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- #include<>
- CONFIG FOSC = HS ; High-Speed oscillator, HS used by USB
- CONFIG WDT = OFF ; Watchdog Timer disabled
- CONFIG DEBUG = OFF ; Debugger disabled
- CONFIG MCLRE = OFF ; Master Clear Reset enabled
- CONFIG CPUDIV = OSC1_PLL2 ; CPU system clock divisor
- CONFIG PBADEN = OFF ; PORTB A/D enable/disable (Disabled)
- counter_value equ H'04' ; Define constant for counter value
- RES_VECTOR CODE 0x0000 ; Reset vector at address 0x0000
- GOTO init ; Jump to the initialization code
- org 0x0008 ; Interrupt vector at address 0x0008
- goto irq_handle ; Go to the interrupt handling function
- TMR0_interrupt
- ; Clear the TMR0 interrupt flag
- bcf INTCON , TMR0IF ; Clear the flag
- ; Increment PORTC
- incf counter_value ; Increment counter value
- retfie ; Return from interrupt
- irq_handle ; Interrupt routine
- ; Check if it is TMR0 interrupt
- btfsc INTCON , TMR0IF
- goto TMR0_interrupt ; Yes, it is TMR0 interrupt, jump to TMR0_interrupt
- retfie ; No, return from interrupt
- init
- clrf TRISD ; Set PORTD as output
- clrf PORTD ; Clear PORTD
- clrf TRISC ; Set PORTC as output
- clrf PORTC ; Clear PORTC
- bsf T0CON , TMR0ON ; Turn ON TIMER 0
- bcf T0CON , T08BIT ; Set TIMER 0 to 16 bits mode
- bcf T0CON , T0CS ; Use internal clock source
- bcf T0CON , PSA ; Assign prescaler to TIMER 0
- ; Setup the prescaler
- bsf T0CON, T0PS2 ; Prescaler value 1:256
- bcf T0CON, T0PS1 ; Prescaler value 1:256
- bcf T0CON, T0PS0 ; Prescaler value 1:256
- bsf INTCON , GIE ; Enable interrupts
- bsf INTCON , TMR0IE ; Enable TMR0 interrupt
- clrf TMR0 ; Clear the timer
- bsf T1CON , TMR1ON ; Enable TIMER 1
- bcf T1CON , TMR1CS ; Use internal clock source
- clrf TMR1L ; Clear TIMER 1 low byte
- clrf TMR1H ; Clear TIMER 1 high byte
- GOTO main_loop ; Jump to the main loop
- main_loop
- call seg_set_0 ; Call segment set function for counter_value = 0
- goto main_loop ; Loop indefinitely
- seg_set_0
- movlw H'00' ; Load value 0 into WREG
- CPFSEQ counter_value ; Compare WREG with counter_value
- goto seg_set_1 ; If equal, jump to seg_set_1
- movlw H'3F' ; Load value 0x3F into WREG (7-segment display pattern for 0)
- movwf PORTD ; Move WREG to PORTD
- bsf PORTC, RC0 ; Set RC0 high
- return ; Return from function
- seg_set_1
- movlw H'01' ; Load value 1 into WREG
- CPFSEQ counter_value ; Compare WREG with counter_value
- goto seg_set_2 ; If equal, jump to seg_set_2
- movlw H'06' ; Load value 0x06 into WREG (7-segment display pattern for 1)
- movwf PORTD ; Move WREG to PORTD
- bcf PORTC, RC0 ; Set RC0 low
- return ; Return from function
- ; (Similar segments set functions for 2 to 9, with different display patterns)
- seg_set_2
- movlw H'02'
- CPFSEQ counter_value
- goto seg_set_3
- movlw H'5B'
- movwf PORTD
- return
- seg_set_3
- movlw H'03'
- CPFSEQ counter_value
- goto seg_set_4
- movlw H'4F'
- movwf PORTD
- return
- seg_set_4
- movlw H'04'
- CPFSEQ counter_value
- goto seg_set_5
- movlw H'66'
- movwf PORTD
- return
- seg_set_5
- movlw H'05'
- CPFSEQ counter_value
- goto seg_set_6
- movlw H'6D'
- movwf PORTD
- return
- seg_set_6
- movlw H'06'
- CPFSEQ counter_value
- goto seg_set_7
- movlw H'7D'
- movwf PORTD
- return
- seg_set_7
- movlw H'07'
- CPFSEQ counter_value
- goto seg_set_8
- movlw H'07'
- movwf PORTD
- return
- seg_set_8
- movlw H'08'
- CPFSEQ counter_value
- goto seg_set_9
- movlw H'7F'
- movwf PORTD
- return
- seg_set_9
- movlw H'09'
- CPFSEQ counter_value
- goto counter_reset
- movlw H'6F'
- movwf PORTD
- return
- counter_reset
- clrf counter_value ; Clear counter_value
- return ; Return from function
- END ; End of the code
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