

Oct 8th, 2017
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  1. You can cut the Profits with Saber, that doesn't mean very much at all. Doesn't mean it's a good Servant. The Saber pictured may be the darling of the internet, and it IS great for the price, but she's only just good FOR THE PRICE. She still has crappy/basic geometry. I generally don't like most Saber geometry at all. There's no tsundere, there's too much ahoge towards the top, it's not very thin behind the armour, there's really no twintails to speak of, and the merchandise is just plain mid-soft Japanese merchandise that you have to buy every 2 minutes. A different character would help the guy in the video cut better. Put something like a Tohsaka Rin on his screen and he'd look like a damn Veteran. I do actually know what the fuck I'm talking about.
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