
List of Public Bot Commands

Jun 2nd, 2020
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  1. **User Commands**
  2. !accesslevel - format: `!accesslevel` desc: Displays user's accesslevel
  3. !? or !help - fomat: `!help` desc: Displays all the commands within the bot
  4. !setrbx - format: `!setrbx [RBXNAME]` desc: Sets user's robloxname in the database
  5. !sizepp - format: `!sizepp @user` desc: Shows mentioned user's or self's pp size
  6. !gay - format: `!gay @user` desc: Shows mentioned user's or self's gay level
  7. !info - format: `!info` desc: Shows information about the bot
  8. !updatelog - format: `!updatelog` desc: Shows the updates added to the bot
  9. **Booster Commands**
  10. !selfmod - format: `!selfmod` desc: Self mods their connected roblox account
  11. **Moderation Commands**
  12. !kick - format: `!kick @user [reason]` desc: Kicks mentioned user
  13. !ban - format: `!ban @user [reason]` desc: Bans mentioned user
  14. !mute - format: `!mute @user [TIME]` desc: Mutes mentioned user in minutes
  15. !unmute - format: `!unmute @user` desc: Unmutes mentioned user
  16. !vcban - format: `!vcban @user` desc: Voicechat bans a mentioned user
  17. !unvcban - format: `!unvcban @user` desc: Removes voicechat ban from a mentioned user
  18. !fixname - format: `!fixname @user` desc: Removes nickname from mentioned user and changes it to their actual username
  19. **Owner Commands**
  20. !gameban - format: `!gameban @user or !gameban [RBXNAME]` desc: Game bans a mentioned user or mentioned roblox username
  21. !gameadmin - format: `!gameadmin @user or !gameadmin [RBXNAME]` desc: Gives in-game admin to a mentioned user or mentioned roblox username
  22. !gamemod - format: `!gamemod @user or !gamemod [RBXNAME]` desc: Gives in-game mod to a mentioned user or mentioned roblox username
  23. !addword - format: `!addword [WORD]` desc: Adds a word to be banned
  24. !delword - format: `!delword [BANWORD]` desc: Removes a banned word from the list
  25. !getwords - format: `!getwords` desc: Sends a dm to user to get the list of banned words
  26. !changeuser - format: `!changeuser @user [RBXLUSERNAME]` desc: Changes the mentioned user's roblox username
  27. !getrbx - format: `!getrbx @user` desc: Displays mentioned user's roblox username in the database
  28. !gameupload - format: `!gameupload [URL]` desc: Announces new game in the uploads channel
  29. !setstatus - format: `!setstatus [TXT]` desc: Sets the bot's status to whatever you desire
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