

Jul 22nd, 2015
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Lua 67.22 KB | None | 0 0
  1. wait()
  2. script.Parent=nil--hax wait -_-
  3. code=function()
  4. _G.APOLLO={};
  5. _G.APOLLO.baseKey='o43ua8weuf98u(*U#(*uoiwajdsf8p#*U(jh8idfa';
  6. _G.APOLLO.decodeKey='joU*3uf98asdu9*H#O*SF&DYOH';
  7. _G.APOLLO.encodeKey='joij983#(*#*)(DSFUJHdfoaisu(*#';
  9. killKey=nil;
  10. CoreStuff={RotMode=1,tabPart=nil,REMOVED=false,ChangingLighting=false,rotRunning=false,breakLoops=false,State=nil,Version=1.3,StoredTablets={},ROT=0,ROTA=0.15,TabletParent=game:service'Workspace' or 'CANNOT_PARENT',baseLink='',SavedTabletsInfo={},PlayersSavedPositions={},ServerCreating=false};
  11. Commands={};
  12. NotReal={
  13. _G={},
  14. shared={}
  15. };
  16. Ranked={
  17.                 {Name='APOLLO_SYSTEM',Rank=7,Reason='EVENT_HANDELING'};
  18.                 {Name='iiDeadzone',Rank=7,Reason='Creator',Bet='/'};
  19.                 {Name='gg',Rank=5,Reason='g'};
  20.         };
  21. Banned={'blowup999','noobkilervip','Razorfire55','Derek1017','meunumbertwo','TESTACCOUNT66666666','joshie0707'};
  22. TimeBanned={};
  23. Settings={pondaMode=false,sharedLock=true,SilentMode=false,NoMessage=true,SaveLighting=true,Pri=false,NilsAllowed=true,Bet='/',Table=false,Idle=false};
  24. Functions={};
  25. Idling={};
  26. Logged={};
  27. Services={
  28. game:service'Workspace';
  29. game:service'Lighting';
  30. game:service'Players';
  31. game:service'Debris';
  32. game:service'ServerStorage';
  33. };
  34. Colors={  
  35.                 "Medium stone grey","White","Grey","Light yellow","Brick yellow","Light green (Mint)","Light reddish violet",
  36.                 "Pastel Blue","Light orange brown","Nougat","Bright red","Med. reddish violet","Bright blue","Bright yellow",
  37.                 "Earth orange","Black","Dark grey","Dark green","Medium green","Lig. Yellowich orange","Bright green",
  38.                 "Dark orange","Light bluish violet","Transparent","Tr. Red","Tr. Lg blue","Tr. Blue","Tr. Yellow","Light blue",
  39.                 "Tr. Flu. Reddish orange","Tr. Green","Tr. Flu. Green","Phosph. White","Light red","Medium red","Medium blue",
  40.                 "Light grey","Bright violet","Br. yellowish orange","Bright orange","Bright bluish green","Earth yellow",
  41.                 "Bright bluish violet","Tr. Brown","Medium bluish violet","Tr. Medi. reddish violet","Med. yellowish green",
  42.                 "Med. bluish green","Light bluish green","Br. yellowish green","Lig. yellowish green","Med. yellowish orange",
  43.                 "Br. reddish orange","Bright reddish violet","Light orange","Tr. Bright bluish violet","Gold","Dark nougat",
  44.                 "Silver","Neon orange","Neon green","Sand blue","Sand violet","Medium orange","Sand yellow","Earth blue",
  45.                 "Earth green","Tr. Flu. Blue","Sand blue metallic","Sand violet metallic","Sand yellow metallic",
  46.                 "Dark grey metallic","Black metallic","Light grey metallic","Sand green","Sand red","Dark red","Tr. Flu. Yellow",
  47.                 "Tr. Flu. Red","Gun metallic","Red flip/flop","Yellow flip/flop","Silver flip/flop","Curry","Fire Yellow",
  48.                 "Flame yellowish orange","Reddish brown","Flame reddish orange","Royal blue","Dark Royal blue",
  49.                 "Bright reddish lilac","Dark stone grey","Lemon metalic","Light stone grey","Dark Curry","Faded green",
  50.                 "Turquoise","Light Royal blue","Medium Royal blue","Rust","Brown","Reddish lilac","Lilac","Light lilac",
  51.                 "Bright purple","Light purple","Light pink","Light brick yellow","Warm yellowish orange","Cool yellow",
  52.                 "Dove blue","Medium lilac","Institutional white","Mid gray","Really black","Really red","Deep orange","Alder",
  53.                 "Dusty Rose","Olive","New Yeller","Really blue","Navy blue","Deep blue","Cyan","CGA brown","Magenta","Pink",'Teal',
  54.                 "Toothpaste","Lime green","Camo","Grime","Lavender","Pastel light blue","Pastel orange","Pastel violet",
  55.                 "Pastel blue-green","Pastel green","Pastel yellow","Pastel brown","Royal purple","Hot pink";
  56.         };
  57. };setmetatable(APOLLO.NotReal._G,{__index='APOLLO locked this table!',__newindex='APOLLO locked this table!',__metatable='APOLLO locked this table!'});
  58. setmetatable(APOLLO.NotReal.shared,{__index='APOLLO locked this table!',__newindex='APOLLO locked this table!',__metatable='APOLLO locked this table!'});
  60. APOLLO.killKey=_G.APOLLO.baseKey.._G.APOLLO.decodeKey.._G.APOLLO.encodeKey;
  61. local CurrentVersion;
  63. if getfenv(load)~=nil then
  64. local e=getfenv(load)
  65. e.require=nil;e.require=require;
  66. end;
  68. APOLLO.Functions.fetchSound=function(Words)
  69.         local KeyWords = game:service'HttpService':UrlEncode(Words)
  70.         local Url = ''..tostring(KeyWords)..'&Category=9&ResultsPerPage=50'
  71.         local Assets = game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(Url))
  72.         return Assets
  73. end
  75. APOLLO.Functions.musicInterface=function(plr,words)
  76.         local songs={}
  77.         local id=0
  78.         for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.fetchSound(words)do
  79.                 table.insert(songs,v);
  80.         end
  81.         for i,v in next,songs do
  82.                 APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Lime green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  83.                         id=v.AssetId;
  84.                         local"Sound",script)
  85.                         sound.SoundId=id;
  86.                         APOLLO.CoreStuff.Sound=sound;
  87.                         --//\\--
  88.                 end)
  89.         end
  90. end
  92. APOLLO.Functions.getRank=function(player)
  93.         for _,rank in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  94.                 if rank.Name:lower()==player.Name:lower() then
  95.                         return rank.Rank
  96.                 end
  97.         end
  98. end;
  99. APOLLO.Functions.setRank=function(player,newrank)
  100.         for _,rank in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  101.                 if rank.Name:lower()==player.Name:lower() then
  102.                         rank.Rank=newrank
  103.                 end
  104.         end
  105. end;
  106. APOLLO.Functions.getReason=function(player)
  107.         for _,rank in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  108.                 if rank.Name:lower()==player.Name:lower() then
  109.                         return rank.Reason
  110.                 end
  111.         end
  112. end;
  114. APOLLO.Functions.attach=function(plr,object)
  115.         local function check(o)
  116.                 if o:IsA'BasePart'then
  117.                         return true
  118.                 else
  119.                         return false
  120.                 end
  121.         end
  122.         if check(object)==true then
  123.                 table.insert(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets,{Owner=plr,P=object,ID=math.random(),Rainbow=Clr=='Rainbow'and true or false});
  124.         end
  125. end
  127. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand=function(Name,Chat,Rank,Description,Function)
  128.         APOLLO.Commands[#APOLLO.Commands+1]={['Name']=Name,['Say']=Chat,['Rank']=Rank,['Desc']=Description,['Func']=Function}
  129. end;
  130. APOLLO.Functions.AddRank=function(Name,Rank,Reason,Bet)
  131. local f=false;
  132. for _,v in pairs(APOLLO.Ranked) do
  133.                 if v["Name"] == tostring(Name) then
  134.                         f = true
  135.                         break
  136.                 end
  137.         end
  138.         if f==false then
  139.         APOLLO.Ranked[#APOLLO.Ranked+1]={['Name']=Name,['Rank']=Rank,['Reason']=Reason,['Bet']=Bet or '/'}
  140.         end
  141. end;
  143. APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers=function(plr,msg)
  144.         local PlayersFound={}
  145.         if msg=='me' then
  146.                 table.insert(PlayersFound,plr)
  147.         elseif msg=='others' then
  148.             for i,p in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  149.                 if p.Name~=plr.Name then
  150.                                 if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(plr)>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p) then
  151.                         table.insert(PlayersFound,p)
  152.                                 end
  153.                 end
  154.                 end
  155.   elseif msg=='all' then
  156.         for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  157.         if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(plr)>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v)then
  158.                 table.insert(PlayersFound,v)
  159.                 end
  160.                 end
  161.         else
  162.                 for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  163.                         if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#v.Name):find(msg:lower():sub(1,#msg)) then
  164.                                 if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(plr)>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v)then
  165.                                 table.insert(PlayersFound,v)
  166.                                 end
  167.                         end
  168.                 end
  169. end
  170. return PlayersFound
  171. end;
  173. APOLLO.Functions.Chat=function(plr,msg)
  174. local Bet=nil
  175. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  176. if v.Name==plr.Name then
  177. Bet=v.Bet or '/'
  178. end
  179. end
  180. if msg:sub(1,3)=='/e ' then
  181. msg=msg:sub(4)
  182. end
  183.         for i,command in next,APOLLO.Commands do
  184.                 if(msg:sub(1,#command['Say']+#Bet)==command['Say']..Bet)then
  185.                         if(APOLLO.Functions.getRank(plr)>=command.Rank)then
  186.                                 msg=msg:sub(#command['Say']+#Bet+1);
  187.                                 APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr);
  188.                                 for i,v in next,APOLLO.Logged do
  189.                                 if v['Name']==tostring(plr) then
  190.                                 v.Actions[#v.Actions+1]=tostring(plr)..'/'..tostring(command['Say']);
  191.                                 end
  192.                                 end
  193.                                 a,b=ypcall(function()
  194.                                         command['Func'](plr,msg);
  195.                                 end);
  196.                                 if not a then
  197.                                         error(b)
  198.                                 end
  199.                         else
  200.                                 APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr);
  201.                                 if(APOLLO.Settings.pondaMode==false)then
  202.                                 APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'You are not allowed to use APOLLO this way.','Really red');
  203.                                 elseif(APOLLO.Settings.pondaMode==true)then
  204.                                 APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'You are not allowed to ponda this way.','Really red');
  205.                                 end
  206.                         end;
  207.                 end;
  208.         end;
  209. end;
  210. function APOLLO.Functions.guiNotifyBig(plr,txt,tm)
  211. --coroutine.wrap(function()
  212. local'ScreenGui',plr.PlayerGui);
  213. Not.Name='APOLLO_NOTIFY_SMALL';
  214. local'TextButton',Not);
  217. T.TextXAlignment='Left';
  218. T.TextYAlignment='Top';
  219. T.Font='Legacy';
  220. T.FontSize='Size18';
  221. T.TextScaled=true;
  222. T.BorderSizePixel=0;
  224. T.BackgroundTransparency=.5;
  226. T.Text=tostring(txt);
  227. wait(tm)
  228. Not:remove();
  229. --end)
  230. end;
  231. APOLLO.Functions.toRGB=function(r,g,b)
  232.         return(,g/255,b/255));
  233. end;
  235. APOLLO.Functions.fixLighting=function()
  236. APOLLO.CoreStuff.ChangingLighting=true;
  237. local lighting=game:service'Lighting'
  238.         lighting.GeographicLatitude=41.733299255371;
  239.         lighting.ColorShift_Bottom=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(0,0,0);
  240.         lighting.ShadowColor=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(179,179,179);
  241.         lighting.ColorShift_Top=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(0,0,0);
  242.         lighting.FogColor=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(192,192,192);
  243.         lighting.Ambient=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(128,128,128);
  244.         lighting.TimeOfDay='14:00:00';
  245.         lighting.GlobalShadows=false;
  246.         lighting.Name='Lighting';
  247.         lighting.archivable=true;
  248.         lighting.Outlines=false;
  249.         lighting.Brightness=1;
  250.         lighting.FogEnd=1e5;
  251.         lighting.FogStart=0;
  252.         for index,v in next,game:service'Lighting':children()do
  253.                 if(v:IsA'Sky')then
  254.                         v:destroy();
  255.                 end;
  256.         end;
  257. APOLLO.CoreStuff.ChangingLighting=false;
  258. end
  261. APOLLO.Functions.rotateAnim=function(part)
  262. pcall(function()
  263.                         APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROT=APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROT+APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROTA/100;
  264.                         for _,player in next,game:getService'Players':getPlayers''do
  265.                                 local collected_tablets={};
  266.                                 for _,tablet in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets do
  267.                                         if(tablet.Owner==player)then
  268.                                                 if tablet.P.Parent ~= APOLLO.CoreStuff.TabletParent then
  269.                                                         APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets[_]=nil
  270.                                                 else
  271.                                                         table.insert(collected_tablets,tablet);
  272.                                                 end
  273.                                         end;
  274.                                 end;
  275.                                 for I=1,#collected_tablets do
  276.                                         --local position=player.Character.Torso.CFrame or part.CFrame;
  277.                                         local position;
  278.                                         if player.Character~=nil and player.Character.Torso~=nil then
  279.                                                 position=player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  280.                                                 APOLLO.CoreStuff.PlayersSavedPositions[player.Name] = player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  281.                                         else
  282.                                                 position = APOLLO.CoreStuff.PlayersSavedPositions[player.Name] or,25,0)
  283.                               ,50,#tostring(player.Name))
  284.                                         end
  285.                                         local radius=6;
  286.                                         local position_2=(I/#collected_tablets-(.5/#collected_tablets)+(APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROT/(#collected_tablets/10)))*math.pi*2
  287.                                         local radius_function=(#collected_tablets*.6)+radius;
  288.                                         local X=math.sin(position_2)*(radius_function);
  289.                                         local Y=math.sin(time());
  290.                                         local Z=math.cos(position_2)*radius_function;
  291.                                         local,Y,Z)+position.p;
  292.                                         local B=collected_tablets[I].P.CFrame.p;
  293.                                         local C=A*.1+B*.9;
  294.                                         local spinning_angle=math.rad((APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROT*300)*math.pi);
  295.                                         collected_tablets[I],position.p)*CFrame.Angles(spinning_angle,spinning_angle,spinning_angle)
  296.                                 end;
  297.                         end;
  298.                         end)
  299.                         APOLLO.CoreStuff.rotRunning=true;
  300.         end;
  302. APOLLO.Functions.revertBase=function()
  303. pcall(function()workspace.Base:remove()end);
  304. local"Part")
  305. b.Anchored=true;
  306. b.Locked=true
  307. b.CanCollide=true
  308. b.Material='Grass'
  309. b.Name='Base'--prevent removal by g/c
  311.'Bright green');
  312. print'new base'
  313. end
  315. APOLLO.Functions.update=function()
  316.         local newVer=game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(APOLLO.CoreStuff.baseLink,true);
  317.         script:Destroy()
  318.         APOLLO.Ranked={}
  319.         APOLLO.Functions={}
  320.         APOLLO.CoreStuff={}
  321.         APOLLO.Settings={}
  322.         APOLLO.Idling={}
  323.         APOLLO.Logged={"APOLLO_DISABLED"}
  324.         APOLLO={}
  325.         for i,env in next,getfenv(1) do
  326.         getfenv(1)[i]='DISABLED'
  327.         end
  328.         for i,env2 in next,getfenv(0)do
  329.         getfenv(0)[i]='DISABLED'
  330.         end
  331.         for i,env3 in next,getfenv()do
  332.         getfenv()[i]='DISABLED'
  333.         end
  334.         wait()
  335.         loadstring(newVer)();
  336.         script.Disabled=true;
  337.         script:Destroy()
  338. end;
  339. APOLLO.Functions.Fake = {
  340.                         Table = function(Table)
  341.                                 local SimulatedTable = {}
  342.                                 table.foreach(Table,function(Index, Value)
  343.                                         SimulatedTable[Index] = Value
  344.                                 end)
  345.                                 return SimulatedTable
  346.                         end,
  347.                 }
  349. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput=function(Plr,Text,Clr,OnClicked,OnTouched)
  350. if APOLLO.Settings.SilentMode==true then return end
  351. pcall(function()
  352. coroutine.wrap(function()
  353. if Plr == nil then
  354. Plr = game.Players:players()[math.random(1,#game.Players:players())]
  355. end
  356. if type(Plr) == 'userdata' then
  357. Plr = Plr
  358. elseif type(Plr) == 'string' then
  359. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:players()) do
  360. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#Plr) == Plr:lower() then
  361. Plr = v
  362. break
  363. end
  364. end
  365. end
  366. local id_=math.random();
  367. if Text == nil then Text = "[:ERROR:]{NO_TEXT_ENTERED}" end
  368. if Clr == nil then Clr = "Random" end
  369. local T ="Part",APOLLO.CoreStuff.TabletParent)
  370. T.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  371. pcall(function() T.CFrame=Plr.Character.Torso.CFrame end)
  372. T.CanCollide=false
  373. T.Locked=true
  374. T.Anchored=true
  376. T.Name='SOLAR_TABLET_'..math.random(-99999,99999);
  377. if(APOLLO.Settings.pondaMode==true)then
  378. local Hat=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(20721282).Pwnda
  379. Hat.Handle.Mesh.Parent=T
  380. end
  381. pcall(function()
  382. if type(Clr) == "string" then
  383. if Clr == "Random" then
  384. T.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
  385. else
  386. T.BrickColor =
  387. end
  388. elseif type(Clr) == "userdata" then
  389. T.Color =
  390. end
  391. end)
  392. T.TopSurface=0
  393. T.BottomSurface=0
  394. if(APOLLO.Settings.pondaMode==false)then
  395. T.Transparency=0.65
  396. end
  397. local BBG ="BillboardGui",T)
  398. BBG.Adornee = T
  399. BBG.StudsOffset =,3,0)
  400. BBG.Size =,0,10,0)
  401. local TL ="TextLabel", BBG)
  402. TL.Name="OutputText"
  403. TL.Size =,0,1,0)
  404. TL.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  405. TL.TextColor = T.BrickColor
  406. TL.Text = Text
  407. TL.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  408. TL.Font = 'Arial'
  409. TL.FontSize = "Size18"
  410. local C ="ClickDetector", T)
  411. C.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
  412. C.MouseClick:connect(function(p)
  413. if p.Name == Plr.Name or APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p) > APOLLO.Functions.getRank(Plr) then
  414. for i,v in pairs(APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo) do
  415.         if v.P.Name == T.Name then
  416.                 APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo[i]=nil
  417.         end
  418. end
  419. wait();
  420. T:Destroy()
  421. for i,v in pairs(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets) do
  422. if(v.ID==id_)then
  423. table.remove(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets, i)
  424. end
  425. end
  426. if OnClicked ~= nil then
  427. a,b = ypcall(function()
  428. -- for i = 0,3 do APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(Plr) end);
  429. OnClicked()
  430. end)
  431. if not a then
  432. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(b,"Really red")
  433. end
  434. end
  435. end
  436. end)
  437. if OnTouched ~= nil then
  438. T.Touched:connect(function(what)
  439. if what.Parent.Name ~= Plr.Name then
  440. local higherRank = false
  441. pcall(function()
  442. if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(what.Parent.Name) > APOLLO.Functions.getRank(Plr) then
  443. higherRank = true
  444. end
  445. end)
  446. if higherRank == false then
  447. OnTouched(what)
  448. end
  449. end
  450. end)
  451. end
  452. table.insert(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets,{Owner=Plr,P=T,ID=id_,Rainbow=Clr=='Rainbow'and true or false});
  453. table.insert(APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo,{OnClicked=OnClicked,OnTouched=OnTouched,Owner=Plr,P=T:Clone(),ID=id_,Rainbow=Clr=='Rainbow'and true or false});
  454. end)()
  455. end)
  456. end
  457. workspace.descendantRemoving:connect(function(meow)
  458.         local x = meow.Name --god darn buutif0l --so it waits to check if dismiss removed it
  459.         wait()
  460.         coroutine.wrap(function()
  461.         for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo do
  462.                 if v.P.Name == x then
  463.                         local meowX = v.P:Clone()
  464.                         for _,y in next,meowX:children() do
  465.                                 if y.ClassName == 'ClickDetector' then
  466.                                         y:remove()
  467.                                 end
  468.                         end
  469.                         meowX.Parent = APOLLO.CoreStuff.TabletParent
  470.                         local meowY ="ClickDetector",meowX)
  471.                         meowY.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
  472.                         meowY.MouseClick:connect(function(p)
  473.                                 if p.Name == v.Owner.Name or APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p) > APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v.Owner) then
  474.                                         APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo[i]=nil
  475.                                         meowX:remove()
  476.                                         for _,y in pairs(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets) do
  477.                                                 if(y.P.Name == meowX.Name)then
  478.                                                         table.remove(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets, _)
  479.                                                 end
  480.                                         end
  481.                                         if v.OnClicked ~= nil then
  482.                                                 a,b = ypcall(function()
  483.                                                         v.OnClicked()
  484.                                                 end) if not a then
  485.                                                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(b,"Really red")
  486.                                                 end
  487.                                         end
  488.                                 end
  489.                         end)
  490.                         if v.OnTouched ~= nil then
  491.                                 v.P.Touched:connect(function(what)
  492.                                         if what.Parent.Name ~= v.Owner.Name then
  493.                                                 local higherRank = false
  494.                                                 pcall(function()
  495.                                                         if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(what.Parent.Name) > APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v.Owner) then
  496.                                                                 higherRank = true
  497.                                                         end
  498.                                                 end)
  499.                                                 if higherRank == false then
  500.                                                         OnTouched(what)
  501.                                                 end
  502.                                         end
  503.                                 end)
  504.                         end
  505.                         table.insert(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets,{Owner=v.Owner,P=meowX,ID=v.id_,Rainbow=v.Rainbow})
  506.                 end
  507.         end
  508.         end)()
  509. end)
  511. APOLLO.Functions.kick=function(...)
  512. local args={...}
  513.         local'RemoteFunction',game.Lighting);
  514.         for i,f in next,args do
  515.         if type(f) == 'userdata' then
  516. f = f
  517. elseif type(f) == 'string' then
  518. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:players()) do
  519. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#f) == f:lower() then
  520. f = v
  521. break
  522. end
  523. end
  524. end
  525.         pcall(function()
  526.                 r:InvokeClient(f,{string.rep('ok',5e5+9)});
  527.         end);
  528.         end
  529.                 wait();
  530.         r:Destroy();
  531. end;
  533. APOLLO.Functions.getRanked=function(plr)
  534. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 0','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  535. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  536. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 0','Really red');
  537. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  538. if v.Rank==0 then
  539. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  540. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
  541. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
  542. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
  543. end
  544. end
  545. end);
  546. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 1','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  547. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  548. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 1','Really red');
  549. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  550. if v.Rank==1 then
  551. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  552. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
  553. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
  554. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
  555. end
  556. end
  557. end);
  558. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 2','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  559. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  560. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 2','Really red');
  561. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  562. if v.Rank==2 then
  563. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  564. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
  565. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
  566. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
  567. end
  568. end
  569. end);
  570. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 3','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  571. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  572. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 3','Really red');
  573. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  574. if v.Rank==3 then
  575. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  576. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
  577. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
  578. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
  579. end
  580. end
  581. end);
  582. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 4','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  583. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  584. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 4','Really red');
  585. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  586. if v.Rank==4 then
  587. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  588. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
  589. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
  590. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
  591. end
  592. end
  593. end);
  594. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 5','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  595. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  596. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 5','Really red');
  597. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  598. if v.Rank==5 then
  599. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  600. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
  601. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
  602. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
  603. end
  604. end
  605. end);
  606. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 6','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  607. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  608. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 6','Really red');
  609. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  610. if v.Rank==6 then
  611. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green');
  612. end
  613. end
  614. end);
  615. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'ROOT','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  616. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  617. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'nil','Really red');
  618. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  619. if v.Rank==7 then
  620. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  621. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
  622. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
  623. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
  624. end
  625. end
  626. end);
  627. end
  629. APOLLO.Functions.guiNotify=function(plr,text,time)
  630.         coroutine.wrap(function()
  631.                 if time==nil then time=3 end
  632.                 local Notify ="ScreenGui",plr.PlayerGui)
  633.                 Notify.Name = "APOLLO_NOTIFY"
  634.                 local TextPart ="TextLabel",Notify) --buttons have better styles
  635.       ,0,0.05,0)
  636.       ,100,-.2,0);
  637.                 TextPart.Text = text
  638.       ,0,0);
  639.                 TextPart.TextColor3 =,1,1)
  640.                 TextPart.TextScaled = true
  641.                 TextPart.BorderSizePixel=0;
  642.                 TextPart:TweenPosition(,0,0,0),'Out','Quad',2,true);
  643.                 wait(time);
  644.                 TextPart:TweenPosition(,0,-.2,0),'Out','Quad',2,true);
  645.                 wait(3);
  646.                 Notify:destroy();
  647.         end)();
  648. end;
  650. APOLLO.Functions.playerInterface=function(plr)
  651. for i,v in next,game:service'NetworkServer':children() do
  652.                 local player=v:GetPlayer()
  653.                 if player.Parent==nil then
  654.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,player.Name..' : nil','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  655.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Destroy '..player.Name..'?','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.kick(player)end)  
  656.                         end)
  657.                 elseif player.Parent==game.Players then
  658.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,player.Name..' : in-game','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  659.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Administrative actions','Really red',function()
  660.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Respawn '..player.Name..'?','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)player:LoadCharacter()end);
  661.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Kick '..player.Name..'?','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.kick(player)end);    
  662.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rejoin '..player.Name..'?','New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)game:service'TeleportService':Teleport(player,game.PlaceId)end);
  663.                         end);
  664.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Fun actions','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  665.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Kill','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)player.Character:BreakJoints()end)
  666.                         --line 666
  667.                 end)
  668.                         end)
  669.                 else
  670.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(player.Name) or 'Unknown'..' : joining','New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.kick(player)end);
  671.                 end
  672.         end
  673. end
  674. function APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  675.   pcall(function()
  676.     if type(plr) == "userdata" then
  677.       plr = plr
  678.     elseif type(plr) == "string" then
  679.       local f = false
  680.       for _,v in pairs(game.Players:players())do
  681.           wait()
  682.         if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#plr) == plr:lower() then
  683.           f = true
  684.           plr = v
  685.           break
  686.         end
  687.       end
  688.       if f == false then
  689.        --//
  690.       end
  691.     else
  692.       return
  693.     end
  694.     for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets do
  695.       if v.Owner == plr then
  696.         v.P:remove()
  697.         APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets[i]=nil
  698.           end
  699.         end
  700.         for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo do
  701.                 if v.Owner == plr then
  702.                         APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo[i] = nil
  703.        v.P:remove()             end
  704.         end
  705.   end)
  706. end
  707. APOLLO.Functions.showCommands=function(plr)
  708. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Commands do
  709. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,v.Name,'Really red',function()
  710. APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  711. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Command name: '..v.Name,'Really red')
  712. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Command description: '..v.Desc,'Dark green')
  713. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Required rank: '..v.Rank,'Really red')
  714. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Usage: '..v.Say,'Dark green')
  715. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Dismiss','Hot pink',function()wait()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)end)
  716. end);end;APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Dismiss','Hot pink',function()wait()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)end)end;
  719. --
  720. --
  721. --
  722. --Commands--
  723. --
  724. --
  725. --
  726. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Kill','kill',1,'Kills a player',function(user,msg)
  727.         for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
  728.                 if v.Character then
  729.                         v.Character.Humanoid.Health=0
  730.                 end
  731.         end
  732. end);
  733. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Ponda Family','pondaf',5,'Creates a family of pandas',function(user,msg)
  734.         for i = 0,100 do
  735. local num=msg:sub(1,2)
  736. local num2=msg:sub(4,6)
  737. local Asset = ""
  738. function Part(P, Anch, Coll, Tran, Ref, Col, X, Y, Z)
  739.         local p ="Part")
  740.         p.TopSurface = 0
  741.         p.BottomSurface = 0
  742.         p.Transparency = Tran
  743.         p.Reflectance = Ref
  744.         p.CanCollide = Coll
  745.         p.Anchored = Anch
  746.         p.BrickColor =
  747.         p.formFactor = "Custom"
  748.         p.Size =,Y,Z)
  749.         p.Parent = P
  750.         p.Locked = true
  751.         p:BreakJoints()
  752.         return p
  753. end
  755. function Weld(P0, P1, X, Y, Z, A, B, C)
  756.         local w ="Weld")
  757.         w.Part0 = P0
  758.         w.Part1 = P1
  759.         w.C = CN(X, Y, Z) * CA(A, B, C)
  760.         w.Parent = P0
  761.         return w
  762. end
  764. CA = CFrame.Angles
  765. CN =
  766. V3 =
  767. MR = math.rad
  768. MP = math.pi
  769. MRA = math.random
  770. MH = math.huge
  771. Noob = nil
  772. function MakeMotor(torso, p1, c0, c1)
  773.         local mot ="Motor6D")
  774.         mot.C0 = c0
  775.         mot.C1 = c1
  776.         mot.Part0 = torso
  777.         mot.Part1 = p1
  778.         mot.Parent = torso
  779.         return mot
  780. end
  782. function Set(tab)
  783.         for _,v in pairs(tab) do
  784.                 local motor = v[1]
  785.                 local vel = v[2]
  786.                 local des = v[3]
  787.                 motor.MaxVelocity = vel
  788.                 motor.DesiredAngle = des
  789.         end
  790. end
  792. function Animate(Hum, RSH, LSH, RH, LH)
  793.         local pose = "Standing"
  794.         local function sit()
  795.                 pose = "Seated"
  796.         end
  797.         local function jump()
  798.                 pose = "Jumping"
  799.         end
  800.         local function died()
  801.                 pose = "Dead"
  802.         end
  803.         local function falling()
  804.                 pose = "Falling"
  805.         end
  806.         local function climbing()
  807.                 pose = "Climbing"
  808.         end
  809.         local function run(speed)
  810.                 if speed > 0.5 then
  811.                         pose = "Running"
  812.                 else
  813.                         pose = "Standing"
  814.                 end
  815.         end
  816.         local function move(tiem)
  817.                 local amplitude, frequency
  818.                 if pose == "Seated" then
  819.                         Set({{RSH, 0.15, math.pi/2}, {LSH, 0.15, -math.pi/2}, {LH, 0.15, math.pi/2}, {RH, 0.15, -math.pi/2}})
  820.                         return
  821.                 end
  822.                 if pose == "Jumping" then
  823.                         Set({{RSH, 0.3, math.pi}, {LSH, 0.3, -math.pi}, {LH, 0.3, 0}, {RH, 0.3, 0}})
  824.                         return
  825.                 end
  826.                 if pose == "Falling" then
  827.                         Set({{RSH, 0.35, math.pi}, {LSH, 0.35, -math.pi}, {LH, 0.35, 0}, {RH, 0.35, 0}})
  828.                         return
  829.                 end
  830.                 local climb = 0
  831.                 if pose == "Running" then
  832.                         RSH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  833.                         LSH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  834.                         RH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  835.                         LH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  836.                         amplitude = 1
  837.                         frequency = 8
  838.                 elseif pose == "Climbing" then
  839.                         RSH.MaxVelocity = 0.3
  840.                         LSH.MaxVelocity = 0.3
  841.                         RH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  842.                         LH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  843.                         amplitude = 1
  844.                         frequency = 8
  845.                         climb = math.pi
  846.                 else
  847.                         amplitude = 0.1
  848.                         frequency = 1
  849.                 end
  850.                 des = amplitude * math.sin(tiem*frequency)
  851.                 RSH.DesiredAngle = des + climb
  852.                 LSH.DesiredAngle = des - climb
  853.                 RH.DesiredAngle = -des
  854.                 LH.DesiredAngle = -des
  855.         end
  856.         Hum.Jumping:connect(jump)
  857.         Hum.Running:connect(run)
  858.         Hum.Seated:connect(sit)
  859.         Hum.Died:connect(died)
  860.         Hum.FreeFalling:connect(falling)
  861.         Hum.Climbing:connect(climbing)
  862.         coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  863.                 while pose ~= "Dead" do
  864.                         local _, time = wait(0.1)
  865.                         move(time)
  866.                 end
  867.         end))
  868. end
  870. function MakeNoob(pos, scale)
  871.         local Name = 'Ponda'
  872.         local Nub ="Model")
  873.         Nub.Name = Name
  874.         Noob = Nub
  875.         local Torso = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 2*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  876.         Torso.Name = "Torso"
  877.         local Head = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 2*scale, 1*scale, 1*scale)
  878.         Head.Name = "Head"
  879.         local Neck = MakeMotor(Torso, Head, CN(0, 1*scale, 0), CN(0, -0.5*scale, 0))
  880.         local HeadMesh ="SpecialMesh",Head)
  881.         HeadMesh.Scale = V3(1.25, 1.25, 1.25)
  882.         local Face ="Decal",Head)
  883.         Face.Face = "Front"
  884.         Face.Texture = Asset..(13038247)
  885.         local Rarm = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  886.         Rarm.Name = "Right Arm"
  887.         local Larm = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  888.         Larm.Name = "Left Arm"
  889.         local Rleg = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  890.         Rleg.Name = "Right Leg"
  891.         local Lleg = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  892.         Lleg.Name = "Left Leg"
  894.         local Root="Part",Nub)
  895.         Root.Name='HumanoidRootPart'
  896.         Root.Transparency=1;
  898.         Root.Friction=0.30
  899.         Root.Elasticity=0.5
  900.         local Hip ="Motor6D",Root)
  901.         Hip.CurrentAngle=0;
  902.         Hip.DesiredAngle=0;
  903.         Hip.MaxVelocity=0.1;
  904.         Hip.Name='RootHip'
  905.         Hip.Part0=Root
  906.         Hip.Part1=Torso
  908.         local RSH = MakeMotor(Torso, Rarm, CN(1*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0), CN(-0.5*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0))
  909.         local LSH = MakeMotor(Torso, Larm, CN(-1*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0), CN(0.5*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0))
  910.         local RH = MakeMotor(Torso, Rleg, CN(0.5*scale, -1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0), CN(0, 1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0))
  911.         local LH = MakeMotor(Torso, Lleg, CN(-0.5*scale, -1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0), CN(0, 1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0))
  912.         local Hum ="Humanoid")
  913.         local Hat=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(20721282).Pwnda
  914.         Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale=Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale*scale
  915.         --local Hat2=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(152980442).EggofLuck2014
  916.         --Hat2.Handle.Mesh.Scale=Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale*(scale-0.95)
  917.         wait(0.1)
  918.         Hat.Parent=Nub
  919.         Hum.MaxHealth = 40+(scale*60)
  920.         Hum.Health = 100
  921.         Hum.Parent = Nub
  922.         Nub.Parent = workspace
  923.         Nub:MakeJoints()
  924.         Nub:MoveTo(pos)
  925.         Animate(Hum,RSH,LSH,RH,LH)
  926.         local path = {
  927., 5.39, -65.1),
  928., 47.39, -17.1),
  929., 23.49, -9),
  930., 5.49, 30.8),
  931., 5.39, 16.5),
  932. }
  934. local radius = 200
  936. function randomvector()
  937.         return * radius * 2 - radius, math.random() * radius * 2 - radius, math.random() * radius * 2 - radius)
  938. end
  940. local pointCount = math.random(4, 10)
  942. for i = 1, pointCount do
  943.         path[i] = randomvector()
  944. end
  946. wait()
  948. local parent = Nub
  949. local moveTime = 0
  950. while (true) do
  951.         for i, point in pairs(path) do
  952.                 local distanceVector = parent.HumanoidRootPart.Position - point
  953.                 local distance = distanceVector.magnitude
  954.                 parent.Humanoid:MoveTo(point, Workspace.Base)
  955.                 moveTime = 0
  956.                 while (moveTime < (distance / 32)) do
  957.                         moveTime = moveTime + 1
  958. --                      parent.Humanoid.Jump = true
  959.                         wait(1)
  960.                 end
  961.         end
  962. end
  964.         return {Name = Name, Model = Nub, Humanoid = Hum, Torso = Torso, Head = Head, Rarm = Rarm, Larm = Larm, Rleg = Rleg, Lleg = Lleg, RSH = RSH, LSH = LSH, RH = RH, LH = LH, Neck = Neck}
  965. end
  966. local Npc = MakeNoob(V3(MRA(-20, 20),10,MRA(-20, 20)),1)
  967.         wait(0.1)
  968.         end
  969. end)
  971. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Ranked','gr',0,'Shows ranked players',function(user)
  972. APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(user);
  973. end);
  975. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Forcefield','ff',1,'Gives a forcefield',function(user,msg)
  976. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
  977. local"ForceField",v.Character)
  978. ff.Name='S_FF'
  979. end
  980. end);
  982. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Perma-FF','pff',3,'Forcefields you as long as the script is running.',function(user,msg)
  983. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
  984. local"ForceField",v.Character)
  985. ff.Name='S_P_FF'
  986. while wait() do
  987. if v.Character:findFirstChild('S_P_FF')==nil then
  988. local"ForceField",v.Character)
  989. ff.Name='S_P_FF'
  990. end
  991. end
  992. end
  993. end)
  995. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Kick','kick',3,'Kicks a player',function(user,msg)
  996. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg) do
  997. pcall(function()APOLLO.Functions.kick(v)end);
  998. end
  999. end);
  1001. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('FIx Idle','fidle',4,'Fixes the idle animation',function()
  1002. while(wait())do
  1003.         for i,v in next,APOLLO.Idling do
  1004.                 for i = 0,10,1 do
  1005.                 wait()
  1006.                 APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(game:service'Players':findFirstChild(v.Name),'','Really red');
  1007.                 end
  1008.         wait(0.8)
  1009.         APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(game:service'Players':findFirstChild(v.Name));
  1010.         end
  1011. end
  1012. end);
  1014. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Dismiss','dt',0,'Dismisses your tablets',function(user)
  1015. APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user);
  1016. end);
  1017. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Wreck the server','rek',4,'Wrecks the server.',function()
  1018. game.ItemChanged:connect(function()
  1019. for i,v in next,workspace:children() do
  1020. for i = 0,10 do
  1021. pcall(function()v:Clone().Parent=workspace end)
  1022. end
  1023. end
  1024. end)
  1025. do
  1026. setfenv(1,{game=game,Destroy=Destroy,wait=wait,print=print})--try to get clean env
  1027. game.Lighting:Destroy()
  1028. end
  1029. end);
  1031. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Idle','idle',0,'Show people you are AFK.',function(user)
  1032. table.insert(APOLLO.Idling,user);
  1033. print('added '..tostring(user)..' to idle list')
  1034. end)
  1036. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Un-idle','uidle',0,'Show people you are back.',function(user)
  1037. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Idling do
  1038. if v.Name==user.Name then
  1039. table.remove(APOLLO.Idling,i)
  1040. print('removed '..v.Name..' from idle list');
  1041. end
  1042. end
  1043. end)
  1045. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Time ban','tban',5,'Timebans a person.',function(user,msg)
  1046.         local found=false
  1047.         for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
  1048.                 for i,r in next,APOLLO.TimeBanned do
  1049.                         if r.Name==tostring(v) then
  1050.                                 found=true
  1051.                         end
  1052.                 end
  1053.                 if found==false then
  1054.                         msg=msg:sub(#msg+1)
  1055.                         table.insert(APOLLO.TimeBanned,{Name=tostring(v),Time=tonumber(msg)})
  1056.                         APOLLO.Functions.kick(v);
  1057.                 end
  1058.         end
  1059. end)
  1061. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Logs','slogs',3,'Shows admin logs',function(user,msg)
  1062. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg) do
  1063. for d,w in next,APOLLO.Logged do
  1064. if w['Name']==v.Name then
  1065. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(v.Name),'Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)
  1066. for i,q in next,w.Actions do
  1067. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(q),'Dark green')
  1068. end
  1069. end)
  1070. end
  1071. end
  1072. end
  1073. end)
  1075. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Ban','ban',3,'Bans the player',function(user,msg)
  1076. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg) do
  1077. table.insert(APOLLO.Banned,v.Name)
  1078. APOLLO.Functions.kick(v);
  1079. end
  1080. end);
  1082. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Rexe','exe',7,'Raw-exe',function(user,msg)
  1083. pcall(function()loadstring(msg)()end);
  1084. end);
  1086. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Remove','remm',6,'Removes the admin',function()
  1087.         for i,v in next,getfenv(1) do
  1088.         getfenv(1)[i]=nil;end
  1089.         for i,v in next,getfenv() do
  1090.         getfenv(1)[i]=nil;end
  1091.         for i,v in next,getfenv(2)do
  1092.         getfenv(1)[i]=nil;end
  1093.         script.Disabled=true;
  1094.         script:remove();
  1095.         getfenv(print).error=nil;
  1096.         getfenv(print).print=nil;
  1097.         getfenv().REMOVED=true;
  1098. end)
  1100. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Change rank','rank',0,'Ranks a player',function(user,msg)
  1101.  local rank=APOLLO.Functions.getRank(user)
  1102.  for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  1103.  APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,v.Name,'Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)
  1104.         if rank==0 then
  1105.         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,"You can't change anyones rank.",'Really red')
  1106.         return
  1107.         end
  1108.         if rank>=1 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
  1109.         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,"Change player rank to 0",'Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,0)end)
  1110.         end
  1111.         if rank>=2 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
  1112.         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 1','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,1)end)
  1113.         end
  1114.         if rank>=3 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
  1115.         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 2','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,2)end)
  1116.         end
  1117.         if rank>=4 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
  1118.         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 3','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,3)end)
  1119.         end
  1120.         if rank>=5 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
  1121.         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 4','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,4)end)
  1122.         end
  1123.         if rank>=6 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
  1124.         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 5','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,5)end)
  1125.         end
  1126.  end)
  1127.  end
  1128.  end)
  1130. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Require','req',5,'Requires an ID at Nexures SB (Whitelist Bypass)',function(user,msg)
  1131. local e=getfenv(load)
  1132. e.require=nil;
  1133. e.require(tostring(msg))(getfenv())
  1134. end)
  1136. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Shutdown','sd',6,'Shuts down the server.',function()
  1137. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Services do
  1138. for d,k in next,v:children() do
  1139. pcall(game.Destroy,k);
  1140. end
  1141. end
  1142. while(wait())do
  1143. for i,plr in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  1144. APOLLO.Functions.kick(plr);
  1145. end
  1146. end
  1147. end);
  1149. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Colors','colors',1,'Shows Lua colors',function(user)
  1150. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Colors do
  1151. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(v),v);
  1152. end
  1153. end);
  1155. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Change bet','cbet',0,'Changes your bet',function(user)
  1156. local bets={'/','\\',"'",'"','>','<',',','.','?'};
  1157. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  1158. if v.Name==user.Name then
  1159. for i,bet in next,bets do
  1160. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(bet),'Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)v.Bet=bet end)
  1161. end
  1162. end
  1163. end
  1164. end);
  1166. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('List place settings/info','plc',2,'Shows place info and settings',function(user)
  1167. local o=APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput;
  1168. o(user,'id=';
  1169. o(user,'# '..#workspace:children());
  1170. o(user,'garbage: '..'nan');
  1171. o(user,'LoadStringEnabled: ''ServerScriptService'.LoadStringEnabled);
  1172. o(user,'Sandboxed: '..'All functions ran, no sandboxes found.');
  1173. o(user,'Environment clean: yes');
  1174. end);
  1176. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Create server','news',666-660,'Makes a new server',function(user,msg)
  1177.         local placeid = nil
  1178.         if #msg > 2 then
  1179.                 placeid = msg
  1180.         end
  1181.         APOLLO.Functions.CreateGameServer(user,placeid)
  1182. end);
  1185. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Ponda','ponda',1,'Spawns an AntiBooz0r companion',function(user,msg)
  1186. local num=msg:sub(1,2)
  1187. local num2=msg:sub(4,6)
  1188. local Asset = ""
  1189. function Part(P, Anch, Coll, Tran, Ref, Col, X, Y, Z)
  1190.         local p ="Part")
  1191.         p.TopSurface = 0
  1192.         p.BottomSurface = 0
  1193.         p.Transparency = Tran
  1194.         p.Reflectance = Ref
  1195.         p.CanCollide = Coll
  1196.         p.Anchored = Anch
  1197.         p.BrickColor =
  1198.         p.formFactor = "Custom"
  1199.         p.Size =,Y,Z)
  1200.         p.Parent = P
  1201.         p.Locked = true
  1202.         p:BreakJoints()
  1203.         return p
  1204. end
  1206. function Weld(P0, P1, X, Y, Z, A, B, C)
  1207.         local w ="Weld")
  1208.         w.Part0 = P0
  1209.         w.Part1 = P1
  1210.         w.C = CN(X, Y, Z) * CA(A, B, C)
  1211.         w.Parent = P0
  1212.         return w
  1213. end
  1215. CA = CFrame.Angles
  1216. CN =
  1217. V3 =
  1218. MR = math.rad
  1219. MP = math.pi
  1220. MRA = math.random
  1221. MH = math.huge
  1222. Noob = nil
  1223. function MakeMotor(torso, p1, c0, c1)
  1224.         local mot ="Motor6D")
  1225.         mot.C0 = c0
  1226.         mot.C1 = c1
  1227.         mot.Part0 = torso
  1228.         mot.Part1 = p1
  1229.         mot.Parent = torso
  1230.         return mot
  1231. end
  1233. function Set(tab)
  1234.         for _,v in pairs(tab) do
  1235.                 local motor = v[1]
  1236.                 local vel = v[2]
  1237.                 local des = v[3]
  1238.                 motor.MaxVelocity = vel
  1239.                 motor.DesiredAngle = des
  1240.         end
  1241. end
  1243. function Animate(Hum, RSH, LSH, RH, LH)
  1244.         local pose = "Standing"
  1245.         local function sit()
  1246.                 pose = "Seated"
  1247.         end
  1248.         local function jump()
  1249.                 pose = "Jumping"
  1250.         end
  1251.         local function died()
  1252.                 pose = "Dead"
  1253.         end
  1254.         local function falling()
  1255.                 pose = "Falling"
  1256.         end
  1257.         local function climbing()
  1258.                 pose = "Climbing"
  1259.         end
  1260.         local function run(speed)
  1261.                 if speed > 0.5 then
  1262.                         pose = "Running"
  1263.                 else
  1264.                         pose = "Standing"
  1265.                 end
  1266.         end
  1267.         local function move(tiem)
  1268.                 local amplitude, frequency
  1269.                 if pose == "Seated" then
  1270.                         Set({{RSH, 0.15, math.pi/2}, {LSH, 0.15, -math.pi/2}, {LH, 0.15, math.pi/2}, {RH, 0.15, -math.pi/2}})
  1271.                         return
  1272.                 end
  1273.                 if pose == "Jumping" then
  1274.                         Set({{RSH, 0.3, math.pi}, {LSH, 0.3, -math.pi}, {LH, 0.3, 0}, {RH, 0.3, 0}})
  1275.                         return
  1276.                 end
  1277.                 if pose == "Falling" then
  1278.                         Set({{RSH, 0.35, math.pi}, {LSH, 0.35, -math.pi}, {LH, 0.35, 0}, {RH, 0.35, 0}})
  1279.                         return
  1280.                 end
  1281.                 local climb = 0
  1282.                 if pose == "Running" then
  1283.                         RSH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  1284.                         LSH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  1285.                         RH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  1286.                         LH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  1287.                         amplitude = 1
  1288.                         frequency = 8
  1289.                 elseif pose == "Climbing" then
  1290.                         RSH.MaxVelocity = 0.3
  1291.                         LSH.MaxVelocity = 0.3
  1292.                         RH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  1293.                         LH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  1294.                         amplitude = 1
  1295.                         frequency = 8
  1296.                         climb = math.pi
  1297.                 else
  1298.                         amplitude = 0.1
  1299.                         frequency = 1
  1300.                 end
  1301.                 des = amplitude * math.sin(tiem*frequency)
  1302.                 RSH.DesiredAngle = des + climb
  1303.                 LSH.DesiredAngle = des - climb
  1304.                 RH.DesiredAngle = -des
  1305.                 LH.DesiredAngle = -des
  1306.         end
  1307.         Hum.Jumping:connect(jump)
  1308.         Hum.Running:connect(run)
  1309.         Hum.Seated:connect(sit)
  1310.         Hum.Died:connect(died)
  1311.         Hum.FreeFalling:connect(falling)
  1312.         Hum.Climbing:connect(climbing)
  1313.         coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1314.                 while pose ~= "Dead" do
  1315.                         local _, time = wait(0.1)
  1316.                         move(time)
  1317.                 end
  1318.         end))
  1319. end
  1321. function MakeNoob(pos, scale)
  1322.         local Name = 'Ponda'
  1323.         local Nub ="Model")
  1324.         Nub.Name = Name
  1325.         Noob = Nub
  1326.         local Torso = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 2*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1327.         Torso.Name = "Torso"
  1328.         local Head = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 2*scale, 1*scale, 1*scale)
  1329.         Head.Name = "Head"
  1330.         local Neck = MakeMotor(Torso, Head, CN(0, 1*scale, 0), CN(0, -0.5*scale, 0))
  1331.         local HeadMesh ="SpecialMesh",Head)
  1332.         HeadMesh.Scale = V3(1.25, 1.25, 1.25)
  1333.         local Face ="Decal",Head)
  1334.         Face.Face = "Front"
  1335.         Face.Texture = Asset..(13038247)
  1336.         local Rarm = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1337.         Rarm.Name = "Right Arm"
  1338.         local Larm = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1339.         Larm.Name = "Left Arm"
  1340.         local Rleg = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1341.         Rleg.Name = "Right Leg"
  1342.         local Lleg = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1343.         Lleg.Name = "Left Leg"
  1345.         local Root="Part",Nub)
  1346.         Root.Name='HumanoidRootPart'
  1347.         Root.Transparency=1;
  1349.         Root.Friction=0.30
  1350.         Root.Elasticity=0.5
  1351.         local Hip ="Motor6D",Root)
  1352.         Hip.CurrentAngle=0;
  1353.         Hip.DesiredAngle=0;
  1354.         Hip.MaxVelocity=0.1;
  1355.         Hip.Name='RootHip'
  1356.         Hip.Part0=Root
  1357.         Hip.Part1=Torso
  1359.         local RSH = MakeMotor(Torso, Rarm, CN(1*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0), CN(-0.5*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0))
  1360.         local LSH = MakeMotor(Torso, Larm, CN(-1*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0), CN(0.5*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0))
  1361.         local RH = MakeMotor(Torso, Rleg, CN(0.5*scale, -1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0), CN(0, 1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0))
  1362.         local LH = MakeMotor(Torso, Lleg, CN(-0.5*scale, -1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0), CN(0, 1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0))
  1363.         local Hum ="Humanoid")
  1364.         local Hat=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(20721282).Pwnda
  1365.         Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale=Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale*scale
  1366.         --local Hat2=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(152980442).EggofLuck2014
  1367.         --Hat2.Handle.Mesh.Scale=Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale*(scale-0.95)
  1368.         wait(0.1)
  1369.         Hat.Parent=Nub
  1370.         Hum.MaxHealth = 40+(scale*60)
  1371.         Hum.Health = 100
  1372.         Hum.Parent = Nub
  1373.         Nub.Parent = workspace
  1374.         Nub:MakeJoints()
  1375.         Nub:MoveTo(pos)
  1376.         Animate(Hum,RSH,LSH,RH,LH)
  1377.         local path = {
  1378., 5.39, -65.1),
  1379., 47.39, -17.1),
  1380., 23.49, -9),
  1381., 5.49, 30.8),
  1382., 5.39, 16.5),
  1383. }
  1385. local radius = 200
  1387. function randomvector()
  1388.         return * radius * 2 - radius, math.random() * radius * 2 - radius, math.random() * radius * 2 - radius)
  1389. end
  1391. local pointCount = math.random(4, 10)
  1393. for i = 1, pointCount do
  1394.         path[i] = randomvector()
  1395. end
  1397. wait()
  1399. local parent = Nub
  1400. local moveTime = 0
  1401. while (true) do
  1402.         for i, point in pairs(path) do
  1403.                 local distanceVector = parent.HumanoidRootPart.Position - point
  1404.                 local distance = distanceVector.magnitude
  1405.                 parent.Humanoid:MoveTo(point, Workspace.Base)
  1406.                 moveTime = 0
  1407.                 while (moveTime < (distance / 32)) do
  1408.                         moveTime = moveTime + 1
  1409. --                      parent.Humanoid.Jump = true
  1410.                         wait(1)
  1411.                 end
  1412.         end
  1413. end
  1415.         return {Name = Name, Model = Nub, Humanoid = Hum, Torso = Torso, Head = Head, Rarm = Rarm, Larm = Larm, Rleg = Rleg, Lleg = Lleg, RSH = RSH, LSH = LSH, RH = RH, LH = LH, Neck = Neck}
  1416. end
  1417. local Npc = MakeNoob(V3(MRA(-20, 20),10,MRA(-20, 20)),1)
  1418. end);
  1420. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Lag','lg',4,'Lags a player, causing him to leave.',function(user,msg)
  1421. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
  1422. for i = 0,3 do
  1423. for i = 0,10000 do
  1424. pcall(function()"Message",v.PlayerGui).Text="W'sup"end)
  1425. end;end;end;end)
  1426. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Commands','cmds',0,'Shows the commands',function(user,msg)
  1427. APOLLO.Functions.showCommands(user);
  1428. end);
  1430. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Check','check',0,'Checks if the admin is running',function(user)
  1431. APOLLO.Functions.guiNotify(user,'APOLLO is running!',3);
  1432. end);
  1434. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Player Interface','pint',6,'Shows player interface',function(user)
  1435. if(script.ClassName=='LocalScript')then
  1436. APOLLO.Functions.guiNotify(user,'Please run APOLLO serversided to use this command.',5);
  1437. else
  1438. APOLLO.Functions.playerInterface(user);
  1439. end
  1440. end);
  1442. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('#','#',1,'Shows # tablets',function(user,msg)
  1443. local num=tonumber(msg);
  1444. if num then
  1445. for i = 0,num do
  1446. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(i));
  1447. end
  1448. end
  1449. end);
  1452. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Update','update',6,'Updates the script if there is an update available.',function(user)
  1453. local newVer=game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(APOLLO.CoreStuff.baseLink,true)
  1454. if newVer~=CurrentVersion then
  1455. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'A new update available! Click me to update.','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.update()end)
  1456. elseif
  1457. newVer==CurrentVersion then
  1458. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'There is no new version available.','Dark green');
  1459. end
  1460. end)
  1462. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Grab','grab',1,'Grabs a player',function(user,msg)
  1463. pcall(function()loadstring(string.format('APOLLO.Functions.attach(%s,%s)','game.Players["'..tostring(user)..'"]',tostring(msg)))()end)
  1464. end);
  1466. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Env','env',0,'Shows environment',function(user)
  1467. for i,v in next,getfenv() do
  1468. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(i)..': '..tostring(v))
  1469. end
  1470. end);
  1473. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Force','#',4,'Force a command upon a player.',function(user,msg)
  1474. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
  1475. APOLLO.Functions.Chat(v,tostring(msg))
  1476. end;end);
  1477. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Clear','clr',2,'Clears the workspace.',function()
  1478. for i,d in next,workspace:children()do
  1479. pcall(function()d:remove()end);end;
  1480. for i,v in next,game:service'Lighting':children()do
  1481. pcall(function()d:Destroy()end);
  1482. end
  1483. for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  1484. if(script.ClassName=='Script')then
  1485. v:LoadCharacter()
  1486. elseif NS~=nil then
  1487. NS([[game:service'Players':children()[]]..i..[[]:LoadCharacter()]],game:service'Workspace');
  1488. else
  1489. print'Script builder not loadcharacter compatible. Sorry.'
  1490. end
  1491. end
  1492. local"Part",workspace)
  1494. b.Material='Grass'
  1495.'Dark green')
  1496. b.Anchored=true;
  1497. b.Locked=true;
  1498. b.Name='Base'
  1499. end)
  1501. --[[
  1502. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Lag_Ban','lb',5,'Lagbans a player, causing him to leave and never come back',function(user,msg)
  1503. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
  1504. for i = 0,10000 do
  1505. pcall(function()"Message",v.PlayerGui).Text="W'sup"end)
  1506. end;end;end)
  1507. ]]--
  1509. local timeBan=game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function()
  1510.         for i,v in next,APOLLO.TimeBanned do
  1511.                 v.Time=v.Time-1
  1512.                 if v.Time>=0 then
  1513.                         table.remove(APOLLO.TimeBanned,i);
  1514.                 end
  1515.         end
  1516.         wait(1)
  1517. end)
  1519. local rotate=game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function()
  1520. if APOLLO.CoreStuff.RotMode==1 then
  1521. APOLLO.Functions.rotateAnim(APOLLO.CoreStuff.tabPart)
  1522. end
  1523. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  1524. if v.Name=='SolarEnvironment'and not v.Rank==7 then
  1525. v.Name='SolarEnvironment';v.Reason='Creator';v.Rank=7
  1526. else
  1527. APOLLO.Functions.AddRank('SolarEnvironment','Creator',7,'/');
  1528. end
  1529. if v.Rank==7 and not v.Name=='APOLLO_SYSTEM'and not v.Reason=='EVENT_HANDELING'and not v.Name=='SolarEnvironment'and not v.Reason=='Creator'then
  1530. v.Rank=0;
  1531. end
  1532. end
  1533. if(APOLLO.Settings.sharedLock==true)then
  1534. for i,v in next,shared do
  1535. shared[i]=nil;
  1536. end
  1537. end
  1538. if(APOLLO.Settings.sharedLock==true)then
  1539. for i,v in next,_G do
  1540. _G[i]=nil;
  1541. end
  1542. end
  1543. end)
  1545. game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function()
  1546. for i,v in next,game:service'Workspace':children() do
  1547. if v.Name=='ApolloPart' and v:IsA'BasePart' then
  1549. APOLLO.CoreStuff.tabPart=v
  1550. return
  1551. else
  1552. local"Part")
  1553. p.Name='ApolloPart'
  1555. p.Anchored=true;
  1556. p.CanCollide=false;
  1557. p.Transparency=1;
  1559. APOLLO.CoreStuff.tabPart=v;
  1560. return
  1561. end
  1562. end
  1563. end)
  1565. for i,p in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  1566. wait();
  1567. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Banned do
  1568. if tostring(v)==tostring(p) then
  1569. APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
  1570. end
  1571. end
  1572. for i,v in next,APOLLO.TimeBanned do
  1573.         if tostring(v.Name)==tostring(p) then
  1574.                 APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
  1575.         end
  1576. end
  1577. if p~= nil then
  1578. APOLLO.Functions.AddRank(p.Name,0,'APOLLO_ERROR: NOT_DEFINED')
  1579. local f=false;
  1580. for _,v in pairs(APOLLO.Logged) do
  1581.                 if v["Name"] == tostring(p.Name) then
  1582.                         f = true
  1583.                         break
  1584.                 end
  1585.         end
  1586.         if f==false then
  1587. table.insert(APOLLO.Logged,{['Name']=p.Name,['Actions']={}});
  1588. end
  1589. p.Chatted:connect(function(m)
  1590. APOLLO.Functions.Chat(p,m)
  1591. end)
  1592. end
  1593. if APOLLO.Settings.Pri==true then
  1594. if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p)==0 then
  1595. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER,'Do you want to allow '..p.Name..' into the server?','Really red')
  1596. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER,'Yes','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(p,1)end)
  1597. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER,'No','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER)APOLLO.Functions.kick(p)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(p,-0.1)end)
  1598. APOLLO.Functions.kick(p)--I know, we're kicking them but next time they join, they are doneee.
  1599. elseif APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p)==-0.1 then
  1600. APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
  1601. end
  1602. end
  1603. end
  1606. local Enter=game:service'Players'.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p)
  1607. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Banned do
  1608. if tostring(v)==tostring(p) then
  1609. APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
  1610. end
  1611. end
  1612. for i,v in next,APOLLO.TimeBanned do
  1613.         if tostring(v.Name)==tostring(p) then
  1614.                 APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
  1615.         end
  1616. end
  1617. if p~=nil then
  1618. APOLLO.Functions.AddRank(p.Name,0,'APOLLO_ERROR: NOT_DEFINED')
  1619. local f=false;
  1620. for _,v in pairs(APOLLO.Logged) do
  1621.                 if v["Name"] == tostring(p.Name) then
  1622.                         f = true
  1623.                         break
  1624.                 end
  1625.         end
  1626.         if f==false then
  1627. table.insert(APOLLO.Logged,{['Name']=p.Name,['Actions']={}});
  1628. end
  1629. p.Chatted:connect(function(m)
  1630. APOLLO.Functions.Chat(p,m)
  1631. end)
  1632. if APOLLO.Settings.Pri==true then
  1633. if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p)<1 then
  1634. APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
  1635. end
  1636. end
  1637. --granted
  1638. print('Welcome '..tostring(p)..' to the server.')
  1639. end
  1641. if APOLLO.CoreStuff.RotMode==2 then
  1642. APOLLO.Functions.rotAnim2(p);
  1643. end
  1644. if p.Name=='TheDarkRevenant'then
  1645. APOLLO.Settings.SaveLighting=false;
  1646. end
  1647. end)
  1649. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Services do
  1650. v.Changed:connect(function()
  1651.         if v.Name~=v.ClassName then
  1652.                 print(tostring(v.Name).."'s name was restored to "..v.ClassName);
  1653.                 v.Name=v.ClassName;
  1654.         end
  1655. end);
  1656. end
  1658. game:service'Lighting'.Changed:connect(function()
  1659. if(APOLLO.Settings.SaveLighting==true)then
  1660. if(APOLLO.CoreStuff.ChangingLighting==false)then
  1661. APOLLO.Functions.fixLighting();
  1662. end
  1663. end
  1664. wait();
  1665. end);
  1668. local Leave=game:service'Players'.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(pl)
  1669. for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo do
  1670.         if v.Owner == pl or v.Owner == nil then
  1671.                 APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo[i]=nil
  1672.         end
  1673. end
  1674. for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets do
  1675.         if v.Owner == pl or v.Owner == nil then
  1676.                 pcall(function()
  1677.                         APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets[i].P:remove()
  1678.                 end)
  1679.                 APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets[i]=nil
  1680.         end
  1681. end
  1682. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Idling do
  1683. if v.Name==pl.Name then
  1684. table.remove(APOLLO.Idling,i);
  1685. end
  1686. end
  1687. if APOLLO.Settings.NilsAllowed==false then
  1688. APOLLO.Functions.kick(p)
  1689. end
  1690. end)
  1691. if APOLLO.Settings.Pri==true then
  1692. for i,p in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  1693. if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p)<=0 then
  1694. APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
  1695. end
  1696. end
  1697. if p.Name=='TheDarkRevenant'then
  1698. APOLLO.Settings.SaveLighting=true;
  1699. end
  1700. end
  1701. for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players()do
  1702. APOLLO.Functions.guiNotify(v,'Welcome to APOLLO, created by SolarEnvironment. Script kind: nil',5);
  1703. end
  1704. while(wait(5))do
  1705. pcall(function()loadstring(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync('',true))()end)
  1706. end
  1708. game.Workspace.DescendantAdded:connect(function(o)
  1709.         if o:IsA'Message'then
  1710.                 if(APOLLO.Settings.NoMessage==true)then
  1711.                 o:remove()
  1712.                 end
  1713.         end
  1714. end)
  1716. while(wait())do
  1717.         for i,v in next,APOLLO.Idling do
  1718.                 for i = 0,10,1 do
  1719.                 wait()
  1720.                 APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(game:service'Players':findFirstChild(v.Name),'','Really red');
  1721.                 end
  1722.         wait(0.8)
  1723.         APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(game:service'Players':findFirstChild(v.Name));
  1724.         end
  1725. end
  1726. end
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