

Nov 8th, 2016
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  1. --[[
  2. Editors: bellaouzo, ProjectedRemark, and hitmanrebornfan
  3.     Updates:       
  4.             Fixed Crash, Mute, And Rejoin Ban Functions.
  5.             Added An Inject Function.
  6.             New Music API.
  7.             Fixed Up A Few Functions.
  8.             Redid The Onchatted, And Some Commands.
  9.             Made The Command Menu Smexy.
  10.             Cleared Banlist 10/14/16 1:13 pm EST.
  11.             Fixed All Mute Errors.
  12.             Improved Injects, Added Anti-Steal. Thanks PointCoded <3
  13.             Added More Commands.
  14.             Added More Anti-Fm Scripts.
  15.             Added Anti-Logger Function.
  16.     ToDo:
  17.             Add Loopkill, UnLoopkill, Teleport Commands.
  18.             Add Time Ban, And Alot More Commands.
  19.     Ranks:
  20.             -2 = Lag Banned
  21.             -1 = Banned
  22.             1 = Player
  23.             2 = Trusted
  24.             3 = Side Hoes
  25.             4 = Friend
  26.             5 = Developer
  27.             6 = Owners / Creators
  28. ]]--
  29. return {
  30.     ["ScriptingRevolution"] = {Rank = 7, Reason = "Creator", Color = "Cyan",Tablet  = "Block"},
  31.     ["er0rx"] = {Rank = 6, Reason = "Lime green sucks", Color = "Lime green",Tablet  = "Block"},
  32.     ["mznx10"] = {Rank = 9e9, Reason = "Creator / Pro's Alt", Color = "Electric blue",Tablet  = "Block"},
  33.     ["Mechzam"] = {Rank = 5, Reason = "LabRat", Color = "Electric blue",Tablet  = "Block"},
  34.     ["ProjectedRemark"] = {Rank = 1337, Reason = "Creator", Color = "Hot pink",Tablet  = "Tablet"},
  35.     ["ItsOmega"] = {Rank = 7, Reason = "Creator ScriptingRevolutions Alt (also a jew) ", Color = "Alder",Tablet =  "Block"},
  36.     ["awesomeguy1070"] =  {Rank = 5, Reason = "Friend ", Color = "Hot pink",Tablet  =  "Block"},
  37.     ["bellaouzo"] = {Rank = 9e9, Reason = "Editor/Just a hooker we found on a street e.e ",Color = "Really red",Tablet  = "Tablet"},
  38.     ["iAmAura"] = {Rank = 69, Reason = "Pedofile", Color ="Toothpaste", Tablet  =  "Tablet"},
  39.     ["DevGamerzz"] = {Rank = 666, Reason = "s3xy", Color = "White", Tablet  = "Tablet"},
  40.     ["hitmanrebornfan"] = {Rank = 65, Reason = "Loves hentai", Color = "Magenta", Tablet  =  "Ball"},
  41.     ["PrismaneOwner"] = {Rank = 344, Reason = "Prismane Admin Account", Color = "Really red", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  42.     ["coolisiahwebbe08"] ={Rank = 3, Reason = "Accepted rank template", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  43.     ["navaltom02"] ={Rank = 5, Reason = "Sh!tPostKing", Color = "White", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  44.     ["jayrock3401"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "Twat", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  45.     ["finnjake2801"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "Accepted rank template", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  46.     ["MRSHEEPY123"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "Accepted rank template", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Tablet"},
  47.     ["rockybot58"] = {Rank = 5, Reason = "Passed rank 5 application and helped hitmanrebornfan!", Color = "Toothpaste", Tablet  =  "Tablet"},
  48.     ["coolisiahwebbe08"] = {Rank = 5, Reason = "Impressed By Your Google Form ~ ProjectedRemark", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  49.     ["marinhren"] = {Rank = 2, Reason = "Accepted rank template", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  50.     ["zhiyan114"] = {Rank = 4, Reason = "Accepted rank template", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  51.     ["XxYukiteru_Amano"] = {Rank = 4, Reason = "Impressed By Your Google Form ~ Hitmanrebornfan", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  52.     ["Josh1234300"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "Approved Google Form", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  53.     ["nakadoids"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "Approved Google Form", Color = "Lapis", Tablet =  "Block"},
  54.     ["PointCoded"] = {Rank = 1336.9, Reason = "Since He Is A Rare Creature He Gets Special Treatment", Color = "Lapis", Tablet =  "Block"},
  55.     ["EncryptedRBX"] = {Rank = 1336.9, Reason = "Points Alt", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  56.     ["sonic7394"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "Re ranked ", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  57.     ["SupremeGggggg"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "Accepted Rank template", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  58.     ["endermites15"] = {Rank = 0, Reason = "Bored of prismane/insulted it", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  59.     ["Dwarfawsome"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "Accepted Rank Template", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  60.     ["Ande1Steve2"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "Accepted Rank Template", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  61.     ["wholesaleHackmehbro"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "Accepted Rank Template", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  62.     ["toadyy"] = {Rank = 5, Reason = "Even Tho U Were DeRanked You Did A New Application i Was Impresed", Color = "New Yeller", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  63.     ["puassy"] = {Rank = 1, Reason = "Your aplication was nice so you are rank 3", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  64.     ["Hieroku"] = {Rank = 420, Reason = "bella x hieroku", Color = "Mint", Tablet  =  "Tablet"},
  65.     ["AnnoyingOrangeGame"] = {Rank = 1, Reason = "Deranked for abuse/disrespect", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  66.     ["francaiscanada10"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "Accepted Rank Template", Color = "Lapis", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  67.     ["Infinite_Space"]  = {Rank = 2, Reason = "Deranked for massive ammount of abuse projected u idiot", Color = "Teal", Tablet =  "Block"},
  68.     ["toplazer"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "Hey How Are Ya", Color = "Toothpaste", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  69.     ["kash5 "] = {Rank = 4, Reason = "This Is Sparta", Color = "Toothpaste", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  70.     ["saipitman"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "Accepted", Color = "Lime green", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  71.     ["Emc5322"]  = {Rank = 5, Reason = "Devloper :3 <3", Color = "Electric blue",Tablet  = "Block"},
  72.     ["t3x0"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "accepted", Color = "Hot pink", Tablet  =  "Block"},    
  73.     ["KillerCat1111"] = {Rank = 4, Reason = "accepted", Color = "Hot pink", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  74.     ["Bytz"] = {Rank = 2, Reason = "Accpeted", Color = "Really black", Tablet  =  "Block"},    
  75.     ["MrWolfOG"] = {Rank = 4, Reason = "Accepted", Color = "White", Tablet  = "Block"},
  76.     ["Night_Lua"] = {Rank = 3, Reason = "Accepted", Color = "Lime green", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  77.     ["PPATTA"] = {Rank = 4, Reason = "Friend", Color = "Lime green", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  78.     ["eel313"] = {Rank = 4, Reason = "Friend", Color = "Teal", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  79.     ["BlueHasSwag"] = {Rank = 420, Reason = "Accepted", Color = "Dark Green", Tablet  =  "Tablet"},
  80.     ["variares83"] = {Rank = 4, Reason = "ily", Color = "Teal", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  81.     ["Trigectory"] = {Rank = 1, Reason = "9 year old mistake of incest", Color = "Teal", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  82.     ["lifemeansnothing"] = {Rank = -3, Reason = "9 year old mistake of incest", Color = "Teal", Tablet  =  "Block"},
  83.     ["KillKill426"] = {Rank = 4, Reason = "ily", Color = "Teal", Tablet  =  "Tablet"},
  84. }
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