
Irfanview 4.54 CLI Options

Feb 3rd, 2020
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  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. File : 'options.txt' - Command line options for IrfanView
  3. Author: Irfan Skiljan
  4. E-Mail:
  5. WWW :
  6. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. List of all command line options supported in IrfanView:
  9. --------------------------------------------------------
  11. /one - force "Only one instance"
  12. /fs - force Full Screen display
  13. /bf - force "Fit images to desktop" display option
  14. /title=text - set window title to "text"
  15. /pos=(x,y) - move IrfanView window to x,y (if display option allows that)
  16. /display=(x,y,w,h,zoom,sX,sY) - set position, size, zoom and scroll position of the IrfanView window and image
  17. /convert=filename - save/convert input image(s)/file(s) to "filename" and CLOSE IrfanView
  18. (Note: See pattern help file page for more options)
  19. /makecopy - for convert: if destination file exists, save new file as copy
  20. /slideshow=txtfile - play slideshow with the files from "txtfile"
  21. /slideshow=folder - play slideshow with the files from "folder"
  22. /reloadonloop - reload input source used in /slideshow when list finished
  23. /filelist=txtfile - use filenames from "txtfile" as input, see examples below
  24. /file=filename(s) - use filename(s) as input, see examples below
  25. /thumbs - open Thumbnails window
  26. /killmesoftly - close all IrfanView instances (exit after command line)
  27. /cmdexit - close current IrfanView after command line processing
  28. /closeslideshow - close slideshow and IrfanView after the last image
  29. /page=X - open page number X from a multipage input image
  30. /crop=(x,y,w,h,C) - crop input image: x-start, y-start, width, height, C=start corner (0-4)
  31. /print - print to default printer and CLOSE IrfanView
  32. /print="Name" - print to specific printer and CLOSE IrfanView
  33. /resize=(w,h) - resize input image to w (width) and h (height)
  34. /resize_long=X - resize input image: set long side to X
  35. /resize_short=X - resize input image: set short side to X
  36. /resample - for resize: use Resample option (better quality)
  37. /aspectratio - used for /resize: keep image proportions
  38. /capture=X - capture the screen or window (see examples below)
  39. /ini - use the Windows folder for INI/LST files (read/save)
  40. /ini="Folder" - use the folder "Folder" for INI/LST files (read/save)
  41. /clippaste - paste image from the clipboard
  42. /clipcopy - copy image to the clipboard
  43. /silent - don't show messages for command line read/save errors
  44. /invert - invert input image (negative)
  45. /dpi=(x,y) - change image DPI values, set DPIs for scanning
  46. /scan - acquire the image from the TWAIN device (show TWAIN dialog)
  47. /scanhidden - acquire the image from the TWAIN device (hide TWAIN dialog)
  48. /batchscan=(options) - simulate menu: File->Batch Scan, see examples below
  49. /bpp=BitsPerPixel - change color depth of the input image to BitsPerPixel
  50. /swap_bw - swap (pure) black and white color in the image
  51. /gray - convert input image to grayscale
  52. /rotate_r - rotate input image to right
  53. /rotate_l - rotate input image to left
  54. /hflip - horizontal flip
  55. /vflip - vertical flip
  56. /filepattern="x" - browse only specific files
  57. /effect=(x,p1,p2) - apply effect filter X, see below for examples
  58. /sharpen=X - open image and apply the sharpen filter value X
  59. /contrast=X - open image and apply the contrast value X
  60. /bright=X - open image and apply the brighntess value X
  61. /gamma=X - open image and apply the gamma correction value X
  62. /advancedbatch - apply Advanced Batch Dialog options to image (from INI file)
  63. /transpcolor=(r,g,b) - set transparent color if saving as GIF/PNG/ICO
  64. /hide=X - hide toolbar, status bar, menu and/or caption of the main window
  65. /info=txtfile - write image infos to "txtfile"
  66. /fullinfo - used for /info, write EXIF, IPTC and Comment data
  67. /shortinfo - used for /info, write just file index and name
  68. /append=destfile - append image as page to "destfile" (must be TIF or PDF)
  69. /multitif=(tif,files) - create multipage TIF from input files
  70. /multipdf=(pdf,files) - create multipage PDF from input files
  71. /panorama=(X,files) - create panorama image from input files; X = direction (1 or 2)
  72. /jpgq=X - set JPG save quality
  73. /tifc=X - set TIF save compression
  74. /wall=X - set image as wallpaper, see below for /random and examples
  75. /extract=(folder,ext) - extract all pages from a multipage/multiframe file
  76. /import_pal=palfile - import and apply a special palette to the image (PAL format)
  77. /export_pal=palfile - export image palette to file (PAL format)
  78. /jpg_rotate=(options) - JPG lossless rotation, see examples below
  79. /hotfolder="folder" - start Hotfolder option with a specific folder
  80. /monitor=X - start EXE-Slideshow on monitor X
  81. /window=(x,y,w,h) - set EXE-Slideshow window position and size
  82. /clearmonitors - play EXE-slideshow on one monitor, clear all other monitors
  85. Important notes:
  86. - Only lower case options are supported (don't type any UPPERCASE letters for options) !
  87. - Use "" for file names/paths with spaces! (example: "c:\images\dummy test file.jpg")
  88. - Input file name (if required) is always the first parameter (unless /file or /filelist is used)
  89. - Write always the FULL paths for file names (incl. drive letter)
  90. (hint for BAT files with relative paths: use the variable "%~dp0" to get the current path)
  91. - You can combine several options in one command
  92. - The commands will be processed in the order you write them
  93. - Wildcards supported only for: /convert, /multitif, /multipdf, /panorama, /print, /info /jpg_rotate and /extract
  94. - Do not set any other commands after /batchscan, /scan, /capture=5 or 6, they won't be processed
  95. - Maximal command line length is limited to 4096 chars: use Drag&Drop, /file or /filelist for very large lists
  96. - Most settings are loaded from the INI file. Using prepared INIs and /ini option, you can extend the possibilities.
  97. - IrfanView exit code is 0. If /convert or /print is used, there is 1 or 2 also possible, for load/save error.
  98. - Please test (e.g. conversions) first in GUI mode => some options may need to be set first (saved to INI file).
  101. Example for conversion:
  102. i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /convert=c:\giftest.gif
  103. => Convert file: 'c:\test.bmp' to 'c:\giftest.gif' without GUI ;-)
  104. i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /convert=d:\temp\*.gif
  105. i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /resize=(500,300) /aspectratio /resample /convert=d:\temp\*.png
  106. i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /resize_long=300 /aspectratio /resample /convert=d:\temp\outimage_###.jpg
  107. i_view32.exe /filelist=c:\mypics.txt /resize=(500,300) /aspectratio /resample /convert=d:\temp\*.png
  108. i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /convert=c:\test_$Wx$H.jpg
  109. i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /convert=c:\temp\$N.jpg
  110. i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /convert=c:\temp_$#_number_sign\test.jpg
  111. i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /convert=c:\temp\*.tif
  112. i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /makecopy /convert=c:\temp\$N.jpg
  113. i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /resize=(100,100) /resample /aspectratio /convert=d:\$N_thumb.jpg
  114. i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /convert=c:\temp\$T(%Y%m%d)\test_$Wx$H.jpg
  115. i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /convert=$D$N.jpg
  116. i_view32.exe c:\*.bmp /convert=$D$N.jpg
  117. i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /advancedbatch /convert=c:\temp\*.jpg
  118. i_view32.exe c:\test.bmp /transpcolor=(255,255,255) /convert=c:\giftest.gif
  119. (Note: supported are all IrfanView read/save formats except audio/video)
  121. Example for slideshow:
  122. i_view32.exe /slideshow=c:\mypics.txt
  123. (Note: The file 'c:\mypics.txt' contains, in each line, a name of an image file, including the full path OR path relative to "i_view32.exe")
  124. (Lines starting with ";" will be ignored and can be used as comment)
  125. i_view32.exe /slideshow=c:\mypics.txt /reloadonloop
  126. i_view32.exe /slideshow=c:\images\
  127. i_view32.exe /slideshow=c:\images\ /reloadonloop
  128. i_view32.exe /slideshow=c:\images\*.jpg
  129. i_view32.exe /slideshow=c:\images\test*.jpg
  130. i_view32.exe /slideshow="c:\images\" /filepattern="*.jpg;*.gif;*.png" /reloadonloop
  131. Note: you have to close IrfanView after the last image from the TXT file, if no /closeslideshow is used.
  133. Example for closeslideshow:
  134. i_view32.exe /slideshow=c:\mypics.txt /closeslideshow
  135. => IrfanView will be closed after the last image from 'c:\mypics.txt'
  137. Example for thumbnails:
  138. i_view32.exe c:\test\image1.jpg /thumbs
  139. => open 'image1.jpg' and display thumbnails from directory 'c:\test'
  140. i_view32.exe c:\test /thumbs
  141. i_view32.exe /thumbs c:\test
  142. => display thumbnails from directory 'c:\test'
  143. i_view32.exe /filelist=c:\mypics.txt /thumbs
  144. => load filenames from TXT file and display as thumbnails
  146. Example for file: (this option is nice if you need to send the input file(s) as last parameter)
  147. i_view32.exe /file=c:\image.jpg (same as "i_view32.exe c:\image.jpg")
  148. i_view32.exe /convert="c:\result\*.tif" /file=c:\image1.jpg
  149. i_view32.exe /convert="c:\result\*.tif" /file=c:\image1.jpg "c:\spacy image2.jpg" c:\image3.jpg
  150. i_view32.exe /thumbs /file=c:\image1.jpg "c:\spacy image2.jpg" c:\image3.jpg
  151. Hint: you can create a special IrfanView desktop (or "Send to") shortcut which can use the files from Drag&Drop with other options like: "i_view32.exe [options] /file="
  153. Example for filelist:
  154. i_view32.exe /filelist=c:\mypics.txt
  155. i_view32.exe /filelist=c:\mypics.txt /convert=d:\test\*.jpg
  156. i_view32.exe /filelist=c:\mypics.txt /thumbs
  158. Example for close:
  159. i_view32.exe /killmesoftly
  160. => close IrfanView and terminate all instances
  162. Example for page:
  163. i_view32.exe c:\test.tif /page=3
  164. => Open page number 3 from the multipage image 'c:\test.tif'
  166. Example for /display:
  167. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /display=(100,100,300,300,50,0,0)
  168. => Load image and set window position and size, zoom to 50%, scroll positions to 0
  169. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /display=(,,300,,50,30,30)
  170. => Load image and set window width, zoom to 50%, scroll positions to 30 (height and position = default/old)
  172. Example for crop:
  173. Start corner values: 0 = Left top, 1 = Right top, 2 = Left bottom, 3 = Right bottom, 4 = Center
  174. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /crop=(10,10,300,300,0)
  175. => Open 'c:\test.jpg' and crop: x-start=10, y-start=10, width=300, height=300, corner = Left top
  176. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /crop=(-10,-20,300,300,4) /convert=c:\giftest.gif
  177. => Open 'c:\test.jpg' and crop: x-start=-10, y-start=-20, width=300, height=300, corner = center
  179. Example for print:
  180. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /print
  181. => Open 'c:\test.jpg', print the image to default printer and close IrfanView
  182. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /print="Printer Name"
  183. => Open 'c:\test.jpg', print the image to specific printer and close IrfanView
  184. i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /print
  185. => Print all JPGs from "C:\" and close IrfanView
  186. Note: the current settings from the INI file are used.
  188. Example for resize:
  189. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /resize=(300,300) /resample
  190. => Open 'c:\test.jpg' and resample: width=300, height=300
  191. (Note: Resample uses the the active resample filter from the INI file)
  192. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /resize=(300,300) /aspectratio
  193. => Open 'c:\test.jpg' and resize: width = max. 300, height = max. 300, proportional
  194. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /resize=(300,0)
  195. => Open 'c:\test.jpg' and resize: width=300, height=original
  196. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /resize=(300,0) /aspectratio
  197. => Open 'c:\test.jpg' and resize: width=300, height=proportional
  198. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /resize_long=300 /aspectratio /resample
  199. => Open 'c:\test.jpg' and resample: long side=300, short side=proportional
  200. i_view32 c:\test.jpg /resize=(150p,150p)
  201. => Open 'c:\test.jpg' and resize: width=150%, height=150%
  202. i_view32 c:\test.jpg /resize=(33.33p,44.44p)
  203. => Open 'c:\test.jpg' and resize: width=33.33%, height=44.44%
  205. Example for capture:
  206. i_view32.exe /capture=0
  207. => Capture the whole screen
  208. i_view32.exe /capture=6
  209. => start in Capture mode, use last used capture dialog settings
  210. i_view32.exe /capture=7
  211. => Capture the screen rectangle from GUI/Capture dialog (=INI values)
  212. i_view32.exe /capture=7=(0,0,800,600)
  213. => Capture the screen rectangle: x (0), y (0), width (800), height (600)
  214. capture values:
  215. 0 = whole screen
  216. 1 = current monitor
  217. 2 = foreground window
  218. 3 = foreground window - client area
  219. 4 = rectangle selection
  220. 5 = object selected with the mouse (can't be combined with other commandline options)
  221. 6 = start in capture mode (can't be combined with other commandline options)
  222. 7 = fixed rectangle (using capture dialog values or direct input)
  223. Advanced examples:
  224. i_view32.exe /capture=2 /convert=c:\test.jpg
  225. Capture foreground window and save result as file.
  226. i_view32.exe /capture=2 /convert=c:\capture_$U(%d%m%Y_%H%M%S).jpg
  227. Capture foreground window and save result as file; file name contains time stamp.
  229. Example for ini:
  230. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /ini="c:\temp\"
  231. i_view32.exe /ini
  232. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /ini
  234. Example for clipboard paste:
  235. i_view32.exe /clippaste
  236. i_view32.exe /clippaste /convert=c:\test.gif
  238. Example for clipboard copy:
  239. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /clipcopy
  240. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /clipcopy /killmesoftly
  242. Example for /invert:
  243. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /invert
  245. Example for /dpi:
  246. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /dpi=(72,72)
  248. Example for /scan:
  249. With the scan command, you can only combine: /print, /dpi, /gray and /convert.
  250. i_view32.exe /scan
  251. i_view32.exe /scanhidden
  252. i_view32.exe /scanhidden /dpi=(150,150)
  253. i_view32.exe /scan /convert=c:\test.jpg
  254. i_view32.exe /scan /append=c:\test.tif
  255. i_view32.exe /scan /append=c:\test.pdf
  256. i_view32.exe /scanhidden /convert=c:\test.jpg
  257. i_view32.exe /scanhidden /convert=c:\test_$U(%d%m%Y_%H%M%S).jpg
  258. i_view32.exe /scanhidden /gray /convert=c:\test.jpg
  259. i_view32.exe /print /scan
  261. Example for /batchscan=(options):
  262. options = 8 options from the batch scan dialog:
  263. filename, index, increment, digits, skip, dest-folder, save-extension, multi-tif
  264. i_view32.exe /batchscan=(scanfile,1,1,2,1,c:\temp,bmp,0)
  265. i_view32.exe /batchscan=(scanfile,1,1,2,1,c:\temp,bmp,0) /dpi=(150,150)
  266. i_view32.exe /batchscan=(scanfile,1,1,2,0,c:\temp,tif,1)
  267. i_view32.exe /batchscan=("crazy, filename",1,1,2,0,"c:\temp\crazy, (folder)",tif,1)
  268. i_view32.exe /batchscan=(scanfile,1,1,2,1,c:\temp,bmp,0) /scanhidden
  270. Example for /bpp:
  271. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /bpp=8
  272. Supported BPP-values: 1, 4, 8 and 24 (decrease/increase color depth)
  273. => Open 'c:\test.jpg' and reduce to 256 colors
  275. Example for /filepattern:
  276. i_view32.exe c:\images\ /filepattern="*.jpg"
  277. => Go to folder "c:\images\" and load JPGs only in the browse/file list
  278. i_view32.exe c:\images\ /thumbs /filepattern="*.jpg"
  279. => Go to folder "c:\images\" and show JPG thumbnails only
  280. i_view32.exe c:\images\ /thumbs /filepattern="123*.jpg"
  281. => Go to folder "c:\images\" and show JPG with names "123*" as thumbnails
  282. i_view32.exe c:\images\ /filepattern="*.jpg;*.gif;*.png"
  283. => Go to folder "c:\images\" and load only JPG, GIF and PNG files in the browse/file list
  285. Example for /effect=(effect-nr,param1,param2):
  286. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /effect=(8,3,0)
  287. => apply Median filter, parameter = 3
  288. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /effect=(4,3,50)
  289. => apply Blur-2 filter, parameter1 = 3, parameter2 = 50
  290. effect-nr values: (from Effect-Browser dialog)
  291. 1 = Blur
  292. 2 = Gaussian Blur
  293. ...
  294. 43 = Color Temperature
  295. 80 = AltaLux
  297. Example for /sharpen:
  298. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /sharpen=33
  300. Examples for /hide:
  301. Values (can be combined (add values)):
  302. Toolbar 1
  303. Status bar 2
  304. Menu bar 4
  305. Caption 8
  306. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /hide=1
  307. => Open 'c:\test.jpg', hide toolbar only
  308. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /hide=3
  309. => Open 'c:\test.jpg', hide toolbar and status bar
  310. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /hide=12
  311. => Open 'c:\test.jpg', hide caption and menu bar
  312. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /hide=15
  313. => Open 'c:\test.jpg', hide all
  315. Examples for /info:
  316. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /info=c:\test.txt
  317. i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /info=c:\jpgs.txt
  318. i_view32.exe c:\*.jpg /info=c:\jpgs.csv
  319. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /info=c:\test.txt /fullinfo
  321. Example for /append:
  322. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /append=c:\test.pdf
  323. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /append=c:\test.tif
  324. => Open 'c:\test.jpg' and append it as page to 'c:\test.tif'
  326. Example for /multitif (/multipdf is similar/identical):
  327. Syntax: /multitif=(tifname,file1,...,fileN)
  328. First file is the name of the result TIF file, wildcards for file1-N are allowed.
  329. i_view32.exe /multitif=(c:\test.tif,c:\test1.bmp,c:\dummy.jpg)
  330. => Create multipage TIF (c:\test.tif) from 2 other files
  331. i_view32.exe /tifc=1 /multitif=(c:\test.tif,c:\*.bmp)
  332. i_view32.exe /multitif=(c:\test.tif,c:\*.bmp,c:\dummy.jpg,c:\123*.gif)
  333. i_view32.exe /multitif=("c:\test.tif",filelist="c:\mypics.txt")
  335. Example for /panorama:
  336. Syntax: /panorama=(X,file1,...,fileN)
  337. First parameter (X) is the direction: 1 = horizontal, 2 = vertical, wildcards for file1-N are allowed.
  338. i_view32.exe /panorama=(1,c:\test1.bmp,c:\dummy.jpg)
  339. => Create horizontal panorama image from 2 other files
  340. i_view32.exe /panorama=(1,c:\test.tif,c:\*.bmp)
  341. i_view32.exe /panorama=(2,c:\test.tif,c:\*.bmp,c:\dummy.jpg,c:\123*.gif)
  342. i_view32.exe /panorama=(2,c:\test.tif,"c:\crazy, comma filename.jpg")
  343. i_view32.exe /panorama=(2,filelist="c:\mypics.txt")
  345. Example for /jpgq:
  346. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /jpgq=75 /convert=c:\new.jpg
  347. => Open 'c:\test.jpg' and save it as c:\new.jpg, quality = 75
  348. Quality range: 1 - 100.
  350. Example for /tifc:
  351. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /tifc=4 /convert=c:\new.tif
  352. => Open 'c:\test.jpg' and save it as c:\new.tif, compression = Fax4
  353. Compressions: 0 = None, 1 = LZW, 2 = Packbits, 3 = Fax3, 4 = Fax4, 5 = Huffman,
  354. 6 = JPG, 7 = ZIP
  356. Example for wallpaper:
  357. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /wall=0
  358. => Open 'c:\test.jpg' and set is as wallpaper (centered)
  359. wall values: 0 (centered), 1 (tiled), 2 (stretched), 3 (proportional), 4 (fill)
  360. i_view32.exe c:\images\*.jpg /random /wall=0 /killmesoftly
  361. i_view32.exe /filelist=c:\mypics.txt /random /wall=0 /killmesoftly
  362. => get random file from the folder/list and set as wallpaper
  364. Example for /extract:
  365. i_view32.exe c:\multipage.tif /extract=(c:\temp,jpg)
  366. => Open 'c:\multipage.tif' and save all pages to folder 'c:\temp' as JPGs
  367. i_view32.exe c:\*.tif /extract=(c:\temp,jpg)
  368. i_view32.exe /filelist=c:\mypics.txt /extract=(c:\temp,jpg)
  369. i_view32.exe c:\animated.gif /extract=(c:\temp,bmp)
  371. Example for hotfolder:
  372. i_view32.exe /hotfolder="c:\input\"
  373. Scan 'c:\input\' folder for new images and display them. Uses timer settings from the Hotfolder menu/dialog.
  374. i_view32.exe "c:\input\test.jpg" /fs /hotfolder="c:\input\"
  375. Display an image in fullscreen mode, wait for new files in 'c:\input\' folder and display them.
  377. Examples for EXE slideshow:
  378. MySlideshow.exe /monitor=2
  379. => Start standalone slideshow on monitor 2
  380. MySlideshow.exe /window=(0,0,800,600)
  381. => Start standalone slideshow in top left corner, window size 800x600
  382. MySlideshow.exe /monitor=2 /clearmonitors
  383. => Start standalone slideshow on monitor 2, clear monitor 1 (and all other monitors)
  385. Example for /advancedbatch:
  386. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /advancedbatch /convert=c:\image.jpg
  387. (some Misc. Advanced Batch options are not supported: overwrite, delete, subfolders, all pages)
  388. => Open 'c:\test.jpg', apply Advanced Batch options from the INI file and save as new file
  390. Example for /jpg_rotate=(options):
  391. options = 8 options from the JPG lossless dialog:
  392. transformation, optimize, EXIF date, current date, set DPI, DPI value, marker option, custom markers
  393. Note: this option will overwrite the original file(s)!
  394. Values:
  395. Transformation : None (0), Vertical (1) ... Auto rotate (6)
  396. Optimize : 0 or 1
  397. Set EXIF date : 0 or 1
  398. Keep current date: 0 or 1
  399. Set DPI : 0 or 1
  400. DPI value : number
  401. Marker option : Keep all (0), Clean all (1), Custom (2)
  402. Custom markers values (can be combined (add values)):
  403. Keep Comment 1
  404. Keep EXIF 2
  405. Keep IPTC 4
  406. Keep others 8
  407. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /jpg_rotate=(6,1,1,0,1,300,0,0) /cmdexit
  408. => Auto rotate, optimize, set EXIF date as file date, set DPI to 300, keep all markers
  409. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /jpg_rotate=(6,1,1,0,0,0,2,6)
  410. => Auto rotate, optimize, set EXIF date as file date, keep EXIF and IPTC markers
  411. i_view32.exe c:\test.jpg /jpg_rotate=(3,1,0,1,0,0,1,0)
  412. => Rotate 90, optimize, use current file date, clean all markers
  413. i_view32.exe c:\images\*.jpg /jpg_rotate=(6,1,1,0,0,0,0,0) /cmdexit
  414. => For all JPGs: Auto rotate, optimize, set EXIF date as file date, keep all markers
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