
Hogfather - Manifest

Sep 23rd, 2024
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  1. He looked at the pile of coins. A bright little zig-zag crackled off them and earthed itself on the metal grille. Mr Crumley blinked. In front of him sparks flashed off the steel rims of Miss Harding's spectacles.
  3. The Grotto display changed. For just a fraction of a second Mr Crumley had the sensation of speed, as though what appeared had screeched to a halt. Which was ridiculous.
  5. The four pink papier-mache pigs exploded. A cardboard snout bounced off Mr Crumley's head. There, sweating and grunting in the place where the little piggies had been, were . . . well, he assumed they were pigs, because hippopotamuses didn't have pointy ears and rings through their noses. But the creatures were huge and grey and bristly and a cloud of acrid mist hung over each one.
  7. And they didn't look sweet. There was nothing charming about them. One turned to look at him with small, red eyes, and didn't go 'oink', which was the sound that Mr Crumley, born and raised in the city, had always associated with pigs. It went 'Ghnaaarrrwnnkh?'
  9. The sleigh had changed, too. He'd been very pleased with that sleigh. It had delicate silver curly bits on it. He'd personally supervised the gluing on of every twinkling star. But the splendour of it was lying in glittering shards around a sledge that looked as though it had been built of crudely sawn tree trunks laid on two massive wooden runners. It looked ancient and there were faces carved on the wood, nasty crude grinning faces that looked quite out of place.
  11. Parents were yelling and trying to pull their children away, but they weren't having much luck. The children were gravitating towards it like flies to jam.
  13. ***
  15. Hogfather - p111-113
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