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- // ==UserScript==
- // @name PH! forum SPOILER gomb
- // @author
- // @namespace
- // @version 0.6.5
- // @description A PH! lapcsalad forumaban uj hozzaszolas irasakor megjelenik a SPOILER gomb
- // @match*
- // @match*
- // @match*
- // @match*
- // @match*
- // @require
- // ==/UserScript==
- $(document).ready(function () {
- //-----------------------------------------------------//
- //----- 1. Textarea sor kivalaszto --------------------//
- //-----------------------------------------------------//
- function getNumberOfLinesInTextarea(tarea) {
- return (tarea.value.length < 1 ? 0 : tarea.value.split("\n").length);
- }
- function selectTextareaLine(tarea, lineNum) {
- lineNum--; // array starts at 0
- var lines = tarea.value.split("\n");
- if (lineNum + 1 > lines.length) {
- throw 'You supplied an index which is out of bounds!';
- }
- // calculate start/end
- var startPos = 0,
- endPos = tarea.value.length;
- for (var x = 0; x < lines.length; x++) {
- if (x === lineNum) {
- break;
- }
- startPos += (lines[x].length + 1);
- }
- endPos = lines[lineNum].length + startPos;
- // do selection
- // Chrome / Firefox
- if (typeof (tarea.selectionStart) !== "undefined") {
- tarea.focus();
- tarea.selectionStart = startPos;
- tarea.selectionEnd = endPos;
- return true;
- }
- // IE
- if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
- tarea.focus();
- var range = document.selection.createRange();
- range.collapse(true);
- range.moveEnd("character", endPos);
- range.moveStart("character", startPos);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------//
- //----- 2. Gombok kinezete --------------------//
- //---------------------------------------------//
- var $spoiler_button_CSS = {
- "font-family":"Tahoma,Kalimati,sans-serif",
- "font-weight":"bold",
- "min-width":"90px",
- "height":"23px"
- }
- var $spoiler_button_with_title_CSS = {"width":"120px"};
- var $spoiler_button_with_link_title_CSS = {"width":"180px"};
- var $spoiler_button = '<input type="button" value="SPOILER" id="spoiler_button">';
- var $spoiler_button_with_title = '<input type="button" value="SPOILER (+cím)" id="spoiler_button_with_title">';
- var $spoiler_button_with_link_title = '<input type="button" value="SPOILER (+linkesített cím)" id="spoiler_button_with_link_title">';
- //-----------------------------------------------------//
- //----- 3. Textarea + gombok beszurasa ----------------//
- //-----------------------------------------------------//
- $('textarea').attr("id","commentbox"); //hozzadunk egy ID-t.
- var $commentbox = $('#commentbox');
- $('.buttons:eq(1)').after('<div class="buttons" id="extra_buttons">'+$spoiler_button + $spoiler_button_with_title + $spoiler_button_with_link_title+'</div>'); //beszurunk egy uj button divet a a gyariak utan (utolso, smiley div ele)
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //----- 4. Gombok -------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- // A gombok szovegkiemelo funkciojanak megvalositasaert koszonet Sk8erPeternek a segitsegert!----//
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//
- $('#spoiler_button').css($spoiler_button_CSS); //ugy nezzenek ki, mint a "gyari" gombok
- $('#spoiler_button_with_title').css($spoiler_button_CSS).css($spoiler_button_with_title_CSS); //ugy nezzen ki, mint a "gyari" gombok + egyeni
- $('#spoiler_button_with_link_title').css($spoiler_button_CSS).css($spoiler_button_with_link_title_CSS); //ugy nezzen ki, mint a "gyari" gombok + egyeni
- var tarea = document.getElementById('commentbox');
- var $tarea = $(tarea);
- var $spoiler_block_start = '[B][SPOILER][/B][OFF]';
- var $spoiler_block_end = '[/OFF][B][/SPOILER][/B]';
- var $type_here_placeholder = '----Kezdheted pötyögni a spoileres szöveget----';
- var $prompt_title_text = 'Írd be a címét annak, amiről a spoilert írod (pl. The Sopranos 1x01)';
- var $prompt_link_text = 'Másold be a címhez tartozó linket (pl. IMDB link). Ha mégsem akarsz linket hozzáadni, hagyd üresen és akkor csak a címet fogja beilleszteni.';
- //------------------------------------------//
- // --- 4.1. Sima SPOILER gomb megnyomasa ---//
- //------------------------------------------//
- $('#spoiler_button').click(function () {
- //beszuras
- try {
- var textToInsert =
- ''
- + ''
- + '\n'+$spoiler_block_start
- + '\n'+$type_here_placeholder
- + '\n'+$spoiler_block_end;
- $tarea.val($tarea.val() + textToInsert);
- var numberOfLinesToInsert = textToInsert.split("\n").length;
- var numberOfLinesInTextareaAfterInsertion = getNumberOfLinesInTextarea(tarea);
- var numberOfLineToSelectFromTextToInsert = 3;
- if (numberOfLineToSelectFromTextToInsert > numberOfLinesToInsert) {
- throw 'You can\'t select a line that is out of bounds.';
- }
- selectTextareaLine(tarea, numberOfLinesInTextareaAfterInsertion - numberOfLinesToInsert + numberOfLineToSelectFromTextToInsert);
- } catch (err) {
- alert('An error occurred: ' + err);
- }
- }); //click vege
- //-----------------------------------------------------//
- // --- 4.2. Cimmel ellatott SPOILER gomb megnyomasa ---//
- //-----------------------------------------------------//
- $('#spoiler_button_with_title').click(function () {
- var $prompt_title = prompt($prompt_title_text, "");
- //csekkoljuk, hogy irtak-e cimet
- if ($prompt_title === null){
- var $title = ""; //nincs cim, 'Cancel'-t nyomott
- } else if ($prompt_title === '') {
- var $title = ""; //nincs cim, 'Enter'-t nyomott
- } else if ($prompt_title.length > 0) {
- var $title = '[B]'+$prompt_title+'[/B]'; //irt cimet
- } else {
- var $title = "";
- }
- //beszuras
- try {
- var textToInsert =
- $title
- + '\n'
- + '\n'+$spoiler_block_start
- + '\n'+$type_here_placeholder
- + '\n'+$spoiler_block_end;
- $tarea.val($tarea.val() + textToInsert);
- var numberOfLinesToInsert = textToInsert.split("\n").length;
- var numberOfLinesInTextareaAfterInsertion = getNumberOfLinesInTextarea(tarea);
- var numberOfLineToSelectFromTextToInsert = 4;
- if (numberOfLineToSelectFromTextToInsert > numberOfLinesToInsert) {
- throw 'You can\'t select a line that is out of bounds.';
- }
- selectTextareaLine(tarea, numberOfLinesInTextareaAfterInsertion - numberOfLinesToInsert + numberOfLineToSelectFromTextToInsert);
- } catch (err) {
- alert('An error occurred: ' + err);
- }
- }); //click vege
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------//
- // --- 4.3. Linkesitett cimmel ellatott SPOILER gomb megnyomasa ---//
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------//
- $('#spoiler_button_with_link_title').click(function () {
- //bekerjuk a cimet
- var $prompt_title = prompt($prompt_title_text, "");
- //csekkoljuk, hogy irtak-e cimet
- if ($prompt_title === null){
- var $title = ""; //nincs cim, 'Cancel'-t nyomott
- } else if ($prompt_title === '') {
- var $title = ""; //nincs cim, 'Enter'-t nyomott
- } else if ($prompt_title.length > 0) {
- var $title = '[B]'+$prompt_title+'[/B]'; //irt cimet
- } else {
- var $title = "";
- }
- //bekerjuk a linket
- var $prompt_link = prompt($prompt_link_text, "");
- //csekkoljuk, hogy irtak-e linket
- if ($prompt_link === null){
- var $insert_title_format = $title; //nincs link, 'Cancel'-t nyomott, ezert csak a cimet szurjuk be
- } else if ($prompt_link === '') {
- var $insert_title_format = $title; //nincs link, 'Enter'-t nyomott, ezert csak a cimet szurjuk be
- } else if ($prompt_link.length > 0) {
- if ($title.length > 0) {
- var $insert_title_format = '[L:'+$prompt_link+']'+$title+'[/L]'; //irt linket es cimet is, megformazzuk
- } else {
- var $insert_title_format = '[L:'+$prompt_link+'][link][/L]'; //csak linket irt, de cimet nem
- }
- } else {
- var $insert_title_format = $title; //barmilyen egyeb esetben csak cimet szurunk be
- }
- //beszuras
- try {
- var textToInsert =
- $insert_title_format
- + '\n'
- + '\n'+$spoiler_block_start
- + '\n'+$type_here_placeholder
- + '\n'+$spoiler_block_end;
- $tarea.val($tarea.val() + textToInsert);
- var numberOfLinesToInsert = textToInsert.split("\n").length;
- var numberOfLinesInTextareaAfterInsertion = getNumberOfLinesInTextarea(tarea);
- var numberOfLineToSelectFromTextToInsert = 4;
- if (numberOfLineToSelectFromTextToInsert > numberOfLinesToInsert) {
- throw 'You can\'t select a line that is out of bounds.';
- }
- selectTextareaLine(tarea, numberOfLinesInTextareaAfterInsertion - numberOfLinesToInsert + numberOfLineToSelectFromTextToInsert);
- } catch (err) {
- alert('An error occurred: ' + err);
- }
- }); //click vege
- }); //script vege
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