

Apr 24th, 2012
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  1. Dave didn't know when or where he was; he just knew he had to get out of that timeline.
  3. It wasn't doomed, it wasn't terrifying or shit, he just - he was at a loss. He couldn't explain it. He couldn't explain the loss part, either. It was just there in him, sitting in his chest, heavy and annoying.
  5. Okay, he was in New York. Okay, he was in Rainbow Falls. ...okay, he was outside of Rose's house. But it couldn't be, could it? He approached the door with caution, and rang the doorbell.
  7. Roxy had been doing a whole lot of nothing, mostly sitting on her choice ass and moping around. She'd been talking to Jane about Dirk and how hard her life sucked, and her bff sympathized. They were both in a dudeless rut, and it was lame.
  9. Le sign.
  11. She shoved her laptop off herself when the doorbell chimed, wondering what her mother had ordered this time that was being delivered. Maybe another creepy cardboard cutout of one of her wizards. Roxy shuddered at the thought, pulling the door open.
  13. The instant that a confused 'Dirk?' left her mouth, an equally baffled 'Rose?' had fallen out of the blonde boy she was staring at.
  15. "How do you know my - " their synchrosity of the statements made them both stop immediately, gawking at one another for a moment. Silence followed, until she broke it.
  17. "Lose your pointy shades in some ironic rap battle?"
  18. "Depends. Lose your sobriety in some drunken girl fight?"
  20. In spite of herself she laughed, opening the door a bit to allow the stranger access.
  22. Dave sat awkwardly, next to the blonde that looked so much like his sister it was unsettling. She was... hotter, though. He could tell she was a bit older, maybe a year older than his 14 year-old self.
  24. "So, you are...?" He turned as he asked, facing her.
  25. "The fab miss Roxy Lalonde, of course."
  26. "Roxy? Hah, wow. That's pretty trashy."
  27. "Judging from your 'tude, I'm gonna guess your name is Dick."
  28. "Nah. DJ Dave Strider."
  29. "DJ? Say that on your birth certif an' everything?"
  30. "Hey brodette I ain't got nothin' to prove to you," he defended, smirking.
  31. "Fair 'nuff." Roxy's compliance left a bit of another odd silence between them. Until Dave spoke again.
  32. "So.... you know my bro?" It seemed really fuckin' weird. Roxy nodded, digging for something. She pulled out her phone, dicking around before she showed him the screen.
  33. "This hot piece of ass, right?" Sure e-fucking-nuff, it was his bro. He only looked a few years older than him, though.
  34. "Dunno about how hot I'd call my own bro but yeah that's him." Pause. "Are you and him...?" To his surprise, Roxy laughed.
  35. "I fuckin' wish. He's got googly eyes for our friend Jake." Dave raised a brow. A dude, huh?
  36. "Explains some things. But man, his fuckin' loss. His Strider-vision must not be functioning at 20/20. You're a babe." He smirked as Roxy blushed and giggled, waving her hand.
  37. "Strider charm seems pretty consistent, at least." She paused. What are you doing here, though? Where are you from? You're supposed to be older than Dirk. You're fucking famous, dude."
  38. "Famous?" Dave's eyes lit up behind his shades. "No shit? How so?"
  39. "Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff is basically the most iconic movie of our generation."
  40. Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.
  41. "You mean my sick as hell webcomic -"
  42. "Live-action movie, dude. I've seen it six times already. I fucking love it. The things I'd do to Sweet Bro are not ones I prefer to mention in polite company." Dave laughed at that, the incredulity of the information as well as the giddiness catching up to him. He'd laughed for a full fifteen seconds before he calmed down.
  43. "Wow, shit. That's fuckin' boss."
  44. "How bout you? How do you know my mom?" Dave regretted never requesting a pic of Rose. It was so weird to imagine her as a mother.
  45. "In my time, she's this uptight, overly verbose chick obsessed with wizards and staunchly opposed to boozes of all kinds. Bit of a downer in that aspect."
  46. "Wow. Yep, that's my mom alright. Damn. Sorry you've gotta put up with that."
  47. "Nah. She's an alright broad. Pretty helpful and all that shit."
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