

Jun 11th, 2014
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  1. Volume in drive H is Storage
  2. Volume Serial Number is FCB4-7843
  4. Directory of H:\Series
  6. 06/11/2014 06:29 PM <DIR> .
  7. 06/11/2014 06:29 PM <DIR> ..
  8. 01/01/2012 03:16 PM <DIR> Action!
  9. 04/29/2014 02:20 PM <DIR> Archer
  10. 08/30/2013 11:05 AM <DIR> Arrested Development
  11. 04/08/2014 10:22 PM <DIR> Banshee
  12. 12/31/2011 01:58 AM <DIR> Bevis and Butt Head
  13. 03/18/2014 04:07 PM <DIR> Black Sails
  14. 06/03/2014 05:46 PM <DIR> Bobs Burgers
  15. 01/01/2012 02:18 PM <DIR> Bored To Death
  16. 12/08/2013 04:08 PM <DIR> Breaking Bad
  17. 08/30/2013 11:15 AM <DIR> Burning Love
  18. 06/01/2014 05:26 PM <DIR> Californication
  19. 12/08/2013 03:54 PM <DIR> Childrens Hospital
  20. 06/01/2014 05:26 PM <DIR> Comedy Bang Bang
  21. 04/18/2014 12:22 AM <DIR> Community
  22. 01/05/2012 02:04 PM <DIR> Deadwood
  23. 10/25/2013 10:22 PM <DIR> Dexter
  24. 06/11/2014 06:28 PM 14 dir.cmd
  25. 05/23/2012 03:18 PM <DIR> Dirk Gently
  26. 01/10/2014 02:32 AM <DIR> Doctor Who
  27. 12/31/2011 02:33 AM <DIR> Dollhouse
  28. 01/01/2012 02:47 PM <DIR> Dr. Horrible
  29. 02/19/2014 03:33 PM <DIR> Eagleheart
  30. 10/25/2013 10:20 PM <DIR> Eastbound And Down
  31. 08/30/2013 11:25 AM <DIR> Falling skies
  32. 05/10/2014 02:00 PM <DIR> Fargo
  33. 01/05/2012 05:08 PM <DIR> Farscape
  34. 12/11/2012 07:09 PM <DIR> Firefly
  35. 01/01/2012 03:43 PM <DIR> Frisky Dingo
  36. 05/27/2014 01:10 AM <DIR> From Dusk till Dawn
  37. 10/04/2013 06:44 PM <DIR> Futurama
  38. 06/03/2014 05:42 PM <DIR> Game of Thrones
  39. 03/25/2014 02:00 PM <DIR> Girls
  40. 05/27/2014 12:36 AM <DIR> Hannibal
  41. 12/08/2013 04:05 PM <DIR> Hell on Wheels
  42. 01/10/2014 02:33 AM <DIR> Homeland
  43. 12/30/2011 03:35 PM <DIR> HotD
  44. 04/08/2014 10:29 PM <DIR> How I Met Your Mother
  45. 12/08/2013 04:26 PM <DIR> Its always sunny in Philadelphia
  46. 04/13/2014 02:52 PM <DIR> Justified
  47. 05/17/2014 02:19 AM <DIR> Legit
  48. 06/11/2014 06:29 PM 0 list.txt
  49. 05/27/2014 06:13 PM <DIR> Louie
  50. 06/01/2014 05:27 PM <DIR> Maron
  51. 12/30/2011 03:42 PM <DIR> Metalocalypse
  52. 01/10/2014 02:34 AM <DIR> Misfits
  53. 04/09/2012 08:39 PM <DIR> Mr. Show
  54. 01/10/2014 02:34 AM <DIR> NTSF.SD.SUV
  55. 10/04/2013 06:28 PM <DIR> Orange Is The New Black
  56. 05/27/2014 12:44 AM <DIR> Orphan Black
  57. 05/13/2014 02:24 AM <DIR> Parks and Recreation
  58. 03/23/2012 07:30 PM <DIR> Pushing Daisies
  59. 11/09/2012 09:10 PM <DIR> Red Dwarf
  60. 05/17/2014 02:18 AM <DIR> Review
  61. 04/16/2014 02:51 PM <DIR> Rick and Morty
  62. 02/28/2012 08:41 PM <DIR> Rubicon
  63. 12/31/2011 02:08 AM <DIR> Shasta McNasty
  64. 01/27/2014 03:59 PM <DIR> Sherlock
  65. 05/17/2014 02:18 AM <DIR> Shield
  66. 06/03/2014 05:45 PM <DIR> Silicon Valley
  67. 01/01/2012 03:37 PM <DIR> skateboarding
  68. 03/04/2012 09:41 PM <DIR> Spaced
  69. 04/29/2013 02:27 PM <DIR> Spartacus
  70. 01/10/2014 02:36 AM <DIR> Standup
  71. 12/31/2011 02:14 AM <DIR> Terriers
  72. 05/27/2014 12:29 AM <DIR> The Americans
  73. 12/08/2013 04:30 PM <DIR> The comeback
  74. 04/29/2014 02:26 PM <DIR> The Following
  75. 01/27/2012 09:13 PM <DIR> The Inbetweeners
  76. 02/15/2012 04:23 PM <DIR> The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret
  77. 09/10/2012 05:20 PM <DIR> The Larry Sanders Show
  78. 12/30/2011 03:31 PM <DIR> The Norm show
  79. 03/06/2014 01:03 AM <DIR> The Sarah Silverman Program
  80. 05/06/2014 04:07 PM <DIR> The Spoils of Babylon
  81. 01/01/2012 03:40 PM <DIR> The Tick
  82. 04/08/2014 10:31 PM <DIR> The Walking dead
  83. 02/26/2012 07:33 PM <DIR> Torchwood
  84. 01/05/2012 01:48 PM <DIR> Trigun
  85. 03/18/2014 04:03 PM <DIR> True Detective
  86. 08/30/2013 11:28 AM <DIR> Venture bros
  87. 07/15/2012 04:16 PM <DIR> Weeds
  88. 04/18/2014 12:20 AM <DIR> Workaholics
  89. 2 File(s) 14 bytes
  90. 81 Dir(s) 2,769,379,328 bytes free
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