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- Hello π½
- In this video, I will show you how to install Emojis in phpBB.
- Why Emoji in phpBB?
- Emojis, like on any other platform, bring an extra touch of joy, expressiveness, and friendliness, contributing to a more pleasant and interactive experience.
- To install emojis in phpBB, search for and download the desired files, select the emojis you want to use, and then install them directly into the platform.
- Notes:
- Emojis can be in .GIF format (animated or static) or .PNG format (static only).
- Upon installing phpBB, you will find 24 default emojis provided by phpBB in the folder phpBB/images/smilies/. These are in .GIF format, animated, and have a size of 15px width and 17px height.
- After installing a large number of emojis in phpBB, I noticed that the platform does not include a scroll bar for the emoji section by default, which can make navigation difficult when the list is extended.
- I made modifications to add a scroll bar, useful in cases where a large number of emojis are installed, such as over 50.
- I selected and installed a small emoji package in .PNG format, with a size of 160px x 160px. After installation, I set the emoji size to 40px x 40px directly from the ACP (Admin Control Panel).
- In phpBB, I installed a total of 260 emojis, but more can be installed. I recommend installing 30 emojis at a time, in alphabetical order, to fit correctly into the smiley-box without requiring additional adjustments in the ACP.
- Manual and Automatic Installation
- In phpBB, there are two options for installing emojis:
- Install smilies package (smilies.pak) β Provides an automatic method for adding multiple emojis at once.
- Add multiple smilies β Allows manual installation, emoji by emoji, or a selected set.
- In this video, I used the manual method, with the "Add multiple smilies" option, to demonstrate the process in detail.
- Additional Info:
- In the description of this video, I included a package of 3300 emojis in .PNG format, each with a size of 160px x 160px. The emojis are inspired by Apple Emojis, having a similar design to those used on Apple devices. In addition to the emoji package, I added:
- A .txt file with the necessary modifications for the scroll bar mentioned earlier.
- A folder with 260 emojis and 260 .txt files, each containing a custom Short Code (e.g., :alien:) for each emoji in the 260-pack.
- Organization and Installation of Emojis in phpBB
- Emoji Organization:
- Place all the emojis in a main folder. Organize them into subfolders of 30 emojis each, naming the folders alphabetically as follows:
- z - 30 - 1
- z - 30 - 2
- z - 30 - 3
- Continue in this manner, creating a subfolder for each set of 30 emojis. Copy 30 emojis into each subfolder, alphabetically. This helps with an organized and efficient installation.
- Installing Emojis in phpBB:
- Upload 30 emojis at a time from a folder to the host in the path: phpBB/images/smilies/
- Access the Admin Control Panel (ACP), Smilies section.
- Select the "Add multiple smilies" option to add emojis from the uploaded folder.
- After installing 30 emojis, upload the next set of 30 and repeat the process.
- After installation, you can set the size of the emojis in the ACP, under the POSTING - Smilies section. For example, set the .PNG emojis (160px x 160px) to 40px x 40px.
- Admin Control Panel (ACP)
- In phpBB, to manage emojis, you have the following options:
- Post settings
- Allow smilies: Yes/No
- Smilies per page: Defines the number of emojis displayed per page.
- Maximum smilies per post: The maximum number of emojis allowed in a post. Set to 0 for unlimited.
- Note: The modifications presented in this video were made on the default prosilver style in phpBB.
- Emoji-list with emojis, names, shortcodes, unicode and html entities [massive list] - emojis.json.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Default files from phpBB (as shown in the video)
- The following are the default files from phpBB that were modified or focused on in the video:
- HTML Files
- /template/
- posting_editor.html
- CSS Files
- /theme/
- common.css
- forms.css
- responsive.css
- stylesheet.css
- - Custom
- /theme/custom.css
- - Edit
- /theme/stylesheet.css: @import url("custom.css?hash=c9d32cbx");
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---> In the code below, I extracted the styles from the /theme/common.css , /theme/forms.css , /theme/responsive.css files and added them to custom.css to avoid overlapping with the default styles. I made a few minor modifications to the CSS, and for this video, I preferred to centralize them in custom.css
- .emoji {
- min-height: 18px;
- min-width: 18px;
- height: 1em;
- width: 1em;
- }
- .smilies {
- vertical-align: text-bottom;
- }
- .smiley-box strong {
- display: inline-block;
- margin-left: 5px; /* Adjust the value as needed */
- }
- /* Hides only <hr> in .smiley-box and .bbcode-status */
- .smiley-box hr, .bbcode-status hr {
- display: none; /* Hides the <hr> */
- }
- /* Additional styles for .smiley-box */
- .smiley-box {
- height: 350px; /* Total height of the container */
- width: 19%; /* Container width */
- float: right;
- }
- /* Area containing emojis with scroll enabled */
- .smiley-container {
- height: 250px; /* Height of the emoji area */
- overflow-y: auto; /* Enable vertical scrolling only for emojis */
- border: 1px solid #B4BAC0; /* Border for the emoji area */
- }
- /* Scrollbar styling for WebKit (Chrome, Edge, Opera) */
- .smiley-container::-webkit-scrollbar {
- width: 8px; /* Scrollbar width */
- }
- .smiley-container::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
- background: gray; /* Scrollbar thumb color */
- border-radius: 4px; /* Rounded corners for scrollbar thumb */
- }
- .smiley-container img {
- margin: 3px; /* Margin around images */
- }
- /* Styles for .bbcode-status */
- .bbcode-status {
- border: 1px dashed #B4BAC0; /* Adds a dashed border with color #B4BAC0 */
- padding: 7px; /* Optional: Adds padding to create space between the border and content */
- }
- @media (max-width: 700px) {
- .smiley-box, .message-box {
- float: none; /* Removes float for smaller screens */
- width: auto; /* Makes width adaptive */
- }
- .smiley-box {
- height: auto; /* Adjust height automatically */
- margin-top: 5px;
- }
- .smiley-container {
- height: 150px; /* Reduces height of the emoji area */
- }
- .bbcode-status {
- display: none; /* Hides .bbcode-status on smaller screens */
- }
- }
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---> Code from /template/posting_editor.html // The code can be found at lines 50-82 in the text editor.
- // Default code:
- <div id="smiley-box" class="smiley-box">
- <!-- EVENT posting_editor_smilies_before -->
- <!-- IF S_SMILIES_ALLOWED and .smiley -->
- <strong>{L_SMILIES}</strong><br />
- <!-- BEGIN smiley -->
- <a href="#" onclick="insert_text('{smiley.A_SMILEY_CODE}', true); return false;"><img src="{smiley.SMILEY_IMG}" width="{smiley.SMILEY_WIDTH}" height="{smiley.SMILEY_HEIGHT}" alt="{smiley.SMILEY_CODE}" title="{smiley.SMILEY_DESC}" /></a>
- <!-- END smiley -->
- <!-- ENDIF -->
- <br /><a href="{U_MORE_SMILIES}" onclick="popup(this.href, 750, 350, '_phpbbsmilies'); return false;">{L_MORE_SMILIES}</a>
- <!-- ENDIF -->
- <!-- EVENT posting_editor_smilies_after -->
- <div class="bbcode-status">
- <!-- IF .smiley --><hr /><!-- ENDIF -->
- {IMG_STATUS}<br />
- <!-- IF S_BBCODE_FLASH -->
- {FLASH_STATUS}<br />
- <!-- ENDIF -->
- {URL_STATUS}<br />
- <!-- ENDIF -->
- </div>
- <!-- ENDIF -->
- <!-- EVENT posting_editor_bbcode_status_after -->
- <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_REVIEW --><hr /><!-- ENDIF -->
- <!-- IF S_EDIT_DRAFT --><strong><a href="{S_UCP_ACTION}">{L_BACK_TO_DRAFTS}</a></strong><!-- ENDIF -->
- <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_REVIEW --><strong><a href="#review">{L_TOPIC_REVIEW}</a></strong><!-- ENDIF -->
- <!-- ENDIF -->
- </div>
- // Custom code:
- <div id="smiley-box" class="smiley-box">
- <div class="smiley-container">
- <!-- EVENT posting_editor_smilies_before -->
- <!-- IF S_SMILIES_ALLOWED and .smiley -->
- <strong>{L_SMILIES}</strong><br />
- <!-- BEGIN smiley -->
- <a href="#" onclick="insert_text('{smiley.A_SMILEY_CODE}', true); return false;">
- <img src="{smiley.SMILEY_IMG}" width="{smiley.SMILEY_WIDTH}" height="{smiley.SMILEY_HEIGHT}" alt="{smiley.SMILEY_CODE}" title="{smiley.SMILEY_DESC}" />
- </a>
- <!-- END smiley -->
- <!-- ENDIF -->
- <br /><a href="{U_MORE_SMILIES}" onclick="popup(this.href, 750, 350, '_phpbbsmilies'); return false;">{L_MORE_SMILIES}</a>
- <!-- ENDIF -->
- <!-- EVENT posting_editor_smilies_after -->
- </div> <!-- Closing tag for .smiley-container -->
- <div class="bbcode-status">
- <!-- IF .smiley --><hr /><!-- ENDIF -->
- {IMG_STATUS}<br />
- <!-- IF S_BBCODE_FLASH -->
- {FLASH_STATUS}<br />
- <!-- ENDIF -->
- {URL_STATUS}<br />
- <!-- ENDIF -->
- </div>
- <!-- ENDIF -->
- <!-- EVENT posting_editor_bbcode_status_after -->
- <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_REVIEW --><hr /><!-- ENDIF -->
- <!-- IF S_EDIT_DRAFT --><strong><a href="{S_UCP_ACTION}">{L_BACK_TO_DRAFTS}</a></strong><!-- ENDIF -->
- <!-- IF S_DISPLAY_REVIEW --><strong><a href="#review">{L_TOPIC_REVIEW}</a></strong><!-- ENDIF -->
- <!-- ENDIF -->
- </div>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---> Watch the video to see what I modify/remove from /theme/common.css , /theme/forms.css , /theme/responsive.css
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---> Default code from /theme/common.css The code can be found at lines 1064-1073 in the text editor.
- .emoji {
- min-height: 18px;
- min-width: 18px;
- height: 1em;
- width: 1em;
- }
- .smilies {
- vertical-align: text-bottom;
- }
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---> Default code from /theme/forms.css The code can be found at lines 280-288 in the text editor.
- /* Emoticons panel */
- .smiley-box {
- width: 18%;
- float: right;
- }
- .smiley-box img {
- margin: 3px;
- }
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---> Default code from /theme/responsive.css The code can be found at lines 358-369 in the text editor. @media (max-width: 700px) {}
- .smiley-box, .message-box {
- float: none;
- width: auto;
- }
- .smiley-box {
- margin-top: 5px;
- }
- .bbcode-status {
- display: none;
- }
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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