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- program new;
- const
- STR_LOWERCASE = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
- STR_NUMBERS = '0123456789';
- STR_SYMBOLS = '.,-<>?+()/\*';
- function PrepareTPAForOCR(TPA: TPointArray; size:Int32=18): TPointArray;
- var
- muf: TMufasaBitmap;
- B: TBox;
- begin
- Result := Copy(TPA);
- B := GetTPABounds(Result);
- OffsetTPA(Result, Point(-B.X1,-B.Y1));
- muf := GetMufasaBitmap(CreateBitmap(B.x2-B.x1+2, B.y2-B.y1+2));
- muf.DrawTPA(Result, $FFFFFF);
- //WriteLn(size / muf.GetHeight * muf.GetWidth);
- muf.ResizeEx(RM_Bilinear, Ceil(size / muf.GetHeight * muf.GetWidth), size);
- muf.ThresholdAdaptive(0,255, False, TM_Mean, 0);
- muf.FindColors(Result, 255);
- muf.Free();
- end;
- function LoadFontFeatures(fontName:String; style:TFontStyles=[]; Chars:String = STR_EVERYTHING): T2DPointArray;
- var
- W,H,i,x,y: Int32;
- bmp: TBitmap;
- tmp: TPointArray;
- f: TFont;
- begin
- F.Init();
- F.SetName(fontName);
- F.SetSize(20);
- F.setStyle(style);
- F.setQuality(fqNonAntialiased);
- F.setColor($FFFFFF);
- bmp.Init();
- bmp.GetCanvas().GetBrush().SetStyle(bsClear);
- bmp.GetCanvas().SetFont(F);
- for i:=1 to Length(Chars) do
- begin
- bmp.Clear();
- W := bmp.GetCanvas().TextWidth(Chars[i]) + 1;
- H := bmp.GetCanvas().TextHeight(Chars[i]) + 1;
- bmp.SetWidth(W);
- bmp.SetHeight(H);
- bmp.GetCanvas().TextOut(0,0, Chars[i]);
- for y:=0 to H-1 do
- for x:=0 to W-1 do
- if bmp.GetCanvas.GetPixel(x,y) = $FFFFFF then
- tmp += Point(x,y);
- Result += PrepareTPAForOCR(TMP);
- SetLength(tmp, 0);
- end;
- F.Free();
- bmp.Free();
- end;
- function TPointArray.DistToNearest(p:TPoint): Double;
- var
- i:Int32;
- d:Double;
- begin
- Result := 9999999;
- for i:=0 to High(self) do
- begin
- d := Hypot(self[i].x-p.x, self[i].y-p.y);
- if d < Result then
- begin
- Result := d;
- if Result = 0 then Exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function DirtyMatchTPA(A,B:TPointArray): Double;
- var
- i:Int32;
- begin
- for i:=0 to High(A) do
- Result += B.DistToNearest(A[i]);
- Result /= Length(A);
- end;
- function DirtyOCR(TPA:TPointArray; chars: T2DPointArray): TIntegerArray;
- var
- i, j, charId:Int32;
- best,this:Double;
- ATPA: T2DPointArray;
- B: TBox;
- begin
- ATPA := ClusterTPAEx(TPA, 1,2);
- B := GetTPABounds(TPA);
- SortATPAFromMidPoint(ATPA, Point(B.x1,B.y1));
- for i:=0 to High(ATPA) do
- ATPA[i] := PrepareTPAForOCR(ATPA[i]);
- for i:=0 to High(ATPA) do
- begin
- best := $FFFFFF;
- for j:=0 to High(chars) do
- begin
- this := (DirtyMatchTPA(ATPA[i], chars[j]) + DirtyMatchTPA(chars[j], ATPA[i])) / 2;
- if this < best then
- begin
- best := this;
- charId := j;
- end;
- end;
- //if best < 5 then
- Result += charId;
- end;
- end;
- function IndicesToString(idx:TIntegerArray; Lookup:String): String;
- var i:Int32;
- begin
- for i:=0 to High(idx) do
- Result += Lookup[idx[i]+1];
- end;
- function GrabTextArea(Area:TBox; thresh: Int32; Debug:Boolean=True): T2DPointArray;
- var
- i:Int32;
- bmp:TMufasaBitmap;
- TPA:TPointArray;
- ATPA:T2DPointArray;
- begin
- bmp := GetMufasaBitmap(BitmapFromClient(Area.x1,Area.y1,Area.x2,Area.y2));
- bmp.ThresholdAdaptive(0,255, True, TM_Mean, thresh);
- if debug then
- begin
- DisplayDebugImgWindow(bmp.getWidth, bmp.getHeight);
- DrawBitmapDebugImg(bmp.getIndex);
- end;
- bmp.FindColors(TPA, 255);
- ATPA := ClusterTPAEx(TPA, 10,4);
- for i:=0 to High(ATPA) do
- if True{add some checks perhaps} then
- Result += ATPA[i];
- bmp.Free();
- end;
- function GrabTextFromColumns(area:TBox; thresh: Int32; borderColor, borderTol:Int32; Debug:Boolean=True): T2DPointArray;
- var
- i:Int32;
- bmp:TMufasaBitmap;
- TPA,cols:TPointArray;
- ATPA:T2DPointArray;
- begin
- bmp := GetMufasaBitmap(BitmapFromClient(Area.x1,Area.y1,Area.x2,Area.y2));
- bmp.ThresholdAdaptive(0,255, True, TM_Mean, thresh);
- FindColorsTolerance(cols, borderColor, Area.x1,Area.y1,Area.x2,Area.y2, borderTol);
- OffsetTPA(cols, Point(-area.x1, -area.y1));
- bmp.DrawTPA(cols, $FF0000);
- if debug then
- begin
- DisplayDebugImgWindow(bmp.getWidth, bmp.getHeight);
- DrawBitmapDebugImg(bmp.getIndex);
- end;
- bmp.FindColors(TPA, 0);
- ATPA := ClusterTPA(TPA, 1);
- for i:=0 to High(ATPA) do
- Result += ReturnPointsNotInTPA(ATPA[i], GetTPABounds(ATPA[i]));
- bmp.Free();
- end;
- var
- input, chars:T2DPointArray;
- str: String;
- i,j:Int32;
- begin {search area, should only inc the columns}
- input := GrabTextFromColumns([140,211, 520,485], -80, $C0C0C0, 50);
- chars := LoadFontFeatures('Tahoma', [], STR_FNUMBERS);
- for i:=0 to High(input) with 3 do //steps of 3
- begin
- str := '';
- for j:=0 to 2 do //proccess the columns
- begin
- if i+j > High(input) then
- begin
- WriteLn(str);
- Break(2); //nothing more to proccess
- end;
- str += IndicesToString(DirtyOCR(input[i+j], chars), STR_FNUMBERS);
- if j <> 2 then
- str += ' | '
- else
- WriteLn(str);
- end;
- end;
- end.
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