

Mar 17th, 2022
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  1. ;ListLargeRegistryValues v1.0.1, March 2022.
  2. ;
  3. ;
  4. ;
  5. ;
  6. ;Scans Windows registry for values which have relatively large data.
  7. ;A list text file will be created on the desktop and
  8. ;will be automatically opened using Notepad.
  9. ;
  10. ;An idea based on a Reddit post:
  11. ;
  13. getValueSize(hKey, name) {
  14.   global fqueryval
  15.   if (dllcall(fQueryVal, "ptr", hkey, "wstr", name, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0
  16.     , "ptr", 0, "int*", sz) == 0) {
  17.     return sz
  18.   } else return -1
  19. }
  21. processKey(key, subkey) {
  22.   global fclosekey, fopenkey, keys, acnt, fcnt, tk, mvs, list
  23.     , sortmap, hlbl
  24.   k:= keys[key]
  25.   if (dllcall(fOpenKey, "ptr", k, "wstr", subkey, "int", 0, "int", 1
  26.     , "ptr*", hkey) == 0) {
  27.     p:= subkey ? key "\" subkey : key
  28.     loop reg, %p%
  29.     {
  30.       acnt++
  31.       sz:= getvaluesize(hkey, a_loopregname)
  32.       if (sz >= mvs) {
  33.         fcnt++
  34.         list.push([sz, a_loopregname, p])
  35.         sortmap:= sortmap format("{:011u},{:u}", sz, list.length()) "`n"
  36.       }
  37.       t:= a_tickcount
  38.       if ((t - tk) >= 1000) {
  39.         tk:= t
  40.         controlsettext, , Retrieving values...%acnt%/%fcnt%, ahk_id %hlbl%
  41.       }
  42.     }
  43.     dllcall(fCloseKey, "ptr", hkey)
  44.     loop reg, %key%\%subkey%, k
  45.     {
  46.       processkey(key, subkey ? subkey "\" a_loopregname : a_loopregname)
  47.     }
  48.   }
  49. }
  51. guiclose() {
  52.   return true
  53. }
  55. guisize(hwnd, event, width, height) {
  56.   global hbtn
  57.   if (hbtn != "") {
  58.     controlgetpos, , , a, , , ahk_id %hbtn%
  59.     guicontrol move, % hbtn, % "x" ((width - a) / 2)
  60.   }
  61. }
  63. gcancel() {
  64.   msgbox 36, %a_scriptname%, Cancel operation?
  65.   ifmsgbox yes
  66.     exitapp
  67. }
  69. if (!fileexist(a_windir "\system32\config\systemprofile\*")) {
  70.   if (a_args[1] == "/elevate") {
  71.     a:= "Elevation request has been denied.`n"
  72.       . "Do you want to retry the elevation?"
  73.   } else {
  74.     a:= "This script requires elevation for "
  75.       . "accessing some system registries. Proceed with elevation?"
  76.   }
  77.   msgbox 51, %a_scriptname%, %a%
  78.   ifmsgbox cancel
  79.     exitapp
  80.   ifmsgbox yes
  81.   {
  82.     run *runas "%a_ahkpath%" /restart "%a_scriptfullpath%" /elevate
  83.       , a_workingdir
  84.     exitapp
  85.   }
  86. }
  88. while (true) {
  89.   inputbox a, %a_scriptname%
  90.     , % "Please enter the minimum registry value data size in Bytes.`n`n"
  91.     . "The value should be at least 2048.`n"
  92.     . "Otherwise the list may become too large."
  93.     , , , , , , , , 16384
  94.   if (errorlevel != 0) {
  95.     exitapp
  96.   }
  97.   a:= trim(a) * 1
  98.   if ((a != "") && (floor(a) == a) && (a >= 0)) {
  99.     if (a >= 2048) {
  100.       mvs:= a
  101.       break
  102.     } else {
  103.       msgbox 51, %a_scriptname%
  104.         , % "The data size is too small and the list may become too large.`n"
  105.         . "Do you want to use it anyway?"
  106.       ifmsgbox cancel
  107.         exitapp
  108.       ifmsgbox yes
  109.       {
  110.         mvs:= a
  111.         break
  112.       }
  113.     }
  114.   } else {
  115.     msgbox 16, %a_scriptname%, Data size must be a positive integer number.
  116.   }
  117. }
  119. gui -resize -sysmenu hwndhgui
  120. gui margin, 40, 20
  121. gui font, s12
  122. a:= ""
  123. loop 20
  124. {
  125.   a:= a chr(160)
  126. }
  127. gui add, text, center hwndhlbl, %a%Retrieving values...0/0%a%
  128. gui add, button, ggcancel hwndhbtn y+30, Cancel
  129. gui show
  131. hm:= dllcall("GetModuleHandle", "str", "advapi32.dll", "ptr")
  132. fCloseKey:= dllcall("GetProcAddress", "ptr", hm, "astr", "RegCloseKey", "ptr")
  133. fOpenKey:= dllcall("GetProcAddress", "ptr", hm, "astr", "RegOpenKeyExW", "ptr")
  134. fQueryVal:= dllcall("GetProcAddress", "ptr", hm, "astr", "RegQueryValueExW"
  135.   , "ptr")
  137. keys:= {}
  138. keys.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT:= 0x80000000
  139. keys.HKEY_CURRENT_USER:= 0x80000001
  140. keys.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE:= 0x80000002
  142. list:= [] ;[[size, value, key], ...]
  143. sortMap:= "" ;000size,index
  144. acnt:= 0
  145. fcnt:= 0
  146. tk:= a_tickcount
  148. ;%userprofile%\NTUSER.DAT and %localappdata%\Microsoft\Windows\UsrClass.dat
  149. processKey("HKEY_CURRENT_USER", "")
  151. ;%systemroot%\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\NTUSER.DAT
  152. processKey("HKEY_USERS", "S-1-5-19")
  154. ;%systemroot%\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\NTUSER.DAT
  155. processKey("HKEY_USERS", "S-1-5-20")
  157. ;%systemroot%\system32\config\DEFAULT
  158. processKey("HKEY_USERS", ".default")
  160. ;%systemroot%\system32\config\SOFTWARE
  161. processKey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "software")
  163. ;%systemroot%\system32\config\SYSTEM
  164. processKey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "system")
  166. sort sortmap, cr
  167. s:= ""
  168. loop parse, % substr(sortmap, 1, strlen(sortmap) - 1), `n
  169. {
  170.   a:= substr(a_loopfield, instr(a_loopfield, ",", true, 0) + 1)
  171.   b:= ""
  172.   if (list[a][1] >= 10240) {
  173.     b:= b format(" ({:.2f} KB", list[a][1] / 1024)
  174.     if (list[a][1] >= 10485760) {
  175.       b:= b format(" / {:.2f} MB", list[a][1] / 1048576)
  176.       if (list[a][1] >= 10485760) {
  177.         b:= b format(" / {:.2f} GB", list[a][1] / 1073741824)
  178.       }
  179.     }
  180.     b:= b ")"
  181.   }
  182.   s:= s list[a][3] "`n  " list[a][2] " = " list[a][1] " Bytes" b "`n"
  183. }
  184. gui hide
  186. fn:= a_desktop "\" substr(a_scriptname, 1, strlen(a_scriptname) - 3) "txt"
  187. filedelete %fn%
  188. fileappend %s%, %fn%, utf-8
  189. msgbox 32, %a_scriptname%, List has been saved into desktop.
  190. regread a, HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Notepad, fWrap
  191. regwrite REG_DWORD, HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Notepad, fWrap, 0
  192. run notepad.exe "%fn%", %a_desktop%
  193. sleep 1000
  194. regwrite REG_DWORD, HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Notepad, fWrap, %a%
  195. exitapp
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