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- /// @class auto
- // Configuration options
- {
- //----------------------------------------
- // setup for attacking
- //----------------------------------------
- // distance between FW and DF during attack
- "lengthOf": 40.0,
- // spread to the side during attack
- "offencWideLength" : 50.0,
- // margin from the sideline
- "marginSide" : 10.0,
- // overall adjustment of attacking ratio
- "adjustFrontOF": 18.0,
- // overall adjustment of attacking ratio (yes, they put that twice)
- "adjustBackOF" : 0.0,
- // enable FW having random speed change
- "xposiRateCustom" : false,
- // size of FW "category" (literally written as カテゴリ)
- "fwGroupRate" : 0.8,
- // allow team actions to group actions
- "teamToGroupAdjustEnable" : false,
- // distance for changing from team action to group actions
- "teamToGroupAdjustStart": -10.0,
- // distance for changing from team action to group actions (yes, they put that twice as well)
- "teamToGroupAdjustEnd" : 0.0,
- // Z coordinate correction -> opens (maybe "wider" if that's what they call in English?) more than usual
- "offsetZposiAdjust" : true,
- // Z coordinate correction "start position" adjustment distance
- "offenceZposiAdjustDist" : 0.0,
- // adjust distance for center player's side movement when other players move to the side (simple translation)
- // adjust travel distance to the side of the center player for players who open to the outside in the process of opening to the side (FULL translation, it is THAT long.)
- "openSideAdjustZRate" : 0.15,
- //----------------------------------------
- // adjustments for set play
- //----------------------------------------
- "adjustSetplay" : true,
- "setplayToInplayHeightMin" : 0.3,
- "setplayToInplayHeightMax" : 0.9,
- // Adjustment for goal kicks
- "gklBaseX" : 8.0,
- "gklBaseZRate" : 0.5,
- "gklAdjustRateX" : 0.0,
- "gklAdjustRateZ_FW" : 0.0,
- "gklAdjustRateZ_MF" : 0.0,
- "gklAdjustRateZ_DF" : 0.0,
- "gklSupportRate" : 20.0,
- "gklWidthZ" : 38.0,
- "gksBaseX" : 30.0,
- "gksBaseZRate" : 0.5,
- "gksAdjustRateX" : 0.0,
- "gksAdjustRateZ_FW" : 0.0,
- "gksAdjustRateZ_MF" : 0.0,
- "gksAdjustRateZ_DF" : 0.0,
- "gksHalfLineRateX_SB" : 60.0,
- "gksSideLineRateZ_SB" : 0.0,
- "gksPenaltyLineRateX_DF" : 40.0,
- "gksWidthZ" : 50.0,
- // spread to the side during attack (but what is it doing here?? should it be elsewhere konami?)
- "throwinWidthZ" : 25.0,
- // throw-in (yes, they wrote as that.), distance between FW and DF when defending
- "throwinLengthDf" : 20.0,
- // When freekick, how MF should be going up (moving closer to the opposition goal)
- "freeKickAdjustRateX_MF" : 1.0,
- "freeKickAdjustRateZ_FW" : 63.0,
- "freeKickAdjustRateZ" : 55.0,
- // Set who goes up at free kick
- "freekickAttackAddNum" : 2,
- "freekickAttackForce0" : -1,
- "freekickAttackForce1" : -1,
- "freekickAttackForce2" : -1,
- // DF line position when (at) kick off
- "kickoffDfLineX" : -18.0,
- //----------------------------------------
- // defensive settings
- //----------------------------------------
- // distance between FW and DF when defending
- "lengthDf": 25.0,
- // offset condition(?) to the side
- "wideRate" : 0.1,
- // DF line height during attack
- "dfLineRate": 0.3,
- // DF line height adjustment
- "dfLine" : 10,
- // size of DF "category" (literally written as カテゴリ)
- "dfGroupRate": 0.4,
- // FW line height adjustment ≒ "press" (literally written as プレス) start position
- "pressRate" : 0.5,
- // FW-MF minimum distance between
- "minDistMF_FW" : 1.5,
- // MF-DF minimum distance between
- "minDistMF_DF" : 6.0,
- // MF line height adjustment
- "mfLineRate" : 0.2,
- // size of MF "category" (literally written as カテゴリ)
- "mfGroupRate" : 0.3,
- // DF line begins to move back in according to the ball distance
- "dfLineBack" : 10.0,
- //DF "half-width" (for 3 players)
- "dfLineWidth_3" : 18.0,
- //DF "half-width" (for 4 players)
- "dfLineWidth_4" : 23.0,
- //DF "half-width" (for 5 players)
- "dfLineWidth_5" : 28.0,
- //DF "half-width" (for corner kick)
- "dfLineWidth_Corner" : 10.0,
- //DF maximum width ratio to be tighter when DF is being attacked
- "dfLineCloseRate" : 0.7,
- // force equal distance between "category" (yeah, another カテゴリ)
- "dfForceAverageZ" : true,
- // move towards the ball instead of staying in the "basic position"
- "dfAdjustZ" : true,
- // what is the maximum percentage closer to the ball side? (yeah, they're talking to themselves)
- "dfAdjustZRateMax" : 40.0,
- // the distance to avoid getting too close to the ball direction
- "dfAdjustZCheckWidthMin" : 5.0,
- // maximum distance within "the range of influence", including margin
- "dfAdjustZCheckWidthMax" : 30.0,
- // X-axis distance =< this value, then adjustment value to move towards the ball direction will be maximum.
- "dfAdjustZCheckLenMin" : 12.5,
- // X-axis distance > this value, then adjustment value to move towards the ball direction will be zero.
- "dfAdjustZCheckLenMax" : 20.0,
- // maximum height adjustment for defensive line.
- "dfLineAdjustMax" : -4.0,
- "dfLineAdjustMin" : -4.0,
- // ball position adjustment when defensive line goes up to center line (literally センターライン)
- "dfLineCenterAdjustMax" : 2.0,
- "dfLineCenterAdjustMin" : -10.0,
- // enable play cover? (KONAMI talks to themselves again)
- "dfCoverEnable" : true,
- // enable "side" cover? (alright KONAMI you need to stop talking to yourself...)
- "dfCoverAdjustX" : true,
- // how close to the covering position should the "basic position" be adjusted? (it's over, KONAMI lost their minds)
- "coverRateZ" : 0.4,
- // user position (literally ユーザーポジション) adjustments (oh nevermind, they still have some of their minds left)
- "dfUserPositionAdjustEnable" : true,
- "dfUserPositionAdjustRate" : 1.0,
- "dfUserPositionAdjustTime" : 30,
- // match the width of the opponent's attack
- "dfAttackWidthEnable" : true,
- // FOR DEBUGGING: ONLY FOR enemy attack width (why is this turned on in PES2019 anyways?)
- "dfAttackWidthForce" : true,
- // how far ahead from the front of the group to recognize the enemies (basically AI eyesight to see opponent, i think)
- "dfAttackWidthFront" : 7.8,
- // how far behind from the back of the group to recognize the enemies (basically AI eyesight to see opponent, i think)
- "dfAttackWidthBack" : 2.0,
- "dfAttackWidthMarginFront" : 12.0,
- "dfAttackWidthMarginBack" : 5.0,
- // how the MF line spreads when taking corners
- "cornerkickDefenceMFWidth" : 100.0,
- // how much support does the MF need to provide to the opposite side? (please konami)
- "cornerkickDefenceMFSide" : 100.0,
- // how much does the defense line move up during Goal Kick (literally ゴールキック)? (it's over)
- "gksDefenceBackRate" : 100.0, //maybe striker?
- "gklDefenceBackRate" : 40.0, //maybe line?
- // ratio of space covered
- "spaceCoverRate" : 0.4,
- // -----
- // this part confuses me the most since the writing of KONAMI devs seems to be only readable for them
- // -----
- // MF line score that adjusts the maximum value of the DF target line????????? i dont even know how to word it properly (DF目標ラインの最大値調整を行なうMFライン得点)
- "mfLineScore_adjustMax" : 150.0,
- // how much width between the defense line and midfield line need to be divided and should be considered as the maximum correction value (DFラインとMFライン幅の何分割を最大補正値とするか)
- "adjustDiv" : 4.0,
- // MF line score to WALK?!?! (WALKするMFラインのスコア)
- "walkMfLineScore" : 160.0,
- //----------------------------------------
- // Offense and Defense thinking process (nah, that thinking process is what i made up, but basically this is their brain because in Japanese they uses "processing")
- //----------------------------------------
- // slide the opposite side towards the "basic position" in the front
- "slide" : false,
- // slide (スライ) method 0:Proportional 1:Second-order curve
- "slideKind" : 0,
- // maximum value of the slide width
- "slideWidth" : 3.0,
- // maximum distance when slide width reaches maximum value
- "slideDistMax" : 25.0,
- // minumum distance when slide width haven't reach it's value
- "slideDistMin" : 8.0,
- // distance for slide judgment
- "slideJudgeWidthBase" : 10.0,
- // margin for slide judgment
- "slideJudgeWidthMargin" : 10.0,
- // X-axis target line deviation
- "targetLineXVariation" : 0.2,
- // Z-axis target line deviation
- "targetLineZVariation" : 0.2,
- //----------------------------------------
- // lmao this is threshold value for movement-related functions that KONAMI couldn't figure out what's wrong so they're using a cheap and dirty fix
- //----------------------------------------
- // starting distance
- "moveStartDist" : 0.8,
- // check if value reaches this
- "forceWalkDist" : 1.2,
- // check if value reaches this (again)
- "forceJogDist" : 2.4,
- // check if value reaches this (and again)
- "forceDashDist" : 9.0,
- // distance at which the player changes action from dashing to running
- "speedDownRunDist" : 5.0,
- // distance at which the player changes action from jogging to running
- "speedUpRunDist" : 4.0,
- //----------------------------------------
- // delay the cover by using the coordinated parameters(?) (連携パラによってカバーを遅らせる)
- //----------------------------------------
- // range where coordinated parameters are reflected
- "upperConnectionParam" : 70.0,
- "lowerConnectionParam" : 50.0,
- // maximum wait interval without cover by coordinated parameters
- "maxWaitTime" : 30.0,
- // increase the X-coordinate of the base position depending on attack awareness
- "adjustXFromAttackAwareness3" : 2.5,
- "adjustXFromAttackAwareness4" : 5.0,
- // Debugging TODO:: DELETE THIS (very cool konami)
- "defenceCompact" : 20,
- //distance for adjusting FW "ideal" X-coordinate line according to compactness parameter
- "adjustXCompactFW" : 0.5,
- //distance for adjusting "ideal" Z-coordinate line according to compactness parameter
- "adjustZCompact" : 1.0,
- //distance for adjusting "ideal" Z-coordinate line LOWER limit according to compactness parameter
- "adjustZMinCompact" : 0.5,
- //----------------------------------------
- // ZONE DEFENSE (literally ゾーンディフェンス)
- //----------------------------------------
- //basic distance for checking when a matchup (マッチアップ) player changes from DF⇒MF
- "checkBaseDist" : 4.0,
- //adjustment distance for checking when a matchup (マッチアップ) player changes from DF⇒MF
- "checkAdjustDist" : 3.0
- }
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