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- % This script generates numerically a Filled Julia/Mandelbrot set of a
- % function f(z)=z^2+c, where 'c' is a complex constant (or c=z in
- % Mandelbrot).
- % TODO: Parallel version (with parfor).
- %----------------- Parameters:
- c=complex(-0.8,0.156); % Complex constant that goes on f(z)=z^2+c (for
- % Julia only). Try: -0.8,0.156 or -0.74543,0.11301
- reaxis=[-1.5 1.5]; % Real axis range.
- imaxis=[-1 1]; % Imaginary axis range.
- re_res=1500; % Horizontal resolution, over the real axis.
- im_res=1000; % Vertical resolution, over the imaginary axis.
- iter=100; % Number of iterations to perform.
- mandelbrot=false; % true (1) if Mandelbrot, false (0) if Julia.
- %----------------- Code:
- h=waitbar(0,'Starting...'); % Progress bar
- [Re,Im]=meshgrid(linspace(reaxis(1),reaxis(2),re_res), ...
- linspace(imaxis(2),imaxis(1),im_res));
- z=complex(Re,Im); % Creates a complex rectangular plane/grid matrix where
- clear Re Im; % the iterated calculations will be performed
- if mandelbrot
- zcons=z;
- else
- zcons=c;
- end
- itcnt=zeros(im_res,re_res); % Iterations count after becoming NaN/Inf
- waitbar(0,h,'Calculating...');
- try
- iter_fun=sym('z^2'); % Function to be performed (z or c is added later)
- for k=1:iter
- z=double(subs(iter_fun,z))+zcons; % Performs the function
- jset=logical(isnan(z)); % Checks for NaN values (isnan or isinf?)
- itcnt=itcnt+jset; % Counts iterations after becoming NaN
- waitbar(k/(iter+2),h); % Refresh progress bar
- end
- catch
- err_msg = lasterror.message;
- if strfind (err_msg,"sym")
- no_sym_flag=1;
- end
- end
- if no_sym_flag
- for k=1:iter
- z=z.^2+zcons; % Performs the function
- jset=logical(isnan(z)); % Checks for NaN values (isnan or isinf?)
- itcnt=itcnt+jset; % Counts iterations after becoming NaN
- waitbar(k/(iter+2),h); % Refresh progress bar
- end
- end
- %----------------- Post-processing:
- waitbar(k/(iter+1),h,'Post-processing...');
- itper=(1-itcnt/iter)/(1-min(min(itcnt))/iter); % Normalized inetation
- % counts (range: [0,1]).
- zfix=abs(z); % Normalized z data (without NaN and Inf).
- zfix(isnan(zfix))=0;
- itper(itper==1)=0;
- prettyfig=zfix+itper; % Combination of zfix and itper, displaying purpose.
- prettyfig(prettyfig>1)=1;
- waitbar(1,h,'Done...');
- %----------------- Displaying the images:
- imtool(jset);
- imtool(prettyfig);
- %----------------- Saving the images:
- numb=dir('prettyfig*.png'); % Detecting largest file number
- if size(numb,1) ~= 0
- numb=struct2cell(numb); numb=numb(1,:);
- y=regexp(numb,'[0-9]{3}');
- numb=cell2mat(numb');
- numb=num2str(nanmax(str2num(numb(:,y{1}:y{1}+2))+1),'%03u');
- else
- numb='000';
- end
- imwrite(uint8(-1+prettyfig*64),pink,['prettyfig' numb '.png']) % Strangely this
- imwrite(uint8(-1+jset*64),gray,['juliaset' numb '.png']) % opens an empty figure
- %----------------- Clearing used variables:
- % clear c im_res imaxis itcnt iter itper jset k prettyfig re_res
- % clear reaxis z zfix
- close(h);
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