
Apoc Script kinda useless

Sep 4th, 2016
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  1. game.ReplicatedStorage.Passcode.OnClientEvent:connect(function(kek)
  2. print(kek)
  3. _G.Passcode = kek
  4. end)
  5. local Gui = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://422722567")[1]
  6. Gui.Parent = game.CoreGui
  7. local rekt = _G.Passcode
  8. local BF = Gui:WaitForChild("BigFrame")
  9. local SF = BF:WaitForChild("Server")
  10. local LF = BF:WaitForChild("Local")
  11. local LP = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  12. local Template = LF.Frame.ItemList.Template
  13. local Btns = BF.Buttons
  14. local pInfo = Gui.PlayerInfo
  15. local LocalSpawn = LF.Frame
  16. local LocalStats = LF.Frame2
  17. local sBtns = SF.Buttons
  18. local VehicleFr = SF.Vehicle
  19. local PlayerFr = SF.Player
  20. local MiscFr = SF.Misc
  21. local ServerSpawn = SF.ItemSpawn
  22. local OnCol, OffCol = Color3.new(0, 85/255, 0), Color3.new(141/255, 6/255, 8/255)
  23. local bOnCol, bOffCol = Color3.new(0, 65/255, 0), Color3.new(91/255, 3/255, 5/255)
  24. local CurrMsgCol = "White"
  25. local CurrVehIndex = 1
  26. local CurrPlrIndex = 1
  27. local CurrVeh, CurrPlr
  28. local NumPlrs = game.Players.NumPlayers
  29. local Bools = {
  30. ["Stamina"] = false,
  31. ["Hunger"] = false,
  32. ["Thirst"] = false,
  33. ["Godmode"] = false,
  34. ["Reload"] = false
  35. }
  36. local PlayerModes = {
  37. {["NAME"] = "Horde", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  38. local tab = {...}
  39. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  40. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  41. local collected_zombies = {}
  42. for _, place in pairs(game.Workspace.Zombies:GetChildren()) do
  43. for _, zombie in pairs(place:GetChildren()) do
  44. if #zombie:GetChildren() > 0 and #collected_zombies < 45 then
  45. table.insert(collected_zombies, zombie)
  46. end
  47. end
  48. end
  49. for index = 0, 45, 5 do
  50. if index ~= 45 then
  51. local zombies = {unpack(collected_zombies, index)}
  52. for z_index = 1, 5 do
  53. local zombie = zombies[z_index]
  54. if zombie and pcall(game.IsA, zombie, "Instance") then
  55. local formula = z_index / 5 * math.pi * 2
  56. RepV(
  57. zombie.Torso,
  58. Player.Character.Torso.CFrame * CFrame.new(5 * math.sin(formula), 0, 5 * math.cos(formula))
  59. )
  60. end
  61. end
  62. end
  64. end
  65. end)
  66. end},
  67. {["NAME"] = "MakTroll", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  68. local tab = {...}
  69. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  70. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  71. if Player and game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
  72. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot1, tonumber(2003))
  73. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot2, tonumber(2003))
  74. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot3, tonumber(2003))
  75. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot4, tonumber(2003))
  76. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot5, tonumber(2003))
  77. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot6, tonumber(2003))
  78. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot7, tonumber(2003))
  79. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot8, tonumber(2003))
  80. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot9, tonumber(2003))
  81. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot10, tonumber(2003))
  82. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot11, tonumber(2003))
  83. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot12, tonumber(2003))
  84. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot13, tonumber(2003))
  85. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot14, tonumber(2003))
  86. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot15, tonumber(2003))
  87. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot16, tonumber(2003))
  88. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot17, tonumber(2003))
  89. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot18, tonumber(2003))
  90. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot19, tonumber(2003))
  91. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot20, tonumber(2003))
  92. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot20, tonumber(2003))
  93. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot20, tonumber(2003))
  94. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot20, tonumber(2003))
  95. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot20, tonumber(2003))
  96. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot20, tonumber(2003))
  97. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot20, tonumber(2003))
  98. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot20, tonumber(2003))
  99. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot20, tonumber(2003))
  100. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot20, tonumber(2003))
  101. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot20, tonumber(2003))
  102. end
  103. end)
  104. end},
  105. {["NAME"] = "Loadout", ["FUNC"] = function(...) -- lelelelellelel
  106. local tab = {...}
  107. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  108. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  109. if Player and game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
  110. function exPro(root)
  111. for _, v in pairs(root:GetChildren()) do
  112. if v.Name == "ObjectID" then
  113. game.Lighting.Remote.Destruct:FireServer(v)
  114. end
  115. exPro(v)
  116. end
  117. end
  118. exPro(Player.playerstats.slots)
  119. end
  120. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slotprimary, tonumber(1036))
  121. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slotbackpack, tonumber(4016))
  122. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot1, tonumber(9002))
  123. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot2, tonumber(9010))
  124. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot3, tonumber(50))
  125. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot4, tonumber(50))
  126. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot5, tonumber(50))
  127. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot6, tonumber(50))
  128. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot7, tonumber(50))
  129. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot8, tonumber(50))
  130. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot9, tonumber(50))
  131. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot11, tonumber(50))
  132. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot12, tonumber(50))
  133. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot13, tonumber(50))
  134. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot14, tonumber(50))
  135. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot15, tonumber(50))
  136. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot16, tonumber(11))
  137. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot17, tonumber(11))
  138. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot18, tonumber(11))
  139. AddItem(Player.playerstats.slots.slot19, tonumber(11))
  140. end)
  141. end},
  142. {["NAME"] = "Kill", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  143. local tab = {...}
  144. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  145. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  146. if Player and game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
  147. Destroy(Player.Character.Head)
  148. end
  149. end)
  150. end},
  151. {["NAME"] = "Heal", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  152. local tab = {...}
  153. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  154. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  155. if Player and game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
  156. Heal(Player, 100)
  157. end
  158. end)
  159. end},
  160. {["NAME"] = "Hunger", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  161. local tab = {...}
  162. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  163. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  164. if Player and game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
  165. ChangeVal(Player.playerstats.Hunger, 1000000)
  166. end
  167. end)
  168. end},
  169. {["NAME"] = "Thirst", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  170. local tab = {...}
  171. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  172. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  173. if Player and game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
  174. ChangeVal(Player.playerstats.Thirst, 1000000)
  175. end
  176. end)
  177. end},
  178. {["NAME"] = "God", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  179. local tab = {...}
  180. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  181. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  182. if Player and game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
  183. while true do
  184. wait(0.5)
  185. Heal(Player, 150)
  186. end
  187. Heal = function(Player, Amount)
  188. game.Lighting.Remote.AddHealth:FireServer(Player.Character.Humanoid, Amount)
  189. end
  190. end
  191. end)
  192. end},
  193. {["NAME"] = "UnGod", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  194. local tab = {...}
  195. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  196. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  197. if Player and game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
  198. ChangeVal(Player.Character.Humanoid, "Health", 100)
  199. wait()
  200. ChangeVal(Player.Character.Humanoid, "MaxHealth", 100)
  201. end
  202. end)
  203. end},
  204. {["NAME"] = "TP Kill", ["FUNC"] = function(...) -- kills a player then teleports their body to the local player
  205. local tab = {...}
  206. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  207. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  208. if Player and game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
  209. ChangeVal(Player.Character.Humanoid, "Health", 0)
  210. wait(5)
  211. ForEach(game.Workspace:GetChildren(), function(Object)
  212. local Angle = math.random(1,63)/10
  213. if Object.Name == "Corpse" and Object:findFirstChild("Corpse of " .. Player.Name) then
  214. Object:MoveTo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(6 * math.cos(Angle), 0, 6 * math.sin(Angle)))
  215. end
  216. end)
  217. end
  218. end)
  219. end},
  220. {["NAME"] = "Crash", ["FUNC"] = function(...) -- crashes a player's client
  221. local tab = {...}
  222. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  223. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  224. if Player and game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
  225. RepV(Player.Character.Torso, CFrame.new(1e9, 1e9, 1e9))
  226. end
  227. end)
  228. end},
  229. {["NAME"] = "Semi-Kick", ["FUNC"] = function(...) -- removes a player from the Players service
  230. local tab = {...}
  231. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  232. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  233. if Player and game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
  234. Destroy(Player)
  235. end
  236. end)
  237. end},
  238. {["NAME"] = "Clear loot", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  239. function exPro(root)
  240. for _, v in pairs(root:GetChildren()) do
  241. if v:IsA("Model") then
  242. game.Lighting.Remote.Destruct:FireServer(v)
  243. end
  244. exPro(v)
  245. end
  246. end
  247. exPro(game.Workspace.DropLoot)
  248. end},
  249. {["NAME"] = "Fix mak", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  250. local tab = {...}
  251. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  252. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  253. function exPro(root)
  254. for _, v in pairs(root:GetChildren()) do
  255. if v.Name == "ObjectID" then
  256. game.Lighting.Remote.Destruct:FireServer(v)
  257. end
  258. exPro(v)
  259. end
  260. end
  261. exPro(Player.playerstats.slots)
  262. end)
  263. end}}
  264. local LPModes = {
  265. --[[{["NAME"] = "Stamina", ["FUNC"] = function()
  266. if Stamina == true then
  267. Stamina = false
  268. ChangeVal(LP.Backpack.GlobalFunctions.Stamina, 100)
  269. else
  270. Stamina = true
  271. ChangeVal(LP.Backpack.GlobalFunctions.Stamina, 100000)
  272. end
  273. end},]]
  274. {["NAME"] = "Hunger", ["FUNC"] = function()
  275. if Bools["Hunger"] == true then
  276. Bools["Hunger"] = false
  277. ChangeVal(LP.playerstats.Hunger, 100)
  278. else
  279. Bools["Hunger"] = true
  280. ChangeVal(LP.playerstats.Hunger, 100000)
  281. end
  282. end},
  283. {["NAME"] = "Thirst", ["FUNC"] = function()
  284. if Bools["Thirst"] == true then
  285. Bools["Thirst"] = false
  286. ChangeVal(LP.playerstats.Thirst, 100)
  287. else
  288. Bools["Thirst"] = true
  289. ChangeVal(LP.playerstats.Thirst, 100000)
  290. end
  291. end}
  292. }
  293. local VehicleSpeeds = {
  294. ["Humvee"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 62, ["Offroad"] = 40},
  295. ["Humvee2"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 62, ["Offroad"] = 40},
  296. ["Jeep"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 58, ["Offroad"] = 40},
  297. ["Jeep2"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 58, ["Offroad"] = 40},
  298. ["SUV"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 60, ["Offroad"] = 42},
  299. ["Car"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 60, ["Offroad"] = 35},
  300. ["ATV"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 52, ["Offroad"] = 46},
  301. ["Ambulance"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 65, ["Offroad"] = 35},
  302. ["Bicycle"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 36, ["Offroad"] = 28},
  303. ["Pickup"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 58, ["Offroad"] = 40},
  304. ["Pickup2"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 58, ["Offroad"] = 40},
  305. ["Tractor"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 45, ["Offroad"] = 40},
  306. ["Motorside"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 55, ["Offroad"] = 35},
  307. ["Motorcycle"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 55, ["Offroad"] = 35},
  308. ["Ural"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 55, ["Offroad"] = 35},
  309. ["Ural2"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 55, ["Offroad"] = 35},
  310. ["DeliveryVan"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 58, ["Offroad"] = 30},
  311. ["PoliceCar"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 68, ["Offroad"] = 36},
  312. ["Firetruck"] = {["MaxSpeed"] = 66, ["Offroad"] = 36},
  313. }
  314. local VehicleModes = {
  315. {["NAME"] = "GodVehicle", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  316. local tab = {...}
  317. local Veh = tab[1]
  318. ForEach(Veh.Stats:GetChildren(), function(Value)
  319. if Value.Name ~= "MaxSpeed" then
  320. Value.Value = 99999999
  321. ChangeVal(Veh.Stats.Armor.Max, 9999999)
  322. wait(0.1)
  323. ChangeVal(Veh.Stats.Armor, 9999999)
  324. end
  325. end)
  326. end
  327. },
  328. {["NAME"] = "UnGodVehicle", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  329. local tab = {...}
  330. local Veh = tab[1]
  331. ForEach(Veh.Stats:GetChildren(), function(Value)
  332. ChangeVal(Value, Value:GetChildren()[1].Value)
  333. end)
  334. end},
  335. {["NAME"] = "TPVehicle", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  336. local tab = {...}
  337. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[2])
  338. local Veh = tab[1]
  339. RepV(Veh.Seats.Driver, Players[1].Character.Torso.CFrame * CFrame.new(-20, 0, 0))
  340. end},
  341. {["NAME"] = "ExplVehicle", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  342. local tab = {...}
  343. local Veh = tab[1]
  344. ChangeVal(Veh.Stats.Engine, 0)
  345. end},
  346. {["NAME"] = "SetOnRoadSpeed", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  347. local tab = {...}
  348. local Veh = tab[1]
  349. ChangeVal(Veh.Stats.MaxSpeed, tonumber(tab[2]))
  350. end},
  351. {["NAME"] = "SetOffRoadSpeed", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  352. local tab = {...}
  353. local Veh = tab[1]
  354. ChangeVal(Veh.Stats.MaxSpeed.Offroad, tonumber(tab[2]))
  355. end},
  356. {["NAME"] = "ResetSpeed", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  357. local tab = {...}
  358. local Veh = tab[1]
  359. ForEach(VehicleSpeeds[Veh.Name], function(Value, Index)
  360. ChangeVal(Veh.Stats.MaxSpeed, Value.MaxSpeed)
  361. ChangeVal(Veh.Stats.MaxSpeed.Offroad, Value.MaxSpeed.Offroad)
  362. end)
  363. end},
  364. {["NAME"] = "HornId", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  365. local tab = {...}
  366. local Veh = tab[1]
  367. Sound(Veh.Essentials.Base.Horn, "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..tostring(game.CoreGui.SpawnGui.BigFrame.Server.Vehicle.HornId.Box.Text))
  368. end},
  369. }
  370. local LoadOuts = {
  371. {["NAME"] = "Mercenary (MK 17)", ["ITEMS"] = {
  372. "Map",
  373. "Entrencher",
  374. "Sabre",
  375. "GPS",
  376. "Compass",
  377. "Detonator",
  378. "OmniLight",
  380. "MilitaryPackBlack",
  381. "Mk 17",
  382. "Suppressor762",
  383. "ACOG",
  384. "Grip",
  385. "M14Ammo50",
  386. "M14Ammo50",
  387. "M14Ammo50",
  388. "M14Ammo50",
  389. "M14Ammo50",
  390. "M14Ammo50",
  391. "M14Ammo50",
  392. "M14Ammo50",
  393. "M14Ammo50",
  394. "M14Ammo50",
  395. "M14Ammo50",
  396. "C4",
  397. "BloodBag",
  398. "BloodBag",
  399. "BloodBag",
  400. "BloodBag",
  401. "MRE",
  402. "MRE",
  403. "WaterBottle",
  404. "WaterBottle"
  405. }},
  406. {["NAME"] = "Overwatch (M14)", ["ITEMS"] = {
  407. "Map",
  408. "Entrencher",
  409. "Sabre",
  410. "GPS",
  411. "Compass",
  412. "OmniLight",
  414. "MilitaryPackBlack",
  415. "M14",
  416. "Suppressor762",
  417. "ACOG",
  418. "Grip",
  419. "M14Ammo50",
  420. "M14Ammo50",
  421. "M14Ammo50",
  422. "M14Ammo50",
  423. "M14Ammo50",
  424. "M14Ammo50",
  425. "M14Ammo50",
  426. "M14Ammo50",
  427. "M14Ammo50",
  428. "M14Ammo50",
  429. "M14Ammo50",
  430. "BloodBag",
  431. "BloodBag",
  432. "BloodBag",
  433. "BloodBag",
  434. "MRE",
  435. "MRE",
  436. "WaterBottle",
  437. "WaterBottle",
  438. "VS50",
  439. "VS50"
  440. }},
  441. {["NAME"] = "Breacher (M4A1)", ["ITEMS"] = {
  442. "Map",
  443. "Entrencher",
  444. "Sabre",
  445. "GPS",
  446. "Compass",
  447. "OmniLight",
  449. "MilitaryPackBlack",
  450. "M4A1",
  451. "Suppressor556",
  452. "ACOG",
  453. "Grip",
  454. "STANAGAmmo100",
  455. "STANAGAmmo100",
  456. "STANAGAmmo100",
  457. "STANAGAmmo100",
  458. "STANAGAmmo100",
  459. "STANAGAmmo100",
  460. "STANAGAmmo100",
  461. "STANAGAmmo100",
  462. "BloodBag",
  463. "BloodBag",
  464. "BloodBag",
  465. "BloodBag",
  466. "Painkillers",
  467. "Painkillers",
  468. "Painkillers",
  469. "Painkillers",
  470. "MRE",
  471. "MRE",
  472. "WaterBottle",
  473. "WaterBottle",
  475. }},
  476. {["NAME"] = "Mercenary (FAL)", ["ITEMS"] = {
  477. "Map",
  478. "Entrencher",
  479. "Sabre",
  480. "GPS",
  481. "Compass",
  482. "Detonator",
  483. "OmniLight",
  485. "MilitaryPackBlack",
  486. "FAL",
  487. "Suppressor762",
  488. "ACOG",
  489. "Grip",
  490. "M14Ammo50",
  491. "M14Ammo50",
  492. "M14Ammo50",
  493. "M14Ammo50",
  494. "M14Ammo50",
  495. "M14Ammo50",
  496. "M14Ammo50",
  497. "M14Ammo50",
  498. "M14Ammo50",
  499. "M14Ammo50",
  500. "M14Ammo50",
  501. "C4",
  502. "BloodBag",
  503. "BloodBag",
  504. "BloodBag",
  505. "BloodBag",
  506. "MRE",
  507. "MRE",
  508. "WaterBottle",
  509. "WaterBottle"
  510. }},
  511. {["NAME"] = "Terrorist", ["ITEMS"] = {
  512. "Map",
  513. "Entrencher",
  514. "Sabre",
  515. "GPS",
  516. "Compass",
  517. "Detonator",
  518. "OmniLight",
  520. "MilitaryPackBlack",
  521. "AK-47",
  522. "AK47Ammo75",
  523. "AK47Ammo75",
  524. "AK47Ammo75",
  525. "AK47Ammo75",
  526. "AK47Ammo75",
  527. "AK47Ammo75",
  528. "AK47Ammo75",
  529. "AK47Ammo75",
  530. "AK47Ammo75",
  531. "C4",
  532. "C4",
  533. "C4",
  534. "C4",
  535. "C4",
  536. "C4",
  537. "C4",
  538. "C4",
  539. "C4",
  540. "C4",
  541. }},
  542. {["NAME"] = "Vehicle Repair", ["ITEMS"] = {
  543. "ReinforcedWheel",
  544. "ReinforcedWheel",
  545. "ReinforcedWheel",
  546. "ReinforcedWheel",
  547. "ReinforcedWheel",
  548. "ReinforcedWheel",
  550. "JerryCan",
  551. "JerryCan",
  552. "JerryCan",
  553. "JerryCan",
  555. "FuelTank",
  556. "Engine",
  557. "ScrapMetal",
  558. "ArmorPlates",
  560. "BallisticGlass"
  561. }},
  562. }
  563. local Stats = {
  564. {["NAME"] = "PlayerKills", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  565. local tab = {...}
  566. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  567. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  568. if Player and game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
  569. ChangeVal(Player.playerstats.PlayerKill.Aggressive, tonumber(tab[2]))
  570. end
  571. end)
  572. end},
  573. {["NAME"] = "ZombieKills", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  574. local tab = {...}
  575. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  576. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  577. if Player and game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
  578. ChangeVal(Player.playerstats.ZombieKill.Military, tonumber(tab[2]))
  579. spawn(function()
  580. local d = Player.playerstats.Days.Value
  581. wait(0.1)
  582. ChangeVal(Player.playerstats.Days, 0)
  583. wait(1)
  584. ChangeVal(Player.playerstats.Days, d)
  585. end)
  586. end
  587. end)
  588. end},
  589. {["NAME"] = "Days", ["FUNC"] = function(...)
  590. local tab = {...}
  591. local Players = GetPlayers(tab[1])
  592. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  593. if Player and game.Workspace:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
  594. ChangeVal(Player.playerstats.Days, tonumber(tab[2]))
  595. end
  596. end)
  597. end},
  598. }
  599. local DropIDs = {
  600. {["NAME"] = "AK-104", ["ID"] = "1037"},
  601. {["NAME"] = "WindscreenGlass", ["ID"] = "184"},
  602. {["NAME"] = "WaterBottle", ["ID"] = "209"},
  603. {["NAME"] = "Watch", ["ID"] = "3001"},
  604. {["NAME"] = "VehicleJack", ["ID"] = "3016"},
  605. {["NAME"] = "Vegetables", ["ID"] = "214"},
  606. {["NAME"] = "VS50", ["ID"] = "256"},
  607. {["NAME"] = "Uzi", ["ID"] = "2015"},
  608. {["NAME"] = "Ushanka", ["ID"] = "7014"},
  609. {["NAME"] = "USP45Ammo", ["ID"] = "26"},
  610. {["NAME"] = "USP45", ["ID"] = "2007"},
  611. {["NAME"] = "Twinkies", ["ID"] = "212"},
  612. {["NAME"] = "Tuna", ["ID"] = "4"},
  613. {["NAME"] = "TrinityBeret", ["ID"] = "7015"},
  614. {["NAME"] = "TomatoSoup", ["ID"] = "215"},
  615. {["NAME"] = "TM46", ["ID"] = "257"},
  616. {["NAME"] = "TEC9Ammo32", ["ID"] = "57"},
  617. {["NAME"] = "TEC9Ammo20", ["ID"] = "56"},
  618. {["NAME"] = "TEC9Ammo", ["ID"] = "20"},
  619. {["NAME"] = "TEC-9", ["ID"] = "2005"},
  620. {["NAME"] = "SurvivalPackTan", ["ID"] = "4009"},
  621. {["NAME"] = "SurvivalPackGrey", ["ID"] = "4010"},
  622. {["NAME"] = "SurvivalPackGreen", ["ID"] = "4011"},
  623. {["NAME"] = "SurvivalPackBrown", ["ID"] = "4012"},
  624. {["NAME"] = "Suppressor9", ["ID"] = "9007"},
  625. {["NAME"] = "Suppressor762", ["ID"] = "9010"},
  626. {["NAME"] = "Suppressor556", ["ID"] = "9009"},
  627. {["NAME"] = "Suppressor545", ["ID"] = "9011"},
  628. {["NAME"] = "Suppressor45", ["ID"] = "9008"},
  629. {["NAME"] = "Spam", ["ID"] = "6"},
  630. {["NAME"] = "SodaSprite", ["ID"] = "205"},
  631. {["NAME"] = "SodaRoot", ["ID"] = "207"},
  632. {["NAME"] = "SodaPepsi", ["ID"] = "7"},
  633. {["NAME"] = "SodaPepper", ["ID"] = "9"},
  634. {["NAME"] = "SodaMoxie", ["ID"] = "208"},
  635. {["NAME"] = "SodaDew", ["ID"] = "202"},
  636. {["NAME"] = "SodaCrush", ["ID"] = "201"},
  637. {["NAME"] = "SodaCoke", ["ID"] = "8"},
  638. {["NAME"] = "ShotgunAmmo", ["ID"] = "18"},
  639. {["NAME"] = "Shotgun", ["ID"] = "1002"},
  640. {["NAME"] = "ShadesGrey", ["ID"] = "8005"},
  641. {["NAME"] = "ShadesBlack", ["ID"] = "8001"},
  642. {["NAME"] = "ScrapMetal", ["ID"] = "183"},
  643. {["NAME"] = "Sabre", ["ID"] = "3014"},
  644. {["NAME"] = "SUSAT", ["ID"] = "9014"},
  645. {["NAME"] = "STANAGAmmo50", ["ID"] = "52"},
  646. {["NAME"] = "STANAGAmmo30", ["ID"] = "51"},
  647. {["NAME"] = "STANAGAmmo100", ["ID"] = "53"},
  648. {["NAME"] = "SKSAmmo", ["ID"] = "45"},
  649. {["NAME"] = "SKS", ["ID"] = "1018"},
  650. {["NAME"] = "SCAR-L", ["ID"] = "1022"},
  651. {["NAME"] = "RoadFlare", ["ID"] = "251"},
  652. {["NAME"] = "RevolverAmmo", ["ID"] = "25"},
  653. {["NAME"] = "Revolver", ["ID"] = "2006"},
  654. {["NAME"] = "ReinforcedWheel", ["ID"] = "189"},
  655. {["NAME"] = "Reflex", ["ID"] = "9003"},
  656. {["NAME"] = "RedChemlight", ["ID"] = "3020"},
  657. {["NAME"] = "RedBeret", ["ID"] = "7013"},
  658. {["NAME"] = "RawMeat", ["ID"] = "220"},
  659. {["NAME"] = "Ranger", ["ID"] = "7003"},
  660. {["NAME"] = "RamboClothingTop", ["ID"] = "5003"},
  661. {["NAME"] = "RamboClothingBottom", ["ID"] = "6003"},
  662. {["NAME"] = "Radio", ["ID"] = "3018"},
  663. {["NAME"] = "RPK", ["ID"] = "1034"},
  664. {["NAME"] = "Pringles", ["ID"] = "204"},
  665. {["NAME"] = "PilotGreen", ["ID"] = "7010"},
  666. {["NAME"] = "PilotBlack", ["ID"] = "7009"},
  667. {["NAME"] = "Pasta", ["ID"] = "5"},
  668. {["NAME"] = "Painkillers", ["ID"] = "12"},
  669. {["NAME"] = "PaddedClothingTop", ["ID"] = "5002"},
  670. {["NAME"] = "PaddedClothingBottom", ["ID"] = "6002"},
  671. {["NAME"] = "PPSHAmmo", ["ID"] = "46"},
  672. {["NAME"] = "PPSH", ["ID"] = "1019"},
  673. {["NAME"] = "PP19Ammo64", ["ID"] = "58"},
  674. {["NAME"] = "SmallCrate", ["ID"] = "38"},
  675. {["NAME"] = "OmniLight", ["ID"] = "3015"},
  676. {["NAME"] = "OTs-14", ["ID"] = "1036"},
  677. {["NAME"] = "NagantAmmo", ["ID"] = "17"},
  678. {["NAME"] = "Mosin-Nagant", ["ID"] = "1001"},
  679. {["NAME"] = "Model459Ammo14", ["ID"] = "59"},
  680. {["NAME"] = "Model 459", ["ID"] = "2013"},
  681. {["NAME"] = "Mk48Ammo", ["ID"] = "23"},
  682. {["NAME"] = "Mk 48", ["ID"] = "1005"},
  683. {["NAME"] = "Mk 23", ["ID"] = "2018"},
  684. {["NAME"] = "Mk 17", ["ID"] = "1031"},
  685. {["NAME"] = "MilitaryPackGrime", ["ID"] = "4013"},
  686. {["NAME"] = "MilitaryPackGrey", ["ID"] = "4015"},
  687. {["NAME"] = "MilitaryPackGreen", ["ID"] = "4014"},
  688. {["NAME"] = "MilitaryPackBlack", ["ID"] = "4016"},
  689. {["NAME"] = "MaverickAmmo", ["ID"] = "27"},
  690. {["NAME"] = "Maverick", ["ID"] = "1010"},
  691. {["NAME"] = "Material6", ["ID"] = "36"},
  692. {["NAME"] = "Material5", ["ID"] = "35"},
  693. {["NAME"] = "Material4", ["ID"] = "34"},
  694. {["NAME"] = "Material3", ["ID"] = "33"},
  695. {["NAME"] = "Material2", ["ID"] = "32"},
  696. {["NAME"] = "Material1", ["ID"] = "31"},
  697. {["NAME"] = "Matches", ["ID"] = "3005"},
  698. {["NAME"] = "MaskSpecOps", ["ID"] = "8009"},
  699. {["NAME"] = "MaskPhantom", ["ID"] = "8013"},
  700. {["NAME"] = "MaskMime", ["ID"] = "8008"},
  701. {["NAME"] = "MaskMercenary", ["ID"] = "8007"},
  702. {["NAME"] = "MaskHockey", ["ID"] = "8012"},
  703. {["NAME"] = "Map", ["ID"] = "3003"},
  704. {["NAME"] = "MakarovAmmo", ["ID"] = "16"},
  705. {["NAME"] = "Makarov", ["ID"] = "2003"},
  706. {["NAME"] = "MRE", ["ID"] = "10"},
  707. {["NAME"] = "MP5Ammo", ["ID"] = "29"},
  708. {["NAME"] = "MP5", ["ID"] = "1012"},
  709. {["NAME"] = "M9Ammo32", ["ID"] = "55"},
  710. {["NAME"] = "M9Ammo17", ["ID"] = "54"},
  711. {["NAME"] = "M9Ammo", ["ID"] = "19"},
  712. {["NAME"] = "M93R", ["ID"] = "2016"},
  713. {["NAME"] = "M9", ["ID"] = "2004"},
  714. {["NAME"] = "M870Ammo", ["ID"] = "28"},
  715. {["NAME"] = "M870", ["ID"] = "1011"},
  716. {["NAME"] = "M4A1Ammo", ["ID"] = "22"},
  717. {["NAME"] = "M4A1", ["ID"] = "1004"},
  718. {["NAME"] = "M3Ammo30", ["ID"] = "60"},
  719. {["NAME"] = "M3", ["ID"] = "1028"},
  720. {["NAME"] = "M249Ammo100", ["ID"] = "61"},
  721. {["NAME"] = "M249", ["ID"] = "1024"},
  722. {["NAME"] = "M1911Ammo", ["ID"] = "15"},
  723. {["NAME"] = "M1911", ["ID"] = "2002"},
  724. {["NAME"] = "M14Ammo50", ["ID"] = "64"},
  725. {["NAME"] = "M14Ammo30", ["ID"] = "63"},
  726. {["NAME"] = "M14Ammo20", ["ID"] = "62"},
  727. {["NAME"] = "M14", ["ID"] = "1016"},
  728. {["NAME"] = "M1014", ["ID"] = "1027"},
  729. {["NAME"] = "M1 Garand", ["ID"] = "1006"},
  730. {["NAME"] = "Lemonade", ["ID"] = "206"},
  731. {["NAME"] = "Laser", ["ID"] = "9006"},
  732. {["NAME"] = "Kobra", ["ID"] = "9004"},
  733. {["NAME"] = "Knife", ["ID"] = "3013"},
  734. {["NAME"] = "KethArmorTop", ["ID"] = "5011"},
  735. {["NAME"] = "KethArmorBottom", ["ID"] = "6011"},
  736. {["NAME"] = "JerryCanEmpty", ["ID"] = "186"},
  737. {["NAME"] = "JerryCan", ["ID"] = "185"},
  738. {["NAME"] = "HornRimmed", ["ID"] = "8006"},
  739. {["NAME"] = "Holo", ["ID"] = "9002"},
  740. {["NAME"] = "HikingPackWhite", ["ID"] = "4006"},
  741. {["NAME"] = "HikingPackOrange", ["ID"] = "4005"},
  742. {["NAME"] = "HikingPackBrown", ["ID"] = "4008"},
  743. {["NAME"] = "HikingPackBlue", ["ID"] = "4007"},
  744. {["NAME"] = "Hatchet", ["ID"] = "3011"},
  745. {["NAME"] = "HK417", ["ID"] = "1033"},
  746. {["NAME"] = "HK21", ["ID"] = "1032"},
  747. {["NAME"] = "GusArmorTop", ["ID"] = "5010"},
  748. {["NAME"] = "GusArmorBottom", ["ID"] = "6010"},
  749. {["NAME"] = "Grip", ["ID"] = "9005"},
  750. {["NAME"] = "GreenChemlight", ["ID"] = "3021"},
  751. {["NAME"] = "GarandAmmo", ["ID"] = "24"},
  752. {["NAME"] = "GPS", ["ID"] = "3006"},
  753. {["NAME"] = "G37", ["ID"] = "2017"},
  754. {["NAME"] = "G36K", ["ID"] = "1023"},
  755. {["NAME"] = "G3", ["ID"] = "1030"},
  756. {["NAME"] = "G18Ammo", ["ID"] = "41"},
  757. {["NAME"] = "G18", ["ID"] = "2011"},
  758. {["NAME"] = "FuelTank", ["ID"] = "182"},
  759. {["NAME"] = "Floodlight", ["ID"] = "37"},
  760. {["NAME"] = "FlashlightSurvival", ["ID"] = "3009"},
  761. {["NAME"] = "FlashlightOld", ["ID"] = "3008"},
  762. {["NAME"] = "FlashlightMilitary", ["ID"] = "3010"},
  763. {["NAME"] = "FlashlightAttachment", ["ID"] = "9012"},
  764. {["NAME"] = "Firewood", ["ID"] = "250"},
  765. {["NAME"] = "Firefighter", ["ID"] = "8004"},
  766. {["NAME"] = "FedorovAmmo", ["ID"] = "44"},
  767. {["NAME"] = "Fedorov", ["ID"] = "1017"},
  768. {["NAME"] = "Fedora", ["ID"] = "7004"},
  769. {["NAME"] = "FannyPackWhite", ["ID"] = "4002"},
  770. {["NAME"] = "FannyPackTan", ["ID"] = "4001"},
  771. {["NAME"] = "FannyPackPurple", ["ID"] = "4004"},
  772. {["NAME"] = "FannyPackBlue", ["ID"] = "4003"},
  773. {["NAME"] = "FAL", ["ID"] = "1029"},
  774. {["NAME"] = "Eyepatch", ["ID"] = "8003"},
  775. {["NAME"] = "Entrencher", ["ID"] = "3004"},
  776. {["NAME"] = "EngineParts", ["ID"] = "181"},
  777. {["NAME"] = "EnfieldAmmo", ["ID"] = "42"},
  778. {["NAME"] = "Enfield", ["ID"] = "1015"},
  779. {["NAME"] = "Detonator", ["ID"] = "3017"},
  780. {["NAME"] = "Crowbar", ["ID"] = "3012"},
  781. {["NAME"] = "CowlGreen", ["ID"] = "7002"},
  782. {["NAME"] = "CowlBlack", ["ID"] = "7001"},
  783. {["NAME"] = "Cowboy", ["ID"] = "7012"},
  784. {["NAME"] = "CookedMeat", ["ID"] = "221"},
  785. {["NAME"] = "Compass", ["ID"] = "3002"},
  786. {["NAME"] = "ClothingTopFalse", ["ID"] = "5000"},
  787. {["NAME"] = "ClothingBottomFalse", ["ID"] = "6000"},
  788. {["NAME"] = "CivilianClothingTop", ["ID"] = "5001"},
  789. {["NAME"] = "CivilianClothingBottom", ["ID"] = "6001"},
  790. {["NAME"] = "ChocolateBar", ["ID"] = "211"},
  791. {["NAME"] = "ChipsAhoy", ["ID"] = "213"},
  792. {["NAME"] = "ChickenSoup", ["ID"] = "216"},
  793. {["NAME"] = "CheezIts", ["ID"] = "203"},
  794. {["NAME"] = "CarWheel", ["ID"] = "180"},
  795. {["NAME"] = "CamoWoodlandsTop", ["ID"] = "5007"},
  796. {["NAME"] = "CamoWoodlandsBottom", ["ID"] = "6007"},
  797. {["NAME"] = "CamoUrbanTop", ["ID"] = "5005"},
  798. {["NAME"] = "CamoUrbanBottom", ["ID"] = "6005"},
  799. {["NAME"] = "CamoSpecialTop", ["ID"] = "5009"},
  800. {["NAME"] = "CamoSpecialBottom", ["ID"] = "6009"},
  801. {["NAME"] = "CamoSnowTop", ["ID"] = "5008"},
  802. {["NAME"] = "CamoSnowBottom", ["ID"] = "6008"},
  803. {["NAME"] = "CamoJungleTop", ["ID"] = "5006"},
  804. {["NAME"] = "CamoJungleBottom", ["ID"] = "6006"},
  805. {["NAME"] = "CamoDesertTop", ["ID"] = "5004"},
  806. {["NAME"] = "CamoDesertBottom", ["ID"] = "6004"},
  807. {["NAME"] = "CZ75Ammo", ["ID"] = "40"},
  808. {["NAME"] = "CZ75", ["ID"] = "2010"},
  809. {["NAME"] = "CCO", ["ID"] = "9001"},
  810. {["NAME"] = "CBJ-MS", ["ID"] = "2014"},
  811. {["NAME"] = "C4", ["ID"] = "255"},
  812. {["NAME"] = "BrimmedBrown", ["ID"] = "7007"},
  813. {["NAME"] = "BrimmedBlack", ["ID"] = "7008"},
  814. {["NAME"] = "Bowler", ["ID"] = "7005"},
  815. {["NAME"] = "BlueChemlight", ["ID"] = "3022"},
  816. {["NAME"] = "BloodBag", ["ID"] = "11"},
  817. {["NAME"] = "Binoculars", ["ID"] = "3007"},
  818. {["NAME"] = "Biker", ["ID"] = "7006"},
  819. {["NAME"] = "BeefStew", ["ID"] = "217"},
  820. {["NAME"] = "BeefJerky", ["ID"] = "210"},
  821. {["NAME"] = "Beans", ["ID"] = "3"},
  822. {["NAME"] = "Beanie", ["ID"] = "7011"},
  823. {["NAME"] = "BandanaSkull", ["ID"] = "8014"},
  824. {["NAME"] = "BandanaRenegade", ["ID"] = "8011"},
  825. {["NAME"] = "BandanaRed", ["ID"] = "8010"},
  826. {["NAME"] = "BandanaBlack", ["ID"] = "8002"},
  827. {["NAME"] = "BallisticUrban", ["ID"] = "7018"},
  828. {["NAME"] = "BallisticSpecOps", ["ID"] = "7019"},
  829. {["NAME"] = "BallisticJungle", ["ID"] = "7017"},
  830. {["NAME"] = "BallisticGlass", ["ID"] = "187"},
  831. {["NAME"] = "BallisticDesert", ["ID"] = "7016"},
  832. {["NAME"] = "Auto-5", ["ID"] = "1025"},
  833. {["NAME"] = "ArmorPlates", ["ID"] = "188"},
  834. {["NAME"] = "AN-94", ["ID"] = "1040"},
  835. {["NAME"] = "AKS-74U", ["ID"] = "1041"},
  836. {["NAME"] = "AKM", ["ID"] = "1038"},
  837. {["NAME"] = "AKAmmo75", ["ID"] = "67"},
  838. {["NAME"] = "AKAmmo45", ["ID"] = "66"},
  839. {["NAME"] = "AKAmmo30", ["ID"] = "65"},
  840. {["NAME"] = "AK47Ammo75", ["ID"] = "50"},
  841. {["NAME"] = "AK47Ammo40", ["ID"] = "49"},
  842. {["NAME"] = "AK47Ammo30", ["ID"] = "48"},
  843. {["NAME"] = "AK-74", ["ID"] = "1039"},
  844. {["NAME"] = "AK-47", ["ID"] = "1003"},
  845. {["NAME"] = "AK-12", ["ID"] = "1035"},
  846. {["NAME"] = "ACOG", ["ID"] = "9013"},
  847. {["NAME"] = "LargeCrate", ["ID"] = "39"},
  848. {["NAME"] = "PP-19", ["ID"] = "1026"},
  849. }
  850. RepV = function(instance, property)
  851. game.Lighting.Remote.ReplicatePart:FireServer(instance, property)
  852. end
  853. ChangeVal = function(instance, property, new_val)
  854. game.Lighting.Remote.ChangeValue:FireServer(rekt, instance, property, new_val)
  855. end
  856. Sound = function(instance, SoundID)
  857. game.Lighting.Remote.SoundIdSet:FireServer(rekt, instance, SoundID)
  858. end
  859. CreateVal = function(parent, new_val)
  860. game.Lighting.Remote.CreateValue:FireServer("ObjectID", parent, new_val)
  861. print(parent:findFirstChild("ObjectID") and "found" or "missing")
  862. end
  863. CreateSlot = function(number, parent, new_val)
  864. game.Lighting.Remote.CreateValue:FireServer("slot[number]", parent, new_val)
  865. end
  866. Damage = function(Player, Amount)
  867. game.Lighting.Remote.AddDamage:FireServer(Player.Character.Humanoid, Amount)
  868. end
  869. Heal = function(Player, Amount)
  870. game.Lighting.Remote.AddHealth:FireServer(Player.Character.Humanoid, Amount)
  871. end
  872. AddItem = function(Slot, ID)
  873. game.Lighting.Remote.AddObject:FireServer(Slot, ID)
  874. end
  875. DropItem = function(Slot, oID)
  876. game.Lighting.Remote.DropItem:FireServer(Slot, oID)
  877. end
  878. Destroy = function(instance)
  879. game.Lighting.Remote.Destruct:FireServer(instance)
  880. end
  881. SendMsg = function(Players, Col, String)
  882. local Players = GetPlayers(Players)
  883. ForEach(Players, function(Player)
  884. game.Lighting.Remote.SendMessage:FireServer(Player, Col, String)
  885. end)
  886. end
  887. GiveCredits = function(Int)
  888. game.Lighting.Remote.UpdateCredits:FireServer(tonumber(Int))
  889. end
  890. GenerateList = function(Data, Parent)
  891. for i,v in pairs(Parent:GetChildren()) do
  892. if v ~= Template then
  893. v:Destroy()
  894. end
  895. end
  896. for i = 1, #Data do
  897. local YSize = 13
  898. local YPos = ((i * YSize) - YSize)
  899. local newLabel = Template:Clone()
  901. if Parent.Parent.Name == "ItemSpawn" then
  902. newLabel.Name = Data[i].NAME
  903. newLabel.Text = Data[i].NAME
  904. else
  905. newLabel.Name = Data[i].Name
  906. newLabel.Text = Data[i].Name
  907. end
  908. newLabel.Parent = Parent
  909. newLabel.Visible = true
  910. newLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 2, 0, YPos + 2)
  912. Parent.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, YPos + YSize + 4)
  914. newLabel.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  915. if Parent.Name == "ItemList" then
  916. if Parent.Parent.Name == "ItemSpawn" then
  917. Parent.Parent.Item.Box.Text = Data[i].NAME
  918. GenerateList(DropIDs, Parent)
  919. else
  920. Parent.Parent.Item.Box.Text = Data[i].Name
  921. GenerateList(game.Lighting.LootDrops:GetChildren(), Parent)
  922. Parent.Parent.Count.Box.Text = "1"
  923. end
  924. elseif Parent.Name == "PlayerList" then
  925. if Parent.Parent.Name == "Vehicle" then
  926. Parent.Parent.TPVehicle.Box.Text = Data[i].Name
  927. else
  928. Parent.Parent.Player.Box.Text = Data[i].Name
  929. end
  930. elseif Parent.Name == "ModeList" then
  931. Parent.Parent.Mode.Box.Text = Data[i].Name
  932. elseif Parent.Name == "StatList" then
  933. Parent.Parent.Stat.Box.Text = Data[i].Name
  934. end
  935. end)
  936. end
  937. end
  938. GenerateList(game.Lighting.LootDrops:GetChildren(), LF.Frame.ItemList)
  939. GenerateList(DropIDs, SF.ItemSpawn.ItemList)
  940. GenerateList(game.Players:GetChildren(), SF.Player.Frame.PlayerList)
  941. GenerateList(game.Players:GetChildren(), SF.Player.StatChange.PlayerList)
  942. GenerateList(game.Players:GetChildren(), SF.Vehicle.PlayerList)
  943. game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(obj)
  944. GenerateList(game.Players:GetChildren(), SF.Player.Frame.PlayerList)
  945. GenerateList(game.Players:GetChildren(), SF.Player.StatChange.PlayerList)
  946. GenerateList(game.Players:GetChildren(), SF.Vehicle.PlayerList)
  947. end)
  948. game.Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(obj)
  949. GenerateList(game.Players:GetChildren(), SF.Player.Frame.PlayerList)
  950. GenerateList(game.Players:GetChildren(), SF.Player.StatChange.PlayerList)
  951. GenerateList(game.Players:GetChildren(), SF.Vehicle.PlayerList)
  952. end)
  953. spawn(function()
  954. for i,v in pairs(PlayerFr.Frame.ModeList:GetChildren()) do
  955. if v ~= Template then
  956. v:Destroy()
  957. end
  958. end
  959. for i = 1, #PlayerModes do
  960. local YSize = 13
  961. local YPos = ((i * YSize) - YSize)
  962. local newLabel = Template:Clone()
  964. newLabel.Name = PlayerModes[i].NAME
  965. newLabel.Text = PlayerModes[i].NAME
  966. newLabel.Parent = PlayerFr.Frame.ModeList
  967. newLabel.Visible = true
  968. newLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 2, 0, YPos + 2)
  970. PlayerFr.Frame.ModeList.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, YPos + YSize + 4)
  972. newLabel.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  973. PlayerFr.Frame.Mode.Box.Text = PlayerModes[i].NAME
  974. end)
  975. end
  976. end)
  977. spawn(function()
  978. for i,v in pairs(LF.Frame.LoadOutList:GetChildren()) do
  979. if v ~= Template then
  980. v:Destroy()
  981. end
  982. end
  983. for i = 1, #LoadOuts do
  984. local YSize = 13
  985. local YPos = ((i * YSize) - YSize)
  986. local newLabel = Template:Clone()
  988. newLabel.Name = LoadOuts[i].NAME
  989. newLabel.Text = LoadOuts[i].NAME
  990. newLabel.Parent = LF.Frame.LoadOutList
  991. newLabel.Visible = true
  992. newLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 2, 0, YPos + 2)
  994. LF.Frame.LoadOutList.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, YPos + YSize + 4)
  996. newLabel.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  997. PlayerFr.Frame.Item.Box.Text = LoadOuts[i].NAME
  998. end)
  999. end
  1000. end)
  1001. spawn(function()
  1002. for i,v in pairs(PlayerFr.StatChange.StatList:GetChildren()) do
  1003. if v ~= Template then
  1004. v:Destroy()
  1005. end
  1006. end
  1007. for i = 1, #Stats do
  1008. local YSize = 13
  1009. local YPos = ((i * YSize) - YSize)
  1010. local newLabel = Template:Clone()
  1012. newLabel.Name = Stats[i].NAME
  1013. newLabel.Text = Stats[i].NAME
  1014. newLabel.Parent = PlayerFr.StatChange.StatList
  1015. newLabel.Visible = true
  1016. newLabel.Position = UDim2.new(0, 2, 0, YPos + 2)
  1018. PlayerFr.StatChange.StatList.CanvasSize = UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, YPos + YSize + 4)
  1020. newLabel.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1021. PlayerFr.StatChange.Stat.Box.Text = Stats[i].NAME
  1022. end)
  1023. end
  1024. end)
  1025. SpawnItem = function(String)
  1026. local Angle = math.random(1, 63) / 10
  1027. local Drop = game.Lighting.LootDrops[String]:Clone()
  1028. Drop.Parent = game.Workspace
  1029. Drop:MoveTo(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.Position + Vector3.new(6 * math.cos(Angle), 0, 6 * math.sin(Angle)))
  1030. end
  1031. ServerSpawnItem = function(String)
  1032. for i, v in pairs(DropIDs) do
  1033. if String:lower() == DropIDs[i].NAME:lower() then
  1034. wait(1)
  1035. AddItem(game.Players.LocalPlayer.playerstats.slots.slot20, tonumber(DropIDs[i].ID))
  1036. game.Players.LocalPlayer.playerstats.slots.slot20:WaitForChild("ObjectID")
  1037. DropItem(game.Players.LocalPlayer.playerstats.slots.slot20, game.Players.LocalPlayer.playerstats.slots.slot20.ObjectID)
  1038. local ev
  1039. ev = game.Workspace.DropLoot.ChildAdded:connect(function(obj)
  1040. if obj.Name == String then
  1041. if not obj:findFirstChild("ObjectID") then
  1042. CreateVal(obj, game.Lighting:findFirstChild(String).ObjectID.Value)
  1043. end
  1044. else
  1045. Destroy(obj)
  1046. end
  1047. end)
  1048. ev:disconnect()
  1049. end
  1050. end
  1051. end
  1052. ForEach = function(Base, Function)
  1053. for Index, Value in pairs (Base) do
  1054. Function(Value, Index)
  1055. end
  1056. end
  1057. GetPlayers = function(String) -- note 2 self: snipped this from my cmdscript
  1058. local UsersCalled = {}
  1059. for newString in String:gmatch('([^,]+)') do -- thanks scleratis
  1060. if newString:lower() == "me" then
  1061. table.insert(UsersCalled, game.Players.LocalPlayer)
  1062. elseif newString:lower() == "all" then
  1063. ForEach(game.Players:children(), function(Player)
  1064. table.insert(UsersCalled, Player)
  1065. end)
  1066. elseif newString:lower() == "others" then
  1067. ForEach(game.Players:children(), function(Player)
  1068. if Player ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  1069. table.insert(UsersCalled, Player)
  1070. end
  1071. end)
  1072. elseif newString:lower() == "random" then
  1073. table.insert(UsersCalled, game.Players:children()[math.random(#game.Players:children())])
  1074. else
  1075. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:children()) do
  1076. if v.Name:lower():sub(1, #newString) == newString:lower() then
  1077. table.insert(UsersCalled, v)
  1078. end
  1079. end
  1080. end
  1081. end
  1082. return UsersCalled
  1083. end
  1084. AdjustPlr = function(Table, Forward)
  1085. local Plrs = Table
  1087. if Forward == true then
  1088. CurrPlrIndex = CurrPlrIndex + 1
  1089. else
  1090. CurrPlrIndex = CurrPlrIndex - 1
  1091. if CurrPlrIndex < 1 then
  1092. CurrPlrIndex = game.Players.NumPlrs
  1093. end
  1094. end
  1096. if Plrs[CurrPlrIndex] ~= nil then
  1097. CurrPlr = Plrs[CurrPlrIndex]
  1098. game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = CurrPlr.Character.Humanoid
  1099. --if Plrs[CurrPlrIndex] ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  1100. spawn(function()
  1101. local index = CurrPlrIndex
  1102. while CurrPlrIndex == index do
  1103. wait()
  1105. local health, maxhealth
  1106. if game.Workspace:findFirstChild(CurrPlr.Name) then
  1107. health = CurrPlr.Character.Humanoid.Health
  1108. maxhealth = CurrPlr.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth
  1109. end
  1111. pInfo.Bar.Size = UDim2.new(health / maxhealth, 0, 1, 0)
  1112. pInfo.Health.Text = tostring(math.floor(health))
  1113. pInfo.pName.Text = CurrPlr.Name
  1114. end
  1115. end)
  1116. --end
  1117. elseif Plrs[CurrPlrIndex] == nil then
  1118. Plrs[CurrPlrIndex] = NumPlrs
  1119. CurrPlr = Plrs[CurrPlrIndex]
  1120. game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = Plrs[CurrPlrIndex].Character.Humanoid
  1121. end
  1123. end
  1124. AdjustVeh = function(Table, Forward)
  1125. local Vehs = Table
  1127. if Forward == true then
  1128. CurrVehIndex = CurrVehIndex + 1
  1129. else
  1130. CurrVehIndex = CurrVehIndex - 1
  1131. end
  1133. if Vehs[CurrVehIndex] ~= nil then
  1134. CurrVeh = Vehs[CurrVehIndex]
  1135. elseif Vehs[CurrVehIndex] == nil then
  1136. Vehs[CurrVehIndex] = #Vehs
  1137. CurrVeh = Vehs[CurrVehIndex]
  1138. end
  1140. VehicleFr.CurrentVehicle.Text = CurrVeh.Name
  1141. end
  1142. LocalSpawn.Spawn.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1143. local Amount, Count = 0, 0
  1144. if LocalSpawn.Count.Box.Text == "" then
  1145. Amount = 1
  1146. else
  1147. Amount = tonumber(LocalSpawn.Count.Box.Text)
  1148. end
  1149. repeat
  1150. wait()
  1151. Count = Count + 1
  1152. SpawnItem(LocalSpawn.Item.Box.Text)
  1153. until
  1154. Count == Amount
  1156. LocalSpawn.Count.Box.Text = ""
  1157. LocalSpawn.Item.Box.Text = ""
  1158. end)
  1159. ServerSpawn.Spawn.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1160. local Amount, Count = 0, 0
  1161. if ServerSpawn.Count.Box.Text == "" then
  1162. Amount = 1
  1163. else
  1164. Amount = tonumber(ServerSpawn.Count.Box.Text)
  1165. end
  1166. if Amount > 15 then
  1167. Amount = 15
  1168. end
  1169. repeat
  1170. wait()
  1171. Count = Count + 1
  1172. ServerSpawnItem(ServerSpawn.Item.Box.Text)
  1173. until
  1174. Count == Amount
  1176. ServerSpawn.Count.Box.Text = ""
  1177. ServerSpawn.Item.Box.Text = ""
  1178. end)
  1179. PlayerFr.Frame.Execute.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1180. for i, v in pairs(PlayerModes) do
  1181. if PlayerModes[i].NAME == PlayerFr.Frame.Mode.Box.Text then
  1182. PlayerModes[i].FUNC(PlayerFr.Frame.Player.Box.Text)
  1183. end
  1184. end
  1185. end)
  1186. PlayerFr.StatChange.Btn.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1187. for i, v in pairs(Stats) do
  1188. if Stats[i].NAME == PlayerFr.StatChange.Stat.Box.Text then
  1189. Stats[i].FUNC(PlayerFr.StatChange.Player.Box.Text, PlayerFr.StatChange.Count.oldbox.Text)
  1190. end
  1191. end
  1192. end)
  1193. ServerSpawn.SearchBox.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed)
  1194. if ServerSpawn.SearchBox.Text == "" or ServerSpawn.SearchBox.Text == " " then
  1195. GenerateList(DropIDs, ServerSpawn.ItemList)
  1196. ServerSpawn.SearchBox.Text = "Click here to search"
  1197. else
  1198. local temp_table = {}
  1199. for i, v in pairs(DropIDs) do
  1200. if DropIDs[i].NAME:lower():find(ServerSpawn.SearchBox.Text) then
  1201. table.insert(temp_table, #temp_table + 1, DropIDs[i])
  1202. end
  1203. end
  1204. GenerateList(temp_table, ServerSpawn.ItemList)
  1205. ServerSpawn.SearchBox.Text = "Click here to search"
  1206. end
  1207. end)
  1208. LocalSpawn.SearchBox.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed)
  1209. if LocalSpawn.SearchBox.Text == "" or LocalSpawn.SearchBox.Text == " " then
  1210. GenerateList(game.Lighting.LootDrops:GetChildren(), LocalSpawn.ItemList)
  1211. LocalSpawn.SearchBox.Text = "Click here to search"
  1212. else
  1213. local temp_table = {}
  1214. for i, v in pairs(game.Lighting.LootDrops:GetChildren()) do
  1215. if v.Name:lower():find(LocalSpawn.SearchBox.Text) then
  1216. table.insert(temp_table, #temp_table + 1, v)
  1217. end
  1218. end
  1219. GenerateList(temp_table, LocalSpawn.ItemList)
  1220. LocalSpawn.SearchBox.Text = "Click here to search"
  1221. end
  1222. end)
  1223. VehicleFr.Next.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1224. AdjustVeh(game.Workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren(), true)
  1225. end)
  1226. VehicleFr.Prev.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1227. AdjustVeh(game.Workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren(), false)
  1228. end)
  1229. pInfo.Next.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1230. AdjustPlr(game.Players:GetChildren(), true)
  1231. end)
  1232. pInfo.Reset.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1233. game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid
  1234. end)
  1235. pInfo.Previous.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1236. AdjustPlr(game.Players:GetChildren(), false)
  1237. end)
  1238. SF.Misc.ServerMsg.Btn.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1239. SendMsg(SF.Misc.ServerMsg.Player.Box.Text, CurrMsgCol, SF.Misc.ServerMsg.Msg.Box.Text)
  1240. end)
  1241. SF.Misc.Creds.Box.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed)
  1242. if enterPressed then
  1243. GiveCredits(SF.Misc.Creds.Box.Text)
  1244. end
  1245. end)
  1246. Gui.Toggle.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
  1247. BF.Visible = not BF.Visible
  1248. pInfo.Visible = BF.Visible
  1249. Gui.Toggle.Text = (BF.Visible and "-" or "+")
  1250. end)
  1251. for _, v in pairs(VehicleFr:GetChildren()) do
  1252. if v.Name == "TPVehicle" or v:findFirstChild("Btn") then
  1253. spawn(function()
  1254. v.Btn.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1255. if v:IsA("TextLabel") and v.Name ~= "CurrentVehicle" then
  1256. for a, b in pairs(VehicleModes) do
  1257. if VehicleModes[a].NAME == v.Name then
  1258. if v.Name ~= "ResetSpeed" and v.Name ~= "TPVehicle" and v.Name ~= "ExplVehicle" then
  1259. if v.Btn.Text == "OFF" then
  1260. v.Btn.Text = "ON"
  1261. v.Btn.BackgroundColor3 = OnCol
  1262. else
  1263. v.Btn.Text = "OFF"
  1264. v.Btn.BackgroundColor3 = OffCol
  1265. end
  1266. end
  1267. if v.Name == "GodVehicle" then
  1268. if v.Btn.Text == "OFF" then
  1269. for h, c in pairs(VehicleModes) do
  1270. if VehicleModes[h].NAME == "UnGodVehicle" then
  1271. VehicleModes[h].FUNC(game.Workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren()[CurrVehIndex], VehicleFr.TPVehicle.Box.Text)
  1272. end
  1273. end
  1274. elseif v.Btn.Text == "ON" then
  1275. for h, c in pairs(VehicleModes) do
  1276. if VehicleModes[h].NAME == "GodVehicle" then
  1277. VehicleModes[h].FUNC(game.Workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren()[CurrVehIndex], VehicleFr.TPVehicle.Box.Text)
  1278. end
  1279. end
  1280. end
  1281. else
  1282. VehicleModes[a].FUNC(game.Workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren()[CurrVehIndex], VehicleFr.TPVehicle.Box.Text)
  1283. end
  1285. end
  1286. end
  1287. end
  1288. end)
  1289. end)
  1290. elseif v.Name ~= "TPVehicle" and v:findFirstChild("Box") then
  1291. spawn(function()
  1292. v.Box.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed)
  1293. if enterPressed then
  1294. for a, b in pairs(VehicleModes) do
  1295. if VehicleModes[a].NAME == v.Name then
  1296. VehicleModes[a].FUNC(game.Workspace.Vehicles:GetChildren()[CurrVehIndex], v.Box.Text)
  1297. end
  1298. end
  1299. end
  1300. end)
  1301. end)
  1302. end
  1303. end
  1304. for _, v in pairs(MiscFr:GetChildren()) do
  1305. if v.Name == "AE" then
  1306. spawn(function()
  1307. v.Btn.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1308. local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  1309. local material = game.Lighting.Materials.VS50Placed
  1310. local pos = player.Character.Torso.Position - material.Head.Position + Vector3.new(0,-2.9,0)
  1311. game.Lighting.Remote.PlaceMaterial:FireServer(material, pos, true)
  1312. end)
  1313. end)
  1314. end
  1315. end
  1316. for _, v in pairs(MiscFr:GetChildren()) do
  1317. if v.Name == "CC" then
  1318. spawn(function()
  1319. v.Btn.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1320. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m1, "")
  1321. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m1.author, "")
  1322. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m2, "")
  1323. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m2.author, "")
  1324. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m3, "")
  1325. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m3.author, "")
  1326. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m4, "")
  1327. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m4.author, "")
  1328. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m5, "")
  1329. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m5.author, "")
  1330. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m6, "")
  1331. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m6.author, "")
  1332. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m7, "")
  1333. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m7.author, "")
  1334. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m8, "")
  1335. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m8.author, "")
  1336. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m9, "")
  1337. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m9.author, "")
  1338. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m10, "")
  1339. ChangeVal(game.Workspace.messages.m10.author, "")
  1340. end)
  1341. end)
  1342. end
  1343. end
  1344. for _, v in pairs(LocalStats:GetChildren()) do
  1345. spawn(function()
  1346. v.Btn.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1347. if v.Name ~= "Stamina" then
  1348. for a, b in pairs(LPModes) do
  1349. if LPModes[a].NAME == v.Name then
  1350. LPModes[a].FUNC()
  1351. end
  1352. end
  1353. wait()
  1354. if Bools[v.Name] == false then
  1355. v.Btn.Text = "OFF"
  1356. v.Btn.BackgroundColor3 = OffCol
  1357. v.Btn.BorderColor3 = bOffCol
  1358. elseif Bools[v.Name] == true then
  1359. v.Btn.Text = "ON"
  1360. v.Btn.BackgroundColor3 = OnCol
  1361. v.Btn.BorderColor3 = bOnCol
  1362. end
  1363. end
  1364. end)
  1365. end)
  1366. end
  1367. spawn(function()
  1368. for _, v in pairs(Btns:GetChildren()) do
  1369. v.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1370. for _, b in pairs(Btns:GetChildren()) do
  1371. if b ~= v then
  1372. b.BackgroundColor3 = OffCol
  1373. b.BorderColor3 = bOffCol
  1374. else
  1375. b.BackgroundColor3 = OnCol
  1376. b.BorderColor3 = bOnCol
  1377. end
  1378. end
  1379. for _, b in pairs(v.Parent.Parent:GetChildren()) do
  1380. if b:IsA("Frame") and b.Name ~= "Buttons" and b.Name ~= "Line" and b.Name ~= v.Name then
  1381. b.Visible = false
  1382. elseif b.Name == v.Name then
  1383. b.Visible = true
  1384. end
  1385. end
  1386. end)
  1387. end
  1388. end)
  1389. spawn(function()
  1390. for _, v in pairs(sBtns:GetChildren()) do
  1391. v.MouseButton1Click:connect(function()
  1392. for _, b in pairs(sBtns:GetChildren()) do
  1393. if b ~= v then
  1394. b.BackgroundColor3 = OffCol
  1395. b.BorderColor3 = bOffCol
  1396. else
  1397. b.BackgroundColor3 = OnCol
  1398. b.BorderColor3 = bOnCol
  1399. end
  1400. end
  1401. for _, b in pairs(v.Parent.Parent:GetChildren()) do
  1402. if b:IsA("Frame") and b.Name ~= "Buttons" and b.Name ~= "Line" and b.Name ~= v.Name then
  1403. b.Visible = false
  1404. elseif b.Name == v.Name then
  1405. b.Visible = true
  1406. end
  1407. end
  1408. end)
  1409. end
  1410. end)
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