
ml algo

Aug 24th, 2024
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  1. Identify ml classfication algos from this list:
  3. (ACO)
  4. (CNN-LSTM)
  5. (DIC) algorithm
  6. 1-D CNN
  7. 1D Convolutional Neural Network (1dCNN)
  8. 1D-CNN
  9. 2D-CNN
  10. A Lite BERT (ALBERT)
  11. AB
  12. ABC
  13. AC
  14. Ada Boosting
  15. ADABoost
  16. AdaBoost classifier
  17. AdaBoost-A
  18. Adam optimizer
  19. Adaptive Alarming Module (AAM)
  20. Adaptive Thresholding with Early Stopping (ATES)
  21. Adaptive Variational Autoencoder
  22. Adaptively federated multi-task learning
  23. ADH
  24. Advanced Encryption Standard AES
  25. Adversarial Training (AT)
  26. AE
  27. Algorithmic-based detection systems.
  28. ALWM-ResNet
  29. AutoEncoder
  30. dynamic
  31. k-means clustering
  32. Poisson regression
  33. Random Forest (RF)
  34. Sustainable Ensemble Learning method
  35. SVM
  36. ANN
  37. ANN-MLP
  38. Anomaly-based Detection
  39. Ant colony optimization
  40. Ant Lion Optimization (ALO)
  41. AODV (Ad-Hoc on Dem
  42. Vector)
  43. ARM
  44. Artificial bee colony
  45. Artificial Neural Networks
  46. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)
  47. Artificial neural networks (ANNs)
  48. Artificial Neural Networks.
  49. Artificial Optimization (AO)
  50. ASC.
  51. Asynchronous FL-CNN-GRULSTM
  52. AttackNet
  53. Attention
  54. Attention-
  55. Attention Mechanism
  56. Attention-based LSTM
  57. AUC
  58. Augmentation
  59. Auto Encoder (AE)
  60. AutoEncoder
  61. Auto-Encoder
  62. Autoencoder-based IDS
  63. Autoencoders
  64. AutoGluon
  65. AutoML
  66. Bagging
  67. bagging ensemble
  68. Bagging: Random Forest
  69. Basic Autoencoder (AE)
  70. Batch reinforcement learning
  71. Bayes Classifiers
  72. Bayesian Autoencoder (BAE)
  73. Bayesian Logic Regression (BLR)
  74. Bayesian Network Models
  75. Bayesian Neural Networks (BNN)
  76. Bayes-Net
  77. BayesNet Algorithm
  78. BBO algorithm
  79. Benign
  80. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT)
  81. Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM)
  82. Big-Bang Big-Crunch (BBBC) optimization
  83. BiGRU
  84. BiLSTM
  85. Bi-LSTM
  86. Bi-LSTM
  87. Bi-GRU
  88. Blockchain
  89. BN
  90. BN firefly
  91. BoAu
  92. BODL-ADC
  93. Boltzmann Machine (BM)
  94. Boosting
  95. Boosting (XG-Boost)
  96. Boosting: ADABoost
  97. BoSC-10
  98. BoSC-3
  99. BoSC-4
  100. Bot
  101. botnet
  102. BPEO algorithm
  103. Broker Algorithm
  104. C&W technique
  105. C5
  106. CA
  107. CAFECNN
  108. CANET
  109. Carlini & Wagner (C&W)
  110. CART
  111. CART (Classification
  112. Regression Trees)
  113. CART Decision Tree (DT)
  114. Cascade Forward Back Propagation Neural Network (CFBPNN)
  115. CBRNN
  116. CE
  117. Centralized Blending
  118. Chebyshev Distance
  119. Chi-square
  120. Classification
  121. cloud–fog
  122. Clustering
  123. CNN
  124. CNN + LSTM
  125. CNN neural network
  126. CNN-based IDS
  127. CNN-BiLSTM
  128. CNN-CapSA
  129. CNN-DSFO
  130. CNN-GRU
  131. CNN-LSTM
  132. CNN-MLP
  133. CNNs
  134. CNN-SAE
  135. COF
  136. Composite Recurrent Neural Networks (CRNN)
  137. computing
  138. Conditional Generative Adversarial Network – Gradient Penalty (WCGAN-GP)
  139. Genetic Algorithm (GA).
  140. Conditional Variational Autoencoder (CVAE)
  141. Convolutional Neural Network
  142. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
  143. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
  144. COREBOT
  145. CORES
  146. Correlation analysis (CA)
  147. Cost-sensitive deep learning
  148. Cramer’s V
  149. CTGAN.
  150. Cuda-Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BLSTM)
  151. Cuda-Deep Neural Network
  152. Custom KNN
  153. DA
  154. DAE
  155. DANN
  156. Data augmentation
  157. Davies-Meyer Compression Function
  158. DBM
  159. DBN
  160. DBN classifier
  161. DBN-LSTM
  162. DBNs
  163. DBSCAN.
  164. DCCNN-SMO
  165. DCNN
  167. DCRNN (Deep Residual Convolutional neural network)
  168. DDoS
  169. DDQN
  170. DE
  171. Decentralized learning.
  172. Decision Tree
  173. Decision Tree (DT)
  174. Decision Tree
  175. Random forest
  176. Decision Trees
  177. Decision Trees (DT)
  178. Deep Belief Network (DBN)
  179. Deep Belief Networks
  180. Deep Belief Networks (DBN)
  181. Deep Contractive Autoencoder (DCAE)
  182. Deep Learning
  183. Deep Learning (DL)
  184. Deep Neural Network
  185. Deep Neural Network (DNN)
  186. Deep Neural Networks (DNN)
  187. Deep Q-Learning
  188. Deep Q-Learning (DQL)
  189. Deep reinforcement learning
  190. Deep Sparse AutoEncoder
  191. DeepAK-IoT
  192. DeepLog
  193. Default RBF-SVM
  194. Deliberate Deep Reinforced Learning (DDRL) classification
  195. Denoising Autoencoder
  196. Deep Feedforward Neural Network
  197. Descriptive Statistical Methods
  198. DFF
  199. DGA
  200. Dice Loss
  201. Differential evolution
  202. Differential Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD)
  203. Digital Signature
  204. Digital Twin
  205. Discriminative Principal Component Analysis (DPCA)
  206. Distributed Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
  207. DL
  208. DL-based Deep Packet inspection
  209. DNN
  210. DNN-based IDS
  211. DNN-RNN
  212. DoS GoldenEye
  213. DoS Hulk
  214. DoS Slowhttptest
  215. DoS slowloris
  216. DPA-FL (Defense against Poisoning Attacks in Federated Learning)
  217. DPMM
  218. DQL
  219. DQN
  220. DQN(Deep Q-Networks) - HIDS
  221. DRL
  222. DT
  223. DT (Decision Tree)
  224. DT (Ens-DT)
  225. DTC
  226. DT-ILIS
  227. DTL
  228. dynamic itemset counting
  229. Dynamic Segmentation.
  230. e KNearest Neighbors (KNN)
  231. EECA-LSTM
  232. Efficient-Net
  233. E-GraphSAGE
  234. EL
  235. ELIDS
  236. ELM
  237. Elman recurrent neural network
  238. EMLNN
  239. EMRFT
  240. Encoder–decoder neural network.
  241. Ensemble Learning
  242. Ensemble method selection
  243. Ensemble Modeling
  244. ET
  245. ETC
  246. E-Trees.
  247. Euclidean Distance
  248. Evaluation metrics
  249. Extra Tree (ET)
  250. Extra-Tree
  251. ExtraTrees
  252. eXtreme Gradient
  253. Extreme Gradient Boosting
  254. Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost)
  255. Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM)
  256. FastABOD
  257. FastAI
  258. FCM+ SVM
  259. FDL-IDM (Federated Learning-based Intrusion Detection Model)
  260. FedAvg
  261. Federated Learning
  262. Federated Learning (FL)
  263. FedProx
  264. Feed Forward.
  265. Feed-Forward Neural Network
  266. Ferrag et al.
  267. FFA
  268. FFDNN.
  269. FFNN
  270. FGSM
  271. Firefly optimization algorithm
  272. FL
  273. Flow Expiration Manager
  274. FNN
  275. Focal Loss
  276. Friha et al
  277. FS-DL
  278. FTP-Patator
  279. Fully Convolutional Neural Network
  280. Fully-connected NN
  281. Fusion Multi-Tier DNN
  282. Fuzzy C-means
  283. Fuzzy C-means
  284. Bi-LSTM Algorithms
  285. fuzzy logic
  286. GA
  287. GA-LR
  288. game theory algorithm (GTA)
  289. GAN
  290. GANs
  291. Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)
  292. Gated Recurrent Unit.
  293. Gated Recurrent Units (GRU)
  294. Gaussian Data Augmentation (GDA)
  295. GB
  296. GBDT
  297. GBM
  298. GBM (Gradient Boosting Machine)
  299. GBT
  300. GCNN
  301. GCNN (Graph Convolutional Neural Network)
  302. GDA Gaussian Data
  303. Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
  304. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
  305. Generative Pre-trained Transformer 2
  306. Genetic Algorithm
  307. Genetic Algorithm (GA)
  308. genetic algorithms
  309. Genetic Algorithms (GA)
  310. GHLBO-based DSA
  311. GLC
  312. G-Means
  313. GNB
  314. GNN
  315. GOA
  316. Gorilla Troops Optimization (GTO) algorithm
  317. GPCNN
  318. Gradient
  319. Gradient Boosting
  320. Gradient Boosting Decision Tree (GBDT)
  321. Gradient XGBoost
  322. Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCNN)
  323. Graph Neural Network (GNN)
  324. Graph Referencing Normalization (GRN) algorithm
  325. Grasshopper optimization algorithm
  326. Gravitational Search Algorithm.
  327. Gray wolf optimization algorithm
  328. Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO)
  329. GRU
  330. GRU.
  331. GWO
  332. hard voting ensemble.
  333. HBO
  334. HBOS
  336. Heartbleed
  337. HFL-HLSTM
  338. HGBC
  339. HHH
  340. High Confidence (HC)
  341. HiLSTM
  342. HMM
  343. HSR-WSNs
  344. Hybrid AdaBoost-Random Forest
  345. Hybrid Classifier
  346. Hybrid Model
  347. Hybrid Models
  348. Hybrid packet inspection
  349. Hyperparameter tuning
  350. IBK
  351. IBL
  352. ICDBN-IDM
  353. IDS
  354. IDS-DBN
  355. IDS-DCNN
  356. IFA.
  357. iForest
  358. IGOA (Improved Gazelle Optimization Algorithm)
  359. IG-PCA
  360. Image Classification
  361. Inception-Net
  362. InceptionV3
  363. including Logistic Regression (LR)
  364. Infiltration
  365. Input Vector Matrix (IVM)
  366. Internet of things
  367. IoMT
  368. Isolation Forest
  369. Isolation Forest (IForest) Algorithm
  370. Isolation Forest (IsolationForest) [26]
  371. Isolation-Forest
  372. ITCM-KNN
  373. Iterative Dichotomiser 3 (ID3)
  374. Iterative Model Averaging
  375. Iterative Pruning Network
  376. J48
  377. Jacobian Saliency Map Attack (JSMA)
  378. K means
  379. K Nearest Neighbor
  380. KerasClassifier
  381. kernel ELM
  382. kernel PCA
  383. Kernel-Support Vector Machines
  384. K-FoldCrossValidation
  385. KL Divergence
  386. KMC
  387. K-Means
  388. K-Nearest Neighbor
  389. K-Nearest Neighbors
  390. k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN)
  391. k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN)
  392. K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
  393. K-nearest Neighbors.
  394. kNN
  395. k-NN
  396. KNN
  397. KNN-PCA
  398. K-SVM
  399. Kuhn-
  400. LabelEncoder
  401. the SimpleImputer
  402. Large Language Model Prompt Engineering
  403. LASSO regression
  404. LB
  405. LDA
  406. LDCOF
  407. Learning-Driven Detection Mechanism (LEDEM)
  408. Least-Square SVM
  409. LGB
  410. LightGBM
  411. LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations)
  412. linear
  413. Linear SVM
  414. Linear Weighted Projection Regression
  415. LLM
  416. LMNL
  417. LOF
  418. Logistic Regression
  419. Logistic Regression (LR)
  420. Logistic Regression Model
  421. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
  422. Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks
  423. Long Short-term Memory Networks
  424. LP
  425. LR
  426. LR (Logistic Regression)
  427. LSTM
  428. LSTM Autoencoder
  429. LSTM/CNN
  430. LSTM+CNN
  431. LSTM+Spark
  432. LSTM-based IDS
  433. LSTM-KPCA
  434. LSTM-RNN
  435. LSVM
  436. LWA (Learning With an Adversary)
  437. Machine Learning
  438. MaMPF
  439. MAMRL
  440. Manhattan Distance.
  441. Markle Tree: A tree structure used for data authentication MT
  442. Markov Decision Process
  443. Markov Decision Process (MDP)
  444. Masking
  445. MCA-LSTM
  446. M-CNN
  447. MD block
  448. Message Queuing Telemetry Transport MQTT
  449. MFS-MCDM
  450. MI
  451. ML with PCC
  452. IF
  453. MLP
  454. MLP + Fuzzy
  455. MLP 16
  456. MLP. RNN
  457. MMP
  458. MobileNetV3
  459. Modified Archery Algorithm
  460. MOE
  461. MOIA
  462. MRD module
  463. MRMR
  464. MRN
  465. Multilayer Perceptron
  466. multi-layer perceptron (MLP)
  467. Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)
  468. Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP)
  469. multi-layer Transformer encoder
  470. Multinomial Naive Bayes (MNB)
  471. multi-party data model
  472. Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network
  473. Munkres algorithm
  474. Mutual information (MI)
  475. Naive Bayes
  476. Naïve Bayes
  477. Naive Bayes (NB)
  478. Naïve Bayes classifiers
  479. NaiveBayes
  480. Natural Language Processing
  481. NAV
  482. NB
  483. NBGOA (Novel Binary Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm)
  484. NDAE
  485. Network
  486. Neural
  487. Neural Network
  488. Neural-network
  489. NIDS
  490. NIDS classifiers
  491. NN
  492. NN
  493. Genetic algorithm
  494. NNs
  495. non-LP (NLP)
  496. OCSA
  497. OCSVM
  498. ODIN
  499. OLS
  500. One-Class Support Vector Machine (OC-SVM)
  501. One-Class Support Vector Machines(oSVM) [27]
  502. One-Class SVM
  503. On-ILIS
  504. optimization (PSO)
  505. Ordered Probit regression
  506. OSVM
  507. PART
  508. PART algorithm
  509. Particle Bee Colony Swarm (PBCS)
  510. Particle Swarm Optimization
  511. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
  512. PCA
  513. PCC
  514. PC-IDS
  515. PCNN
  516. PENCIL
  517. PG
  518. PGD-AML
  519. Policy Engine
  520. Policy Administrator Module
  521. Polynomial-SVM
  522. PortScan
  523. Post-Processing Flows
  524. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  525. programming
  526. programming (LP)
  527. Projected Gradient Descent (PGD)
  528. Proposed DBN
  529. Proposed GRU-CNN
  530. Proposed HFS-ERF
  531. Proposed MM-WMVEDL
  532. PS-IPS
  533. PSO
  534. PSO-PNN
  535. Publisher side algorithm
  536. py-Custom
  537. PYKSPA
  538. Q-Learning
  539. QML
  540. Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA)
  541. RAkEL
  542. RAMDO
  543. RAMNIT
  544. RandNN
  545. Random Forest
  546. Random Forest (RF)
  547. Random Forests (RFs)
  548. Random Projection
  549. Random Sampling
  550. Random Space (RS)
  551. Random Subspace Learning
  552. Random Subspace Learning
  553. K-Nearest Neighbor (RSL-KNN).
  554. Random Tree (RT)
  555. Random-Forest
  556. Randomized Matrix Factorization.
  557. RBM
  558. Recurrent Neural Network
  559. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
  560. Recursive feature elimination
  561. ReduceLROnPlateau
  562. refined Bayesian equilibrium
  563. Reinforcement Learning
  564. Reinforcement learning (RL)
  565. ReLU
  566. ReLU activation function.
  567. ResNet50
  568. ResNet50–1D-CNN
  570. ResNet-GRU
  571. ResNeXt
  572. RF
  573. RFA
  574. RFAA
  575. RFC
  576. RF-SVM
  577. RL
  578. RNN
  579. RNN) etc. Write comma separated.
  580. RNN.
  581. ROS (Random Over Sampling)
  582. RPFMI
  583. RT
  584. Rule-Based Algorithm
  585. Rule-Based Classifiers
  586. RUS (Random Under Sampling)
  587. SAE
  588. SDA
  589. SDN-based IPS
  590. SDO
  591. Self-Organizing Maps (SOM)
  592. Self-supervised Learning Mechanism
  593. Sequence data generation algorithm
  594. SGD
  595. SHAP (Shapley Additive exPlanations)
  596. Shapley Additive explanation (SHAP) analysis
  597. Partial Dependency Analysis (PDA)
  598. Siamese Neural Network
  599. Sigmoid
  600. Sigmoid-SVM
  601. Signature-based Detection.
  602. SIMDA
  603. Simple Multi-Tier DNN
  604. Simple RNN
  605. Simple Stacking
  606. Single DNN
  607. SLaveMPF
  608. SMF
  609. SMOTE
  610. SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique)
  611. S-NDAE
  612. soft voting
  613. SOM
  614. SPN
  615. SqueezeNet
  616. SRC
  617. SSAE
  618. SSH-Patator
  619. Stack Ensemble Learning
  620. stacked autoencoder (SAE)
  621. Stacked Auto-Encoders (SAE)
  622. Stacked Ensemble.
  623. Stacked sparse VAE
  624. Stacked unsupervised FL
  625. Stacked+ Autoencoder+SVM
  626. StandardScaler
  627. STIDE-3
  628. STIDE-4
  629. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
  630. Stochastic Gradient Descent one-Class Support Vector Machines (SGD-oSVM) [28]
  631. Streebog Cryptographic Substitution-Permutation Network (SCSPN)
  632. Subscriber Algorithm
  633. supervised classifier
  634. Supervised Learning
  635. Support Vector Machine
  636. Support Vector Machine (SVM)
  637. Support Vector Machines (SVMs)
  638. Support Vector Regression (SVR)
  639. SVD (Singular Value Decomposition)
  640. SVM
  641. SVM (Support Vector Machine)
  642. SVM-NN
  643. SVMs
  644. SVR
  645. TabNET
  646. TCN
  647. Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN)
  648. TF-IDF
  649. The paper compares the performance of the GAN-LSTM method against several other classification models
  650. The particle swarm
  651. Three-layer neural network
  652. Traditional LSTM
  653. Traditional Seq2Seq Encoder–Decoder
  654. Traffic-aware Self-supervised Learning for IoT Network Intrusion Detection System (TS-IDS)
  655. train decision tree (DT)
  656. Training-Free Clustering Algorithm
  657. Transfer Fuzzy Learning (TFL)
  658. Transfer Learning
  659. Transfer Learning Methodology
  660. Transformer
  661. Tri-layered NN
  662. TSCRNN
  663. UDAE algorithm
  664. UNet++
  665. VAERNN-AD
  666. Variational Autoencoder (VAE)
  667. Variational Bayes
  668. Variational Inference: Used in CNN-LSTM
  669. GRU-based BDL for time-series TCP/IP packets anomaly detection
  670. VGG-16
  671. VGG19
  672. VGG-19
  673. Voting Ensemble
  674. Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (WEKA)
  675. Wasserstein
  676. Web Attack: Brute Force
  677. Web Attack: Sql Injection
  678. Web Attack: XSS
  679. Weighted Average Probabilities.
  681. WOA
  682. XGB
  683. XGBoost
  684. XG-Boost
  685. XGBoost.
  686. Z-Score normalization
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