
DD2 DLAA / Preset E

Apr 3rd, 2024
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  1. ; DLSSTweaks by emoose -
  2. ; Wrapper DLL that can force DLAA onto DLSS-supported games, along with tweaking the scaling ratios & presets used by them
  3. ;
  4. ; DLSSTweaks now offers two ways of loading itself in, to help with systems that had issues with the older method:
  5. ;
  6. ; - Leaving the DLL filename as "nvngx.dll" will let it wrap the nvngx.dll DLSS module, usually has the best chance of working since it requires less code hooks to be installed.
  7. ;   However this method does need a registry change to be applied first to stop DLSS from checking the nvngx.dll signature.
  8. ;   The included "EnableNvidiaSigOverride.reg" file can handle this for you, just double-click -> Run -> Yes to all prompts
  9. ;   (This only affects Nvidia specific signature checks, not anything to do with Windows)
  10. ;   In case it wasn't included, reg file can also be found at
  11. ;
  12. ; - Alternatively, a legacy method can be used by renaming the DLSSTweaks "nvngx.dll" to one of the following names instead, without any signature override needed.
  13. ;   (different games may require certain filenames to load in properly, and some games may have issues with this method altogether, the nvngx.dll method above is recommended)
  14. ;   - XInput1_3.dll
  15. ;   - XInput1_4.dll
  16. ;   - XInput9_1_0.dll
  17. ;   - dxgi.dll
  18. ;   - XAPOFX1_5.dll
  19. ;   - X3DAudio1_7.dll
  20. ;   - winmm.dll
  21. ;
  22. ; If you find a DLSS2/DLSS3-supported game that doesn't work with either of these methods please let me know at!
  24. [DLSS]
  25. ; ForceDLAA: forces all DLSS quality modes to act as DLAA instead, making the game render in full-res while DLAA anti-aliasing is applied over it
  26. ;  To use this just enable any DLSS quality in the game, with this tweak enabled they'll all render at full resolution instead
  27. ;  The game might change mip biasing depending on the quality level however, so feel free to experiment with them!
  28. ;
  29. ;  Notes:
  30. ;  - if DLSSQualityLevels section is enabled then ForceDLAA won't be applied, and ratios will be used from that section instead
  31. ;  - you can check if DLAA is active using the OverrideDlssHud tweak below, overlay text should mention both render resolution & upscaled resolution, if they match then DLAA is active
  32. ;  - if game has problems running with full-res DLAA it could be worth tweaking the ResolutionOffset setting in Compatibility section below
  33. ;  - DLSS Preset F is recommended for use with DLAA by Nvidia, but usually won't be set by default, instead you can set that in the DLSSPresets section below
  34. ForceDLAA = false
  36. ; OverrideAutoExposure: allows forcing DLSS auto-exposure to be enabled/disabled/left at default
  37. ;  Certain DLSS2 titles may have an "AutoExposure" option in-game, which might fail to activate with DLSS3.1
  38. ;  In that case you can force it to enable here
  39. ;  Some early titles released before auto-exposure might also benefit from having it forced (reducing ghosting issues in certain titles)
  40. ;  More info about auto-exposure at
  41. ;  Set to 0 to leave it at default, 1 to force enable, or -1 to force disable
  42. OverrideAutoExposure = 0
  44. ; OverrideSharpening: allows overriding the DLSS sharpening applied to the image
  45. ;  This only affects pre-2.5.1 DLSS versions, v2.5.1 and later versions removed sharpening from DLSS (use sharpening available in NV control panel instead)
  46. ;
  47. ;  Value can be from -1.0 to 1.0, negative numbers will apply a softening filter, while positive ones will sharpen
  48. ;  (eg. setting to 0.64 will apply 64% sharpening filter)
  49. ;  Can usually be changed during gameplay fine, by simply editing the INI file
  50. ;    (you may need to set a value to this first before starting game though, in order for the DLSS sharpening flag to be set)
  51. ;
  52. ;  Usage:
  53. ;  - Set to a value from -1.0 to 1.0 to apply softening or sharpening
  54. ;  - Set to 0 to disable softening/sharpening (will leave any DoSharpening DLSS flag in place though, which may still affect image)
  55. ;  - Set to "disable" to completely force the sharpening flag to be disabled (this will prevent changing OverrideSharpening during gameplay)
  56. ;  - Set to "default" (or comment out the line) to prevent this override from applying, leaving the value at whatever game sets for it
  57. OverrideSharpening = Default
  59. ; OverrideDlssHud: allows force enabling/disabling the DLSS debug display HUD overlay
  60. ;  The HUD will display on bottom left of screen in-game when enabled, though some titles may draw effects on top of it
  61. ;  For those it's recommended to try disabling any post-process effects
  62. ;  Should work with both release & dev DLSS DLL types
  63. ;  Set to 0 to leave it at default, 1 to force enable, or -1 to force disable
  64. ;  (if overlay doesn't seem to draw try setting this to 2 instead to make it use a slightly different method)
  65. OverrideDlssHud = 0
  67. ; DisableDevWatermark: removes the on-screen watermark shown when using dev DLL
  68. ;  Can also remove watermark on certain versions of DLSSG/FrameGeneration
  69. ;  Only useful if you're using a dev version of DLSS, most won't need this
  70. DisableDevWatermark = false
  72. ; VerboseLogging: increases DLSSTweaks log level & prints extra log entries into dlsstweaks.log file
  73. VerboseLogging = false
  75. [DLLPathOverrides]
  76. ; DLLPathOverrides: allows overriding the path that a DLL will be loaded from based on the filename of it
  77. ;  This can be useful if you're prevented somehow from changing any of the game files, stopping you from changing DLSS DLLs easily
  78. ;  (eg. RGL launcher which always overwrites DLSS with an older version)
  79. ;  Can also be useful if you use a global injector setup & want every game to use a single DLSS DLL
  80. ;
  81. ;  Format of this section is the following:
  82. ;  (";" indicates the line is a comment, remove it for DLSSTweaks to use that line)
  83. ;[DLL name] = [path to load from]
  84. ;  For example:
  85. ;nvngx_dlss = nvngx_dlss_new.dll
  86. ;
  87. ;  Full paths can also be specified too, including spaces (no need to use double-quotes around it):
  88. ;nvngx_dlss = C:\Users\Username\Desktop\DLSS Releases\3.1.11\rel\nvngx_dlss.dll
  89. ;
  90. ;  Other DLLs such as DLSS FrameGen (nvngx_dlssg) can also be overridden using this too:
  91. ;nvngx_dlssg = C:\Users\Username\Desktop\DLSS Releases\DLSS FrameGen\3.1.10\nvngx_dlssg.dll
  93. [DLSSQualityLevels]
  94. ; DLSSQualityLevels: allows overriding the ratios that DLSS uses for each quality level
  95. ;  Note that enabling this section will disable the ForceDLAA setting above
  96. Enable = true
  98. ; Ratios/multipliers applied to each axis of screen resolution
  99. ;  Set to 1.0 to force this quality level to use full resolution (ie. DLAA)
  100. ;  Values are limited to range 0.0 - 1.0
  101. ;  Alternatively you can specify a resolution directly in the form "WIDTHxHEIGHT", eg. "Quality = 1920x1080"
  102. UltraPerformance = 0.999
  103. Performance = 0.999
  104. Balanced = 0.999
  105. Quality = 0.999
  107. ; UltraQuality: certain games may allow this level to be picked if uncommented (remove the ";" at the start) and set to non-zero value
  108. ;  Very few titles actually allow using this though, but a small few may show an option for it once enabled, giving you an extra DLSS level to choose from
  109. ;UltraQuality = 0.77
  111. [DLSSPresets]
  112. ; DLSS preset overrides for each quality level: set to Default to leave the preset set to whatever game/DLSS decided for it
  113. ;  Or set to A / B / C / D / F to try forcing that preset instead.
  114. ;  Presets were added in DLSS 3.1, these are essentially the different kinds of DLSS 2.x DLL versions, all merged into 3.1 as these presets
  115. ;  (so eg. instead of picking the best quality DLSS DLL for your game, you'd just find the right preset for it instead)
  116. ;  For descriptions of each preset see
  117. ;  (OverrideAppId should no longer be needed to use this section, any overrides should just work without needing anything else enabled)
  118. ;  (in case the presets here aren't being applied for you the OverrideAppId tweak can still be enabled in Compatibility section below)
  120. DLAA = E
  121. UltraPerformance = E
  122. Performance = E
  123. Balanced = E
  124. Quality = E
  125. UltraQuality = E
  127. [Compatibility]
  128. ; ResolutionOffset: offsets both resolution axes by this value when DLAA is being applied
  129. ;  Some games might not function well with full-resolution DLAA for whatever reason
  130. ;  Subtracting a tiny amount from the resolution first may help with them though
  131. ;  This offset is only applied to DLAA modes (either from ForceDLAA, DLSSQualityLevels 1.00, or the game setting DLAA itself)
  132. ;  Titles known to require this for DLAA to work:
  133. ; - RE Engine titles (set to -1)
  134. ; - Crysis 3 Remastered (set to -1)
  135. ResolutionOffset = 0
  137. ; DynamicResolutionOverride: if DLSS scales are customized, we'll also override the dynamic resolution min/max range that DLSS returns to the game
  138. ;  Very few games actually make use of this dynamic resolution min/max, but the ones that do previously could ignore our custom resolution & use the dynamic res range DLSS would return instead.
  139. ;  This just overrides the dynamic res to the same as the customized res
  140. ;
  141. ;  Recommend leaving this enabled unless game seems to have issues
  142. DynamicResolutionOverride = true
  144. ; DynamicResolutionMinOffset: some games seem to check the returned dynamic res min/max and make sure they're different
  145. ;  (eg. Assetto Corsa Competizione will forcibly disable DLSS if dynamic res min/max are equal to each other)
  146. ;  This setting will just apply a small offset to the dynamic-res minimum that we return to the game
  147. ;
  148. ;  However, certain games like Forspoken might make use of dynamic res but don't actually require min/max to be different
  149. ;  In those cases you could try setting this to 0, to make sure dynamic res uses the full DLSS scale value instead.
  150. DynamicResolutionMinOffset = -1
  152. ; DisableIniMonitoring: if set to true, prevents DLSSTweaks from checking for updated INI during gameplay
  153. ;  By default DLSSTweaks will ask Windows to be notified whenever the INI file is updated, and will then try applying any updated settings to the game during runtime
  154. ;  Not every setting can be applied during gameplay though, most will require game to be relaunched, depends on the game which settings can be changed
  155. ;  (DLSSPresets should work on almost every title though - you can use OverrideDlssHud to confirm)
  156. ;
  157. ;  INI monitoring should have almost no cost to performance, but may possibly cause issues with certain games depending how they're installed
  158. ;  In case game fails to launch with DLSSTweaks in place, you can try disabling the INI update code here
  159. DisableIniMonitoring = false
  161. ; OverrideAppId: previously this was required to be set in order to override DLSS3.1 presets on certain games
  162. ;  However in newer DLSSTweaks a different solution has been found, which can now let presets be overridden without needing any app ID changes
  163. ;  That method could stop working on future titles/DLSS versions though
  164. ;  So in case game doesn't seem to apply DLSSPresets section for you at all, you can try seeing if OverrideAppId can still help
  165. ;  (in majority of cases this likely won't be needed however)
  166. OverrideAppId = false
  168. [DLSSTweaks]
  169. ; BaseINI: if set, DLSSTweaks will try reading INI settings from the specified file path before processing any settings from this INI
  170. ;  In effect this allows the use of a "global configuration" file, you can populate this central INI file with your desired settings, update all your game INI files to reference it, and any changes made to the central INI will then get applied to all your games
  171. ;  (for best results it's recommended to comment/remove all settings from the game INI file except for BaseINI setting, then selectively add back settings you wish to override)
  172. ;
  173. ;  Notes:
  174. ;  - ConfigTool likely won't work that well with game INIs which make use of BaseINI, but the tool should work fine on the actual BaseINI itself
  175. ;  - INI monitoring during gameplay only monitors the main game INI, changes to BaseINI won't be detected, as a workaround you can make a small edit to the game INI for monitoring to notice & reload settings, which will then reload BaseINI too
  176. ;BaseINI = C:\DLSS\DLSSTweaks.ini
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