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- //void main(){}
- const string MEM = " ";
- //Adds a file to the dynamic loader
- //sFile: must be resref+extension IE: "creature.utc"
- //sFullPath: must be the path to a full file IE: "C:/nwn/stuff/creature.utc"
- int DYNRES_AddFile( string sFile, string sFullPath );
- //Removes a file to the dynamic loader
- //sFile: resref+extension IE: "creature.utc"
- int DYNRES_RemoveFile( string sFile );
- //Returns the full file the loeader will load when sFile is requested
- //sFile: resref+extension IE: "creature.utc"
- string DYNRES_GetFullFile( string sFile );
- //Get first file in the loader list
- //!!Spawning resources or using other DYNRES functions will reset the first/next loop!!
- string DYNRES_GetFirst( );
- //Get the next file in the loader list
- //!!Spawning resources or using other DYNRES functions will reset the first/next loop!!
- string DYNRES_GetNext( );
- //Returns true if the file exists, must be a full file path with extension
- int DYNRES_FileExist( string sFullFile );
- //This will get the first or next area in the list, only returns area resrefs
- //nFirst must be true to reset the list
- //returns empty string on error or end of list
- string DYNRES_GetFirstNextArea( int nFirst );
- //Returns the capsule filter, the filter is a list delmited by dots of extensions
- string DYNRES_GetFilter( );
- //Sets a new filter, this has to be a list delmited by dots
- //Must start with a dot
- //IE: ".ncs.txt.exe.utc.mod.etc.etc.etc"
- void DYNRES_SetFilter( string sNewFilter );
- //Caches a file, the file must be in the register
- //sFile: resref+extension IE: "creature.utc"
- //Returns true if the file was successfully cached
- int DYNRES_CacheFile( string sFile );
- //Creates sFile, sFile should be a complete path
- //sFile will be overwritten if it exsists
- //If an extension is provided it'll be overwritten with the object typing
- //IE: If a file is specified as "C:/test.txt" for a creature the
- //file will be changed to "C:/text.utc"
- //This only works on creatures and items
- //This function returns the size of the new file in bytes or 0 if it failed
- //use DYNRES_LastFile to return the name of the file that was written
- int DYNRES_SaveObjectToFile( string sFile, object oObject );
- //This will return the last file that DYNRES handled
- string DYNRES_LastFile( );
- //Returns the first file inside sCapsule
- //sCapsule must be a complete path
- //Returns an empty string is none is found
- string DYNRES_GetFirstFileInCapsule( string sCapsule );
- //Get the next file in the capsule defined by DYNRES_GetFirstFileInCapsule
- //Returns empty string if no more or invalid
- string DYNRES_GetNextFileInCapsule( );
- //Locates sFile in sCapsule and writes it to sNewFile
- //sCapsule and sNewFile must be complete with filepath
- //If sNewFile exists it'll be overwritten
- //Returns true/false
- int DYNRES_ExtractFromCapsule( string sFile, string sCapsule, string sNewFile );
- int DYNRES_ExtractFromCapsule( string sFile, string sCapsule, string sNewFile ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!EXT", sFile+"|"+sCapsule+"|"+sNewFile );
- string nRet = GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!EXT" );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!EXT" );
- return StringToInt( nRet );
- }
- string DYNRES_GetNextFileInCapsule( ){
- string nRet = GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!EFN" );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!EFN" );
- return nRet;
- }
- string DYNRES_GetFirstFileInCapsule( string sCapsule ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!EFF", sCapsule );
- string nRet = GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!EFF" );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!EFF" );
- return nRet;
- }
- string DYNRES_LastFile( ){
- string nRet = GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!LST" );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!LST" );
- return nRet;
- }
- int DYNRES_SaveObjectToFile( string sFile, object oObject ){
- return StoreCampaignObject( "DYNRES", sFile+"| ", oObject );
- }
- int DYNRES_CacheFile( string sFile ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!CAC", sFile );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!CAC" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!CAC" );
- return nRet;
- }
- void DYNRES_SetFilter( string sNewFilter ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!FIL", sNewFilter );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!FIL" );
- }
- string DYNRES_GetFilter( ){
- string nRet = GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!GIL" );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!GIL" );
- return nRet;
- }
- string DYNRES_GetFirstNextArea( int nFirst ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!ARE", IntToString(nFirst)+" " );
- string nRet = GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!ARE" );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!ARE" );
- return nRet;
- }
- int DYNRES_FileExist( string sFullFile ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!EXI", sFullFile );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!EXI" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!EXI" );
- return nRet;
- }
- int DYNRES_AddFile( string sFile, string sFullPath ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!ADD", sFile+"|"+sFullPath );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!ADD" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!ADD" );
- return nRet;
- }
- int DYNRES_RemoveFile( string sFile ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!REM", sFile );
- int nRet = StringToInt( GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!REM" ) );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!REM" );
- return nRet;
- }
- string DYNRES_GetFullFile( string sFile ){
- SetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!GET", sFile+MEM );
- string nRet = GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!GET" );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!GET" );
- return nRet;
- }
- string DYNRES_GetFirst( ){
- string nRet = GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!FST" );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!FST" );
- return nRet;
- }
- string DYNRES_GetNext( ){
- string nRet = GetLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!NXT" );
- DeleteLocalString( OBJECT_SELF, "NWNX!DYNRES!NXT" );
- return nRet;
- }
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