
Pintos - Project 2 (test)

May 27th, 2019
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  1. pass tests/userprog/mytest1
  2. pass tests/userprog/mytest2
  3. pass tests/userprog/args-none
  4. pass tests/userprog/args-single
  5. pass tests/userprog/args-multiple
  6. pass tests/userprog/args-many
  7. pass tests/userprog/args-dbl-space
  8. pass tests/userprog/sc-bad-sp
  9. pass tests/userprog/sc-bad-arg
  10. pass tests/userprog/sc-boundary
  11. pass tests/userprog/sc-boundary-2
  12. pass tests/userprog/halt
  13. pass tests/userprog/exit
  14. pass tests/userprog/create-normal
  15. pass tests/userprog/create-empty
  16. pass tests/userprog/create-null
  17. pass tests/userprog/create-bad-ptr
  18. pass tests/userprog/create-long
  19. pass tests/userprog/create-exists
  20. pass tests/userprog/create-bound
  21. pass tests/userprog/open-normal
  22. pass tests/userprog/open-missing
  23. pass tests/userprog/open-boundary
  24. pass tests/userprog/open-empty
  25. pass tests/userprog/open-null
  26. pass tests/userprog/open-bad-ptr
  27. pass tests/userprog/open-twice
  28. pass tests/userprog/close-normal
  29. pass tests/userprog/close-twice
  30. pass tests/userprog/close-stdin
  31. pass tests/userprog/close-stdout
  32. pass tests/userprog/close-bad-fd
  33. pass tests/userprog/read-normal
  34. pass tests/userprog/read-bad-ptr
  35. pass tests/userprog/read-boundary
  36. pass tests/userprog/read-zero
  37. pass tests/userprog/read-stdout
  38. pass tests/userprog/read-bad-fd
  39. pass tests/userprog/write-normal
  40. pass tests/userprog/write-bad-ptr
  41. pass tests/userprog/write-boundary
  42. pass tests/userprog/write-zero
  43. pass tests/userprog/write-stdin
  44. pass tests/userprog/write-bad-fd
  45. pass tests/userprog/exec-once
  46. pass tests/userprog/exec-arg
  47. pass tests/userprog/exec-multiple
  48. pass tests/userprog/exec-missing
  49. pass tests/userprog/exec-bad-ptr
  50. FAIL tests/userprog/wait-simple
  51. FAIL tests/userprog/wait-twice
  52. FAIL tests/userprog/wait-killed
  53. pass tests/userprog/wait-bad-pid
  54. FAIL tests/userprog/multi-recurse
  55. FAIL tests/userprog/multi-child-fd
  56. FAIL tests/userprog/rox-simple
  57. FAIL tests/userprog/rox-child
  58. FAIL tests/userprog/rox-multichild
  59. pass tests/userprog/bad-read
  60. pass tests/userprog/bad-write
  61. pass tests/userprog/bad-read2
  62. pass tests/userprog/bad-write2
  63. pass tests/userprog/bad-jump
  64. pass tests/userprog/bad-jump2
  65. pass tests/userprog/iloveos
  66. pass tests/userprog/practice
  67. FAIL tests/userprog/no-vm/multi-oom
  68. pass tests/filesys/base/lg-create
  69. pass tests/filesys/base/lg-full
  70. pass tests/filesys/base/lg-random
  71. pass tests/filesys/base/lg-seq-block
  72. pass tests/filesys/base/lg-seq-random
  73. pass tests/filesys/base/sm-create
  74. pass tests/filesys/base/sm-full
  75. pass tests/filesys/base/sm-random
  76. pass tests/filesys/base/sm-seq-block
  77. pass tests/filesys/base/sm-seq-random
  78. FAIL tests/filesys/base/syn-read
  79. pass tests/filesys/base/syn-remove
  80. FAIL tests/filesys/base/syn-write
  81. 11 of 80 tests failed.
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