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- AddCSLuaFile()
- DEFINE_BASECLASS( "base_wire_entity" )
- ENT.PrintName = "ACF Ammo Crate"
- ENT.WireDebugName = "ACF Ammo Crate"
- if CLIENT then
- /*-------------------------------------
- Shamefully stolen from lua rollercoaster. I'M SO SORRY. I HAD TO.
- -------------------------------------*/
- local function Bezier( a, b, c, d, t )
- local ab,bc,cd,abbc,bccd
- ab = LerpVector(t, a, b)
- bc = LerpVector(t, b, c)
- cd = LerpVector(t, c, d)
- abbc = LerpVector(t, ab, bc)
- bccd = LerpVector(t, bc, cd)
- dest = LerpVector(t, abbc, bccd)
- return dest
- end
- local function BezPoint(perc, Table)
- perc = perc or self.Perc
- local vec = Vector(0, 0, 0)
- vec = Bezier(Table[1], Table[2], Table[3], Table[4], perc)
- return vec
- end
- function ACF_DrawRefillAmmo( Table )
- for k,v in pairs( Table ) do
- local St, En = v.EntFrom:LocalToWorld(v.EntFrom:OBBCenter()), v.EntTo:LocalToWorld(v.EntTo:OBBCenter())
- local Distance = (En - St):Length()
- local Amount = math.Clamp((Distance/50),2,100)
- local Time = (SysTime() - v.StTime)
- local En2, St2 = En + Vector(0,0,100), St + ((En-St):GetNormalized() * 10)
- local vectab = { St, St2, En2, En}
- local center = (St+En)/2
- for I = 1, Amount do
- local point = BezPoint(((((I+Time)%Amount))/Amount), vectab)
- local ang = (point - center):Angle()
- local MdlTbl = {
- model = v.Model,
- pos = point,
- angle = ang
- }
- render.Model( MdlTbl )
- end
- end
- end
- function ACF_TrimInvalidRefillEffects(effectsTbl)
- local effect
- for i=1, #effectsTbl do
- effect = effectsTbl[i]
- if not (IsValid(effect.EntFrom) and IsValid(effect.EntTo)) then
- effectsTbl[i] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- local ACF_AmmoInfoWhileSeated = CreateClientConVar("ACF_AmmoInfoWhileSeated", 0, true, false)
- function ENT:Draw()
- local lply = LocalPlayer()
- local hideBubble = not GetConVar("ACF_AmmoInfoWhileSeated"):GetBool() and IsValid(lply) and lply:InVehicle()
- self.BaseClass.DoNormalDraw(self, false, hideBubble)
- Wire_Render(self)
- if self.GetBeamLength and (not self.GetShowBeam or self:GetShowBeam()) then
- -- Every SENT that has GetBeamLength should draw a tracer. Some of them have the GetShowBeam boolean
- Wire_DrawTracerBeam( self, 1, self.GetBeamHighlight and self:GetBeamHighlight() or false )
- end
- --self.BaseClass.Draw( self )
- if self.RefillAmmoEffect then
- ACF_TrimInvalidRefillEffects(self.RefillAmmoEffect)
- ACF_DrawRefillAmmo( self.RefillAmmoEffect )
- end
- end
- usermessage.Hook("ACF_RefillEffect", function( msg )
- local EntFrom, EntTo, Weapon = ents.GetByIndex( msg:ReadFloat() ), ents.GetByIndex( msg:ReadFloat() ), msg:ReadString()
- if not IsValid( EntFrom ) or not IsValid( EntTo ) then return end
- //local List = list.Get( "ACFRoundTypes")
- -- local Mdl = ACF.Weapons.Guns[Weapon].round.model or "models/munitions/round_100mm_shot.mdl"
- local Mdl = "models/munitions/round_100mm_shot.mdl"
- EntFrom.RefillAmmoEffect = EntFrom.RefillAmmoEffect or {}
- table.insert( EntFrom.RefillAmmoEffect, {EntFrom = EntFrom, EntTo = EntTo, Model = Mdl, StTime = SysTime()} )
- end)
- usermessage.Hook("ACF_StopRefillEffect", function( msg )
- local EntFrom, EntTo = ents.GetByIndex( msg:ReadFloat() ), ents.GetByIndex( msg:ReadFloat() )
- //print("stop", EntFrom, EntTo)
- if not IsValid( EntFrom ) or not IsValid( EntTo )or not EntFrom.RefillAmmoEffect then return end
- for k,v in pairs( EntFrom.RefillAmmoEffect ) do
- if v.EntTo == EntTo then
- if #EntFrom.RefillAmmoEffect<=1 then
- EntFrom.RefillAmmoEffect = nil
- return
- end
- table.remove(EntFrom.RefillAmmoEffect, k)
- end
- end
- end)
- return
- end
- function ENT:Initialize()
- self.SpecialHealth = true --If true needs a special ACF_Activate function
- self.SpecialDamage = true --If true needs a special ACF_OnDamage function
- self.IsExplosive = true
- self.Exploding = false
- self.Damaged = false
- self.CanUpdate = true
- self.Load = false
- self.EmptyMass = 0
- self.NextMassUpdate = 0
- self.Ammo = 0
- self.Master = {}
- self.Sequence = 0
- self.Inputs = Wire_CreateInputs( self, { "Active" } ) --, "Fuse Length"
- self.Outputs = Wire_CreateOutputs( self, { "Munitions", "On Fire" } )
- self.NextThink = CurTime() + 1
- ACF.AmmoCrates = ACF.AmmoCrates or {}
- end
- function ENT:ACF_Activate( Recalc )
- local EmptyMass = math.max(self.EmptyMass, self:GetPhysicsObject():GetMass() - self:AmmoMass())
- self.ACF = self.ACF or {}
- local PhysObj = self:GetPhysicsObject()
- if not self.ACF.Aera then
- self.ACF.Aera = PhysObj:GetSurfaceArea() * 6.45
- end
- if not self.ACF.Volume then
- self.ACF.Volume = PhysObj:GetVolume() * 16.38
- end
- local Armour = EmptyMass*1000 / self.ACF.Aera / 0.78 --So we get the equivalent thickness of that prop in mm if all it's weight was a steel plate
- local Health = self.ACF.Volume/ACF.Threshold --Setting the threshold of the prop aera gone
- local Percent = 1
- if Recalc and self.ACF.Health and self.ACF.MaxHealth then
- Percent = self.ACF.Health/self.ACF.MaxHealth
- end
- self.ACF.Health = Health * Percent
- self.ACF.MaxHealth = Health
- self.ACF.Armour = Armour * (0.5 + Percent/2)
- self.ACF.MaxArmour = Armour
- self.ACF.Type = nil
- self.ACF.Mass = self.Mass
- self.ACF.Density = (self:GetPhysicsObject():GetMass()*1000) / self.ACF.Volume
- self.ACF.Type = "Prop"
- end
- function ENT:ACF_OnDamage( Entity, Energy, FrAera, Angle, Inflictor, Bone, Type ) --This function needs to return HitRes
- local Mul = ((Type == "HEAT" and ACF.HEATMulAmmo) or 1) --Heat penetrators deal bonus damage to ammo
- local HitRes = ACF_PropDamage( Entity, Energy, FrAera * Mul, Angle, Inflictor ) --Calling the standard damage prop function
- if self.Exploding or not self.IsExplosive then return HitRes end
- if HitRes.Kill then
- if hook.Run("ACF_AmmoExplode", self, self.BulletData ) == false then return HitRes end
- self.Exploding = true
- if( Inflictor and Inflictor:IsValid() and Inflictor:IsPlayer() ) then
- self.Inflictor = Inflictor
- end
- if self.Ammo > 1 then
- ACF_ScaledExplosion( self )
- else
- ACF_HEKill( self, VectorRand() )
- end
- end
- if self.Damaged then return HitRes end
- local Ratio = (HitRes.Damage/self.BulletData.RoundVolume)^0.2
- --print(Ratio)
- if ( Ratio * self.Capacity/self.Ammo ) > math.Rand(0,1) then
- self.Inflictor = Inflictor
- self.Damaged = CurTime() + (5 - Ratio*3)
- Wire_TriggerOutput(self, "On Fire", 1)
- end
- return HitRes --This function needs to return HitRes
- end
- function MakeACF_Ammo(Owner, Pos, Angle, Id, Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Data5, Data6, Data7, Data8, Data9, Data10)
- if not Owner:CheckLimit("_acf_ammo") then return false end
- local Ammo = ents.Create("acf_ammo")
- if not Ammo:IsValid() then return false end
- Ammo:SetAngles(Angle)
- Ammo:SetPos(Pos)
- Ammo:Spawn()
- Ammo:SetPlayer(Owner)
- Ammo.Owner = Owner
- Ammo.Model = ACF.Weapons.Ammo[Id].model
- Ammo:SetModel( Ammo.Model )
- Ammo:PhysicsInit( SOLID_VPHYSICS )
- Ammo:SetSolid( SOLID_VPHYSICS )
- Ammo.Id = Id
- Ammo:CreateAmmo(Id, Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Data5, Data6, Data7, Data8, Data9, Data10)
- Ammo.Ammo = Ammo.Capacity
- Ammo.EmptyMass = ACF.Weapons.Ammo[Ammo.Id].weight
- Ammo.Mass = Ammo.EmptyMass + Ammo:AmmoMass()
- Ammo.LastMass = 1
- Ammo:UpdateMass()
- Owner:AddCount( "_acf_ammo", Ammo )
- Owner:AddCleanup( "acfmenu", Ammo )
- table.insert(ACF.AmmoCrates, Ammo)
- return Ammo
- end
- list.Set( "ACFCvars", "acf_ammo", {"id", "data1", "data2", "data3", "data4", "data5", "data6", "data7", "data8", "data9", "data10"} )
- duplicator.RegisterEntityClass("acf_ammo", MakeACF_Ammo, "Pos", "Angle", "Id", "RoundId", "RoundType", "RoundPropellant", "RoundProjectile", "RoundData5", "RoundData6", "RoundData7", "RoundData8", "RoundData9", "RoundData10" )
- function ENT:Update( ArgsTable )
- -- That table is the player data, as sorted in the ACFCvars above, with player who shot,
- -- and pos and angle of the tool trace inserted at the start
- local msg = "Ammo crate updated successfully!"
- if ArgsTable[1] ~= self.Owner then -- Argtable[1] is the player that shot the tool
- return false, "You don't own that ammo crate!"
- end
- if ArgsTable[6] == "Refill" then -- Argtable[6] is the round type. If it's refill it shouldn't be loaded into guns, so we refuse to change to it
- return false, "Refill ammo type is only avaliable for new crates!"
- end
- if ArgsTable[5] ~= self.RoundId then -- Argtable[5] is the weapon ID the new ammo loads into
- for Key, Gun in pairs( self.Master ) do
- if IsValid( Gun ) then
- Gun:Unlink( self )
- end
- end
- msg = "New ammo type loaded, crate unlinked."
- else -- ammotype wasn't changed, but let's check if new roundtype is blacklisted
- local Blacklist = ACF.AmmoBlacklist[ ArgsTable[6] ] or {}
- for Key, Gun in pairs( self.Master ) do
- if IsValid( Gun ) and table.HasValue( Blacklist, Gun.Class ) then
- Gun:Unlink( self )
- msg = "New round type cannot be used with linked gun, crate unlinked."
- end
- end
- end
- local AmmoPercent = self.Ammo/math.max(self.Capacity,1)
- self:CreateAmmo(ArgsTable[4], ArgsTable[5], ArgsTable[6], ArgsTable[7], ArgsTable[8], ArgsTable[9], ArgsTable[10], ArgsTable[11], ArgsTable[12], ArgsTable[13], ArgsTable[14])
- self.Ammo = math.floor(self.Capacity*AmmoPercent)
- self:UpdateMass()
- return true, msg
- end
- function ENT:UpdateOverlayText()
- local roundType = self.RoundType
- if self.BulletData.Tracer and self.BulletData.Tracer > 0 then
- roundType = roundType .. "-T"
- end
- local text = roundType .. " - " .. self.Ammo .. " / " .. self.Capacity
- --text = text .. "\nRound Type: " .. self.RoundType
- local RoundData = ACF.RoundTypes[ self.RoundType ]
- if RoundData and RoundData.cratetxt then
- text = text .. "\n" .. RoundData.cratetxt( self.BulletData, self )
- end
- self:SetOverlayText( text )
- end
- function ENT:CreateAmmo(Id, Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Data5, Data6, Data7, Data8, Data9, Data10)
- local GunData = list.Get("ACFEnts").Guns[Data1]
- if not GunData then
- self:Remove()
- return
- end
- --Data 1 to 4 are should always be Round ID, Round Type, Propellant lenght, Projectile lenght
- self.RoundId = Data1 --Weapon this round loads into, ie 140mmC, 105mmH ...
- self.RoundType = Data2 --Type of round, IE AP, HE, HEAT ...
- self.RoundPropellant = Data3--Lenght of propellant
- self.RoundProjectile = Data4--Lenght of the projectile
- self.RoundData5 = ( Data5 or 0 )
- self.RoundData6 = ( Data6 or 0 )
- self.RoundData7 = ( Data7 or 0 )
- self.RoundData8 = ( Data8 or 0 )
- self.RoundData9 = ( Data9 or 0 )
- self.RoundData10 = ( Data10 or 0 )
- local PlayerData = {}
- PlayerData.Id = self.RoundId
- PlayerData.Type = self.RoundType
- PlayerData.PropLength = self.RoundPropellant
- PlayerData.ProjLength = self.RoundProjectile
- PlayerData.Data5 = self.RoundData5
- PlayerData.Data6 = self.RoundData6
- PlayerData.Data7 = self.RoundData7
- PlayerData.Data8 = self.RoundData8
- PlayerData.Data9 = self.RoundData9
- PlayerData.Data10 = self.RoundData10
- self.ConvertData = ACF.RoundTypes[self.RoundType].convert
- self.BulletData = self:ConvertData( PlayerData )
- local PhysObj = self:GetPhysicsObject()
- local Efficiency = 0.11 * ACF.AmmoMod --This is the part of space that's actually useful, the rest is wasted on interround gaps, loading systems ..
- local vol = PhysObj:GetVolume()
- self.Volume = vol*Efficiency
- self.Capacity = math.floor(self.Volume*16.38/self.BulletData.RoundVolume)
- -- self.Capacity = math.floor(self.Volume)
- self.Caliber = GunData.caliber
- self.RoFMul = (vol > 46000) and (1-(math.log(vol*0.00066)/math.log(2)-4)*0.05) or 1 --*0.0625 for 25% @ 4x8x8, 0.025 10%, 0.0375 15%, 0.05 20%
- self:SetNWString( "Ammo", self.Ammo )
- self:SetNWString( "WireName", .. " Ammo" )
- self.NetworkData = ACF.RoundTypes[self.RoundType].network
- self:NetworkData( self.BulletData )
- self:UpdateOverlayText()
- end
- function ENT:AmmoMass() --Returns what the ammo mass would be if the crate was full
- return math.floor( (self.BulletData.ProjMass + self.BulletData.PropMass) * self.Capacity * 2 )
- end
- function ENT:UpdateMass()
- self.Mass = self.EmptyMass + self:AmmoMass()*(self.Ammo/math.max(self.Capacity,1))
- --reduce superflous engine calls, update crate mass every 5 kgs change or every 10s-15s
- if math.abs(self.LastMass - self.Mass) > 5 or CurTime() > self.NextMassUpdate then
- self.LastMass = self.Mass
- self.NextMassUpdate = CurTime()+math.Rand(10,15)
- local phys = self:GetPhysicsObject()
- if (phys:IsValid()) then
- phys:SetMass( self.Mass )
- end
- end
- end
- function ENT:GetInaccuracy()
- local SpreadScale = ACF.SpreadScale
- local inaccuracy = 0
- local Gun = list.Get("ACFEnts").Guns[self.RoundId]
- if Gun then
- local Classes = list.Get("ACFClasses")
- inaccuracy = (Classes.GunClass[Gun.gunclass] or {spread = 0}).spread
- end
- local coneAng = inaccuracy * ACF.GunInaccuracyScale
- return coneAng
- end
- function ENT:TriggerInput( iname, value )
- if (iname == "Active") then
- if value > 0 then
- self.Load = true
- self:FirstLoad()
- else
- self.Load = false
- end
- elseif (iname == "Fuse Length" and value > 0 and (self.BulletData.RoundType == "HE" or self.BulletData.RoundType == "APHE")) then
- end
- end
- function ENT:FirstLoad()
- for Key,Value in pairs(self.Master) do
- if self.Master[Key] and self.Master[Key]:IsValid() and self.Master[Key].BulletData.Type == "Empty" then
- --print("Send FirstLoad")
- self.Master[Key]:UnloadAmmo()
- end
- end
- end
- function ENT:Think()
- if not self:IsSolid() then self.Ammo = 0 end
- self:UpdateMass()
- if self.Ammo ~= self.AmmoLast then
- self:UpdateOverlayText()
- self.AmmoLast = self.Ammo
- end
- local color = self:GetColor()
- self:SetNWVector("TracerColour", Vector( color.r, color.g, color.b ) )
- local cvarGrav = GetConVar("sv_gravity")
- local vec = Vector(0,0,cvarGrav:GetInt()*-1)
- if( self.sitp_inspace ) then
- vec = Vector(0, 0, 0)
- end
- self:SetNWVector("Accel", vec)
- self:NextThink( CurTime() + 1 )
- if self.Damaged then
- if self.Damaged < CurTime() then
- ACF_ScaledExplosion( self )
- else
- if not (self.BulletData.Type == "Refill") then
- if math.Rand(0,150) > self.BulletData.RoundVolume^0.5 and math.Rand(0,1) < self.Ammo/math.max(self.Capacity,1) and ACF.RoundTypes[self.BulletData.Type] then
- self:EmitSound( "ambient/explosions/explode_4.wav", 350, math.max(255 - self.BulletData.PropMass*100,60) )
- local MuzzlePos = self:GetPos()
- local MuzzleVec = VectorRand()
- local Speed = ACF_MuzzleVelocity( self.BulletData.PropMass, self.BulletData.ProjMass/2, self.Caliber )
- self.BulletData.Pos = MuzzlePos
- self.BulletData.Flight = (MuzzleVec):GetNormalized() * Speed * 39.37 + self:GetVelocity()
- self.BulletData.Owner = self.Inflictor or self.Owner
- self.BulletData.Gun = self
- self.BulletData.Crate = self:EntIndex()
- self.CreateShell = ACF.RoundTypes[self.BulletData.Type].create
- self:CreateShell( self.BulletData )
- self.Ammo = self.Ammo - 1
- end
- end
- self:NextThink( CurTime() + 0.01 + self.BulletData.RoundVolume^0.5/100 )
- end
- elseif self.RoundType == "Refill" and self.Ammo > 0 then // Completely new, fresh, genius, beautiful, flawless refill system.
- if self.Load then
- for _,Ammo in pairs( ACF.AmmoCrates ) do
- if Ammo.RoundType ~= "Refill" then
- local dist = self:GetPos():Distance(Ammo:GetPos())
- if dist < ACF.RefillDistance then
- if Ammo.Capacity > Ammo.Ammo then
- self.SupplyingTo = self.SupplyingTo or {}
- if not table.HasValue( self.SupplyingTo, Ammo:EntIndex() ) then
- table.insert(self.SupplyingTo, Ammo:EntIndex())
- self:RefillEffect( Ammo )
- end
- local Supply = math.ceil((50000/((Ammo.BulletData.ProjMass+Ammo.BulletData.PropMass)*1000))/dist)
- --Msg(tostring(50000).."/"..((Ammo.BulletData.ProjMass+Ammo.BulletData.PropMass)*1000).."/"..dist.."="..Supply.."\n")
- local Transfert = math.min(Supply, Ammo.Capacity - Ammo.Ammo)
- Ammo.Ammo = Ammo.Ammo + Transfert
- self.Ammo = self.Ammo - Transfert
- Ammo.Supplied = true
- Ammo.Entity:EmitSound( "items/ammo_pickup.wav", 350, 80, 0.30 )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if self.SupplyingTo then
- for k, EntID in pairs( self.SupplyingTo ) do
- local Ammo = ents.GetByIndex(EntID)
- if not IsValid( Ammo ) then
- table.remove(self.SupplyingTo, k)
- self:StopRefillEffect( EntID )
- else
- local dist = self:GetPos():Distance(Ammo:GetPos())
- if dist > ACF.RefillDistance or Ammo.Capacity <= Ammo.Ammo or self.Damaged or not self.Load then // If ammo crate is out of refill max distance or is full or our refill crate is damaged or just in-active then stop refiliing it.
- table.remove(self.SupplyingTo, k)
- self:StopRefillEffect( EntID )
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Wire_TriggerOutput(self, "Munitions", self.Ammo)
- return true
- end
- function ENT:RefillEffect( Target )
- umsg.Start("ACF_RefillEffect")
- umsg.Float( self:EntIndex() )
- umsg.Float( Target:EntIndex() )
- umsg.String( Target.RoundType )
- umsg.End()
- end
- function ENT:StopRefillEffect( TargetID )
- umsg.Start("ACF_StopRefillEffect")
- umsg.Float( self:EntIndex() )
- umsg.Float( TargetID )
- umsg.End()
- end
- function ENT:ConvertData()
- --You overwrite this with your own function, defined in the ammo definition file
- end
- function ENT:NetworkData()
- --You overwrite this with your own function, defined in the ammo definition file
- end
- function ENT:OnRemove()
- for Key,Value in pairs(self.Master) do
- if self.Master[Key] and self.Master[Key]:IsValid() then
- self.Master[Key]:Unlink( self )
- self.Ammo = 0
- end
- end
- for k,v in pairs(ACF.AmmoCrates) do
- if v == self then
- table.remove(ACF.AmmoCrates,k)
- end
- end
- end
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