

Apr 25th, 2023
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  1. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Necklace"].Handle.Mesh:Destroy()
  2. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Surfboard"].Handle.Handle:Destroy()
  4. loadstring(game:HttpGet((""),true))() --reanim
  5. local lp = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  6. local rs = game:GetService("RunService")
  7. local stepped = rs.Stepped
  8. local heartbeat = rs.Heartbeat
  9. local renderstepped = rs.RenderStepped
  10. local sg = game:GetService("StarterGui")
  11. local ws = game:GetService("Workspace")
  12. local cf =
  13. local v3 =
  14. local v3_0 =
  15. local inf = math.huge
  17. local cplayer = lp.Character
  19. local v3 =
  21. local function gp(parent, name, className)
  22. if typeof(parent) == "Instance" then
  23. for i, v in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do
  24. if (v.Name == name) and v:IsA(className) then
  25. return v
  26. end
  27. end
  28. end
  29. return nil
  30. end
  32. local hat2 = gp(cplayer, "Necklace", "Accessory")
  33. local handle2 = gp(hat2, "Handle", "BasePart")
  34. local att2 = gp(handle2, "att1_Handle", "Attachment")
  35. att2.Parent = cplayer["Head"]
  36. att2.Position =, 0.01, 0)
  37. att2.Rotation =, 90, 0)
  39. non = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
  40. playerss = non
  41. local dammf = non:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
  42. dammf.RequiresNeck = false
  43. dammf.BreakJointsOnDeath = false
  44. for stupidfucking, omfg in pairs(non:GetChildren()) do
  45. if omfg:IsA("BasePart") then
  46. omfg.Anchored = true
  47. omfg.Velocity =, 0, 0)
  48. omfg.Transparency = 1
  49. for stupidfucking, omfg in pairs(omfg:GetChildren()) do
  50. if omfg:IsA("Motor6D") then
  51. omfg.Part0 = nil
  52. end
  53. end
  54. end
  55. end
  58. plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  59. char = plr.Character
  62. script = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://6569442222")[1].aeiou.Client["i like apple juice"]
  63. if not game:IsLoaded() then game.Loaded:Wait() end
  64. local plrs,workspace,run,pps,ts,uis,debris,rf = game:GetService("Players"),game:GetService("Workspace"),game:GetService("RunService"),game:GetService("MarketplaceService"),game:GetService("TweenService"),game:GetService("UserInputService"),game:GetService("Debris"),game:GetService("ReplicatedFirst")
  65. local cn,euler,rad,v3,c3,sin,cos,clamp =,CFrame.fromEulerAnglesYXZ,math.rad,,Color3.fromRGB,math.sin,math.cos,math.clamp
  66. local random = math.random
  67. local S = 1
  68. function cn2(x,y,z)
  69. return cn(x*S,y*S,z*S)
  70. end
  71. local userid,localplayer,plr = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.UserId,plrs.LocalPlayer,game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  72. script.Parent = rf
  73. for i, v in pairs(plrs:GetPlayers()) do
  74. if v.UserId == userid then
  75. plr = v
  76. break
  77. end
  78. end
  79. local username = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name
  80. local mouse,cam = localplayer:GetMouse(),workspace.CurrentCamera
  81. event = {}
  82. local eventconnection = false
  86. function event:FireServer(...)
  87. if eventconnection then eventconnection(...) end
  88. end
  89. local funcs = {}
  90. funcs.__index = funcs
  91. function randomstring()
  92. local e = {}
  93. for i = 1,random(5,50) do
  94. table.insert(e,#e+1,string.char(random(10,100)))
  95. end
  96. return table.concat(e)
  97. end
  98. function tween(instance,properties,duration,easingdirection,easingstyle)
  99. spawn(function()
  100. if easingstyle == nil then easingstyle = Enum.EasingStyle.Quad end
  101. ts:Create(instance,,easingstyle,easingdirection),properties):Play()
  102. end)
  103. end
  104. function change(instance, properties)
  105. for i, v in pairs(properties) do
  106. instance[i] = v
  107. end
  108. end
  109. function create(class,properties)
  110. local instance =
  111. instance.Name = randomstring()
  112. change(instance,properties)
  113. return instance
  114. end
  115. local h,t,r,la,ra,ll,rl,face,campart,gun
  116. local hc0,lac0,rac0,llc0,rlc0,sine,animspeed,attack,falling,partexclusion,flying,raycastparams,keys,moving,poscframe,ypos,transparent = cn2(0,1.5,0),cn2(-1.5,0,0),cn2(1.5,0,0),cn2(-0.5,-2,0),cn2(0.5,-2,0),0,1/4,false,false,{},false,,{w=false,a=false,s=false,d=false},false,cn(),50,false
  117. local hoffset,toffset,laoffset,raoffset,lloffset,rloffset,gunoffset = hc0,cn(),lac0,rac0,llc0,rlc0,cn2(-0.365001678,-2.11000013,-0.125)*euler(rad(90),rad(180),0)
  118. raycastparams.FilterType,raycastparams.IgnoreWater = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist,true
  119. local rotationvalue ="CFrameValue",script)
  120. rotationvalue.Name = randomstring()
  121. function fix(instance,parent)
  122. if instance == parent then
  123. return true
  124. else
  125. --local kek = pcall(function()
  126. --instance.Parent,instance.Name = parent,randomstring()
  127. --end)
  128. if instance.Parent ~= parent then
  129. return false
  130. else
  131. return true
  132. end
  133. end
  134. end
  135. function checkpart(part,size,collisionfidelity,color,material,transparency,cancollide,localtransparency)
  136. return (not part or not fix(part,playerss) or part.Parent ~= playerss or part.Parent ~= workspace)
  137. end
  138. function gettransparency(transparency)
  139. if transparent then
  140. return 1
  141. else
  142. return transparency
  143. end
  144. end
  145. local backups = {}
  146. backups.__index = backups
  147. for i, v in pairs(script:GetChildren()) do
  148. if v:IsA("BasePart") then
  149. backups[v.Name] = v:Clone()
  150. end
  151. end
  156. if not rotationvalue or not fix(rotationvalue,script) or rotationvalue.Parent ~= script then
  157. debris:AddItem(rotationvalue,0)
  158. rotationvalue ="CFrameValue",script)
  159. rotationvalue.Name = randomstring()
  160. end
  161. if checkpart(campart,v3(1,1,1),Enum.CollisionFidelity.Box,c3(0,0,0),Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,1,false,1) then
  164. campart = backups.t:Clone()
  165. campart.Transparency = 1
  166. campart.Color = c3(0,0,0)
  167. campart.CanCollide = false
  168. campart.Size = v3(1,1,1)*S
  169. campart.Parent = workspace
  170. campart.Name = randomstring()
  171. campart.Archivable = false
  172. end
  173. if not table.find(partexclusion,campart) then
  174. table.insert(partexclusion,campart)
  175. end
  176. if checkpart(r,v3(2,2,1),Enum.CollisionFidelity.Box,c3(163,162,165),Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0.5,true,0.5) then
  178. r = playerss.HumanoidRootPart
  179. --r.Transparency = gettransparency(0.5)
  180. --r.Size = v3(2,2,1)*S
  181. --r.Name = randomstring()
  182. --r.Parent = workspace
  183. --r.Archivable = false
  184. r.CFrame = poscframe
  185. end
  186. if not table.find(partexclusion,r) then
  187. table.insert(partexclusion,r)
  188. end
  189. if (not face or not fix(face,h) or h.Parent ~= workspace or face.Color3 ~= c3(255,255,255) or face.Face ~= Enum.NormalId.Front or face.Transparency ~= 0 or face.Texture ~= "rbxasset://textures/face.png") then
  190. if h then
  191. --debris:AddItem(h,0)
  192. end
  193. end
  194. if (not h or not fix(h,workspace) or h.Parent ~= workspace or h.Size ~= v3(2,1,1)*S or h.Color ~= c3(163,162,165) or h.Material ~= Enum.Material.Plastic or (not transparent and h.Transparency ~= 0) or (transparent and h.Transparency ~= 1) or not h.CanCollide or h.Archivable or not h.Locked or h.CollisionGroupId ~= 0 or not h.Anchored or h.LocalTransparencyModifier ~= 0) or h.CastShadow then
  196. h = playerss.Head
  197. face = h.face
  198. --h.Transparency = gettransparency(0)
  199. --h.Size = v3(2,1,1)*S
  200. --h.Name = randomstring()
  201. --h.Parent = workspace
  202. --h.Archivable = false
  203. end
  204. if not table.find(partexclusion,h) then
  205. table.insert(partexclusion,h)
  206. end
  207. if checkpart(t,v3(2,2,1),Enum.CollisionFidelity.Box,c3(163,162,165),Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,true,0) then
  209. t = playerss.Torso
  210. --t.Transparency = gettransparency(0)
  211. --t.Size = v3(2,2,1)*S
  212. --t.Name = randomstring()
  213. --t.Parent = workspace
  214. --t.Archivable = false
  215. end
  216. if not table.find(partexclusion,t) then
  217. table.insert(partexclusion,t)
  218. end
  219. if checkpart(la,v3(1,2,1),Enum.CollisionFidelity.Box,c3(163,162,165),Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,true,0) then
  221. la = playerss["Left Arm"]
  222. --la.Transparency = gettransparency(0)
  223. --la.Size = v3(1,2,1)*S
  224. --la.Name = randomstring()
  225. --la.Parent = workspace
  226. --la.Archivable = false
  227. end
  228. if not table.find(partexclusion,la) then
  229. table.insert(partexclusion,la)
  230. end
  231. if checkpart(ra,v3(1,2,1),Enum.CollisionFidelity.Box,c3(163,162,165),Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,true,0) then
  233. ra = playerss["Right Arm"]
  234. --ra.Transparency = gettransparency(0)
  235. --ra.Size = v3(1,2,1)*S
  236. --ra.Name = randomstring()
  237. --ra.Parent = workspace
  238. --ra.Archivable = false
  239. end
  240. if not table.find(partexclusion,ra) then
  241. table.insert(partexclusion,ra)
  242. end
  243. if checkpart(ll,v3(1,2,1),Enum.CollisionFidelity.Box,c3(163,162,165),Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,true,0) then
  245. ll = playerss["Left Leg"]
  246. --ll.Transparency = gettransparency(0)
  247. --ll.Size = v3(1,2,1)*S
  248. --ll.Name = randomstring()
  249. --ll.Parent = workspace
  250. --ll.Archivable = false
  251. end
  252. if not table.find(partexclusion,ll) then
  253. table.insert(partexclusion,ll)
  254. end
  255. if checkpart(rl,v3(1,2,1),Enum.CollisionFidelity.Box,c3(163,162,165),Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic,0,true,0) then
  257. rl = playerss["Right Leg"]
  258. --rl.Transparency = gettransparency(0)
  259. --rl.Size = v3(1,2,1)*S
  260. --rl.Name = randomstring()
  261. --rl.Parent = workspace
  262. --rl.Archivable = false
  263. end
  264. if not table.find(partexclusion,rl) then
  265. table.insert(partexclusion,rl)
  266. end
  267. if(not gun or not fix(gun,workspace) or gun.Parent ~= workspace or gun.Size ~= v3(0.271,1.53,7.186)*S or gun.Material ~= Enum.Material.Neon or (not transparent and gun.Transparency ~= 0) or (transparent and gun.Transparency ~= 1) or not gun.CanCollide or gun.Archivable or gun.CollisionFidelity ~= Enum.CollisionFidelity.PreciseConvexDecomposition or not gun.Locked or gun.CollisionGroupId ~= 0 or gun.DoubleSided or not gun.Anchored or gun.LocalTransparencyModifier ~= 0) or gun.CastShadow then
  269. gun = backups.gun:Clone()
  270. gun.Transparency = gettransparency(0)
  271. gun.Size = v3(0.271,1.53,7.186)*S
  272. gun.Name = randomstring()
  273. gun.Parent = workspace
  274. gun.Archivable = false
  275. end
  276. if not table.find(partexclusion,gun) then
  277. table.insert(partexclusion,gun)
  278. end
  280. local function AlignHat(p1,p2,nomesh)
  281. pcall(function()
  282. p1:FindFirstChildOfClass("Weld"):Destroy()
  283. if nomesh then
  284. p1:FindFirstChildOfClass("SpecialMesh"):Destroy()
  285. end
  286. end)
  287. --p1.AccessoryWeld:Destroy()
  288. A1 ="Attachment", p1)
  289. A2 ="Attachment", p2)
  290. Mover ="AlignPosition", p1)
  291. Mover.RigidityEnabled = false
  292. Mover.Attachment0 = A1
  293. Mover.Attachment1 = A2
  294. Mover.Responsiveness = 200
  295. Mover.MaxVelocity = math.huge
  296. Mover.MaxForce = math.huge
  297. Rotater ="AlignOrientation", p1)
  298. Rotater.RigidityEnabled = false
  299. Rotater.Attachment0 = A1
  300. Rotater.Attachment1 = A2
  301. Rotater.Responsiveness = 200
  302. Rotater.MaxAngularVelocity = math.huge
  303. Rotater.MaxTorque = math.huge
  304. end
  306. game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character["Surfboard"].Handle.att1_Handle.Parent = gun
  307. gun.att1_Handle.Rotation =,0,-90)
  308. gun.att1_Handle.Position =,0.5,-0)
  310. function respawn()
  311. if localplayer == plr then
  312. local spawnpoint = localplayer.RespawnLocation
  313. if not spawnpoint then
  314. for i, v in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
  315. if v:IsA("SpawnLocation") then
  316. spawnpoint = v
  317. break
  318. end
  319. end
  320. end
  321. if spawnpoint then
  322. local newpos = (spawnpoint.CFrame*cn(0,spawnpoint.Size.Y/2+50,0)).p
  323. ypos,poscframe = newpos.Y,cn(newpos)
  324. else
  325. ypos = 50
  326. poscframe = cn(0,ypos,0)
  327. end
  328. end
  329. end
  330. local ws = 0.5
  331. local attacks = {}
  332. attacks.__index = attacks
  333. local chamberedbullets = 8
  335. local Mouse = plr:GetMouse()
  338. function attacks:part(v,supresssound)
  339. if not table.find(partexclusion,v) then
  340. if (v.Size.X < 50 and v.Size.Y < 50 and v.Size.Z < 50) or not v.Anchored then
  341. table.insert(partexclusion,v)
  342. v:BreakJoints()
  343. v.Anchored,v.CanCollide,v.Material = true,false,Enum.Material.Neon
  344. if not supresssound then
  345. debris:AddItem(create("Sound",{
  346. Parent = v,
  347. SoundId = "rbxassetid://4458055429",
  348. Volume = 3,
  349. Playing = true,
  350. PlayOnRemove = true
  351. }),0)
  352. end
  353. local dur = random(75,100)/100
  354. tween(v,{CFrame=v.CFrame*cn(random(-7,7),random(-7,7),random(-7,7))*euler(rad(random(0,360)),rad(random(0,360)),rad(random(0,360))),LocalTransparencyModifier=1,Size=v3()},dur,Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
  355. for i, v in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do
  356. if v:IsA("Decal") or v:IsA("Texture") then
  357. tween(v,{Transparency=1},dur,Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
  358. elseif v:IsA("Fire") or v:IsA("Smoke") or v:IsA("Sparkles") or v:IsA("ParticleEmitter") then
  359. v.Enabled = false
  360. elseif v:IsA("Light") then
  361. tween(v,{Brightness=1},dur,Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
  362. end
  363. end
  364. local flicker = run.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  365. v.BrickColor = BrickColor.Random()
  366. end)
  367. delay(dur,function()
  368. flicker:Disconnect()
  369. end)
  370. end
  371. end
  372. end
  373. function attacks:hitbox(pos,range)
  374. --event:FireServer("hitbox",{pos,range})
  377. end
  378. function createlightningbolt(startpos,endpos,width)
  379. local _start,length = startpos,(startpos-endpos).Magnitude
  380. local segments = clamp(math.floor(length/5),0,50)
  381. local function dothethe(s,p,d,l)
  382. local b = create("Part",{
  383. Parent = workspace,
  384. Anchored = true,
  385. CanCollide = false,
  386. Material = Enum.Material.Neon,
  387. Size = v3(width,width,l),
  388. Position = s,
  389. CFrame = cn(s,p) * euler(rad(random(-d,d)),rad(random(-d,d)),rad(random(-d,d)))
  390. })
  391. table.insert(partexclusion,b)
  392. b.CFrame = b.CFrame * cn(0,0,-l/2)
  393. tween(b,{Size=v3(0,0,l),Transparency=1},0.2,Enum.EasingDirection.In,Enum.EasingStyle.Back)
  394. local flicker = run.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  395. b.Color = gun.Color
  396. end)
  397. delay(0.2,function()
  398. flicker:Disconnect()
  399. end)
  400. return (b.CFrame * cn(0,0,-l/2)).p
  401. end
  402. for i = 1, segments do
  403. _start = dothethe(_start,endpos,20,5)
  404. end
  405. dothethe(_start,endpos,0,(_start-endpos).Magnitude)
  406. end
  407. function attacks:pew(pos)
  408. attack = true
  409. for i = 1, 3, 0.1 do
  410. run.RenderStepped:Wait()
  411. laoffset = laoffset:Lerp(lac0*cn2(1.5870018,0.5,-1.52200317)*euler(rad(15),rad(52.5),rad(90)),animspeed)
  412. raoffset = raoffset:Lerp(rac0*cn2(-0.129001617,0.48300004,-0.625)*euler(rad(75),rad(90),rad(90)),animspeed)
  413. lloffset = lloffset:Lerp(llc0*cn2(-0.0159988403+cos(sine/20)/20,0.0160000324,-0.173001099-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(7.5+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(7.5),rad(-5+cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  414. rloffset = rloffset:Lerp(rlc0*cn2(0.124000549-cos(sine/20)/20,0.559999943,-0.286003113-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(-37.12+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(-9.42),rad(5.72-cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  415. toffset = toffset:Lerp(cn2(0,sin(sine/20)/2.5,0)*euler(rad(-cos(sine/20)*10),0,0),animspeed)
  416. hoffset = hoffset:Lerp(hc0*cn2(0.0970001221,-0.138000011,0)*euler(0,0,rad(-15)),animspeed)
  417. gunoffset = gunoffset:Lerp(cn2(-0.365001678,-2.11000013,-0.125)*euler(rad(90),rad(180),0),animspeed)
  418. end
  419. debris:AddItem(create("Sound",{
  420. Parent = gun,
  421. SoundId = "rbxassetid://834546352",
  422. Volume = 4,
  423. Playing = true,
  424. PlayOnRemove = true
  425. }),0)
  426. local start = (gun.CFrame * cn2(0,0.672999978,3.56199646)).p
  427. local dist = clamp((start-pos).Magnitude,0,2048)
  428. for i = 1, 2 do
  429. createlightningbolt(start,pos,0.5)
  430. end
  431. local battery = create("Part",{
  432. Parent = workspace,
  433. CanCollide = false,
  434. Material = Enum.Material.Neon,
  435. CFrame = gun.CFrame * cn2(-0.0149993896,0.664999962,-0.507003784) * euler(0,rad(90),0),
  436. Size = v3(0.15,0.1,0.1)*S,
  437. RotVelocity = v3(random(-30,30),random(-30,30),random(-30,30))
  438. })
  439. table.insert(partexclusion,battery)
  440. battery.Velocity = v3(0,random(30,50),0) + battery.CFrame.LookVector * random(15,25)
  441. local a1,a2 = create("Attachment",{Parent=battery,Position=v3(0.075,0,0)}),create("Attachment",{Parent=battery,Position=v3(-0.075,0,0)})
  442. local trail = create("Trail",{
  443. Parent = battery,
  444. Attachment0 = a1,
  445. Attachment1 = a2,
  446. FaceCamera = true,
  447. LightEmission = 1,
  448. Lifetime = 0.25,
  449. Transparency ={,0),,1)}
  450. })
  451. local flicker = run.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  452. battery.Color,trail.Color = gun.Color,{,gun.Color),,gun.Color)}
  453. end)
  454. debris:AddItem(battery,2)
  455. delay(2,function()
  456. flicker:Disconnect()
  457. end)
  458. attacks:hitbox(pos,1.5)
  459. chamberedbullets = chamberedbullets - 1
  460. for i = 1, random(8,12) do
  461. local yes = create("Part",{
  462. Parent = workspace,
  463. Anchored = true,
  464. CanCollide = false,
  465. Size = v3(4,1,2),
  466. CFrame = cn(start) * euler(rad(random(0,360)),rad(random(0,360)),rad(random(0,360)))
  467. })
  468. attacks:part(yes,true)
  469. debris:AddItem(yes,1)
  470. end
  471. for i = 1, 2, 0.1 do
  472. run.RenderStepped:Wait()
  473. laoffset = laoffset:Lerp(lac0*cn2(1.5870018,0.5,-1.52200317)*euler(rad(15),rad(52.5),rad(90)),animspeed)
  474. raoffset = raoffset:Lerp(rac0*cn2(0.10100174,0.10800004,-0.959999084)*euler(rad(56.77),rad(24.15),rad(28.19)),animspeed)
  475. lloffset = lloffset:Lerp(llc0*cn2(-0.0159988403+cos(sine/20)/20,0.0160000324,-0.173001099-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(7.5+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(7.5),rad(-5+cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  476. rloffset = rloffset:Lerp(rlc0*cn2(0.124000549-cos(sine/20)/20,0.559999943,-0.286003113-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(-37.12+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(-9.42),rad(5.72-cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  477. toffset = toffset:Lerp(cn2(0,sin(sine/20)/2.5,0)*euler(rad(-cos(sine/20)*10),0,0),animspeed)
  478. hoffset = hoffset:Lerp(hc0*cn2(-0.0110015869,-0.000999927521,-0.0790023804)*euler(rad(-7.44),rad(-22.56),rad(1)),animspeed)
  479. gunoffset = gunoffset:Lerp(cn2(-0.365001678,-1.11100006,-1.4980011)*euler(rad(37.5),rad(-180),0),animspeed)
  480. end
  481. for i = 1, 2, 0.1 do
  482. run.RenderStepped:Wait()
  483. laoffset = laoffset:Lerp(lac0*cn2(1.5870018,0.5,-1.52200317)*euler(rad(15),rad(52.5),rad(90)),animspeed)
  484. raoffset = raoffset:Lerp(rac0*cn2(0.0730018616,0.211999893,-0.523002625)*euler(rad(63.18),rad(32),rad(35)),animspeed)
  485. lloffset = lloffset:Lerp(llc0*cn2(-0.0159988403+cos(sine/20)/20,0.0160000324,-0.173001099-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(7.5+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(7.5),rad(-5+cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  486. rloffset = rloffset:Lerp(rlc0*cn2(0.124000549-cos(sine/20)/20,0.559999943,-0.286003113-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(-37.12+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(-9.42),rad(5.72-cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  487. toffset = toffset:Lerp(cn2(0,sin(sine/20)/2.5,0)*euler(rad(-cos(sine/20)*10),0,0),animspeed)
  488. hoffset = hoffset:Lerp(hc0*cn2(-0.0110015869,-0.000999927521,-0.0790023804)*euler(rad(-7.44),rad(-22.56),rad(1)),animspeed)
  489. gunoffset = gunoffset:Lerp(cn2(-0.365001678,-1.74199986,-1.40799713)*euler(rad(45),rad(-180),0),animspeed)
  490. end
  491. attack = false
  492. end
  493. function attacks:reload()
  494. attack = true
  495. for i = 1, 8 do
  496. for v = 1, 2, 0.1 do
  497. run.RenderStepped:Wait()
  498. laoffset = laoffset:Lerp(lac0*cn2(0.374000549,-0.135999918,0.327003479)*euler(rad(-22.5),0,rad(30)),animspeed)
  499. raoffset = raoffset:Lerp(rac0*cn2(-0.0320014954,0.134000063,-0.48400116)*euler(rad(68.91),rad(-45.99),rad(-44.01)),animspeed)
  500. lloffset = lloffset:Lerp(llc0*cn2(-0.0159988403+cos(sine/20)/20,0.0160000324,-0.173001099-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(7.5+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(7.5),rad(-5+cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  501. rloffset = rloffset:Lerp(rlc0*cn2(0.124000549-cos(sine/20)/20,0.559999943,-0.286003113-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(-37.12+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(-9.42),rad(5.72-cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  502. toffset = toffset:Lerp(cn2(0,sin(sine/20)/2.5,0)*euler(rad(-cos(sine/20)*10),0,0),animspeed)
  503. hoffset = hoffset:Lerp(hc0*cn2(-0.0499992371,-0.0170001984,-0.120002747)*euler(rad(-15),rad(22.56),0),animspeed)
  504. gunoffset = gunoffset:Lerp(cn2(-0.364997864,-1.82200003,-0.36700058)*euler(rad(30),rad(180),0),animspeed)
  505. end
  506. for v = 1, 2, 0.1 do
  507. run.RenderStepped:Wait()
  508. laoffset = laoffset:Lerp(lac0*cn2(1.57699966,0.00699996948,-1.35600281)*euler(rad(58.41),rad(-85.81),rad(-34.87)),animspeed)
  509. raoffset = raoffset:Lerp(rac0*cn2(-0.0320014954,0.134000063,-0.48400116)*euler(rad(68.91),rad(-45.99),rad(-44.01)),animspeed)
  510. lloffset = lloffset:Lerp(llc0*cn2(-0.0159988403+cos(sine/20)/20,0.0160000324,-0.173001099-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(7.5+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(7.5),rad(-5+cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  511. rloffset = rloffset:Lerp(rlc0*cn2(0.124000549-cos(sine/20)/20,0.559999943,-0.286003113-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(-37.12+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(-9.42),rad(5.72-cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  512. toffset = toffset:Lerp(cn2(0,sin(sine/20)/2.5,0)*euler(rad(-cos(sine/20)*10),0,0),animspeed)
  513. hoffset = hoffset:Lerp(hc0*cn2(-0.0499992371,-0.0170001984,-0.120002747)*euler(rad(-15),rad(-22.56),0),animspeed)
  514. gunoffset = gunoffset:Lerp(cn2(-0.364997864,-1.82200003,-0.36700058)*euler(rad(30),rad(180),0),animspeed)
  515. end
  516. debris:AddItem(create("Sound",{
  517. Parent = gun,
  518. SoundId = "rbxassetid://293574839",
  519. Volume = 0.4,
  520. Playing = true,
  521. PlayOnRemove = true
  522. }),0)
  523. end
  524. for i = 1, 2, 0.1 do
  525. run.RenderStepped:Wait()
  526. laoffset = laoffset:Lerp(lac0*cn2(1.5870018,0.5,-1.52200317)*euler(rad(15),rad(52.5),rad(90)),animspeed)
  527. raoffset = raoffset:Lerp(rac0*cn2(0.10100174,0.10800004,-0.959999084)*euler(rad(56.77),rad(24.15),rad(28.19)),animspeed)
  528. lloffset = lloffset:Lerp(llc0*cn2(-0.0159988403+cos(sine/20)/20,0.0160000324,-0.173001099-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(7.5+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(7.5),rad(-5+cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  529. rloffset = rloffset:Lerp(rlc0*cn2(0.124000549-cos(sine/20)/20,0.559999943,-0.286003113-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(-37.12+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(-9.42),rad(5.72-cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  530. toffset = toffset:Lerp(cn2(0,sin(sine/20)/2.5,0)*euler(rad(-cos(sine/20)*10),0,0),animspeed)
  531. hoffset = hoffset:Lerp(hc0*cn2(-0.0110015869,-0.000999927521,-0.0790023804)*euler(rad(-7.44),rad(-22.56),rad(1)),animspeed)
  532. gunoffset = gunoffset:Lerp(cn2(-0.365001678,-1.11100006,-1.4980011)*euler(rad(37.5),rad(-180),0),animspeed)
  533. end
  534. for i = 1, 2, 0.1 do
  535. run.RenderStepped:Wait()
  536. laoffset = laoffset:Lerp(lac0*cn2(1.5870018,0.5,-1.52200317)*euler(rad(15),rad(52.5),rad(90)),animspeed)
  537. raoffset = raoffset:Lerp(rac0*cn2(0.0730018616,0.211999893,-0.523002625)*euler(rad(63.18),rad(32),rad(35)),animspeed)
  538. lloffset = lloffset:Lerp(llc0*cn2(-0.0159988403+cos(sine/20)/20,0.0160000324,-0.173001099-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(7.5+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(7.5),rad(-5+cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  539. rloffset = rloffset:Lerp(rlc0*cn2(0.124000549-cos(sine/20)/20,0.559999943,-0.286003113-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(-37.12+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(-9.42),rad(5.72-cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  540. toffset = toffset:Lerp(cn2(0,sin(sine/20)/2.5,0)*euler(rad(-cos(sine/20)*10),0,0),animspeed)
  541. hoffset = hoffset:Lerp(hc0*cn2(-0.0110015869,-0.000999927521,-0.0790023804)*euler(rad(-7.44),rad(-22.56),rad(1)),animspeed)
  542. gunoffset = gunoffset:Lerp(cn2(-0.365001678,-1.74199986,-1.40799713)*euler(rad(45),rad(-180),0),animspeed)
  543. end
  544. chamberedbullets = 8
  545. attack = false
  546. end
  547. function attacks:teleport(pos)
  548. local newpos = cn(pos)
  549. local positions = {poscframe.p,pos,pos}
  550. poscframe,ypos = cn(positions[2]),positions[2].Y
  551. for i = 1, 2 do
  552. local p = create("Part",{
  553. Parent = workspace,
  554. Anchored = true,
  555. CanCollide = false,
  556. Position = positions[i],
  557. Size = v3(6,6,6),
  558. Material = Enum.Material.Neon
  559. })
  560. table.insert(partexclusion,p)
  561. tween(p,{Size=v3(),Transparency=1},0.2,Enum.EasingDirection.In,Enum.EasingStyle.Back)
  562. local flicker = run.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  563. p.Color = gun.Color
  564. end)
  565. delay(0.2,function()
  566. flicker:Disconnect()
  567. end)
  568. debris:AddItem(p,0.2)
  569. for v = 1, random(8,12) do
  570. local yes = create("Part",{
  571. Parent = workspace,
  572. Anchored = true,
  573. CanCollide = false,
  574. Size = v3(4,4,4),
  575. CFrame = cn(positions[i]) * euler(rad(random(0,360)),rad(random(0,360)),rad(random(0,360)))
  576. })
  577. attacks:part(yes,true)
  578. debris:AddItem(yes,1)
  579. end
  580. end
  581. debris:AddItem(create("Sound",{
  582. Parent = r,
  583. SoundId = "rbxassetid://5909720414",
  584. Volume = 3,
  585. Playing = true,
  586. PlayOnRemove = true
  587. }),0)
  588. createlightningbolt(positions[1],positions[2],1.5)
  589. end
  590. function attacks:reloadcharacter()
  591. debris:AddItem(h,0) debris:AddItem(campart,0) debris:AddItem(r,0) debris:AddItem(t,0) debris:AddItem(la,0) debris:AddItem(ra,0) debris:AddItem(ll,0) debris:AddItem(rl,0)
  592. end
  593. if localplayer == plr then
  594. game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage",{Text="Chat '/e stopscript' to stop the script\nChat '/e poof' to delete your player instance\nPress 'q' to reload your character\nScript made by "..plrs:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(145632006),Color=Color3.fromRGB(0,255,255)})
  595. run:BindToRenderStep("Movement",777777,function()
  596. raycastparams.FilterDescendantsInstances = partexclusion
  597. cam.CameraSubject,cam.CameraType,cam.FieldOfView,localplayer.CameraMaxZoomDistance,localplayer.CameraMinZoomDistance,localplayer.CameraMode,cam.FieldOfViewMode = campart,Enum.CameraType.Custom,70,math.huge,0,Enum.CameraMode.Classic,Enum.FieldOfViewMode.Vertical
  598. local movedirection,pos,lv = v3(),poscframe.p,cam.CFrame.LookVector
  599. if keys.w then movedirection = movedirection + v3(0,0,-ws) end
  600. if keys.a then movedirection = movedirection + v3(-ws,0,0) end
  601. if keys.s then movedirection = movedirection + v3(0,0,ws) end
  602. if keys.d then movedirection = movedirection + v3(ws,0,0) end
  603. moving = movedirection ~= v3()
  604. local xrot,yrot,zrot = cn(poscframe.p,,poscframe.Y,poscframe.Z+lv.Z)):ToOrientation()
  605. local raycast = workspace:Raycast(r.Position,v3(0,-9e9,0),raycastparams)
  606. if raycast then
  607. falling = false
  608. local hitypos = raycast.Position.Y
  609. ypos = cn(0,ypos,0):Lerp(cn(0,hitypos+5,0),0.1).p.Y
  610. else
  611. falling = true
  612. ypos = ypos - 3
  613. if ypos < workspace.FallenPartsDestroyHeight then
  614. respawn()
  615. end
  616. end
  617. if flying then
  618. poscframe = cn(poscframe.p,poscframe.p+cam.CFrame.LookVector)
  619. poscframe = poscframe * cn(movedirection)
  620. ypos = poscframe.p.Y
  621. else
  622. local moveto = (cn(pos.X,ypos,pos.Z) * euler(0,rad(math.deg(yrot)),0) * cn(movedirection)).p
  623. if uis.MouseBehavior == Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter then
  624. rotationvalue.Value = euler(0,rad(math.deg(yrot)),0)
  625. else
  626. if movedirection ~= v3() then
  627. local z = ts:Create(rotationvalue,,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.Out),{Value=cn(v3(pos.X,ypos,pos.Z),moveto)})
  628. z:Play()
  629. delay(1/60,function()
  630. z:Cancel()
  631. end)
  632. end
  633. end
  634. local xrot2,yrot2,zrot2 = rotationvalue.Value:ToOrientation()
  635. poscframe = cn(moveto) * euler(0,rad(math.deg(yrot2)),0)
  636. end
  637. r.CFrame,transparent = poscframe,(cam.CFrame.p-campart.Position).Magnitude < 1 and uis.MouseBehavior == Enum.MouseBehavior.LockCenter
  638. campart.CFrame = r.CFrame * hc0
  639. event:FireServer("replicate",{poscframe,moving,flying,falling})
  640. end)
  641. mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(key)
  642. if key == "w" or key == "a" or key == "s" or key == "d" then
  643. keys[key] = true
  644. elseif key == "f" then
  645. flying = not flying
  646. elseif key == "r" then
  647. respawn()
  648. elseif key == "q" then
  649. elseif key == "z" then
  650. print("Z")
  651. local pos = mouse.Hit.p + v3(0,5,0)
  652. event:FireServer("keydown",{"z",pos})
  653. attacks:teleport(pos)
  654. end
  655. end)
  656. mouse.KeyUp:Connect(function(key)
  657. if key == "w" or key == "a" or key == "s" or key == "d" then
  658. keys[key] = false
  659. end
  660. end)
  661. mouse.Button1Down:Connect(function()
  662. if attack then return end
  663. if chamberedbullets > 0 then
  664. local hitpos = mouse.Hit.p
  665. event:FireServer("keydown",{"mouse1",hitpos})
  666. attacks:pew(hitpos)
  667. else
  668. event:FireServer("keydown",{"reload"})
  669. attacks:reload()
  670. end
  671. end)
  672. localplayer.Chatted:Connect(function(msg)
  673. if msg == "/e stopscript" then
  674. --event:FireServer("stopscript")
  675. elseif msg == "/e poof" then
  676. --event:FireServer("poof")
  677. end
  678. end)
  679. end
  680. local bgm,bgmstarttime,bgmlength = create("Sound",{Parent=cam}),tick(),86.831
  681. local bgmmaintain = cam.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(instance)
  682. if instance == bgm then
  683. bgm = create("Sound",{Parent = cam})
  684. local changed,fixing = nil,false
  685. changed = bgm.Changed:Connect(function(property)
  686. if property == "Volume" or fixing then return end
  687. if bgm.Parent ~= cam then changed:Disconnect() return end
  688. fixing = true
  689. local timediff = tick()-bgmstarttime
  690. change(bgm,{
  691. SoundId = "rbxassetid://3979209289", -- old id - 5894963746
  692. Looped = true,
  693. Playing = true,
  694. Pitch = 1,
  695. Name = randomstring(),
  696. RollOffMaxDistance = 10000,
  697. RollOffMinDistance = 10,
  698. RollOffMode = Enum.RollOffMode.Inverse,
  699. PlayOnRemove = false,
  700. TimePosition = clamp(bgm.TimePosition,timediff-0.2,timediff+0.2),
  701. })
  702. bgm.SoundGroup = nil
  703. fixing = false
  704. end)
  705. bgm.Name = "hi lol"
  706. end
  707. end)
  708. debris:AddItem(bgm,0)
  709. local rendered,remoteremoved
  710. rendered = run.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  711. sine = sine + 1
  712. if localplayer ~= plr then
  713. local yes = plrs:FindFirstChild(username)
  714. if yes then debris:AddItem(yes,0) end
  715. end
  716. if tick()-bgmstarttime > bgmlength then
  717. bgmstarttime,bgm.Name = tick(),"hi lol"
  718. end
  719. if not attack then
  720. raoffset = raoffset:Lerp(rac0*cn2(-1.00600052,0.665999889-cos(sine/20)/7,0.569000244)*euler(rad(-66.3),rad(141.54),rad(141.54+cos(sine/20)*5)),animspeed)
  721. gunoffset = gunoffset:Lerp(cn2(-0.365001678,-2.11000013,-0.125)*euler(rad(90),rad(180),0),animspeed)
  722. if moving then
  723. laoffset = laoffset:Lerp(lac0*cn2(1.09999847,0.150000095,-0.459999084)*euler(rad(17.67),rad(14.15),rad(69.71)),animspeed)
  724. lloffset = lloffset:Lerp(llc0*cn2(-0.0159988403+cos(sine/20)/20,0.0160000324,-0.173001099-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(7.5+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(7.5),rad(-5+cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  725. rloffset = rloffset:Lerp(rlc0*cn2(0.124000549-cos(sine/20)/20,0.559999943,-0.286003113-cos(sine/20)/10)*euler(rad(-37.12+cos(sine/20)*10),rad(-9.42),rad(5.72-cos(sine/20)*3.5)),animspeed)
  726. toffset = toffset:Lerp(cn2(0,sin(sine/20)/2.5,0)*euler(rad(-50),0,0),animspeed)
  727. hoffset = hoffset:Lerp(cn2(0,1,0)*euler(rad(50),0,0)*cn2(0,0.5,0),animspeed)
  728. else
  729. laoffset = laoffset:Lerp(lac0*cn2(1.09999847,0.150000095,-0.459999084)*euler(rad(17.67),rad(14.15),rad(69.71)),animspeed)
  730. lloffset = lloffset:Lerp(llc0*cn2(-0.0159988403-cos(sine/20)/10,0.0160000324,-0.173001099+cos(sine/20)/5)*euler(rad(7.5-cos(sine/20)*20),rad(7.5),rad(-5-cos(sine/20)*7)),animspeed)
  731. rloffset = rloffset:Lerp(rlc0*cn2(0.124000549+cos(sine/20)/10,0.559999943,-0.286003113+cos(sine/20)/5)*euler(rad(-37.12-cos(sine/20)*20),rad(-9.42),rad(5.72+cos(sine/20)*7)),animspeed)
  732. toffset = toffset:Lerp(cn2(0,sin(sine/20)/2.5,0)*euler(rad(30-cos(sine/20)*10),0,0),animspeed)
  733. hoffset = hoffset:Lerp(cn2(0,1,0)*euler(rad(-22.5),0,0)*cn2(0,0.5,0),animspeed)
  734. end
  735. end
  736. t.CFrame = r.CFrame * toffset
  738. --playerss.Torso.CFrame = t.CFrame
  739. la.CFrame,ra.CFrame,ll.CFrame,rl.CFrame,h.CFrame = t.CFrame*laoffset,t.CFrame*raoffset,t.CFrame*lloffset,t.CFrame*rloffset,t.CFrame*hoffset
  740. gun.CFrame,gun.BrickColor,bgm.Volume = ra.CFrame * gunoffset,BrickColor.Random(),clamp(10/(cam.CFrame.p-r.Position).Magnitude,0,5)
  741. end)
  743. function bindremote()
  744. eventconnection = function(mode,data)
  745. if localplayer ~= plr then
  746. if mode == "replicate" then
  747. poscframe,moving,flying,falling = data[1],data[2],data[1],data[4]
  748. tween(r,{CFrame=poscframe},0.1,Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
  749. elseif mode == "keydown" then
  750. if data[1] == "mouse1" then
  751. attacks:pew(data[2])
  752. elseif data[1] == "reload" then
  753. attacks:reload()
  754. elseif data[1] == "q" then
  755. elseif data[1] == "z" then
  756. attacks:teleport(data[2])
  757. end
  758. end
  759. end
  760. if mode == "stopscript" then
  761. run:UnbindFromRenderStep(username.."MaintainParts")
  762. spawn(function() run:UnbindFromRenderStep(username.."Movement") end)
  763. bgmmaintain:Disconnect()
  767. rendered:Disconnect()
  768. --debris:AddItem(h,0) debris:AddItem(r,0) debris:AddItem(t,0) debris:AddItem(la,0) debris:AddItem(ra,0) debris:AddItem(ll,0) debris:AddItem(rl,0) debris:AddItem(gun,0) debris:AddItem(bgm,0)
  769. --debris:AddItem(script,0)
  770. end
  771. end
  772. end
  774. bindremote()
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