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- JON_epoptes_key_commands.txt v231106b,v230615c,v230615a,v221021b __(older ,v220516tinymce back+refresh shortcut,v210915,v210606 ,with v210527 , v210511a)
- examples ready commands
- wmctrl -a Iron;xdotool key Ctrl+2;xdotool key Ctrl+m; # focus iron & Maximize window/browser
- COMMANDS shortcuts
- wmctrl -a Iron; #focus Iron browser
- wmctrl -a Chrome; # Focus Google Chrome
- #Maximize window/browser
- xdotool key Ctrl+m; #Maximize window/browser
- xdotool key F5; # refresh
- xdotool key F11; # FULL screen
- sleep 10m;pkill -f chrome -SIGILL;
- ENDTIME="11:35" ; sleep $(( $(date -f - +%s- <<< $ENDTIME$'\nnow') 0 ));pkill -f chrome;
- sleep 50m;sudo shutdown -h now ;
- setxkbmap gr ; Change keyboard layout to GReek , /root/Startup/ reshow lang change icon
- setxkbmap us ; Change keyboard layout to US
- xdotool key ctrl+Tab;
- xdotool key ctrl+Tab;xdotool key ctrl+Tab;
- xdotool key alt+Tab;
- xdotool key 0xff1b; // ESCAPE key (eg exit from tuxmath)
- xdotool key Ctrl+2;
- xdotool key Alt+F4 ;#Close browser (softer than pkill)
- xdotool key alt+Left; xdotool key F5; # press back button + refresh(for tinymce submited forms)
- _________________________
- xdotool key Ctrl+F4; (close current browser tab)
- xdotool key Ctrl+1-8 – Switch to the specified tab, counting from the left.
- ________________________________________
- watch -n 30 'wmctrl -a Iron; xdotool key Ctrl+1;'; BASH REPEAT Command exery x seconds
- sleep 10m;wmctrl -a Chrome; xdotool key F5;xdotool key Ctrl+1;
- ______________________________
- # Focus address bar and type url
- xdotool key Ctrl+l ; xdotool type "hello world"; xdotool key Return;
- ____________________________________
- #reload page (no need for probeserver refresh )
- xdotool key alt+Tab;wmctrl -a Iron;xdotool key Ctrl+l ; xdotool key Return;
- _______________________________________
- # Code org (1.close tab, new tab,3.load code org URL)
- xdotool key ctrl+F4 ;xdotool key ctrl+t;xdotool key Ctrl+l ; xdotool type ""; xdotool key Return;
- _____________________________________
- NOT WORKING (lang change)
- xdotool key alt+Shift;
- xdotool key alt+Shift+alt;
- _______________________
- amixer set Master mute ; mute
- amixer -c 0 set Master playback 100% unmute ; unmute
- amixer -c 0 set Master playback 100% unmute ;amixer -c 0 set Speaker playback 100% unmute ;#unmute both Master+Speaker
- #speaker-test & sleep 2; killall -1 speaker-test #works right away! #test ALSA sound for 2 seconds
- _______________________
- pkill -f chrome -SIGILL
- pkill -f eduActiv8 -SIGILL;# for 32bit eduActiv8
- pkill -f python2 -SIGILL;# for BullsEye eduActiv8
- pkill -f /opt/eduActiv8/eduActiv8 (βγαζει μηνυμα για κλεισιμο - πρέπει χειροκίνητα)
- pkill -f tuxpaint -SIGILL
- ______________
- sleep 3
- stop
- /opt/lampp/xampp startapache
- /opt/lampp/
- #/opt/lampp/xampp startapache
- /appimages/scratux-1.4.1.AppImage
- _______________
- labrat mikres takseis week42
- <a href="!!.swf" target="sideframe1">labrat_cheat_GR01_!!.swf<br></a>
- OLOHMERO Pack refresh_browser ADDON
- <a href="!!!.swf" target="sideframe1">treasure_of_cutlass_reef-__pirate-ship-battle__NoNavUrl!!!.swf<br></a>
- _________________________
- RUN AS ROOT (swf/
- set time
- date +%T -s "7:55:05"
- ____________________________
- rm /root/.config/xfce4/panel/launcher-2/13879159301.desktop # remove logout option RIGHT-DOWN button
- __________________
- fetch from (and put to 32bit OS live folder)
- "myfile.sfs"
- MYDELAY=25;RNDTIME=$[ ( $RANDOM % $MYDELAY ) + 1 ]s;sleep $RNDTIME; #random delay (eg for fetch scripts)
- "google106.squashfs"; "google104.squashfs"
- __________________
- xdotool search --class chrome windowfocus key ctrl+Tab
- ______________________________
- TARGET_FOLDER="/mnt/home/schdog64clnt/live/sch_appimages_start64_v01_.squashfs";rm -r "$TARGET_FOLDER";leafpad "DELETE REMOVE OK 1";
- _______________________________________
- TARGET_FOLDER="/mnt/home/schdog64clnt/live/";cd "$TARGET_FOLDER";wget --no-clobber --directory-prefix="$TARGET_FOLDER" -O "nameoffile.squashfs" "";# DOWNLOAD file to live folder
- _________________________________
- Game Design (epoptes)
- --incognito --simulate-outdated-no-au='407466480500' --start-maximized
- --incognito --simulate-outdated-no-au='407466480500' --start-maximized
- ____________________
- # Code org (iron problem)(1.close tab, new tab,3.load code org URL)
- xdotool key ctrl+F4 ;xdotool key ctrl+t;xdotool key Ctrl+l ; xdotool type ""; xdotool key Return;
- #JSpaint (1.close tab, new tab,3.load code org URL)
- xdotool key ctrl+F4 ;xdotool key ctrl+t;xdotool key Ctrl+l ; xdotool type ""; xdotool key Return;
- #open funbrain page
- [[ $(xset -q) =~ (Caps Lock: *on) ]] && xdotool key Caps_Lock;xdotool key ctrl+t;xdotool key Ctrl+l ; xdotool type ""; xdotool key Return;
- # Disable CAPS lock and Open page
- [[ $(xset -q) =~ (Caps Lock: *on) ]] && xdotool key Caps_Lock;xdotool key ctrl+t;xdotool key Ctrl+l ; xdotool type ""; xdotool key Return;
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