

Feb 16th, 2024
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  1. -- How is matter a wave and mass?
  3. How can a wave not be made of matter? It takes the matter to connect and cause interference. Radio frequencies are still a hz, something you can feel. It's traveling in what you would assume a soup of matter, and it, like wiggling your finger in water, causes a frequency to be seen, or in radio, heard with transmission transitions. There is no wave without matter. It was born as matter and continues. Atomistic wave theory should directly correlate to matter.
  5. Protons are a mass and electrons and neutrons, too. In a vacuum, the object is in a "stuffy" state. Not many people can go in. So the true fabric of it is necessarily at some point, insoluble as being truly something we can declare as being correct for all. To setup, the double slit test is a manufacturing of the better form of frequencies; having destructive interference done not itself.
  7. Now the idiocracy of light not being light when you look away is like saying a meteor shining through our atmosphere is not there really if we look away. The double slit test simply makes the obvious more obvious, bouncing around in the area, being a bit towards ergodic nature between the slits and the secondary reference or just entropy to be shorter, it succumbs to its own interference. A wave of mass is only a bowling ball being rolled through a puddle of mud. That's it! It's mass is there. The wave is real. But it's the nature of the wave that doesn't stay static. NIGHT!
  9. Anthony David Pulse, Jr.
  10. 3017 JJs Flint, MI 48507
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