement("style"),
- delay = 5,
- runs = 20,
- supported,
- // Gratefully taken from
- ie = (function(){
- var undef,
- v = 3,
- div = doc.createElement("div"),
- all = div.getElementsByTagName("i");
- while (
- div.innerHTML = "<!--[if gt IE " + (++v) + "]><i></i><![endif]-->",
- all[0]
- );
- return v > 4 ? v : undef;
- }()),
- checkSupport = function(fontPathEOT, callback) {
- // Use timeout because Gecko and Webkit load data-uri font asynchronously :(
- // setTimeout(function(){
- supported = (tempElm.offsetWidth / Math.max(1, tempElm.offsetHeight)) >= 5;
- if(!supported && runs-- > 0)
- {
- setTimeout(function(){
- checkSupport(fontPathEOT, callback);
- }, delay);
- return;
- }
- body.removeChild(tempElm);
- // When font doesn't load, ratio will be less than or equal to 1. When loaded, it will
- // be 10. Check if it"s more than 5 to account for offsetWidth/offsetHeight wonkyness.
- if(callback) {
- callback(supported);
- } else {
- doc.getElementsByTagName("html")[0].className += supported ? " fontfacerender" : " no-fontfacerender";
- }
- };
- // Check @font-face support by trying to render our test icon
- = function(fontPathEOT, callback) {
- fontPathEOT = fontPathEOT || "./";
- tempElm.setAttribute("style", "font-family:pixelambacht !important;position:fixed;visibility:hidden");
- tempElm.innerHTML = "-";
- body.appendChild(tempElm);
- tempStyle.type = "text/css";
- doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(tempStyle);
- if(ie <= 8)
- {
- // IE<8 doesn't support fonts via data-uri, so get external .eot file. To assure it's
- // present when the test is executed, download it to cache via a synchronous XHR call
- var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
-"GET", fontPathEOT+"pixelambacht.eot", false);
- request.send(null);
- tempStyle.styleSheet.cssText = "@font-face{font-family:pixelambacht;src:url('"+fontPathEOT+"pixelambacht.eot');}";
- }
- else
- {
- // Load TTF via data-uri
- }
- checkSupport(fontPathEOT, callback);
- };
- };;
- (function (w) {
- w['Login'] = w['Login'] || {};
- w['Login'].loginUrl = ""
- }(window));
- var onloadCallback = function () {
- $('.g-recaptcha').each(function (index, el) {
- grecaptcha.render(el, {
- 'sitekey': '6Ld0RAoTAAAAAFji0CujiR0oPoPiDYZQvh21l715',
- 'theme': 'light'
- });
- });
- };
- // getScript workaround for IE
- jQuery.extend({
- getScript: function (url, callback) {
- var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- var script = document.createElement("script");
- var done = false; // Handle Script loading
- script.src = url;
- script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function () { // Attach handlers for all browsers
- if (!done && (!this.readyState || this.readyState === "loaded" || this.readyState === "complete")) {
- done = true;
- if (callback) {
- callback();
- }
- script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null; // Handle memory leak in IE
- }
- };
- head.appendChild(script);
- return undefined; // We handle everything using the script element injection
- }
- });
- if (window.location.hash && window.location.hash == '#_=_') {
- if (window.history && history.pushState) window.history.pushState("", document.title, window.location.pathname);
- else window.location.hash = '';
- }
- $(document).ready(function () {
- if (window.location.hash == '#imageUploadForm') {
- CompanyAjaxLoad.toggleFromNavigation('navigation_images', 'imageUploadForm', true, false);
- }
- if ($('#companyAdvert').height() > 200) {
- $('#map-canvas').height($('#companyAdvert').height());
- }
- var windowWidth = $(window).width();
- if (windowWidth <= 768) { //for iPad & smaller devices
- $('.panel-collapse').removeClass('in');
- }
- $('.fb-page').attr('data-width', $('.fb-page').parent().width());
- $('textarea').each(function () {
- autoresizeTextarea(this);
- });
- });
- $(function () {
- $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({html: true});
- $('textarea').keyup(function () {
- autoresizeTextarea(this);
- });
- });
- function loadDatePicker($noStartDate, $id) {
- if ($id != null) {
- $field = $id;
- } else {
- $field = '';
- }
- if ($noStartDate == false) {
- $($field).datepicker({
- format: "",
- weekStart: 1,
- startDate: "23.10.2019",
- clearBtn: true,
- language: "de",
- calendarWeeks: true,
- autoclose: true
- });
- } else {
- $($field).datepicker({
- format: "",
- weekStart: 1,
- startDate: "22.04.2019",
- clearBtn: true,
- language: "de",
- calendarWeeks: true,
- autoclose: true
- });
- }
- }
- (function (G, o, O, g, L, e) {
- G[g] = G[g] || function () {
- (G[g]['q'] = G[g]['q'] || []).push(arguments)
- }, G[g]['t'] = 1 * new Date;
- L = o.createElement(O), e = o.getElementsByTagName(O)[0];
- L.async = 1;
- L.src = '//';
- e.parentNode.insertBefore(L, e)
- })(window, document, 'script', '_googCsa');
- var googletag = googletag || {};
- googletag.cmd = googletag.cmd || [];
- (function () {
- var gads = document.createElement('script');
- gads.async = true;
- gads.type = 'text/javascript';
- var useSSL = 'https:' == document.location.protocol;
- gads.src = (useSSL ? 'https:' : 'http:') + '//';
- var node = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
- node.parentNode.insertBefore(gads, node);
- })();
- googletag.cmd.push(function () {
- googletag.defineSlot('/2492971/BTB.de_sonstiges_Leaderboard_Top', [728, 90], 'gpt-ad-leader-top').addService(googletag.pubads());
- googletag.defineSlot('/2492971/BTb.de_sonstige_Leaderboard', [728, 90], 'gpt-ad-leader').addService(googletag.pubads());
- googletag.defineSlot('/2492971/BTb.de_sonstige_Medium_Rectangle', [300, 250], 'gpt-ad-rectangle1').addService(googletag.pubads());
- googletag.defineSlot('/2492971/BTb.de_sonstige_Wide_Skyscraper', [160, 600], 'gpt-ad-skyscraper').addService(googletag.pubads());
- googletag.defineSlot('/2492971/BTb.de_Startseite_Medium_Rectangle_Bilder', [300, 250], 'gpt-ad-rectangle2').addService(googletag.pubads());
- googletag.defineSlot('/2492971/BTb.de_Large_Mobile_Banner', [325, 120], 'gpt-ad-mobile-top').addService(googletag.pubads());
- googletag.enableServices();
- });
- function getLocation() {
- $('#myLocation').toggleClass("active");
- var output = document.getElementById("geoMsg");
- var nav = window.navigator, $btn = $('#searchButton'), t = $btn.html();
- function successCallback(position) {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- $('#geoMsg').html("");
- $('#whereLat').val(position.coords.latitude);
- $('#whereLng').val(position.coords.longitude);
- $('#where').val("Mein Standort");
- $('#where').attr('readonly', 'readonly');
- }
- function errorCallback(error) {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- var message = "";
- switch (error.code) {
- message = "<i class='fa fa-times-circle-o'></i> <strong class='bold text-white'>Keine Berechtigung zur Ermittlung des Standorts.</span>";
- break;
- message = "<i class='fa fa-times-circle-o'></i> <span class='bold text-white'>Keine Positionsermittlung möglich.</span>";
- break;
- message = "<i class='fa fa-times-circle-o'></i> <span class='bold text-white'>Fehler: Ermittlung des Standorts dauerte zu lange.</span>";
- break;
- }
- output.innerHTML = message;
- }
- if (nav != null) {
- var geoloc = nav.geolocation;
- if (geoloc != null) {
- output.innerHTML = "<i class='fa fa-question-circle-o'></i> <span class='bold text-white'>Koordinaten werden ermittelt.</span>";
- if ($('#myLocation').hasClass('active')) {
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- geoloc.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback);
- } else {
- $('#where').removeAttr('readonly');
- $('#where').val('');
- $('#whereLat').val('');
- $('#whereLng').val('');
- output.innerHTML = "";
- }
- }
- else {
- output.innerHTML = "<i class='fa fa-times-circle-o'></i> <strong class='bold text-white'>Es ist ein Fehler unterlaufen. Überprüfen Sie, ob ihr GPS aktiviert ist bzw. ob ihr Browser diese Funktion unterstützt.</span>";
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- output.innerHTML = "<i class='fa fa-times-circle-o'></i> <strong class='bold text-white'>Es ist ein Fehler unterlaufen. Überprüfen Sie, ob ihr GPS aktiviert ist bzw. ob ihr Browser diese Funktion unterstützt.</span>";
- return;
- }
- }
- function removeLocation() {
- $('#myLocation').toggleClass("active");
- var output = document.getElementById("geoMsg");
- $('#where').removeAttr('readonly');
- $('#where').val('');
- $('#whereLat').val('');
- $('#whereLng').val('');
- output.innerHTML = "";
- }
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- var carouselFiftyPercent = (($('#' + id).height() - 20) - ($('#' + id + ' .btn').height() / 2)) / 2;
- $('#' + id + ' .btn').css('top', carouselFiftyPercent);
- }
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- var szmvars = "";
- var iom = iom || (function () {
- var dummySite = "dummy",
- baseUrlDE = "",
- baseUrlLSO = "",
- optinUrl = "",
- qdsUrl = "",
- cntBaseUrl = "",
- cntBaseUrlLSO = "",
- cntOptinUrl = "",
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- cntSubdomain = ["at", "imarex"],
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- LSOBlacklist = [],
- checkEvents = 1,
- tb = 0,
- sv = 1,
- lastEvent = "",
- emptyCode = "Leercode_nichtzuordnungsfaehig",
- autoEvents = {
- onfocus:"aforg",
- onblur:"abakg",
- onclose:"aclse"
- },
- nt = 2,
- cookiewhitelist = [],
- cookieName = "ioam2018",
- socioToken = "632015cbcfc384bd790454922497da97",
- frequency = 60000,
- hbiAdShort = 5000,
- hbiAdMedium = 10000,
- hbiAdLong = 30000,
- hbiShort = 10000,
- hbiMedium = 30000,
- hbiLong = 60000,
- hbiExtraLong = 300000,
- heart;
- var IAMPageElement = null,
- IAMQSElement = null,
- qdsParameter = {},
- qdsPopupBlockDuration = 86400000,
- result = {},
- mode,
- eventsEnabled = 0,
- surveyCalled = 0,
- inited = 0;
- var lsottl = 86400000,
- lsottlmin = 180000,
- ioplusurl = "";
- function enableEvents() {
- if ((tb == 1 || result.tb == "on") && result.tb != "off" && !eventsEnabled) {
- eventsEnabled = 1;
- mode = 1;
- for(var e in autoEvents) {
- (function(e) {
- var oldEvent = window[e];
- window[e] = function() {
- if (lastEvent != autoEvents[e]) {
- lastEvent = autoEvents[e];
- event(autoEvents[e]);
- }
- if (typeof oldEvent == "function") oldEvent();
- };
- })(e);
- }
- }
- }
- function isDoNotTrack() {
- if ((nt & 2) ? ((typeof result.nt == "undefined") ? (nt & 1) : result.nt) : nt & 1) {
- if (window.navigator.msDoNotTrack && window.navigator.msDoNotTrack == "1") return true;
- if (window.navigator.doNotTrack && (window.navigator.doNotTrack == "yes" || window.navigator.doNotTrack == "1")) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- var getInvitation = function (response) {
- if (response && response.hasOwnProperty("block-status")){
- var isEligibleForInvitation = ( "NONE" === response['block-status'].toUpperCase() );
- if (isEligibleForInvitation) {
- if (IAMQSElement) {
- IAMQSElement.parentNode.removeChild(IAMQSElement);
- }
- IAMQSElement = createScriptTag(response['invite-url']);
- }
- }
- };
- function loadSurvey() {
- szmvars = + "//" + + "//" + result.cp + "//VIA_SZMNG";
- var sampleType = ( == "i2") ? "in" :;
- var qdsHost = qdsUrl;
- if ( {
- sampleType += "_";
- if ( == "at") {
- qdsHost = cntQdsUrl;
- }
- }
- qdsParameter = {
- siteIdentifier: result.cp,
- offerIdentifier:,
- sampleType: sampleType,
- pixelType:,
- contentType: result.cp,
- host: qdsHost,
- port: "",
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- isFadeoutFrame: true,
- isFadeoutForm: true,
- positionTop: 10,
- positionLeft: 100,
- zIndex: 1100000,
- popupBlockDuration: qdsPopupBlockDuration,
- keysForQueryParam : [
- "offerIdentifier",
- "siteIdentifier",
- "sampleType",
- "pixelType",
- "isFadeoutFlash",
- "isFadeoutFrame",
- "isFadeoutForm",
- "positionTop",
- "positionLeft",
- "zIndex"]
- };
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- }
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- }
- if(typeof window.iam_position_left !== 'undefined') {
- qdsParameter.positionLeft = window.iam_position_left;
- }
- var filterObjectByKeys = function (obj, keysToFilter) {
- var result = {}, key;
- var arrayLength = keysToFilter.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
- key = keysToFilter[i];
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- result[key] = obj[key];
- }
- }
- return result;
- };
- var serializeToQueryString = function (obj) {
- var str = [];
- for (var key in obj)
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- str.push(encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(obj[key]));
- }
- return str.join("&");
- };
- var createPopupcheckCookie = function (blockDuration) {
- var blockedUntilDate = new Date();
- blockedUntilDate.setTime(blockedUntilDate.getTime() + blockDuration);
- var expires = "expires=" + blockedUntilDate.toUTCString();
- document.cookie = "POPUPCHECK=" + blockedUntilDate.getTime().toString() + ";" + expires + ";path=/";
- };
- var hasPopupcheckCookie = function () {
- var cookie = document.cookie.split(";");
- for (var i = 0; i < cookie.length; i++) {
- if (cookie[i].match("POPUPCHECK=.*")) {
- var currentDate = new Date();
- var now = currentDate.getTime();
- currentDate.setTime(cookie[i].split("=")[1]);
- var blockedUntilTime = currentDate.getTime();
- if (now <= blockedUntilTime) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- if (hasPopupcheckCookie()) {
- return;
- }
- if (sv && !surveyCalled && !== "ke" && === "dz") {
- surveyCalled = 1;
- iam_ng_nxss();
- }
- if (sv && !surveyCalled && !== "ke" && ( === "in" || === "mo" || === "i2" )) {
- surveyCalled = 1;
- createPopupcheckCookie(qdsParameter.popupBlockDuration);
- var protocol = window.location.protocol;
- var pathOfCheckInvitation = "identitystatus";
- var queryParameter = filterObjectByKeys(qdsParameter, qdsParameter.keysForQueryParam);
- var queryParameterString = "?" + serializeToQueryString(queryParameter);
- if (window.XDomainRequest && document.documentMode === 9) {
- var checkForInvitationUrl = protocol + '//' + + '/' + pathOfCheckInvitation + '/identity.js' + queryParameterString+'&'+Math.random();
- createScriptTag(checkForInvitationUrl);
- } else {
- var checkForInvitationUrl = protocol + '//' + + '/' + pathOfCheckInvitation + queryParameterString+'&c='+Math.random();
- var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
- httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function () {
- if (httpRequest.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE && 200 === httpRequest.status) {
- var response = JSON.parse(httpRequest.responseText);
- getInvitation(response);
- }
- };
-'GET', checkForInvitationUrl, true);
- httpRequest.withCredentials = true;
- httpRequest.send(null);
- }
- }
- }
- function hash(key) {
- var hash = 0;
- for (var i=0; i<key.length; ++i) {
- hash += key.charCodeAt(i);
- hash += (hash << 10);
- hash ^= (hash >> 6);
- }
- hash += (hash << 3);
- hash ^= (hash >> 11);
- hash += (hash << 15);
- hash = Math.abs(hash & hash);
- return hash.toString(36);
- }
- function activeXDetect() {
- var result = "",
- componentVersion,
- components =[
- "7790769C-0471-11D2-AF11-00C04FA35D02", "89820200-ECBD-11CF-8B85-00AA005B4340",
- "283807B5-2C60-11D0-A31D-00AA00B92C03", "4F216970-C90C-11D1-B5C7-0000F8051515",
- "44BBA848-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C", "9381D8F2-0288-11D0-9501-00AA00B911A5",
- "4F216970-C90C-11D1-B5C7-0000F8051515", "5A8D6EE0-3E18-11D0-821E-444553540000",
- "89820200-ECBD-11CF-8B85-00AA005B4383", "08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608555",
- "45EA75A0-A269-11D1-B5BF-0000F8051515", "DE5AED00-A4BF-11D1-9948-00C04F98BBC9",
- "22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95", "44BBA842-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015B",
- "3AF36230-A269-11D1-B5BF-0000F8051515", "44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C",
- "CC2A9BA0-3BDD-11D0-821E-444553540000", "08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500",
- "D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000", "2A202491-F00D-11CF-87CC-0020AFEECF20"
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- componentVersion = document.body.getComponentVersion('{' + components[i] + '}', 'ComponentID');
- if ( componentVersion !== null ) {
- result += componentVersion;
- } else {
- result += "null";
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- function fingerprint() {
- var nav = window.navigator, t = nav.userAgent;
- t += getScreen();
- if (nav.plugins.length > 0 ) {
- for (var i = 0; i < nav.plugins.length; i++ ) {
- t += nav.plugins[i].filename + nav.plugins[i].version + nav.plugins[i].description;
- }
- }
- if (nav.mimeTypes.length > 0 ) {
- for (var i = 0; i < nav.mimeTypes.length; i++ ) {
- t += nav.mimeTypes[i].type;
- }
- }
- if ( /MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(nav.userAgent) ) {
- try {
- t += activeXDetect();
- }
- catch(e) {
- // ignore
- }
- }
- return hash(t);
- }
- function createScriptTag(url){
- var el = document.createElement("script");
- el.type = "text/javascript";
- el.src = url;
- var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- if(head) {
- head.appendChild(el);
- return el;
- }
- else return false;
- }
- function createScriptTagAsync(url, cb){
- var el = document.createElement("script");
- el.type = "text/javascript";
- el.src = url;
- el.onload = cb;
- el.async = true;
- var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- if(head) {
- head.appendChild(el);
- return el;
- }
- else return false;
- }
- function transmitData(url, mode) {
- if (url.split("/")[2].slice(url.split("/")[2].length-8) == "" || url.split("/")[2].slice(url.split("/")[2].length-10) == "") {
- switch (mode) {
- case 1:
- if (IAMPageElement) {
- IAMPageElement.parentNode.removeChild(IAMPageElement);
- }
- IAMPageElement = createScriptTag(url+'&mo=1');
- if (!IAMPageElement) (new Image()).src = url+'&mo=0';
- break;
- case 2:
- (new Image()).src = url+'&mo=0';
- break;
- case 3:
- var IAMsendBox = document.getElementById('iamsendbox'), sendBoxStyle;
- if (IAMsendBox) {
- document.body.removeChild(IAMsendBox);
- }
- IAMsendBox = document.createElement("iframe");
- = "iamsendbox";
- sendBoxStyle =;
- sendBoxStyle.position = "absolute";
- sendBoxStyle.left = = "-999px";
- IAMsendBox.src = url + "&mo=1";
- document.body.appendChild(IAMsendBox);
- break;
- case 0:
- default:
- document.write('<script src="'+url+'&mo=1"></script>');
- }
- }
- }
- function getScreen() {
- return screen.width + "x" + screen.height + "x" + screen.colorDepth;
- }
- function arrayContains(arr, obj) {
- var i;
- for (i=0;i<arr.length;i++) {
- if (arr[i]==obj) return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function transformVar(value) {
- if (!value) value = "";
- value = value.replace(/[?#].*/g, "");
- value = value.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9,_\/-]+/g, ".");
- if (value.length > 255) value = value.substr(0,254) + '+';
- return value;
- }
- function getRefHost() {
- var url = document.referrer.split("/");
- return (url.length >= 3) ? url[2] : "";
- }
- function buildResult(params) {
- result = {};
- var i;
- for (i in params) {
- if (params.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
- if (i != "cn" || (i == "cn" && arrayContains(cntSubdomain, params[i]))) {
- result[i] = params[i];
- }
- }
- }
- if (result.hasOwnProperty("fp")) {
- result.fp = (result.fp != "" && typeof result.fp != "undefined") ? result.fp : emptyCode;
- result.fp = transformVar(result.fp);
- = "FP";
- }
- if (result.hasOwnProperty("np")) {
- = ( != "" && typeof != "undefined") ? : emptyCode;
- = transformVar(;
- = "NP";
- }
- if (result.hasOwnProperty("xp")) {
- result.xp = (result.xp != "" && typeof result.xp != "undefined") ? result.xp : emptyCode;
- result.xp = transformVar(result.xp);
- = "XP";
- }
- if (result.hasOwnProperty("cp")) {
- result.cp = (result.cp != "" && typeof result.cp != "undefined") ? result.cp : emptyCode;
- result.cp = transformVar(result.cp);
- = "CP";
- }
- if (! {
- result.cp = emptyCode;
- = "CP";
- = "N13";
- }
- if (!result.hasOwnProperty("ps")) {
- = "lin";
- = "N22";
- } else {
- if (!(arrayContains(['ack', 'lin', 'pio', 'out'], {
- = "lin";
- = "N23";
- }
- }
- result.rf = getRefHost();
- if (!result.hasOwnProperty("sur") || (result.hasOwnProperty("sur") && result.sur != "yes")) {
- result.r2 = document.referrer;
- }
- result.ur =;
- result.xy = getScreen();
- result.lo = "US/Oregon";
- result.cb = "000d";
- result.i2 = "000dc8b3f4e3020ae5cbcfc38";
- result.ep = 1579667364;
- result.vr = "412";
- = fingerprint();
- = ? : dummySite;
- if (!result.hasOwnProperty("sc") || (result.hasOwnProperty("sc") && != "no")) {
- var cookie = getFirstPartyCookie();
- result.i3 = cookie.cookie;
- result.n1 = cookie.length;
- }
- if (((arrayContains(cookiewhitelist, || (result.hasOwnProperty("sc") && == "yes")) && result.i3 == "nocookie") {
- result.i3 = setFirstPartyCookie();
- }
- if (!result.hasOwnProperty("cn") && == "_") {
- var cn =,2);
- if (arrayContains(cntSubdomain, cn)) {
- = cn;
- } else {
- = "E12";
- }
- }
- // DNT dissemination survey
- try {
- result.dntt = ((window.navigator.msDoNotTrack && window.navigator.msDoNotTrack == "1") || (window.navigator.doNotTrack && (window.navigator.doNotTrack == "yes" || window.navigator.doNotTrack == "1"))) ? "1" : "0";
- } catch(e) {
- // ignore
- }
- }
- function event(event) {
- var payLoad = "";
- var i;
- event = event || "";
- stopHeart();
- if (inited && !isDoNotTrack() && (!checkEvents || (checkEvents && arrayContains(eventList, event))) && !== "out") {
- = (new Date()).getTime();
- result.ev = event;
- var proto = ( window.location.protocol.slice(0,4) === 'http' ) ? window.location.protocol : "https:";
- var baseUrl = baseUrlDE;
- if ( {
- baseUrl = + cntBaseUrl;
- }
- if ( !(arrayContains(LSOBlacklist, && (((/iPhone/.test(window.navigator.userAgent) || /iPad/.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) && /Safari/.test(window.navigator.userAgent) && !(/Chrome/.test(window.navigator.userAgent)) && !(/CriOS/.test(window.navigator.userAgent))) || (/Maple_2011/.test(window.navigator.userAgent))) ) {
- if ( {
- baseUrl = + cntBaseUrlLSO;
- } else {
- baseUrl = baseUrlLSO;
- }
- mode = 3;
- if (result.hasOwnProperty("sur") && result.sur == "yes") {
- result.u2 = window.location.origin;
- } else {
- result.u2 = document.URL;
- }
- }
- for (i in result) {
- if (result.hasOwnProperty(i) && i!="cs" && i!="url") {
- payLoad = payLoad + encodeURIComponent(i).slice(0,8) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(result[i]).slice(0,2048) + "&";
- }
- }
- payLoad = payLoad.slice(0,4096);
- result.cs = hash(payLoad);
- result.url = proto + "//" + baseUrl + "?" + payLoad + "cs=" + result.cs;
- transmitData(result.url, mode);
- if (arrayContains(['play', 'resm', 'alve', 'mute', 'sfqt', 'ssqt', 'stqt', 'sapl', 'snsp'], event) && mode === 1 && result.hasOwnProperty('hb')) {
- startHeart();
- }
- return result;
- }
- return {};
- }
- function forwardToOldSZM() {
- if (result.oer === "yes" && !window.IVW && !document.IVW) {
- var SZMProtocol = (window.location.protocol.slice(0,4) === 'http') ? window.location.protocol : "https:";
- var SZMCode = (result.oc) ? result.oc : ((result.cp) ? ((result.cp == emptyCode) ? "" : result.cp) : "");
- var SZMContType = ( !== null) ? : "CP";
- (new Image()).src = SZMProtocol + "//" + + "" + SZMContType.toUpperCase() + "/" + SZMCode + ";" + SZMComment + "?r=" + escape(document.referrer) + "&d=" + (Math.random()*100000);
- }
- }
- function count(params, m) {
- init(params,m);
- return event(result.ev);
- }
- function init(params,m) {
- mode = m;
- buildResult(params);
- if ( {
- = ( == "in" && mode == 1) ? "i2" :;
- }
- enableEvents();
- loadSurvey();
- inited = 1;
- forwardToOldSZM();
- return {};
- }
- function hybrid(params,m) {
- init(params,m);
- var ioam_smi = (typeof localStorage === 'object' && typeof localStorage.getItem === 'function') ? localStorage.getItem("ioam_smi") : null;
- var ioam_site = (typeof localStorage === 'object' && typeof localStorage.getItem === 'function') ? localStorage.getItem("ioam_site") : null;
- var ioam_bo = (typeof localStorage === 'object' && typeof localStorage.getItem === 'function') ? localStorage.getItem("ioam_bo") : null;
- if ( ioam_smi !== null && ioam_site !== null && ioam_bo !== null ) {
- result.mi = ioam_smi;
- result.fs =;
- = ioam_site;
- = ioam_bo;
- if (result.fs == {
- result.cp = (result.cp.slice(0,10) !== "___hyb2___") ? "___hyb2___"+result.fs+"___"+result.cp : result.cp;
- } else {
- result.cp = (result.cp.slice(0,9) !== "___hyb___") ? "___hyb___"+result.fs+"___"+result.cp : result.cp;
- }
- return event(result.ev);
- } else if ( ioam_smi !== null && ioam_bo !== null ) {
- return {};
- } else {
- if ( window.location.protocol.slice(0,4) !== 'http' || /IOAM\/\d+\.\d+/.test(window.navigator.userAgent) ) {
- return {};
- } else {
- return event(result.ev);
- }
- }
- }
- function setMultiIdentifier(midentifier) {
- if ( localStorage.getItem("ioam_smi") === null || localStorage.getItem("ioam_site") === null || localStorage.getItem("ioam_bo") === null || localStorage.getItem("ioam_smi") !== midentifier ) {
- result.fs =;
- var JsonMIndetifier = null;
- var NewSite = null;
- if ( typeof midentifier === 'string' && typeof JSON === 'object' && typeof JSON.parse === 'function' ) {
- try {
- JsonMIndetifier = JSON.parse(midentifier);
- if (JsonMIndetifier.hasOwnProperty( 'library' )) {
- if (JsonMIndetifier.library.hasOwnProperty( 'offerIdentifier' )) {
- if ( JsonMIndetifier.library.offerIdentifier ) {
- NewSite = JsonMIndetifier.library.offerIdentifier;
- } else {
- = "JSON(E10): offerIdentifier not valid";
- }
- } else {
- = "JSON(E10): no key offerIdentifier";
- }
- } else {
- = "JSON(E10): no key library";
- }
- } catch(err) {
- = "JSON(E10): "+err;
- }
- }
- if ( NewSite !== null ) {
- localStorage.setItem("ioam_site", NewSite);
- }
- = NewSite;
- result.mi = midentifier;
- = (new Date()).getTime();
- localStorage.setItem("ioam_smi", result.mi);
- localStorage.setItem("ioam_bo",;
- if (result.fs == {
- result.cp = (result.cp.slice(0,10) !== "___hyb2___") ? "___hyb2___"+result.fs+"___"+result.cp : result.cp;
- } else {
- result.cp = (result.cp.slice(0,9) !== "___hyb___") ? "___hyb___"+result.fs+"___"+result.cp : result.cp;
- }
- return event(result.ev);
- }
- return {};
- }
- if (window.postMessage || window.JSON && {} !== '[object Function]' && {} !== '[object Function]') {
- var listener = function(msg) {
- try {
- var msgdata = JSON.parse(;
- } catch(e) {
- msgdata = { type:false };
- }
- if ({} === '[object Object]' && msgdata.type == "iam_data") {
- var respObj = {
- seq : msgdata.seq,
- iam_data : {
- st:,
- cp: result.cp
- }
- };
- msg.source.postMessage(JSON.stringify(respObj),msg.origin);
- }
- };
- if (window.addEventListener) {
- window.addEventListener("message", listener);
- } else {
- window.attachEvent("onmessage", listener);
- }
- }
- function optin() {
- var oiurl = ( window.location.protocol.slice(0,4) === 'http' ) ? window.location.protocol : "https:" + "//" + optinUrl;
- var win =, '_blank');
- win.focus();
- }
- function startHeart() {
- // IE 9 Compatible
- function heartbeat() {
- return event("alve");
- }
- switch (result.hb) {
- case "adshort":
- frequency = hbiAdShort;
- break;
- case "admedium":
- frequency = hbiAdMedium;
- break;
- case "adlong":
- frequency = hbiAdLong;
- break;
- case "short":
- frequency = hbiShort;
- break;
- case "medium":
- frequency = hbiMedium;
- break;
- case "long":
- frequency = hbiLong;
- break;
- case "extralong":
- frequency = hbiExtraLong;
- break;
- default:
- frequency = 0;
- }
- if (frequency != 0) {
- try {
- heart = setInterval(heartbeat, frequency);
- } catch(e) {
- // pass
- }
- }
- }
- function stopHeart() {
- try {
- clearInterval(heart);
- } catch(e) {
- // pass
- }
- }
- function stringtohex(str) {
- var res = [];
- for (var n = 0, l = str.length; n < l; n ++) {
- var hex = Number(str.charCodeAt(n)).toString(16);
- res.push(hex);
- }
- return res.join('');
- }
- function getUniqueID() {
- var max = 999999999999;
- var min = 100000000000;
- return (Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min).toString(16) + (Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min).toString(16) + stringtohex(result.cb) + (Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min).toString(16);
- }
- function expireDays() {
- var max = 365;
- var min = 300;
- return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
- }
- function getFirstPartyCookie() {
- var cookie = document.cookie.split(";");
- for (var i = 0; i < cookie.length; i++) {
- if (cookie[i].match(cookieName + "=.*")) {
- var ourcookie = cookie[i].split("=")[1];
- if (hash(ourcookie.split("!")[0]) == ourcookie.split("!")[1]) {
- if (!result.hasOwnProperty("i3") || !result.i3) {
- updateFirstPartyCookie(ourcookie);
- }
- return {
- cookie: ourcookie,
- length: cookie.length
- };
- } else {
- // checksum failed, cookie not trusted, delete cookie
- = "N19";
- try {
- setFirstPartyCookie(2000);
- } catch(e) {
- = "N20";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return {cookie: "nocookie", length: cookie.length};
- }
- function checkFirstPartyCookie() {
- var cookie = getFirstPartyCookie();
- if (cookie.cookie != "nocookie") {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- function getFpcd(cd) {
- var ctld ='acadaeafagaialamaoaqarasatauawaxazbabbbdbebfbgbhbibjbmbnbobrbsbtbwbybzcacccdcfcgchcickclcmcncocrcucvcwcxcyczdjdkdmdodzeceeegereseteufifjfkfmfofrgagdgegfggghgiglgmgngpgqgrgsgtgugwgyhkhmhnhrhthuidieiliminioiqirisitjejmjojpkekgkhkikmknkpkrkwkykzlalblclilklrlsltlulvlymamcmdmemgmhmkmlmmmnmompmqmrmsmtmumvmwmxmymznancnenfngninlnonpnrnunzompapepfpgphpkplpmpnprpsptpwpyqarerorsrurwsasbscsdsesgshsiskslsmsnsosrssstsvsxsysztctdtftgthtjtktltmtntotrtttvtwtzuaugukusuyuzvavcvevgvivnvuwfwsyeytzazmzw'.match(/.{1,2}(?=(.{2})+(?!.))|.{1,2}$/g),
- blkPrefixes = ['www', 'm', 'mobile'],
- urlParts = cd.split('.'),
- fpcd,
- ctldParts = [],
- hostParts = [],
- ctldPart = '',
- hostPart = '',
- i = 0,
- iLen = 0;
- if (!cd) return '';
- if (arrayContains(ctld, urlParts[urlParts.length -1])) {
- for (i = urlParts.length -1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
- if ( i >= urlParts.length - 3 && urlParts[i].length <= 4) {
- ctldParts.push(urlParts[i]);
- } else {
- hostParts.push(urlParts[i]);
- break;
- }
- }
- ctldParts = ctldParts.reverse();
- for (i = 0, iLen = ctldParts.length;i < iLen; i += 1) {
- if (!arrayContains(blkPrefixes, ctldParts[i])) {
- ctldPart += i < iLen ? '.' + ctldParts[i] : ctldParts[i];
- }
- }
- hostParts = hostParts.reverse();
- hostPart = hostParts[hostParts.length - 1] || '';
- if (arrayContains(blkPrefixes, hostPart)) {
- hostPart = '';
- }
- } else {
- hostPart = urlParts
- .slice(urlParts.length - 2, urlParts.length)
- .join('.') || '';
- }
- fpcd = hostPart + ctldPart;
- if (fpcd && fpcd.length > 4 && fpcd.split('.').length > 1) {
- // RFC 2109
- return 'domain=' + (fpcd[0] === '.' ? fpcd : (fpcd ? '.' + fpcd : '')) + ';';
- }
- return '';
- }
- function updateFirstPartyCookie(cookievalue) {
- var domain = getFpcd(location.hostname);
- var expireValue = cookievalue.split(":")[1];
- var events = parseInt(cookievalue.split(":")[4]) + 1;
- var expireDate = new Date(new Date().setTime(expireValue));
- var now = new Date();
- var cookval = cookievalue.split(":").slice(0,4).join(":") + ":" + events + ":" + now.getTime().toString();
- cookval = cookval + "!" + hash(cookval);
- document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + cookval + ";expires=" + expireDate.toUTCString() + ";" + domain + ";path=/;";
- }
- function setFirstPartyCookie(expire) {
- if (!expire) {
- expire = expireDays()*24*60*60*1000;
- }
- var domain = getFpcd(location.hostname);
- var expireDate = new Date(new Date().setTime(new Date().getTime()+expire));
- var setDate = new Date();
- var identifier;
- if (result.hasOwnProperty("i2")) {
- identifier = result.i2;
- } else {
- identifier = getUniqueID();
- }
- var cookval = identifier + ":" + expireDate.getTime().toString() + ":" + setDate.getTime().toString() + ":" + domain.replace("domain=", "").replace(";", "") + ":1:" + setDate.getTime().toString();
- cookval = cookval + "!" + hash(cookval);
- document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + cookval + ";expires=" + expireDate.toUTCString() + ";" + domain + ";path=/;";
- if (!checkFirstPartyCookie()) {
- // cookie not found, try it without domain
- document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + cookval + ";expires=" + expireDate.toUTCString() + ";path=/;";
- = "N25";
- if (!checkFirstPartyCookie()) {
- = "N26";
- return "nocookie";
- }
- }
- return cookval;
- }
- function createCORSRequest(method, url) {
- var xdhreq = new XMLHttpRequest();
- if ("withCredentials" in xdhreq) {
-, url, true);
- xdhreq.withCredentials = true;
- } else if (typeof XDomainRequest != "undefined") {
- xdhreq = new XDomainRequest();
-, url);
- } else {
- xdhreq = null;
- }
- return xdhreq;
- }
- function getPlus() {
- if (typeof localStorage === 'object' && typeof localStorage.getItem === 'function') {
- if (localStorage.getItem("ioamplusdata") !== null && localStorage.getItem("ioamplusttl") !== null) {
- var currentDate = new Date();
- var now = currentDate.getTime();
- currentDate.setTime(localStorage.getItem("ioamplusttl"));
- if (now <= currentDate.getTime()) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- var checkForSocio = 'https:' + '//' + ioplusurl + '/soziodata2.php?sc=' + socioToken + '&st=' + + '&id=' +;
- var XHR = createCORSRequest('GET', checkForSocio);
- if (XHR) {
- XHR.onload = function() {
- var response = XHR.responseText;
- var blockedUntilDate = new Date();
- try {
- if ((response.split(":")[1].split(",")[0]) == "0") {
- blockedUntilDate.setTime(blockedUntilDate.getTime() + lsottlmin);
- localStorage.setItem("ioamplusttl", blockedUntilDate.getTime().toString());
- if (localStorage.getItem("ioamplusdata") == null) {
- localStorage.setItem("ioamplusdata", response);
- }
- } else {
- blockedUntilDate.setTime(blockedUntilDate.getTime() + lsottl);
- localStorage.setItem("ioamplusdata", response);
- localStorage.setItem("ioamplusttl", blockedUntilDate.getTime().toString());
- }
- } catch(e) {
- // pass
- }
- };
- XHR.send();
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- return {
- count: count,
- c: count,
- i: init,
- init: init,
- e: event,
- event: event,
- h: hybrid,
- hybrid: hybrid,
- setMultiIdentifier: setMultiIdentifier,
- smi: setMultiIdentifier,
- oi: optin,
- optin: optin,
- getInvitation: getInvitation,
- gi: getInvitation,
- getPlus: getPlus,
- gp: getPlus
- };
- })();
- var iam_data = {
- "st": "dastelef",
- "cp": "TBBUND_Start",
- "sv": "in"
- };
- iom.c(iam_data);
- /* PLEASE DO NOT COPY AND PASTE THIS CODE. */(function(){var CFG='___grecaptcha_cfg';if(!window[CFG]){window[CFG]={};}var GR='grecaptcha';if(!window[GR]){window[GR]={};}window[GR].ready=window[GR].ready||function(f){(window[CFG]['fns']=window[CFG]['fns']||[]).push(f);};(window[CFG]['fallback']=window[CFG]['fallback']||[]).push('true');(window[CFG]['render']=window[CFG]['render']||[]).push('explicit');(window[CFG]['onload']=window[CFG]['onload']||[]).push('onloadCallback');window['__google_recaptcha_client']=true;var po=document.createElement('script');po.type='text/javascript';po.async=true;po.src='';var elem=document.querySelector('script[nonce]');var n=elem&&(elem['nonce']||elem.getAttribute('nonce'));if(n){po.setAttribute('nonce',n);}var s=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);})();
- var Confirmation = (function ($) {
- var my = {'facebookCallback': null};
- my.registerFacebookCallback = function (cb) {
- my.facebookCallback = cb;
- };
- my.isConfirmed = function (by, data) {
- var email, accountname, token;
- if (by === 'facebook') {
- email =;
- accountname =;
- token = data.auth.authResponse.accessToken;
- $('.facebook-authinfo').val(JSON.stringify(data.auth.authResponse));
- if (typeof my.facebookCallback === 'function') {
- my.facebookCallback(data.auth, data.profile);
- }
- } else {
- if (by === 'twitter') {
- email = 'not_send';
- accountname = 'not_send';
- token = 'private';
- } else {
- return;
- }
- }
- $('.confirm-option').hide();
- $('.confirm-info').show().children(':nth-child(2)').html('Bestätigung erfolgt über ' + by.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + by.slice(1));
- $('.privemail').val(email);
- $('.accountname').val(accountname);
- $('.accesstoken').val(token);
- $('.confirmMethod').val(by);
- $('.captchaAnswer').val('1234');
- };
- my.listener = function (event) {
- if ( === 'dialo_twitter_confirm_ok') {
- my.isConfirmed('twitter');
- }
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery));
- if (window.addEventListener) {
- addEventListener("message", function (e) {
- if (Confirmation) {
- Confirmation.listener(e);
- }
- if (Login) {
- Login.listener(e);
- }
- }, false)
- } else {
- attachEvent("onmessage", function (e) {
- if (Confirmation) {
- Confirmation.listener(e);
- }
- if (Login) {
- Login.listener(e);
- }
- })
- }
- jQuery(window).load(function () {
- $('.image-defer').each(function () {
- $(this).attr('src', $(this).data('src'));
- });
- })
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t=e(this),"bootstrap-switch"),a||"bootstrap-switch",a=new n(this,o)),"string"==typeof o?s=a[o].apply(a,i):void 0}),s},e.fn.bootstrapSwitch.Constructor=n,e.fn.bootstrapSwitch.defaults={state:!0,size:null,animate:!0,disabled:!1,readonly:!1,indeterminate:!1,inverse:!1,radioAllOff:!1,onColor:"primary",offColor:"default",onText:"ON",offText:"OFF",labelText:" ",handleWidth:"auto",labelWidth:"auto",baseClass:"bootstrap-switch",wrapperClass:"wrapper",onInit:function(){},onSwitchChange:function(){}}}(window.jQuery,window)}).call(this);;/* ========================================================================
- * Bootstrap: affix.js v3.3.5
- *
- * ========================================================================
- * Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (
- * ======================================================================== */
- +function ($) {
- 'use strict';
- // ======================
- var Affix = function (element, options) {
- this.options = $.extend({}, Affix.DEFAULTS, options)
- this.$target = $(
- .on('', $.proxy(this.checkPosition, this))
- .on('', $.proxy(this.checkPositionWithEventLoop, this))
- this.$element = $(element)
- this.affixed = null
- this.unpin = null
- this.pinnedOffset = null
- this.checkPosition()
- }
- Affix.VERSION = '3.3.5'
- Affix.RESET = 'affix affix-top affix-bottom'
- Affix.DEFAULTS = {
- offset: 0,
- target: window
- }
- Affix.prototype.getState = function (scrollHeight, height, offsetTop, offsetBottom) {
- var scrollTop = this.$target.scrollTop()
- var position = this.$element.offset()
- var targetHeight = this.$target.height()
- if (offsetTop != null && this.affixed == 'top') return scrollTop < offsetTop ? 'top' : false
- if (this.affixed == 'bottom') {
- if (offsetTop != null) return (scrollTop + this.unpin <= ? false : 'bottom'
- return (scrollTop + targetHeight <= scrollHeight - offsetBottom) ? false : 'bottom'
- }
- var initializing = this.affixed == null
- var colliderTop = initializing ? scrollTop :
- var colliderHeight = initializing ? targetHeight : height
- if (offsetTop != null && scrollTop <= offsetTop) return 'top'
- if (offsetBottom != null && (colliderTop + colliderHeight >= scrollHeight - offsetBottom)) return 'bottom'
- return false
- }
- Affix.prototype.getPinnedOffset = function () {
- if (this.pinnedOffset) return this.pinnedOffset
- this.$element.removeClass(Affix.RESET).addClass('affix')
- var scrollTop = this.$target.scrollTop()
- var position = this.$element.offset()
- return (this.pinnedOffset = - scrollTop)
- }
- Affix.prototype.checkPositionWithEventLoop = function () {
- setTimeout($.proxy(this.checkPosition, this), 1)
- }
- Affix.prototype.checkPosition = function () {
- if (!this.$':visible')) return
- var height = this.$element.height()
- var offset = this.options.offset
- var offsetTop =
- var offsetBottom = offset.bottom
- var scrollHeight = Math.max($(document).height(), $(document.body).height())
- if (typeof offset != 'object') offsetBottom = offsetTop = offset
- if (typeof offsetTop == 'function') offsetTop =$element)
- if (typeof offsetBottom == 'function') offsetBottom = offset.bottom(this.$element)
- var affix = this.getState(scrollHeight, height, offsetTop, offsetBottom)
- if (this.affixed != affix) {
- if (this.unpin != null) this.$element.css('top', '')
- var affixType = 'affix' + (affix ? '-' + affix : '')
- var e = $.Event(affixType + '.bs.affix')
- this.$element.trigger(e)
- if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) return
- this.affixed = affix
- this.unpin = affix == 'bottom' ? this.getPinnedOffset() : null
- this.$element
- .removeClass(Affix.RESET)
- .addClass(affixType)
- .trigger(affixType.replace('affix', 'affixed') + '.bs.affix')
- }
- if (affix == 'bottom') {
- this.$element.offset({
- top: scrollHeight - height - offsetBottom
- })
- }
- }
- // =======================
- function Plugin(option) {
- return this.each(function () {
- var $this = $(this)
- var data = $'bs.affix')
- var options = typeof option == 'object' && option
- if (!data) $'bs.affix', (data = new Affix(this, options)))
- if (typeof option == 'string') data[option]()
- })
- }
- var old = $.fn.affix
- $.fn.affix = Plugin
- $.fn.affix.Constructor = Affix
- // =================
- $.fn.affix.noConflict = function () {
- $.fn.affix = old
- return this
- }
- // ==============
- $(window).on('load', function () {
- $('[data-spy="affix"]').each(function () {
- var $spy = $(this)
- var data = $
- data.offset = data.offset || {}
- if (data.offsetBottom != null) data.offset.bottom = data.offsetBottom
- if (data.offsetTop != null) = data.offsetTop
-$spy, data)
- })
- })
- }(jQuery);;/*************************
- * Croppie
- * Copyright 2015
- * Foliotek
- * Version: 1.0.3
- *************************/
- (function (root, factory) {
- if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
- // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
- define(['exports', 'b'], factory);
- } else if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof exports.nodeName !== 'string') {
- // CommonJS
- factory(exports, require('b'));
- } else {
- // Browser globals
- factory((root.commonJsStrict = {}), root.b);
- }
- }(this, function (exports, b) {
- if (typeof Promise !== 'function') {
- /*!
- * @overview es6-promise - a tiny implementation of Promises/A+.
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2014 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, Stefan Penner and contributors (Conversion to ES6 API by Jake Archibald)
- * @license Licensed under MIT license
- * See
- * @version 3.0.2
- */
- (function () { "use strict"; function lib$es6$promise$utils$$objectOrFunction(x) { return typeof x === "function" || typeof x === "object" && x !== null } function lib$es6$promise$utils$$isFunction(x) { return typeof x === "function" } function lib$es6$promise$utils$$isMaybeThenable(x) { return typeof x === "object" && x !== null } var lib$es6$promise$utils$$_isArray; if (!Array.isArray) { lib$es6$promise$utils$$_isArray = function (x) { return === "[object Array]" } } else { lib$es6$promise$utils$$_isArray = Array.isArray } var lib$es6$promise$utils$$isArray = lib$es6$promise$utils$$_isArray; var lib$es6$promise$asap$$len = 0; var lib$es6$promise$asap$$toString = {}.toString; var lib$es6$promise$asap$$vertxNext; var lib$es6$promise$asap$$customSchedulerFn; var lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap = function asap(callback, arg) { lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[lib$es6$promise$asap$$len] = callback; lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[lib$es6$promise$asap$$len + 1] = arg; lib$es6$promise$asap$$len += 2; if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$len === 2) { if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$customSchedulerFn) { lib$es6$promise$asap$$customSchedulerFn(lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush) } else { lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush() } } }; function lib$es6$promise$asap$$setScheduler(scheduleFn) { lib$es6$promise$asap$$customSchedulerFn = scheduleFn } function lib$es6$promise$asap$$setAsap(asapFn) { lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap = asapFn } var lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserWindow = typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : undefined; var lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserGlobal = lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserWindow || {}; var lib$es6$promise$asap$$BrowserMutationObserver = lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserGlobal.MutationObserver || lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserGlobal.WebKitMutationObserver; var lib$es6$promise$asap$$isNode = typeof process !== "undefined" && {} === "[object process]"; var lib$es6$promise$asap$$isWorker = typeof Uint8ClampedArray !== "undefined" && typeof importScripts !== "undefined" && typeof MessageChannel !== "undefined"; function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useNextTick() { return function () { process.nextTick(lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush) } } function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useVertxTimer() { return function () { lib$es6$promise$asap$$vertxNext(lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush) } } function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useMutationObserver() { var iterations = 0; var observer = new lib$es6$promise$asap$$BrowserMutationObserver(lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush); var node = document.createTextNode(""); observer.observe(node, { characterData: true }); return function () { = iterations = ++iterations % 2 } } function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useMessageChannel() { var channel = new MessageChannel; channel.port1.onmessage = lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush; return function () { channel.port2.postMessage(0) } } function lib$es6$promise$asap$$useSetTimeout() { return function () { setTimeout(lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush, 1) } } var lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue = new Array(1e3); function lib$es6$promise$asap$$flush() { for (var i = 0; i < lib$es6$promise$asap$$len; i += 2) { var callback = lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[i]; var arg = lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[i + 1]; callback(arg); lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[i] = undefined; lib$es6$promise$asap$$queue[i + 1] = undefined } lib$es6$promise$asap$$len = 0 } function lib$es6$promise$asap$$attemptVertx() { try { var r = require; var vertx = r("vertx"); lib$es6$promise$asap$$vertxNext = vertx.runOnLoop || vertx.runOnContext; return lib$es6$promise$asap$$useVertxTimer() } catch (e) { return lib$es6$promise$asap$$useSetTimeout() } } var lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush; if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$isNode) { lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$useNextTick() } else if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$BrowserMutationObserver) { lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$useMutationObserver() } else if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$isWorker) { lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$useMessageChannel() } else if (lib$es6$promise$asap$$browserWindow === undefined && typeof require === "function") { lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$attemptVertx() } else { lib$es6$promise$asap$$scheduleFlush = lib$es6$promise$asap$$useSetTimeout() } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop() { } var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING = void 0; var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED = 1; var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED = 2; var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR = new lib$es6$promise$$internal$$ErrorObject; function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$selfFulfillment() { return new TypeError("You cannot resolve a promise with itself") } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$cannotReturnOwn() { return new TypeError("A promises callback cannot return that same promise.") } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$getThen(promise) { try { return promise.then } catch (error) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR.error = error; return lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR } } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$tryThen(then, value, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler) { try {, fulfillmentHandler, rejectionHandler) } catch (e) { return e } } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleForeignThenable(promise, thenable, then) { lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap(function (promise) { var sealed = false; var error = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$tryThen(then, thenable, function (value) { if (sealed) { return } sealed = true; if (thenable !== value) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value) } else { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, value) } }, function (reason) { if (sealed) { return } sealed = true; lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason) }, "Settle: " + (promise._label || " unknown promise")); if (!sealed && error) { sealed = true; lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, error) } }, promise) } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleOwnThenable(promise, thenable) { if (thenable._state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, thenable._result) } else if (thenable._state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, thenable._result) } else { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$subscribe(thenable, undefined, function (value) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value) }, function (reason) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason) }) } } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleMaybeThenable(promise, maybeThenable) { if (maybeThenable.constructor === promise.constructor) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleOwnThenable(promise, maybeThenable) } else { var then = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$getThen(maybeThenable); if (then === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, lib$es6$promise$$internal$$GET_THEN_ERROR.error) } else if (then === undefined) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, maybeThenable) } else if (lib$es6$promise$utils$$isFunction(then)) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleForeignThenable(promise, maybeThenable, then) } else { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, maybeThenable) } } } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value) { if (promise === value) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, lib$es6$promise$$internal$$selfFulfillment()) } else if (lib$es6$promise$utils$$objectOrFunction(value)) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$handleMaybeThenable(promise, value) } else { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, value) } } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publishRejection(promise) { if (promise._onerror) { promise._onerror(promise._result) } lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publish(promise) } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, value) { if (promise._state !== lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) { return } promise._result = value; promise._state = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED; if (promise._subscribers.length !== 0) { lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publish, promise) } } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason) { if (promise._state !== lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) { return } promise._state = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED; promise._result = reason; lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publishRejection, promise) } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection) { var subscribers = parent._subscribers; var length = subscribers.length; parent._onerror = null; subscribers[length] = child; subscribers[length + lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED] = onFulfillment; subscribers[length + lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED] = onRejection; if (length === 0 && parent._state) { lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publish, parent) } } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$publish(promise) { var subscribers = promise._subscribers; var settled = promise._state; if (subscribers.length === 0) { return } var child, callback, detail = promise._result; for (var i = 0; i < subscribers.length; i += 3) { child = subscribers[i]; callback = subscribers[i + settled]; if (child) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$invokeCallback(settled, child, callback, detail) } else { callback(detail) } } promise._subscribers.length = 0 } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$ErrorObject() { this.error = null } var lib$es6$promise$$internal$$TRY_CATCH_ERROR = new lib$es6$promise$$internal$$ErrorObject; function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$tryCatch(callback, detail) { try { return callback(detail) } catch (e) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$TRY_CATCH_ERROR.error = e; return lib$es6$promise$$internal$$TRY_CATCH_ERROR } } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$invokeCallback(settled, promise, callback, detail) { var hasCallback = lib$es6$promise$utils$$isFunction(callback), value, error, succeeded, failed; if (hasCallback) { value = lib$es6$promise$$internal$$tryCatch(callback, detail); if (value === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$TRY_CATCH_ERROR) { failed = true; error = value.error; value = null } else { succeeded = true } if (promise === value) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, lib$es6$promise$$internal$$cannotReturnOwn()); return } } else { value = detail; succeeded = true } if (promise._state !== lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) { } else if (hasCallback && succeeded) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value) } else if (failed) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, error) } else if (settled === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, value) } else if (settled === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, value) } } function lib$es6$promise$$internal$$initializePromise(promise, resolver) { try { resolver(function resolvePromise(value) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value) }, function rejectPromise(reason) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason) }) } catch (e) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, e) } } function lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator(Constructor, input) { var enumerator = this; enumerator._instanceConstructor = Constructor; enumerator.promise = new Constructor(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop); if (enumerator._validateInput(input)) { enumerator._input = input; enumerator.length = input.length; enumerator._remaining = input.length; enumerator._init(); if (enumerator.length === 0) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(enumerator.promise, enumerator._result) } else { enumerator.length = enumerator.length || 0; enumerator._enumerate(); if (enumerator._remaining === 0) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(enumerator.promise, enumerator._result) } } } else { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(enumerator.promise, enumerator._validationError()) } } lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._validateInput = function (input) { return lib$es6$promise$utils$$isArray(input) }; lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._validationError = function () { return new Error("Array Methods must be provided an Array") }; lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._init = function () { this._result = new Array(this.length) }; var lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$default = lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator; lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._enumerate = function () { var enumerator = this; var length = enumerator.length; var promise = enumerator.promise; var input = enumerator._input; for (var i = 0; promise._state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING && i < length; i++) { enumerator._eachEntry(input[i], i) } }; lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._eachEntry = function (entry, i) { var enumerator = this; var c = enumerator._instanceConstructor; if (lib$es6$promise$utils$$isMaybeThenable(entry)) { if (entry.constructor === c && entry._state !== lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) { entry._onerror = null; enumerator._settledAt(entry._state, i, entry._result) } else { enumerator._willSettleAt(c.resolve(entry), i) } } else { enumerator._remaining--; enumerator._result[i] = entry } }; lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._settledAt = function (state, i, value) { var enumerator = this; var promise = enumerator.promise; if (promise._state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING) { enumerator._remaining--; if (state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, value) } else { enumerator._result[i] = value } } if (enumerator._remaining === 0) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$fulfill(promise, enumerator._result) } }; lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$Enumerator.prototype._willSettleAt = function (promise, i) { var enumerator = this; lib$es6$promise$$internal$$subscribe(promise, undefined, function (value) { enumerator._settledAt(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED, i, value) }, function (reason) { enumerator._settledAt(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED, i, reason) }) }; function lib$es6$promise$promise$all$$all(entries) { return new lib$es6$promise$enumerator$$default(this, entries).promise } var lib$es6$promise$promise$all$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$all$$all; function lib$es6$promise$promise$race$$race(entries) { var Constructor = this; var promise = new Constructor(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop); if (!lib$es6$promise$utils$$isArray(entries)) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, new TypeError("You must pass an array to race.")); return promise } var length = entries.length; function onFulfillment(value) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, value) } function onRejection(reason) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason) } for (var i = 0; promise._state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$PENDING && i < length; i++) { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$subscribe(Constructor.resolve(entries[i]), undefined, onFulfillment, onRejection) } return promise } var lib$es6$promise$promise$race$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$race$$race; function lib$es6$promise$promise$resolve$$resolve(object) { var Constructor = this; if (object && typeof object === "object" && object.constructor === Constructor) { return object } var promise = new Constructor(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop); lib$es6$promise$$internal$$resolve(promise, object); return promise } var lib$es6$promise$promise$resolve$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$resolve$$resolve; function lib$es6$promise$promise$reject$$reject(reason) { var Constructor = this; var promise = new Constructor(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop); lib$es6$promise$$internal$$reject(promise, reason); return promise } var lib$es6$promise$promise$reject$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$reject$$reject; var lib$es6$promise$promise$$counter = 0; function lib$es6$promise$promise$$needsResolver() { throw new TypeError("You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor") } function lib$es6$promise$promise$$needsNew() { throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'Promise': Please use the 'new' operator, this object constructor cannot be called as a function.") } var lib$es6$promise$promise$$default = lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise; function lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise(resolver) { this._id = lib$es6$promise$promise$$counter++; this._state = undefined; this._result = undefined; this._subscribers = []; if (lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop !== resolver) { if (!lib$es6$promise$utils$$isFunction(resolver)) { lib$es6$promise$promise$$needsResolver() } if (!(this instanceof lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise)) { lib$es6$promise$promise$$needsNew() } lib$es6$promise$$internal$$initializePromise(this, resolver) } } lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.all = lib$es6$promise$promise$all$$default; lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.race = lib$es6$promise$promise$race$$default; lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.resolve = lib$es6$promise$promise$resolve$$default; lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.reject = lib$es6$promise$promise$reject$$default; lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise._setScheduler = lib$es6$promise$asap$$setScheduler; lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise._setAsap = lib$es6$promise$asap$$setAsap; lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise._asap = lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap; lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise.prototype = { constructor: lib$es6$promise$promise$$Promise, then: function (onFulfillment, onRejection) { var parent = this; var state = parent._state; if (state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$FULFILLED && !onFulfillment || state === lib$es6$promise$$internal$$REJECTED && !onRejection) { return this } var child = new this.constructor(lib$es6$promise$$internal$$noop); var result = parent._result; if (state) { var callback = arguments[state - 1]; lib$es6$promise$asap$$asap(function () { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$invokeCallback(state, child, callback, result) }) } else { lib$es6$promise$$internal$$subscribe(parent, child, onFulfillment, onRejection) } return child }, "catch": function (onRejection) { return this.then(null, onRejection) } }; function lib$es6$promise$polyfill$$polyfill() { var local; if (typeof global !== "undefined") { local = global } else if (typeof self !== "undefined") { local = self } else { try { local = Function("return this")() } catch (e) { throw new Error("polyfill failed because global object is unavailable in this environment") } } var P = local.Promise; if (P && === "[object Promise]" && !P.cast) { return } local.Promise = lib$es6$promise$promise$$default } var lib$es6$promise$polyfill$$default = lib$es6$promise$polyfill$$polyfill; var lib$es6$promise$umd$$ES6Promise = { Promise: lib$es6$promise$promise$$default, polyfill: lib$es6$promise$polyfill$$default }; if (typeof define === "function" && define["amd"]) { define(function () { return lib$es6$promise$umd$$ES6Promise }) } else if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module["exports"]) { module["exports"] = lib$es6$promise$umd$$ES6Promise } else if (typeof this !== "undefined") { this["ES6Promise"] = lib$es6$promise$umd$$ES6Promise } lib$es6$promise$polyfill$$default() }).call(this);
- }
- var cssPrefixes = ['Webkit', 'Moz', 'ms'],
- emptyStyles = document.createElement('div').style,
- function vendorPrefix(prop) {
- if (prop in emptyStyles) {
- return prop;
- }
- var capProp = prop[0].toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1),
- i = cssPrefixes.length;
- while (i--) {
- prop = cssPrefixes[i] + capProp;
- if (prop in emptyStyles) {
- return prop;
- }
- }
- }
- CSS_TRANSFORM = vendorPrefix('transform');
- CSS_TRANS_ORG = vendorPrefix('transformOrigin');
- CSS_USERSELECT = vendorPrefix('userSelect');
- function deepExtend(out) {
- out = out || {};
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- var obj = arguments[i];
- if (!obj)
- continue;
- for (var key in obj) {
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- if (typeof obj[key] === 'object')
- out[key] = deepExtend({}, obj[key]);
- else
- out[key] = obj[key];
- }
- }
- }
- return out;
- }
- function debounce(func, wait, immediate) {
- var timeout;
- return function () {
- var context = this, args = arguments;
- var later = function () {
- timeout = null;
- if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args);
- };
- var callNow = immediate && !timeout;
- clearTimeout(timeout);
- timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
- if (callNow) func.apply(context, args);
- };
- }
- function dispatchChange(element) {
- if ("createEvent" in document) {
- var evt = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
- evt.initEvent("change", false, true);
- element.dispatchEvent(evt);
- }
- else {
- element.fireEvent("onchange");
- }
- }
- //
- function css(el, styles, val) {
- if (typeof (styles) === 'string') {
- var tmp = styles;
- styles = {};
- styles[tmp] = val;
- }
- for (var prop in styles) {
-[prop] = styles[prop];
- }
- }
- /* Image Drawing Functions */
- function getHtmlImage(data) {
- var points = data.points,
- div = document.createElement('div'),
- img = document.createElement('img'),
- width = points[2] - points[0],
- height = points[3] - points[1];
- // scale = data.zoom;
- div.classList.add('croppie-result');
- div.appendChild(img);
- css(img, {
- left: (-1 * points[0]) + 'px',
- top: (-1 * points[1]) + 'px'
- // transform: 'scale(' + scale + ')'
- })
- img.src = data.url;
- css(div, {
- width: width + 'px',
- height: height + 'px'
- });
- return div;
- }
- function getCanvasImage(img, data) {
- var points = data.points,
- left = points[0],
- top = points[1],
- width = (points[2] - points[0]),
- height = (points[3] - points[1]),
- circle =,
- canvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
- ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'),
- outWidth = width,
- outHeight = height;
- if (data.outputWidth && data.outputHeight) {
- outWidth = data.outputWidth;
- outHeight = data.outputHeight;
- }
- canvas.width = outWidth;
- canvas.height = outHeight;
- if (circle) {
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.arc(outWidth / 2, outHeight / 2, outWidth / 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, true);
- ctx.closePath();
- ctx.clip();
- }
- ctx.drawImage(img, left, top, width, height, 0, 0, outWidth, outHeight);
- return canvas.toDataURL();
- }
- /* Utilities */
- function loadImage(src, imageEl) {
- var img = imageEl || new Image(),
- prom;
- prom = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
- if (src.substring(0,4).toLowerCase() === 'http') {
- img.setAttribute('crossOrigin', 'anonymous');
- }
- img.onload = function () {
- setTimeout(function () {
- resolve(img);
- }, 1);
- };
- });
- img.src = src;
- return prom;
- }
- /* CSS Transform Prototype */
- var _TRANSLATE = 'translate3d',
- _TRANSLATE_SUFFIX = ', 0px';
- var Transform = function (x, y, scale) {
- this.x = parseFloat(x);
- this.y = parseFloat(y);
- this.scale = parseFloat(scale);
- };
- Transform.parse = function (v) {
- if ( {
- return Transform.parse([CSS_TRANSFORM]);
- }
- else if (v.indexOf('matrix') > -1 || v.indexOf('none') > -1) {
- return Transform.fromMatrix(v);
- }
- else {
- return Transform.fromString(v);
- }
- };
- Transform.fromMatrix = function (v) {
- var vals = v.substring(7).split(',');
- if (!vals.length || v === 'none') {
- vals = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
- }
- return new Transform(parseInt(vals[4], 10), parseInt(vals[5], 10), parseFloat(vals[0]));
- };
- Transform.fromString = function (v) {
- var values = v.split(') '),
- translate = values[0].substring(_TRANSLATE.length + 1).split(','),
- scale = values.length > 1 ? values[1].substring(6) : 1,
- x = translate.length > 1 ? translate[0] : 0,
- y = translate.length > 1 ? translate[1] : 0;
- return new Transform(x, y, scale);
- }
- Transform.prototype.toString = function () {
- return _TRANSLATE + '(' + this.x + 'px, ' + this.y + 'px' + _TRANSLATE_SUFFIX + ') scale(' + this.scale + ')';
- };
- var TransformOrigin = function (el) {
- if (!el || ![CSS_TRANS_ORG]) {
- this.x = 0;
- this.y = 0;
- return;
- }
- var css =[CSS_TRANS_ORG].split(' ');
- this.x = parseFloat(css[0]);
- this.y = parseFloat(css[1]);
- };
- TransformOrigin.prototype.toString = function () {
- return this.x + 'px ' + this.y + 'px';
- };
- /* Private Methods */
- function _create() {
- var self = this,
- contClass = ['croppie-container'],
- customViewportClass = self.options.viewport.type ? 'cr-vp-' + self.options.viewport.type : null,
- boundary, img, viewport, overlay;
- // Properties on class
- = {};
- self.elements = {};
- // Generating Markup
- boundary = self.elements.boundary = document.createElement('div');
- viewport = self.elements.viewport = document.createElement('div');
- img = self.elements.img = document.createElement('img');
- overlay = self.elements.overlay = document.createElement('div');
- boundary.classList.add('cr-boundary');
- css(boundary, {
- width: self.options.boundary.width + 'px',
- height: self.options.boundary.height + 'px'
- });
- viewport.classList.add('cr-viewport');
- if (customViewportClass) {
- viewport.classList.add(customViewportClass);
- }
- css(viewport, {
- width: self.options.viewport.width + 'px',
- height: self.options.viewport.height + 'px'
- });
- img.classList.add('cr-image');
- overlay.classList.add('cr-overlay');
- self.element.appendChild(boundary);
- boundary.appendChild(img);
- boundary.appendChild(viewport);
- boundary.appendChild(overlay);
- self.element.classList.add(contClass);
- if (self.options.customClass) {
- self.element.classList.add(self.options.customClass);
- }
- // Initialize drag & zoom
- if (self.options.showZoom) {
- }
- }
- function _setZoomerVal(v) {
- if (this.options.showZoom) {
- this.elements.zoomer.value = fix(v);
- }
- }
- function _initializeZoom() {
- var self = this,
- wrap = self.elements.zoomerWrap = document.createElement('div'),
- zoomer = self.elements.zoomer = document.createElement('input'),
- origin,
- viewportRect,
- transform;
- wrap.classList.add('cr-slider-wrap');
- zoomer.type = 'range';
- zoomer.classList.add('cr-slider');
- zoomer.step = '0.01';
- zoomer.value = 1;
- self.element.appendChild(wrap);
- wrap.appendChild(zoomer);
- self._currentZoom = 1;
- function start() {
- origin = new TransformOrigin(self.elements.img);
- viewportRect = self.elements.viewport.getBoundingClientRect();
- transform = Transform.parse(self.elements.img);
- }
- function change() {
-, {
- value: parseFloat(zoomer.value),
- origin: origin || new TransformOrigin(self.elements.img),
- viewportRect: viewportRect || self.elements.viewport.getBoundingClientRect(),
- transform: transform || Transform.parse(self.elements.img)
- });
- }
- function scroll(ev) {
- var delta, targetZoom;
- if (ev.wheelDelta) {
- delta = ev.wheelDelta / 1200; //wheelDelta min: -120 max: 120 // max x 10 x 2
- } else if (ev.deltaY) {
- delta = ev.deltaY / 1060; //deltaY min: -53 max: 53 // max x 10 x 2
- } else if (ev.detail) {
- delta = ev.detail / 60; //delta min: -3 max: 3 // max x 10 x 2
- } else {
- delta = 0;
- }
- targetZoom = self._currentZoom + delta;
- ev.preventDefault();
- start();
-, targetZoom);
- change();
- }
- self.elements.zoomer.addEventListener('mousedown', start);
- self.elements.zoomer.addEventListener('touchstart', start);
- self.elements.zoomer.addEventListener('input', change);// this is being fired twice on keypress
- self.elements.zoomer.addEventListener('change', change);
- if (self.options.mouseWheelZoom) {
- self.elements.boundary.addEventListener('mousewheel', scroll);
- self.elements.boundary.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', scroll);
- }
- }
- function _onZoom(ui) {
- var self = this,
- transform = ui.transform,
- vpRect = ui.viewportRect,
- origin = ui.origin;
- self._currentZoom = ui.value;
- transform.scale = self._currentZoom;
- var boundaries =, vpRect),
- transBoundaries = boundaries.translate,
- oBoundaries = boundaries.origin;
- if (transform.x >= transBoundaries.maxX) {
- origin.x = oBoundaries.minX;
- transform.x = transBoundaries.maxX;
- }
- if (transform.x <= transBoundaries.minX) {
- origin.x = oBoundaries.maxX;
- transform.x = transBoundaries.minX;
- }
- if (transform.y >= transBoundaries.maxY) {
- origin.y = oBoundaries.minY;
- transform.y = transBoundaries.maxY;
- }
- if (transform.y <= transBoundaries.minY) {
- origin.y = oBoundaries.maxY;
- transform.y = transBoundaries.minY;
- }
- var transCss = {};
- transCss[CSS_TRANSFORM] = transform.toString();
- transCss[CSS_TRANS_ORG] = origin.toString();
- css(self.elements.img, transCss);
- }
- function _getVirtualBoundaries(viewport) {
- var self = this,
- scale = self._currentZoom,
- vpWidth = viewport.width,
- vpHeight = viewport.height,
- centerFromBoundaryX = self.options.boundary.width / 2,
- centerFromBoundaryY = self.options.boundary.height / 2,
- originalImgWidth = self._originalImageWidth,
- originalImgHeight = self._originalImageHeight,
- curImgWidth = originalImgWidth * scale,
- curImgHeight = originalImgHeight * scale,
- halfWidth = vpWidth / 2,
- halfHeight = vpHeight / 2;
- var maxX = ((halfWidth / scale) - centerFromBoundaryX) * -1;
- var minX = maxX - ((curImgWidth * (1 / scale)) - (vpWidth * (1 / scale)));
- var maxY = ((halfHeight / scale) - centerFromBoundaryY) * -1;
- var minY = maxY - ((curImgHeight * (1 / scale)) - (vpHeight * (1 / scale)));
- var originMinX = (1 / scale) * halfWidth;
- var originMaxX = (curImgWidth * (1 / scale)) - originMinX;
- var originMinY = (1 / scale) * halfHeight;
- var originMaxY = (curImgHeight * (1 / scale)) - originMinY;
- return {
- translate: {
- maxX: maxX,
- minX: minX,
- maxY: maxY,
- minY: minY
- },
- origin: {
- maxX: originMaxX,
- minX: originMinX,
- maxY: originMaxY,
- minY: originMinY
- }
- };
- }
- function _updateCenterPoint() {
- var self = this,
- scale = self._currentZoom,
- data = self.elements.img.getBoundingClientRect(),
- vpData = self.elements.viewport.getBoundingClientRect(),
- transform = Transform.parse([CSS_TRANSFORM]),
- pc = new TransformOrigin(self.elements.img),
- top = ( - + (vpData.height / 2),
- left = (vpData.left - data.left) + (vpData.width / 2),
- center = {},
- adj = {};
- center.y = top / scale;
- center.x = left / scale;
- adj.y = (center.y - pc.y) * (1 - scale);
- adj.x = (center.x - pc.x) * (1 - scale);
- transform.x -= adj.x;
- transform.y -= adj.y;
- var newCss = {};
- newCss[CSS_TRANS_ORG] = center.x + 'px ' + center.y + 'px';
- newCss[CSS_TRANSFORM] = transform.toString();
- css(self.elements.img, newCss);
- }
- function _initDraggable() {
- var self = this,
- isDragging = false,
- originalX,
- originalY,
- originalDistance,
- vpRect;
- function mouseDown(ev) {
- ev.preventDefault();
- if (isDragging) return;
- isDragging = true;
- originalX = ev.pageX;
- originalY = ev.pageY;
- transform = Transform.parse(self.elements.img);
- window.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove);
- window.addEventListener('touchmove', mouseMove);
- window.addEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp);
- window.addEventListener('touchend', mouseUp);
-[CSS_USERSELECT] = 'none';
- vpRect = self.elements.viewport.getBoundingClientRect();
- }
- function mouseMove(ev) {
- ev.preventDefault();
- var pageX = ev.pageX || ev.touches[0].pageX,
- pageY = ev.pageY || ev.touches[0].pageY,
- deltaX = pageX - originalX,
- deltaY = pageY - originalY,
- imgRect = self.elements.img.getBoundingClientRect(),
- top = transform.y + deltaY,
- left = transform.x + deltaX,
- newCss = {};
- if (ev.type == 'touchmove') {
- if (ev.touches.length > 1) {
- var touch1 = ev.touches[0];
- var touch2 = ev.touches[1];
- var dist = Math.sqrt((touch1.pageX - touch2.pageX) * (touch1.pageX - touch2.pageX) + (touch1.pageY - touch2.pageY) * (touch1.pageY - touch2.pageY));
- if (!originalDistance) {
- originalDistance = dist / self._currentZoom;
- }
- var scale = dist / originalDistance;
-, scale);
- dispatchChange(self.elements.zoomer);
- return;
- }
- }
- if ( > + deltaY && vpRect.bottom < imgRect.bottom + deltaY) {
- transform.y = top;
- }
- if (vpRect.left > imgRect.left + deltaX && vpRect.right < imgRect.right + deltaX) {
- transform.x = left;
- }
- newCss[CSS_TRANSFORM] = transform.toString();
- css(self.elements.img, newCss);
- originalY = pageY;
- originalX = pageX;
- }
- function mouseUp() {
- isDragging = false;
- window.removeEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove);
- window.removeEventListener('touchmove', mouseMove);
- window.removeEventListener('mouseup', mouseUp);
- window.removeEventListener('touchend', mouseUp);
- originalDistance = 0;
- }
- self.elements.overlay.addEventListener('mousedown', mouseDown);
- self.elements.overlay.addEventListener('touchstart', mouseDown);
- }
- function _updateOverlay() {
- var self = this,
- boundRect = self.elements.boundary.getBoundingClientRect(),
- imgData = self.elements.img.getBoundingClientRect();
- css(self.elements.overlay, {
- width: imgData.width + 'px',
- height: imgData.height + 'px',
- top: ( - + 'px',
- left: (imgData.left - boundRect.left) + 'px'
- });
- }
- var _debouncedOverlay = debounce(_updateOverlay, 500);
- function _triggerUpdate() {
- var self = this;
- if ( {
-, self.get());
- }
- }
- function _isVisible() {
- return this.elements.img.offsetHeight > 0 && this.elements.img.offsetWidth > 0;
- }
- function _updatePropertiesFromImage() {
- var self = this,
- minZoom = 0,
- maxZoom = 1.5,
- initialZoom = 1,
- cssReset = {},
- img = self.elements.img,
- zoomer = self.elements.zoomer,
- transformReset = new Transform(0, 0, initialZoom),
- originReset = new TransformOrigin(),
- isVisible =,
- imgData,
- vpData,
- boundaryData,
- minW,
- minH;
- if (!isVisible || {
- // if the croppie isn't visible or it doesn't need binding
- return;
- }
- = true;
- cssReset[CSS_TRANSFORM] = transformReset.toString();
- cssReset[CSS_TRANS_ORG] = originReset.toString();
- css(img, cssReset);
- imgData = img.getBoundingClientRect();
- vpData = self.elements.viewport.getBoundingClientRect();
- boundaryData = self.elements.boundary.getBoundingClientRect();
- self._originalImageWidth = imgData.width;
- self._originalImageHeight = imgData.height;
- if (self.options.showZoom) {
- minW = vpData.width / imgData.width;
- minH = vpData.height / imgData.height;
- minZoom = Math.max(minW, minH);
- if (minZoom >= maxZoom) {
- maxZoom = minZoom + 1;
- }
- zoomer.min = fix(minZoom)
- zoomer.max = fix(maxZoom);
- initialZoom = Math.max((boundaryData.width / imgData.width), (boundaryData.height / imgData.height));
-, initialZoom);
- dispatchChange(zoomer);
- }
- self._currentZoom = transformReset.scale = initialZoom;
- cssReset[CSS_TRANSFORM] = transformReset.toString();
- css(img, cssReset);
- if ( {
- }
- else {
- }
- }
- function _bindPoints(points) {
- if (points.length != 4) {
- throw "Croppie - Invalid number of points supplied: " + points;
- }
- var self = this,
- pointsWidth = points[2] - points[0],
- // pointsHeight = points[3] - points[1],
- vpData = self.elements.viewport.getBoundingClientRect(),
- boundRect = self.elements.boundary.getBoundingClientRect(),
- vpOffset = {
- left: vpData.left - boundRect.left,
- top: -
- },
- scale = vpData.width / pointsWidth,
- originTop = points[1],
- originLeft = points[0],
- transformTop = (-1 * points[1]) +,
- transformLeft = (-1 * points[0]) + vpOffset.left,
- newCss = {};
- newCss[CSS_TRANS_ORG] = originLeft + 'px ' + originTop + 'px';
- newCss[CSS_TRANSFORM] = new Transform(transformLeft, transformTop, scale).toString();
- css(self.elements.img, newCss);
-, scale);
- self._currentZoom = scale;
- }
- function _centerImage() {
- var self = this,
- imgDim = self.elements.img.getBoundingClientRect(),
- vpDim = self.elements.viewport.getBoundingClientRect(),
- boundDim = self.elements.boundary.getBoundingClientRect(),
- vpLeft = vpDim.left - boundDim.left,
- vpTop = -,
- w = vpLeft - ((imgDim.width - vpDim.width) / 2),
- h = vpTop - ((imgDim.height - vpDim.height) / 2),
- transform = new Transform(w, h, self._currentZoom);
- css(self.elements.img, CSS_TRANSFORM, transform.toString());
- }
- function _bind(options, cb) {
- var self = this,
- url,
- points = [];
- if (typeof (options) === 'string') {
- url = options;
- options = {};
- }
- else if (Array.isArray(options)) {
- points = options.slice();
- }
- else if (typeof (options) == 'undefined' && { //refreshing
- return null;
- }
- else {
- url = options.url;
- points = options.points || [];
- }
- = false;
- = url ||;
- = (points || (p) {
- return parseFloat(p);
- });
- var prom = loadImage(url, self.elements.img);
- prom.then(function () {
- if (cb) {
- cb();
- }
- });
- return prom;
- }
- function fix(v) {
- return parseFloat(v).toFixed(2);
- }
- function _get() {
- var self = this,
- imgData = self.elements.img.getBoundingClientRect(),
- vpData = self.elements.viewport.getBoundingClientRect(),
- x1 = vpData.left - imgData.left,
- y1 = -,
- x2 = x1 + vpData.width,
- y2 = y1 + vpData.height,
- scale = self._currentZoom;
- if (scale === Infinity || isNaN(scale)) {
- scale = 1;
- }
- x1 = Math.max(0, x1 / scale);
- y1 = Math.max(0, y1 / scale);
- x2 = Math.max(0, x2 / scale);
- y2 = Math.max(0, y2 / scale);
- return {
- points: [fix(x1), fix(y1), fix(x2), fix(y2)],
- zoom: scale
- };
- }
- function _result(options) {
- var self = this,
- data =,
- opts = options || { type: 'canvas', size: 'viewport' },
- type = (typeof (opts) === 'string' ? opts : opts.type),
- size = opts.size || 'viewport',
- vpRect,
- prom;
- if (size === 'viewport') {
- vpRect = self.elements.viewport.getBoundingClientRect();
- data.outputWidth = vpRect.width;
- data.outputHeight = vpRect.height;
- }
- = self.options.viewport.type === 'circle';
- data.url =;
- prom = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
- if (type === 'canvas') {
- loadImage(data.url).then(function (img) {
- resolve(getCanvasImage(img, data));
- });
- }
- else {
- resolve(getHtmlImage(data));
- }
- });
- return prom;
- }
- function _refresh() {
- console.warn("Croppie.refresh() is deprecated. Please use Croppie.bind() without any arguments instead. refresh() will be removed in a later release.");
- }
- function _destroy() {
- var self = this;
- self.element.removeChild(self.elements.boundary);
- if (self.options.showZoom) {
- self.element.removeChild(self.elements.zoomerWrap);
- }
- delete self.elements;
- }
- if (this.jQuery) {
- var $ = this.jQuery;
- $.fn.croppie = function (opts) {
- var ot = typeof opts;
- if (ot === 'string') {
- var args =, 1);
- var singleInst = $(this).data('croppie');
- if (opts === 'get') {
- return singleInst.get();
- }
- else if (opts === 'result') {
- return singleInst.result.apply(singleInst, args);
- }
- return this.each(function () {
- var i = $(this).data('croppie');
- if (!i) return;
- var method = i[opts];
- if ($.isFunction(method)) {
- method.apply(i, args);
- if (opts === 'destroy') {
- $(this).removeData('croppie');
- }
- }
- else {
- throw 'Croppie ' + opts + ' method not found';
- }
- });
- }
- else {
- return this.each(function () {
- var i = new Croppie(this, opts);
- $(this).data('croppie', i);
- });
- }
- };
- }
- function Croppie(element, opts) {
- this.element = element;
- this.options = deepExtend({}, Croppie.defaults, opts);
- }
- Croppie.defaults = {
- viewport: {
- width: 100,
- height: 100,
- type: 'square'
- },
- boundary: {
- width: 300,
- height: 300
- },
- customClass: '',
- showZoom: true,
- mouseWheelZoom: true,
- update: function () { }
- };
- deepExtend(Croppie.prototype, {
- bind: function (options, cb) {
- return, options, cb);
- },
- get: function () {
- return;
- },
- result: function (type) {
- return, type);
- },
- refresh: function () {
- return;
- },
- destroy: function () {
- return;
- }
- });
- exports.Croppie = window.Croppie = Croppie;
- }));
- ;/* =========================================================
- * bootstrap-datepicker.js
- * Repo:
- * Demo:
- * Docs:
- * Forked from
- * =========================================================
- * Started by Stefan Petre; improvements by Andrew Rowls + contributors
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * ========================================================= */
- (function($, undefined){
- var $window = $(window);
- function UTCDate(){
- return new Date(Date.UTC.apply(Date, arguments));
- }
- function UTCToday(){
- var today = new Date();
- return UTCDate(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate());
- }
- function alias(method){
- return function(){
- return this[method].apply(this, arguments);
- };
- }
- var DateArray = (function(){
- var extras = {
- get: function(i){
- return this.slice(i)[0];
- },
- contains: function(d){
- // Array.indexOf is not cross-browser;
- // $.inArray doesn't work with Dates
- var val = d && d.valueOf();
- for (var i=0, l=this.length; i < l; i++)
- if (this[i].valueOf() === val)
- return i;
- return -1;
- },
- remove: function(i){
- this.splice(i,1);
- },
- replace: function(new_array){
- if (!new_array)
- return;
- if (!$.isArray(new_array))
- new_array = [new_array];
- this.clear();
- this.push.apply(this, new_array);
- },
- clear: function(){
- this.length = 0;
- },
- copy: function(){
- var a = new DateArray();
- a.replace(this);
- return a;
- }
- };
- return function(){
- var a = [];
- a.push.apply(a, arguments);
- $.extend(a, extras);
- return a;
- };
- })();
- // Picker object
- var Datepicker = function(element, options){
- this.dates = new DateArray();
- this.viewDate = UTCToday();
- this.focusDate = null;
- this._process_options(options);
- this.element = $(element);
- this.isInline = false;
- this.isInput ='input');
- this.component ='.date') ? this.element.find('.add-on, .input-group-addon, .btn') : false;
- this.hasInput = this.component && this.element.find('input').length;
- if (this.component && this.component.length === 0)
- this.component = false;
- this.picker = $(DPGlobal.template);
- this._buildEvents();
- this._attachEvents();
- if (this.isInline){
- this.picker.addClass('datepicker-inline').appendTo(this.element);
- }
- else {
- this.picker.addClass('datepicker-dropdown dropdown-menu');
- }
- if (this.o.rtl){
- this.picker.addClass('datepicker-rtl');
- }
- this.viewMode = this.o.startView;
- if (this.o.calendarWeeks)
- this.picker.find('tfoot')
- .attr('colspan', function(i, val){
- return parseInt(val) + 1;
- });
- this._allow_update = false;
- this.setStartDate(this._o.startDate);
- this.setEndDate(this._o.endDate);
- this.setDaysOfWeekDisabled(this.o.daysOfWeekDisabled);
- this.fillDow();
- this.fillMonths();
- this._allow_update = true;
- this.update();
- this.showMode();
- if (this.isInline){
- }
- };
- Datepicker.prototype = {
- constructor: Datepicker,
- _process_options: function(opts){
- // Store raw options for reference
- this._o = $.extend({}, this._o, opts);
- // Processed options
- var o = this.o = $.extend({}, this._o);
- // Check if "de-DE" style date is available, if not language should
- // fallback to 2 letter code eg "de"
- var lang = o.language;
- if (!dates[lang]){
- lang = lang.split('-')[0];
- if (!dates[lang])
- lang = defaults.language;
- }
- o.language = lang;
- switch (o.startView){
- case 2:
- case 'decade':
- o.startView = 2;
- break;
- case 1:
- case 'year':
- o.startView = 1;
- break;
- default:
- o.startView = 0;
- }
- switch (o.minViewMode){
- case 1:
- case 'months':
- o.minViewMode = 1;
- break;
- case 2:
- case 'years':
- o.minViewMode = 2;
- break;
- default:
- o.minViewMode = 0;
- }
- o.startView = Math.max(o.startView, o.minViewMode);
- // true, false, or Number > 0
- if (o.multidate !== true){
- o.multidate = Number(o.multidate) || false;
- if (o.multidate !== false)
- o.multidate = Math.max(0, o.multidate);
- else
- o.multidate = 1;
- }
- o.multidateSeparator = String(o.multidateSeparator);
- o.weekStart %= 7;
- o.weekEnd = ((o.weekStart + 6) % 7);
- var format = DPGlobal.parseFormat(o.format);
- if (o.startDate !== -Infinity){
- if (!!o.startDate){
- if (o.startDate instanceof Date)
- o.startDate = this._local_to_utc(this._zero_time(o.startDate));
- else
- o.startDate = DPGlobal.parseDate(o.startDate, format, o.language);
- }
- else {
- o.startDate = -Infinity;
- }
- }
- if (o.endDate !== Infinity){
- if (!!o.endDate){
- if (o.endDate instanceof Date)
- o.endDate = this._local_to_utc(this._zero_time(o.endDate));
- else
- o.endDate = DPGlobal.parseDate(o.endDate, format, o.language);
- }
- else {
- o.endDate = Infinity;
- }
- }
- o.daysOfWeekDisabled = o.daysOfWeekDisabled||[];
- if (!$.isArray(o.daysOfWeekDisabled))
- o.daysOfWeekDisabled = o.daysOfWeekDisabled.split(/[,\s]*/);
- o.daysOfWeekDisabled = $.map(o.daysOfWeekDisabled, function(d){
- return parseInt(d, 10);
- });
- var plc = String(o.orientation).toLowerCase().split(/\s+/g),
- _plc = o.orientation.toLowerCase();
- plc = $.grep(plc, function(word){
- return (/^auto|left|right|top|bottom$/).test(word);
- });
- o.orientation = {x: 'auto', y: 'auto'};
- if (!_plc || _plc === 'auto')
- ; // no action
- else if (plc.length === 1){
- switch (plc[0]){
- case 'top':
- case 'bottom':
- o.orientation.y = plc[0];
- break;
- case 'left':
- case 'right':
- o.orientation.x = plc[0];
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- _plc = $.grep(plc, function(word){
- return (/^left|right$/).test(word);
- });
- o.orientation.x = _plc[0] || 'auto';
- _plc = $.grep(plc, function(word){
- return (/^top|bottom$/).test(word);
- });
- o.orientation.y = _plc[0] || 'auto';
- }
- },
- _events: [],
- _secondaryEvents: [],
- _applyEvents: function(evs){
- for (var i=0, el, ch, ev; i < evs.length; i++){
- el = evs[i][0];
- if (evs[i].length === 2){
- ch = undefined;
- ev = evs[i][1];
- }
- else if (evs[i].length === 3){
- ch = evs[i][1];
- ev = evs[i][2];
- }
- el.on(ev, ch);
- }
- },
- _unapplyEvents: function(evs){
- for (var i=0, el, ev, ch; i < evs.length; i++){
- el = evs[i][0];
- if (evs[i].length === 2){
- ch = undefined;
- ev = evs[i][1];
- }
- else if (evs[i].length === 3){
- ch = evs[i][1];
- ev = evs[i][2];
- }
-, ch);
- }
- },
- _buildEvents: function(){
- if (this.isInput){ // single input
- this._events = [
- [this.element, {
- focus: $.proxy(, this),
- keyup: $.proxy(function(e){
- if ($.inArray(e.keyCode, [27,37,39,38,40,32,13,9]) === -1)
- this.update();
- }, this),
- keydown: $.proxy(this.keydown, this)
- }]
- ];
- }
- else if (this.component && this.hasInput){ // component: input + button
- this._events = [
- // For components that are not readonly, allow keyboard nav
- [this.element.find('input'), {
- focus: $.proxy(, this),
- keyup: $.proxy(function(e){
- if ($.inArray(e.keyCode, [27,37,39,38,40,32,13,9]) === -1)
- this.update();
- }, this),
- keydown: $.proxy(this.keydown, this)
- }],
- [this.component, {
- click: $.proxy(, this)
- }]
- ];
- }
- else if ('div')){ // inline datepicker
- this.isInline = true;
- }
- else {
- this._events = [
- [this.element, {
- click: $.proxy(, this)
- }]
- ];
- }
- this._events.push(
- // Component: listen for blur on element descendants
- [this.element, '*', {
- blur: $.proxy(function(e){
- this._focused_from =;
- }, this)
- }],
- // Input: listen for blur on element
- [this.element, {
- blur: $.proxy(function(e){
- this._focused_from =;
- }, this)
- }]
- );
- this._secondaryEvents = [
- [this.picker, {
- click: $.proxy(, this)
- }],
- [$(window), {
- resize: $.proxy(, this)
- }],
- [$(document), {
- 'mousedown touchstart': $.proxy(function(e){
- // Clicked outside the datepicker, hide it
- if (!(
- ||
- this.element.find( ||
- ||
- this.picker.find(
- )){
- this.hide();
- }
- }, this)
- }]
- ];
- },
- _attachEvents: function(){
- this._detachEvents();
- this._applyEvents(this._events);
- },
- _detachEvents: function(){
- this._unapplyEvents(this._events);
- },
- _attachSecondaryEvents: function(){
- this._detachSecondaryEvents();
- this._applyEvents(this._secondaryEvents);
- },
- _detachSecondaryEvents: function(){
- this._unapplyEvents(this._secondaryEvents);
- },
- _trigger: function(event, altdate){
- var date = altdate || this.dates.get(-1),
- local_date = this._utc_to_local(date);
- this.element.trigger({
- type: event,
- date: local_date,
- dates: $.map(this.dates, this._utc_to_local),
- format: $.proxy(function(ix, format){
- if (arguments.length === 0){
- ix = this.dates.length - 1;
- format = this.o.format;
- }
- else if (typeof ix === 'string'){
- format = ix;
- ix = this.dates.length - 1;
- }
- format = format || this.o.format;
- var date = this.dates.get(ix);
- return DPGlobal.formatDate(date, format, this.o.language);
- }, this)
- });
- },
- show: function(){
- if (!this.isInline)
- this.picker.appendTo('body');
- this._attachSecondaryEvents();
- this._trigger('show');
- },
- hide: function(){
- if (this.isInline)
- return;
- if (!':visible'))
- return;
- this.focusDate = null;
- this.picker.hide().detach();
- this._detachSecondaryEvents();
- this.viewMode = this.o.startView;
- this.showMode();
- if (
- this.o.forceParse &&
- (
- this.isInput && this.element.val() ||
- this.hasInput && this.element.find('input').val()
- )
- )
- this.setValue();
- this._trigger('hide');
- },
- remove: function(){
- this.hide();
- this._detachEvents();
- this._detachSecondaryEvents();
- this.picker.remove();
- delete;
- if (!this.isInput){
- delete;
- }
- },
- _utc_to_local: function(utc){
- return utc && new Date(utc.getTime() + (utc.getTimezoneOffset()*60000));
- },
- _local_to_utc: function(local){
- return local && new Date(local.getTime() - (local.getTimezoneOffset()*60000));
- },
- _zero_time: function(local){
- return local && new Date(local.getFullYear(), local.getMonth(), local.getDate());
- },
- _zero_utc_time: function(utc){
- return utc && new Date(Date.UTC(utc.getUTCFullYear(), utc.getUTCMonth(), utc.getUTCDate()));
- },
- getDates: function(){
- return $.map(this.dates, this._utc_to_local);
- },
- getUTCDates: function(){
- return $.map(this.dates, function(d){
- return new Date(d);
- });
- },
- getDate: function(){
- return this._utc_to_local(this.getUTCDate());
- },
- getUTCDate: function(){
- return new Date(this.dates.get(-1));
- },
- setDates: function(){
- var args = $.isArray(arguments[0]) ? arguments[0] : arguments;
- this.update.apply(this, args);
- this._trigger('changeDate');
- this.setValue();
- },
- setUTCDates: function(){
- var args = $.isArray(arguments[0]) ? arguments[0] : arguments;
- this.update.apply(this, $.map(args, this._utc_to_local));
- this._trigger('changeDate');
- this.setValue();
- },
- setDate: alias('setDates'),
- setUTCDate: alias('setUTCDates'),
- setValue: function(){
- var formatted = this.getFormattedDate();
- if (!this.isInput){
- if (this.component){
- this.element.find('input').val(formatted).change();
- }
- }
- else {
- this.element.val(formatted).change();
- }
- },
- getFormattedDate: function(format){
- if (format === undefined)
- format = this.o.format;
- var lang = this.o.language;
- return $.map(this.dates, function(d){
- return DPGlobal.formatDate(d, format, lang);
- }).join(this.o.multidateSeparator);
- },
- setStartDate: function(startDate){
- this._process_options({startDate: startDate});
- this.update();
- this.updateNavArrows();
- },
- setEndDate: function(endDate){
- this._process_options({endDate: endDate});
- this.update();
- this.updateNavArrows();
- },
- setDaysOfWeekDisabled: function(daysOfWeekDisabled){
- this._process_options({daysOfWeekDisabled: daysOfWeekDisabled});
- this.update();
- this.updateNavArrows();
- },
- place: function(){
- if (this.isInline)
- return;
- var calendarWidth = this.picker.outerWidth(),
- calendarHeight = this.picker.outerHeight(),
- visualPadding = 10,
- windowWidth = $window.width(),
- windowHeight = $window.height(),
- scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();
- var zIndex = parseInt(this.element.parents().filter(function(){
- return $(this).css('z-index') !== 'auto';
- }).first().css('z-index'))+10;
- var offset = this.component ? this.component.parent().offset() : this.element.offset();
- var height = this.component ? this.component.outerHeight(true) : this.element.outerHeight(false);
- var width = this.component ? this.component.outerWidth(true) : this.element.outerWidth(false);
- var left = offset.left,
- top =;
- this.picker.removeClass(
- 'datepicker-orient-top datepicker-orient-bottom '+
- 'datepicker-orient-right datepicker-orient-left'
- );
- if (this.o.orientation.x !== 'auto'){
- this.picker.addClass('datepicker-orient-' + this.o.orientation.x);
- if (this.o.orientation.x === 'right')
- left -= calendarWidth - width;
- }
- // auto x orientation is best-placement: if it crosses a window
- // edge, fudge it sideways
- else {
- // Default to left
- this.picker.addClass('datepicker-orient-left');
- if (offset.left < 0)
- left -= offset.left - visualPadding;
- else if (offset.left + calendarWidth > windowWidth)
- left = windowWidth - calendarWidth - visualPadding;
- }
- // auto y orientation is best-situation: top or bottom, no fudging,
- // decision based on which shows more of the calendar
- var yorient = this.o.orientation.y,
- top_overflow, bottom_overflow;
- if (yorient === 'auto'){
- top_overflow = -scrollTop + - calendarHeight;
- bottom_overflow = scrollTop + windowHeight - ( + height + calendarHeight);
- if (Math.max(top_overflow, bottom_overflow) === bottom_overflow)
- yorient = 'top';
- else
- yorient = 'bottom';
- }
- this.picker.addClass('datepicker-orient-' + yorient);
- if (yorient === 'top')
- top += height;
- else
- top -= calendarHeight + parseInt(this.picker.css('padding-top'));
- this.picker.css({
- top: top,
- left: left,
- zIndex: zIndex
- });
- },
- _allow_update: true,
- update: function(){
- if (!this._allow_update)
- return;
- var oldDates = this.dates.copy(),
- dates = [],
- fromArgs = false;
- if (arguments.length){
- $.each(arguments, $.proxy(function(i, date){
- if (date instanceof Date)
- date = this._local_to_utc(date);
- dates.push(date);
- }, this));
- fromArgs = true;
- }
- else {
- dates = this.isInput
- ? this.element.val()
- :'date') || this.element.find('input').val();
- if (dates && this.o.multidate)
- dates = dates.split(this.o.multidateSeparator);
- else
- dates = [dates];
- delete;
- }
- dates = $.map(dates, $.proxy(function(date){
- return DPGlobal.parseDate(date, this.o.format, this.o.language);
- }, this));
- dates = $.grep(dates, $.proxy(function(date){
- return (
- date < this.o.startDate ||
- date > this.o.endDate ||
- !date
- );
- }, this), true);
- this.dates.replace(dates);
- if (this.dates.length)
- this.viewDate = new Date(this.dates.get(-1));
- else if (this.viewDate < this.o.startDate)
- this.viewDate = new Date(this.o.startDate);
- else if (this.viewDate > this.o.endDate)
- this.viewDate = new Date(this.o.endDate);
- if (fromArgs){
- // setting date by clicking
- this.setValue();
- }
- else if (dates.length){
- // setting date by typing
- if (String(oldDates) !== String(this.dates))
- this._trigger('changeDate');
- }
- if (!this.dates.length && oldDates.length)
- this._trigger('clearDate');
- this.fill();
- },
- fillDow: function(){
- var dowCnt = this.o.weekStart,
- html = '<tr>';
- if (this.o.calendarWeeks){
- var cell = '<th class="cw"> </th>';
- html += cell;
- this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead tr:first-child').prepend(cell);
- }
- while (dowCnt < this.o.weekStart + 7){
- html += '<th class="dow">'+dates[this.o.language].daysMin[(dowCnt++)%7]+'</th>';
- }
- html += '</tr>';
- this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead').append(html);
- },
- fillMonths: function(){
- var html = '',
- i = 0;
- while (i < 12){
- html += '<span class="month">'+dates[this.o.language].monthsShort[i++]+'</span>';
- }
- this.picker.find('.datepicker-months td').html(html);
- },
- setRange: function(range){
- if (!range || !range.length)
- delete this.range;
- else
- this.range = $.map(range, function(d){
- return d.valueOf();
- });
- this.fill();
- },
- getClassNames: function(date){
- var cls = [],
- year = this.viewDate.getUTCFullYear(),
- month = this.viewDate.getUTCMonth(),
- today = new Date();
- if (date.getUTCFullYear() < year || (date.getUTCFullYear() === year && date.getUTCMonth() < month)){
- cls.push('old');
- }
- else if (date.getUTCFullYear() > year || (date.getUTCFullYear() === year && date.getUTCMonth() > month)){
- cls.push('new');
- }
- if (this.focusDate && date.valueOf() === this.focusDate.valueOf())
- cls.push('focused');
- // Compare internal UTC date with local today, not UTC today
- if (this.o.todayHighlight &&
- date.getUTCFullYear() === today.getFullYear() &&
- date.getUTCMonth() === today.getMonth() &&
- date.getUTCDate() === today.getDate()){
- cls.push('today');
- }
- if (this.dates.contains(date) !== -1)
- cls.push('active');
- if (date.valueOf() < this.o.startDate || date.valueOf() > this.o.endDate ||
- $.inArray(date.getUTCDay(), this.o.daysOfWeekDisabled) !== -1){
- cls.push('disabled');
- }
- if (this.range){
- if (date > this.range[0] && date < this.range[this.range.length-1]){
- cls.push('range');
- }
- if ($.inArray(date.valueOf(), this.range) !== -1){
- cls.push('selected');
- }
- }
- return cls;
- },
- fill: function(){
- var d = new Date(this.viewDate),
- year = d.getUTCFullYear(),
- month = d.getUTCMonth(),
- startYear = this.o.startDate !== -Infinity ? this.o.startDate.getUTCFullYear() : -Infinity,
- startMonth = this.o.startDate !== -Infinity ? this.o.startDate.getUTCMonth() : -Infinity,
- endYear = this.o.endDate !== Infinity ? this.o.endDate.getUTCFullYear() : Infinity,
- endMonth = this.o.endDate !== Infinity ? this.o.endDate.getUTCMonth() : Infinity,
- todaytxt = dates[this.o.language].today || dates['en'].today || '',
- cleartxt = dates[this.o.language].clear || dates['en'].clear || '',
- tooltip;
- this.picker.find('.datepicker-days thead th.datepicker-switch')
- .text(dates[this.o.language].months[month]+' '+year);
- this.picker.find('tfoot')
- .text(todaytxt)
- .toggle(this.o.todayBtn !== false);
- this.picker.find('tfoot th.clear')
- .text(cleartxt)
- .toggle(this.o.clearBtn !== false);
- this.updateNavArrows();
- this.fillMonths();
- var prevMonth = UTCDate(year, month-1, 28),
- day = DPGlobal.getDaysInMonth(prevMonth.getUTCFullYear(), prevMonth.getUTCMonth());
- prevMonth.setUTCDate(day);
- prevMonth.setUTCDate(day - (prevMonth.getUTCDay() - this.o.weekStart + 7)%7);
- var nextMonth = new Date(prevMonth);
- nextMonth.setUTCDate(nextMonth.getUTCDate() + 42);
- nextMonth = nextMonth.valueOf();
- var html = [];
- var clsName;
- while (prevMonth.valueOf() < nextMonth){
- if (prevMonth.getUTCDay() === this.o.weekStart){
- html.push('<tr>');
- if (this.o.calendarWeeks){
- // ISO 8601: First week contains first thursday.
- // ISO also states week starts on Monday, but we can be more abstract here.
- var
- // Start of current week: based on weekstart/current date
- ws = new Date(+prevMonth + (this.o.weekStart - prevMonth.getUTCDay() - 7) % 7 * 864e5),
- // Thursday of this week
- th = new Date(Number(ws) + (7 + 4 - ws.getUTCDay()) % 7 * 864e5),
- // First Thursday of year, year from thursday
- yth = new Date(Number(yth = UTCDate(th.getUTCFullYear(), 0, 1)) + (7 + 4 - yth.getUTCDay())%7*864e5),
- // Calendar week: ms between thursdays, div ms per day, div 7 days
- calWeek = (th - yth) / 864e5 / 7 + 1;
- html.push('<td class="cw">'+ calWeek +'</td>');
- }
- }
- clsName = this.getClassNames(prevMonth);
- clsName.push('day');
- if (this.o.beforeShowDay !== $.noop){
- var before = this.o.beforeShowDay(this._utc_to_local(prevMonth));
- if (before === undefined)
- before = {};
- else if (typeof(before) === 'boolean')
- before = {enabled: before};
- else if (typeof(before) === 'string')
- before = {classes: before};
- if (before.enabled === false)
- clsName.push('disabled');
- if (before.classes)
- clsName = clsName.concat(before.classes.split(/\s+/));
- if (before.tooltip)
- tooltip = before.tooltip;
- }
- clsName = $.unique(clsName);
- html.push('<td class="'+clsName.join(' ')+'"' + (tooltip ? ' title="'+tooltip+'"' : '') + '>'+prevMonth.getUTCDate() + '</td>');
- if (prevMonth.getUTCDay() === this.o.weekEnd){
- html.push('</tr>');
- }
- prevMonth.setUTCDate(prevMonth.getUTCDate()+1);
- }
- this.picker.find('.datepicker-days tbody').empty().append(html.join(''));
- var months = this.picker.find('.datepicker-months')
- .find('th:eq(1)')
- .text(year)
- .end()
- .find('span').removeClass('active');
- $.each(this.dates, function(i, d){
- if (d.getUTCFullYear() === year)
- months.eq(d.getUTCMonth()).addClass('active');
- });
- if (year < startYear || year > endYear){
- months.addClass('disabled');
- }
- if (year === startYear){
- months.slice(0, startMonth).addClass('disabled');
- }
- if (year === endYear){
- months.slice(endMonth+1).addClass('disabled');
- }
- html = '';
- year = parseInt(year/10, 10) * 10;
- var yearCont = this.picker.find('.datepicker-years')
- .find('th:eq(1)')
- .text(year + '-' + (year + 9))
- .end()
- .find('td');
- year -= 1;
- var years = $.map(this.dates, function(d){
- return d.getUTCFullYear();
- }),
- classes;
- for (var i = -1; i < 11; i++){
- classes = ['year'];
- if (i === -1)
- classes.push('old');
- else if (i === 10)
- classes.push('new');
- if ($.inArray(year, years) !== -1)
- classes.push('active');
- if (year < startYear || year > endYear)
- classes.push('disabled');
- html += '<span class="' + classes.join(' ') + '">'+year+'</span>';
- year += 1;
- }
- yearCont.html(html);
- },
- updateNavArrows: function(){
- if (!this._allow_update)
- return;
- var d = new Date(this.viewDate),
- year = d.getUTCFullYear(),
- month = d.getUTCMonth();
- switch (this.viewMode){
- case 0:
- if (this.o.startDate !== -Infinity && year <= this.o.startDate.getUTCFullYear() && month <= this.o.startDate.getUTCMonth()){
- this.picker.find('.prev').css({visibility: 'hidden'});
- }
- else {
- this.picker.find('.prev').css({visibility: 'visible'});
- }
- if (this.o.endDate !== Infinity && year >= this.o.endDate.getUTCFullYear() && month >= this.o.endDate.getUTCMonth()){
- this.picker.find('.next').css({visibility: 'hidden'});
- }
- else {
- this.picker.find('.next').css({visibility: 'visible'});
- }
- break;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- if (this.o.startDate !== -Infinity && year <= this.o.startDate.getUTCFullYear()){
- this.picker.find('.prev').css({visibility: 'hidden'});
- }
- else {
- this.picker.find('.prev').css({visibility: 'visible'});
- }
- if (this.o.endDate !== Infinity && year >= this.o.endDate.getUTCFullYear()){
- this.picker.find('.next').css({visibility: 'hidden'});
- }
- else {
- this.picker.find('.next').css({visibility: 'visible'});
- }
- break;
- }
- },
- click: function(e){
- e.preventDefault();
- var target = $('span, td, th'),
- year, month, day;
- if (target.length === 1){
- switch (target[0].nodeName.toLowerCase()){
- case 'th':
- switch (target[0].className){
- case 'datepicker-switch':
- this.showMode(1);
- break;
- case 'prev':
- case 'next':
- var dir = DPGlobal.modes[this.viewMode].navStep * (target[0].className === 'prev' ? -1 : 1);
- switch (this.viewMode){
- case 0:
- this.viewDate = this.moveMonth(this.viewDate, dir);
- this._trigger('changeMonth', this.viewDate);
- break;
- case 1:
- case 2:
- this.viewDate = this.moveYear(this.viewDate, dir);
- if (this.viewMode === 1)
- this._trigger('changeYear', this.viewDate);
- break;
- }
- this.fill();
- break;
- case 'today':
- var date = new Date();
- date = UTCDate(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), 0, 0, 0);
- this.showMode(-2);
- var which = this.o.todayBtn === 'linked' ? null : 'view';
- this._setDate(date, which);
- break;
- case 'clear':
- var element;
- if (this.isInput)
- element = this.element;
- else if (this.component)
- element = this.element.find('input');
- if (element)
- element.val("").change();
- this.update();
- this._trigger('changeDate');
- if (this.o.autoclose)
- this.hide();
- break;
- }
- break;
- case 'span':
- if (!'.disabled')){
- this.viewDate.setUTCDate(1);
- if ('.month')){
- day = 1;
- month = target.parent().find('span').index(target);
- year = this.viewDate.getUTCFullYear();
- this.viewDate.setUTCMonth(month);
- this._trigger('changeMonth', this.viewDate);
- if (this.o.minViewMode === 1){
- this._setDate(UTCDate(year, month, day));
- }
- }
- else {
- day = 1;
- month = 0;
- year = parseInt(target.text(), 10)||0;
- this.viewDate.setUTCFullYear(year);
- this._trigger('changeYear', this.viewDate);
- if (this.o.minViewMode === 2){
- this._setDate(UTCDate(year, month, day));
- }
- }
- this.showMode(-1);
- this.fill();
- }
- break;
- case 'td':
- if ('.day') && !'.disabled')){
- day = parseInt(target.text(), 10)||1;
- year = this.viewDate.getUTCFullYear();
- month = this.viewDate.getUTCMonth();
- if ('.old')){
- if (month === 0){
- month = 11;
- year -= 1;
- }
- else {
- month -= 1;
- }
- }
- else if ('.new')){
- if (month === 11){
- month = 0;
- year += 1;
- }
- else {
- month += 1;
- }
- }
- this._setDate(UTCDate(year, month, day));
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (':visible') && this._focused_from){
- $(this._focused_from).focus();
- }
- delete this._focused_from;
- },
- _toggle_multidate: function(date){
- var ix = this.dates.contains(date);
- if (!date){
- this.dates.clear();
- }
- if (this.o.multidate === 1 && ix === 0){
- // single datepicker, don't remove selected date
- }
- else if (ix !== -1){
- this.dates.remove(ix);
- }
- else {
- this.dates.push(date);
- }
- if (typeof this.o.multidate === 'number')
- while (this.dates.length > this.o.multidate)
- this.dates.remove(0);
- },
- _setDate: function(date, which){
- if (!which || which === 'date')
- this._toggle_multidate(date && new Date(date));
- if (!which || which === 'view')
- this.viewDate = date && new Date(date);
- this.fill();
- this.setValue();
- this._trigger('changeDate');
- var element;
- if (this.isInput){
- element = this.element;
- }
- else if (this.component){
- element = this.element.find('input');
- }
- if (element){
- element.change();
- }
- if (this.o.autoclose && (!which || which === 'date')){
- this.hide();
- }
- },
- moveMonth: function(date, dir){
- if (!date)
- return undefined;
- if (!dir)
- return date;
- var new_date = new Date(date.valueOf()),
- day = new_date.getUTCDate(),
- month = new_date.getUTCMonth(),
- mag = Math.abs(dir),
- new_month, test;
- dir = dir > 0 ? 1 : -1;
- if (mag === 1){
- test = dir === -1
- // If going back one month, make sure month is not current month
- // (eg, Mar 31 -> Feb 31 == Feb 28, not Mar 02)
- ? function(){
- return new_date.getUTCMonth() === month;
- }
- // If going forward one month, make sure month is as expected
- // (eg, Jan 31 -> Feb 31 == Feb 28, not Mar 02)
- : function(){
- return new_date.getUTCMonth() !== new_month;
- };
- new_month = month + dir;
- new_date.setUTCMonth(new_month);
- // Dec -> Jan (12) or Jan -> Dec (-1) -- limit expected date to 0-11
- if (new_month < 0 || new_month > 11)
- new_month = (new_month + 12) % 12;
- }
- else {
- // For magnitudes >1, move one month at a time...
- for (var i=0; i < mag; i++)
- // ...which might decrease the day (eg, Jan 31 to Feb 28, etc)...
- new_date = this.moveMonth(new_date, dir);
- // ...then reset the day, keeping it in the new month
- new_month = new_date.getUTCMonth();
- new_date.setUTCDate(day);
- test = function(){
- return new_month !== new_date.getUTCMonth();
- };
- }
- // Common date-resetting loop -- if date is beyond end of month, make it
- // end of month
- while (test()){
- new_date.setUTCDate(--day);
- new_date.setUTCMonth(new_month);
- }
- return new_date;
- },
- moveYear: function(date, dir){
- return this.moveMonth(date, dir*12);
- },
- dateWithinRange: function(date){
- return date >= this.o.startDate && date <= this.o.endDate;
- },
- keydown: function(e){
- if (':not(:visible)')){
- if (e.keyCode === 27) // allow escape to hide and re-show picker
- return;
- }
- var dateChanged = false,
- dir, newDate, newViewDate,
- focusDate = this.focusDate || this.viewDate;
- switch (e.keyCode){
- case 27: // escape
- if (this.focusDate){
- this.focusDate = null;
- this.viewDate = this.dates.get(-1) || this.viewDate;
- this.fill();
- }
- else
- this.hide();
- e.preventDefault();
- break;
- case 37: // left
- case 39: // right
- if (!this.o.keyboardNavigation)
- break;
- dir = e.keyCode === 37 ? -1 : 1;
- if (e.ctrlKey){
- newDate = this.moveYear(this.dates.get(-1) || UTCToday(), dir);
- newViewDate = this.moveYear(focusDate, dir);
- this._trigger('changeYear', this.viewDate);
- }
- else if (e.shiftKey){
- newDate = this.moveMonth(this.dates.get(-1) || UTCToday(), dir);
- newViewDate = this.moveMonth(focusDate, dir);
- this._trigger('changeMonth', this.viewDate);
- }
- else {
- newDate = new Date(this.dates.get(-1) || UTCToday());
- newDate.setUTCDate(newDate.getUTCDate() + dir);
- newViewDate = new Date(focusDate);
- newViewDate.setUTCDate(focusDate.getUTCDate() + dir);
- }
- if (this.dateWithinRange(newDate)){
- this.focusDate = this.viewDate = newViewDate;
- this.setValue();
- this.fill();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- break;
- case 38: // up
- case 40: // down
- if (!this.o.keyboardNavigation)
- break;
- dir = e.keyCode === 38 ? -1 : 1;
- if (e.ctrlKey){
- newDate = this.moveYear(this.dates.get(-1) || UTCToday(), dir);
- newViewDate = this.moveYear(focusDate, dir);
- this._trigger('changeYear', this.viewDate);
- }
- else if (e.shiftKey){
- newDate = this.moveMonth(this.dates.get(-1) || UTCToday(), dir);
- newViewDate = this.moveMonth(focusDate, dir);
- this._trigger('changeMonth', this.viewDate);
- }
- else {
- newDate = new Date(this.dates.get(-1) || UTCToday());
- newDate.setUTCDate(newDate.getUTCDate() + dir * 7);
- newViewDate = new Date(focusDate);
- newViewDate.setUTCDate(focusDate.getUTCDate() + dir * 7);
- }
- if (this.dateWithinRange(newDate)){
- this.focusDate = this.viewDate = newViewDate;
- this.setValue();
- this.fill();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- break;
- case 32: // spacebar
- // Spacebar is used in manually typing dates in some formats.
- // As such, its behavior should not be hijacked.
- break;
- case 13: // enter
- focusDate = this.focusDate || this.dates.get(-1) || this.viewDate;
- this._toggle_multidate(focusDate);
- dateChanged = true;
- this.focusDate = null;
- this.viewDate = this.dates.get(-1) || this.viewDate;
- this.setValue();
- this.fill();
- if (':visible')){
- e.preventDefault();
- if (this.o.autoclose)
- this.hide();
- }
- break;
- case 9: // tab
- this.focusDate = null;
- this.viewDate = this.dates.get(-1) || this.viewDate;
- this.fill();
- this.hide();
- break;
- }
- if (dateChanged){
- if (this.dates.length)
- this._trigger('changeDate');
- else
- this._trigger('clearDate');
- var element;
- if (this.isInput){
- element = this.element;
- }
- else if (this.component){
- element = this.element.find('input');
- }
- if (element){
- element.change();
- }
- }
- },
- showMode: function(dir){
- if (dir){
- this.viewMode = Math.max(this.o.minViewMode, Math.min(2, this.viewMode + dir));
- }
- this.picker
- .find('>div')
- .hide()
- .filter('.datepicker-'+DPGlobal.modes[this.viewMode].clsName)
- .css('display', 'block');
- this.updateNavArrows();
- }
- };
- var DateRangePicker = function(element, options){
- this.element = $(element);
- this.inputs = $.map(options.inputs, function(i){
- return i.jquery ? i[0] : i;
- });
- delete options.inputs;
- $(this.inputs)
- .datepicker(options)
- .bind('changeDate', $.proxy(this.dateUpdated, this));
- this.pickers = $.map(this.inputs, function(i){
- return $(i).data('datepicker');
- });
- this.updateDates();
- };
- DateRangePicker.prototype = {
- updateDates: function(){
- this.dates = $.map(this.pickers, function(i){
- return i.getUTCDate();
- });
- this.updateRanges();
- },
- updateRanges: function(){
- var range = $.map(this.dates, function(d){
- return d.valueOf();
- });
- $.each(this.pickers, function(i, p){
- p.setRange(range);
- });
- },
- dateUpdated: function(e){
- // `this.updating` is a workaround for preventing infinite recursion
- // between `changeDate` triggering and `setUTCDate` calling. Until
- // there is a better mechanism.
- if (this.updating)
- return;
- this.updating = true;
- var dp = $('datepicker'),
- new_date = dp.getUTCDate(),
- i = $.inArray(, this.inputs),
- l = this.inputs.length;
- if (i === -1)
- return;
- $.each(this.pickers, function(i, p){
- if (!p.getUTCDate())
- p.setUTCDate(new_date);
- });
- if (new_date < this.dates[i]){
- // Date being moved earlier/left
- while (i >= 0 && new_date < this.dates[i]){
- this.pickers[i--].setUTCDate(new_date);
- }
- }
- else if (new_date > this.dates[i]){
- // Date being moved later/right
- while (i < l && new_date > this.dates[i]){
- this.pickers[i++].setUTCDate(new_date);
- }
- }
- this.updateDates();
- delete this.updating;
- },
- remove: function(){
- $.map(this.pickers, function(p){ p.remove(); });
- delete;
- }
- };
- function opts_from_el(el, prefix){
- // Derive options from element data-attrs
- var data = $(el).data(),
- out = {}, inkey,
- replace = new RegExp('^' + prefix.toLowerCase() + '([A-Z])');
- prefix = new RegExp('^' + prefix.toLowerCase());
- function re_lower(_,a){
- return a.toLowerCase();
- }
- for (var key in data)
- if (prefix.test(key)){
- inkey = key.replace(replace, re_lower);
- out[inkey] = data[key];
- }
- return out;
- }
- function opts_from_locale(lang){
- // Derive options from locale plugins
- var out = {};
- // Check if "de-DE" style date is available, if not language should
- // fallback to 2 letter code eg "de"
- if (!dates[lang]){
- lang = lang.split('-')[0];
- if (!dates[lang])
- return;
- }
- var d = dates[lang];
- $.each(locale_opts, function(i,k){
- if (k in d)
- out[k] = d[k];
- });
- return out;
- }
- var old = $.fn.datepicker;
- $.fn.datepicker = function(option){
- var args = Array.apply(null, arguments);
- args.shift();
- var internal_return;
- this.each(function(){
- var $this = $(this),
- data = $'datepicker'),
- options = typeof option === 'object' && option;
- if (!data){
- var elopts = opts_from_el(this, 'date'),
- // Preliminary otions
- xopts = $.extend({}, defaults, elopts, options),
- locopts = opts_from_locale(xopts.language),
- // Options priority: js args, data-attrs, locales, defaults
- opts = $.extend({}, defaults, locopts, elopts, options);
- if ($'.input-daterange') || opts.inputs){
- var ropts = {
- inputs: opts.inputs || $this.find('input').toArray()
- };
- $'datepicker', (data = new DateRangePicker(this, $.extend(opts, ropts))));
- }
- else {
- $'datepicker', (data = new Datepicker(this, opts)));
- }
- }
- if (typeof option === 'string' && typeof data[option] === 'function'){
- internal_return = data[option].apply(data, args);
- if (internal_return !== undefined)
- return false;
- }
- });
- if (internal_return !== undefined)
- return internal_return;
- else
- return this;
- };
- var defaults = $.fn.datepicker.defaults = {
- autoclose: false,
- beforeShowDay: $.noop,
- calendarWeeks: false,
- clearBtn: false,
- daysOfWeekDisabled: [],
- endDate: Infinity,
- forceParse: true,
- format: 'mm/dd/yyyy',
- keyboardNavigation: true,
- language: 'en',
- minViewMode: 0,
- multidate: false,
- multidateSeparator: ',',
- orientation: "auto",
- rtl: false,
- startDate: -Infinity,
- startView: 0,
- todayBtn: false,
- todayHighlight: false,
- weekStart: 0
- };
- var locale_opts = $.fn.datepicker.locale_opts = [
- 'format',
- 'rtl',
- 'weekStart'
- ];
- $.fn.datepicker.Constructor = Datepicker;
- var dates = $.fn.datepicker.dates = {
- en: {
- days: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"],
- daysShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun"],
- daysMin: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su"],
- months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
- monthsShort: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
- today: "Today",
- clear: "Clear"
- }
- };
- var DPGlobal = {
- modes: [
- {
- clsName: 'days',
- navFnc: 'Month',
- navStep: 1
- },
- {
- clsName: 'months',
- navFnc: 'FullYear',
- navStep: 1
- },
- {
- clsName: 'years',
- navFnc: 'FullYear',
- navStep: 10
- }],
- isLeapYear: function(year){
- return (((year % 4 === 0) && (year % 100 !== 0)) || (year % 400 === 0));
- },
- getDaysInMonth: function(year, month){
- return [31, (DPGlobal.isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28), 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][month];
- },
- validParts: /dd?|DD?|mm?|MM?|yy(?:yy)?/g,
- nonpunctuation: /[^ -\/:-@\[\u3400-\u9fff-`{-~\t\n\r]+/g,
- parseFormat: function(format){
- // IE treats \0 as a string end in inputs (truncating the value),
- // so it's a bad format delimiter, anyway
- var separators = format.replace(this.validParts, '\0').split('\0'),
- parts = format.match(this.validParts);
- if (!separators || !separators.length || !parts || parts.length === 0){
- throw new Error("Invalid date format.");
- }
- return {separators: separators, parts: parts};
- },
- parseDate: function(date, format, language){
- if (!date)
- return undefined;
- if (date instanceof Date)
- return date;
- if (typeof format === 'string')
- format = DPGlobal.parseFormat(format);
- var part_re = /([\-+]\d+)([dmwy])/,
- parts = date.match(/([\-+]\d+)([dmwy])/g),
- part, dir, i;
- if (/^[\-+]\d+[dmwy]([\s,]+[\-+]\d+[dmwy])*$/.test(date)){
- date = new Date();
- for (i=0; i < parts.length; i++){
- part = part_re.exec(parts[i]);
- dir = parseInt(part[1]);
- switch (part[2]){
- case 'd':
- date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + dir);
- break;
- case 'm':
- date =, date, dir);
- break;
- case 'w':
- date.setUTCDate(date.getUTCDate() + dir * 7);
- break;
- case 'y':
- date =, date, dir);
- break;
- }
- }
- return UTCDate(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth(), date.getUTCDate(), 0, 0, 0);
- }
- parts = date && date.match(this.nonpunctuation) || [];
- date = new Date();
- var parsed = {},
- setters_order = ['yyyy', 'yy', 'M', 'MM', 'm', 'mm', 'd', 'dd'],
- setters_map = {
- yyyy: function(d,v){
- return d.setUTCFullYear(v);
- },
- yy: function(d,v){
- return d.setUTCFullYear(2000+v);
- },
- m: function(d,v){
- if (isNaN(d))
- return d;
- v -= 1;
- while (v < 0) v += 12;
- v %= 12;
- d.setUTCMonth(v);
- while (d.getUTCMonth() !== v)
- d.setUTCDate(d.getUTCDate()-1);
- return d;
- },
- d: function(d,v){
- return d.setUTCDate(v);
- }
- },
- val, filtered;
- setters_map['M'] = setters_map['MM'] = setters_map['mm'] = setters_map['m'];
- setters_map['dd'] = setters_map['d'];
- date = UTCDate(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), date.getDate(), 0, 0, 0);
- var fparts =;
- // Remove noop parts
- if (parts.length !== fparts.length){
- fparts = $(fparts).filter(function(i,p){
- return $.inArray(p, setters_order) !== -1;
- }).toArray();
- }
- // Process remainder
- function match_part(){
- var m = this.slice(0, parts[i].length),
- p = parts[i].slice(0, m.length);
- return m === p;
- }
- if (parts.length === fparts.length){
- var cnt;
- for (i=0, cnt = fparts.length; i < cnt; i++){
- val = parseInt(parts[i], 10);
- part = fparts[i];
- if (isNaN(val)){
- switch (part){
- case 'MM':
- filtered = $(dates[language].months).filter(match_part);
- val = $.inArray(filtered[0], dates[language].months) + 1;
- break;
- case 'M':
- filtered = $(dates[language].monthsShort).filter(match_part);
- val = $.inArray(filtered[0], dates[language].monthsShort) + 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- parsed[part] = val;
- }
- var _date, s;
- for (i=0; i < setters_order.length; i++){
- s = setters_order[i];
- if (s in parsed && !isNaN(parsed[s])){
- _date = new Date(date);
- setters_map[s](_date, parsed[s]);
- if (!isNaN(_date))
- date = _date;
- }
- }
- }
- return date;
- },
- formatDate: function(date, format, language){
- if (!date)
- return '';
- if (typeof format === 'string')
- format = DPGlobal.parseFormat(format);
- var val = {
- d: date.getUTCDate(),
- D: dates[language].daysShort[date.getUTCDay()],
- DD: dates[language].days[date.getUTCDay()],
- m: date.getUTCMonth() + 1,
- M: dates[language].monthsShort[date.getUTCMonth()],
- MM: dates[language].months[date.getUTCMonth()],
- yy: date.getUTCFullYear().toString().substring(2),
- yyyy: date.getUTCFullYear()
- };
- val.dd = (val.d < 10 ? '0' : '') + val.d;
- = (val.m < 10 ? '0' : '') + val.m;
- date = [];
- var seps = $.extend([], format.separators);
- for (var i=0, cnt =; i <= cnt; i++){
- if (seps.length)
- date.push(seps.shift());
- date.push(val[[i]]);
- }
- return date.join('');
- },
- headTemplate: '<thead>'+
- '<tr>'+
- '<th class="prev">«</th>'+
- '<th colspan="5" class="datepicker-switch"></th>'+
- '<th class="next">»</th>'+
- '</tr>'+
- '</thead>',
- contTemplate: '<tbody><tr><td colspan="7"></td></tr></tbody>',
- footTemplate: '<tfoot>'+
- '<tr>'+
- '<th colspan="7" class="today"></th>'+
- '</tr>'+
- '<tr>'+
- '<th colspan="7" class="clear"></th>'+
- '</tr>'+
- '</tfoot>'
- };
- DPGlobal.template = '<div class="datepicker">'+
- '<div class="datepicker-days">'+
- '<table class=" table-condensed">'+
- DPGlobal.headTemplate+
- '<tbody></tbody>'+
- DPGlobal.footTemplate+
- '</table>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="datepicker-months">'+
- '<table class="table-condensed">'+
- DPGlobal.headTemplate+
- DPGlobal.contTemplate+
- DPGlobal.footTemplate+
- '</table>'+
- '</div>'+
- '<div class="datepicker-years">'+
- '<table class="table-condensed">'+
- DPGlobal.headTemplate+
- DPGlobal.contTemplate+
- DPGlobal.footTemplate+
- '</table>'+
- '</div>'+
- '</div>';
- $.fn.datepicker.DPGlobal = DPGlobal;
- * =================== */
- $.fn.datepicker.noConflict = function(){
- $.fn.datepicker = old;
- return this;
- };
- * ================== */
- $(document).on(
- '',
- '[data-provide="datepicker"]',
- function(e){
- var $this = $(this);
- if ($'datepicker'))
- return;
- e.preventDefault();
- // component click requires us to explicitly show it
- $this.datepicker('show');
- }
- );
- $(function(){
- $('[data-provide="datepicker-inline"]').datepicker();
- });
- }(window.jQuery));
- ;/**
- * German translation for bootstrap-datepicker
- * Sam Zurcher <>
- */
- ;(function($){
- $.fn.datepicker.dates['de'] = {
- days: ["Sonntag", "Montag", "Dienstag", "Mittwoch", "Donnerstag", "Freitag", "Samstag", "Sonntag"],
- daysShort: ["Son", "Mon", "Die", "Mit", "Don", "Fre", "Sam", "Son"],
- daysMin: ["So", "Mo", "Di", "Mi", "Do", "Fr", "Sa", "So"],
- months: ["Januar", "Februar", "März", "April", "Mai", "Juni", "Juli", "August", "September", "Oktober", "November", "Dezember"],
- monthsShort: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mär", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez"],
- today: "Heute",
- clear: "Löschen",
- weekStart: 1,
- format: ""
- };
- }(jQuery));
- ;var openinghours = (function () {
- var my = {};
- var _days = {
- 'mo': 'Montag',
- 'di': 'Dienstag',
- 'mi': 'Mittwoch',
- 'do': 'Donnerstag',
- 'fr': 'Freitag',
- 'sa': 'Samstag',
- 'so': 'Sonntag'
- };
- var _index = 1;
- my.parse = function (element, options) {
- var val = $(element).val(), found = [], i, line, d, d2, matches, time, hours, t, foundDay, foundTime, regEx;
- // each line is one statement
- val = val.toLowerCase().split("\n");
- for (i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
- time = '';
- line = val[i];
- foundDay = false;
- foundTime = false;
- // find start day
- for (d in _days) {
- regEx = new RegExp('^\\s*(' + d + '|' + _days[d] + ')\\s*([:-])', 'i');
- if (matches = line.match(regEx)) {
- time += _days[d];
- foundDay = true;
- // second day required
- if (matches[2] == '-') {
- for (d2 in _days) {
- if (d2 == d) {
- // makes no sense
- continue;
- }
- regEx = new RegExp('-\\s*(' + d2 + '|' + _days[d2] + ')\\s*:', 'i');
- if (matches = line.match(regEx)) {
- time += ' - ' + _days[d2];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- hours = [];
- regEx = /[:,]\s*(\d\d?)(?::(\d\d?))?-(\d\d?)(?::(\d\d?))?/g;
- while (matches = regEx.exec(line)) {
- t = (matches[1].length < 2 ? '0' : '') + matches[1] + ':';
- if (matches[2]) {
- t += (matches[2].length < 2 ? '0' : '') + matches[2];
- } else {
- t += '00';
- }
- t += ' - ' + (matches[3].length < 2 ? '0' : '') + matches[3] + ':';
- if (matches[4]) {
- t += (matches[4].length < 2 ? '0' : '') + matches[4];
- } else {
- t += '00';
- }
- hours.push(t);
- foundTime = true;
- }
- // other
- if (line.match(/\D:\s*(Ruhe|geschl)/i)) {
- hours.push('geschlossen');
- foundTime = true;
- }
- if (foundDay && foundTime) {
- time += ': ' + hours.join(', ');
- found.push(time);
- }
- }
- if (found == '') {
- $(options.static).html("<br /><strong class='text-danger'>Ungültige Öffnungszeiten. Bitte tragen Sie ihre Öffnungszeiten im richtigen Format ein.</span>");
- return ""
- }
- $(options.static).html(found.join("<br>"));
- $(options.hidden).val(found.join("\n"));
- };
- my.addSameDay = function ($element) {
- var $row = $element.parent().parent().parent();
- var weekDayTo = $('[name="weekDayTo[]"]', $row);
- if (weekDayTo.val() > 0) {
- return;
- }
- var value = $element.val();
- weekDayTo.val(value);
- };
- my.addOpeningHours = function (id, index) {
- if (index > _index) {
- _index = index;
- } else {
- _index++;
- }
- var $newRow = $('#' + id + ' .rowFirst').clone();
- $newRow.attr("id", "openingHoursRow" + _index);
- $newRow.addClass('rowNext').removeClass('rowFirst').hide().appendTo($('#' + id)).slideDown(200);
- $('input, select', $newRow).val('');
- };
- my.removeOpeningHours = function ($btn) {
- var $row = $btn.parent().parent();
- if ($row.hasClass('rowFirst')) {
- $('input, select', $row).val('');
- } else {
- $row.slideUp(200, function () {
- $row.remove();
- });
- }
- };
- return my;
- }());;var autocomplete = (function() {
- var my = {};
- my.start = function(url, config) {
- var term = $(config.element).val();
- if (term.length >= (config.threshold || 2)) {
- $.ajax(url, {
- data: { term: term },
- success: function(data) {
- my.onServerResponse(config, data);
- }
- });
- } else {
- $(config.element).next('.autocomplete').hide();
- }
- };
- my.onServerResponse = function(config, data) {
- var html = [], z, key;
- if (data.length) {
- for (z = 0; z < data.length; z++) {
- if (typeof data[z].key !== 'undefined') {
- key = data[z].key;
- } else {
- key = z;
- }
- html.push('<div class="autocomplete-pick" data-key="' + key + '" data-value="' + data[z].value + '">' + data[z].display + '</div>');
- }
- } else {
- for (z in data) {
- var extra_data = '', extra;
- for (extra in data[z]) {
- if (extra !== 'value' && extra !== 'display') {
- extra_data += ' data-' + extra + '="' + data[z][extra] + '"';
- }
- }
- html.push('<div class="autocomplete-pick ' + config.pickClass + '" data-key="' + z + '" data-value="' + data[z].value + '"' + extra_data + '>' + data[z].display + '</div>');
- }
- }
- // nothing found
- if (html.length == 0) {
- html.push('Keine Übereinstimmung gefunden');
- }
- var $thing = $(config.element).next('.autocomplete'), width = $'width'), $parent;
- if (!width) {
- $parent = $thing.parent();
- width = $parent.css('width').replace('px', '');
- width -= $parent.css('padding-left').replace('px', '');
- width -= $parent.css('padding-right').replace('px', '');
- $'width', width);
- }
- $thing.html(html.join('')).css('width', (width) + 'px').show();
- $('.autocomplete-pick', $thing).click(function() {
- $thing.hide();
- config.onPick(this);
- });
- };
- return my;
- }());
- var autocompleteDropDown = (function() {
- var my = {};
- my.start = function(url, config, id) {
- var term = $(config.element).val();
- if (term.length >= (config.threshold || 2)) {
- $.ajax(url, {
- data: { term: term },
- success: function(data) {
- my.onServerResponse(data, id);
- }
- });
- }
- };
- my.onServerResponse = function(data, id) {
- var html = [], z, lastCity = '', townVal = null;
- if (data.length) {
- for (z = 0; z < data.length; z++) {
- if (lastCity != data[z].value) {
- html.push('<option value="' + data[z].value + '">' + data[z].value + '</option>');
- }
- lastCity = data[z].value;
- }
- } else {
- for (z in data) {
- if (lastCity != data[z].display) {
- html.push('<option value="' + data[z].display + '">' + data[z].display + '</option>');
- }
- lastCity = data[z].display;
- }
- }
- var $thing = $('#' + id);
- // nothing found
- if (html.length == 0) {
- html.push('<option value="">Keine Übereinstimmung gefunden</option>');
- $thing.html(html.join(''));
- } else {
- // edit form -> preselect old town
- if ($thing.val()) {
- townVal = $thing.val();
- }
- $thing.html(html.join(''));
- $thing.prepend('<option value="">Bitte wählen Sie eine Stadt aus.</option>');
- if (townVal) {
- $preSelectedOption = $('#' + id + ' option[value="' + townVal + '"]');
- } else {
- if (html.length == 1) {
- $preSelectedOption = $($('#' + id + ' option').get(1));
- } else {
- $preSelectedOption = $($('#' + id + ' option').get(0));
- }
- }
- $preSelectedOption.attr('selected', 'selected').change();
- $preSelectedOption.attr("rel");
- }
- };
- return my;
- }());;var Products = (function ($, window) {
- var my = {}, delUrl = '/user/productDelete';
- my.create = function (cid, showDialog) {
- if (!showDialog) {
- $('#manageProducts').hide();
- }
- $.get('/user/createProductRequired', {'cid': cid, 'showDialog': +showDialog}, function (html) {
- $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: 0}, "slow");
- $('#productFormContainer').html(html).slideDown(300);
- });
- };
- my.edit = function (cid, pid, showDialog) {
- if (!showDialog) {
- $('#manageProducts').hide();
- }
- $.get('/user/editProductRequired', {'cid': cid, 'pid': pid, 'showDialog': +showDialog}, function (html) {
- $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: 0}, "slow");
- $('#productFormContainer').html(html).slideDown(300);
- });
- };
- my.editAdditional = function (cid, pid, showDialog) {
- var $form = $('#companyProductForm'), $btn = $('button[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.text();
- var formData = new FormData($form[0]);
- $.ajax({
- url: '/user/editProductRequired',
- type: 'POST',
- data: formData,
- async: false,
- cache: false,
- contentType: false,
- processData: false,
- success: function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(t, d.status == 'ok');
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- pid = d.productId;
- if (!showDialog) {
- $('#manageProducts').hide();
- }
- $.get('/user/editProductAdditional', {
- 'cid': cid,
- 'pid': pid,
- 'showDialog': +showDialog
- }, function (html) {
- $("html, body").animate({scrollTop: 0}, "slow");
- $('#productFormContainer').html(html).slideDown(300);
- });
- } else {
- }
- }
- });
- outputFlashSession();
- };
- my.saveAdditional = function () {
- var $form = $('#companyProductForm'), $btn = $('button[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.text();
- var formData = new FormData($form[0]);
- $.ajax({
- url: '/user/editProductAdditional',
- type: 'POST',
- data: formData,
- async: false,
- cache: false,
- contentType: false,
- processData: false,
- success: function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(t, d.status == 'ok');
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- window.location.href = d.redirect;
- }
- }
- });
- outputFlashSession();
- };
- my.del = function (pid, confirmText) {
- if (confirm(confirmText)) {
- $.post(delUrl, {'pid': pid}, function () {
- window.location.reload();
- })
- }
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery, window));
- var Profile = (function ($) {
- var my = {};
- my.updateOption = function (element) {
- var $el = $(element);
- $.get('/user/profileOption', {o: $el.attr('name'), v: +$':checked')}, function (d) {
- var $ok = $('<span class="text-success"><i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>gespeichert</span>').hide();
- $el.parent().append($ok);
- $ok.fadeIn();
- window.setTimeout(function () {
- $ok.fadeOut()
- }, 2000);
- });
- };
- my.removeProfileImage = function () {
- $.get('/user/deleteProfile', {}, function (d) {
- if (d.status === 'ok') {
- $('#profileImage').remove();
- $('#profileImageRemoveButton').remove();
- $('#profileImagePlaceholder').show();
- autoResizePlaceholderImage();
- }
- outputFlashSession();
- }
- );
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery));;/**
- * Global container for payment actions.
- */
- var Payment = (function (window, document, $, my) {
- var step, progress = 0, callbacks = {
- nextStep: null,
- progress: null,
- confirm: null
- };
- = {
- config: {'url': '', 'requests': {}},
- transaction: {'info': {}, 'order': ''}
- };
- my.registerCallback = function (key, callback) {
- callbacks[key] = callback;
- };
- my.init = function () {
- if (typeof PaymentConfig == 'undefined') {
- return;
- }
- = PaymentConfig;
- if (PaymentData && PaymentData.order) {
- = PaymentData.order;
- my.return.process(PaymentData);
- }
- window.setTimeout(function () {
- nextStep('init');
- }, 500);
- };
- my.fancyInOut = function ($out, $in) {
- $out.slideUp(300, function () {
- $in.slideDown(300);
- });
- };
- function nextStep(key) {
- var nextStep = my.moveToStep(key, true);
- $('.step-' + nextStep + '-progress div').addClass('btn-danger');
- $('.step-' + nextStep + '-progress div').removeClass('btn-default');
- $('.step-' + nextStep + '-progress div').removeClass('no-button');
- if (key == 'toConfirm') {
- $('.step-' + nextStep + '-progress div').attr("onclick", "Payment.moveToConfirm()");
- } else {
- $('.step-' + nextStep + '-progress div').attr("onclick", "Payment.moveToStep('" + key + "', false)");
- }
- if (typeof callbacks.progress == 'function') {
- progress = callbacks.progress(step, progress);
- $('#paymentProgress').css('width', progress + '%');
- }
- }
- my.moveToStep = function (key, returnNextStep) {
- var nextStep, previousStep = step;
- if (typeof callbacks.nextStep == 'function') {
- nextStep = callbacks.nextStep(key, step);
- }
- if (nextStep) {
- step = nextStep;
- }
- if (!previousStep || previousStep == nextStep) {
- $('.step-' + nextStep).show();
- } else {
- my.fancyInOut($('.step-' + previousStep), $('.step-' + step));
- }
- if (returnNextStep == true) {
- return nextStep;
- }
- };
- my.productSelect = function (form) {
- var $form = $(form), $btn = $('[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.html();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- $.post( + '/productSelect', {'pid': $('#productId').val()}, function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- = d;
- nextStep('product');
- }
- });
- };
- my.register = function (form, id, showClaims) {
- var $form = $(form), $btn = $('[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.html(), data = $form.serializeArray();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- data.push({'name': 'order', 'value':});
- data.push({'name': 'showClaims', 'value': showClaims});
- $.post( + '/register', data, function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- = d;
- $('.form-login-actions').hide();
- $('#' + id).slideDown();
- }
- });
- };
- my.login = function (userId, id, showClaims) {
- $.post( + '/login', {
- 'uid': userId,
- 'order':,
- 'showClaims': showClaims
- }, function (d) {
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- = d;
- $('#' + id).slideDown();
- }
- });
- };
- my.checkAvailability = function (data, $btn) {
- var t = $btn.html();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- $.post( + '/checkAvailability', data, function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- $('#packageConfigAvailable').show();
- $('#packageConfigSubmitContainer').slideDown();
- $btn.hide();
- } else {
- $('#packageConfigNotAvailable').show();
- }
- });
- };
- my.productConfig = function (form) {
- var $form = $(form), $btn = $('[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.html(), data = $form.serializeArray();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- data.push({'name': 'order', 'value':});
- $.post( + '/productConfig', data, function (d) {
- if (form != null) {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- }
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- = d;
- nextStep('productConfig');
- }
- });
- };
- my.companySelected = function (companyId, btn, form) {
- var $btn = $(btn), t = $btn.html(), data = [];
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- if (form) {
- var $form = $(form);
- data = $form.serializeArray();
- }
- data.push({'name': 'cid', 'value': companyId});
- data.push({'name': 'order', 'value':});
- $.post( + '/addCompany', data, function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- = d;
- nextStep('company');
- }
- if (form) {
- return false;
- }
- });
- };
- my.customerData = function (form) {
- var $form = $(form), $btn = $('[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.html(), data = $form.serializeArray();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- data.push({'name': 'order', 'value':});
- $.post( + '/customerData', data, function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- = d;
- nextStep('customer');
- }
- });
- };
- my.moveToConfirm = function () {
- var html = '', val, pt =;
- for (var key in {
- val =[key];
- html += '<div class="row"><div class="col-xs-6 bold">' + pt[key] + '</div>';
- html += '<div class="col-xs-6">' + (pt[val] ? pt[val] : val) + '</div></div>';
- }
- $('#confirmPayment').html(html);
- if (typeof callbacks.confirm == 'function') {
- callbacks.confirm(;
- }
- $('#costs').hide();
- nextStep('toConfirm');
- };
- my.confirm = function (form) {
- var $form = $(form), $btn = $('[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.html(), data = $form.serializeArray();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- data.push({'name': 'order', 'value':});
- $.post( + '/confirm', data, function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- my.thanks(d);
- } else {
- if (d.status == 'redirect') {
- $('#externalPaymentBtn').click(function () {
- $('#externalPaymentBtn').disableButton();
- window.location.href = d.url;
- });
- my.fancyInOut($('.step-' + step), $('.step-external'));
- }
- }
- });
- };
- my.thanks = function (response) {
- $('#thanksRefNo').text(;
- my.fancyInOut($('.step:visible'), $('.step-thanks'));
- $('#progressBar').hide();
- $('#invoiceLink').attr('href', $('#invoiceLink').attr('href') + '/' +;
- };
- my.error = function (response) {
- $('#paymentError').html('FEHLER: ' + response.customermessage);
- };
- return my;
- }(window, document, jQuery, Payment || {}));
- /**
- * Add module return to handle the different cases the user return to the payment process.
- */
- var Payment = (function ($, parent) {
- var my = {};
- my.process = function (data) {
- if (data.returnType === 'external') {
- $('.step').hide();
- if (data.status === 'back') {
- externalAbort(data.order);
- } else {
- if (data.status === 'ok') {
- externalOk(data.order);
- } else {
- if (data.status === 'error') {
- externalError(data.order);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- function externalAbort(order) {
- $('#restartExternalPaymentBtn').click(function () {
- var $btn = $(this);
- $btn.disableButton();
- $('.step-external-back .info').show();
- $.post( + '/restartExternal', {'order': order}, function (d) {
- if (d.status == 'redirect') {
- window.location.href = d.url;
- } else {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- }
- });
- });
- $('.step-external-back').show();
- }
- function externalOk(order) {
- $('.step-external-ok').show();
- my.checkOrder(order);
- }
- my.checkOrder = function (order) {
- $.post( + '/checkOrder', {'order': order}, function (d) {
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- if (d.isPaid === true) {
- // we are done
- parent.thanks(d);
- } else {
- // try again in a few
- window.setTimeout(function () {
- my.checkOrder(order);
- }, 1500);
- }
- }
- });
- };
- function externalError(order) {
- $('.step-external-error').show();
- }
- parent.return = my;
- return parent;
- }(jQuery, Payment || {}));
- /**
- * Add module methods to handle the different payment methods.
- */
- var Payment = (function ($, parent) {
- var my = {};
- my.selected = function () {
- var type = $('#paymentSelect').val();
- $('.method').hide();
- $('.method-' + type).show();
- };
- function mergeParameters(request, params) {
- for (var key in[request]) {
- params[key] =[request][key];
- }
- return params;
- }
- function addPaymentMethod(type, data, $btn, btnText) {
- $.post( + '/addPaymentMethod', {
- 'type': type,
- 'order':,
- 'data': data
- }, function (d) {
- $btn.enableButton(btnText);
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- = d;
- parent.moveToConfirm();
- }
- });
- }
- my.creditCardCheck = function (form) {
- var $form = $(form), $btn = $('[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.html();
- $btn.disableButton();
- var funcName = 'callbackCreditCardCheck' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 100000000);
- window[funcName] = function (response) {
- $('#response').html(JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));
- if (response.status === 'ERROR') {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- my.error(response);
- } else {
- if (response.status === 'VALID') {
- // inform server
- addPaymentMethod('creditcard', {
- 'pseudoCardNumber': response.pseudocardpan,
- 'truncatedCardNumber': response.truncatedcardpan
- }, $btn, t);
- } else {
- }
- }
- };
- var pr = new PayoneRequest(mergeParameters('creditCardCheck', {
- 'cardpan': parseInt($('#ccNumber', $form).val(), 10), // credit card number
- 'cardtype': $('#ccType', $form).val(),
- 'cardexpiredate': parseInt($('#ccExpire', $form).val(), 10),
- 'cardcvc2': parseInt($('#ccCvc', $form).val(), 10),
- 'language': 'de'
- }), {'callback_function_name': funcName});
- pr.checkAndStore();
- };
- my.paypalCheck = function (form) {
- var $form = $(form), $btn = $('[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.html();
- $btn.disableButton();
- addPaymentMethod('paypal', {}, $btn, t);
- };
- my.invoiceCheck = function (form) {
- var $form = $(form), $btn = $('[type=submit]', $form), t = $btn.html();
- $btn.disableButton();
- addPaymentMethod('invoice', {}, $btn, t);
- };
- parent.method = my;
- return parent;
- }(jQuery, Payment || {}));
- Payment.banner = (function ($) {
- var my = {};
- my.checkDetailRival = function (url, companyId, boxId, claimId, userId) {
- $('#' + boxId + 'Advertising').hide();
- $.get(url + '/checkDetailRival', {'cid': companyId}, function (d) {
- if (d.status == 'ok') {
- $('#' + boxId).addClass('marginBottom17');
- $('#' + boxId + 'Container').addClass('marginTop17');
- my.getBanner(d.phrase,, boxId, 'detail', 'df', 'leader');
- if ((claimId && userId) && (claimId == userId)) {
- $('#' + boxId + 'Info').removeClass('hidden');
- }
- } else {
- $('#' + boxId + 'Advertising').show();
- }
- });
- };
- my.getBanner = function (phrase, city, boxId, page, trackInfo, format) {
- $.getScript('/' + page + '&sp=' + phrase + '&sl=' + city + '&f=' + format + '&t=' + trackInfo + '&id=' + boxId);
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery));
- jQuery(document).ready(Payment.init);;jQuery(document).ready(function() {
- $('#searchForm input[name=what]').change(function() {
- // check the "what" input for validity
- var $what = $(this), value;
- // there must be at least one number or one letter
- value = $what.val().replace(/[^a-z0-9]/ig, '');
- if (value == '') {
- this.validity.valid = false;
- this.setCustomValidity('Sie müssen mindestens einen Buchstaben oder eine Zahl eingeben.');
- } else {
- this.validity.valid = true;
- this.setCustomValidity('');
- }
- });
- });
- var Search = (function($) {
- var my = {};
- my.searchFilter = function(filterContentId, filterBoxClass, filterHeaderClass) {
- if (Mobile.isMobile()) {
- $('#' + filterContentId).removeClass('in');
- $('.' + filterBoxClass).addClass('panel panel-primary');
- $('.' + filterBoxClass + ' .' + filterHeaderClass).addClass('panel-heading');
- $('.' + filterBoxClass + ' h2').addClass('panel-title');
- $('.' + filterBoxClass + ' h2').removeClass('text-danger');
- $('.' + filterBoxClass + ' h2 a').removeClass('text-danger');
- $('.' + filterBoxClass + ' h2 a').html($('.search-filter-box .panel-title a').text() + ' <i class="fa fa-angle-down pull-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>');
- $('#' + filterContentId + ' .row').removeClass('row');
- }
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery));;var Social = (function ($) {
- var my = {}, fbApiInit = false, twApiInit = false;
- my.loadFacebookSDK = function (facebookAppId) {
- window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
- FB.init({appId: facebookAppId, cookie: false, xfbml: true, version: 'v2.1'});
- fbApiInit = true;
- };
- (function (d, s, id) {
- var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
- if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
- js = d.createElement(s);
- = id;
- js.src = "//";
- fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
- }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));
- };
- my.loadTwitterScript = function () {
- !function (d, s, id) {
- var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], p = /^http:/.test(d.location) ? 'http' : 'https';
- if (!d.getElementById(id)) {
- js = d.createElement(s);
- = id;
- js.src = p + "://";
- fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
- twApiInit = true;
- }
- }(document, "script", "twitter-wjs");
- };
- my.clickToShowFacebook = function (element, facebookAppId) {
- var $btn = $(element), t = $btn.html();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- my.loadFacebookSDK(facebookAppId);
- my.fbEnsureInit(function () {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- });
- };
- my.fbEnsureInit = function (callback) {
- if (!fbApiInit) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- my.fbEnsureInit(callback);
- }, 50);
- } else {
- if (callback) {
- callback();
- }
- }
- };
- my.loginByFacebookStep1 = function (element, facebookAppId, fbScope, buttonText) {
- var $btn = $(element), t = $btn.html();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- my.loadFacebookSDK(facebookAppId);
- my.fbEnsureInit(function () {
- $btn.enableButton('<i class="fa fa-facebook-square fa-2x"></i> ' + buttonText);
- $btn.removeClass('btn-default');
- $btn.addClass('btn-fb');
- $btn.attr("onclick", "Social.loginByFacebookStep2(this, '" + fbScope + "')");
- });
- };
- my.loginByFacebookStep2 = function (element, fbScope) {
- var $btn = $(element), t = $btn.html();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- FB.login(facebookStatusCallback, {scope: fbScope});
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- };
- my.twEnsureInit = function (callback) {
- if (!twApiInit) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- my.twEnsureInit(callback);
- }, 50);
- } else {
- if (callback) {
- callback();
- }
- }
- };
- my.clickToShowTwitter = function (element) {
- var $btn = $(element), t = $btn.html();
- $btn.disableButton(t);
- my.loadTwitterScript();
- my.twEnsureInit(function () {
- $btn.enableButton(t);
- });
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery));;jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
- $('[data-track="1"]').each(function() {
- var el = $(this), url ='track-url');
- {
- Tracking.trackYext(url);
- });
- })
- }(jQuery));
- var Tracking = (function($) {
- var my = {};
- my.trackYext = function(url) {
- $('body').append('<img src="' + url + '"/>');
- };
- return my;
- }(jQuery));;
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