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- Shader "psx/RimClipStencil"
- {
- Properties
- {
- _MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}
- _Color ("Base Color", Color) = (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
- _Light ("Base Light", Color) = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
- _LightAmp("Light Amplification", Range(0,10)) = 1.0
- _SnapSize ("Snap Size", Float) = 1.0
- _FogStrength("Fog Strength", Range(0,1)) = 1.0
- // Outline settings
- _OutlineSize("Outline Size", Range(0,0.1)) = 0.006666667
- _OutlineOffset("Outline Offset", Range(0,0.1)) = 0.006666667
- _OutlineIntensity("Outline Intensity", Range(0.0,10.0)) = 1.0
- _OutlineBlend("Outline Texture Blend", Range(0.0,1.0)) = 0.8
- [IntRange] _OutlineStencilIndex("Outline Stencil ID", Range(0,255)) = 0
- //Shader feature toggles
- //[Toggle(OUTLINE_SHARED_OFFSET)] _OutlineSharedOffset ("Outline Offset from Shared Origin", Float) = 0.0
- [Toggle(OUTLINE_FROM_NORMALS)] _OutlineFromNormals ("Outline Normals use Surface Normals", Float) = 0.0
- }
- SubShader
- {
- Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "LightMode"="Vertex" }
- LOD 100
- Pass
- {
- Name "BasePass"
- Cull Back
- // This stencil buffer writes the given Stencil ID to all pixels occupied by the model, so meshes with the given index share a contiguous outline
- Stencil
- {
- Ref [_OutlineStencilIndex]
- Comp Always
- Pass Replace
- }
- #pragma vertex vert
- #pragma fragment frag
- #include "UnityCG.cginc"
- // Static configurable values
- static const int MAX_LIGHTS = 8; // How many lights affect objects. RANGE: 0 to 8
- static const half LIGHT_BIAS = 0.15; // Sharpening factor for attenuation. RANGE: 0.0 to 0.5
- int _OutlineStencilIndex;
- sampler2D _MainTex;
- float4 _MainTex_ST;
- float4 _Color;
- float4 _Light;
- float _LightAmp;
- float _SnapSize;
- float _FogStrength;
- uniform half4 unity_FogStart;
- uniform half4 unity_FogEnd;
- struct appdata
- {
- float4 vertex : POSITION;
- float4 normal : NORMAL;
- fixed4 vertex_color : COLOR;
- float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
- };
- struct v2f
- {
- float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
- float4 color : COLOR0;
- float4 fog_color : COLOR1;
- noperspective float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
- };
- v2f vert (appdata v)
- {
- v2f o;
- float4 clip_pos = UnityObjectToClipPos (v.vertex);
- float3 view_pos = UnityObjectToViewPos (;
- float view_distance = length( mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MV, v.vertex) );
- // Calculate vertex snapping in clip space terms
- float snap_factor = 1 / _SnapSize;
- float4 snapped_pos = clip_pos;
- = / clip_pos.w;
- snapped_pos.x = floor(160 * snap_factor * snapped_pos.x) / (160 * snap_factor);
- snapped_pos.y = floor(120 * snap_factor * snapped_pos.y) / (120 * snap_factor);
- *= clip_pos.w;
- o.vertex = snapped_pos;
- // Wrapped vertex lighting, brightest to darkest, which ignores normals
- float3 light_color = unity_AmbientSky.rgb;
- for(int light_id = 0; light_id < MAX_LIGHTS; light_id++)
- {
- // Calculate directional light vector, or vector to point light source
- float3 to_light = unity_LightPosition[light_id].xyz - * unity_LightPosition[light_id].w;
- float length_sq = dot (to_light, to_light);
- // Skip this light if not directional and outside range
- if (unity_LightPosition[light_id].w && length_sq > unity_LightAtten[light_id].w)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Prevents NaNs when overlapping light position
- length_sq = max(length_sq, 0.00001);
- to_light *= rsqrt(length_sq);
- // Calculate and apply light attenuation, sharpened with LIGHT_BIAS
- float attenuation = 1.0 / (1.0 + length_sq * unity_LightAtten[light_id].z);
- float biased_atten = smoothstep(LIGHT_BIAS, 1.0 - LIGHT_BIAS, attenuation);
- light_color += unity_LightColor[light_id].rgb * biased_atten * _LightAmp;
- }
- // Surface is lit to the maximum of base light or environmental light
- o.color = _Color;
- o.color.rgb *= max(light_color, _Light.rgb * _LightAmp);
- // Fog with vertex cutout
- float4 fog_color = unity_FogColor;
- float fog_density = (unity_FogEnd - view_distance) / (unity_FogEnd - unity_FogStart);
- o.fog_color = fog_color;
- o.fog_color.a = saturate(fog_density) * _FogStrength;
- o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv, _MainTex);
- return o;
- }
- fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
- {
- // sample the texture, and modulate by light color
- fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
- fixed4 final_col = col * i.color;
- // apply fog color
- float fog_blend = (_FogStrength - i.fog_color.a) * _FogStrength;
- final_col.rgb = lerp(final_col.rgb, i.fog_color.rgb, fog_blend);
- return final_col;
- }
- }
- Pass
- {
- Name "OutlinePass"
- Cull Back
- Stencil
- {
- Ref [_OutlineStencilIndex]
- Comp Greater
- }
- #pragma shader_feature OUTLINE_FROM_NORMALS
- #pragma vertex vert
- #pragma fragment frag
- #include "UnityCG.cginc"
- static const int MAX_LIGHTS = 8;
- static const half OUTLINE_FALLOFF = 0.5;
- float4 _Color;
- float4 _Light;
- float _LightAmp;
- half _OutlineSize;
- half _OutlineOffset;
- half _OutlineIntensity;
- half _OutlineBlend;
- half4 _OutlineTestNormal;
- sampler2D _MainTex;
- float4 _MainTex_ST;
- float _SnapSize;
- float _FogStrength;
- uniform half4 unity_FogStart;
- uniform half4 unity_FogEnd;
- struct appdata
- {
- float4 vertex : POSITION;
- float3 normal : NORMAL;
- half4 vertex_color : COLOR;
- float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
- };
- struct v2f
- {
- // noperspective keyword prevents modern affine warping correction
- float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
- half4 color : COLOR0;
- float4 fog_color : COLOR1;
- noperspective float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
- };
- v2f vert (appdata v)
- {
- v2f o;
- float3 view_pos = UnityObjectToViewPos (v.vertex);
- float4 clip_pos = UnityObjectToClipPos (v.vertex);
- float view_distance = length( mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MV, v.vertex) );
- half3 light_color = unity_AmbientSky.rgb;
- float3 swizzled_normal = v.normal;
- {
- // Remap and swizzle Blender-style baked normals to Unity normals in range -1 to +1
- swizzled_normal.rgb = normalize(v.vertex_color.gbr * 2.0 - 1.0);
- swizzled_normal.r *= -1.0;
- swizzled_normal.b *= -1.0;
- }
- #endif
- // Calculate distance and direction based light factors, for offsetting rimlight
- float3 avg_light_normal = float3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
- float max_light_atten = 0.0;
- float total_luminance = 0.0;
- float valid_lights = 0;
- // For each light, add vertex light intensity at object's origin
- for(int light_id = 0; light_id < MAX_LIGHTS; light_id++)
- {
- float3 to_light = unity_LightPosition[light_id].xyz - * unity_LightPosition[light_id].w;
- //float3 to_light = - * clip_light_pos.w;
- float length_sq = dot (to_light, to_light);
- // Skip this light if not directional and outside range
- if (unity_LightPosition[light_id].w && length_sq > unity_LightAtten[light_id].w)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Prevents NaNs when overlapping light position
- length_sq = max(length_sq, 0.00001);
- to_light *= rsqrt(length_sq);
- // Calculate and apply light attenuation, sharpened with OUTLINE_FALLOFF
- float light_quad_atten = unity_LightAtten[light_id].z;
- float attenuation = 1.0 / (1.0 + length_sq * unity_LightAtten[light_id].z);
- float biased_atten = smoothstep(0.0, OUTLINE_FALLOFF, attenuation);
- valid_lights += 1;
- max_light_atten = max(max_light_atten, attenuation);
- avg_light_normal += to_light * attenuation;
- light_color += unity_LightColor[light_id].rgb * biased_atten * _LightAmp * _OutlineIntensity;
- total_luminance += Luminance(unity_LightColor[light_id].rgb * attenuation);
- }
- total_luminance = saturate(total_luminance);
- float3 outline_normal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(swizzled_normal);
- float3 clip_normal = mul((float3x3) UNITY_MATRIX_VP, mul((float3x3) UNITY_MATRIX_M, swizzled_normal));
- float clip_aspect = _ScreenParams.x / _ScreenParams.y;
- float2 clip_scale_offset = normalize(clip_normal.xy) * total_luminance * _OutlineSize * clip_pos.w;
- clip_scale_offset.y *= clip_aspect;
- clip_pos.xy += clip_scale_offset;
- //avg_light_normal = _OutlineTestNormal;
- float3 clip_light_normal = mul((float3x3) UNITY_MATRIX_P, avg_light_normal);
- //float3 clip_light_normal = mul((float3x3) UNITY_MATRIX_VP, mul((float3x3) UNITY_MATRIX_M, avg_light_normal));
- float2 clip_light_offset = normalize(clip_light_normal.xy) * total_luminance * _OutlineOffset * clip_pos.w;
- clip_light_offset.y *= clip_aspect;
- clip_pos.xy += clip_light_offset;
- avg_light_normal = normalize(avg_light_normal);
- avg_light_normal = mul(avg_light_normal, (float3x3)UNITY_MATRIX_IT_MV);
- float3 scale_offset = normalize(outline_normal) * max_light_atten * _OutlineSize; // - normalize(outline_normal) * 0.01;
- float3 light_offset = normalize(avg_light_normal) * max_light_atten * _OutlineOffset;
- float3 offset_pos = scale_offset + light_offset;
- += offset_pos;
- // Calculate vertex snapping in clip space terms
- float snap_factor = 1 / _SnapSize;
- float4 snapped_pos = clip_pos;
- = / clip_pos.w;
- snapped_pos.x = floor(160 * snap_factor * snapped_pos.x) / (160 * snap_factor);
- snapped_pos.y = floor(120 * snap_factor * snapped_pos.y) / (120 * snap_factor);
- *= clip_pos.w;
- o.vertex = snapped_pos;
- // Surface is lit to the maximum of base light or environmental light
- o.color = _Color;
- o.color.rgb *= max(light_color, _Light.rgb * _LightAmp * _OutlineIntensity);
- // Fog with vertex cutout
- float4 fog_color = unity_FogColor;
- float fog_density = (unity_FogEnd - view_distance) / (unity_FogEnd - unity_FogStart);
- o.fog_color = fog_color;
- o.fog_color.a = saturate(fog_density) * _FogStrength;
- o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX(v.uv, _MainTex);
- return o;
- }
- fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
- {
- // sample the texture
- fixed4 col = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
- // Interpolate pure light color with recolored texture
- fixed4 final_col = lerp(i.color, col * i.color, _OutlineBlend);
- // apply fog color
- float fog_blend = (_FogStrength - i.fog_color.a) * _FogStrength;
- final_col.rgb = lerp(final_col.rgb, i.fog_color.rgb, fog_blend);
- return final_col;
- }
- }
- }
- }
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