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- local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))();
- local AntiAFK = game:GetService("VirtualUser");
- game.Players.LocalPlayer.Idled:Connect(function()
- AntiAFK:CaptureController();
- AntiAFK:ClickButton2(;
- wait(2);
- end);
- local window = library:AddWindow("Cultivation-Simulator 養成模擬器", {main_color=Color3.fromRGB(41, 74, 122),, 265),can_resize=false});
- local features = window:AddTab("自述");
- features:Show();
- features:AddLabel("作者:澤澤 介面:Elerium v2");
- features:AddLabel("AntiAFK:start");
- features:AddLabel("製作時間:2024/09/27");
- features:AddLabel("最後更新時間:2024/12/18");
- local timeLabel = features:AddLabel("當前時間:00/00/00 00:00:00");
- local timezoneLabel = features:AddLabel("時區:UTC+00:00");
- local function getFormattedTime()
- return"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S");
- end
- local function getLocalTimezone()
- local offset ="%z");
- return string.format("UTC%s", offset:sub(1, 3) .. ":" .. offset:sub(4, 5));
- end
- local function updateLabel()
- timeLabel.Text = "當前時間:" .. getFormattedTime();
- timezoneLabel.Text = "時區:" .. getLocalTimezone();
- end
- spawn(function()
- while true do
- updateLabel();
- wait(1);
- end
- end);
- local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer;
- local playerGui = player.PlayerGui;
- local guiPath = playerGui.GUI:WaitForChild("主界面"):WaitForChild("战斗");
- local levelInfoUI = guiPath:WaitForChild("关卡信息"):WaitForChild("文本");
- local victoryResult = guiPath:WaitForChild("胜利结果");
- local values = player:WaitForChild("值");
- local playersetting = values:WaitForChild("设置");
- local privileges = values:WaitForChild("特权");
- local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer;
- local playerGui = player.PlayerGui;
- local lottery = playerGui.GUI:WaitForChild("二级界面"):WaitForChild("商店"):WaitForChild("背景"):WaitForChild("右侧界面"):WaitForChild("召唤");
- local currency = player:WaitForChild("值"):WaitForChild("货币");
- local diamonds = currency:WaitForChild("钻石");
- local mainmission = playerGui.GUI:WaitForChild("主界面"):WaitForChild("主城"):WaitForChild("主线任务"):WaitForChild("按钮"):WaitForChild("提示").Visible;
- local namechangechick = false;
- local missionnamelist = playerGui.GUI:WaitForChild("二级界面"):WaitForChild("商店"):WaitForChild("通行证任务"):WaitForChild("背景"):WaitForChild("任务列表");
- local sword_tickets = currency:WaitForChild("法宝抽奖券").value;
- local skill_tickets = currency:WaitForChild("技能抽奖券").value;
- local sword = lottery:WaitForChild("法宝"):WaitForChild("等级区域");
- local sword_level = sword:WaitForChild("值").text;
- local sword_value = sword:WaitForChild("进度条"):WaitForChild("值"):WaitForChild("值").text;
- local skill = lottery:WaitForChild("技能"):WaitForChild("等级区域");
- local skill_level = skill:WaitForChild("值").text;
- local skill_value = skill:WaitForChild("进度条"):WaitForChild("值"):WaitForChild("值").text;
- local extract_sword_level;
- local extract_sword_value;
- local extract_skill_level;
- local extract_skill_value;
- local useDiamonds = false;
- local savemodetime = 9;
- local Dungeonslist = playerGui:WaitForChild("GUI"):WaitForChild("二级界面"):WaitForChild("关卡选择"):WaitForChild("背景"):WaitForChild("右侧界面"):WaitForChild("副本"):WaitForChild("列表");
- local DungeonDungeon = Dungeonslist:FindFirstChild("副本预制体");
- local Dungeonnamechangechick = false;
- local Ore_Dungeonkey, Gem_Dungeonkey, Gold_Dungeonkey, Relic_Dungeonkey, Rune_Dungeonkey, Hover_Dungeonkey;
- local turntable = playerGui.GUI:WaitForChild("二级界面"):WaitForChild("抽奖转盘"):WaitForChild("抽奖按钮"):WaitForChild("按钮"):WaitForChild("名称").Text;
- turntable = string.match(turntable, "%d+");
- turntable = tonumber(turntable) or 0;
- local Guilddonation = playerGui.GUI:WaitForChild("二级界面"):WaitForChild("公会"):WaitForChild("捐献"):WaitForChild("背景"):WaitForChild("按钮"):WaitForChild("确定按钮"):WaitForChild("次数").Text;
- Guilddonation = string.match(Guilddonation, "%d+");
- Guilddonation = tonumber(Guilddonation) or 0;
- local mailList = playerGui.GUI:WaitForChild("二级界面"):WaitForChild("邮件"):WaitForChild("背景"):WaitForChild("邮件列表");
- local mailCheckCompleted = false;
- local AFKmod_check = 1;
- local Players = game:GetService("Players");
- local isDetectionEnabled = true;
- local timescheck = 0;
- local inRange = false;
- local playerInRange = false;
- local hasPrintedNoPlayer = false;
- local localPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer;
- local character = localPlayer.Character or localPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait();
- local rootPart = character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart");
- local closestScene = nil;
- local closestPosition = nil;
- local closestDistance = math.huge;
- for i = 1, 9 do
- local sceneName = "主场景" .. (((i > 1) and tostring(i)) or "");
- local scene = workspace:WaitForChild(sceneName, 5);
- if scene then
- local respawnPoint = scene:WaitForChild("重生点", 5);
- if respawnPoint then
- local distance = (respawnPoint.CFrame.Position - rootPart.CFrame.Position).Magnitude;
- if (distance < closestDistance) then
- closestDistance = distance;
- closestScene = scene;
- closestPosition = respawnPoint.Position +, 4.9, 0);
- end
- else
- print("主場景:", scene.Name, "中未找到重生點");
- end
- else
- print("未找到主場景:", sceneName);
- end
- end
- if (closestScene and closestPosition) then
- print("初始場景為:", closestScene.Name);
- print("重生點座標 (x, y, z):", closestPosition.X, closestPosition.Y, closestPosition.Z);
- else
- print("未找到任何有效的出生點");
- end
- local function checkPlayersInRange()
- local character = localPlayer.Character;
- if (not character or not character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")) then
- return;
- end
- local boxPosition = character.HumanoidRootPart.Position;
- local boxSize =, 500, 500) / 2;
- playerInRange = false;
- for _, player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if ((player ~= localPlayer) and player.Character and player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")) then
- local playerPosition = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position;
- local inRange = (math.abs(playerPosition.X - boxPosition.X) <= boxSize.X) and (math.abs(playerPosition.Y - boxPosition.Y) <= boxSize.Y) and (math.abs(playerPosition.Z - boxPosition.Z) <= boxSize.Z);
- if inRange then
- playerInRange = true;
- break;
- end
- end
- end
- if playerInRange then
- if (timescheck == 0) then
- print("有玩家在範圍內");
- savemodetime = 9;
- timescheck = 1;
- hasPrintedNoPlayer = true;
- end
- elseif (timescheck == 1) then
- print("範圍內玩家已離開");
- timescheck = 0;
- hasPrintedNoPlayer = false;
- end
- if (not playerInRange and not hasPrintedNoPlayer) then
- print("範圍內無玩家");
- savemodetime = 3;
- hasPrintedNoPlayer = true;
- end
- end
- local function setupRangeDetection()
- while true do
- if isDetectionEnabled then
- checkPlayersInRange();
- end
- wait(0.1);
- end
- end
- local function toggleDetection()
- isDetectionEnabled = not isDetectionEnabled;
- print("檢測已" .. ((isDetectionEnabled and "啟用") or "關閉"));
- if not isDetectionEnabled then
- savemodetime = 3;
- end
- end
- spawn(setupRangeDetection);
- local button;
- local function updateButtonText()
- if isDetectionEnabled then
- button.Text = "關閉安全模式";
- else
- button.Text = "啟用安全模式";
- end
- end
- button = features:AddButton("啟用安全模式", function()
- inRange = false;
- playerInRange = false;
- timescheck = 0;
- hasPrintedNoPlayer = false;
- toggleDetection();
- updateButtonText();
- end);
- updateButtonText();
- local screenGui ="ScreenGui");
- screenGui.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui");
- local blackBlock ="Frame");
- blackBlock.Size =, 0, 200, 0);
- blackBlock.Position =, 0, 0, 0);
- blackBlock.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 0);
- blackBlock.Visible = false;
- blackBlock.Parent = screenGui;
- features:AddButton("開黑幕/關閉", function()
- blackBlock.Visible = not blackBlock.Visible;
- end);
- local features = window:AddTab("Main");
- features:AddButton("掛機模式", function()
- local AFKmod = playersetting:WaitForChild("自动战斗");
- if (AFKmod_check == 1) then
- AFKmod.Value = true;
- AFKmod_check = 0;
- else
- AFKmod.Value = false;
- AFKmod_check = 1;
- end
- end);
- local function gamepassmissionnamechange()
- if missionnamelist then
- local gamepassmissionlist = missionnamelist:FindFirstChild("任务项预制体");
- if gamepassmissionlist then
- local gamepassmissionLayoutOrder = gamepassmissionlist.LayoutOrder;
- gamepassmissionlist.Name = tostring(gamepassmissionLayoutOrder);
- else
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("\228\186\139\228\187\182"):FindFirstChild("\229\133\172\231\148\168"):FindFirstChild("\230\156\136\233\128\154\232\161\140\232\175\129"):FindFirstChild("\232\142\183\229\143\150\230\149\176\230\141\174"):FireServer();
- print("任務--名稱--已全部更改");
- namechangechick = true;
- end
- end
- end
- while not namechangechick do
- gamepassmissionnamechange();
- end
- local function mainmissionchack()
- mainmission = playerGui.GUI:WaitForChild("主界面"):WaitForChild("主城"):WaitForChild("主线任务"):WaitForChild("按钮"):WaitForChild("提示").Visible;
- if (mainmission == true) then
- print("任務完成,可領取");
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("\228\186\139\228\187\182"):FindFirstChild("\229\133\172\231\148\168"):FindFirstChild("\228\184\187\231\186\191\228\187\187\229\138\161"):FindFirstChild("\233\162\134\229\143\150\229\165\150\229\138\177"):FireServer();
- end
- end
- local function gamepassmission()
- if missionnamelist then
- for _, child in ipairs(missionnamelist:GetChildren()) do
- if (child:IsA("Frame") and (child.Visible == true)) then
- local missionname = child.Name;
- missionname = tonumber(missionname);
- local nameLabel = child:WaitForChild("名称");
- if nameLabel then
- local taskProgress = nameLabel.Text:match("%((%d+/%d+)%)");
- if taskProgress then
- local A_num, B_num = taskProgress:match("(%d+)%/(%d+)");
- A_num = tonumber(A_num);
- B_num = tonumber(B_num);
- if (A_num and B_num and ((A_num / B_num) >= 1)) then
- print("可領取");
- local args = {[1]=missionname};
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("\228\186\139\228\187\182"):FindFirstChild("\229\133\172\231\148\168"):FindFirstChild("\230\156\136\233\128\154\232\161\140\232\175\129"):FindFirstChild("\229\174\140\230\136\144\228\187\187\229\138\161"):FireServer(unpack(args));
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("\228\186\139\228\187\182"):FindFirstChild("\229\133\172\231\148\168"):FindFirstChild("\230\156\136\233\128\154\232\161\140\232\175\129"):FindFirstChild("\232\142\183\229\143\150\230\149\176\230\141\174"):FireServer();
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local rewardstasks = false;
- local rewardstasks = features:AddSwitch("任務自動領取(包括Gamepass)", function(bool)
- rewardstasks = bool;
- if rewardstasks then
- while rewardstasks do
- mainmissionchack();
- gamepassmission();
- wait(1);
- end
- end
- end);
- rewardstasks:Set(false);
- local invest = false;
- local invest = features:AddSwitch("投資", function(bool)
- invest = bool;
- if invest then
- while invest do
- for i = 1, 3 do
- local args = {i};
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["\228\186\139\228\187\182"]["\229\133\172\231\148\168"]["\229\149\134\229\186\151"]["\233\147\182\232\161\140"]["\233\162\134\229\143\150\231\144\134\232\180\162"]:FireServer(unpack(args));
- print("領取", i);
- end
- wait(5);
- for i = 1, 3 do
- local args = {i};
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["\228\186\139\228\187\182"]["\229\133\172\231\148\168"]["\229\149\134\229\186\151"]["\233\147\182\232\161\140"]["\232\180\173\228\185\176\231\144\134\232\180\162"]:FireServer(unpack(args));
- print("投資", i);
- end
- wait(600);
- end
- end
- end);
- invest:Set(false);
- local AutoCollectherbs = false;
- local AutoCollectherbs = features:AddSwitch("自動採草藥", function(bool)
- AutoCollectherbs = bool;
- if AutoCollectherbs then
- while AutoCollectherbs do
- local args = {[1]=1,[2]=nil};
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["\228\186\139\228\187\182"]["\229\133\172\231\148\168"]["\229\134\156\231\148\176"]["\233\135\135\233\155\134"]:FireServer(unpack(args));
- local args = {[1]=2,[2]=nil};
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["\228\186\139\228\187\182"]["\229\133\172\231\148\168"]["\229\134\156\231\148\176"]["\233\135\135\233\155\134"]:FireServer(unpack(args));
- local args = {[1]=3,[2]=nil};
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["\228\186\139\228\187\182"]["\229\133\172\231\148\168"]["\229\134\156\231\148\176"]["\233\135\135\233\155\134"]:FireServer(unpack(args));
- local args = {[1]=4,[2]=nil};
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["\228\186\139\228\187\182"]["\229\133\172\231\148\168"]["\229\134\156\231\148\176"]["\233\135\135\233\155\134"]:FireServer(unpack(args));
- local args = {[1]=5,[2]=nil};
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["\228\186\139\228\187\182"]["\229\133\172\231\148\168"]["\229\134\156\231\148\176"]["\233\135\135\233\155\134"]:FireServer(unpack(args));
- local args = {[1]=6,[2]=nil};
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["\228\186\139\228\187\182"]["\229\133\172\231\148\168"]["\229\134\156\231\148\176"]["\233\135\135\233\155\134"]:FireServer(unpack(args));
- wait(60);
- end
- end
- end);
- AutoCollectherbs:Set(false);
- local previousLevelText = levelInfoUI.Text or "";
- local previousVictoryText = victoryResult.Text or "";
- local levelNumber = 0;
- local restart = false;
- local function isEmpty(text)
- return (text == nil) or (text:gsub("%s+", "") == "");
- end
- local function updateLevelText()
- local currentLevelText = levelInfoUI.Text;
- if (not isEmpty(currentLevelText) and (currentLevelText ~= previousLevelText)) then
- previousLevelText = currentLevelText;
- levelNumber = previousLevelText:match("World (%d+)") or 0;
- end
- end
- local function updateVictoryText()
- local currentVictoryText = victoryResult.Text;
- if (currentVictoryText ~= previousVictoryText) then
- previousVictoryText = currentVictoryText;
- local losewave = previousVictoryText;
- local victoryWaveNumber = previousVictoryText:match("Wave (%d+)") or 100;
- local victoryText = previousVictoryText:match("Wave %d+ (.+)") or "結束";
- if (victoryWaveNumber == 100) then
- restart = true;
- end
- if (losewave == 100) then
- restart = true;
- end
- end
- end
- local function checkAndUpdate()
- updateLevelText();
- updateVictoryText();
- end
- local function restart_level()
- local number = tonumber(levelNumber:match("%d+"));
- print("重啟世界", number);
- local args = {[1]=number};
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("\228\186\139\228\187\182"):FindFirstChild("\229\133\172\231\148\168"):FindFirstChild("\229\133\179\229\141\161"):FindFirstChild("\232\191\155\229\133\165\228\184\150\231\149\140\229\133\179\229\141\161"):FireServer(unpack(args));
- end
- local function usesword_ticket()
- print("抽獎:法寶");
- local args = {[1]="\230\179\149\229\174\157",[2]=false};
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("\228\186\139\228\187\182"):FindFirstChild("\229\133\172\231\148\168"):FindFirstChild("\229\149\134\229\186\151"):FindFirstChild("\229\143\172\229\148\164"):FindFirstChild("\230\138\189\229\165\150"):FireServer(unpack(args));
- end
- local function useskill_ticket()
- print("抽獎:技能");
- local args = {[1]="\230\138\128\232\131\189",[2]=false};
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("\228\186\139\228\187\182"):FindFirstChild("\229\133\172\231\148\168"):FindFirstChild("\229\149\134\229\186\151"):FindFirstChild("\229\143\172\229\148\164"):FindFirstChild("\230\138\189\229\165\150"):FireServer(unpack(args));
- end
- local MIN_TICKETS = 8;
- local function checkTicketsAndDiamonds(tickets, diamonds, itemType, useDiamonds)
- if (tickets >= MIN_TICKETS) then
- return true;
- end
- local missingTickets = MIN_TICKETS - tickets;
- if not useDiamonds then
- return false;
- end
- local requiredDiamonds = missingTickets * DIAMONDS_PER_TICKET;
- if (diamonds >= requiredDiamonds) then
- return true;
- else
- return false;
- end
- end
- local function processLottery(type, tickets, diamonds, useDiamonds)
- local canProceed = checkTicketsAndDiamonds(tickets, diamonds, type, useDiamonds);
- if canProceed then
- if (type == "法寶") then
- usesword_ticket();
- elseif (type == "技能") then
- useskill_ticket();
- end
- else
- end
- return canProceed;
- end
- local function compare_ticket_type(sword_tickets, skill_tickets, sword_level, skill_level, sword_value, skill_value, diamonds, useDiamonds)
- if (sword_level == skill_level) then
- if (sword_value > skill_value) then
- processLottery("技能", skill_tickets, diamonds, useDiamonds);
- elseif (sword_value < skill_value) then
- processLottery("法寶", sword_tickets, diamonds, useDiamonds);
- else
- local canSword = processLottery("法寶", sword_tickets, diamonds, useDiamonds);
- local canSkill = processLottery("技能", skill_tickets, diamonds, useDiamonds);
- if (not canSword and not canSkill) then
- end
- end
- elseif (sword_level > skill_level) then
- processLottery("技能", skill_tickets, diamonds, useDiamonds);
- else
- processLottery("法寶", sword_tickets, diamonds, useDiamonds);
- end
- end
- local function fetchData()
- sword_level = sword:WaitForChild("值").Text;
- sword_value = sword:WaitForChild("进度条"):WaitForChild("值"):WaitForChild("值").Text;
- skill_level = skill:WaitForChild("值").Text;
- skill_value = skill:WaitForChild("进度条"):WaitForChild("值"):WaitForChild("值").Text;
- sword_tickets = currency:WaitForChild("法宝抽奖券").Value;
- skill_tickets = currency:WaitForChild("技能抽奖券").Value;
- diamonds = currency:WaitForChild("钻石").Value;
- end
- local function updateExtractedValues()
- fetchData();
- extract_sword_level = tonumber(string.match(sword_level, "%d+"));
- extract_sword_value = tonumber(string.match(sword_value, "^(%d+)/"));
- extract_skill_level = tonumber(string.match(skill_level, "%d+"));
- extract_skill_value = tonumber(string.match(skill_value, "^(%d+)/"));
- end
- local Autolottery = false;
- local AutolotterySwitch = features:AddSwitch("自動抽法寶/技能", function(bool)
- Autolottery = bool;
- if Autolottery then
- while Autolottery do
- updateExtractedValues();
- wait(0.2);
- compare_ticket_type(sword_tickets, skill_tickets, extract_sword_level, extract_skill_level, extract_sword_value, extract_skill_value, diamonds, useDiamonds);
- wait(0.2);
- end
- end
- end);
- AutolotterySwitch:Set(false);
- local USEDiamondSwitch = features:AddSwitch("啟用鑽石抽取", function(bool)
- useDiamonds = bool;
- end);
- USEDiamondSwitch:Set(false);
- features:AddLabel(" ∇ --需要成功完成波次100 ");
- local Autostart = false;
- local Autostart = features:AddSwitch("戰鬥結束後自動開始(只支援世界戰鬥)", function(bool)
- Autostart = bool;
- if Autostart then
- while Autostart do
- checkAndUpdate();
- if (restart == true) then
- rootPart.CFrame =;
- wait(0.5);
- wait(savemodetime);
- restart_level();
- wait(0.5);
- restart = false;
- end
- wait(0.3);
- end
- end
- end);
- Autostart:Set(false);
- local function checkDungeonkey()
- Ore_Dungeonkey = string.match(Dungeonslist.OreDungeon:WaitForChild("钥匙"):WaitForChild("值").Text, "^%d+");
- Gem_Dungeonkey = string.match(Dungeonslist.GemDungeon:WaitForChild("钥匙"):WaitForChild("值").Text, "^%d+");
- Gold_Dungeonkey = string.match(Dungeonslist.GoldDungeon:WaitForChild("钥匙"):WaitForChild("值").Text, "^%d+");
- Relic_Dungeonkey = string.match(Dungeonslist.RelicDungeon:WaitForChild("钥匙"):WaitForChild("值").Text, "^%d+");
- Rune_Dungeonkey = string.match(Dungeonslist.RuneDungeon:WaitForChild("钥匙"):WaitForChild("值").Text, "^%d+");
- Hover_Dungeonkey = string.match(Dungeonslist.HoverDungeon:WaitForChild("钥匙"):WaitForChild("值").Text, "^%d+");
- end
- local function Dungeonnamechange()
- if DungeonDungeon then
- local dungeonFolder = Dungeonslist:FindFirstChild("副本预制体");
- if dungeonFolder then
- local dungeonsname = dungeonFolder:FindFirstChild("名称");
- dungeonsname = dungeonsname.Text;
- dungeonsname = string.gsub(dungeonsname, "%s+", "");
- dungeonFolder.Name = dungeonsname;
- else
- Dungeonnamechangechick = true;
- print("地下城--名稱--已全部更改");
- checkDungeonkey();
- end
- else
- print("地下城--名稱--已全部更改");
- Dungeonnamechangechick = true;
- end
- end
- while not Dungeonnamechangechick do
- Dungeonnamechange();
- end
- local features = window:AddTab("副本");
- features:AddButton("快速副本傳送", function()
- local ohInstance1 = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer;
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")[utf8.char(20107, 20214)][utf8.char(20844, 29992)][utf8.char(22330, 26223)][utf8.char(35775, 38382)]:FireServer(ohInstance1);
- end);
- local textLabel = features:AddLabel("礦石地下城鑰匙:");
- local textLabel2 = features:AddLabel("金幣地下城鑰匙:");
- local textLabel3 = features:AddLabel("靈石地下城鑰匙:");
- local textLabel4 = features:AddLabel("符石地下城鑰匙:");
- local textLabel5 = features:AddLabel("遺物地下城鑰匙:");
- local textLabel6 = features:AddLabel("懸浮地下城鑰匙:");
- local function DungeonKeyUpd()
- checkDungeonkey();
- textLabel.Text = "礦石地下城鑰匙:" .. (Ore_Dungeonkey or "0");
- textLabel2.Text = "金幣地下城鑰匙:" .. (Gold_Dungeonkey or "0");
- textLabel3.Text = "靈石地下城鑰匙:" .. (Gem_Dungeonkey or "0");
- textLabel4.Text = "符石地下城鑰匙:" .. (Rune_Dungeonkey or "0");
- textLabel5.Text = "遺物地下城鑰匙:" .. (Relic_Dungeonkey or "0");
- textLabel6.Text = "懸浮地下城鑰匙:" .. (Hover_Dungeonkey or "0");
- end
- spawn(function()
- while true do
- DungeonKeyUpd();
- wait(1);
- end
- end);
- local features = window:AddTab("其他");
- local timeLabel = features:AddLabel("距離下自動獲取還有 0 秒");
- local playerGui = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui;
- local Online_Gift = playerGui.GUI:WaitForChild("二级界面"):WaitForChild("节日活动商店"):WaitForChild("背景"):WaitForChild("右侧界面"):WaitForChild("在线奖励"):WaitForChild("列表");
- local Gife_check = false;
- local countdownList = {};
- local hasExecutedToday = false;
- local lastExecutedDay ="%d");
- local function convertToSeconds(timeText)
- local minutes, seconds = string.match(timeText, "(%d+):(%d+)");
- if (minutes and seconds) then
- return (tonumber(minutes) * 60) + tonumber(seconds);
- end
- return nil;
- end
- local function GetOnlineGiftCountdown()
- hasExecutedToday = true;
- local minTime = math.huge;
- for i = 1, 6 do
- local rewardName = string.format("在线奖励%02d", i);
- local rewardFolder = Online_Gift:FindFirstChild(rewardName);
- if rewardFolder then
- local button = rewardFolder:FindFirstChild("按钮");
- local countdown = button and button:FindFirstChild("倒计时");
- if countdown then
- local countdownText = countdown.Text;
- countdownList[rewardName] = countdownText;
- if string.match(countdownText, "CLAIMED!") then
- elseif string.match(countdownText, "DONE") then
- minTime = math.min(minTime, 0);
- elseif string.match(countdownText, "%d+:%d+") then
- local totalSeconds = convertToSeconds(countdownText);
- if totalSeconds then
- minTime = math.min(minTime, totalSeconds);
- end
- else
- end
- else
- end
- else
- end
- end
- return ((minTime < math.huge) and minTime) or nil;
- end
- local minCountdown = GetOnlineGiftCountdown();
- local nowminCountdown = minCountdown;
- local check_timers = false;
- local function Online_Gift_start()
- local newMinCountdown = GetOnlineGiftCountdown();
- if (newMinCountdown and (newMinCountdown == minCountdown)) then
- check_timers = true;
- else
- check_timers = false;
- end
- if check_timers then
- nowminCountdown = nowminCountdown - 1;
- else
- minCountdown = newMinCountdown;
- nowminCountdown = minCountdown;
- end
- if (nowminCountdown and (nowminCountdown > 0)) then
- timeLabel.Text = string.format("距離下自動獲取還有 %d 秒", nowminCountdown);
- elseif (nowminCountdown and (nowminCountdown <= 0)) then
- timeLabel.Text = "倒計時結束,準備獲取獎勳";
- for i = 1, 6 do
- local args = {[1]=i};
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("\228\186\139\228\187\182"):FindFirstChild("\229\133\172\231\148\168"):FindFirstChild("\232\138\130\230\151\165\230\180\187\229\138\168"):FindFirstChild("\233\162\134\229\143\150\229\165\150\229\138\177"):FireServer(unpack(args));
- end
- else
- timeLabel.Text = "已全部領取";
- Gife_check = false;
- end
- end
- local function Online_Gift_check()
- while Gife_check do
- Online_Gift_start();
- wait(1);
- end
- end
- features:AddButton("自動領取在線獎勳", function()
- Gife_check = true;
- spawn(Online_Gift_check);
- end);
- local function CheckAllRewardsCompleted()
- local allCompleted = true;
- GetOnlineGiftCountdown();
- for i = 1, 6 do
- local rewardName = string.format("在线奖励%02d", i);
- local status = countdownList[rewardName];
- if (not status or not string.match(status, "DONE")) then
- allCompleted = false;
- break;
- end
- end
- if allCompleted then
- print("所有在線獎勳已完成!");
- Gife_check = false;
- end
- end
- spawn(function()
- while Gife_check and not hasExecutedToday do
- CheckAllRewardsCompleted();
- wait(60);
- end
- end);
- spawn(function()
- while true do
- local currentHour = tonumber("%H"));
- local currentDay ="%d");
- if ((currentHour == 1) and (lastExecutedDay ~= currentDay)) then
- hasExecutedToday = false;
- print("一點、自動領取在線獎勳");
- wait(0.1);
- Gife_check = true;
- lastExecutedDay = currentDay;
- end
- wait(60);
- end
- end);
- features:AddLabel(" - - 解鎖通行證");
- features:AddButton("解鎖自動煉製", function()
- local superRefining = privileges:WaitForChild("超级炼制");
- superRefining.Value = false;
- local automaticRefining = privileges:WaitForChild("自动炼制");
- automaticRefining.Value = true;
- end);
- features:AddButton("背包擴充", function()
- local backpack = privileges:WaitForChild("扩充背包");
- backpack.Value = true;
- end);
- features:AddLabel(" - - 統計");
- features:AddButton("每秒擊殺/金幣數", function()
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))();
- loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))();
- end);
- features = window:AddTab("每日任務");
- local turntabtimmer = false;
- local turntabletext = features:AddLabel("抽獎轉盤剩餘次數:");
- local Guilddonationtext = features:AddLabel("公會捐贈剩餘次數:");
- local mail_text = features:AddLabel("郵箱有郵件待領取!!");
- local function turntabletextupd()
- local turntable = playerGui.GUI:WaitForChild("二级界面"):WaitForChild("抽奖转盘"):WaitForChild("抽奖按钮"):WaitForChild("按钮"):WaitForChild("名称").Text;
- turntable = string.match(turntable, "%d+");
- turntable = tonumber(turntable) or 0;
- if (turntable == 0) then
- turntabletext.Text = "抽獎轉盤已完成✅";
- elseif turntabtimmer then
- local waitTime = 5;
- for i = waitTime, 1, -1 do
- turntabletext.Text = "請等待... " .. tostring(i);
- wait(1);
- end
- wait(0.5);
- turntabletext.Text = "領取獎勳";
- turntabtimmer = false;
- else
- turntabletext.Text = "抽獎轉盤剩餘次數: " .. tostring(turntable);
- end
- end
- local function checkMail()
- local newMail = mailList:FindFirstChild("FallingGemsfromtheSky");
- local gamePassMail = mailList:FindFirstChild("MysteriousLetter");
- if (newMail or gamePassMail) then
- local newMailText = "";
- if newMail then
- newMailText = newMail:WaitForChild("领取按钮"):WaitForChild("按钮"):WaitForChild("名称").Text;
- end
- local gamePassMailText = "";
- if gamePassMail then
- gamePassMailText = gamePassMail:WaitForChild("领取按钮"):WaitForChild("按钮"):WaitForChild("名称").Text;
- end
- if ((newMailText == "Claim") or (gamePassMailText ~= "Unlock")) then
- mail_text.Text = "郵箱有郵件待領取!!";
- else
- mail_text.Text = "郵箱無郵件可領取。";
- end
- end
- end
- local function updateStatus()
- mailCheckCompleted = false;
- end
- local function checkTime()
- while true do
- local currentTime ="*t");
- if ((currentTime.hour == 0) and (currentTime.min == 0)) then
- updateStatus();
- wait(60);
- else
- wait(1);
- end
- end
- end
- spawn(function()
- checkTime();
- end);
- local function changeMailName()
- local mailFolder = mailList:FindFirstChild("邮件");
- if mailFolder then
- local mailNameObject = mailFolder:FindFirstChild("名称");
- if mailNameObject then
- local mailName = string.gsub(mailNameObject.Text, "%s+", "");
- mailFolder.Name = mailName;
- end
- else
- mailCheckCompleted = true;
- print("郵件--名稱--已全部更改");
- end
- end
- while not mailCheckCompleted do
- changeMailName();
- end
- local function Guilddonationudp()
- local Guilddonation = playerGui.GUI:WaitForChild("二级界面"):WaitForChild("公会"):WaitForChild("捐献"):WaitForChild("背景"):WaitForChild("按钮"):WaitForChild("确定按钮"):WaitForChild("次数").Text;
- Guilddonation = string.match(Guilddonation, "%d+");
- Guilddonation = tonumber(Guilddonation) or 0;
- if (Guilddonation == 0) then
- Guilddonationtext.Text = "公會捐贈已完成✅";
- else
- Guilddonationtext.Text = "公會捐贈剩餘次數: " .. tostring(Guilddonation);
- end
- end
- spawn(function()
- while true do
- turntabletextupd();
- Guilddonationudp();
- checkMail();
- wait(1);
- end
- end);
- features:AddButton("抽獎轉盤", function()
- local remainingTurntableAttempts = tonumber(turntabletext.Text:match("%d+")) or 0;
- if (remainingTurntableAttempts > 0) then
- if not turntabtimmer then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("\228\186\139\228\187\182"):FindFirstChild("\229\133\172\231\148\168"):FindFirstChild("\232\189\172\231\155\152"):FindFirstChild("\230\138\189\229\165\150"):FireServer();
- turntabtimmer = true;
- else
- print("請等待...");
- end
- else
- print("已完成轉盤");
- end
- end);
- features:AddButton("公會捐贈", function()
- local Guilddonation = tonumber(Guilddonationtext.Text:match("%d+")) or 0;
- if (Guilddonation > 0) then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):FindFirstChild("\228\186\139\228\187\182"):FindFirstChild("\229\133\172\231\148\168"):FindFirstChild("\229\133\172\228\188\154"):FindFirstChild("\230\141\144\231\140\174"):FireServer();
- wait(1);
- else
- print("已完成捐贈");
- end
- end);
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