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- -- | Main entry point to the application.
- module Main where
- gerarListaCombinacoes :: Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
- gerarListaCombinacoes n 0 = [[]]
- gerarListaCombinacoes n k | n < k = [[]]
- |otherwise = [(x:xs) | x <- [0..n-1], xs <- (gerarListaCombinacoes n (k-1)), x <= (head xs)]
- filtraCombinacoes :: [[Int]] ->[[Int]]
- filtraCombinacoes (l:ls) = [filtraPares l ] ++ filtraCombinacoes ls
- filtraPares :: [Int] -> [Int]
- filtraPares [] = []
- main :: IO()
- main = do
- print $ gerarListaCombinacoes 4 3
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