

Dec 24th, 2019
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  1. function Notify(titletxt, text, time)
  2. local GUI = Instance.new("ScreenGui")
  3. local Main = Instance.new("Frame", GUI)
  4. local title = Instance.new("TextLabel", Main)
  5. local message = Instance.new("TextLabel", Main)
  6. GUI.Name = "NotificationOof"
  7. GUI.Parent = game.CoreGui
  8. Main.Name = "MainFrame"
  9. Main.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0.156863, 0.156863, 0.156863)
  10. Main.BorderSizePixel = 0
  11. Main.Position = UDim2.new(1, 5, 0, 50)
  12. Main.Size = UDim2.new(0, 330, 0, 100)
  13. title.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0)
  14. title.BackgroundTransparency = 0.89999997615814
  15. title.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0, 30)
  16. title.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansSemibold
  17. title.Text = titletxt
  18. title.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  19. title.TextSize = 17
  20. message.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(0, 0, 0)
  21. message.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  22. message.Position = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 30)
  23. message.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 1, -30)
  24. message.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans
  25. message.Text = text
  26. message.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1)
  27. message.TextSize = 16
  28. wait(0.1)
  29. Main:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(1, -330, 0, 50), "Out", "Sine", 0.5)
  30. wait(time)
  31. Main:TweenPosition(UDim2.new(1, 5, 0, 50), "Out", "Sine", 0.5)
  32. wait(0.6)
  33. GUI:Destroy();
  34. end
  35. Notify("Auto Farm", "Last Phase Started.", 2.5)
  36. while wait() do
  37. local ores = game:GetService("Workspace").Ores.Alum:GetChildren()
  38. for i, child in ipairs(ores) do
  39. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = child.Rock.CFrame
  40. for count = 1, 20 do
  41. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Mine:InvokeServer(child, game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character["Mining Laser"].Client.Settings)
  42. end
  44. end
  45. local ores = game:GetService("Workspace").Ores.Alum:GetChildren()
  46. for i, child in ipairs(ores) do
  47. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = child.Rock.CFrame
  48. for count = 1, 20 do
  49. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Mine:InvokeServer(child, game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character["Mining Laser"].Client.Settings)
  50. end
  52. end
  53. local ores = game:GetService("Workspace").Ores.Alum:GetChildren()
  54. for i, child in ipairs(ores) do
  55. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = child.Rock.CFrame
  56. for count = 1, 20 do
  57. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Mine:InvokeServer(child, game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character["Mining Laser"].Client.Settings)
  58. end
  60. end
  61. local ores = game:GetService("Workspace").Ores.Alum:GetChildren()
  62. for i, child in ipairs(ores) do
  63. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = child.Rock.CFrame
  64. for count = 1, 20 do
  65. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Mine:InvokeServer(child, game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character["Mining Laser"].Client.Settings)
  66. end
  67. end
  68. end
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