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- local mods = peripheral.find "manipulator"
- local buffer = "up"
- local inventory = mods.getInventory()
- local ender = mods.getEnder()
- mods.clearCaptures()
- local item_name_cache = {}
- local function stack_type_id(stack)
- return .. ":" .. tostring(stack.damage or 0) .. "#" .. (stack.nbtHash or "")
- end
- local function display_name(stack, inv, slot)
- local type_id = stack_type_id(stack)
- if item_name_cache[type_id] then return item_name_cache[type_id] end
- item_name_cache[type_id] = inv.getItemMeta(slot).displayName
- return item_name_cache[type_id]
- end
- local function scan(inventory)
- local inv = {}
- for slot, stack in pairs(inventory.list()) do
- inv[slot] = display_name(stack, inventory, slot)
- end
- return inv
- end
- local function strip_section_codes(str)
- return str:gsub("\167[0-9a-z]", "")
- end
- local function normalize(str)
- return strip_section_codes(str):gsub(" ", ""):lower()
- end
- local function find_items(inventory, search)
- local candidates = {}
- local search = normalize(search)
- for slot, name in pairs(scan(inventory)) do
- if normalize(name):match(search) then table.insert(candidates, { slot, strip_section_codes(name) }) end
- end
- return candidates
- end
- local function string_to_list(str)
- local list = {}
- for i = 1, #str do
- table.insert(list, str:sub(i, i))
- end
- return list
- end
- local function contains(l, x)
- for k, v in pairs(l) do
- if v == x then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- local max_tell_length
- local function split_tell(msg)
- local remaining = msg
- repeat
- local fst = remaining:sub(1, 100)
- remaining = remaining:sub(101)
- mods.tell(fst)
- until remaining == ""
- end
- local function run(flags, args)
- local source, destination, source_name, destination_name = inventory, ender, "inventory", "enderchest"
- if contains(flags, ">") and not contains(flags, "<") then -- if set to pull FROM enderchest
- source, destination, source_name, destination_name = ender, inventory, "enderchest", "inventory"
- end
- local query_only_mode = contains(flags, "?")
- local items = find_items(source, args == "any" and "" or args)
- if query_only_mode then
- local item_names = {}
- for _, v in pairs(items) do
- table.insert(item_names, v[2])
- end
- split_tell(("Items matching query %s in %s: %s."):format(args, source_name, table.concat(item_names, ", ")))
- else
- local fst = items[1]
- if not fst then mods.tell(("No item matching query %s found in %s."):format(args, source_name)) return end
- mods.tell(("Moving %s from %s to %s."):format(fst[2], source_name, destination_name))
- source.pushItems(buffer, fst[1])
- local moved = destination.pullItems(buffer, 1)
- mods.tell(("Moved %d item(s)."):format(moved))
- end
- end
- mods.capture "^!e"
- local owner = mods.getName()
- while true do
- local _, msg, _, user = os.pullEvent "chat_capture"
- if user == owner then
- print(msg)
- local flags, args = msg:match "^!e ([<?>\^]+) ([A-Za-z0-9_ -]+)"
- if not flags then mods.tell "!e command parse error."
- else
- local ok, err = pcall(run, string_to_list(flags), args)
- if not ok then printError(err) mods.tell(err:sub(1, 100)) end
- end
- end
- end
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