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- ragebot_safety = Cheat["GetUsername"];
- globals_curtime = Globals["Curtime"];
- entity_get_local_player = Entity["GetLocalPlayer"];
- entity_get_enemies = Entity["GetEnemies"];
- entity_get_hitbox_position = Entity["GetHitboxPosition"];
- entity_get_eye_position = Entity["GetEyePosition"];
- entity_is_valid = Entity["IsValid"];
- global_get_view_angles = Global["GetViewAngles"];
- entity_is_alive = Entity["IsAlive"];
- local_get_view_angles = Local["GetViewAngles"];
- entity_get_render_origin = Entity["GetRenderOrigin"];
- trace_line = Trace["Line"];
- entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d = Entity["GetEntityFromUserID"];
- event_get_int = Event["GetInt"];
- var screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize();
- var alpha = 0;
- var molotov = [];
- screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize();
- var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.PrintColor([200, 200, 255], "-----------------------------\n");
- Cheat.PrintColor([30, 144, 255], "Welcome " + username + "! To Pastesense.garbage\n");
- Cheat.PrintColor([200, 200, 255], "-----------------------------\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- function XTOnKey() {
- const IsKeyEnabled = UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "Keys", "Key assignment", "Extended Backtracking"]);
- if (IsKeyEnabled) {
- UI.SetValue(["Misc.","Helpers","Extended backtracking"], 1);
- } else {
- UI.SetValue(["Misc.","Helpers","Extended backtracking"], 0);
- }
- }
- var weaponTabNames = {
- "usp s": "USP", "glock 18": "Glock", "dual berettas": "Dualies", "r8 revolver": "Revolver", "desert eagle": "Deagle", "p250": "P250", "tec 9": "Tec-9",
- "mp9": "MP9", "mac 10": "Mac10", "pp bizon": "PP-Bizon", "ump 45": "UMP45", "ak 47": "AK47", "sg 553": "SG553", "aug": "AUG", "m4a1 s": "M4A1-S", "m4a4": "M4A4", "ssg 08": "SSG08",
- "awp": "AWP", "g3sg1": "G3SG1", "scar 20": "SCAR20", "xm1014": "XM1014", "mag 7": "MAG7", "m249": "M249", "negev": "Negev", "p2000": "P2000", "famas": "FAMAS", "five seven": "Five Seven", "mp7": "MP7",
- "ump 45": "UMP45", "p90": "P90", "cz75 auto": "CZ-75", "mp5 sd": "MP5", "galil ar": "GALIL", "sawed off": "Sawed off", "nova": "Nova"
- };
- function updateDamageValues() {
- if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
- return;
- var weaponName = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
- if (!weaponTabNames.hasOwnProperty(weaponName)) {
- return;
- }
- var isOverride = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Minimum damage override"]) ? true : false;
- if (isOverride) {
- var target = Entity.GetEnemies();
- for (var i in target) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", weaponTabNames[weaponName], "Damage Override"]) != 0) {
- Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(target[i], UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", weaponTabNames[weaponName], "Damage Override"]))
- }
- else {
- Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(target[i], UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", "General", "Damage Override"]))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function main() {
- UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Extra", "Extra"], "Min damage indicator color")
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Target", "General"], "Damage Override", 0, 130)
- for (var name in weaponTabNames) {
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Target", weaponTabNames[name]], "Damage Override", 0, 130)
- }
- }
- main();
- function menustate() {
- return ragebot_safety.toString() != "function () { [native code] }";
- }
- function menuoptions() {
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Watermark"]) == 1) {
- } else {
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Real type"]) == 2) {
- UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Real amout:"], 1);
- } else {
- UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Real amout:"], 0);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 2) {
- UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Fake amout:"], 1);
- } else {
- UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Fake amout:"], 0);
- }
- }
- function Pasteaa() {
- AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(0);
- var value = Local.GetFakeYaw();
- var div = Local.GetRealYaw();
- var s = 0;
- current_inversion = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]) == 1 ? -1 : 1;
- var individual = Entity.GetProp(s, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
- var indContent = vector_length(individual);
- var a = Entity.GetProp(s, "CCSPlayer", "m_angEyeAngles")[1];
- var prohibitedListElementChildren = angle_diff(a, div);
- var cell1 = angle_diff(a, value);
- lbyamout = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real amout:"]);
- lbyamout2 = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Fake amout:"]);
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 0) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(0);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 1) {
- real_yaw_offset = 120 * random_float(1, 2);
- AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 2) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- real_yaw_offset = (indContent > 3.3 ? lbyamout : lbyamout) * -current_inversion;
- AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 3) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- real_yaw_offset = prohibitedListElementChildren > 35 ? 15 * -current_inversion : 60 * random_float(0.6, 2.5) * -current_inversion;
- AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 4) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real * -current_inversion);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 5) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- real_yaw_offset = (indContent > 3.3 ? 20 : 20) * -current_inversion;
- AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 0) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(0);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 1) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- lower_body_yaw_offset = 160 * current_inversion + cell1 < 50 ? Globals.Curtime() * 180 / random_float(-5, 5) % 240 * current_inversion : Globals.Curtime() * 360 / random_float(-0.1, 0.3) % 91 * current_inversion;
- if (Globals.Tickcount() % 3 == 0) {
- lower_body_yaw_offset = lower_body_yaw_offset * -1.5;
- }
- AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(lower_body_yaw_offset);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 2) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- lower_body_yaw_offset = lbyamout2 * current_inversion;
- AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(lower_body_yaw_offset);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 3) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(fake * -current_inversion);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Jitter when Slowwalk"]) == 1) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "Slow walk"])) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- real_yaw_offset = 120 * random_float(0.6, 2.5) * -current_inversion;
- AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
- }
- }
- }
- var lasttime = 0;
- var customtext = 0;
- function time_to_ticks(partKeys) {
- var _0x6b3cx14 = partKeys / Globals.TickInterval() + 0.5;
- return _0x6b3cx14;
- }
- var vector = {
- _class : "vector"
- };
- vector["new"] = function(profilePoint) {
- return {
- x : profilePoint[0],
- y : profilePoint[1],
- z : profilePoint[2]
- };
- };
- vector["operate"] = function(position, size, cur) {
- switch(cur) {
- case "+":
- return {
- x : position["x"] + size["x"],
- y : position["y"] + size["y"],
- z : position["z"] + size["z"]
- };
- case "-":
- return {
- x : position["x"] - size["x"],
- y : position["y"] - size["y"],
- z : position["z"] - size["z"]
- };
- case "*":
- return {
- x : position["x"] * size["x"],
- y : position["y"] * size["y"],
- z : position["z"] * size["z"]
- };
- case "/":
- return {
- x : position["x"] / size["x"],
- y : position["y"] / size["y"],
- z : position["z"] / size["z"]
- };
- default:
- throw new Error("[Vector] Invalid operation type.");
- }
- };
- vector["angles"] = function(props) {
- return {
- x : -Math["atan2"](props["z"], this["length2d"](props)) * 180 / Math["PI"],
- y : Math["atan2"](props["y"], props["x"]) * 180 / Math["PI"],
- z : 0
- };
- };
- vector["length2d"] = function(eci_coords) {
- return Math["sqrt"](eci_coords["x"] * eci_coords["x"] + eci_coords["y"] * eci_coords["y"]);
- };
- vector["fov_to"] = function(msg, serverId, satellite_coords) {
- const observer_ecf = this["angles"](this["operate"](serverId, msg, "-"));
- const new_arena = this["new"]([Math["abs"](satellite_coords["x"] - observer_ecf["x"]), Math["abs"](satellite_coords["y"] % 360 - observer_ecf["y"] % 360) % 360, 0]);
- if (new_arena["y"] > 180) {
- new_arena["y"] = 360 - new_arena["y"];
- }
- return this["length2d"](new_arena);
- };
- vector["to_array"] = function(satellite_coords) {
- return [satellite_coords["x"], satellite_coords["y"], satellite_coords["z"]];
- };
- function normalize_yaw(newPath) {
- var rootPath = newPath;
- if (rootPath < -180) {
- rootPath = rootPath + 360;
- }
- if (rootPath > 180) {
- rootPath = rootPath - 360;
- }
- return rootPath;
- }
- function vector_length(klass) {
- return Math["sqrt"](klass[0] ** 2 + klass[1] ** 2 + klass[2] ** 2);
- }
- function vecNew(profilePoint) {
- return {
- x : profilePoint[0],
- y : profilePoint[1],
- z : profilePoint[2]
- };
- }
- function angle_diff(first, second) {
- var result = first - second;
- result = result % 360;
- if (result > 180) {
- result = result - 360;
- }
- if (result < -180) {
- result = result + 360;
- }
- return result;
- }
- function random_float(min, max) {
- return Math["random"]() * (max - min) + min;
- }
- function get_closest_target() {
- const PL$13 = Entity.GetEnemies();
- const activeEntityKey = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- const obj = {
- id : null,
- fov : 180
- };
- var PL$17 = 0;
- for (; PL$17 < PL$13["length"]; PL$17++) {
- const model = PL$13[PL$17];
- const stream = vecNew(Entity.GetHitboxPosition(model, 0));
- localHead = vecNew(Entity.GetEyePosition(activeEntityKey));
- const artistTrack = vecNew(Local.GetViewAngles());
- const k = vector["fov_to"](localHead, stream, artistTrack);
- if (k < obj["fov"]) {
- obj["id"] = model;
- obj["fov"] = k;
- }
- }
- return obj["id"];
- }
- function update_anti_aim_state(isIron) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Enabled"])) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]) !== isIron) {
- UI.ToggleHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]);
- }
- }
- isIron = (isIron + 1) % 2;
- if (UI.GetValue(["Legit", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]) !== isIron) {
- UI.ToggleHotkey(["Legit", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]);
- }
- }
- function get_target_visibility() {
- const hexo = get_closest_target();
- if (!hexo || !entity_is_valid(hexo)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (entity_is_dormant(hexo)) {
- return false;
- }
- const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
- var matrix = vector["new"](entity_get_eye_position(artistTrack));
- var sparse = vector["new"](entity_get_prop(artistTrack, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]"));
- var n = entity_get_hitbox_position(hexo, 0);
- sparse = vector["operate"](sparse, vector["new"]([0.25, 0.25, 0.25]), "*");
- matrix = vector["operate"](matrix, sparse, "+");
- const SEARCH_SERVICE = trace_line(artistTrack, vector["to_array"](matrix), n)[0];
- return SEARCH_SERVICE === hexo;
- }
- var plugin = {
- last_hit_lby : [],
- last_target_visibility : false,
- override_flip : false,
- last_override_time : globals_curtime()
- };
- function get_optimal_angle() {
- const _0x6b3cx3d = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Freestanding mode"]);
- const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
- const serverId = vector["new"](entity_get_render_origin(artistTrack));
- var right = local_get_view_angles()[1];
- var arr = {
- left : 0,
- right : 0
- };
- var left = right - 90;
- for (; left <= right + 90; left = left + 30) {
- if (left === right) {
- continue;
- }
- const value = left * Math["PI"] / 180;
- const matrix = vector["operate"](serverId, vector["new"]([256 * Math["cos"](value), 256 * Math["sin"](value), 0]), "+");
- const normal = trace_line(artistTrack, vector["to_array"](serverId), vector["to_array"](matrix));
- const index1 = left < right ? "left" : "right";
- arr[index1] += normal[1];
- }
- arr["left"] /= 3;
- arr["right"] /= 3;
- if (arr["left"] > arr["right"]) {
- return _0x6b3cx3d === 0 ? 0 : 1;
- }
- return _0x6b3cx3d === 0 ? 1 : 0;
- }
- function update_anti_aim() {
- const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
- if (!entity_is_valid(artistTrack) || !entity_is_alive(artistTrack)) {
- return;
- }
- {
- const scope = get_closest_target();
- if (scope == null) {
- update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle());
- return;
- }
- if (plugin["last_hit_lby"][scope] == null) {
- update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle());
- return;
- }
- if (plugin["last_hit_lby"][scope] === 0) {
- update_anti_aim_state(1);
- return;
- }
- update_anti_aim_state(0);
- return;
- }
- update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle());
- }
- function on_tick() {
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Freestanding"])) {
- return;
- }
- update_anti_aim();
- }
- function on_frame() {
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Freestanding"])) {
- return;
- }
- }
- function on_player_hurt() {
- const stitchedSurface1 = entity_get_local_player();
- const undefined = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("attacker"));
- const stitchedSurface2 = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("userid"));
- if (stitchedSurface1 !== undefined && stitchedSurface1 === stitchedSurface2) {
- plugin["last_hit_lby"][undefined] = UI.ToggleHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]);
- }
- }
- function reset() {
- plugin["last_hit_lby"] = [];
- }
- Render["Arc"] = function(secondary_dis, yPos, maxlen, secondary_w, x, colspan, a) {
- var x2 = x;
- for (; x2 < x + colspan; x2++) {
- const minlenfraction = x2 * Math["PI"] / 180;
- Render.Line(secondary_dis + Math["cos"](minlenfraction) * maxlen, yPos + Math["sin"](minlenfraction) * maxlen, secondary_dis + Math["cos"](minlenfraction) * secondary_w, yPos + Math["sin"](minlenfraction) * secondary_w, a);
- }
- };
- Render["GradientSkeet"] = function(type, isSlidingUp, boardManager, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock) {
- Render.GradientRect(type, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, mmCoreSplitViewBlock, pts);
- Render.GradientRect(type + boardManager / 4, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock);
- };
- function Security() {
- UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", "Yaw offset"], 180);
- UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", "Jitter offset"], 0);
- UI.SetValue(["Config", "Cheat", "General", "Restrictions"], 0);
- UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Pitch mode"], 0);
- {
- UI.SetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"], [154, 205, 50, 255]);
- }
- }
- UI.AddHotkey( ["Misc.", "Keys", "Key assignment"], "Extended Backtracking", "Extended Backtracking" )
- UI.AddSubTab(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "[Paste] Features");
- UI.AddSubTab(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Aimbot");
- UI.AddSubTab(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "AA");
- UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "[Paste] Features");
- UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Indicators");
- UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Helpers");
- UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Other");
- UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Minimum damage override", "Minimum damage override");
- UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Autowall key", "Autowall");
- UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Fake duck", "Fake duck");
- UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot"], "Fast switch", ["AWP", "SSG08", "Deagle"], 1);
- UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Smoke check", "Smoke check");
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot"], "Min fov", 0, 180);
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot"], "Max fov", 0, 180);
- UI.AddDropdown(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Desync type", ["Off", "Random", "Custom angle", "Sway"], 0);
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Fake amout:", 0, 58);
- UI.AddDropdown(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Real type", ["Off", "Random", "Custom angle", "Eye yaw based", "Sway", "Low delta"], 0);
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Real amout:", 0, 58);
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Freestanding");
- UI.AddDropdown(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Freestanding mode", ["Peek with fake", "Peek with real"], 0);
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Leg breaker");
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Jitter when Slowwalk");
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Other", "Other"], "Watermark");
- UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Other", "Other"], "Watermark text color");
- UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators", ["DESYNC RANGE", "MINIMUM DAMAGE", "FOV", "TRIGGER", "AUTOWALL", "BODY AIM", "FAKE DUCK", "RESOLVER OVERRIDE", "C4 INFO"], 1);
- UI.AddDropdown(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators size", ["1", "2", "3"], 0);
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators Y offset", 160, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
- UI.AddDropdown(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Antiaim arrow type", ["off", "1", "2", "3", "4", 5], 0);
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Arrows X offset", 15, 200);
- UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Arrows color");
- //UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Hit logs", ["Console", "Chat"], 1);
- UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Buy logs", ["Console", "Chat"], 1);
- UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Votes logs", ["Console", "Chat"], 1);
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Autowall indicator under crosshair");
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Killsay");
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Spectators");
- UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators color");
- UI.AddSubTab( ["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Pastesense Logs");
- UI.AddCheckbox( ["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs"], "Hit logs");
- UI.AddCheckbox( ["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs"], "Enable Chat Logging");
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Arrows fake color");
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Auto Disconnect");
- UI.AddSliderFloat(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Aspect Ratio", 0.0, 5.0);
- UI.AddDropdown(["Visuals", "Other", "Other"], "Clantag spammer", ["off", "Pastesense"], 0);
- UI.SetEnabled(["Config", "Cheat", "General", "RAGE QUIT"], 0);
- function announce_phase_end() {
- var _0x6b3cx59 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Auto Disconnect"]);
- if (win) {
- win = false;
- return;
- }
- }
- function cs_win_panel_match() {
- var _0x6b3cx59 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Auto Disconnect"]);
- if (_0x6b3cx59) {
- var _0x6b3cx5b = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Auto Disconnect"]);
- if (_0x6b3cx5b) {
- Cheat.ExecuteCommand("disconnect");
- } else {
- Cheat.ExecuteCommand("disconnect");
- }
- }
- win = true;
- }
- function fsn() {
- var activeEntityKey = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- if (!Entity.IsValid(activeEntityKey)) {
- win = false;
- }
- }
- function PasteFOV() {
- if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) && (menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
- distance = 0;
- FOV = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Min fov"]);
- enemies = Entity.GetEnemies();
- i = 0;
- for (; i < enemies["length"]; i++) {
- if (Entity.IsAlive(enemies[i]) && !Entity.IsDormant(enemies[i])) {
- origin = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(enemies[i]);
- myself = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
- distance_to_enemy = Math["sqrt"](Math["pow"](origin[0] - myself[0], 2) + Math["pow"](origin[1] - myself[1], 2) + Math["pow"](origin[2] - myself[2], 2));
- if (distance == 0 || distance_to_enemy < distance) {
- distance = distance_to_enemy;
- }
- }
- }
- diff = 1000 - distance;
- if (diff > 0) {
- FOV = FOV + (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Max fov"]) - UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Min fov"])) * (diff / 1000);
- }
- FOV = Math["ceil"](FOV);
- var sections = {
- "usp s" : "USP",
- "glock 18" : "Glock",
- "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
- "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
- "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
- "p250" : "P250",
- "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
- "mp9" : "MP9",
- "mac 10" : "Mac10",
- "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "ak 47" : "AK47",
- "sg 553" : "SG553",
- "aug" : "AUG",
- "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
- "m4a4" : "M4A4",
- "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
- "awp" : "AWP",
- "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
- "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
- "xm1014" : "XM1014",
- "mag 7" : "MAG7",
- "m249" : "M249",
- "negev" : "Negev",
- "p2000" : "General",
- "famas" : "FAMAS",
- "five seven" : "Five Seven",
- "mp7" : "MP7",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "p90" : "P90",
- "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
- "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
- "galil ar" : "GALIL",
- "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
- };
- var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
- var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
- if (section == undefined) {
- section = "General";
- }
- UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Field of view"], FOV);
- }
- }
- function calcDist(lon1, lat2) {
- var zeroSizeMax = lon1[0];
- var headerCenterY = lon1[1];
- var endMinutes = lon1[2];
- var pixelSizeTargetMax = lat2[0];
- var articleAdjustedTopY = lat2[1];
- var startMinutes = lat2[2];
- var lightI = zeroSizeMax - pixelSizeTargetMax;
- var lightJ = headerCenterY - articleAdjustedTopY;
- var difMinutes = endMinutes - startMinutes;
- return Math["sqrt"](lightI * lightI + lightJ * lightJ + difMinutes * difMinutes);
- }
- function dispDamage() {
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- if (fnparams[8]) {
- var state = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(128)[0];
- if (state == undefined) {
- return;
- }
- var change2 = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(state);
- var local_backup_paths = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(local);
- var fakeChange2 = calcDist(change2, local_backup_paths);
- var _0x6b3cx72 = false;
- var dataToEncrypt;
- var d = Entity.GetProp(local, "CCSPlayerResource", "m_iArmor");
- var selectedFile = Entity.GetProp(local, "CBasePlayer", "m_iHealth");
- var n = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flC4Blow") - Globals.Curtime();
- var h = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flTimerLength");
- var n2 = (Render.GetScreenSize()[1] - 50) / h * n;
- var movestring = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_bBombTicking");
- var currentState = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flDefuseLength");
- var dataWidth = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flDefuseCountDown") - Globals.Curtime();
- var tIndW = (Render.GetScreenSize()[1] - 50) / currentState * dataWidth;
- var foundState = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_hBombDefuser");
- var refTarget = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_bBombDefused");
- n = parseFloat(n["toPrecision"](3));
- timer2 = parseFloat(n["toPrecision"](2));
- timer3 = parseFloat(n["toPrecision"](1));
- const fractval = 450.7;
- const mainoffset = 75.68;
- const mainscale = 789.2;
- const t = (fakeChange2 - mainoffset) / mainscale;
- var value = fractval * Math["exp"](-t * t);
- if (d > 0) {
- var t = value * 0.5;
- var k = (value - t) * 0.5;
- if (k > d) {
- d = d * (1 / 0.5);
- t = value - k;
- }
- value = t;
- }
- dataToEncrypt = Math["ceil"](value);
- if (dataToEncrypt >= selectedFile) {
- _0x6b3cx72 = true;
- } else {
- _0x6b3cx72 = false;
- }
- }
- bomb_font = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", 32, true);
- if (!movestring) {
- return;
- }
- if (refTarget) {
- return;
- }
- if (n >= 1 && n > 10) {
- Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + n + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
- Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + n + "s", [129, 177, 14, 255], bomb_font);
- } else {
- if (n <= 10 && n > 5 && n >= 1) {
- Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
- Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [210, 216, 112, 255], bomb_font);
- } else {
- if (n <= 5 && n >= 1) {
- Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
- Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [252, 18, 19, 255], bomb_font);
- } else {
- if (n < 1 && n >= 0.1) {
- Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + timer3 + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
- Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + timer3 + "s", [252, 18, 19, 255], bomb_font);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (foundState > 0) {
- if (n > currentState && n >= 0.1) {
- Render.FilledRect(0, 0, 15, tIndW, [58, 191, 54, 120]);
- } else {
- Render.FilledRect(0, 0, 15, tIndW, [252, 18, 19, 120]);
- }
- }
- if (!Entity.IsAlive(local)) {
- return;
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx72) {
- Render.String(18 + 1, 435 + 1, 0, "LETHAL", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
- Render.String(18, 435, 0, "LETHAL", [252, 18, 19, 200], bomb_font);
- } else {
- if (value > 0.5) {
- Render.String(18 + 1, 435 + 1, 0, "-" + dataToEncrypt + "HP", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
- Render.String(18, 435, 0, "-" + dataToEncrypt + "HP", [210, 216, 112, 255], bomb_font);
- }
- }
- }
- function getSite(name) {
- bombsite = Entity.GetProp(name, "CPlantedC4", "m_nBombSite");
- if (bombsite == 0) {
- return "A - ";
- } else {
- return "B - ";
- }
- }
- var flip = false;
- var flip2 = false;
- function on_weapon_fire() {
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Fast switch"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- short = Event.GetInt("userid");
- short_index = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(short);
- localplayer_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon(me);
- weapon_name = Entity.GetName(localplayer_weapon);
- if (fnparams[0]) {
- if (short_index == me) {
- if (weapon_name == "awp") {
- Global.ExecuteCommand("slot3");
- flip = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (fnparams[1]) {
- if (short_index == me) {
- if (weapon_name == "ssg 08") {
- Global.ExecuteCommand("slot3");
- flip = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (fnparams[2]) {
- if (short_index == me) {
- if (weapon_name == "desert eagle") {
- Global.ExecuteCommand("slot3");
- flip2 = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function reset_tick() {
- if (flip == true) {
- Global.ExecuteCommand("slot1");
- flip = false;
- }
- }
- function reset_tick2() {
- if (flip2 == true) {
- Global.ExecuteCommand("slot2");
- flip2 = false;
- }
- }
- duck = 0.70;
- stand = 0.21;
- var crouchHeight;
- function FakeDuck() {
- var _0x6b3cx8b = UserCMD.GetButtons();
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Fake duck"])) {
- var _0x6b3cx8c = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CCSPlayer", "m_flDuckAmount");
- if (UserCMD.Choke(), _0x6b3cx8c <= stand) {
- crouchHeight = true;
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx8c >= duck && (crouchHeight = false, UserCMD.Send()), crouchHeight) {
- UserCMD.SetButtons(4 | _0x6b3cx8b);
- } else {
- UserCMD.SetButtons(_0x6b3cx8b | 1 << 22);
- }
- } else {
- UserCMD.SetButtons(_0x6b3cx8b | 1 << 22);
- }
- }
- function aspectratio() {
- menu_val = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Aspect Ratio"]);
- string_menu_val = menu_val.toString();
- Convar.SetString("r_aspectratio", string_menu_val);
- }
- var observators = [];
- observators = [];
- function getObservators() {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Spectators") == false) {
- return;
- }
- var sections = Entity.GetPlayers();
- var id = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- var api = Entity.GetProp(id, "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
- if (!id) {
- return;
- }
- observators = [];
- i = 0;
- for (; i < sections["length"]; i++) {
- if (Entity.IsAlive(id)) {
- if (!sections[i] || Entity.IsAlive(sections[i])) {
- continue;
- }
- var type = Entity.GetProp(sections[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
- if (!type || type == "m_hObserverTarget") {
- continue;
- }
- if (type == id) {
- observators["push"](Entity.GetName(sections[i]));
- }
- } else {
- if (!sections[i] || Entity.IsAlive(sections[i])) {
- continue;
- }
- type = Entity.GetProp(sections[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
- if (!type || type == "m_hObserverTarget") {
- continue;
- }
- if (type == api) {
- observators["push"](Entity.GetName(sections[i]));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function drawObservators() {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Spectators") == false) {
- return;
- }
- var startColorCoords = Render.GetScreenSize();
- var pictGrad = Render.GetFont("Arial.ttf", 12, true);
- i = 0;
- for (; i < observators["length"]; i++) {
- var picture = observators[i];
- var endColorCoords = Render.TextSize(picture, pictGrad);
- Render.String(startColorCoords[0] - endColorCoords[0] - 3, i * 16 + 35, 0, picture, [255, 255, 255, 255], pictGrad);
- }
- }
- function resetObservators() {
- observators = [];
- }
- function watermark() {
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Watermark"])) {
- return;
- }
- if (!World.GetServerString()) {
- return;
- }
- var expected_date2 = new Date;
- var _0x6b3cx9b = expected_date2["getHours"]();
- var _0x6b3cx9c = expected_date2["getMinutes"]();
- var flipbackY180 = expected_date2["getSeconds"]();
- var _0x6b3cx9e = _0x6b3cx9b <= 9 ? "0" + _0x6b3cx9b + ":" : _0x6b3cx9b + ":";
- var _0x6b3cx9f = _0x6b3cx9c <= 9 ? "0" + _0x6b3cx9c + ":" : _0x6b3cx9c + ":";
- var aniBName = flipbackY180 <= 9 ? "0" + flipbackY180 : flipbackY180;
- var _0x6b3cxa1 = Globals.Tickrate().toString();
- var _0x6b3cxa2 = Math["round"](Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString();
- color = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Watermark text color"]);
- var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
- var pictGrad = Render.GetFont("Verdanab.ttf", 10, true);
- var text = "Pastesense | " + username + " | ping: " + _0x6b3cxa2 + "ms | " + _0x6b3cxa1 + "tick ";
- var props = Render.TextSize(text, pictGrad)[0] + 8;
- var pic_grad1 = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];
- pic_grad1 = pic_grad1 - props - 10;
- Render.FilledRect(pic_grad1, 10, props, 2, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
- Render.FilledRect(pic_grad1, 12, props, 20, [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(pic_grad1 + 3, 10 + 3, 0, text, [255, 255, 255, 255], pictGrad);
- }
- var normal_killsays = ["nt cat",
- "Paste Paste, Meow Meow", "take the cooldown and let your team surr retard",
- "uid police here present your user identification number right now", "better buy new paste nn",
- "drink some alcohol", "too ez for ★ Pastesense ★", "Your iq is lower than your blood sugar",
- "pet a cat", "★ Hitler AA bo$$ ★", "did u know that by owning Pastesense u drastically lower ur stress levels?",
- "boxed like a flopper", "ur cfg literally so free manz actually u got trashed like a hooker down the street dumpster cat",
- "uid = iq",
- ];
- var hs_killsays = ["nice antiaim, you sell?",
- "refund your pastebowhook right now pasteuser cat", "ur aa literally so free manz actually u got trashed like a hooker down the street dumpster cat",
- "thats going in my media compilation right there get shamed retard rofl", "nn got boxed like an amazon prime package", "Hope you're doing well u cutie cat 。・:*:・゚★",
- "Your iq is lower than your blood sugar", "pet a cat", "★ Hitler AA bo$$ ★", "did u know that by owning Pastesense u drastically lower ur stress levels?",
- "boxed like a flopper", "ur cfg literally so free manz actually u got trashed like a hooker down the street dumpster cat",
- "uid = iq"
- ];
- function on_player_death() {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Killsay"])) {
- var RIOT_TAG = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
- var attrName = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
- var _0x6b3cxaa = Event.GetInt("headshot") == 1;
- if (Entity.IsLocalPlayer(attrName) && attrName != RIOT_TAG) {
- var _0x6b3cxab = normal_killsays[Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * normal_killsays["length"])];
- var _0x6b3cxac = hs_killsays[Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * hs_killsays["length"])];
- if (_0x6b3cxaa && Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * 3) <= 1) {
- Cheat.ExecuteCommand("say " + _0x6b3cxac);
- return;
- }
- Cheat.ExecuteCommand("say " + _0x6b3cxab);
- }
- }
- }
- function isBehindSmoke(items) {
- eyepos = Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
- if (Entity.IsValid(items) && Entity.IsAlive(items) && !Entity.IsDormant(items)) {
- hitbox_pos = Entity.GetHitboxPosition(items, 0);
- result = Trace.Smoke(eyepos, hitbox_pos);
- if (result == 1) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- function smokecheck() {
- enemies = Entity.GetEnemies();
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Smoke check"]) == 1) {
- return;
- }
- {
- i = 0;
- for (; i < enemies["length"]; i++) {
- if (isBehindSmoke(enemies[i])) {
- Ragebot.IgnoreTarget(enemies[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var BreakLeg = true;
- var Loop = 1;
- var Loop2 = 1;
- function legs() {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Leg breaker"])) {
- trufalse = 10 * Math["abs"](Math["sin"](64 * Globals.Realtime()));
- if (trufalse > 5) {
- UI.SetValue(["Misc.", "Movement", "Leg movement"], 0);
- }
- if (trufalse < 5) {
- UI.SetValue(["Misc.", "Movement", "Leg movement"], 1);
- }
- }
- }
- function BuyLogs() {
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Buy logs"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- var i = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
- var spec = Event.GetInt("team");
- if (spec != Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBaseEntity", "m_iTeamNum")) {
- var version = Event.GetString("weapon");
- version = version["replace"]("weapon_", "");
- version = version["replace"]("item_", "");
- version = version["replace"]("assaultsuit", "kevlar + helmet");
- version = version["replace"]("incgrenade", "molotov");
- if (fnparams[0]) {
- if (version != "unknown") {
- var attr = Entity.GetName(i);
- Cheat.PrintColor([1, 0, 187, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
- Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], attr + " bought " + version + " \n");
- logs["push"](attr + " bought " + version + " ");
- logsct["push"](Globals.Curtime());
- logsalpha["push"](255);
- }
- if (fnparams[1]) {
- if (version != "unknown") {
- Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense\x03]\b " + attr + "\x03 bought \b" + version + " \n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- lasttime = 0;
- customtext = 0;
- function time_to_ticks(partKeys) {
- var _0x6b3cx14 = partKeys / Globals.TickInterval() + 0.5;
- return _0x6b3cx14;
- }
- var old_text_anim = 0;
- function anim(animType, defaultDur) {
- if (!World.GetServerString()) {
- return;
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Clantag spammer"])) {
- text_anim = " " + animType + " ";
- } else {
- text_anim = " ";
- }
- tickinterval = Globals.TickInterval();
- tickcount = Globals.Tickcount() + time_to_ticks(Local.Latency());
- ddd = tickcount / time_to_ticks(0.3);
- ddd = Math["floor"](ddd % defaultDur["length"]);
- ddd = defaultDur[ddd + 1] + 1;
- text_anim = text_anim["slice"](ddd, ddd + 15);
- if (text_anim != old_text_anim) {
- Local.SetClanTag(text_anim);
- }
- old_text_anim = text_anim;
- }
- function clantag() {
- var clantag = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Clantag spammer"]);
- if (clantag == 1) {
- customtext = "Pastesense.garbage";
- }
- anim(customtext, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]);
- }
- Render["GradientSkeet"] = function(type, isSlidingUp, boardManager, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock) {
- Render.GradientRect(type, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, mmCoreSplitViewBlock, pts);
- Render.GradientRect(type + boardManager / 4, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock);
- };
- var options = [];
- function onVoteOptions() {
- options[0] = Event.GetString("option1");
- options[1] = Event.GetString("option2");
- options[2] = Event.GetString("option3");
- options[3] = Event.GetString("option4");
- options[4] = Event.GetString("option5");
- }
- function onVoteCast() {
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Votes logs"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- var entity = Event.GetInt("entityid");
- if (entity) {
- var spec = Event.GetInt("team");
- var subjectCount = Event.GetInt("vote_option");
- var tools_id = Entity.GetName(entity);
- var comments = "null";
- switch(spec) {
- case 0:
- comments = "[N] ";
- break;
- case 1:
- comments = "S ";
- break;
- case 2:
- comments = "t ";
- break;
- case 3:
- comments = "ct ";
- break;
- default:
- comments = "[UNK] ";
- break;
- }
- var print = options[subjectCount];
- if (fnparams[0]) {
- Cheat.PrintColor([102, 0, 255, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
- Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], tools_id + " voted " + print + " on " + comments + " \n");
- logs["push"](tools_id + " voted " + voted + " on " + comments + " ");
- logsct["push"](Globals.Curtime());
- logsalpha["push"](255);
- }
- if (fnparams[1]) {
- Global.PrintColor([102, 0, 255, 255], "[Pastesense] \x00");
- Global.Print(tools_id + "voted " + print + " on " + comments + "\n");
- Global.PrintChat("\x03[\x03Pastesense\x03] \f" + tools_id + " voted " + print + " on " + comments);
- }
- }
- }
- var fake = -60;
- var down = true;
- function fakesway() {
- var _0x6b3cxc7 = 0.5;
- var _0x6b3cxc8 = 0;
- var _0x6b3cxc9 = -65;
- _0x6b3cxc9 = 0 - _0x6b3cxc9;
- if (down === true) {
- if (fake <= _0x6b3cxc8 && down === true) {
- fake = fake + 1;
- }
- if (fake >= _0x6b3cxc8) {
- down = false;
- }
- }
- if (down === false) {
- if (fake >= -_0x6b3cxc9 && down === false) {
- fake = fake - 1;
- }
- if (fake <= -_0x6b3cxc9) {
- down = true;
- }
- }
- }
- var real = -58;
- var up = true;
- function realsway() {
- var expect = 65;
- var _0x6b3cxce = 0;
- _0x6b3cxce = 0 - _0x6b3cxce;
- if (up === true) {
- if (real <= expect && up === true) {
- real = real + 1;
- }
- if (real >= expect) {
- up = false;
- }
- }
- if (up === false) {
- if (real >= -_0x6b3cxce && up === false) {
- real = real - 1;
- }
- if (real <= -_0x6b3cxce) {
- up = true;
- }
- }
- }
- const modules = [{
- ref : ["Rage", "Target", "General", "Minimum damage"],
- draw : function(data) {
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[2];
- weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
- var sections = {
- "usp s" : "USP",
- "glock 18" : "Glock",
- "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
- "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
- "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
- "p250" : "P250",
- "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
- "mp9" : "MP9",
- "mac 10" : "Mac10",
- "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "ak 47" : "AK47",
- "sg 553" : "SG553",
- "aug" : "AUG",
- "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
- "m4a4" : "M4A4",
- "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
- "awp" : "AWP",
- "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
- "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
- "xm1014" : "XM1014",
- "mag 7" : "MAG7",
- "m249" : "M249",
- "negev" : "Negev",
- "p2000" : "General",
- "famas" : "FAMAS",
- "five seven" : "Five Seven",
- "mp7" : "MP7",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "p90" : "P90",
- "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
- "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
- "galil ar" : "GALIL",
- "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
- };
- var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
- var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
- if (section == undefined) {
- section = "General";
- }
- const _0x6b3cxd1 = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Minimum damage override"]);
- if (_0x6b3cxd1 == 1) {
- var default_favicon = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Damage Override"]);
- } else {
- default_favicon = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Minimum damage"]);
- }
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (fnparams[1]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- if (default_favicon == 101) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 1", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 1", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 102) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 2", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 2", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 103) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 3", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 3", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 104) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 4", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 4", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 105) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 5", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 5", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 106) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 6", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 6", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 107) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 7", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 7", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 108) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 8", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 8", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 109) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 9", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 9", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 110) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 10", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 10", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 111) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 11", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 11", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 112) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 12", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 12", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 113) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 13", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 13", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 114) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 14", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 14", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 115) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 15", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 15", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 116) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 16", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 16", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 117) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 17", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 17", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 118) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 18", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 18", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 119) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 19", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 19", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 120) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 20", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 20", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 121) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 21", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 21", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 122) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 22", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 22", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 123) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 23", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 23", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 124) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 24", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 24", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 125) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 25", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 25", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 126) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 26", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 26", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 127) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 27", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 27", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 128) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 28", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 28", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 129) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 29", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 29", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 130) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 30", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 30", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon === 0) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "DYNAMIC", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "DYNAMIC", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon < 101 && default_favicon !== 0) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, default_favicon.toString(), [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, default_favicon.toString(), [255, 255, 255, 220], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Resolver override"]) == 1) {
- return;
- }
- var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[7]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "EDGE: ON", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "EDGE: ON", [154, 205, 50, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Resolver override"]) == 0) {
- return;
- }
- var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[7]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "EDGE: OFF", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "EDGE: OFF", [154, 205, 50, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Ragebot activation"])) {
- return;
- }
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[3]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "MT", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "MT", [255, 255, 255, 220], lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "Helpers", "General", "Extended backtracking"])) {
- return;
- }
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[3]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "PING", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "PING", [154, 205, 50, 250], lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const glyphSet = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Autowall key"]) == 1) {
- return;
- }
- var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("MT", 4)[0];
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[4]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "Awall", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "Awall", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const glyphSet = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Force body aim"]) == 1) {
- return;
- }
- var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[5]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "BAIM", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "BAIM", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const glyphSet = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Force safe point"]) == 1) {
- return;
- }
- var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[5]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "SAFE", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "SAFE", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[0];
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
- var sections = {
- "usp s" : "USP",
- "glock 18" : "Glock",
- "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
- "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
- "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
- "p250" : "P250",
- "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
- "mp9" : "MP9",
- "mac 10" : "Mac10",
- "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "ak 47" : "AK47",
- "sg 553" : "SG553",
- "aug" : "AUG",
- "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
- "m4a4" : "M4A4",
- "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
- "awp" : "AWP",
- "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
- "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
- "xm1014" : "XM1014",
- "mag 7" : "MAG7",
- "m249" : "M249",
- "negev" : "Negev",
- "p2000" : "General",
- "famas" : "FAMAS",
- "five seven" : "Five Seven",
- "mp7" : "MP7",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "p90" : "P90",
- "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
- "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
- "galil ar" : "GALIL",
- "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
- };
- var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
- var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
- if (section == undefined) {
- section = "General";
- }
- var _0x6b3cx33 = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Field of view"]);
- var _0x6b3cxd2 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (_0x6b3cxd2 == 0) {
- indicatorssize2 = 26;
- }
- if (_0x6b3cxd2 == 1) {
- indicatorssize2 = 31;
- }
- if (_0x6b3cxd2 == 2) {
- indicatorssize2 = 36;
- }
- var artistTrack = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", indicatorssize2, true);
- if (fnparams[2]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "FOV: " + "10", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "FOV: " + "10", [102, 0, 255, 255], artistTrack);
- if (indicatorssize2 === 26) {
- if (_0x6b3cx33 <= 9) {
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx33 > 9 && _0x6b3cx33 < 99) {
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx33 > 99) {
- }
- }
- if (indicatorssize2 === 31) {
- if (_0x6b3cx33 <= 9) {
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx33 > 9 && _0x6b3cx33 < 99) {
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx33 > 99) {
- }
- }
- if (indicatorssize2 === 36) {
- if (_0x6b3cx33 <= 9) {
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx33 > 9 && _0x6b3cx33 < 99) {
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx33 > 99) {
- }
- }
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "Fake duck"]) == 1) {
- return;
- }
- var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[6]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "DUCK", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "DUCK", [255, 255, 255, 220], lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "Target", "General", "Minimum damage"],
- draw : function(data) {
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- const medianDot = Local.GetRealYaw();
- const dotIndex = Local.GetFakeYaw();
- const value = Math["abs"](normalize_yaw(medianDot % 360 - dotIndex % 360)) / 2;
- var oldCondition = Math["abs"](value);
- const glyphSet = [186 + (154 - 186) * value / 60, 0 + (205 - 0) * value / 60, 16 + (50 - 16) * value / 60, 255];
- if (fnparams[0]) {
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "FAKE", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "FAKE", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }];
- const do_indicators = function() {
- localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index);
- if (localplayer_alive == true) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Autowall indicator under crosshair"]) == 1) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Autowall key"]) == 1) {
- screen = Render.GetScreenSize();
- _0x6b3cx4b = screen[0] / 2;
- y2 = screen[1] / 2;
- const artistTrack = Render.GetFont("Verdanab.ttf", 12, true);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cx4b - 35, y2 + 17, 0, "AUTOWALL", [180, 238, 0, 255], artistTrack);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) {
- return;
- }
- const _0x6b3cx4b = Render.GetScreenSize()[0];
- const cyclingLength = Render.GetScreenSize()[1];
- const xmz = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators Y offset"]);
- drawn = 0;
- var j = 0;
- for (; j < modules["length"]; j++) {
- const proto = modules[j];
- var _0x6b3cxd2 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (_0x6b3cxd2 = 1) {
- var xzz = 35;
- }
- if (_0x6b3cxd2 = 2) {
- xzz = 37;
- }
- if (_0x6b3cxd2 = 3) {
- xzz = 43;
- }
- proto["draw"](cyclingLength - xmz + drawn * xzz);
- }
- };
- function allauto() {
- var _0x6b3cxdd = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Autowall key"]);
- weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
- var sections = {
- "usp s" : "USP",
- "glock 18" : "Glock",
- "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
- "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
- "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
- "p250" : "P250",
- "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
- "mp9" : "MP9",
- "mac 10" : "Mac10",
- "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "ak 47" : "AK47",
- "sg 553" : "SG553",
- "aug" : "AUG",
- "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
- "m4a4" : "M4A4",
- "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
- "awp" : "AWP",
- "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
- "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
- "xm1014" : "XM1014",
- "mag 7" : "MAG7",
- "m249" : "M249",
- "negev" : "Negev",
- "p2000" : "General",
- "famas" : "FAMAS",
- "five seven" : "Five Seven",
- "mp7" : "MP7",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "p90" : "P90",
- "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
- "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
- "galil ar" : "GALIL",
- "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
- };
- var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
- var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
- if (section == undefined) {
- section = "General";
- }
- if (_0x6b3cxdd == 0) {
- UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Disable autowall"], 1);
- }
- if (_0x6b3cxdd == 1) {
- UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Disable autowall"], 0);
- }
- }
- // Hit logs -- Start
- hitboxes = [
- 'generic',
- 'head',
- 'chest',
- 'stomach',
- 'left arm',
- 'right arm',
- 'left leg',
- 'right leg',
- '?'
- ];
- var shots = 0;
- var predicthc = 0;
- var safety = 0;
- var hitboxName = "";
- var choked = 0;
- var exploit = 0;
- var logs = [];
- var logsct = [];
- var logsalpha = [];
- function getHitboxName(index)
- {
- switch (index)
- {
- case 0:
- hitboxName = "head";
- break;
- case 1:
- hitboxName = "head";
- break;
- case 2:
- hitboxName = "stomach";
- break;
- case 3:
- hitboxName = "stomach";
- break;
- case 4:
- hitboxName = "stomach";
- break;
- case 5:
- hitboxName = "chest";
- break;
- case 6:
- hitboxName = "chest";
- break;
- case 7:
- hitboxName = "left leg";
- break;
- case 8:
- hitboxName = "right leg";
- break;
- case 9:
- hitboxName = "left leg";
- break;
- case 10:
- hitboxName = "right leg";
- break;
- case 11:
- hitboxName = "left leg";
- break;
- case 12:
- hitboxName = "right leg";
- break;
- case 13:
- hitboxName = "left arm";
- break;
- case 14:
- hitboxName = "right arm";
- break;
- case 15:
- hitboxName = "left arm";
- break;
- case 16:
- hitboxName = "left arm";
- break;
- case 17:
- hitboxName = "right arm";
- break;
- case 18:
- hitboxName = "right arm";
- break;
- default:
- hitboxName = "body";
- }
- return hitboxName;
- }
- function HitgroupName(index) {
- return hitboxes[index] || 'body';
- }
- var target = -1;
- var shots_fired = 0;
- var hits = 0;
- var lastUpdate = 0;
- var logged = false;
- function ragebotfire() {
- predicthc = Event.GetInt("hitchance");
- safety = Event.GetInt("safepoint");
- hitboxName = getHitboxName(Event.GetInt("hitbox"));
- exploit = (Event.GetInt("exploit")+1).toString();
- target = Event.GetInt("target_index");
- shots_fired++;
- logged = false;
- lastUpdate = Globals.Curtime();
- }
- function hitlog() {
- var hit = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
- var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
- if (attacker == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && hit == target) hits++;
- var hittype = "Hit ";
- me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- hitbox = Event.GetInt('hitgroup');
- target_damage = Event.GetInt("dmg_health");
- target_health = Event.GetInt("health");
- victim = Event.GetInt('userid');
- attacker = Event.GetInt('attacker');
- weapon = Event.GetString('weapon');
- victimIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(victim);
- attackerIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
- name = Entity.GetName(victimIndex);
- //targetName.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
- var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 17;
- var flags = "";
- if (exploit == 2)
- flags += "T";
- flags += "B";
- if (hitbox == 1)
- flags += "H";
- if (safety == 1) {
- safety = "true";
- }
- else {
- safety = "false";
- }
- if (weapon == "hegrenade")
- hittype = "Naded ";
- else if (weapon == "inferno")
- hittype = "Burned ";
- else if (weapon == "knife")
- hittype = "Knifed ";
- if(UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Hit logs"]) == 1) {
- if (me == attackerIndex && me != victimIndex) {
- Cheat.PrintColor([1, 0, 187, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
- if (hittype == "Hit ") {
- Cheat.Print("["+shots.toString()+"] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) \n");
- logs.push("["+shots.toString()+"] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining)");
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Enable Chat Logging"])==1) {
- Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense\x03] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+hittype+name+"'s \x10"+HitgroupName(hitbox)+"\x08 for \x07"+target_damage.toString()+"\x08 ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed=\x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) safety=\x03"+safety+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)\n");
- }
- }
- logsct.push(Globals.Curtime());
- logsalpha.push(255);
- }
- }
- if (shots == 99)
- shots = 0;
- else
- shots++;
- }
- function removelogs() {
- if (logs.length > 6) {
- logs.shift();
- logsct.shift();
- logsalpha.shift();
- }
- if (logsct[0] + 6.5 < Globals.Curtime()) {
- logsalpha[0] -= Globals.Frametime() * 600;
- if (logsalpha[0] < 0) {
- logs.shift();
- logsct.shift();
- logsalpha.shift();
- }
- }
- }
- function onDraw() {
- if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
- var font = Render.GetFont("Arial.ttf", 12, true);
- for (i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
- Render.String(4, 4 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [0, 0, 0, logsalpha[i]], font);
- Render.String(3, 3 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [255, 255, 255, logsalpha[i]], font);
- }
- if(UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Hit logs"]) == 1) {
- if (shots_fired > hits && (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 0.33)) {
- if (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 1) {
- shots_fired = 0;
- hits = 0;
- }
- if (!logged) {
- var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 16;
- logged = true;
- var issafe = "true";
- var reason = "?";
- if (safety == 0) {
- issafe = "false";
- }
- // Note that these miss logs arent accurate!
- if (Entity.IsAlive(target) == false)
- reason = "death";
- else if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) == false)
- reason = "dead";
- else if (safety == true && predicthc < 76)
- reason = "spread";
- else if (safety == true && predicthc > 76)
- reason = "prediction error";
- var flags = "";
- if (exploit == 2)
- flags += "T";
- flags += "B";
- Cheat.PrintColor([1, 0, 187, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
- Cheat.Print("Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+"("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to "+reason+", safety="+issafe+" ("+flags+") ("+simtime+":"+exploit+")\n");
- logs.push("Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+"("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to "+reason+", safety="+issafe+" ("+flags+") ("+simtime+":"+exploit+")");
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Enable Chat Logging"])==1) {
- Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense\x03] \x08Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s \x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to \x07"+reason+"\x08, safety=\x03"+issafe+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)");
- }
- logsct.push(Globals.Curtime());
- logsalpha.push(255);
- if (shots == 99)
- shots = 0;
- else
- shots++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Global.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "hitlog");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "removelogs");
- // Hit logs -- End
- var wep2tab = {
- "usp s" : "USP",
- "glock 18" : "Glock",
- "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
- "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
- "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
- "p250" : "P250",
- "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
- "mp9" : "MP9",
- "mac 10" : "Mac10",
- "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "ak 47" : "AK47",
- "sg 553" : "SG553",
- "aug" : "AUG",
- "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
- "m4a4" : "M4A4",
- "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
- "awp" : "AWP",
- "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
- "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
- "xm1014" : "XM1014",
- "mag 7" : "MAG7",
- "m249" : "M249",
- "negev" : "Negev",
- "p2000" : "General",
- "famas" : "FAMAS",
- "five seven" : "Five Seven",
- "mp7" : "MP7",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "p90" : "P90",
- "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
- "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
- "galil ar" : "GALIL",
- "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
- };
- var tab_names = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
- function Pastedmg() {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Minimum damage override"])) {
- var section = wep2tab[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
- if (section == undefined) {
- section = "General";
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Minimum damage override"]);
- if (lastviewmatrix == 0 && section != "General") {
- lastviewmatrix = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Minimum damage override"]);
- }
- var attsByName = Entity.GetEnemies();
- for (e in attsByName) {
- Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(attsByName[e], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- }
- }
- function antiaimarrows() {
- var repository = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Arrows X offset"]);
- const medianDot = Local.GetRealYaw();
- const dotIndex = Local.GetFakeYaw();
- const _0x6b3cx1e = Math["abs"](normalize_yaw(medianDot % 360 - dotIndex % 360)) / 2;
- localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index);
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Arrows fake color"])) {
- arrowcolor = [186 + (154 - 186) * _0x6b3cx1e / 60, 0 + (205 - 0) * _0x6b3cx1e / 60, 16 + (50 - 16) * _0x6b3cx1e / 60, 255];
- } else {
- arrowcolor = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Arrows color"]);
- }
- var _0x6b3cxf3 = Render.GetScreenSize();
- {
- var coerce = function(length, array) {
- return [length[0], length[1], length[2], array];
- };
- i = 1;
- if (localplayer_alive == true) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Antiaim arrow type"]) == 1) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"])) {
- LPx = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - 25 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 + 7];
- LPy = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - 25 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 7];
- LPz = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - 37 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2];
- Render.Polygon([[LPx[0] + 1, LPx[1] + 1], [LPz[0] + 1, LPz[1] + 1], [LPy[0] + 1, LPy[1] + 1]], [0, 0, 0, 100]);
- Render.Polygon([LPx, LPz, LPy], [100, 100, 100, 200]);
- Render.Polygon([LPx, LPz, LPy], coerce(arrowcolor, 255));
- } else {
- RPx = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + 25 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 + 7];
- RPy = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + 25 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 7];
- RPz = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + 37 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2];
- Render.Polygon([[RPy[0] + 1, RPy[1] + 1], [RPz[0] + 1, RPz[1] + 1], [RPx[0] + 1, RPx[1] + 1]], [0, 0, 0, 100]);
- Render.Polygon([RPy, RPz, RPx], [100, 100, 100, 200]);
- Render.Polygon([RPy, RPz, RPx], coerce(arrowcolor, 255));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- {
- var artistTrack = Render.GetFont("calibrib.ttf", 28, true);
- if (localplayer_alive == true) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Antiaim arrow type"]) == 3) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"])) {
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 - 1, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 + 1, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, ">", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- } else {
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 - 1, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 + 1, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, "<", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- {
- artistTrack = Render.GetFont("Arial.ttf", 28, true);
- if (localplayer_alive == true) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Antiaim arrow type"]) == 2) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"])) {
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- } else {
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function onUnload() {
- Global.SetClanTag(" ");
- AntiAim.SetOverride(0);
- }
- Global.RegisterCallback("ragebot_fire", "ragebotfire");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "PasteFOV");
- Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "allauto");
- Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "Pastedmg");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "smokecheck");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "reset_tick");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "reset_tick2");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_tick");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "Pasteaa");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "realsway");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "fakesway");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_tick");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "legs");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "FakeDuck");
- Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "Security");
- Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "menuoptions");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "removelogs");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "do_indicators");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "dispDamage");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "watermark");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "clantag");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "getObservators");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "drawObservators");
- Global.RegisterCallback("round_start", "resetObservators");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Security");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Security");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "menuoptions");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "antiaimarrows");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Pasteaa");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "on_frame");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("weapon_fire", "on_weapon_fire");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_connect_full", "reset");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_death", "on_player_death");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "on_player_hurt");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("item_purchase", "BuyLogs");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("vote_options", "onVoteOptions");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("vote_cast", "onVoteCast");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "aspectratio");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "onUnload");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "fsn");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("announce_phase_end", "announce_phase_end");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("cs_win_panel_match", "cs_win_panel_match");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "updateDamageValues")
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "XTOnKey");
- Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense.garbage\x03]\x08 is ready to use!");
- RAW Paste Data
- ragebot_safety = Cheat["GetUsername"];
- globals_curtime = Globals["Curtime"];
- entity_get_local_player = Entity["GetLocalPlayer"];
- entity_get_enemies = Entity["GetEnemies"];
- entity_get_hitbox_position = Entity["GetHitboxPosition"];
- entity_get_eye_position = Entity["GetEyePosition"];
- entity_is_valid = Entity["IsValid"];
- global_get_view_angles = Global["GetViewAngles"];
- entity_is_alive = Entity["IsAlive"];
- local_get_view_angles = Local["GetViewAngles"];
- entity_get_render_origin = Entity["GetRenderOrigin"];
- trace_line = Trace["Line"];
- entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d = Entity["GetEntityFromUserID"];
- event_get_int = Event["GetInt"];
- var screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize();
- var alpha = 0;
- var molotov = [];
- screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize();
- var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.PrintColor([200, 200, 255], "-----------------------------\n");
- Cheat.PrintColor([30, 144, 255], "Welcome " + username + "! To Pastesense.garbage\n");
- Cheat.PrintColor([200, 200, 255], "-----------------------------\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- Cheat.Print("\n");
- function XTOnKey() {
- const IsKeyEnabled = UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "Keys", "Key assignment", "Extended Backtracking"]);
- if (IsKeyEnabled) {
- UI.SetValue(["Misc.","Helpers","Extended backtracking"], 1);
- } else {
- UI.SetValue(["Misc.","Helpers","Extended backtracking"], 0);
- }
- }
- var weaponTabNames = {
- "usp s": "USP", "glock 18": "Glock", "dual berettas": "Dualies", "r8 revolver": "Revolver", "desert eagle": "Deagle", "p250": "P250", "tec 9": "Tec-9",
- "mp9": "MP9", "mac 10": "Mac10", "pp bizon": "PP-Bizon", "ump 45": "UMP45", "ak 47": "AK47", "sg 553": "SG553", "aug": "AUG", "m4a1 s": "M4A1-S", "m4a4": "M4A4", "ssg 08": "SSG08",
- "awp": "AWP", "g3sg1": "G3SG1", "scar 20": "SCAR20", "xm1014": "XM1014", "mag 7": "MAG7", "m249": "M249", "negev": "Negev", "p2000": "P2000", "famas": "FAMAS", "five seven": "Five Seven", "mp7": "MP7",
- "ump 45": "UMP45", "p90": "P90", "cz75 auto": "CZ-75", "mp5 sd": "MP5", "galil ar": "GALIL", "sawed off": "Sawed off", "nova": "Nova"
- };
- function updateDamageValues() {
- if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
- return;
- var weaponName = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
- if (!weaponTabNames.hasOwnProperty(weaponName)) {
- return;
- }
- var isOverride = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Minimum damage override"]) ? true : false;
- if (isOverride) {
- var target = Entity.GetEnemies();
- for (var i in target) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", weaponTabNames[weaponName], "Damage Override"]) != 0) {
- Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(target[i], UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", weaponTabNames[weaponName], "Damage Override"]))
- }
- else {
- Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(target[i], UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", "General", "Damage Override"]))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function main() {
- UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Extra", "Extra"], "Min damage indicator color")
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Target", "General"], "Damage Override", 0, 130)
- for (var name in weaponTabNames) {
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Target", weaponTabNames[name]], "Damage Override", 0, 130)
- }
- }
- main();
- function menustate() {
- return ragebot_safety.toString() != "function () { [native code] }";
- }
- function menuoptions() {
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Watermark"]) == 1) {
- } else {
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Real type"]) == 2) {
- UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Real amout:"], 1);
- } else {
- UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Real amout:"], 0);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 2) {
- UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Fake amout:"], 1);
- } else {
- UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Fake amout:"], 0);
- }
- }
- function Pasteaa() {
- AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(0);
- var value = Local.GetFakeYaw();
- var div = Local.GetRealYaw();
- var s = 0;
- current_inversion = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]) == 1 ? -1 : 1;
- var individual = Entity.GetProp(s, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
- var indContent = vector_length(individual);
- var a = Entity.GetProp(s, "CCSPlayer", "m_angEyeAngles")[1];
- var prohibitedListElementChildren = angle_diff(a, div);
- var cell1 = angle_diff(a, value);
- lbyamout = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real amout:"]);
- lbyamout2 = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Fake amout:"]);
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 0) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(0);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 1) {
- real_yaw_offset = 120 * random_float(1, 2);
- AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 2) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- real_yaw_offset = (indContent > 3.3 ? lbyamout : lbyamout) * -current_inversion;
- AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 3) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- real_yaw_offset = prohibitedListElementChildren > 35 ? 15 * -current_inversion : 60 * random_float(0.6, 2.5) * -current_inversion;
- AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 4) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real * -current_inversion);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 5) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- real_yaw_offset = (indContent > 3.3 ? 20 : 20) * -current_inversion;
- AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 0) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(0);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 1) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- lower_body_yaw_offset = 160 * current_inversion + cell1 < 50 ? Globals.Curtime() * 180 / random_float(-5, 5) % 240 * current_inversion : Globals.Curtime() * 360 / random_float(-0.1, 0.3) % 91 * current_inversion;
- if (Globals.Tickcount() % 3 == 0) {
- lower_body_yaw_offset = lower_body_yaw_offset * -1.5;
- }
- AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(lower_body_yaw_offset);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 2) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- lower_body_yaw_offset = lbyamout2 * current_inversion;
- AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(lower_body_yaw_offset);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 3) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(fake * -current_inversion);
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Jitter when Slowwalk"]) == 1) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "Slow walk"])) {
- AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
- real_yaw_offset = 120 * random_float(0.6, 2.5) * -current_inversion;
- AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
- }
- }
- }
- var lasttime = 0;
- var customtext = 0;
- function time_to_ticks(partKeys) {
- var _0x6b3cx14 = partKeys / Globals.TickInterval() + 0.5;
- return _0x6b3cx14;
- }
- var vector = {
- _class : "vector"
- };
- vector["new"] = function(profilePoint) {
- return {
- x : profilePoint[0],
- y : profilePoint[1],
- z : profilePoint[2]
- };
- };
- vector["operate"] = function(position, size, cur) {
- switch(cur) {
- case "+":
- return {
- x : position["x"] + size["x"],
- y : position["y"] + size["y"],
- z : position["z"] + size["z"]
- };
- case "-":
- return {
- x : position["x"] - size["x"],
- y : position["y"] - size["y"],
- z : position["z"] - size["z"]
- };
- case "*":
- return {
- x : position["x"] * size["x"],
- y : position["y"] * size["y"],
- z : position["z"] * size["z"]
- };
- case "/":
- return {
- x : position["x"] / size["x"],
- y : position["y"] / size["y"],
- z : position["z"] / size["z"]
- };
- default:
- throw new Error("[Vector] Invalid operation type.");
- }
- };
- vector["angles"] = function(props) {
- return {
- x : -Math["atan2"](props["z"], this["length2d"](props)) * 180 / Math["PI"],
- y : Math["atan2"](props["y"], props["x"]) * 180 / Math["PI"],
- z : 0
- };
- };
- vector["length2d"] = function(eci_coords) {
- return Math["sqrt"](eci_coords["x"] * eci_coords["x"] + eci_coords["y"] * eci_coords["y"]);
- };
- vector["fov_to"] = function(msg, serverId, satellite_coords) {
- const observer_ecf = this["angles"](this["operate"](serverId, msg, "-"));
- const new_arena = this["new"]([Math["abs"](satellite_coords["x"] - observer_ecf["x"]), Math["abs"](satellite_coords["y"] % 360 - observer_ecf["y"] % 360) % 360, 0]);
- if (new_arena["y"] > 180) {
- new_arena["y"] = 360 - new_arena["y"];
- }
- return this["length2d"](new_arena);
- };
- vector["to_array"] = function(satellite_coords) {
- return [satellite_coords["x"], satellite_coords["y"], satellite_coords["z"]];
- };
- function normalize_yaw(newPath) {
- var rootPath = newPath;
- if (rootPath < -180) {
- rootPath = rootPath + 360;
- }
- if (rootPath > 180) {
- rootPath = rootPath - 360;
- }
- return rootPath;
- }
- function vector_length(klass) {
- return Math["sqrt"](klass[0] ** 2 + klass[1] ** 2 + klass[2] ** 2);
- }
- function vecNew(profilePoint) {
- return {
- x : profilePoint[0],
- y : profilePoint[1],
- z : profilePoint[2]
- };
- }
- function angle_diff(first, second) {
- var result = first - second;
- result = result % 360;
- if (result > 180) {
- result = result - 360;
- }
- if (result < -180) {
- result = result + 360;
- }
- return result;
- }
- function random_float(min, max) {
- return Math["random"]() * (max - min) + min;
- }
- function get_closest_target() {
- const PL$13 = Entity.GetEnemies();
- const activeEntityKey = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- const obj = {
- id : null,
- fov : 180
- };
- var PL$17 = 0;
- for (; PL$17 < PL$13["length"]; PL$17++) {
- const model = PL$13[PL$17];
- const stream = vecNew(Entity.GetHitboxPosition(model, 0));
- localHead = vecNew(Entity.GetEyePosition(activeEntityKey));
- const artistTrack = vecNew(Local.GetViewAngles());
- const k = vector["fov_to"](localHead, stream, artistTrack);
- if (k < obj["fov"]) {
- obj["id"] = model;
- obj["fov"] = k;
- }
- }
- return obj["id"];
- }
- function update_anti_aim_state(isIron) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Enabled"])) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]) !== isIron) {
- UI.ToggleHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]);
- }
- }
- isIron = (isIron + 1) % 2;
- if (UI.GetValue(["Legit", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]) !== isIron) {
- UI.ToggleHotkey(["Legit", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]);
- }
- }
- function get_target_visibility() {
- const hexo = get_closest_target();
- if (!hexo || !entity_is_valid(hexo)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (entity_is_dormant(hexo)) {
- return false;
- }
- const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
- var matrix = vector["new"](entity_get_eye_position(artistTrack));
- var sparse = vector["new"](entity_get_prop(artistTrack, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]"));
- var n = entity_get_hitbox_position(hexo, 0);
- sparse = vector["operate"](sparse, vector["new"]([0.25, 0.25, 0.25]), "*");
- matrix = vector["operate"](matrix, sparse, "+");
- const SEARCH_SERVICE = trace_line(artistTrack, vector["to_array"](matrix), n)[0];
- return SEARCH_SERVICE === hexo;
- }
- var plugin = {
- last_hit_lby : [],
- last_target_visibility : false,
- override_flip : false,
- last_override_time : globals_curtime()
- };
- function get_optimal_angle() {
- const _0x6b3cx3d = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Freestanding mode"]);
- const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
- const serverId = vector["new"](entity_get_render_origin(artistTrack));
- var right = local_get_view_angles()[1];
- var arr = {
- left : 0,
- right : 0
- };
- var left = right - 90;
- for (; left <= right + 90; left = left + 30) {
- if (left === right) {
- continue;
- }
- const value = left * Math["PI"] / 180;
- const matrix = vector["operate"](serverId, vector["new"]([256 * Math["cos"](value), 256 * Math["sin"](value), 0]), "+");
- const normal = trace_line(artistTrack, vector["to_array"](serverId), vector["to_array"](matrix));
- const index1 = left < right ? "left" : "right";
- arr[index1] += normal[1];
- }
- arr["left"] /= 3;
- arr["right"] /= 3;
- if (arr["left"] > arr["right"]) {
- return _0x6b3cx3d === 0 ? 0 : 1;
- }
- return _0x6b3cx3d === 0 ? 1 : 0;
- }
- function update_anti_aim() {
- const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
- if (!entity_is_valid(artistTrack) || !entity_is_alive(artistTrack)) {
- return;
- }
- {
- const scope = get_closest_target();
- if (scope == null) {
- update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle());
- return;
- }
- if (plugin["last_hit_lby"][scope] == null) {
- update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle());
- return;
- }
- if (plugin["last_hit_lby"][scope] === 0) {
- update_anti_aim_state(1);
- return;
- }
- update_anti_aim_state(0);
- return;
- }
- update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle());
- }
- function on_tick() {
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Freestanding"])) {
- return;
- }
- update_anti_aim();
- }
- function on_frame() {
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Freestanding"])) {
- return;
- }
- }
- function on_player_hurt() {
- const stitchedSurface1 = entity_get_local_player();
- const undefined = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("attacker"));
- const stitchedSurface2 = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("userid"));
- if (stitchedSurface1 !== undefined && stitchedSurface1 === stitchedSurface2) {
- plugin["last_hit_lby"][undefined] = UI.ToggleHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]);
- }
- }
- function reset() {
- plugin["last_hit_lby"] = [];
- }
- Render["Arc"] = function(secondary_dis, yPos, maxlen, secondary_w, x, colspan, a) {
- var x2 = x;
- for (; x2 < x + colspan; x2++) {
- const minlenfraction = x2 * Math["PI"] / 180;
- Render.Line(secondary_dis + Math["cos"](minlenfraction) * maxlen, yPos + Math["sin"](minlenfraction) * maxlen, secondary_dis + Math["cos"](minlenfraction) * secondary_w, yPos + Math["sin"](minlenfraction) * secondary_w, a);
- }
- };
- Render["GradientSkeet"] = function(type, isSlidingUp, boardManager, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock) {
- Render.GradientRect(type, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, mmCoreSplitViewBlock, pts);
- Render.GradientRect(type + boardManager / 4, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock);
- };
- function Security() {
- UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", "Yaw offset"], 180);
- UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", "Jitter offset"], 0);
- UI.SetValue(["Config", "Cheat", "General", "Restrictions"], 0);
- UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Pitch mode"], 0);
- {
- UI.SetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"], [154, 205, 50, 255]);
- }
- }
- UI.AddHotkey( ["Misc.", "Keys", "Key assignment"], "Extended Backtracking", "Extended Backtracking" )
- UI.AddSubTab(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "[Paste] Features");
- UI.AddSubTab(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Aimbot");
- UI.AddSubTab(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "AA");
- UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "[Paste] Features");
- UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Indicators");
- UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Helpers");
- UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Other");
- UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Minimum damage override", "Minimum damage override");
- UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Autowall key", "Autowall");
- UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Fake duck", "Fake duck");
- UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot"], "Fast switch", ["AWP", "SSG08", "Deagle"], 1);
- UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Smoke check", "Smoke check");
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot"], "Min fov", 0, 180);
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot"], "Max fov", 0, 180);
- UI.AddDropdown(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Desync type", ["Off", "Random", "Custom angle", "Sway"], 0);
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Fake amout:", 0, 58);
- UI.AddDropdown(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Real type", ["Off", "Random", "Custom angle", "Eye yaw based", "Sway", "Low delta"], 0);
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Real amout:", 0, 58);
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Freestanding");
- UI.AddDropdown(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Freestanding mode", ["Peek with fake", "Peek with real"], 0);
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Leg breaker");
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Jitter when Slowwalk");
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Other", "Other"], "Watermark");
- UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Other", "Other"], "Watermark text color");
- UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators", ["DESYNC RANGE", "MINIMUM DAMAGE", "FOV", "TRIGGER", "AUTOWALL", "BODY AIM", "FAKE DUCK", "RESOLVER OVERRIDE", "C4 INFO"], 1);
- UI.AddDropdown(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators size", ["1", "2", "3"], 0);
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators Y offset", 160, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
- UI.AddDropdown(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Antiaim arrow type", ["off", "1", "2", "3", "4", 5], 0);
- UI.AddSliderInt(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Arrows X offset", 15, 200);
- UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Arrows color");
- //UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Hit logs", ["Console", "Chat"], 1);
- UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Buy logs", ["Console", "Chat"], 1);
- UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Votes logs", ["Console", "Chat"], 1);
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Autowall indicator under crosshair");
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Killsay");
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Spectators");
- UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators color");
- UI.AddSubTab( ["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Pastesense Logs");
- UI.AddCheckbox( ["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs"], "Hit logs");
- UI.AddCheckbox( ["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs"], "Enable Chat Logging");
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Arrows fake color");
- UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Auto Disconnect");
- UI.AddSliderFloat(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Aspect Ratio", 0.0, 5.0);
- UI.AddDropdown(["Visuals", "Other", "Other"], "Clantag spammer", ["off", "Pastesense"], 0);
- UI.SetEnabled(["Config", "Cheat", "General", "RAGE QUIT"], 0);
- function announce_phase_end() {
- var _0x6b3cx59 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Auto Disconnect"]);
- if (win) {
- win = false;
- return;
- }
- }
- function cs_win_panel_match() {
- var _0x6b3cx59 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Auto Disconnect"]);
- if (_0x6b3cx59) {
- var _0x6b3cx5b = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Auto Disconnect"]);
- if (_0x6b3cx5b) {
- Cheat.ExecuteCommand("disconnect");
- } else {
- Cheat.ExecuteCommand("disconnect");
- }
- }
- win = true;
- }
- function fsn() {
- var activeEntityKey = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- if (!Entity.IsValid(activeEntityKey)) {
- win = false;
- }
- }
- function PasteFOV() {
- if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) && (menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
- distance = 0;
- FOV = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Min fov"]);
- enemies = Entity.GetEnemies();
- i = 0;
- for (; i < enemies["length"]; i++) {
- if (Entity.IsAlive(enemies[i]) && !Entity.IsDormant(enemies[i])) {
- origin = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(enemies[i]);
- myself = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
- distance_to_enemy = Math["sqrt"](Math["pow"](origin[0] - myself[0], 2) + Math["pow"](origin[1] - myself[1], 2) + Math["pow"](origin[2] - myself[2], 2));
- if (distance == 0 || distance_to_enemy < distance) {
- distance = distance_to_enemy;
- }
- }
- }
- diff = 1000 - distance;
- if (diff > 0) {
- FOV = FOV + (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Max fov"]) - UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Min fov"])) * (diff / 1000);
- }
- FOV = Math["ceil"](FOV);
- var sections = {
- "usp s" : "USP",
- "glock 18" : "Glock",
- "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
- "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
- "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
- "p250" : "P250",
- "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
- "mp9" : "MP9",
- "mac 10" : "Mac10",
- "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "ak 47" : "AK47",
- "sg 553" : "SG553",
- "aug" : "AUG",
- "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
- "m4a4" : "M4A4",
- "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
- "awp" : "AWP",
- "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
- "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
- "xm1014" : "XM1014",
- "mag 7" : "MAG7",
- "m249" : "M249",
- "negev" : "Negev",
- "p2000" : "General",
- "famas" : "FAMAS",
- "five seven" : "Five Seven",
- "mp7" : "MP7",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "p90" : "P90",
- "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
- "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
- "galil ar" : "GALIL",
- "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
- };
- var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
- var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
- if (section == undefined) {
- section = "General";
- }
- UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Field of view"], FOV);
- }
- }
- function calcDist(lon1, lat2) {
- var zeroSizeMax = lon1[0];
- var headerCenterY = lon1[1];
- var endMinutes = lon1[2];
- var pixelSizeTargetMax = lat2[0];
- var articleAdjustedTopY = lat2[1];
- var startMinutes = lat2[2];
- var lightI = zeroSizeMax - pixelSizeTargetMax;
- var lightJ = headerCenterY - articleAdjustedTopY;
- var difMinutes = endMinutes - startMinutes;
- return Math["sqrt"](lightI * lightI + lightJ * lightJ + difMinutes * difMinutes);
- }
- function dispDamage() {
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- if (fnparams[8]) {
- var state = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(128)[0];
- if (state == undefined) {
- return;
- }
- var change2 = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(state);
- var local_backup_paths = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(local);
- var fakeChange2 = calcDist(change2, local_backup_paths);
- var _0x6b3cx72 = false;
- var dataToEncrypt;
- var d = Entity.GetProp(local, "CCSPlayerResource", "m_iArmor");
- var selectedFile = Entity.GetProp(local, "CBasePlayer", "m_iHealth");
- var n = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flC4Blow") - Globals.Curtime();
- var h = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flTimerLength");
- var n2 = (Render.GetScreenSize()[1] - 50) / h * n;
- var movestring = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_bBombTicking");
- var currentState = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flDefuseLength");
- var dataWidth = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flDefuseCountDown") - Globals.Curtime();
- var tIndW = (Render.GetScreenSize()[1] - 50) / currentState * dataWidth;
- var foundState = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_hBombDefuser");
- var refTarget = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_bBombDefused");
- n = parseFloat(n["toPrecision"](3));
- timer2 = parseFloat(n["toPrecision"](2));
- timer3 = parseFloat(n["toPrecision"](1));
- const fractval = 450.7;
- const mainoffset = 75.68;
- const mainscale = 789.2;
- const t = (fakeChange2 - mainoffset) / mainscale;
- var value = fractval * Math["exp"](-t * t);
- if (d > 0) {
- var t = value * 0.5;
- var k = (value - t) * 0.5;
- if (k > d) {
- d = d * (1 / 0.5);
- t = value - k;
- }
- value = t;
- }
- dataToEncrypt = Math["ceil"](value);
- if (dataToEncrypt >= selectedFile) {
- _0x6b3cx72 = true;
- } else {
- _0x6b3cx72 = false;
- }
- }
- bomb_font = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", 32, true);
- if (!movestring) {
- return;
- }
- if (refTarget) {
- return;
- }
- if (n >= 1 && n > 10) {
- Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + n + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
- Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + n + "s", [129, 177, 14, 255], bomb_font);
- } else {
- if (n <= 10 && n > 5 && n >= 1) {
- Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
- Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [210, 216, 112, 255], bomb_font);
- } else {
- if (n <= 5 && n >= 1) {
- Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
- Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [252, 18, 19, 255], bomb_font);
- } else {
- if (n < 1 && n >= 0.1) {
- Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + timer3 + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
- Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + timer3 + "s", [252, 18, 19, 255], bomb_font);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (foundState > 0) {
- if (n > currentState && n >= 0.1) {
- Render.FilledRect(0, 0, 15, tIndW, [58, 191, 54, 120]);
- } else {
- Render.FilledRect(0, 0, 15, tIndW, [252, 18, 19, 120]);
- }
- }
- if (!Entity.IsAlive(local)) {
- return;
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx72) {
- Render.String(18 + 1, 435 + 1, 0, "LETHAL", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
- Render.String(18, 435, 0, "LETHAL", [252, 18, 19, 200], bomb_font);
- } else {
- if (value > 0.5) {
- Render.String(18 + 1, 435 + 1, 0, "-" + dataToEncrypt + "HP", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
- Render.String(18, 435, 0, "-" + dataToEncrypt + "HP", [210, 216, 112, 255], bomb_font);
- }
- }
- }
- function getSite(name) {
- bombsite = Entity.GetProp(name, "CPlantedC4", "m_nBombSite");
- if (bombsite == 0) {
- return "A - ";
- } else {
- return "B - ";
- }
- }
- var flip = false;
- var flip2 = false;
- function on_weapon_fire() {
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Fast switch"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- short = Event.GetInt("userid");
- short_index = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(short);
- localplayer_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon(me);
- weapon_name = Entity.GetName(localplayer_weapon);
- if (fnparams[0]) {
- if (short_index == me) {
- if (weapon_name == "awp") {
- Global.ExecuteCommand("slot3");
- flip = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (fnparams[1]) {
- if (short_index == me) {
- if (weapon_name == "ssg 08") {
- Global.ExecuteCommand("slot3");
- flip = true;
- }
- }
- }
- if (fnparams[2]) {
- if (short_index == me) {
- if (weapon_name == "desert eagle") {
- Global.ExecuteCommand("slot3");
- flip2 = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function reset_tick() {
- if (flip == true) {
- Global.ExecuteCommand("slot1");
- flip = false;
- }
- }
- function reset_tick2() {
- if (flip2 == true) {
- Global.ExecuteCommand("slot2");
- flip2 = false;
- }
- }
- duck = 0.70;
- stand = 0.21;
- var crouchHeight;
- function FakeDuck() {
- var _0x6b3cx8b = UserCMD.GetButtons();
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Fake duck"])) {
- var _0x6b3cx8c = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CCSPlayer", "m_flDuckAmount");
- if (UserCMD.Choke(), _0x6b3cx8c <= stand) {
- crouchHeight = true;
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx8c >= duck && (crouchHeight = false, UserCMD.Send()), crouchHeight) {
- UserCMD.SetButtons(4 | _0x6b3cx8b);
- } else {
- UserCMD.SetButtons(_0x6b3cx8b | 1 << 22);
- }
- } else {
- UserCMD.SetButtons(_0x6b3cx8b | 1 << 22);
- }
- }
- function aspectratio() {
- menu_val = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Aspect Ratio"]);
- string_menu_val = menu_val.toString();
- Convar.SetString("r_aspectratio", string_menu_val);
- }
- var observators = [];
- observators = [];
- function getObservators() {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Spectators") == false) {
- return;
- }
- var sections = Entity.GetPlayers();
- var id = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- var api = Entity.GetProp(id, "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
- if (!id) {
- return;
- }
- observators = [];
- i = 0;
- for (; i < sections["length"]; i++) {
- if (Entity.IsAlive(id)) {
- if (!sections[i] || Entity.IsAlive(sections[i])) {
- continue;
- }
- var type = Entity.GetProp(sections[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
- if (!type || type == "m_hObserverTarget") {
- continue;
- }
- if (type == id) {
- observators["push"](Entity.GetName(sections[i]));
- }
- } else {
- if (!sections[i] || Entity.IsAlive(sections[i])) {
- continue;
- }
- type = Entity.GetProp(sections[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
- if (!type || type == "m_hObserverTarget") {
- continue;
- }
- if (type == api) {
- observators["push"](Entity.GetName(sections[i]));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function drawObservators() {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Spectators") == false) {
- return;
- }
- var startColorCoords = Render.GetScreenSize();
- var pictGrad = Render.GetFont("Arial.ttf", 12, true);
- i = 0;
- for (; i < observators["length"]; i++) {
- var picture = observators[i];
- var endColorCoords = Render.TextSize(picture, pictGrad);
- Render.String(startColorCoords[0] - endColorCoords[0] - 3, i * 16 + 35, 0, picture, [255, 255, 255, 255], pictGrad);
- }
- }
- function resetObservators() {
- observators = [];
- }
- function watermark() {
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Watermark"])) {
- return;
- }
- if (!World.GetServerString()) {
- return;
- }
- var expected_date2 = new Date;
- var _0x6b3cx9b = expected_date2["getHours"]();
- var _0x6b3cx9c = expected_date2["getMinutes"]();
- var flipbackY180 = expected_date2["getSeconds"]();
- var _0x6b3cx9e = _0x6b3cx9b <= 9 ? "0" + _0x6b3cx9b + ":" : _0x6b3cx9b + ":";
- var _0x6b3cx9f = _0x6b3cx9c <= 9 ? "0" + _0x6b3cx9c + ":" : _0x6b3cx9c + ":";
- var aniBName = flipbackY180 <= 9 ? "0" + flipbackY180 : flipbackY180;
- var _0x6b3cxa1 = Globals.Tickrate().toString();
- var _0x6b3cxa2 = Math["round"](Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString();
- color = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Watermark text color"]);
- var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
- var pictGrad = Render.GetFont("Verdanab.ttf", 10, true);
- var text = "Pastesense | " + username + " | ping: " + _0x6b3cxa2 + "ms | " + _0x6b3cxa1 + "tick ";
- var props = Render.TextSize(text, pictGrad)[0] + 8;
- var pic_grad1 = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];
- pic_grad1 = pic_grad1 - props - 10;
- Render.FilledRect(pic_grad1, 10, props, 2, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
- Render.FilledRect(pic_grad1, 12, props, 20, [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(pic_grad1 + 3, 10 + 3, 0, text, [255, 255, 255, 255], pictGrad);
- }
- var normal_killsays = ["nt cat",
- "Paste Paste, Meow Meow", "take the cooldown and let your team surr retard",
- "uid police here present your user identification number right now", "better buy new paste nn",
- "drink some alcohol", "too ez for ★ Pastesense ★", "Your iq is lower than your blood sugar",
- "pet a cat", "★ Hitler AA bo$$ ★", "did u know that by owning Pastesense u drastically lower ur stress levels?",
- "boxed like a flopper", "ur cfg literally so free manz actually u got trashed like a hooker down the street dumpster cat",
- "uid = iq",
- ];
- var hs_killsays = ["nice antiaim, you sell?",
- "refund your pastebowhook right now pasteuser cat", "ur aa literally so free manz actually u got trashed like a hooker down the street dumpster cat",
- "thats going in my media compilation right there get shamed retard rofl", "nn got boxed like an amazon prime package", "Hope you're doing well u cutie cat 。・:*:・゚★",
- "Your iq is lower than your blood sugar", "pet a cat", "★ Hitler AA bo$$ ★", "did u know that by owning Pastesense u drastically lower ur stress levels?",
- "boxed like a flopper", "ur cfg literally so free manz actually u got trashed like a hooker down the street dumpster cat",
- "uid = iq"
- ];
- function on_player_death() {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Killsay"])) {
- var RIOT_TAG = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
- var attrName = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
- var _0x6b3cxaa = Event.GetInt("headshot") == 1;
- if (Entity.IsLocalPlayer(attrName) && attrName != RIOT_TAG) {
- var _0x6b3cxab = normal_killsays[Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * normal_killsays["length"])];
- var _0x6b3cxac = hs_killsays[Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * hs_killsays["length"])];
- if (_0x6b3cxaa && Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * 3) <= 1) {
- Cheat.ExecuteCommand("say " + _0x6b3cxac);
- return;
- }
- Cheat.ExecuteCommand("say " + _0x6b3cxab);
- }
- }
- }
- function isBehindSmoke(items) {
- eyepos = Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
- if (Entity.IsValid(items) && Entity.IsAlive(items) && !Entity.IsDormant(items)) {
- hitbox_pos = Entity.GetHitboxPosition(items, 0);
- result = Trace.Smoke(eyepos, hitbox_pos);
- if (result == 1) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- function smokecheck() {
- enemies = Entity.GetEnemies();
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Smoke check"]) == 1) {
- return;
- }
- {
- i = 0;
- for (; i < enemies["length"]; i++) {
- if (isBehindSmoke(enemies[i])) {
- Ragebot.IgnoreTarget(enemies[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var BreakLeg = true;
- var Loop = 1;
- var Loop2 = 1;
- function legs() {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Leg breaker"])) {
- trufalse = 10 * Math["abs"](Math["sin"](64 * Globals.Realtime()));
- if (trufalse > 5) {
- UI.SetValue(["Misc.", "Movement", "Leg movement"], 0);
- }
- if (trufalse < 5) {
- UI.SetValue(["Misc.", "Movement", "Leg movement"], 1);
- }
- }
- }
- function BuyLogs() {
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Buy logs"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- var i = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
- var spec = Event.GetInt("team");
- if (spec != Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBaseEntity", "m_iTeamNum")) {
- var version = Event.GetString("weapon");
- version = version["replace"]("weapon_", "");
- version = version["replace"]("item_", "");
- version = version["replace"]("assaultsuit", "kevlar + helmet");
- version = version["replace"]("incgrenade", "molotov");
- if (fnparams[0]) {
- if (version != "unknown") {
- var attr = Entity.GetName(i);
- Cheat.PrintColor([1, 0, 187, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
- Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], attr + " bought " + version + " \n");
- logs["push"](attr + " bought " + version + " ");
- logsct["push"](Globals.Curtime());
- logsalpha["push"](255);
- }
- if (fnparams[1]) {
- if (version != "unknown") {
- Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense\x03]\b " + attr + "\x03 bought \b" + version + " \n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- lasttime = 0;
- customtext = 0;
- function time_to_ticks(partKeys) {
- var _0x6b3cx14 = partKeys / Globals.TickInterval() + 0.5;
- return _0x6b3cx14;
- }
- var old_text_anim = 0;
- function anim(animType, defaultDur) {
- if (!World.GetServerString()) {
- return;
- }
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Clantag spammer"])) {
- text_anim = " " + animType + " ";
- } else {
- text_anim = " ";
- }
- tickinterval = Globals.TickInterval();
- tickcount = Globals.Tickcount() + time_to_ticks(Local.Latency());
- ddd = tickcount / time_to_ticks(0.3);
- ddd = Math["floor"](ddd % defaultDur["length"]);
- ddd = defaultDur[ddd + 1] + 1;
- text_anim = text_anim["slice"](ddd, ddd + 15);
- if (text_anim != old_text_anim) {
- Local.SetClanTag(text_anim);
- }
- old_text_anim = text_anim;
- }
- function clantag() {
- var clantag = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Clantag spammer"]);
- if (clantag == 1) {
- customtext = "Pastesense.garbage";
- }
- anim(customtext, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]);
- }
- Render["GradientSkeet"] = function(type, isSlidingUp, boardManager, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock) {
- Render.GradientRect(type, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, mmCoreSplitViewBlock, pts);
- Render.GradientRect(type + boardManager / 4, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock);
- };
- var options = [];
- function onVoteOptions() {
- options[0] = Event.GetString("option1");
- options[1] = Event.GetString("option2");
- options[2] = Event.GetString("option3");
- options[3] = Event.GetString("option4");
- options[4] = Event.GetString("option5");
- }
- function onVoteCast() {
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Votes logs"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- var entity = Event.GetInt("entityid");
- if (entity) {
- var spec = Event.GetInt("team");
- var subjectCount = Event.GetInt("vote_option");
- var tools_id = Entity.GetName(entity);
- var comments = "null";
- switch(spec) {
- case 0:
- comments = "[N] ";
- break;
- case 1:
- comments = "S ";
- break;
- case 2:
- comments = "t ";
- break;
- case 3:
- comments = "ct ";
- break;
- default:
- comments = "[UNK] ";
- break;
- }
- var print = options[subjectCount];
- if (fnparams[0]) {
- Cheat.PrintColor([102, 0, 255, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
- Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], tools_id + " voted " + print + " on " + comments + " \n");
- logs["push"](tools_id + " voted " + voted + " on " + comments + " ");
- logsct["push"](Globals.Curtime());
- logsalpha["push"](255);
- }
- if (fnparams[1]) {
- Global.PrintColor([102, 0, 255, 255], "[Pastesense] \x00");
- Global.Print(tools_id + "voted " + print + " on " + comments + "\n");
- Global.PrintChat("\x03[\x03Pastesense\x03] \f" + tools_id + " voted " + print + " on " + comments);
- }
- }
- }
- var fake = -60;
- var down = true;
- function fakesway() {
- var _0x6b3cxc7 = 0.5;
- var _0x6b3cxc8 = 0;
- var _0x6b3cxc9 = -65;
- _0x6b3cxc9 = 0 - _0x6b3cxc9;
- if (down === true) {
- if (fake <= _0x6b3cxc8 && down === true) {
- fake = fake + 1;
- }
- if (fake >= _0x6b3cxc8) {
- down = false;
- }
- }
- if (down === false) {
- if (fake >= -_0x6b3cxc9 && down === false) {
- fake = fake - 1;
- }
- if (fake <= -_0x6b3cxc9) {
- down = true;
- }
- }
- }
- var real = -58;
- var up = true;
- function realsway() {
- var expect = 65;
- var _0x6b3cxce = 0;
- _0x6b3cxce = 0 - _0x6b3cxce;
- if (up === true) {
- if (real <= expect && up === true) {
- real = real + 1;
- }
- if (real >= expect) {
- up = false;
- }
- }
- if (up === false) {
- if (real >= -_0x6b3cxce && up === false) {
- real = real - 1;
- }
- if (real <= -_0x6b3cxce) {
- up = true;
- }
- }
- }
- const modules = [{
- ref : ["Rage", "Target", "General", "Minimum damage"],
- draw : function(data) {
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[2];
- weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
- var sections = {
- "usp s" : "USP",
- "glock 18" : "Glock",
- "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
- "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
- "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
- "p250" : "P250",
- "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
- "mp9" : "MP9",
- "mac 10" : "Mac10",
- "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "ak 47" : "AK47",
- "sg 553" : "SG553",
- "aug" : "AUG",
- "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
- "m4a4" : "M4A4",
- "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
- "awp" : "AWP",
- "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
- "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
- "xm1014" : "XM1014",
- "mag 7" : "MAG7",
- "m249" : "M249",
- "negev" : "Negev",
- "p2000" : "General",
- "famas" : "FAMAS",
- "five seven" : "Five Seven",
- "mp7" : "MP7",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "p90" : "P90",
- "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
- "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
- "galil ar" : "GALIL",
- "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
- };
- var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
- var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
- if (section == undefined) {
- section = "General";
- }
- const _0x6b3cxd1 = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Minimum damage override"]);
- if (_0x6b3cxd1 == 1) {
- var default_favicon = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Damage Override"]);
- } else {
- default_favicon = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Minimum damage"]);
- }
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (fnparams[1]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- if (default_favicon == 101) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 1", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 1", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 102) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 2", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 2", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 103) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 3", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 3", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 104) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 4", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 4", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 105) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 5", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 5", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 106) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 6", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 6", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 107) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 7", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 7", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 108) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 8", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 8", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 109) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 9", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 9", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 110) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 10", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 10", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 111) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 11", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 11", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 112) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 12", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 12", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 113) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 13", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 13", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 114) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 14", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 14", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 115) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 15", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 15", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 116) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 16", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 16", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 117) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 17", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 17", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 118) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 18", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 18", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 119) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 19", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 19", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 120) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 20", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 20", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 121) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 21", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 21", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 122) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 22", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 22", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 123) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 23", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 23", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 124) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 24", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 24", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 125) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 25", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 25", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 126) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 26", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 26", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 127) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 27", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 27", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 128) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 28", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 28", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 129) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 29", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 29", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon == 130) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 30", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 30", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon === 0) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "DYNAMIC", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "DYNAMIC", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- if (default_favicon < 101 && default_favicon !== 0) {
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, default_favicon.toString(), [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, default_favicon.toString(), [255, 255, 255, 220], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Resolver override"]) == 1) {
- return;
- }
- var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[7]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "EDGE: ON", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "EDGE: ON", [154, 205, 50, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Resolver override"]) == 0) {
- return;
- }
- var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[7]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "EDGE: OFF", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "EDGE: OFF", [154, 205, 50, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Ragebot activation"])) {
- return;
- }
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[3]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "MT", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "MT", [255, 255, 255, 220], lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "Helpers", "General", "Extended backtracking"])) {
- return;
- }
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[3]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "PING", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "PING", [154, 205, 50, 250], lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const glyphSet = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Autowall key"]) == 1) {
- return;
- }
- var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("MT", 4)[0];
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[4]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "Awall", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "Awall", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const glyphSet = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Force body aim"]) == 1) {
- return;
- }
- var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[5]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "BAIM", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "BAIM", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const glyphSet = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Force safe point"]) == 1) {
- return;
- }
- var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[5]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "SAFE", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "SAFE", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[0];
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
- var sections = {
- "usp s" : "USP",
- "glock 18" : "Glock",
- "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
- "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
- "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
- "p250" : "P250",
- "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
- "mp9" : "MP9",
- "mac 10" : "Mac10",
- "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "ak 47" : "AK47",
- "sg 553" : "SG553",
- "aug" : "AUG",
- "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
- "m4a4" : "M4A4",
- "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
- "awp" : "AWP",
- "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
- "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
- "xm1014" : "XM1014",
- "mag 7" : "MAG7",
- "m249" : "M249",
- "negev" : "Negev",
- "p2000" : "General",
- "famas" : "FAMAS",
- "five seven" : "Five Seven",
- "mp7" : "MP7",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "p90" : "P90",
- "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
- "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
- "galil ar" : "GALIL",
- "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
- };
- var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
- var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
- if (section == undefined) {
- section = "General";
- }
- var _0x6b3cx33 = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Field of view"]);
- var _0x6b3cxd2 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (_0x6b3cxd2 == 0) {
- indicatorssize2 = 26;
- }
- if (_0x6b3cxd2 == 1) {
- indicatorssize2 = 31;
- }
- if (_0x6b3cxd2 == 2) {
- indicatorssize2 = 36;
- }
- var artistTrack = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", indicatorssize2, true);
- if (fnparams[2]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "FOV: " + "10", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "FOV: " + "10", [102, 0, 255, 255], artistTrack);
- if (indicatorssize2 === 26) {
- if (_0x6b3cx33 <= 9) {
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx33 > 9 && _0x6b3cx33 < 99) {
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx33 > 99) {
- }
- }
- if (indicatorssize2 === 31) {
- if (_0x6b3cx33 <= 9) {
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx33 > 9 && _0x6b3cx33 < 99) {
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx33 > 99) {
- }
- }
- if (indicatorssize2 === 36) {
- if (_0x6b3cx33 <= 9) {
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx33 > 9 && _0x6b3cx33 < 99) {
- }
- if (_0x6b3cx33 > 99) {
- }
- }
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
- draw : function(data) {
- const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
- const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "Fake duck"]) == 1) {
- return;
- }
- var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- if (fnparams[6]) {
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "DUCK", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "DUCK", [255, 255, 255, 220], lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }, {
- ref : ["Rage", "Target", "General", "Minimum damage"],
- draw : function(data) {
- var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
- const medianDot = Local.GetRealYaw();
- const dotIndex = Local.GetFakeYaw();
- const value = Math["abs"](normalize_yaw(medianDot % 360 - dotIndex % 360)) / 2;
- var oldCondition = Math["abs"](value);
- const glyphSet = [186 + (154 - 186) * value / 60, 0 + (205 - 0) * value / 60, 16 + (50 - 16) * value / 60, 255];
- if (fnparams[0]) {
- var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (pictGrad == 0) {
- pictGrad = 26;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 1) {
- pictGrad = 31;
- }
- if (pictGrad == 2) {
- pictGrad = 36;
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
- Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
- Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "FAKE", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
- Render.String(18, data, 0, "FAKE", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
- drawn++;
- }
- }
- }];
- const do_indicators = function() {
- localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index);
- if (localplayer_alive == true) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Autowall indicator under crosshair"]) == 1) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Autowall key"]) == 1) {
- screen = Render.GetScreenSize();
- _0x6b3cx4b = screen[0] / 2;
- y2 = screen[1] / 2;
- const artistTrack = Render.GetFont("Verdanab.ttf", 12, true);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cx4b - 35, y2 + 17, 0, "AUTOWALL", [180, 238, 0, 255], artistTrack);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) {
- return;
- }
- const _0x6b3cx4b = Render.GetScreenSize()[0];
- const cyclingLength = Render.GetScreenSize()[1];
- const xmz = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators Y offset"]);
- drawn = 0;
- var j = 0;
- for (; j < modules["length"]; j++) {
- const proto = modules[j];
- var _0x6b3cxd2 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
- if (_0x6b3cxd2 = 1) {
- var xzz = 35;
- }
- if (_0x6b3cxd2 = 2) {
- xzz = 37;
- }
- if (_0x6b3cxd2 = 3) {
- xzz = 43;
- }
- proto["draw"](cyclingLength - xmz + drawn * xzz);
- }
- };
- function allauto() {
- var _0x6b3cxdd = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Autowall key"]);
- weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
- var sections = {
- "usp s" : "USP",
- "glock 18" : "Glock",
- "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
- "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
- "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
- "p250" : "P250",
- "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
- "mp9" : "MP9",
- "mac 10" : "Mac10",
- "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "ak 47" : "AK47",
- "sg 553" : "SG553",
- "aug" : "AUG",
- "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
- "m4a4" : "M4A4",
- "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
- "awp" : "AWP",
- "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
- "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
- "xm1014" : "XM1014",
- "mag 7" : "MAG7",
- "m249" : "M249",
- "negev" : "Negev",
- "p2000" : "General",
- "famas" : "FAMAS",
- "five seven" : "Five Seven",
- "mp7" : "MP7",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "p90" : "P90",
- "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
- "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
- "galil ar" : "GALIL",
- "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
- };
- var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
- var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
- if (section == undefined) {
- section = "General";
- }
- if (_0x6b3cxdd == 0) {
- UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Disable autowall"], 1);
- }
- if (_0x6b3cxdd == 1) {
- UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Disable autowall"], 0);
- }
- }
- // Hit logs -- Start
- hitboxes = [
- 'generic',
- 'head',
- 'chest',
- 'stomach',
- 'left arm',
- 'right arm',
- 'left leg',
- 'right leg',
- '?'
- ];
- var shots = 0;
- var predicthc = 0;
- var safety = 0;
- var hitboxName = "";
- var choked = 0;
- var exploit = 0;
- var logs = [];
- var logsct = [];
- var logsalpha = [];
- function getHitboxName(index)
- {
- switch (index)
- {
- case 0:
- hitboxName = "head";
- break;
- case 1:
- hitboxName = "head";
- break;
- case 2:
- hitboxName = "stomach";
- break;
- case 3:
- hitboxName = "stomach";
- break;
- case 4:
- hitboxName = "stomach";
- break;
- case 5:
- hitboxName = "chest";
- break;
- case 6:
- hitboxName = "chest";
- break;
- case 7:
- hitboxName = "left leg";
- break;
- case 8:
- hitboxName = "right leg";
- break;
- case 9:
- hitboxName = "left leg";
- break;
- case 10:
- hitboxName = "right leg";
- break;
- case 11:
- hitboxName = "left leg";
- break;
- case 12:
- hitboxName = "right leg";
- break;
- case 13:
- hitboxName = "left arm";
- break;
- case 14:
- hitboxName = "right arm";
- break;
- case 15:
- hitboxName = "left arm";
- break;
- case 16:
- hitboxName = "left arm";
- break;
- case 17:
- hitboxName = "right arm";
- break;
- case 18:
- hitboxName = "right arm";
- break;
- default:
- hitboxName = "body";
- }
- return hitboxName;
- }
- function HitgroupName(index) {
- return hitboxes[index] || 'body';
- }
- var target = -1;
- var shots_fired = 0;
- var hits = 0;
- var lastUpdate = 0;
- var logged = false;
- function ragebotfire() {
- predicthc = Event.GetInt("hitchance");
- safety = Event.GetInt("safepoint");
- hitboxName = getHitboxName(Event.GetInt("hitbox"));
- exploit = (Event.GetInt("exploit")+1).toString();
- target = Event.GetInt("target_index");
- shots_fired++;
- logged = false;
- lastUpdate = Globals.Curtime();
- }
- function hitlog() {
- var hit = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
- var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
- if (attacker == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && hit == target) hits++;
- var hittype = "Hit ";
- me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- hitbox = Event.GetInt('hitgroup');
- target_damage = Event.GetInt("dmg_health");
- target_health = Event.GetInt("health");
- victim = Event.GetInt('userid');
- attacker = Event.GetInt('attacker');
- weapon = Event.GetString('weapon');
- victimIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(victim);
- attackerIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
- name = Entity.GetName(victimIndex);
- //targetName.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
- var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 17;
- var flags = "";
- if (exploit == 2)
- flags += "T";
- flags += "B";
- if (hitbox == 1)
- flags += "H";
- if (safety == 1) {
- safety = "true";
- }
- else {
- safety = "false";
- }
- if (weapon == "hegrenade")
- hittype = "Naded ";
- else if (weapon == "inferno")
- hittype = "Burned ";
- else if (weapon == "knife")
- hittype = "Knifed ";
- if(UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Hit logs"]) == 1) {
- if (me == attackerIndex && me != victimIndex) {
- Cheat.PrintColor([1, 0, 187, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
- if (hittype == "Hit ") {
- Cheat.Print("["+shots.toString()+"] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) \n");
- logs.push("["+shots.toString()+"] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining)");
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Enable Chat Logging"])==1) {
- Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense\x03] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+hittype+name+"'s \x10"+HitgroupName(hitbox)+"\x08 for \x07"+target_damage.toString()+"\x08 ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed=\x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) safety=\x03"+safety+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)\n");
- }
- }
- logsct.push(Globals.Curtime());
- logsalpha.push(255);
- }
- }
- if (shots == 99)
- shots = 0;
- else
- shots++;
- }
- function removelogs() {
- if (logs.length > 6) {
- logs.shift();
- logsct.shift();
- logsalpha.shift();
- }
- if (logsct[0] + 6.5 < Globals.Curtime()) {
- logsalpha[0] -= Globals.Frametime() * 600;
- if (logsalpha[0] < 0) {
- logs.shift();
- logsct.shift();
- logsalpha.shift();
- }
- }
- }
- function onDraw() {
- if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
- var font = Render.GetFont("Arial.ttf", 12, true);
- for (i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
- Render.String(4, 4 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [0, 0, 0, logsalpha[i]], font);
- Render.String(3, 3 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [255, 255, 255, logsalpha[i]], font);
- }
- if(UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Hit logs"]) == 1) {
- if (shots_fired > hits && (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 0.33)) {
- if (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 1) {
- shots_fired = 0;
- hits = 0;
- }
- if (!logged) {
- var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 16;
- logged = true;
- var issafe = "true";
- var reason = "?";
- if (safety == 0) {
- issafe = "false";
- }
- // Note that these miss logs arent accurate!
- if (Entity.IsAlive(target) == false)
- reason = "death";
- else if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) == false)
- reason = "dead";
- else if (safety == true && predicthc < 76)
- reason = "spread";
- else if (safety == true && predicthc > 76)
- reason = "prediction error";
- var flags = "";
- if (exploit == 2)
- flags += "T";
- flags += "B";
- Cheat.PrintColor([1, 0, 187, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
- Cheat.Print("Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+"("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to "+reason+", safety="+issafe+" ("+flags+") ("+simtime+":"+exploit+")\n");
- logs.push("Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+"("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to "+reason+", safety="+issafe+" ("+flags+") ("+simtime+":"+exploit+")");
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Enable Chat Logging"])==1) {
- Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense\x03] \x08Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s \x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to \x07"+reason+"\x08, safety=\x03"+issafe+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)");
- }
- logsct.push(Globals.Curtime());
- logsalpha.push(255);
- if (shots == 99)
- shots = 0;
- else
- shots++;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Global.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "hitlog");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "removelogs");
- // Hit logs -- End
- var wep2tab = {
- "usp s" : "USP",
- "glock 18" : "Glock",
- "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
- "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
- "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
- "p250" : "P250",
- "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
- "mp9" : "MP9",
- "mac 10" : "Mac10",
- "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "ak 47" : "AK47",
- "sg 553" : "SG553",
- "aug" : "AUG",
- "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
- "m4a4" : "M4A4",
- "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
- "awp" : "AWP",
- "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
- "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
- "xm1014" : "XM1014",
- "mag 7" : "MAG7",
- "m249" : "M249",
- "negev" : "Negev",
- "p2000" : "General",
- "famas" : "FAMAS",
- "five seven" : "Five Seven",
- "mp7" : "MP7",
- "ump 45" : "UMP45",
- "p90" : "P90",
- "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
- "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
- "galil ar" : "GALIL",
- "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
- };
- var tab_names = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
- function Pastedmg() {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Minimum damage override"])) {
- var section = wep2tab[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
- if (section == undefined) {
- section = "General";
- }
- var lastviewmatrix = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Minimum damage override"]);
- if (lastviewmatrix == 0 && section != "General") {
- lastviewmatrix = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Minimum damage override"]);
- }
- var attsByName = Entity.GetEnemies();
- for (e in attsByName) {
- Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(attsByName[e], lastviewmatrix);
- }
- }
- }
- function antiaimarrows() {
- var repository = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Arrows X offset"]);
- const medianDot = Local.GetRealYaw();
- const dotIndex = Local.GetFakeYaw();
- const _0x6b3cx1e = Math["abs"](normalize_yaw(medianDot % 360 - dotIndex % 360)) / 2;
- localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
- localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index);
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Arrows fake color"])) {
- arrowcolor = [186 + (154 - 186) * _0x6b3cx1e / 60, 0 + (205 - 0) * _0x6b3cx1e / 60, 16 + (50 - 16) * _0x6b3cx1e / 60, 255];
- } else {
- arrowcolor = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Arrows color"]);
- }
- var _0x6b3cxf3 = Render.GetScreenSize();
- {
- var coerce = function(length, array) {
- return [length[0], length[1], length[2], array];
- };
- i = 1;
- if (localplayer_alive == true) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Antiaim arrow type"]) == 1) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"])) {
- LPx = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - 25 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 + 7];
- LPy = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - 25 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 7];
- LPz = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - 37 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2];
- Render.Polygon([[LPx[0] + 1, LPx[1] + 1], [LPz[0] + 1, LPz[1] + 1], [LPy[0] + 1, LPy[1] + 1]], [0, 0, 0, 100]);
- Render.Polygon([LPx, LPz, LPy], [100, 100, 100, 200]);
- Render.Polygon([LPx, LPz, LPy], coerce(arrowcolor, 255));
- } else {
- RPx = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + 25 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 + 7];
- RPy = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + 25 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 7];
- RPz = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + 37 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2];
- Render.Polygon([[RPy[0] + 1, RPy[1] + 1], [RPz[0] + 1, RPz[1] + 1], [RPx[0] + 1, RPx[1] + 1]], [0, 0, 0, 100]);
- Render.Polygon([RPy, RPz, RPx], [100, 100, 100, 200]);
- Render.Polygon([RPy, RPz, RPx], coerce(arrowcolor, 255));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- {
- var artistTrack = Render.GetFont("calibrib.ttf", 28, true);
- if (localplayer_alive == true) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Antiaim arrow type"]) == 3) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"])) {
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 - 1, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 + 1, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, ">", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- } else {
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 - 1, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 + 1, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, "<", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- {
- artistTrack = Render.GetFont("Arial.ttf", 28, true);
- if (localplayer_alive == true) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Antiaim arrow type"]) == 2) {
- if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"])) {
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- } else {
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function onUnload() {
- Global.SetClanTag(" ");
- AntiAim.SetOverride(0);
- }
- Global.RegisterCallback("ragebot_fire", "ragebotfire");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "PasteFOV");
- Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "allauto");
- Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "Pastedmg");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "smokecheck");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "reset_tick");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "reset_tick2");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_tick");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "Pasteaa");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "realsway");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "fakesway");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_tick");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "legs");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "FakeDuck");
- Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "Security");
- Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "menuoptions");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "removelogs");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "do_indicators");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "dispDamage");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "watermark");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "clantag");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "getObservators");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "drawObservators");
- Global.RegisterCallback("round_start", "resetObservators");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Security");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Security");
- Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "menuoptions");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "antiaimarrows");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Pasteaa");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "on_frame");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("weapon_fire", "on_weapon_fire");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_connect_full", "reset");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_death", "on_player_death");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "on_player_hurt");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("item_purchase", "BuyLogs");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("vote_options", "onVoteOptions");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("vote_cast", "onVoteCast");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "aspectratio");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "onUnload");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "fsn");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("announce_phase_end", "announce_phase_end");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("cs_win_panel_match", "cs_win_panel_match");
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "updateDamageValues")
- Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "XTOnKey");
- Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense.garbage\x03]\x08 is ready to use!");
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