
SMW Practice Cart V2.4.0 changelog

Aug 24th, 2016
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  1. v2.4.0 so many things:
  2. +menu options save over a reset
  3. -fixed many bugs with save states for poverty users
  4. -fixed timer being able to be over 9'59'59
  5. -fixed being able to reset on the title screen
  6. +added slow down feature; goes from 1/2 speed to 1/15
  7. +added mario's subpixel to dynmeter (kinda useless tho)
  8. -made the input display look a lot prettier
  9. +added yoshi, dino-rhino, bowser, peach, and big boo boss images to item box selection
  10. -revamped the overworld menu to be in a grid layout; makes it quicker to get to the option you want
  11. -R and L are now required to cycle through options now that left and right move the cursor
  12. -fixed how the extra yoshis work in the selection; its now possible to directly select chuck yoshi
  13. +made deleting your save data more suspenseful
  14. +added text to each option that describes what it does
  15. +added a help screen so you can figure out what everything does
  16. +added all the new gold and pink times that I've been working on for a while
  17. +readded the little icons next to the times on the overworld
  18. -fixed dgh and fgh times being swapped (they are still backwards, still working on that one)
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