
Thief of Time - Backstory

Oct 27th, 2024
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  1. 'And you went all the way to Ankh-Morpork ...' said Lobsang weakly.
  3. 'And I fetched up, calm of mind but empty of pocket, in Quirm Street,' said the sweeper, smiling serenely at the recollection, 'and espied a sign in a window saying “Rooms For Rent”. Thus I met Mrs Cosmopilite, who opened the door when I knocked and then when I hesitated, not being sure of the language, she said, “I haven't got all day, you know.” Almost to a word, one of the sayings of Wen! Instantly I knew that I had found what I was seeking! During the days I washed dishes in an eating house for twenty pence a day and all the scraps I could take away, and in the evenings I helped Mrs Cosmopilite clean the house and listened carefully to her conversation. She was a natural sweeper with a good rhythmical motion and had bottomless wisdom. Within the first two days she uttered to me the actual words said by Wen upon understanding the true nature of Time! It was when I asked for a reduced rate because of course I did not sleep in a bed, and she said “I was not born yesterday, Mr Tze!” Astonishing! And she could never have seen the Sacred Texts!'
  5. Lobsang's face was a carefully drawn picture. '“I was not born yesterday”?' he said.
  7. 'Ah, yes, of course, as a novice you would not have got that far,' said Lu-Tze. 'It was when he fell asleep in a cave and in a dream saw Time appear to him and show him that the universe is recreated from second to second, endlessly, with the past just a memory. And he stepped out from the cave into the truly new world and said, “I was not born - yesterday”!'
  9. 'Oh, yes,' said Lobsang. 'But-'
  11. 'Ah, Mrs Cosmopilite,' said Lu-Tze, his eyes misting over. 'What a woman for keeping things clean! If she were a sweeper here, no one would be allowed to walk on the floor! Her house! So amazing! A palace! New sheets every other week! And cook? Just to taste her Beans Baked Upon the Toast a man would give up a cycle of the universe!'
  13. 'Um,' said Lobsang.
  15. 'I stayed for three months, sweeping her house as is fitting for the pupil, and then I returned here, my Way clear before me.’
  17. ***
  19. The Thief of Time - p108-109
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