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- -- Football Fusion 2 Educational Script
- -- This is a conceptual script for educational purposes only
- -- Not intended for actual use in-game
- local FF2Script = {}
- FF2Script.Enabled = false
- FF2Script.GUI = {
- Color = Color3.fromRGB(128, 0, 255), -- Purple color
- Transparency = 0.2,
- Visible = true
- }
- -- Configuration settings
- local Config = {
- QBAimbot = {
- Enabled = false,
- Prediction = 0.5,
- TeamCheck = true,
- VisibilityCheck = true,
- MaxDistance = 100,
- FieldOfView = 120,
- SmoothAim = true,
- SmoothValue = 0.5
- },
- MagScript = {
- Enabled = false,
- Range = 10,
- Strength = 0.8,
- AutoCatch = true,
- PredictBallTrajectory = true
- },
- DeFollow = {
- Enabled = false,
- Distance = 5,
- AutoDodge = true
- },
- Movement = {
- JumpPower = 50,
- JumpMultiplier = 1.0,
- SpeedMultiplier = 1.0
- },
- AntiDefense = {
- AntiBlock = false,
- AntiJam = false,
- DetectionRange = 10,
- AutoAvoid = true
- },
- AutoFieldGoal = {
- Enabled = false,
- PowerAdjustment = true,
- WindCompensation = true,
- AutoAngle = true
- }
- }
- -- Function to create the GUI
- function FF2Script:CreateGUI()
- local ScreenGui ="ScreenGui")
- local MainFrame ="Frame")
- local Title ="TextLabel")
- local TabsFrame ="Frame")
- -- Set up main frame
- MainFrame.Size =, 400, 0, 300)
- MainFrame.Position =, -200, 0.5, -150)
- MainFrame.BackgroundColor3 = self.GUI.Color
- MainFrame.BackgroundTransparency = self.GUI.Transparency
- MainFrame.BorderSizePixel = 2
- MainFrame.BorderColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- -- Set up title
- Title.Size =, 0, 0, 30)
- Title.Text = "Football Fusion 2 Educational Script"
- Title.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- Title.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- Title.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(40, 40, 40)
- Title.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold
- Title.TextSize = 18
- -- Create tabs for different features
- self:CreateFeatureTabs(TabsFrame)
- -- Return the constructed GUI components
- return {
- ScreenGui = ScreenGui,
- MainFrame = MainFrame,
- Title = Title,
- TabsFrame = TabsFrame
- }
- end
- -- Function to create feature tabs
- function FF2Script:CreateFeatureTabs(parentFrame)
- local tabs = {
- {name = "QB Aimbot", config = Config.QBAimbot},
- {name = "Mag Scripts", config = Config.MagScript},
- {name = "DE Follow", config = Config.DeFollow},
- {name = "Movement", config = Config.Movement},
- {name = "Anti Defense", config = Config.AntiDefense},
- {name = "Auto Field Goal", config = Config.AutoFieldGoal}
- }
- for i, tab in ipairs(tabs) do
- self:CreateTabWithSettings(parentFrame,, tab.config, i)
- end
- end
- -- Function to create individual tab with settings
- function FF2Script:CreateTabWithSettings(parentFrame, tabName, config, index)
- -- Tab creation code would go here
- -- This would create sliders, toggles, etc. for each setting
- print("Creating tab for: " .. tabName)
- end
- -- QB Aimbot functionality
- function FF2Script:RunQBAimbot()
- if not Config.QBAimbot.Enabled then return end
- -- In a real implementation, this would:
- -- 1. Find nearby receivers
- -- 2. Calculate trajectory and prediction
- -- 3. Adjust the player's aim towards the target
- print("QB Aimbot running with prediction value: " .. Config.QBAimbot.Prediction)
- end
- -- Mag script functionality
- function FF2Script:RunMagScript()
- if not Config.MagScript.Enabled then return end
- -- In a real implementation, this would:
- -- 1. Detect when the ball is thrown
- -- 2. Calculate if ball is within range
- -- 3. Apply "magnetic" effect to pull ball toward player
- print("Mag script running with range: " .. Config.MagScript.Range)
- end
- -- DE Follow avoidance
- function FF2Script:RunDeFollow()
- if not Config.DeFollow.Enabled then return end
- -- In a real implementation, this would:
- -- 1. Detect defensive players following the user
- -- 2. Perform evasive maneuvers
- print("DE Follow avoidance running with distance threshold: " .. Config.DeFollow.Distance)
- end
- -- Jump power modification
- function FF2Script:ApplyJumpPower()
- -- In a real implementation, this would modify the player's jump power
- print("Jump power set to: " .. Config.Movement.JumpPower)
- end
- -- Anti-block/jam functionality
- function FF2Script:RunAntiDefense()
- if not Config.AntiDefense.AntiBlock and not Config.AntiDefense.AntiJam then return end
- -- In a real implementation, this would:
- -- 1. Detect blocking/jamming attempts
- -- 2. Apply countermeasures
- print("Anti-defense running with detection range: " .. Config.AntiDefense.DetectionRange)
- end
- -- Auto field goal functionality
- function FF2Script:RunAutoFieldGoal()
- if not Config.AutoFieldGoal.Enabled then return end
- -- In a real implementation, this would:
- -- 1. Detect when player is in field goal position
- -- 2. Calculate optimal power and angle
- -- 3. Execute kick automatically
- print("Auto field goal running with wind compensation: " .. tostring(Config.AutoFieldGoal.WindCompensation))
- end
- -- Main loop function
- function FF2Script:MainLoop()
- while self.Enabled do
- self:RunQBAimbot()
- self:RunMagScript()
- self:RunDeFollow()
- self:ApplyJumpPower()
- self:RunAntiDefense()
- self:RunAutoFieldGoal()
- -- Wait to prevent excessive CPU usage
- wait(0.1)
- end
- end
- -- Function to toggle the script on/off
- function FF2Script:Toggle()
- self.Enabled = not self.Enabled
- if self.Enabled then
- print("Football Fusion 2 Educational Script enabled")
- self:MainLoop()
- else
- print("Football Fusion 2 Educational Script disabled")
- end
- end
- -- Function to update a specific configuration
- function FF2Script:UpdateConfig(category, setting, value)
- if Config[category] and Config[category][setting] ~= nil then
- Config[category][setting] = value
- print("Updated " .. category .. "." .. setting .. " to: " .. tostring(value))
- else
- print("Invalid configuration path: " .. category .. "." .. setting)
- end
- end
- -- Initialize the script
- function FF2Script:Initialize()
- print("Initializing Football Fusion 2 Educational Script")
- self:CreateGUI()
- -- Add keybind for toggling
- -- In a real implementation, this would set up actual keybinds
- print("Press F7 to toggle the script (conceptual instruction)")
- end
- return FF2Script
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