
EYE Speedrun Notes

Oct 21st, 2012
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  1. E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy Run Notes (See the run here: if you somehow came to this page randomly through pastebin)
  3. Hello everyone, Jim here. EYE is a crazy game with lots of aspects (stats, quests, lots of guns and powers which you can buy, stamina management) that make for an interesting run. I think I had as much fun trying out different tactics and routing the game as I had playing it. Since a lot of stuff I do can be confusing, especially if you haven't played the game before, I decided to write up some notes here.
  4. Quick technical notes, my time includes the loading times, which I leave in because I believe the source engine can only load levels so fast, and there's an optimal time for it (also im lazy sorry). The game is played on "Easy" difficulty (I was playing on chicken before so I really stepped things up) and the AI settings are left at their default values. The run was recorded using FRAPS at 720p and 30 fps.
  6. *****NOTE*****
  7. At certain parts of this run, you'll see me use a glitch using the restart mission button. At this point, you normally wouldn't be able to look around or attack, since your mouse gets locked out. Before attempting this, make sure to bind look left and look right in the menu (probably the arrow keys) and bind attack to a key as well. This will let you use rudimentary movement to navigate the levels. The only thing you have to keep in mind is that you need to occassionally reopen the menu and click the button again, or the mission will actually restart.
  8. **************
  10. cc_tuto
  12. This is the first real level, right after going through the portal at the start. I turn on whatever the name of the cyber power is that lets you jump higher, in exchange for costing extra stamina as I move under the rock overhang, then use it pretty much immediately in the next section. That part has some pretty uneven terrain, making it slow to climb normally. After this I hit the button to start the elevator, and jump on top of it to save time in just a bit.
  14. At this point I set super jump and hacking onto the skill wheel for quick use later, and set my research cost to a point that I know I can reach by the end of the level. When the elevator is near the top, I jump up and out to save a bit of time, and grab the large sniper from the weapon storage. At this point you can turn off super jump in the next hallway, leading to a large drop. If you aim yourself carefully, you can fall onto the sloped geometry and it will push you forward. Right after this I begin to use wall sliding, where I strafe against a wall while moving forward which increases your speed by about 20%. Any time I'm not using this (if there's no wall) I'll be running while alternating the strafe keys, which has almost the same boost.
  16. I fall down the shaft on the left side so I can wall slide, as the right side is uneven. I continue doing this as I run down the sewers, then use my sniper rifle to shoot the person your normally supposed to talk to through the door. This saves a ton of time, something like an entire minute, and ends the mission immediately. At this point I assign stat points and start research on the medkit.
  18. cc_temple1
  20. I run over and talk to the scrab, which then lets me talk to the commander. After you talk to him the first time, you just have to wait about 50 seconds until you can talk to him again and end the level.
  22. cc_tuto2
  24. The route I use for this level skips all the side missions that lead up to you using the computer in that building I enter, saving tons of time. After this I super jump onto the, uh, whatever it is, then up onto the ladder. Ladder climbing is amazingly slow and I've found no way to speed it up, so the best I can do is super jump before latching on. The level ends shortly after this point.
  26. cc_new_eden
  28. This is the level where my biggest time improvement comes in. Normally you would have to go running back and forth all over the map in order to open up the bar, where you speak to the bartender (or just kill him) and unlock the last objective. When trying to find a way around this, I realized I could turn on wireframe mode and see exactly where certain npcs were through solid surfaces. Since they always spawn in the same place, I just had to know where to aim ahead of time.
  30. What I end up doing here is using the amazingly convenient tunnel beneath the bar and aiming upward through the ceiling to where I know the bartender is and blast him. I think I save something close to 3 minutes by doing things this way as opposed to normal, and may very well be the biggest speed run trick in the game (along with the similar tactic used in tuto and forgotten).
  32. After this, the briefcase can spawn in one of 5 locations, two of which are in the room at the far end of the first floor. Since this will always be the fasted place to check, if it doesn't spawn there, I reset the run. Since after you pick it up the level is on a timer, I just head back to the start and grab the medkit since it will be useful later, as well as grabbing some extra EXP.
  34. cc_temple2
  36. From this point out, all the temple levels will be the same. I run to the commander and quickly move through his dialogue, and start the next level.
  38. cc_forgotten
  40. Another huge time saver, doing this level the normal way would take half an hour, but if you know where to aim, you can shoot the commander straight through the wall and activate the exit. Yet another place where wireframe gave me super useful run information.
  42. cc_temple3
  44. cc_sheep
  46. This level is pretty straight forward, the only thing of note is that I kill that one guy in the bar to prevent a mission involving him later in the level. The second guy you see me kill quite a bit later I can't use the sniper trick on for a few reasons. One, we are both far from the intervening wall and it reduces the damage considerably. Second, I'm being shot at the entire time. Its fastest just to run up and murder him then run out again.
  48. cc_temple4
  50. cc_monolith
  52. This is another level where uncaring violence = speed. By stabbing our (assumed) best friend in the back, we can skip a good 20 minutes of level and get right to the bomb. After this is the first of two doors I have to hack in the run, which is always a bit scary considering how random hacking is in this game. After hacking the door, I use the restart mission glitch for the first time. Instead of taking the normal elevator route in order to get down, I fall down that shaft while holding run+jump, and it lets me sort of skim over the water at the bottom.
  54. cc_noctis
  56. I grab the damocles here at the start even though I don't use it until the next level, sadly there just isn't a better place to pick it up. I use the mission restart glitch as soon as the gunship appears, avoiding death. The second hackable door is at the end of the level, and it's the hardest. Choosing the correct dialogue options with the guy you meet inside is the trigger for the next level.
  58. I should note here that this is where the game branches off into the three endings, and this is far and away the fastest route.
  60. cc_shadow
  62. I use the restart mission glitch right at the start, and systematically take out all the guys in a circle around me, then the person standing off to the side. This opens up the next area, where I proceed to stab all the people and go down to the exit. There will always be the same number of NPC's in the level, so be sure to count them.
  64. cc_severed
  66. This was the run killer for me for a very long time, until I found the restart mission glitch. Using this, you can take out the pillars by backstabbing them very quickly. I pick up the sniper rifle at the start so I can kill the first pillar from a distance, before activating the glitch.
  68. cc_temple6
  70. This is the end, I just have to talk to some people then run out, then in the next level take the portal again, at which point I stop the timer.
  72. And that's it. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment on the video page. I'm sure I forgot some stuff here but hopefully this will make the run a bit less opaque from an outside perspective!
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