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- import socket
- import select
- IP = ""
- PORT = 1234
- # Create a socket
- # socket.AF_INET - address family, IPv4, some otehr possible are AF_INET6, AF_BLUETOOTH, AF_UNIX
- # socket.SOCK_STREAM - TCP, conection-based, socket.SOCK_DGRAM - UDP, connectionless, datagrams, socket.SOCK_RAW - raw IP packets
- server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- # SO_ - socket option
- # SOL_ - socket option level
- # Sets REUSEADDR (as a socket option) to 1 on socket
- server_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
- # Bind, so server informs operating system that it's going to use given IP and port
- # For a server using means to listen on all available interfaces, useful to connect locally to and remotely to LAN interface IP
- server_socket.bind((IP, PORT))
- # This makes server listen to new connections
- server_socket.listen()
- # List of sockets for
- sockets_list = [server_socket]
- # List of connected clients - socket as a key, user header and name as data
- clients = {}
- print(f'Listening for connections on {IP}:{PORT}...')
- # Handles message receiving
- def receive_message(client_socket):
- try:
- # Receive our "header" containing message length, it's size is defined and constant
- message_header = client_socket.recv(HEADER_LENGTH)
- # If we received no data, client gracefully closed a connection, for example using socket.close() or socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR)
- if not len(message_header):
- return False
- # Convert header to int value
- message_length = int(message_header.decode('utf-8').strip())
- # Return an object of message header and message data
- return {'header': message_header, 'data': client_socket.recv(message_length)}
- except:
- # If we are here, client closed connection violently, for example by pressing ctrl+c on his script
- # or just lost his connection
- # socket.close() also invokes socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) what sends information about closing the socket (shutdown read/write)
- # and that's also a cause when we receive an empty message
- return False
- while True:
- # Calls Unix select() system call or Windows select() WinSock call with three parameters:
- # - rlist - sockets to be monitored for incoming data
- # - wlist - sockets for data to be send to (checks if for example buffers are not full and socket is ready to send some data)
- # - xlist - sockets to be monitored for exceptions (we want to monitor all sockets for errors, so we can use rlist)
- # Returns lists:
- # - reading - sockets we received some data on (that way we don't have to check sockets manually)
- # - writing - sockets ready for data to be send thru them
- # - errors - sockets with some exceptions
- # This is a blocking call, code execution will "wait" here and "get" notified in case any action should be taken
- read_sockets, _, exception_sockets =, [], sockets_list)
- # Iterate over notified sockets
- for notified_socket in read_sockets:
- # If notified socket is a server socket - new connection, accept it
- if notified_socket == server_socket:
- # Accept new connection
- # That gives us new socket - client socket, connected to this given client only, it's unique for that client
- # The other returned object is ip/port set
- client_socket, client_address = server_socket.accept()
- # Client should send his name right away, receive it
- user = receive_message(client_socket)
- # If False - client disconnected before he sent his name
- if user is False:
- continue
- # Add accepted socket to list
- sockets_list.append(client_socket)
- # Also save username and username header
- clients[client_socket] = user
- print('Accepted new connection from {}:{}, username: {}'.format(*client_address, user['data'].decode('utf-8')))
- # Else existing socket is sending a message
- else:
- # Receive message
- message = receive_message(notified_socket)
- # If False, client disconnected, cleanup
- if message is False:
- print('Closed connection from: {}'.format(clients[notified_socket]['data'].decode('utf-8')))
- # Remove from list for socket.socket()
- sockets_list.remove(notified_socket)
- # Remove from our list of users
- del clients[notified_socket]
- continue
- # Get user by notified socket, so we will know who sent the message
- user = clients[notified_socket]
- try:
- print(f'Received message from {user["data"].decode("utf-8")}: {message["data"].decode("utf-8")}')
- except UnicodeDecodeError:
- print(f'Received message from {user["data"].decode("utf-8")}: can not decode')
- # Iterate over connected clients and broadcast message
- for client_socket in clients:
- # But don't sent it to sender
- if client_socket != notified_socket:
- # Send user and message (both with their headers)
- # We are reusing here message header sent by sender, and saved username header send by user when he connected
- client_socket.send(user['header'] + user['data'] + message['header'] + message['data'])
- # It's not really necessary to have this, but will handle some socket exceptions just in case
- for notified_socket in exception_sockets:
- # Remove from list for socket.socket()
- sockets_list.remove(notified_socket)
- # Remove from our list of users
- del clients[notified_socket]
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