
Racism In a Nut-shell (YT)

Jan 13th, 2017
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  2. ▼▼▼▼▼ DDOSING kid v.s. REAL HACKER (PS3) (FBI) ▼▼▼▼▼
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  5. [+VG Hexx] (6 days ago)
  6. Did he say Nigga and he's white?
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  10. [+BaSs] (2 seconds ago)
  11. Sure did. Am I proud of it? Neither here nor there... it's a cultured term, which I've went over on my channel already; regardless, I'm not prone to saying the word "nigga" anyway, as it isn't a word that's positively-vibed with those whose perspective is opposite of just that. It happens when you're around that culture... you develop habits. It's not biasing each other on skin-tone or other unfamiliarity which all of us nowadays seem to eat at each other trying to get to the daemons of another. I get it, but I don't.
  12. And your intent of that being of racism, was just that.
  13. Racism in itself is an idea developed from a mind with intent to separate us with tactics involving evil... evil loves fear and confusion. Racism is just that. :)
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  15. //Source:
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