
Pastesense.garbage (Onetap)

Feb 9th, 2021
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  1. ragebot_safety = Cheat["GetUsername"];
  2. globals_curtime = Globals["Curtime"];
  3. entity_get_local_player = Entity["GetLocalPlayer"];
  4. entity_get_enemies = Entity["GetEnemies"];
  5. entity_get_hitbox_position = Entity["GetHitboxPosition"];
  6. entity_get_eye_position = Entity["GetEyePosition"];
  7. entity_is_valid = Entity["IsValid"];
  8. global_get_view_angles = Global["GetViewAngles"];
  9. entity_is_alive = Entity["IsAlive"];
  10. local_get_view_angles = Local["GetViewAngles"];
  11. entity_get_render_origin = Entity["GetRenderOrigin"];
  12. trace_line = Trace["Line"];
  13. entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d = Entity["GetEntityFromUserID"];
  14. event_get_int = Event["GetInt"];
  15. var screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize();
  16. var alpha = 0;
  17. var molotov = [];
  18. screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize();
  19. var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
  20. Cheat.Print("\n");
  21. Cheat.Print("\n");
  22. Cheat.Print("\n");
  23. Cheat.Print("\n");
  24. Cheat.Print("\n");
  25. Cheat.Print("\n");
  26. Cheat.Print("\n");
  27. Cheat.Print("\n");
  28. Cheat.PrintColor([200, 200, 255], "-----------------------------\n");
  29. Cheat.PrintColor([30, 144, 255], "Welcome " + username + "! To Pastesense.garbage\n");
  30. Cheat.PrintColor([200, 200, 255], "-----------------------------\n");
  31. Cheat.Print("\n");
  32. Cheat.Print("\n");
  33. Cheat.Print("\n");
  34. Cheat.Print("\n");
  36. function XTOnKey() {
  37.   const IsKeyEnabled = UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "Keys",  "Key assignment", "Extended Backtracking"]);
  38.   if (IsKeyEnabled) {
  39.       UI.SetValue(["Misc.","Helpers","Extended backtracking"], 1);
  40.   } else {
  41.       UI.SetValue(["Misc.","Helpers","Extended backtracking"], 0);
  42.   }
  43. }
  45. var weaponTabNames = {
  46.   "usp s": "USP", "glock 18": "Glock", "dual berettas": "Dualies", "r8 revolver": "Revolver", "desert eagle": "Deagle", "p250": "P250", "tec 9": "Tec-9",
  47.   "mp9": "MP9", "mac 10": "Mac10", "pp bizon": "PP-Bizon", "ump 45": "UMP45", "ak 47": "AK47", "sg 553": "SG553", "aug": "AUG", "m4a1 s": "M4A1-S", "m4a4": "M4A4", "ssg 08": "SSG08",
  48.   "awp": "AWP", "g3sg1": "G3SG1", "scar 20": "SCAR20", "xm1014": "XM1014", "mag 7": "MAG7", "m249": "M249", "negev": "Negev", "p2000": "P2000", "famas": "FAMAS", "five seven": "Five Seven", "mp7": "MP7",
  49.   "ump 45": "UMP45", "p90": "P90", "cz75 auto": "CZ-75", "mp5 sd": "MP5", "galil ar": "GALIL", "sawed off": "Sawed off", "nova": "Nova"
  50. };
  51. function updateDamageValues() {
  52.   if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
  53.       return;
  54.   var weaponName = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
  55.   if (!weaponTabNames.hasOwnProperty(weaponName)) {
  56.       return;
  57.   }
  58.   var isOverride = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Minimum damage override"]) ? true : false;
  59.   if (isOverride) {
  60.       var target = Entity.GetEnemies();
  61.       for (var i in target) {
  62.           if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", weaponTabNames[weaponName], "Damage Override"]) != 0) {
  63.               Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(target[i], UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", weaponTabNames[weaponName], "Damage Override"]))
  64.           }
  65.           else {
  66.               Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(target[i], UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", "General", "Damage Override"]))
  67.           }
  68.       }
  69.   }
  70. }
  72. function main() {
  73.   UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Extra", "Extra"], "Min damage indicator color")
  74.   UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Target", "General"], "Damage Override", 0, 130)
  75.   for (var name in weaponTabNames) {
  76.       UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Target", weaponTabNames[name]], "Damage Override", 0, 130)
  77.   }
  78. }
  80. main();
  81. function menustate() {
  82.   return ragebot_safety.toString() != "function () { [native code] }";
  83. }
  85. function menuoptions() {
  86.   var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  87.   if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Watermark"]) == 1) {
  88.   } else {
  89.   }
  90.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Real type"]) == 2) {
  91.     UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Real amout:"], 1);
  92.   } else {
  93.     UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Real amout:"], 0);
  94.   }
  95.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 2) {
  96.     UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Fake amout:"], 1);
  97.   } else {
  98.     UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Fake amout:"], 0);
  99.   }
  100. }
  102. function Pasteaa() {
  103.   AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(0);
  104.   var value = Local.GetFakeYaw();
  105.   var div = Local.GetRealYaw();
  106.   var s = 0;
  107.   current_inversion = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]) == 1 ? -1 : 1;
  108.   var individual = Entity.GetProp(s, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
  109.   var indContent = vector_length(individual);
  110.   var a = Entity.GetProp(s, "CCSPlayer", "m_angEyeAngles")[1];
  111.   var prohibitedListElementChildren = angle_diff(a, div);
  112.   var cell1 = angle_diff(a, value);
  113.   lbyamout = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real amout:"]);
  114.   lbyamout2 = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Fake amout:"]);
  115.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 0) {
  116.     AntiAim.SetOverride(0);
  117.   }
  118.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 1) {
  119.     real_yaw_offset = 120 * random_float(1, 2);
  120.     AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
  121.   }
  122.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 2) {
  123.     AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  124.     real_yaw_offset = (indContent > 3.3 ? lbyamout : lbyamout) * -current_inversion;
  125.     AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
  126.   }
  127.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 3) {
  128.     AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  129.     real_yaw_offset = prohibitedListElementChildren > 35 ? 15 * -current_inversion : 60 * random_float(0.6, 2.5) * -current_inversion;
  130.     AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
  131.   }
  132.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 4) {
  133.     AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  134.     AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real * -current_inversion);
  135.   }
  136.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 5) {
  137.     AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  138.     real_yaw_offset = (indContent > 3.3 ? 20 : 20) * -current_inversion;
  139.     AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
  140.   }
  141.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 0) {
  142.     AntiAim.SetOverride(0);
  143.   }
  144.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 1) {
  145.     AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  146.     lower_body_yaw_offset = 160 * current_inversion + cell1 < 50 ? Globals.Curtime() * 180 / random_float(-5, 5) % 240 * current_inversion : Globals.Curtime() * 360 / random_float(-0.1, 0.3) % 91 * current_inversion;
  147.     if (Globals.Tickcount() % 3 == 0) {
  148.       lower_body_yaw_offset = lower_body_yaw_offset * -1.5;
  149.     }
  150.     AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(lower_body_yaw_offset);
  151.   }
  152.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 2) {
  153.     AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  154.     lower_body_yaw_offset = lbyamout2 * current_inversion;
  155.     AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(lower_body_yaw_offset);
  156.   }
  157.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 3) {
  158.     AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  159.     AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(fake * -current_inversion);
  160.   }
  161.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Jitter when Slowwalk"]) == 1) {
  162.     if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "Slow walk"])) {
  163.       AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  164.       real_yaw_offset = 120 * random_float(0.6, 2.5) * -current_inversion;
  165.       AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
  166.     }
  167.   }
  168. }
  169. var lasttime = 0;
  170. var customtext = 0;
  172. function time_to_ticks(partKeys) {
  173.   var _0x6b3cx14 = partKeys / Globals.TickInterval() + 0.5;
  174.   return _0x6b3cx14;
  175. }
  176. var vector = {
  177.   _class : "vector"
  178. };
  180. vector["new"] = function(profilePoint) {
  181.   return {
  182.     x : profilePoint[0],
  183.     y : profilePoint[1],
  184.     z : profilePoint[2]
  185.   };
  186. };
  188. vector["operate"] = function(position, size, cur) {
  189.   switch(cur) {
  190.     case "+":
  191.       return {
  192.         x : position["x"] + size["x"],
  193.         y : position["y"] + size["y"],
  194.         z : position["z"] + size["z"]
  195.       };
  196.     case "-":
  197.       return {
  198.         x : position["x"] - size["x"],
  199.         y : position["y"] - size["y"],
  200.         z : position["z"] - size["z"]
  201.       };
  202.     case "*":
  203.       return {
  204.         x : position["x"] * size["x"],
  205.         y : position["y"] * size["y"],
  206.         z : position["z"] * size["z"]
  207.       };
  208.     case "/":
  209.       return {
  210.         x : position["x"] / size["x"],
  211.         y : position["y"] / size["y"],
  212.         z : position["z"] / size["z"]
  213.       };
  214.     default:
  215.       throw new Error("[Vector] Invalid operation type.");
  216.   }
  217. };
  219. vector["angles"] = function(props) {
  220.   return {
  221.     x : -Math["atan2"](props["z"], this["length2d"](props)) * 180 / Math["PI"],
  222.     y : Math["atan2"](props["y"], props["x"]) * 180 / Math["PI"],
  223.     z : 0
  224.   };
  225. };
  227. vector["length2d"] = function(eci_coords) {
  228.   return Math["sqrt"](eci_coords["x"] * eci_coords["x"] + eci_coords["y"] * eci_coords["y"]);
  229. };
  231. vector["fov_to"] = function(msg, serverId, satellite_coords) {
  232.   const observer_ecf = this["angles"](this["operate"](serverId, msg, "-"));
  233.   const new_arena = this["new"]([Math["abs"](satellite_coords["x"] - observer_ecf["x"]), Math["abs"](satellite_coords["y"] % 360 - observer_ecf["y"] % 360) % 360, 0]);
  234.   if (new_arena["y"] > 180) {
  235.     new_arena["y"] = 360 - new_arena["y"];
  236.   }
  237.   return this["length2d"](new_arena);
  238. };
  240. vector["to_array"] = function(satellite_coords) {
  241.   return [satellite_coords["x"], satellite_coords["y"], satellite_coords["z"]];
  242. };
  244. function normalize_yaw(newPath) {
  245.   var rootPath = newPath;
  246.   if (rootPath < -180) {
  247.     rootPath = rootPath + 360;
  248.   }
  249.   if (rootPath > 180) {
  250.     rootPath = rootPath - 360;
  251.   }
  252.   return rootPath;
  253. }
  255. function vector_length(klass) {
  256.   return Math["sqrt"](klass[0] ** 2 + klass[1] ** 2 + klass[2] ** 2);
  257. }
  259. function vecNew(profilePoint) {
  260.   return {
  261.     x : profilePoint[0],
  262.     y : profilePoint[1],
  263.     z : profilePoint[2]
  264.   };
  265. }
  267. function angle_diff(first, second) {
  268.   var result = first - second;
  269.   result = result % 360;
  270.   if (result > 180) {
  271.     result = result - 360;
  272.   }
  273.   if (result < -180) {
  274.     result = result + 360;
  275.   }
  276.   return result;
  277. }
  279. function random_float(min, max) {
  280.   return Math["random"]() * (max - min) + min;
  281. }
  283. function get_closest_target() {
  284.   const PL$13 = Entity.GetEnemies();
  285.   const activeEntityKey = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  286.   const obj = {
  287.     id : null,
  288.     fov : 180
  289.   };
  290.   var PL$17 = 0;
  291.   for (; PL$17 < PL$13["length"]; PL$17++) {
  292.     const model = PL$13[PL$17];
  293.     const stream = vecNew(Entity.GetHitboxPosition(model, 0));
  294.     localHead = vecNew(Entity.GetEyePosition(activeEntityKey));
  295.     const artistTrack = vecNew(Local.GetViewAngles());
  296.     const k = vector["fov_to"](localHead, stream, artistTrack);
  297.     if (k < obj["fov"]) {
  298.       obj["id"] = model;
  299.       obj["fov"] = k;
  300.     }
  301.   }
  302.   return obj["id"];
  303. }
  305. function update_anti_aim_state(isIron) {
  306.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Enabled"])) {
  307.     if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]) !== isIron) {
  308.       UI.ToggleHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]);
  309.     }
  310.   }
  311.   isIron = (isIron + 1) % 2;
  312.   if (UI.GetValue(["Legit", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]) !== isIron) {
  313.     UI.ToggleHotkey(["Legit", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]);
  314.   }
  315. }
  317. function get_target_visibility() {
  318.   const hexo = get_closest_target();
  319.   if (!hexo || !entity_is_valid(hexo)) {
  320.     return false;
  321.   }
  322.   if (entity_is_dormant(hexo)) {
  323.     return false;
  324.   }
  325.   const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
  326.   var matrix = vector["new"](entity_get_eye_position(artistTrack));
  327.   var sparse = vector["new"](entity_get_prop(artistTrack, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]"));
  328.   var n = entity_get_hitbox_position(hexo, 0);
  329.   sparse = vector["operate"](sparse, vector["new"]([0.25, 0.25, 0.25]), "*");
  330.   matrix = vector["operate"](matrix, sparse, "+");
  331.   const SEARCH_SERVICE = trace_line(artistTrack, vector["to_array"](matrix), n)[0];
  332.   return SEARCH_SERVICE === hexo;
  333. }
  334. var plugin = {
  335.   last_hit_lby : [],
  336.   last_target_visibility : false,
  337.   override_flip : false,
  338.   last_override_time : globals_curtime()
  339. };
  341. function get_optimal_angle() {
  342.   const _0x6b3cx3d = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Freestanding mode"]);
  343.   const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
  344.   const serverId = vector["new"](entity_get_render_origin(artistTrack));
  345.   var right = local_get_view_angles()[1];
  346.   var arr = {
  347.     left : 0,
  348.     right : 0
  349.   };
  350.   var left = right - 90;
  351.   for (; left <= right + 90; left = left + 30) {
  352.     if (left === right) {
  353.       continue;
  354.     }
  355.     const value = left * Math["PI"] / 180;
  356.     const matrix = vector["operate"](serverId, vector["new"]([256 * Math["cos"](value), 256 * Math["sin"](value), 0]), "+");
  357.     const normal = trace_line(artistTrack, vector["to_array"](serverId), vector["to_array"](matrix));
  358.     const index1 = left < right ? "left" : "right";
  359.     arr[index1] += normal[1];
  360.   }
  361.   arr["left"] /= 3;
  362.   arr["right"] /= 3;
  363.   if (arr["left"] > arr["right"]) {
  364.     return _0x6b3cx3d === 0 ? 0 : 1;
  365.   }
  366.   return _0x6b3cx3d === 0 ? 1 : 0;
  367. }
  369. function update_anti_aim() {
  370.   const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
  371.   if (!entity_is_valid(artistTrack) || !entity_is_alive(artistTrack)) {
  372.     return;
  373.   }
  374.   {
  375.     const scope = get_closest_target();
  376.     if (scope == null) {
  377.       update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle());
  378.       return;
  379.     }
  380.     if (plugin["last_hit_lby"][scope] == null) {
  381.       update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle());
  382.       return;
  383.     }
  384.     if (plugin["last_hit_lby"][scope] === 0) {
  385.       update_anti_aim_state(1);
  386.       return;
  387.     }
  388.     update_anti_aim_state(0);
  389.     return;
  390.   }
  391.   update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle());
  392. }
  394. function on_tick() {
  395.   if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Freestanding"])) {
  396.     return;
  397.   }
  398.   update_anti_aim();
  399. }
  401. function on_frame() {
  402.   if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Freestanding"])) {
  403.     return;
  404.   }
  405. }
  407. function on_player_hurt() {
  408.   const stitchedSurface1 = entity_get_local_player();
  409.   const undefined = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("attacker"));
  410.   const stitchedSurface2 = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("userid"));
  411.   if (stitchedSurface1 !== undefined && stitchedSurface1 === stitchedSurface2) {
  412.     plugin["last_hit_lby"][undefined] = UI.ToggleHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]);
  413.   }
  414. }
  416. function reset() {
  417.   plugin["last_hit_lby"] = [];
  418. }
  420. Render["Arc"] = function(secondary_dis, yPos, maxlen, secondary_w, x, colspan, a) {
  421.   var x2 = x;
  422.   for (; x2 < x + colspan; x2++) {
  423.     const minlenfraction = x2 * Math["PI"] / 180;
  424.     Render.Line(secondary_dis + Math["cos"](minlenfraction) * maxlen, yPos + Math["sin"](minlenfraction) * maxlen, secondary_dis + Math["cos"](minlenfraction) * secondary_w, yPos + Math["sin"](minlenfraction) * secondary_w, a);
  425.   }
  426. };
  428. Render["GradientSkeet"] = function(type, isSlidingUp, boardManager, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock) {
  429.   Render.GradientRect(type, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, mmCoreSplitViewBlock, pts);
  430.   Render.GradientRect(type + boardManager / 4, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock);
  431. };
  433. function Security() {
  434.   UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", "Yaw offset"], 180);
  435.   UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", "Jitter offset"], 0);
  436.   UI.SetValue(["Config", "Cheat", "General", "Restrictions"], 0);
  437.   UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Pitch mode"], 0);
  438.   {
  439.     UI.SetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"], [154, 205, 50, 255]);
  440.   }
  441. }
  442. UI.AddHotkey( ["Misc.", "Keys",  "Key assignment"], "Extended Backtracking", "Extended Backtracking" )
  443. UI.AddSubTab(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "[Paste] Features");
  444. UI.AddSubTab(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Aimbot");
  445. UI.AddSubTab(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "AA");
  446. UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "[Paste] Features");
  447. UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Indicators");
  448. UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Helpers");
  449. UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Other");
  450. UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Minimum damage override", "Minimum damage override");
  451. UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Autowall key", "Autowall");
  452. UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Fake duck", "Fake duck");
  453. UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot"], "Fast switch", ["AWP", "SSG08", "Deagle"], 1);
  454. UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Smoke check", "Smoke check");
  455. UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot"], "Min fov", 0, 180);
  456. UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot"], "Max fov", 0, 180);
  457. UI.AddDropdown(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Desync type", ["Off", "Random", "Custom angle", "Sway"], 0);
  458. UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Fake amout:", 0, 58);
  459. UI.AddDropdown(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Real type", ["Off", "Random", "Custom angle", "Eye yaw based", "Sway", "Low delta"], 0);
  460. UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Real amout:", 0, 58);
  461. UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Freestanding");
  462. UI.AddDropdown(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Freestanding mode", ["Peek with fake", "Peek with real"], 0);
  463. UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Leg breaker");
  464. UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Jitter when Slowwalk");
  465. UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Other", "Other"], "Watermark");
  466. UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Other", "Other"], "Watermark text color");
  467. UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators", ["DESYNC RANGE", "MINIMUM DAMAGE", "FOV", "TRIGGER", "AUTOWALL", "BODY AIM", "FAKE DUCK", "RESOLVER OVERRIDE", "C4 INFO"], 1);
  468. UI.AddDropdown(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators size", ["1", "2", "3"], 0);
  469. UI.AddSliderInt(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators Y offset", 160, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
  470. UI.AddDropdown(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Antiaim arrow type", ["off", "1", "2", "3", "4", 5], 0);
  471. UI.AddSliderInt(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Arrows X offset", 15, 200);
  472. UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Arrows color");
  473. //UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Hit logs", ["Console", "Chat"], 1);
  474. UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Buy logs", ["Console", "Chat"], 1);
  475. UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Votes logs", ["Console", "Chat"], 1);
  476. UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Autowall indicator under crosshair");
  477. UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Killsay");
  478. UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Spectators");
  479. UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators color");
  480. UI.AddSubTab( ["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Pastesense Logs");
  481. UI.AddCheckbox( ["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs"], "Hit logs");
  482. UI.AddCheckbox( ["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs"], "Enable Chat Logging");
  483. UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Arrows fake color");
  484. UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Auto Disconnect");
  485. UI.AddSliderFloat(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Aspect Ratio", 0.0, 5.0);
  486. UI.AddDropdown(["Visuals", "Other", "Other"], "Clantag spammer", ["off", "Pastesense"], 0);
  487. UI.SetEnabled(["Config", "Cheat", "General", "RAGE QUIT"], 0);
  489. function announce_phase_end() {
  490.   var _0x6b3cx59 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Auto Disconnect"]);
  491.   if (win) {
  492.     win = false;
  493.     return;
  494.   }
  495. }
  497. function cs_win_panel_match() {
  498.   var _0x6b3cx59 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Auto Disconnect"]);
  499.   if (_0x6b3cx59) {
  500.     var _0x6b3cx5b = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Auto Disconnect"]);
  501.     if (_0x6b3cx5b) {
  502.       Cheat.ExecuteCommand("disconnect");
  503.     } else {
  504.       Cheat.ExecuteCommand("disconnect");
  505.     }
  506.   }
  507.   win = true;
  508. }
  510. function fsn() {
  511.   var activeEntityKey = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  512.   if (!Entity.IsValid(activeEntityKey)) {
  513.     win = false;
  514.   }
  515. }
  517. function PasteFOV() {
  519.   if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) && (menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
  520.     distance = 0;
  521.     FOV = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Min fov"]);
  522.     enemies = Entity.GetEnemies();
  523.     i = 0;
  524.     for (; i < enemies["length"]; i++) {
  525.       if (Entity.IsAlive(enemies[i]) && !Entity.IsDormant(enemies[i])) {
  526.         origin = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(enemies[i]);
  527.         myself = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
  528.         distance_to_enemy = Math["sqrt"](Math["pow"](origin[0] - myself[0], 2) + Math["pow"](origin[1] - myself[1], 2) + Math["pow"](origin[2] - myself[2], 2));
  529.         if (distance == 0 || distance_to_enemy < distance) {
  530.           distance = distance_to_enemy;
  531.         }
  532.       }
  533.     }
  534.     diff = 1000 - distance;
  535.     if (diff > 0) {
  536.       FOV = FOV + (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Max fov"]) - UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Min fov"])) * (diff / 1000);
  537.     }
  538.     FOV = Math["ceil"](FOV);
  539.     var sections = {
  540.       "usp s" : "USP",
  541.       "glock 18" : "Glock",
  542.       "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
  543.       "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
  544.       "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
  545.       "p250" : "P250",
  546.       "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
  547.       "mp9" : "MP9",
  548.       "mac 10" : "Mac10",
  549.       "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
  550.       "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  551.       "ak 47" : "AK47",
  552.       "sg 553" : "SG553",
  553.       "aug" : "AUG",
  554.       "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
  555.       "m4a4" : "M4A4",
  556.       "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
  557.       "awp" : "AWP",
  558.       "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
  559.       "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
  560.       "xm1014" : "XM1014",
  561.       "mag 7" : "MAG7",
  562.       "m249" : "M249",
  563.       "negev" : "Negev",
  564.       "p2000" : "General",
  565.       "famas" : "FAMAS",
  566.       "five seven" : "Five Seven",
  567.       "mp7" : "MP7",
  568.       "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  569.       "p90" : "P90",
  570.       "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
  571.       "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
  572.       "galil ar" : "GALIL",
  573.       "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
  574.     };
  575.     var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
  576.     var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
  577.     if (section == undefined) {
  578.       section = "General";
  579.     }
  580.     UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Field of view"], FOV);
  581.   }
  582. }
  584. function calcDist(lon1, lat2) {
  585.   var zeroSizeMax = lon1[0];
  586.   var headerCenterY = lon1[1];
  587.   var endMinutes = lon1[2];
  588.   var pixelSizeTargetMax = lat2[0];
  589.   var articleAdjustedTopY = lat2[1];
  590.   var startMinutes = lat2[2];
  591.   var lightI = zeroSizeMax - pixelSizeTargetMax;
  592.   var lightJ = headerCenterY - articleAdjustedTopY;
  593.   var difMinutes = endMinutes - startMinutes;
  594.   return Math["sqrt"](lightI * lightI + lightJ * lightJ + difMinutes * difMinutes);
  595. }
  597. function dispDamage() {
  598.   var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  599.   local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  600.   if (fnparams[8]) {
  601.     var state = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(128)[0];
  602.     if (state == undefined) {
  603.       return;
  604.     }
  605.     var change2 = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(state);
  606.     var local_backup_paths = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(local);
  607.     var fakeChange2 = calcDist(change2, local_backup_paths);
  608.     var _0x6b3cx72 = false;
  609.     var dataToEncrypt;
  610.     var d = Entity.GetProp(local, "CCSPlayerResource", "m_iArmor");
  611.     var selectedFile = Entity.GetProp(local, "CBasePlayer", "m_iHealth");
  612.     var n = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flC4Blow") - Globals.Curtime();
  613.     var h = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flTimerLength");
  614.     var n2 = (Render.GetScreenSize()[1] - 50) / h * n;
  615.     var movestring = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_bBombTicking");
  616.     var currentState = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flDefuseLength");
  617.     var dataWidth = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flDefuseCountDown") - Globals.Curtime();
  618.     var tIndW = (Render.GetScreenSize()[1] - 50) / currentState * dataWidth;
  619.     var foundState = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_hBombDefuser");
  620.     var refTarget = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_bBombDefused");
  621.     n = parseFloat(n["toPrecision"](3));
  622.     timer2 = parseFloat(n["toPrecision"](2));
  623.     timer3 = parseFloat(n["toPrecision"](1));
  624.     const fractval = 450.7;
  625.     const mainoffset = 75.68;
  626.     const mainscale = 789.2;
  627.     const t = (fakeChange2 - mainoffset) / mainscale;
  628.     var value = fractval * Math["exp"](-t * t);
  629.     if (d > 0) {
  630.       var t = value * 0.5;
  631.       var k = (value - t) * 0.5;
  632.       if (k > d) {
  633.         d = d * (1 / 0.5);
  634.         t = value - k;
  635.       }
  636.       value = t;
  637.     }
  638.     dataToEncrypt = Math["ceil"](value);
  639.     if (dataToEncrypt >= selectedFile) {
  640.       _0x6b3cx72 = true;
  641.     } else {
  642.       _0x6b3cx72 = false;
  643.     }
  644.   }
  645.   bomb_font = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", 32, true);
  646.   if (!movestring) {
  647.     return;
  648.   }
  649.   if (refTarget) {
  650.     return;
  651.   }
  652.   if (n >= 1 && n > 10) {
  653.     Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + n + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
  654.     Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + n + "s", [129, 177, 14, 255], bomb_font);
  655.   } else {
  656.     if (n <= 10 && n > 5 && n >= 1) {
  657.       Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
  658.       Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [210, 216, 112, 255], bomb_font);
  659.     } else {
  660.       if (n <= 5 && n >= 1) {
  661.         Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
  662.         Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [252, 18, 19, 255], bomb_font);
  663.       } else {
  664.         if (n < 1 && n >= 0.1) {
  665.           Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + timer3 + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
  666.           Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + timer3 + "s", [252, 18, 19, 255], bomb_font);
  667.         }
  668.       }
  669.     }
  670.   }
  671.   if (foundState > 0) {
  672.     if (n > currentState && n >= 0.1) {
  673.       Render.FilledRect(0, 0, 15, tIndW, [58, 191, 54, 120]);
  674.     } else {
  675.       Render.FilledRect(0, 0, 15, tIndW, [252, 18, 19, 120]);
  676.     }
  677.   }
  678.   if (!Entity.IsAlive(local)) {
  679.     return;
  680.   }
  681.   if (_0x6b3cx72) {
  682.     Render.String(18 + 1, 435 + 1, 0, "LETHAL", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
  683.     Render.String(18, 435, 0, "LETHAL", [252, 18, 19, 200], bomb_font);
  684.   } else {
  685.     if (value > 0.5) {
  686.       Render.String(18 + 1, 435 + 1, 0, "-" + dataToEncrypt + "HP", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
  687.       Render.String(18, 435, 0, "-" + dataToEncrypt + "HP", [210, 216, 112, 255], bomb_font);
  688.     }
  689.   }
  690. }
  692. function getSite(name) {
  693.   bombsite = Entity.GetProp(name, "CPlantedC4", "m_nBombSite");
  694.   if (bombsite == 0) {
  695.     return "A - ";
  696.   } else {
  697.     return "B - ";
  698.   }
  699. }
  700. var flip = false;
  701. var flip2 = false;
  703. function on_weapon_fire() {
  704.   var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Fast switch"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  705.   me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  706.   short = Event.GetInt("userid");
  707.   short_index = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(short);
  708.   localplayer_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon(me);
  709.   weapon_name = Entity.GetName(localplayer_weapon);
  710.   if (fnparams[0]) {
  711.     if (short_index == me) {
  712.       if (weapon_name == "awp") {
  713.         Global.ExecuteCommand("slot3");
  714.         flip = true;
  715.       }
  716.     }
  717.   }
  718.   if (fnparams[1]) {
  719.     if (short_index == me) {
  720.       if (weapon_name == "ssg 08") {
  721.         Global.ExecuteCommand("slot3");
  722.         flip = true;
  723.       }
  724.     }
  725.   }
  726.   if (fnparams[2]) {
  727.     if (short_index == me) {
  728.       if (weapon_name == "desert eagle") {
  729.         Global.ExecuteCommand("slot3");
  730.         flip2 = true;
  731.       }
  732.     }
  733.   }
  734. }
  736. function reset_tick() {
  737.   if (flip == true) {
  738.     Global.ExecuteCommand("slot1");
  739.     flip = false;
  740.   }
  741. }
  743. function reset_tick2() {
  744.   if (flip2 == true) {
  745.     Global.ExecuteCommand("slot2");
  746.     flip2 = false;
  747.   }
  748. }
  749. duck = 0.70;
  750. stand = 0.21;
  751. var crouchHeight;
  753. function FakeDuck() {
  754.   var _0x6b3cx8b = UserCMD.GetButtons();
  755.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Fake duck"])) {
  756.     var _0x6b3cx8c = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CCSPlayer", "m_flDuckAmount");
  757.     if (UserCMD.Choke(), _0x6b3cx8c <= stand) {
  758.       crouchHeight = true;
  759.     }
  760.     if (_0x6b3cx8c >= duck && (crouchHeight = false, UserCMD.Send()), crouchHeight) {
  761.       UserCMD.SetButtons(4 | _0x6b3cx8b);
  762.     } else {
  763.       UserCMD.SetButtons(_0x6b3cx8b | 1 << 22);
  764.     }
  765.   } else {
  766.     UserCMD.SetButtons(_0x6b3cx8b | 1 << 22);
  767.   }
  768. }
  770. function aspectratio() {
  771.   menu_val = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Aspect Ratio"]);
  772.   string_menu_val = menu_val.toString();
  773.   Convar.SetString("r_aspectratio", string_menu_val);
  774. }
  775. var observators = [];
  776. observators = [];
  778. function getObservators() {
  779.   if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Spectators") == false) {
  780.     return;
  781.   }
  782.   var sections = Entity.GetPlayers();
  783.   var id = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  784.   var api = Entity.GetProp(id, "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
  785.   if (!id) {
  786.     return;
  787.   }
  788.   observators = [];
  789.   i = 0;
  790.   for (; i < sections["length"]; i++) {
  791.     if (Entity.IsAlive(id)) {
  792.       if (!sections[i] || Entity.IsAlive(sections[i])) {
  793.         continue;
  794.       }
  795.       var type = Entity.GetProp(sections[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
  796.       if (!type || type == "m_hObserverTarget") {
  797.         continue;
  798.       }
  799.       if (type == id) {
  800.         observators["push"](Entity.GetName(sections[i]));
  801.       }
  802.     } else {
  803.       if (!sections[i] || Entity.IsAlive(sections[i])) {
  804.         continue;
  805.       }
  806.       type = Entity.GetProp(sections[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
  807.       if (!type || type == "m_hObserverTarget") {
  808.         continue;
  809.       }
  810.       if (type == api) {
  811.         observators["push"](Entity.GetName(sections[i]));
  812.       }
  813.     }
  814.   }
  815. }
  817. function drawObservators() {
  818.   if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Spectators") == false) {
  819.     return;
  820.   }
  821.   var startColorCoords = Render.GetScreenSize();
  822.   var pictGrad = Render.GetFont("Arial.ttf", 12, true);
  823.   i = 0;
  824.   for (; i < observators["length"]; i++) {
  825.     var picture = observators[i];
  826.     var endColorCoords = Render.TextSize(picture, pictGrad);
  827.     Render.String(startColorCoords[0] - endColorCoords[0] - 3, i * 16 + 35, 0, picture, [255, 255, 255, 255], pictGrad);
  828.   }
  829. }
  831. function resetObservators() {
  832.   observators = [];
  833. }
  835. function watermark() {
  836.   if (!UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Watermark"])) {
  837.     return;
  838.   }
  839.   if (!World.GetServerString()) {
  840.     return;
  841.   }
  842.   var expected_date2 = new Date;
  843.   var _0x6b3cx9b = expected_date2["getHours"]();
  844.   var _0x6b3cx9c = expected_date2["getMinutes"]();
  845.   var flipbackY180 = expected_date2["getSeconds"]();
  846.   var _0x6b3cx9e = _0x6b3cx9b <= 9 ? "0" + _0x6b3cx9b + ":" : _0x6b3cx9b + ":";
  847.   var _0x6b3cx9f = _0x6b3cx9c <= 9 ? "0" + _0x6b3cx9c + ":" : _0x6b3cx9c + ":";
  848.   var aniBName = flipbackY180 <= 9 ? "0" + flipbackY180 : flipbackY180;
  849.   var _0x6b3cxa1 = Globals.Tickrate().toString();
  850.   var _0x6b3cxa2 = Math["round"](Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString();
  851.   color = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Watermark text color"]);
  852.   var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
  853.   var pictGrad = Render.GetFont("Verdanab.ttf", 10, true);
  854.   var text = "Pastesense | " + username + " | ping: " + _0x6b3cxa2 + "ms | " + _0x6b3cxa1 + "tick ";
  855.   var props = Render.TextSize(text, pictGrad)[0] + 8;
  856.   var pic_grad1 = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];
  857.   pic_grad1 = pic_grad1 - props - 10;
  858.   Render.FilledRect(pic_grad1, 10, props, 2, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
  859.   Render.FilledRect(pic_grad1, 12, props, 20, [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  860.   Render.String(pic_grad1 + 3, 10 + 3, 0, text, [255, 255, 255, 255], pictGrad);
  861. }
  862. var normal_killsays = ["nt cat",
  863. "Paste Paste, Meow Meow", "take the cooldown and let your team surr retard",
  864. "uid police here present your user identification number right now", "better buy new paste nn",
  865. "drink some alcohol", "too ez for ★ Pastesense ★", "Your iq is lower than your blood sugar",
  866. "pet a cat", "★ Hitler AA bo$$ ★", "did u know that by owning Pastesense u drastically lower ur stress levels?",
  867. "boxed like a flopper", "ur cfg literally so free manz actually u got trashed like a hooker down the street dumpster cat",
  868. "uid = iq",
  869. ];
  871. var hs_killsays = ["nice antiaim, you sell?",
  872. "refund your pastebowhook right now pasteuser cat", "ur aa literally so free manz actually u got trashed like a hooker down the street dumpster cat",
  873. "thats going in my media compilation right there get shamed retard rofl", "nn got boxed like an amazon prime package", "Hope you're doing well u cutie cat 。・:*:・゚★",
  874. "Your iq is lower than your blood sugar", "pet a cat", "★ Hitler AA bo$$ ★", "did u know that by owning Pastesense u drastically lower ur stress levels?",
  875. "boxed like a flopper", "ur cfg literally so free manz actually u got trashed like a hooker down the street dumpster cat",
  876. "uid = iq"
  877. ];
  880. function on_player_death() {
  881.   if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Killsay"])) {
  882.     var RIOT_TAG = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
  883.     var attrName = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
  884.     var _0x6b3cxaa = Event.GetInt("headshot") == 1;
  885.     if (Entity.IsLocalPlayer(attrName) && attrName != RIOT_TAG) {
  886.       var _0x6b3cxab = normal_killsays[Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * normal_killsays["length"])];
  887.       var _0x6b3cxac = hs_killsays[Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * hs_killsays["length"])];
  888.       if (_0x6b3cxaa && Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * 3) <= 1) {
  889.         Cheat.ExecuteCommand("say " + _0x6b3cxac);
  890.         return;
  891.       }
  892.       Cheat.ExecuteCommand("say " + _0x6b3cxab);
  893.     }
  894.   }
  895. }
  897. function isBehindSmoke(items) {
  898.   eyepos = Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
  899.   if (Entity.IsValid(items) && Entity.IsAlive(items) && !Entity.IsDormant(items)) {
  900.     hitbox_pos = Entity.GetHitboxPosition(items, 0);
  901.     result = Trace.Smoke(eyepos, hitbox_pos);
  902.     if (result == 1) {
  903.       return true;
  904.     } else {
  905.       return false;
  906.     }
  907.   }
  908. }
  910. function smokecheck() {
  911.   enemies = Entity.GetEnemies();
  912.   if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Smoke check"]) == 1) {
  913.     return;
  914.   }
  915.   {
  916.     i = 0;
  917.     for (; i < enemies["length"]; i++) {
  918.       if (isBehindSmoke(enemies[i])) {
  919.         Ragebot.IgnoreTarget(enemies[i]);
  920.       }
  921.     }
  922.   }
  923. }
  924. var BreakLeg = true;
  925. var Loop = 1;
  926. var Loop2 = 1;
  928. function legs() {
  929.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Leg breaker"])) {
  930.     trufalse = 10 * Math["abs"](Math["sin"](64 * Globals.Realtime()));
  931.     if (trufalse > 5) {
  932.       UI.SetValue(["Misc.", "Movement", "Leg movement"], 0);
  933.     }
  934.     if (trufalse < 5) {
  935.       UI.SetValue(["Misc.", "Movement", "Leg movement"], 1);
  936.     }
  937.   }
  938. }
  940. function BuyLogs() {
  941.   var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Buy logs"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  942.   var i = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
  943.   var spec = Event.GetInt("team");
  944.   if (spec != Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBaseEntity", "m_iTeamNum")) {
  945.     var version = Event.GetString("weapon");
  946.     version = version["replace"]("weapon_", "");
  947.     version = version["replace"]("item_", "");
  948.     version = version["replace"]("assaultsuit", "kevlar + helmet");
  949.     version = version["replace"]("incgrenade", "molotov");
  950.     if (fnparams[0]) {
  951.       if (version != "unknown") {
  952.         var attr = Entity.GetName(i);
  953.         Cheat.PrintColor([1, 0, 187, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
  954.         Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], attr + " bought " + version + " \n");
  955.         logs["push"](attr + " bought " + version + " ");
  956.         logsct["push"](Globals.Curtime());
  957.         logsalpha["push"](255);
  958.       }
  959.       if (fnparams[1]) {
  960.         if (version != "unknown") {
  961.           Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense\x03]\b " + attr + "\x03 bought \b" + version + " \n");
  962.         }
  963.       }
  964.     }
  965.   }
  966. }
  967. lasttime = 0;
  968. customtext = 0;
  970. function time_to_ticks(partKeys) {
  971.   var _0x6b3cx14 = partKeys / Globals.TickInterval() + 0.5;
  972.   return _0x6b3cx14;
  973. }
  974. var old_text_anim = 0;
  976. function anim(animType, defaultDur) {
  977.   if (!World.GetServerString()) {
  978.     return;
  979.   }
  980.   if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Clantag spammer"])) {
  981.     text_anim = "                 " + animType + "                 ";
  982.   } else {
  983.     text_anim = "  ";
  984.   }
  985.   tickinterval = Globals.TickInterval();
  986.   tickcount = Globals.Tickcount() + time_to_ticks(Local.Latency());
  987.   ddd = tickcount / time_to_ticks(0.3);
  988.   ddd = Math["floor"](ddd % defaultDur["length"]);
  989.   ddd = defaultDur[ddd + 1] + 1;
  990.   text_anim = text_anim["slice"](ddd, ddd + 15);
  991.   if (text_anim != old_text_anim) {
  992.     Local.SetClanTag(text_anim);
  993.   }
  994.   old_text_anim = text_anim;
  995. }
  997. function clantag() {
  998.   var clantag = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Clantag spammer"]);
  999.   if (clantag == 1) {
  1000.     customtext = "Pastesense.garbage";
  1001.   }
  1002.   anim(customtext, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]);
  1003. }
  1005. Render["GradientSkeet"] = function(type, isSlidingUp, boardManager, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock) {
  1006.   Render.GradientRect(type, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, mmCoreSplitViewBlock, pts);
  1007.   Render.GradientRect(type + boardManager / 4, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock);
  1008. };
  1009. var options = [];
  1011. function onVoteOptions() {
  1012.   options[0] = Event.GetString("option1");
  1013.   options[1] = Event.GetString("option2");
  1014.   options[2] = Event.GetString("option3");
  1015.   options[3] = Event.GetString("option4");
  1016.   options[4] = Event.GetString("option5");
  1017. }
  1019. function onVoteCast() {
  1020.   var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Votes logs"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  1021.   var entity = Event.GetInt("entityid");
  1022.   if (entity) {
  1023.     var spec = Event.GetInt("team");
  1024.     var subjectCount = Event.GetInt("vote_option");
  1025.     var tools_id = Entity.GetName(entity);
  1026.     var comments = "null";
  1027.     switch(spec) {
  1028.       case 0:
  1029.         comments = "[N] ";
  1030.         break;
  1031.       case 1:
  1032.         comments = "S ";
  1033.         break;
  1034.       case 2:
  1035.         comments = "t ";
  1036.         break;
  1037.       case 3:
  1038.         comments = "ct ";
  1039.         break;
  1040.       default:
  1041.         comments = "[UNK] ";
  1042.         break;
  1043.     }
  1044.     var print = options[subjectCount];
  1045.     if (fnparams[0]) {
  1046.       Cheat.PrintColor([102, 0, 255, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
  1047.       Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], tools_id + " voted " + print + " on " + comments + " \n");
  1048.       logs["push"](tools_id + " voted " + voted + " on " + comments + " ");
  1049.       logsct["push"](Globals.Curtime());
  1050.       logsalpha["push"](255);
  1051.     }
  1052.     if (fnparams[1]) {
  1053.       Global.PrintColor([102, 0, 255, 255], "[Pastesense] \x00");
  1054.       Global.Print(tools_id + "voted " + print + " on " + comments + "\n");
  1055.       Global.PrintChat("\x03[\x03Pastesense\x03] \f" + tools_id + " voted " + print + " on " + comments);
  1056.     }
  1057.   }
  1058. }
  1059. var fake = -60;
  1060. var down = true;
  1062. function fakesway() {
  1063.   var _0x6b3cxc7 = 0.5;
  1064.   var _0x6b3cxc8 = 0;
  1065.   var _0x6b3cxc9 = -65;
  1066.   _0x6b3cxc9 = 0 - _0x6b3cxc9;
  1067.   if (down === true) {
  1068.     if (fake <= _0x6b3cxc8 && down === true) {
  1069.       fake = fake + 1;
  1070.     }
  1071.     if (fake >= _0x6b3cxc8) {
  1072.       down = false;
  1073.     }
  1074.   }
  1075.   if (down === false) {
  1076.     if (fake >= -_0x6b3cxc9 && down === false) {
  1077.       fake = fake - 1;
  1078.     }
  1079.     if (fake <= -_0x6b3cxc9) {
  1080.       down = true;
  1081.     }
  1082.   }
  1083. }
  1084. var real = -58;
  1085. var up = true;
  1087. function realsway() {
  1088.   var expect = 65;
  1089.   var _0x6b3cxce = 0;
  1090.   _0x6b3cxce = 0 - _0x6b3cxce;
  1091.   if (up === true) {
  1092.     if (real <= expect && up === true) {
  1093.       real = real + 1;
  1094.     }
  1095.     if (real >= expect) {
  1096.       up = false;
  1097.     }
  1098.   }
  1099.   if (up === false) {
  1100.     if (real >= -_0x6b3cxce && up === false) {
  1101.       real = real - 1;
  1102.     }
  1103.     if (real <= -_0x6b3cxce) {
  1104.       up = true;
  1105.     }
  1106.   }
  1107. }
  1108. const modules = [{
  1109.   ref : ["Rage", "Target", "General", "Minimum damage"],
  1110.   draw : function(data) {
  1111.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  1112.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[2];
  1113.     weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
  1114.     var sections = {
  1115.       "usp s" : "USP",
  1116.       "glock 18" : "Glock",
  1117.       "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
  1118.       "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
  1119.       "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
  1120.       "p250" : "P250",
  1121.       "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
  1122.       "mp9" : "MP9",
  1123.       "mac 10" : "Mac10",
  1124.       "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
  1125.       "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  1126.       "ak 47" : "AK47",
  1127.       "sg 553" : "SG553",
  1128.       "aug" : "AUG",
  1129.       "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
  1130.       "m4a4" : "M4A4",
  1131.       "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
  1132.       "awp" : "AWP",
  1133.       "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
  1134.       "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
  1135.       "xm1014" : "XM1014",
  1136.       "mag 7" : "MAG7",
  1137.       "m249" : "M249",
  1138.       "negev" : "Negev",
  1139.       "p2000" : "General",
  1140.       "famas" : "FAMAS",
  1141.       "five seven" : "Five Seven",
  1142.       "mp7" : "MP7",
  1143.       "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  1144.       "p90" : "P90",
  1145.       "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
  1146.       "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
  1147.       "galil ar" : "GALIL",
  1148.       "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
  1149.     };
  1150.     var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
  1151.     var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
  1152.     if (section == undefined) {
  1153.       section = "General";
  1154.     }
  1155.     const _0x6b3cxd1 = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Minimum damage override"]);
  1156.     if (_0x6b3cxd1 == 1) {
  1157.       var default_favicon = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Damage Override"]);
  1158.     } else {
  1159.       default_favicon = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Minimum damage"]);
  1160.     }
  1161.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  1162.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  1163.       pictGrad = 26;
  1164.     }
  1165.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  1166.       pictGrad = 31;
  1167.     }
  1168.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  1169.       pictGrad = 36;
  1170.     }
  1171.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  1172.     if (fnparams[1]) {
  1173.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  1175.       if (default_favicon == 101) {
  1176.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 1", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1177.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 1", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1178.       }
  1179.       if (default_favicon == 102) {
  1180.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 2", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1181.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 2", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1182.       }
  1183.       if (default_favicon == 103) {
  1184.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 3", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1185.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 3", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1186.       }
  1187.       if (default_favicon == 104) {
  1188.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 4", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1189.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 4", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1190.       }
  1191.       if (default_favicon == 105) {
  1192.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 5", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1193.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 5", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1194.       }
  1195.       if (default_favicon == 106) {
  1196.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 6", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1197.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 6", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1198.       }
  1199.       if (default_favicon == 107) {
  1200.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 7", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1201.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 7", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1202.       }
  1203.       if (default_favicon == 108) {
  1204.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 8", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1205.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 8", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1206.       }
  1207.       if (default_favicon == 109) {
  1208.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 9", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1209.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 9", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1210.       }
  1211.       if (default_favicon == 110) {
  1212.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 10", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1213.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 10", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1214.       }
  1215.       if (default_favicon == 111) {
  1216.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 11", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1217.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 11", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1218.       }
  1219.       if (default_favicon == 112) {
  1220.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 12", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1221.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 12", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1222.       }
  1223.       if (default_favicon == 113) {
  1224.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 13", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1225.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 13", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1226.       }
  1227.       if (default_favicon == 114) {
  1228.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 14", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1229.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 14", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1230.       }
  1231.       if (default_favicon == 115) {
  1232.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 15", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1233.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 15", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1234.       }
  1235.       if (default_favicon == 116) {
  1236.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 16", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1237.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 16", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1238.       }
  1239.       if (default_favicon == 117) {
  1240.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 17", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1241.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 17", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1242.       }
  1243.       if (default_favicon == 118) {
  1244.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 18", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1245.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 18", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1246.       }
  1247.       if (default_favicon == 119) {
  1248.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 19", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1249.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 19", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1250.       }
  1251.       if (default_favicon == 120) {
  1252.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 20", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1253.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 20", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1254.       }
  1255.       if (default_favicon == 121) {
  1256.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 21", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1257.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 21", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1258.       }
  1259.       if (default_favicon == 122) {
  1260.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 22", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1261.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 22", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1262.       }
  1263.       if (default_favicon == 123) {
  1264.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 23", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1265.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 23", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1266.       }
  1267.       if (default_favicon == 124) {
  1268.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 24", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1269.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 24", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1270.       }
  1271.       if (default_favicon == 125) {
  1272.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 25", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1273.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 25", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1274.       }
  1275.       if (default_favicon == 126) {
  1276.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 26", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1277.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 26", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1278.       }
  1279.       if (default_favicon == 127) {
  1280.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 27", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1281.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 27", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1282.       }
  1283.       if (default_favicon == 128) {
  1284.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 28", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1285.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 28", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1286.       }
  1287.       if (default_favicon == 129) {
  1288.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 29", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1289.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 29", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1290.       }
  1291.       if (default_favicon == 130) {
  1292.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 30", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1293.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 30", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1294.       }
  1295.       if (default_favicon === 0) {
  1296.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "DYNAMIC", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1297.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "DYNAMIC", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1298.       }
  1299.       if (default_favicon < 101 && default_favicon !== 0) {
  1300.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, default_favicon.toString(), [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1301.         Render.String(18, data, 0, default_favicon.toString(), [255, 255, 255, 220], lastviewmatrix);
  1302.       }
  1303.       drawn++;
  1304.     }
  1305.   }
  1306. }, {
  1307.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
  1308.   draw : function(data) {
  1309.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  1310.     const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  1311.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  1312.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  1313.       pictGrad = 26;
  1314.     }
  1315.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  1316.       pictGrad = 31;
  1317.     }
  1318.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  1319.       pictGrad = 36;
  1320.     }
  1321.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  1322.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Resolver override"]) == 1) {
  1323.       return;
  1324.     }
  1325.     var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
  1326.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  1327.     if (fnparams[7]) {
  1328.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  1329.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "EDGE: ON", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1330.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "EDGE: ON", [154, 205, 50, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1331.       drawn++;
  1332.     }
  1333.   }
  1334. }, {
  1335.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
  1336.   draw : function(data) {
  1337.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  1338.     const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  1339.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  1340.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  1341.       pictGrad = 26;
  1342.     }
  1343.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  1344.       pictGrad = 31;
  1345.     }
  1346.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  1347.       pictGrad = 36;
  1348.     }
  1349.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  1350.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Resolver override"]) == 0) {
  1351.       return;
  1352.     }
  1353.     var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
  1354.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  1355.     if (fnparams[7]) {
  1356.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  1357.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "EDGE: OFF", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1358.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "EDGE: OFF", [154, 205, 50, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1359.       drawn++;
  1360.     }
  1361.   }
  1362. }, {
  1363.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"],
  1364.   draw : function(data) {
  1365.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  1366.     const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  1367.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  1368.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  1369.       pictGrad = 26;
  1370.     }
  1371.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  1372.       pictGrad = 31;
  1373.     }
  1374.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  1375.       pictGrad = 36;
  1376.     }
  1377.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  1378.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Ragebot activation"])) {
  1379.       return;
  1380.     }
  1381.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  1382.     if (fnparams[3]) {
  1383.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  1384.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "MT", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1385.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "MT", [255, 255, 255, 220], lastviewmatrix);
  1386.       drawn++;
  1387.     }
  1388.   }
  1389. }, {
  1391.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"],
  1392.   draw : function(data) {
  1393.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  1394.     const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  1395.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  1396.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  1397.       pictGrad = 26;
  1398.     }
  1399.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  1400.       pictGrad = 31;
  1401.     }
  1402.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  1403.       pictGrad = 36;
  1404.     }
  1405.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  1406.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "Helpers", "General", "Extended backtracking"])) {
  1407.       return;
  1408.     }
  1409.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  1410.     if (fnparams[3]) {
  1411.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  1412.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "PING", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1413.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "PING", [154, 205, 50, 250], lastviewmatrix);
  1414.       drawn++;
  1415.     }
  1416.   }
  1417. }, {
  1418.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"],
  1419.   draw : function(data) {
  1420.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  1421.     const glyphSet = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  1422.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  1423.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  1424.       pictGrad = 26;
  1425.     }
  1426.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  1427.       pictGrad = 31;
  1428.     }
  1429.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  1430.       pictGrad = 36;
  1431.     }
  1432.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  1433.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Autowall key"]) == 1) {
  1434.       return;
  1435.     }
  1436.     var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("MT", 4)[0];
  1437.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  1438.     if (fnparams[4]) {
  1439.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  1440.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "Awall", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1441.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "Awall", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
  1442.       drawn++;
  1443.     }
  1444.   }
  1445. }, {
  1446.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
  1447.   draw : function(data) {
  1448.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  1449.     const glyphSet = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  1450.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  1451.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  1452.       pictGrad = 26;
  1453.     }
  1454.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  1455.       pictGrad = 31;
  1456.     }
  1457.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  1458.       pictGrad = 36;
  1459.     }
  1460.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  1461.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Force body aim"]) == 1) {
  1462.       return;
  1463.     }
  1464.     var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
  1465.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  1466.     if (fnparams[5]) {
  1467.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  1468.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "BAIM", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1469.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "BAIM", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
  1470.       drawn++;
  1471.     }
  1472.   }
  1473. }, {
  1474.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
  1475.   draw : function(data) {
  1476.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  1477.     const glyphSet = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  1478.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  1479.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  1480.       pictGrad = 26;
  1481.     }
  1482.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  1483.       pictGrad = 31;
  1484.     }
  1485.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  1486.       pictGrad = 36;
  1487.     }
  1488.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  1489.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Force safe point"]) == 1) {
  1490.       return;
  1491.     }
  1492.     var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
  1493.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  1494.     if (fnparams[5]) {
  1495.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  1496.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "SAFE", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1497.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "SAFE", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
  1498.       drawn++;
  1499.     }
  1500.   }
  1501.   }, {
  1502.   draw : function(data) {
  1503.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[0];
  1504.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  1505.     weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
  1506.     var sections = {
  1507.       "usp s" : "USP",
  1508.       "glock 18" : "Glock",
  1509.       "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
  1510.       "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
  1511.       "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
  1512.       "p250" : "P250",
  1513.       "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
  1514.       "mp9" : "MP9",
  1515.       "mac 10" : "Mac10",
  1516.       "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
  1517.       "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  1518.       "ak 47" : "AK47",
  1519.       "sg 553" : "SG553",
  1520.       "aug" : "AUG",
  1521.       "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
  1522.       "m4a4" : "M4A4",
  1523.       "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
  1524.       "awp" : "AWP",
  1525.       "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
  1526.       "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
  1527.       "xm1014" : "XM1014",
  1528.       "mag 7" : "MAG7",
  1529.       "m249" : "M249",
  1530.       "negev" : "Negev",
  1531.       "p2000" : "General",
  1532.       "famas" : "FAMAS",
  1533.       "five seven" : "Five Seven",
  1534.       "mp7" : "MP7",
  1535.       "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  1536.       "p90" : "P90",
  1537.       "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
  1538.       "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
  1539.       "galil ar" : "GALIL",
  1540.       "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
  1541.     };
  1542.     var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
  1543.     var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
  1544.     if (section == undefined) {
  1545.       section = "General";
  1546.     }
  1547.     var _0x6b3cx33 = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Field of view"]);
  1548.     var _0x6b3cxd2 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  1549.     if (_0x6b3cxd2 == 0) {
  1550.       indicatorssize2 = 26;
  1551.     }
  1552.     if (_0x6b3cxd2 == 1) {
  1553.       indicatorssize2 = 31;
  1554.     }
  1555.     if (_0x6b3cxd2 == 2) {
  1556.       indicatorssize2 = 36;
  1557.     }
  1558.     var artistTrack = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", indicatorssize2, true);
  1559.     if (fnparams[2]) {
  1560.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  1561.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "FOV: " + "10", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  1562.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "FOV: " + "10", [102, 0, 255, 255], artistTrack);
  1563.       if (indicatorssize2 === 26) {
  1564.         if (_0x6b3cx33 <= 9) {
  1565.         }
  1566.         if (_0x6b3cx33 > 9 && _0x6b3cx33 < 99) {
  1567.         }
  1568.         if (_0x6b3cx33 > 99) {
  1569.         }
  1570.       }
  1571.       if (indicatorssize2 === 31) {
  1572.         if (_0x6b3cx33 <= 9) {
  1573.         }
  1574.         if (_0x6b3cx33 > 9 && _0x6b3cx33 < 99) {
  1575.         }
  1576.         if (_0x6b3cx33 > 99) {
  1577.         }
  1578.       }
  1579.       if (indicatorssize2 === 36) {
  1580.         if (_0x6b3cx33 <= 9) {
  1581.         }
  1582.         if (_0x6b3cx33 > 9 && _0x6b3cx33 < 99) {
  1583.         }
  1584.         if (_0x6b3cx33 > 99) {
  1585.         }
  1586.       }
  1587.       drawn++;
  1588.     }
  1589.   }
  1590. }, {
  1591.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
  1592.   draw : function(data) {
  1593.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  1594.     const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  1595.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  1596.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  1597.       pictGrad = 26;
  1598.     }
  1599.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  1600.       pictGrad = 31;
  1601.     }
  1602.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  1603.       pictGrad = 36;
  1604.     }
  1605.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  1606.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "Fake duck"]) == 1) {
  1607.       return;
  1608.     }
  1609.     var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
  1610.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  1611.     if (fnparams[6]) {
  1612.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  1613.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "DUCK", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1614.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "DUCK", [255, 255, 255, 220], lastviewmatrix);
  1615.       drawn++;
  1616.     }
  1617.   }
  1619. }, {
  1620.   ref : ["Rage", "Target", "General", "Minimum damage"],
  1621.   draw : function(data) {
  1622.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  1623.     const medianDot = Local.GetRealYaw();
  1624.     const dotIndex = Local.GetFakeYaw();
  1625.     const value = Math["abs"](normalize_yaw(medianDot % 360 - dotIndex % 360)) / 2;
  1626.     var oldCondition = Math["abs"](value);
  1627.     const glyphSet = [186 + (154 - 186) * value / 60, 0 + (205 - 0) * value / 60, 16 + (50 - 16) * value / 60, 255];
  1628.     if (fnparams[0]) {
  1629.       var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  1630.       if (pictGrad == 0) {
  1631.         pictGrad = 26;
  1632.       }
  1633.       if (pictGrad == 1) {
  1634.         pictGrad = 31;
  1635.       }
  1636.       if (pictGrad == 2) {
  1637.         pictGrad = 36;
  1638.       }
  1639.       var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  1640.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  1641.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "FAKE", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  1642.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "FAKE", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
  1643.       drawn++;
  1644.     }
  1645.   }
  1646. }];
  1647. const do_indicators = function() {
  1648.   localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  1649.   localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index);
  1650.   if (localplayer_alive == true) {
  1651.     if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Autowall indicator under crosshair"]) == 1) {
  1652.       if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Autowall key"]) == 1) {
  1653.         screen = Render.GetScreenSize();
  1654.         _0x6b3cx4b = screen[0] / 2;
  1655.         y2 = screen[1] / 2;
  1656.         const artistTrack = Render.GetFont("Verdanab.ttf", 12, true);
  1657.         Render.String(_0x6b3cx4b - 35, y2 + 17, 0, "AUTOWALL", [180, 238, 0, 255], artistTrack);
  1658.       }
  1659.     }
  1660.   }
  1661.   if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) {
  1662.     return;
  1663.   }
  1664.   const _0x6b3cx4b = Render.GetScreenSize()[0];
  1665.   const cyclingLength = Render.GetScreenSize()[1];
  1666.   const xmz = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators Y offset"]);
  1667.   drawn = 0;
  1668.   var j = 0;
  1669.   for (; j < modules["length"]; j++) {
  1670.     const proto = modules[j];
  1671.     var _0x6b3cxd2 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  1672.     if (_0x6b3cxd2 = 1) {
  1673.       var xzz = 35;
  1674.     }
  1675.     if (_0x6b3cxd2 = 2) {
  1676.       xzz = 37;
  1677.     }
  1678.     if (_0x6b3cxd2 = 3) {
  1679.       xzz = 43;
  1680.     }
  1681.     proto["draw"](cyclingLength - xmz + drawn * xzz);
  1682.   }
  1683. };
  1685. function allauto() {
  1686.   var _0x6b3cxdd = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Autowall key"]);
  1687.   weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
  1688.   var sections = {
  1689.     "usp s" : "USP",
  1690.     "glock 18" : "Glock",
  1691.     "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
  1692.     "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
  1693.     "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
  1694.     "p250" : "P250",
  1695.     "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
  1696.     "mp9" : "MP9",
  1697.     "mac 10" : "Mac10",
  1698.     "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
  1699.     "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  1700.     "ak 47" : "AK47",
  1701.     "sg 553" : "SG553",
  1702.     "aug" : "AUG",
  1703.     "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
  1704.     "m4a4" : "M4A4",
  1705.     "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
  1706.     "awp" : "AWP",
  1707.     "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
  1708.     "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
  1709.     "xm1014" : "XM1014",
  1710.     "mag 7" : "MAG7",
  1711.     "m249" : "M249",
  1712.     "negev" : "Negev",
  1713.     "p2000" : "General",
  1714.     "famas" : "FAMAS",
  1715.     "five seven" : "Five Seven",
  1716.     "mp7" : "MP7",
  1717.     "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  1718.     "p90" : "P90",
  1719.     "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
  1720.     "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
  1721.     "galil ar" : "GALIL",
  1722.     "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
  1723.   };
  1724.   var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
  1725.   var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
  1726.   if (section == undefined) {
  1727.     section = "General";
  1728.   }
  1729.   if (_0x6b3cxdd == 0) {
  1730.     UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Disable autowall"], 1);
  1731.   }
  1732.   if (_0x6b3cxdd == 1) {
  1733.     UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Disable autowall"], 0);
  1734.   }
  1735. }
  1737. // Hit logs -- Start
  1739. hitboxes = [
  1740.     'generic',
  1741.     'head',
  1742.     'chest',
  1743.     'stomach',
  1744.     'left arm',
  1745.     'right arm',
  1746.     'left leg',
  1747.     'right leg',
  1748.     '?'
  1749. ];
  1750. var shots = 0;
  1751. var predicthc = 0;
  1752. var safety = 0;
  1753. var hitboxName = "";
  1754. var choked = 0;
  1755. var exploit = 0;
  1756. var logs = [];
  1757. var logsct = [];
  1758. var logsalpha = [];
  1759. function getHitboxName(index)
  1760. {
  1761.     switch (index)
  1762.     {
  1763.         case 0:
  1764.             hitboxName = "head";
  1765.             break;
  1766.         case 1:
  1767.             hitboxName = "head";
  1768.             break;
  1769.         case 2:
  1770.             hitboxName = "stomach";
  1771.             break;
  1772.         case 3:
  1773.             hitboxName = "stomach";
  1774.             break;
  1775.         case 4:
  1776.             hitboxName = "stomach";
  1777.             break;
  1778.         case 5:
  1779.             hitboxName = "chest";
  1780.             break;
  1781.         case 6:
  1782.             hitboxName = "chest";
  1783.             break;
  1784.         case 7:
  1785.             hitboxName = "left leg";
  1786.             break;
  1787.         case 8:
  1788.             hitboxName = "right leg";
  1789.             break;
  1790.         case 9:
  1791.             hitboxName = "left leg";
  1792.             break;
  1793.         case 10:
  1794.             hitboxName = "right leg";
  1795.             break;
  1796.         case 11:
  1797.             hitboxName = "left leg";
  1798.             break;
  1799.         case 12:
  1800.             hitboxName = "right leg";
  1801.             break;
  1802.         case 13:
  1803.             hitboxName = "left arm";
  1804.             break;
  1805.         case 14:
  1806.             hitboxName = "right arm";
  1807.             break;
  1808.         case 15:
  1809.             hitboxName = "left arm";
  1810.             break;
  1811.         case 16:
  1812.             hitboxName = "left arm";
  1813.             break;
  1814.         case 17:
  1815.             hitboxName = "right arm";
  1816.             break;
  1817.         case 18:
  1818.             hitboxName = "right arm";
  1819.             break;
  1820.         default:
  1821.             hitboxName = "body";
  1822.     }
  1823.     return hitboxName;
  1824. }
  1825. function HitgroupName(index) {
  1826.     return hitboxes[index] || 'body';
  1827. }
  1829. var target = -1;
  1830. var shots_fired = 0;
  1831. var hits = 0;
  1832. var lastUpdate = 0;
  1833. var logged = false;
  1835. function ragebotfire() {
  1836.     predicthc = Event.GetInt("hitchance");
  1837.     safety = Event.GetInt("safepoint");
  1838.     hitboxName = getHitboxName(Event.GetInt("hitbox"));
  1839.     exploit = (Event.GetInt("exploit")+1).toString();
  1840.   target = Event.GetInt("target_index");
  1841.   shots_fired++;
  1842.   logged = false;
  1843.   lastUpdate = Globals.Curtime();
  1844. }
  1846. function hitlog() {
  1847.     var hit = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
  1848.     var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
  1849.     if (attacker == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && hit == target) hits++;
  1851.     var hittype = "Hit ";
  1852.     me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  1853.     hitbox = Event.GetInt('hitgroup');
  1854.     target_damage = Event.GetInt("dmg_health");
  1855.     target_health = Event.GetInt("health");
  1856.     victim = Event.GetInt('userid');
  1857.     attacker = Event.GetInt('attacker');
  1858.     weapon = Event.GetString('weapon');
  1859.     victimIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(victim);
  1860.     attackerIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
  1861.     name = Entity.GetName(victimIndex);
  1862.     //targetName.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
  1863.       var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 17;
  1865.     var flags = "";
  1867.     if (exploit == 2)
  1868.       flags += "T";
  1870.     flags += "B";
  1872.     if (hitbox == 1)
  1873.       flags += "H";
  1875.       if (safety == 1) {
  1876.           safety = "true";
  1877.       }
  1878.       else {
  1879.           safety = "false";
  1880.       }
  1882.     if (weapon == "hegrenade")
  1883.       hittype = "Naded ";
  1884.     else if (weapon == "inferno")
  1885.       hittype = "Burned ";
  1886.     else if (weapon == "knife")
  1887.       hittype = "Knifed ";
  1890.     if(UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Hit logs"]) == 1) {
  1891.     if (me == attackerIndex && me != victimIndex) {
  1892.         Cheat.PrintColor([1, 0, 187, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
  1893.     if (hittype == "Hit ") {
  1894.       Cheat.Print("["+shots.toString()+"] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) \n");
  1895.           logs.push("["+shots.toString()+"] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining)");
  1897.     if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Enable Chat Logging"])==1) {
  1898.             Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense\x03] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+hittype+name+"'s \x10"+HitgroupName(hitbox)+"\x08 for \x07"+target_damage.toString()+"\x08 ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed=\x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) safety=\x03"+safety+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)\n");
  1899.         }    
  1900.     }
  1902.         logsct.push(Globals.Curtime());
  1903.         logsalpha.push(255);
  1904.     }
  1905.     }
  1907.   if (shots == 99)
  1908.     shots = 0;
  1909.   else
  1910.     shots++;
  1912. }
  1914. function removelogs() {
  1915.     if (logs.length > 6) {
  1916.         logs.shift();
  1917.         logsct.shift();
  1918.         logsalpha.shift();
  1919.     }
  1921.     if (logsct[0] + 6.5 < Globals.Curtime()) {
  1922.         logsalpha[0] -= Globals.Frametime() * 600;
  1923.         if (logsalpha[0] < 0) {
  1924.             logs.shift();
  1925.             logsct.shift();
  1926.             logsalpha.shift();
  1927.         }
  1928.     }
  1929. }
  1932. function onDraw() {
  1933.     if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
  1934.     var font = Render.GetFont("Arial.ttf", 12, true);
  1937.     for (i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
  1938.         Render.String(4, 4 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [0, 0, 0, logsalpha[i]], font);
  1939.         Render.String(3, 3 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [255, 255, 255, logsalpha[i]], font);
  1940.     }
  1942.     if(UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Hit logs"]) == 1) {
  1943.     if (shots_fired > hits && (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 0.33)) {
  1944.       if (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 1) {
  1945.         shots_fired = 0;
  1946.         hits = 0;
  1947.       }
  1948.       if (!logged) {
  1949.         var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 16;
  1950.         logged = true;
  1951.         var issafe = "true";
  1952.         var reason = "?";
  1953.         if (safety == 0) {
  1954.           issafe = "false";
  1955.         }
  1957.         // Note that these miss logs arent accurate!
  1958.         if (Entity.IsAlive(target) == false)
  1959.             reason = "death";
  1960.         else if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) == false)
  1961.             reason = "dead";
  1962.         else if (safety == true && predicthc < 76)
  1963.             reason = "spread";
  1964.         else if (safety == true && predicthc > 76)
  1965.             reason = "prediction error";
  1967.         var flags = "";
  1969.         if (exploit == 2)
  1970.           flags += "T";
  1972.           flags += "B";
  1973.         Cheat.PrintColor([1, 0, 187, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
  1974.         Cheat.Print("Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+"("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to "+reason+", safety="+issafe+" ("+flags+") ("+simtime+":"+exploit+")\n");
  1975.             logs.push("Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+"("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to "+reason+", safety="+issafe+" ("+flags+") ("+simtime+":"+exploit+")");
  1977.             if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Enable Chat Logging"])==1) {
  1978.                 Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense\x03] \x08Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s \x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to \x07"+reason+"\x08, safety=\x03"+issafe+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)");
  1979.             }
  1980.         logsct.push(Globals.Curtime());
  1981.             logsalpha.push(255);
  1982.         if (shots == 99)
  1983.           shots = 0;
  1984.         else
  1985.           shots++;
  1986.       }
  1987.     }
  1988. }
  1989. }
  1992. Global.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "hitlog");
  1993. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
  1994. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "removelogs");
  1996. // Hit logs -- End
  1998. var wep2tab = {
  1999.   "usp s" : "USP",
  2000.   "glock 18" : "Glock",
  2001.   "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
  2002.   "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
  2003.   "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
  2004.   "p250" : "P250",
  2005.   "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
  2006.   "mp9" : "MP9",
  2007.   "mac 10" : "Mac10",
  2008.   "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
  2009.   "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  2010.   "ak 47" : "AK47",
  2011.   "sg 553" : "SG553",
  2012.   "aug" : "AUG",
  2013.   "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
  2014.   "m4a4" : "M4A4",
  2015.   "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
  2016.   "awp" : "AWP",
  2017.   "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
  2018.   "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
  2019.   "xm1014" : "XM1014",
  2020.   "mag 7" : "MAG7",
  2021.   "m249" : "M249",
  2022.   "negev" : "Negev",
  2023.   "p2000" : "General",
  2024.   "famas" : "FAMAS",
  2025.   "five seven" : "Five Seven",
  2026.   "mp7" : "MP7",
  2027.   "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  2028.   "p90" : "P90",
  2029.   "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
  2030.   "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
  2031.   "galil ar" : "GALIL",
  2032.   "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
  2033. };
  2034. var tab_names = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
  2036. function Pastedmg() {
  2037.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Minimum damage override"])) {
  2038.     var section = wep2tab[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
  2039.     if (section == undefined) {
  2040.       section = "General";
  2041.     }
  2042.     var lastviewmatrix = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Minimum damage override"]);
  2043.     if (lastviewmatrix == 0 && section != "General") {
  2044.       lastviewmatrix = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Minimum damage override"]);
  2045.     }
  2046.     var attsByName = Entity.GetEnemies();
  2047.     for (e in attsByName) {
  2048.       Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(attsByName[e], lastviewmatrix);
  2049.     }
  2050.   }
  2051. }
  2053. function antiaimarrows() {
  2054.   var repository = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Arrows X offset"]);
  2055.   const medianDot = Local.GetRealYaw();
  2056.   const dotIndex = Local.GetFakeYaw();
  2057.   const _0x6b3cx1e = Math["abs"](normalize_yaw(medianDot % 360 - dotIndex % 360)) / 2;
  2058.   localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  2059.   localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index);
  2060.   if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Arrows fake color"])) {
  2061.     arrowcolor = [186 + (154 - 186) * _0x6b3cx1e / 60, 0 + (205 - 0) * _0x6b3cx1e / 60, 16 + (50 - 16) * _0x6b3cx1e / 60, 255];
  2062.   } else {
  2063.     arrowcolor = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Arrows color"]);
  2064.   }
  2065.   var _0x6b3cxf3 = Render.GetScreenSize();
  2066.   {
  2068.     var coerce = function(length, array) {
  2069.       return [length[0], length[1], length[2], array];
  2070.     };
  2071.     i = 1;
  2072.     if (localplayer_alive == true) {
  2073.       if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Antiaim arrow type"]) == 1) {
  2074.         if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"])) {
  2075.           LPx = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - 25 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 + 7];
  2076.           LPy = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - 25 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 7];
  2077.           LPz = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - 37 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2];
  2078.           Render.Polygon([[LPx[0] + 1, LPx[1] + 1], [LPz[0] + 1, LPz[1] + 1], [LPy[0] + 1, LPy[1] + 1]], [0, 0, 0, 100]);
  2079.           Render.Polygon([LPx, LPz, LPy], [100, 100, 100, 200]);
  2080.           Render.Polygon([LPx, LPz, LPy], coerce(arrowcolor, 255));
  2081.         } else {
  2082.           RPx = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + 25 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 + 7];
  2083.           RPy = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + 25 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 7];
  2084.           RPz = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + 37 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2];
  2085.           Render.Polygon([[RPy[0] + 1, RPy[1] + 1], [RPz[0] + 1, RPz[1] + 1], [RPx[0] + 1, RPx[1] + 1]], [0, 0, 0, 100]);
  2086.           Render.Polygon([RPy, RPz, RPx], [100, 100, 100, 200]);
  2087.           Render.Polygon([RPy, RPz, RPx], coerce(arrowcolor, 255));
  2088.         }
  2089.       }
  2090.     }
  2091.   }
  2092.   {
  2093.     var artistTrack = Render.GetFont("calibrib.ttf", 28, true);
  2094.     if (localplayer_alive == true) {
  2095.       if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Antiaim arrow type"]) == 3) {
  2096.         if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"])) {
  2097.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2098.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2099.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 - 1, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2100.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 + 1, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2101.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, ">", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  2102.         } else {
  2103.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2104.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2105.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 - 1, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2106.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 + 1, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2107.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, "<", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  2108.         }
  2109.       }
  2110.     }
  2111.   }
  2112.   {
  2113.     artistTrack = Render.GetFont("Arial.ttf", 28, true);
  2114.     if (localplayer_alive == true) {
  2115.       if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Antiaim arrow type"]) == 2) {
  2116.         if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"])) {
  2117.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2118.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2119.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2120.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2121.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2122.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2123.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2124.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2125.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2126.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  2127.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  2128.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  2129.         } else {
  2130.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2131.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2132.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2133.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2134.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2135.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2136.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2137.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2138.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  2139.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  2140.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  2141.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  2142.         }
  2143.       }
  2144.     }
  2145.   }
  2146. }
  2148. function onUnload() {
  2149.   Global.SetClanTag(" ");
  2150.   AntiAim.SetOverride(0);
  2151. }
  2152. Global.RegisterCallback("ragebot_fire", "ragebotfire");
  2153. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "PasteFOV");
  2154. Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "allauto");
  2155. Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "Pastedmg");
  2156. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "smokecheck");
  2157. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "reset_tick");
  2158. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "reset_tick2");
  2159. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_tick");
  2160. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "Pasteaa");
  2161. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "realsway");
  2162. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "fakesway");
  2163. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_tick");
  2164. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "legs");
  2165. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "FakeDuck");
  2166. Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "Security");
  2167. Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "menuoptions");
  2168. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "removelogs");
  2169. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
  2170. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "do_indicators");
  2171. Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "dispDamage");
  2172. Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "watermark");
  2173. Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "clantag");
  2174. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
  2175. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "getObservators");
  2176. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "drawObservators");
  2177. Global.RegisterCallback("round_start", "resetObservators");
  2178. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Security");
  2179. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Security");
  2180. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "menuoptions");
  2181. Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "antiaimarrows");
  2182. Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Pasteaa");
  2183. Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "on_frame");
  2184. Cheat.RegisterCallback("weapon_fire", "on_weapon_fire");
  2185. Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_connect_full", "reset");
  2186. Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_death", "on_player_death");
  2187. Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "on_player_hurt");
  2188. Cheat.RegisterCallback("item_purchase", "BuyLogs");
  2189. Cheat.RegisterCallback("vote_options", "onVoteOptions");
  2190. Cheat.RegisterCallback("vote_cast", "onVoteCast");
  2191. Cheat.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "aspectratio");
  2192. Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "onUnload");
  2193. Cheat.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "fsn");
  2194. Cheat.RegisterCallback("announce_phase_end", "announce_phase_end");
  2195. Cheat.RegisterCallback("cs_win_panel_match", "cs_win_panel_match");
  2196. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "updateDamageValues")
  2197. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "XTOnKey");
  2198. Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense.garbage\x03]\x08 is ready to use!");
  2199. RAW Paste Data
  2200. ragebot_safety = Cheat["GetUsername"];
  2201. globals_curtime = Globals["Curtime"];
  2202. entity_get_local_player = Entity["GetLocalPlayer"];
  2203. entity_get_enemies = Entity["GetEnemies"];
  2204. entity_get_hitbox_position = Entity["GetHitboxPosition"];
  2205. entity_get_eye_position = Entity["GetEyePosition"];
  2206. entity_is_valid = Entity["IsValid"];
  2207. global_get_view_angles = Global["GetViewAngles"];
  2208. entity_is_alive = Entity["IsAlive"];
  2209. local_get_view_angles = Local["GetViewAngles"];
  2210. entity_get_render_origin = Entity["GetRenderOrigin"];
  2211. trace_line = Trace["Line"];
  2212. entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d = Entity["GetEntityFromUserID"];
  2213. event_get_int = Event["GetInt"];
  2214. var screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize();
  2215. var alpha = 0;
  2216. var molotov = [];
  2217. screen_size = Render.GetScreenSize();
  2218. var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
  2219. Cheat.Print("\n");
  2220. Cheat.Print("\n");
  2221. Cheat.Print("\n");
  2222. Cheat.Print("\n");
  2223. Cheat.Print("\n");
  2224. Cheat.Print("\n");
  2225. Cheat.Print("\n");
  2226. Cheat.Print("\n");
  2227. Cheat.PrintColor([200, 200, 255], "-----------------------------\n");
  2228. Cheat.PrintColor([30, 144, 255], "Welcome " + username + "! To Pastesense.garbage\n");
  2229. Cheat.PrintColor([200, 200, 255], "-----------------------------\n");
  2230. Cheat.Print("\n");
  2231. Cheat.Print("\n");
  2232. Cheat.Print("\n");
  2233. Cheat.Print("\n");
  2235. function XTOnKey() {
  2236.   const IsKeyEnabled = UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "Keys",  "Key assignment", "Extended Backtracking"]);
  2237.   if (IsKeyEnabled) {
  2238.       UI.SetValue(["Misc.","Helpers","Extended backtracking"], 1);
  2239.   } else {
  2240.       UI.SetValue(["Misc.","Helpers","Extended backtracking"], 0);
  2241.   }
  2242. }
  2244. var weaponTabNames = {
  2245.   "usp s": "USP", "glock 18": "Glock", "dual berettas": "Dualies", "r8 revolver": "Revolver", "desert eagle": "Deagle", "p250": "P250", "tec 9": "Tec-9",
  2246.   "mp9": "MP9", "mac 10": "Mac10", "pp bizon": "PP-Bizon", "ump 45": "UMP45", "ak 47": "AK47", "sg 553": "SG553", "aug": "AUG", "m4a1 s": "M4A1-S", "m4a4": "M4A4", "ssg 08": "SSG08",
  2247.   "awp": "AWP", "g3sg1": "G3SG1", "scar 20": "SCAR20", "xm1014": "XM1014", "mag 7": "MAG7", "m249": "M249", "negev": "Negev", "p2000": "P2000", "famas": "FAMAS", "five seven": "Five Seven", "mp7": "MP7",
  2248.   "ump 45": "UMP45", "p90": "P90", "cz75 auto": "CZ-75", "mp5 sd": "MP5", "galil ar": "GALIL", "sawed off": "Sawed off", "nova": "Nova"
  2249. };
  2250. function updateDamageValues() {
  2251.   if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
  2252.       return;
  2253.   var weaponName = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
  2254.   if (!weaponTabNames.hasOwnProperty(weaponName)) {
  2255.       return;
  2256.   }
  2257.   var isOverride = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Minimum damage override"]) ? true : false;
  2258.   if (isOverride) {
  2259.       var target = Entity.GetEnemies();
  2260.       for (var i in target) {
  2261.           if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", weaponTabNames[weaponName], "Damage Override"]) != 0) {
  2262.               Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(target[i], UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", weaponTabNames[weaponName], "Damage Override"]))
  2263.           }
  2264.           else {
  2265.               Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(target[i], UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", "General", "Damage Override"]))
  2266.           }
  2267.       }
  2268.   }
  2269. }
  2271. function main() {
  2272.   UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Extra", "Extra"], "Min damage indicator color")
  2273.   UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Target", "General"], "Damage Override", 0, 130)
  2274.   for (var name in weaponTabNames) {
  2275.       UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Target", weaponTabNames[name]], "Damage Override", 0, 130)
  2276.   }
  2277. }
  2279. main();
  2280. function menustate() {
  2281.   return ragebot_safety.toString() != "function () { [native code] }";
  2282. }
  2284. function menuoptions() {
  2285.   var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  2286.   if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Watermark"]) == 1) {
  2287.   } else {
  2288.   }
  2289.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Real type"]) == 2) {
  2290.     UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Real amout:"], 1);
  2291.   } else {
  2292.     UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Real amout:"], 0);
  2293.   }
  2294.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 2) {
  2295.     UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Fake amout:"], 1);
  2296.   } else {
  2297.     UI.SetEnabled(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Fake amout:"], 0);
  2298.   }
  2299. }
  2301. function Pasteaa() {
  2302.   AntiAim.SetFakeOffset(0);
  2303.   var value = Local.GetFakeYaw();
  2304.   var div = Local.GetRealYaw();
  2305.   var s = 0;
  2306.   current_inversion = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]) == 1 ? -1 : 1;
  2307.   var individual = Entity.GetProp(s, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
  2308.   var indContent = vector_length(individual);
  2309.   var a = Entity.GetProp(s, "CCSPlayer", "m_angEyeAngles")[1];
  2310.   var prohibitedListElementChildren = angle_diff(a, div);
  2311.   var cell1 = angle_diff(a, value);
  2312.   lbyamout = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real amout:"]);
  2313.   lbyamout2 = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Fake amout:"]);
  2314.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 0) {
  2315.     AntiAim.SetOverride(0);
  2316.   }
  2317.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 1) {
  2318.     real_yaw_offset = 120 * random_float(1, 2);
  2319.     AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
  2320.   }
  2321.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 2) {
  2322.     AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  2323.     real_yaw_offset = (indContent > 3.3 ? lbyamout : lbyamout) * -current_inversion;
  2324.     AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
  2325.   }
  2326.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 3) {
  2327.     AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  2328.     real_yaw_offset = prohibitedListElementChildren > 35 ? 15 * -current_inversion : 60 * random_float(0.6, 2.5) * -current_inversion;
  2329.     AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
  2330.   }
  2331.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 4) {
  2332.     AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  2333.     AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real * -current_inversion);
  2334.   }
  2335.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Real type"]) == 5) {
  2336.     AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  2337.     real_yaw_offset = (indContent > 3.3 ? 20 : 20) * -current_inversion;
  2338.     AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
  2339.   }
  2340.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 0) {
  2341.     AntiAim.SetOverride(0);
  2342.   }
  2343.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 1) {
  2344.     AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  2345.     lower_body_yaw_offset = 160 * current_inversion + cell1 < 50 ? Globals.Curtime() * 180 / random_float(-5, 5) % 240 * current_inversion : Globals.Curtime() * 360 / random_float(-0.1, 0.3) % 91 * current_inversion;
  2346.     if (Globals.Tickcount() % 3 == 0) {
  2347.       lower_body_yaw_offset = lower_body_yaw_offset * -1.5;
  2348.     }
  2349.     AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(lower_body_yaw_offset);
  2350.   }
  2351.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 2) {
  2352.     AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  2353.     lower_body_yaw_offset = lbyamout2 * current_inversion;
  2354.     AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(lower_body_yaw_offset);
  2355.   }
  2356.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Desync type"]) == 3) {
  2357.     AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  2358.     AntiAim.SetLBYOffset(fake * -current_inversion);
  2359.   }
  2360.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR", "AA", "SHEET_MGR", "AA", "Jitter when Slowwalk"]) == 1) {
  2361.     if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "Slow walk"])) {
  2362.       AntiAim.SetOverride(1);
  2363.       real_yaw_offset = 120 * random_float(0.6, 2.5) * -current_inversion;
  2364.       AntiAim.SetRealOffset(real_yaw_offset);
  2365.     }
  2366.   }
  2367. }
  2368. var lasttime = 0;
  2369. var customtext = 0;
  2371. function time_to_ticks(partKeys) {
  2372.   var _0x6b3cx14 = partKeys / Globals.TickInterval() + 0.5;
  2373.   return _0x6b3cx14;
  2374. }
  2375. var vector = {
  2376.   _class : "vector"
  2377. };
  2379. vector["new"] = function(profilePoint) {
  2380.   return {
  2381.     x : profilePoint[0],
  2382.     y : profilePoint[1],
  2383.     z : profilePoint[2]
  2384.   };
  2385. };
  2387. vector["operate"] = function(position, size, cur) {
  2388.   switch(cur) {
  2389.     case "+":
  2390.       return {
  2391.         x : position["x"] + size["x"],
  2392.         y : position["y"] + size["y"],
  2393.         z : position["z"] + size["z"]
  2394.       };
  2395.     case "-":
  2396.       return {
  2397.         x : position["x"] - size["x"],
  2398.         y : position["y"] - size["y"],
  2399.         z : position["z"] - size["z"]
  2400.       };
  2401.     case "*":
  2402.       return {
  2403.         x : position["x"] * size["x"],
  2404.         y : position["y"] * size["y"],
  2405.         z : position["z"] * size["z"]
  2406.       };
  2407.     case "/":
  2408.       return {
  2409.         x : position["x"] / size["x"],
  2410.         y : position["y"] / size["y"],
  2411.         z : position["z"] / size["z"]
  2412.       };
  2413.     default:
  2414.       throw new Error("[Vector] Invalid operation type.");
  2415.   }
  2416. };
  2418. vector["angles"] = function(props) {
  2419.   return {
  2420.     x : -Math["atan2"](props["z"], this["length2d"](props)) * 180 / Math["PI"],
  2421.     y : Math["atan2"](props["y"], props["x"]) * 180 / Math["PI"],
  2422.     z : 0
  2423.   };
  2424. };
  2426. vector["length2d"] = function(eci_coords) {
  2427.   return Math["sqrt"](eci_coords["x"] * eci_coords["x"] + eci_coords["y"] * eci_coords["y"]);
  2428. };
  2430. vector["fov_to"] = function(msg, serverId, satellite_coords) {
  2431.   const observer_ecf = this["angles"](this["operate"](serverId, msg, "-"));
  2432.   const new_arena = this["new"]([Math["abs"](satellite_coords["x"] - observer_ecf["x"]), Math["abs"](satellite_coords["y"] % 360 - observer_ecf["y"] % 360) % 360, 0]);
  2433.   if (new_arena["y"] > 180) {
  2434.     new_arena["y"] = 360 - new_arena["y"];
  2435.   }
  2436.   return this["length2d"](new_arena);
  2437. };
  2439. vector["to_array"] = function(satellite_coords) {
  2440.   return [satellite_coords["x"], satellite_coords["y"], satellite_coords["z"]];
  2441. };
  2443. function normalize_yaw(newPath) {
  2444.   var rootPath = newPath;
  2445.   if (rootPath < -180) {
  2446.     rootPath = rootPath + 360;
  2447.   }
  2448.   if (rootPath > 180) {
  2449.     rootPath = rootPath - 360;
  2450.   }
  2451.   return rootPath;
  2452. }
  2454. function vector_length(klass) {
  2455.   return Math["sqrt"](klass[0] ** 2 + klass[1] ** 2 + klass[2] ** 2);
  2456. }
  2458. function vecNew(profilePoint) {
  2459.   return {
  2460.     x : profilePoint[0],
  2461.     y : profilePoint[1],
  2462.     z : profilePoint[2]
  2463.   };
  2464. }
  2466. function angle_diff(first, second) {
  2467.   var result = first - second;
  2468.   result = result % 360;
  2469.   if (result > 180) {
  2470.     result = result - 360;
  2471.   }
  2472.   if (result < -180) {
  2473.     result = result + 360;
  2474.   }
  2475.   return result;
  2476. }
  2478. function random_float(min, max) {
  2479.   return Math["random"]() * (max - min) + min;
  2480. }
  2482. function get_closest_target() {
  2483.   const PL$13 = Entity.GetEnemies();
  2484.   const activeEntityKey = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  2485.   const obj = {
  2486.     id : null,
  2487.     fov : 180
  2488.   };
  2489.   var PL$17 = 0;
  2490.   for (; PL$17 < PL$13["length"]; PL$17++) {
  2491.     const model = PL$13[PL$17];
  2492.     const stream = vecNew(Entity.GetHitboxPosition(model, 0));
  2493.     localHead = vecNew(Entity.GetEyePosition(activeEntityKey));
  2494.     const artistTrack = vecNew(Local.GetViewAngles());
  2495.     const k = vector["fov_to"](localHead, stream, artistTrack);
  2496.     if (k < obj["fov"]) {
  2497.       obj["id"] = model;
  2498.       obj["fov"] = k;
  2499.     }
  2500.   }
  2501.   return obj["id"];
  2502. }
  2504. function update_anti_aim_state(isIron) {
  2505.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Enabled"])) {
  2506.     if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]) !== isIron) {
  2507.       UI.ToggleHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]);
  2508.     }
  2509.   }
  2510.   isIron = (isIron + 1) % 2;
  2511.   if (UI.GetValue(["Legit", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]) !== isIron) {
  2512.     UI.ToggleHotkey(["Legit", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]);
  2513.   }
  2514. }
  2516. function get_target_visibility() {
  2517.   const hexo = get_closest_target();
  2518.   if (!hexo || !entity_is_valid(hexo)) {
  2519.     return false;
  2520.   }
  2521.   if (entity_is_dormant(hexo)) {
  2522.     return false;
  2523.   }
  2524.   const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
  2525.   var matrix = vector["new"](entity_get_eye_position(artistTrack));
  2526.   var sparse = vector["new"](entity_get_prop(artistTrack, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]"));
  2527.   var n = entity_get_hitbox_position(hexo, 0);
  2528.   sparse = vector["operate"](sparse, vector["new"]([0.25, 0.25, 0.25]), "*");
  2529.   matrix = vector["operate"](matrix, sparse, "+");
  2530.   const SEARCH_SERVICE = trace_line(artistTrack, vector["to_array"](matrix), n)[0];
  2531.   return SEARCH_SERVICE === hexo;
  2532. }
  2533. var plugin = {
  2534.   last_hit_lby : [],
  2535.   last_target_visibility : false,
  2536.   override_flip : false,
  2537.   last_override_time : globals_curtime()
  2538. };
  2540. function get_optimal_angle() {
  2541.   const _0x6b3cx3d = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Freestanding mode"]);
  2542.   const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
  2543.   const serverId = vector["new"](entity_get_render_origin(artistTrack));
  2544.   var right = local_get_view_angles()[1];
  2545.   var arr = {
  2546.     left : 0,
  2547.     right : 0
  2548.   };
  2549.   var left = right - 90;
  2550.   for (; left <= right + 90; left = left + 30) {
  2551.     if (left === right) {
  2552.       continue;
  2553.     }
  2554.     const value = left * Math["PI"] / 180;
  2555.     const matrix = vector["operate"](serverId, vector["new"]([256 * Math["cos"](value), 256 * Math["sin"](value), 0]), "+");
  2556.     const normal = trace_line(artistTrack, vector["to_array"](serverId), vector["to_array"](matrix));
  2557.     const index1 = left < right ? "left" : "right";
  2558.     arr[index1] += normal[1];
  2559.   }
  2560.   arr["left"] /= 3;
  2561.   arr["right"] /= 3;
  2562.   if (arr["left"] > arr["right"]) {
  2563.     return _0x6b3cx3d === 0 ? 0 : 1;
  2564.   }
  2565.   return _0x6b3cx3d === 0 ? 1 : 0;
  2566. }
  2568. function update_anti_aim() {
  2569.   const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
  2570.   if (!entity_is_valid(artistTrack) || !entity_is_alive(artistTrack)) {
  2571.     return;
  2572.   }
  2573.   {
  2574.     const scope = get_closest_target();
  2575.     if (scope == null) {
  2576.       update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle());
  2577.       return;
  2578.     }
  2579.     if (plugin["last_hit_lby"][scope] == null) {
  2580.       update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle());
  2581.       return;
  2582.     }
  2583.     if (plugin["last_hit_lby"][scope] === 0) {
  2584.       update_anti_aim_state(1);
  2585.       return;
  2586.     }
  2587.     update_anti_aim_state(0);
  2588.     return;
  2589.   }
  2590.   update_anti_aim_state(get_optimal_angle());
  2591. }
  2593. function on_tick() {
  2594.   if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Freestanding"])) {
  2595.     return;
  2596.   }
  2597.   update_anti_aim();
  2598. }
  2600. function on_frame() {
  2601.   if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Freestanding"])) {
  2602.     return;
  2603.   }
  2604. }
  2606. function on_player_hurt() {
  2607.   const stitchedSurface1 = entity_get_local_player();
  2608.   const undefined = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("attacker"));
  2609.   const stitchedSurface2 = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int("userid"));
  2610.   if (stitchedSurface1 !== undefined && stitchedSurface1 === stitchedSurface2) {
  2611.     plugin["last_hit_lby"][undefined] = UI.ToggleHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"]);
  2612.   }
  2613. }
  2615. function reset() {
  2616.   plugin["last_hit_lby"] = [];
  2617. }
  2619. Render["Arc"] = function(secondary_dis, yPos, maxlen, secondary_w, x, colspan, a) {
  2620.   var x2 = x;
  2621.   for (; x2 < x + colspan; x2++) {
  2622.     const minlenfraction = x2 * Math["PI"] / 180;
  2623.     Render.Line(secondary_dis + Math["cos"](minlenfraction) * maxlen, yPos + Math["sin"](minlenfraction) * maxlen, secondary_dis + Math["cos"](minlenfraction) * secondary_w, yPos + Math["sin"](minlenfraction) * secondary_w, a);
  2624.   }
  2625. };
  2627. Render["GradientSkeet"] = function(type, isSlidingUp, boardManager, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock) {
  2628.   Render.GradientRect(type, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, mmCoreSplitViewBlock, pts);
  2629.   Render.GradientRect(type + boardManager / 4, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock);
  2630. };
  2632. function Security() {
  2633.   UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", "Yaw offset"], 180);
  2634.   UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Directions", "Jitter offset"], 0);
  2635.   UI.SetValue(["Config", "Cheat", "General", "Restrictions"], 0);
  2636.   UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Pitch mode"], 0);
  2637.   {
  2638.     UI.SetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"], [154, 205, 50, 255]);
  2639.   }
  2640. }
  2641. UI.AddHotkey( ["Misc.", "Keys",  "Key assignment"], "Extended Backtracking", "Extended Backtracking" )
  2642. UI.AddSubTab(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "[Paste] Features");
  2643. UI.AddSubTab(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Aimbot");
  2644. UI.AddSubTab(["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "AA");
  2645. UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "[Paste] Features");
  2646. UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Indicators");
  2647. UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Helpers");
  2648. UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Other");
  2649. UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Minimum damage override", "Minimum damage override");
  2650. UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Autowall key", "Autowall");
  2651. UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Fake duck", "Fake duck");
  2652. UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot"], "Fast switch", ["AWP", "SSG08", "Deagle"], 1);
  2653. UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"], "Smoke check", "Smoke check");
  2654. UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot"], "Min fov", 0, 180);
  2655. UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot"], "Max fov", 0, 180);
  2656. UI.AddDropdown(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Desync type", ["Off", "Random", "Custom angle", "Sway"], 0);
  2657. UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Fake amout:", 0, 58);
  2658. UI.AddDropdown(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Real type", ["Off", "Random", "Custom angle", "Eye yaw based", "Sway", "Low delta"], 0);
  2659. UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Real amout:", 0, 58);
  2660. UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Freestanding");
  2661. UI.AddDropdown(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Freestanding mode", ["Peek with fake", "Peek with real"], 0);
  2662. UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Leg breaker");
  2663. UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "AA", "AA"], "Jitter when Slowwalk");
  2664. UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Other", "Other"], "Watermark");
  2665. UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Other", "Other"], "Watermark text color");
  2666. UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators", ["DESYNC RANGE", "MINIMUM DAMAGE", "FOV", "TRIGGER", "AUTOWALL", "BODY AIM", "FAKE DUCK", "RESOLVER OVERRIDE", "C4 INFO"], 1);
  2667. UI.AddDropdown(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators size", ["1", "2", "3"], 0);
  2668. UI.AddSliderInt(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators Y offset", 160, Global.GetScreenSize()[1]);
  2669. UI.AddDropdown(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Antiaim arrow type", ["off", "1", "2", "3", "4", 5], 0);
  2670. UI.AddSliderInt(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Arrows X offset", 15, 200);
  2671. UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Arrows color");
  2672. //UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Hit logs", ["Console", "Chat"], 1);
  2673. UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Buy logs", ["Console", "Chat"], 1);
  2674. UI.AddMultiDropdown(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Votes logs", ["Console", "Chat"], 1);
  2675. UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Autowall indicator under crosshair");
  2676. UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Killsay");
  2677. UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Spectators");
  2678. UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Indicators color");
  2679. UI.AddSubTab( ["Rage", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Pastesense Logs");
  2680. UI.AddCheckbox( ["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs"], "Hit logs");
  2681. UI.AddCheckbox( ["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs"], "Enable Chat Logging");
  2682. UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators"], "Arrows fake color");
  2683. UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Auto Disconnect");
  2684. UI.AddSliderFloat(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Aspect Ratio", 0.0, 5.0);
  2685. UI.AddDropdown(["Visuals", "Other", "Other"], "Clantag spammer", ["off", "Pastesense"], 0);
  2686. UI.SetEnabled(["Config", "Cheat", "General", "RAGE QUIT"], 0);
  2688. function announce_phase_end() {
  2689.   var _0x6b3cx59 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Auto Disconnect"]);
  2690.   if (win) {
  2691.     win = false;
  2692.     return;
  2693.   }
  2694. }
  2696. function cs_win_panel_match() {
  2697.   var _0x6b3cx59 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Auto Disconnect"]);
  2698.   if (_0x6b3cx59) {
  2699.     var _0x6b3cx5b = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Auto Disconnect"]);
  2700.     if (_0x6b3cx5b) {
  2701.       Cheat.ExecuteCommand("disconnect");
  2702.     } else {
  2703.       Cheat.ExecuteCommand("disconnect");
  2704.     }
  2705.   }
  2706.   win = true;
  2707. }
  2709. function fsn() {
  2710.   var activeEntityKey = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  2711.   if (!Entity.IsValid(activeEntityKey)) {
  2712.     win = false;
  2713.   }
  2714. }
  2716. function PasteFOV() {
  2718.   if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) && (menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
  2719.     distance = 0;
  2720.     FOV = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Min fov"]);
  2721.     enemies = Entity.GetEnemies();
  2722.     i = 0;
  2723.     for (; i < enemies["length"]; i++) {
  2724.       if (Entity.IsAlive(enemies[i]) && !Entity.IsDormant(enemies[i])) {
  2725.         origin = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(enemies[i]);
  2726.         myself = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
  2727.         distance_to_enemy = Math["sqrt"](Math["pow"](origin[0] - myself[0], 2) + Math["pow"](origin[1] - myself[1], 2) + Math["pow"](origin[2] - myself[2], 2));
  2728.         if (distance == 0 || distance_to_enemy < distance) {
  2729.           distance = distance_to_enemy;
  2730.         }
  2731.       }
  2732.     }
  2733.     diff = 1000 - distance;
  2734.     if (diff > 0) {
  2735.       FOV = FOV + (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Max fov"]) - UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Min fov"])) * (diff / 1000);
  2736.     }
  2737.     FOV = Math["ceil"](FOV);
  2738.     var sections = {
  2739.       "usp s" : "USP",
  2740.       "glock 18" : "Glock",
  2741.       "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
  2742.       "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
  2743.       "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
  2744.       "p250" : "P250",
  2745.       "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
  2746.       "mp9" : "MP9",
  2747.       "mac 10" : "Mac10",
  2748.       "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
  2749.       "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  2750.       "ak 47" : "AK47",
  2751.       "sg 553" : "SG553",
  2752.       "aug" : "AUG",
  2753.       "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
  2754.       "m4a4" : "M4A4",
  2755.       "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
  2756.       "awp" : "AWP",
  2757.       "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
  2758.       "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
  2759.       "xm1014" : "XM1014",
  2760.       "mag 7" : "MAG7",
  2761.       "m249" : "M249",
  2762.       "negev" : "Negev",
  2763.       "p2000" : "General",
  2764.       "famas" : "FAMAS",
  2765.       "five seven" : "Five Seven",
  2766.       "mp7" : "MP7",
  2767.       "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  2768.       "p90" : "P90",
  2769.       "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
  2770.       "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
  2771.       "galil ar" : "GALIL",
  2772.       "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
  2773.     };
  2774.     var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
  2775.     var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
  2776.     if (section == undefined) {
  2777.       section = "General";
  2778.     }
  2779.     UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Field of view"], FOV);
  2780.   }
  2781. }
  2783. function calcDist(lon1, lat2) {
  2784.   var zeroSizeMax = lon1[0];
  2785.   var headerCenterY = lon1[1];
  2786.   var endMinutes = lon1[2];
  2787.   var pixelSizeTargetMax = lat2[0];
  2788.   var articleAdjustedTopY = lat2[1];
  2789.   var startMinutes = lat2[2];
  2790.   var lightI = zeroSizeMax - pixelSizeTargetMax;
  2791.   var lightJ = headerCenterY - articleAdjustedTopY;
  2792.   var difMinutes = endMinutes - startMinutes;
  2793.   return Math["sqrt"](lightI * lightI + lightJ * lightJ + difMinutes * difMinutes);
  2794. }
  2796. function dispDamage() {
  2797.   var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  2798.   local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  2799.   if (fnparams[8]) {
  2800.     var state = Entity.GetEntitiesByClassID(128)[0];
  2801.     if (state == undefined) {
  2802.       return;
  2803.     }
  2804.     var change2 = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(state);
  2805.     var local_backup_paths = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(local);
  2806.     var fakeChange2 = calcDist(change2, local_backup_paths);
  2807.     var _0x6b3cx72 = false;
  2808.     var dataToEncrypt;
  2809.     var d = Entity.GetProp(local, "CCSPlayerResource", "m_iArmor");
  2810.     var selectedFile = Entity.GetProp(local, "CBasePlayer", "m_iHealth");
  2811.     var n = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flC4Blow") - Globals.Curtime();
  2812.     var h = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flTimerLength");
  2813.     var n2 = (Render.GetScreenSize()[1] - 50) / h * n;
  2814.     var movestring = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_bBombTicking");
  2815.     var currentState = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flDefuseLength");
  2816.     var dataWidth = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_flDefuseCountDown") - Globals.Curtime();
  2817.     var tIndW = (Render.GetScreenSize()[1] - 50) / currentState * dataWidth;
  2818.     var foundState = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_hBombDefuser");
  2819.     var refTarget = Entity.GetProp(state, "CPlantedC4", "m_bBombDefused");
  2820.     n = parseFloat(n["toPrecision"](3));
  2821.     timer2 = parseFloat(n["toPrecision"](2));
  2822.     timer3 = parseFloat(n["toPrecision"](1));
  2823.     const fractval = 450.7;
  2824.     const mainoffset = 75.68;
  2825.     const mainscale = 789.2;
  2826.     const t = (fakeChange2 - mainoffset) / mainscale;
  2827.     var value = fractval * Math["exp"](-t * t);
  2828.     if (d > 0) {
  2829.       var t = value * 0.5;
  2830.       var k = (value - t) * 0.5;
  2831.       if (k > d) {
  2832.         d = d * (1 / 0.5);
  2833.         t = value - k;
  2834.       }
  2835.       value = t;
  2836.     }
  2837.     dataToEncrypt = Math["ceil"](value);
  2838.     if (dataToEncrypt >= selectedFile) {
  2839.       _0x6b3cx72 = true;
  2840.     } else {
  2841.       _0x6b3cx72 = false;
  2842.     }
  2843.   }
  2844.   bomb_font = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", 32, true);
  2845.   if (!movestring) {
  2846.     return;
  2847.   }
  2848.   if (refTarget) {
  2849.     return;
  2850.   }
  2851.   if (n >= 1 && n > 10) {
  2852.     Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + n + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
  2853.     Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + n + "s", [129, 177, 14, 255], bomb_font);
  2854.   } else {
  2855.     if (n <= 10 && n > 5 && n >= 1) {
  2856.       Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
  2857.       Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [210, 216, 112, 255], bomb_font);
  2858.     } else {
  2859.       if (n <= 5 && n >= 1) {
  2860.         Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
  2861.         Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + timer2 + "s", [252, 18, 19, 255], bomb_font);
  2862.       } else {
  2863.         if (n < 1 && n >= 0.1) {
  2864.           Render.String(18 + 1, 400 + 1, 0, getSite(state) + timer3 + "s", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
  2865.           Render.String(18, 400, 0, getSite(state) + timer3 + "s", [252, 18, 19, 255], bomb_font);
  2866.         }
  2867.       }
  2868.     }
  2869.   }
  2870.   if (foundState > 0) {
  2871.     if (n > currentState && n >= 0.1) {
  2872.       Render.FilledRect(0, 0, 15, tIndW, [58, 191, 54, 120]);
  2873.     } else {
  2874.       Render.FilledRect(0, 0, 15, tIndW, [252, 18, 19, 120]);
  2875.     }
  2876.   }
  2877.   if (!Entity.IsAlive(local)) {
  2878.     return;
  2879.   }
  2880.   if (_0x6b3cx72) {
  2881.     Render.String(18 + 1, 435 + 1, 0, "LETHAL", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
  2882.     Render.String(18, 435, 0, "LETHAL", [252, 18, 19, 200], bomb_font);
  2883.   } else {
  2884.     if (value > 0.5) {
  2885.       Render.String(18 + 1, 435 + 1, 0, "-" + dataToEncrypt + "HP", [17, 17, 17, 255], bomb_font);
  2886.       Render.String(18, 435, 0, "-" + dataToEncrypt + "HP", [210, 216, 112, 255], bomb_font);
  2887.     }
  2888.   }
  2889. }
  2891. function getSite(name) {
  2892.   bombsite = Entity.GetProp(name, "CPlantedC4", "m_nBombSite");
  2893.   if (bombsite == 0) {
  2894.     return "A - ";
  2895.   } else {
  2896.     return "B - ";
  2897.   }
  2898. }
  2899. var flip = false;
  2900. var flip2 = false;
  2902. function on_weapon_fire() {
  2903.   var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Fast switch"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  2904.   me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  2905.   short = Event.GetInt("userid");
  2906.   short_index = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(short);
  2907.   localplayer_weapon = Entity.GetWeapon(me);
  2908.   weapon_name = Entity.GetName(localplayer_weapon);
  2909.   if (fnparams[0]) {
  2910.     if (short_index == me) {
  2911.       if (weapon_name == "awp") {
  2912.         Global.ExecuteCommand("slot3");
  2913.         flip = true;
  2914.       }
  2915.     }
  2916.   }
  2917.   if (fnparams[1]) {
  2918.     if (short_index == me) {
  2919.       if (weapon_name == "ssg 08") {
  2920.         Global.ExecuteCommand("slot3");
  2921.         flip = true;
  2922.       }
  2923.     }
  2924.   }
  2925.   if (fnparams[2]) {
  2926.     if (short_index == me) {
  2927.       if (weapon_name == "desert eagle") {
  2928.         Global.ExecuteCommand("slot3");
  2929.         flip2 = true;
  2930.       }
  2931.     }
  2932.   }
  2933. }
  2935. function reset_tick() {
  2936.   if (flip == true) {
  2937.     Global.ExecuteCommand("slot1");
  2938.     flip = false;
  2939.   }
  2940. }
  2942. function reset_tick2() {
  2943.   if (flip2 == true) {
  2944.     Global.ExecuteCommand("slot2");
  2945.     flip2 = false;
  2946.   }
  2947. }
  2948. duck = 0.70;
  2949. stand = 0.21;
  2950. var crouchHeight;
  2952. function FakeDuck() {
  2953.   var _0x6b3cx8b = UserCMD.GetButtons();
  2954.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Fake duck"])) {
  2955.     var _0x6b3cx8c = Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CCSPlayer", "m_flDuckAmount");
  2956.     if (UserCMD.Choke(), _0x6b3cx8c <= stand) {
  2957.       crouchHeight = true;
  2958.     }
  2959.     if (_0x6b3cx8c >= duck && (crouchHeight = false, UserCMD.Send()), crouchHeight) {
  2960.       UserCMD.SetButtons(4 | _0x6b3cx8b);
  2961.     } else {
  2962.       UserCMD.SetButtons(_0x6b3cx8b | 1 << 22);
  2963.     }
  2964.   } else {
  2965.     UserCMD.SetButtons(_0x6b3cx8b | 1 << 22);
  2966.   }
  2967. }
  2969. function aspectratio() {
  2970.   menu_val = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Aspect Ratio"]);
  2971.   string_menu_val = menu_val.toString();
  2972.   Convar.SetString("r_aspectratio", string_menu_val);
  2973. }
  2974. var observators = [];
  2975. observators = [];
  2977. function getObservators() {
  2978.   if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Spectators") == false) {
  2979.     return;
  2980.   }
  2981.   var sections = Entity.GetPlayers();
  2982.   var id = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  2983.   var api = Entity.GetProp(id, "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
  2984.   if (!id) {
  2985.     return;
  2986.   }
  2987.   observators = [];
  2988.   i = 0;
  2989.   for (; i < sections["length"]; i++) {
  2990.     if (Entity.IsAlive(id)) {
  2991.       if (!sections[i] || Entity.IsAlive(sections[i])) {
  2992.         continue;
  2993.       }
  2994.       var type = Entity.GetProp(sections[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
  2995.       if (!type || type == "m_hObserverTarget") {
  2996.         continue;
  2997.       }
  2998.       if (type == id) {
  2999.         observators["push"](Entity.GetName(sections[i]));
  3000.       }
  3001.     } else {
  3002.       if (!sections[i] || Entity.IsAlive(sections[i])) {
  3003.         continue;
  3004.       }
  3005.       type = Entity.GetProp(sections[i], "CBasePlayer", "m_hObserverTarget");
  3006.       if (!type || type == "m_hObserverTarget") {
  3007.         continue;
  3008.       }
  3009.       if (type == api) {
  3010.         observators["push"](Entity.GetName(sections[i]));
  3011.       }
  3012.     }
  3013.   }
  3014. }
  3016. function drawObservators() {
  3017.   if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers"], "Spectators") == false) {
  3018.     return;
  3019.   }
  3020.   var startColorCoords = Render.GetScreenSize();
  3021.   var pictGrad = Render.GetFont("Arial.ttf", 12, true);
  3022.   i = 0;
  3023.   for (; i < observators["length"]; i++) {
  3024.     var picture = observators[i];
  3025.     var endColorCoords = Render.TextSize(picture, pictGrad);
  3026.     Render.String(startColorCoords[0] - endColorCoords[0] - 3, i * 16 + 35, 0, picture, [255, 255, 255, 255], pictGrad);
  3027.   }
  3028. }
  3030. function resetObservators() {
  3031.   observators = [];
  3032. }
  3034. function watermark() {
  3035.   if (!UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Watermark"])) {
  3036.     return;
  3037.   }
  3038.   if (!World.GetServerString()) {
  3039.     return;
  3040.   }
  3041.   var expected_date2 = new Date;
  3042.   var _0x6b3cx9b = expected_date2["getHours"]();
  3043.   var _0x6b3cx9c = expected_date2["getMinutes"]();
  3044.   var flipbackY180 = expected_date2["getSeconds"]();
  3045.   var _0x6b3cx9e = _0x6b3cx9b <= 9 ? "0" + _0x6b3cx9b + ":" : _0x6b3cx9b + ":";
  3046.   var _0x6b3cx9f = _0x6b3cx9c <= 9 ? "0" + _0x6b3cx9c + ":" : _0x6b3cx9c + ":";
  3047.   var aniBName = flipbackY180 <= 9 ? "0" + flipbackY180 : flipbackY180;
  3048.   var _0x6b3cxa1 = Globals.Tickrate().toString();
  3049.   var _0x6b3cxa2 = Math["round"](Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CPlayerResource", "m_iPing")).toString();
  3050.   color = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Watermark text color"]);
  3051.   var username = Cheat.GetUsername();
  3052.   var pictGrad = Render.GetFont("Verdanab.ttf", 10, true);
  3053.   var text = "Pastesense | " + username + " | ping: " + _0x6b3cxa2 + "ms | " + _0x6b3cxa1 + "tick ";
  3054.   var props = Render.TextSize(text, pictGrad)[0] + 8;
  3055.   var pic_grad1 = Global.GetScreenSize()[0];
  3056.   pic_grad1 = pic_grad1 - props - 10;
  3057.   Render.FilledRect(pic_grad1, 10, props, 2, [color[0], color[1], color[2], 255]);
  3058.   Render.FilledRect(pic_grad1, 12, props, 20, [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  3059.   Render.String(pic_grad1 + 3, 10 + 3, 0, text, [255, 255, 255, 255], pictGrad);
  3060. }
  3061. var normal_killsays = ["nt cat",
  3062. "Paste Paste, Meow Meow", "take the cooldown and let your team surr retard",
  3063. "uid police here present your user identification number right now", "better buy new paste nn",
  3064. "drink some alcohol", "too ez for ★ Pastesense ★", "Your iq is lower than your blood sugar",
  3065. "pet a cat", "★ Hitler AA bo$$ ★", "did u know that by owning Pastesense u drastically lower ur stress levels?",
  3066. "boxed like a flopper", "ur cfg literally so free manz actually u got trashed like a hooker down the street dumpster cat",
  3067. "uid = iq",
  3068. ];
  3070. var hs_killsays = ["nice antiaim, you sell?",
  3071. "refund your pastebowhook right now pasteuser cat", "ur aa literally so free manz actually u got trashed like a hooker down the street dumpster cat",
  3072. "thats going in my media compilation right there get shamed retard rofl", "nn got boxed like an amazon prime package", "Hope you're doing well u cutie cat 。・:*:・゚★",
  3073. "Your iq is lower than your blood sugar", "pet a cat", "★ Hitler AA bo$$ ★", "did u know that by owning Pastesense u drastically lower ur stress levels?",
  3074. "boxed like a flopper", "ur cfg literally so free manz actually u got trashed like a hooker down the street dumpster cat",
  3075. "uid = iq"
  3076. ];
  3079. function on_player_death() {
  3080.   if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Killsay"])) {
  3081.     var RIOT_TAG = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
  3082.     var attrName = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
  3083.     var _0x6b3cxaa = Event.GetInt("headshot") == 1;
  3084.     if (Entity.IsLocalPlayer(attrName) && attrName != RIOT_TAG) {
  3085.       var _0x6b3cxab = normal_killsays[Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * normal_killsays["length"])];
  3086.       var _0x6b3cxac = hs_killsays[Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * hs_killsays["length"])];
  3087.       if (_0x6b3cxaa && Math["floor"](Math["random"]() * 3) <= 1) {
  3088.         Cheat.ExecuteCommand("say " + _0x6b3cxac);
  3089.         return;
  3090.       }
  3091.       Cheat.ExecuteCommand("say " + _0x6b3cxab);
  3092.     }
  3093.   }
  3094. }
  3096. function isBehindSmoke(items) {
  3097.   eyepos = Entity.GetEyePosition(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
  3098.   if (Entity.IsValid(items) && Entity.IsAlive(items) && !Entity.IsDormant(items)) {
  3099.     hitbox_pos = Entity.GetHitboxPosition(items, 0);
  3100.     result = Trace.Smoke(eyepos, hitbox_pos);
  3101.     if (result == 1) {
  3102.       return true;
  3103.     } else {
  3104.       return false;
  3105.     }
  3106.   }
  3107. }
  3109. function smokecheck() {
  3110.   enemies = Entity.GetEnemies();
  3111.   if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Smoke check"]) == 1) {
  3112.     return;
  3113.   }
  3114.   {
  3115.     i = 0;
  3116.     for (; i < enemies["length"]; i++) {
  3117.       if (isBehindSmoke(enemies[i])) {
  3118.         Ragebot.IgnoreTarget(enemies[i]);
  3119.       }
  3120.     }
  3121.   }
  3122. }
  3123. var BreakLeg = true;
  3124. var Loop = 1;
  3125. var Loop2 = 1;
  3127. function legs() {
  3128.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "AA", "AA", "Leg breaker"])) {
  3129.     trufalse = 10 * Math["abs"](Math["sin"](64 * Globals.Realtime()));
  3130.     if (trufalse > 5) {
  3131.       UI.SetValue(["Misc.", "Movement", "Leg movement"], 0);
  3132.     }
  3133.     if (trufalse < 5) {
  3134.       UI.SetValue(["Misc.", "Movement", "Leg movement"], 1);
  3135.     }
  3136.   }
  3137. }
  3139. function BuyLogs() {
  3140.   var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Buy logs"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  3141.   var i = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
  3142.   var spec = Event.GetInt("team");
  3143.   if (spec != Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBaseEntity", "m_iTeamNum")) {
  3144.     var version = Event.GetString("weapon");
  3145.     version = version["replace"]("weapon_", "");
  3146.     version = version["replace"]("item_", "");
  3147.     version = version["replace"]("assaultsuit", "kevlar + helmet");
  3148.     version = version["replace"]("incgrenade", "molotov");
  3149.     if (fnparams[0]) {
  3150.       if (version != "unknown") {
  3151.         var attr = Entity.GetName(i);
  3152.         Cheat.PrintColor([1, 0, 187, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
  3153.         Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], attr + " bought " + version + " \n");
  3154.         logs["push"](attr + " bought " + version + " ");
  3155.         logsct["push"](Globals.Curtime());
  3156.         logsalpha["push"](255);
  3157.       }
  3158.       if (fnparams[1]) {
  3159.         if (version != "unknown") {
  3160.           Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense\x03]\b " + attr + "\x03 bought \b" + version + " \n");
  3161.         }
  3162.       }
  3163.     }
  3164.   }
  3165. }
  3166. lasttime = 0;
  3167. customtext = 0;
  3169. function time_to_ticks(partKeys) {
  3170.   var _0x6b3cx14 = partKeys / Globals.TickInterval() + 0.5;
  3171.   return _0x6b3cx14;
  3172. }
  3173. var old_text_anim = 0;
  3175. function anim(animType, defaultDur) {
  3176.   if (!World.GetServerString()) {
  3177.     return;
  3178.   }
  3179.   if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Clantag spammer"])) {
  3180.     text_anim = "                 " + animType + "                 ";
  3181.   } else {
  3182.     text_anim = "  ";
  3183.   }
  3184.   tickinterval = Globals.TickInterval();
  3185.   tickcount = Globals.Tickcount() + time_to_ticks(Local.Latency());
  3186.   ddd = tickcount / time_to_ticks(0.3);
  3187.   ddd = Math["floor"](ddd % defaultDur["length"]);
  3188.   ddd = defaultDur[ddd + 1] + 1;
  3189.   text_anim = text_anim["slice"](ddd, ddd + 15);
  3190.   if (text_anim != old_text_anim) {
  3191.     Local.SetClanTag(text_anim);
  3192.   }
  3193.   old_text_anim = text_anim;
  3194. }
  3196. function clantag() {
  3197.   var clantag = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Other", "Other", "Clantag spammer"]);
  3198.   if (clantag == 1) {
  3199.     customtext = "Pastesense.garbage";
  3200.   }
  3201.   anim(customtext, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28]);
  3202. }
  3204. Render["GradientSkeet"] = function(type, isSlidingUp, boardManager, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock) {
  3205.   Render.GradientRect(type, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, mmCoreSplitViewBlock, pts);
  3206.   Render.GradientRect(type + boardManager / 4, isSlidingUp - 4, boardManager / 4, rowType, a, pts, mmCoreSplitViewBlock);
  3207. };
  3208. var options = [];
  3210. function onVoteOptions() {
  3211.   options[0] = Event.GetString("option1");
  3212.   options[1] = Event.GetString("option2");
  3213.   options[2] = Event.GetString("option3");
  3214.   options[3] = Event.GetString("option4");
  3215.   options[4] = Event.GetString("option5");
  3216. }
  3218. function onVoteCast() {
  3219.   var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Votes logs"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  3220.   var entity = Event.GetInt("entityid");
  3221.   if (entity) {
  3222.     var spec = Event.GetInt("team");
  3223.     var subjectCount = Event.GetInt("vote_option");
  3224.     var tools_id = Entity.GetName(entity);
  3225.     var comments = "null";
  3226.     switch(spec) {
  3227.       case 0:
  3228.         comments = "[N] ";
  3229.         break;
  3230.       case 1:
  3231.         comments = "S ";
  3232.         break;
  3233.       case 2:
  3234.         comments = "t ";
  3235.         break;
  3236.       case 3:
  3237.         comments = "ct ";
  3238.         break;
  3239.       default:
  3240.         comments = "[UNK] ";
  3241.         break;
  3242.     }
  3243.     var print = options[subjectCount];
  3244.     if (fnparams[0]) {
  3245.       Cheat.PrintColor([102, 0, 255, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
  3246.       Cheat.PrintColor([255, 255, 255, 255], tools_id + " voted " + print + " on " + comments + " \n");
  3247.       logs["push"](tools_id + " voted " + voted + " on " + comments + " ");
  3248.       logsct["push"](Globals.Curtime());
  3249.       logsalpha["push"](255);
  3250.     }
  3251.     if (fnparams[1]) {
  3252.       Global.PrintColor([102, 0, 255, 255], "[Pastesense] \x00");
  3253.       Global.Print(tools_id + "voted " + print + " on " + comments + "\n");
  3254.       Global.PrintChat("\x03[\x03Pastesense\x03] \f" + tools_id + " voted " + print + " on " + comments);
  3255.     }
  3256.   }
  3257. }
  3258. var fake = -60;
  3259. var down = true;
  3261. function fakesway() {
  3262.   var _0x6b3cxc7 = 0.5;
  3263.   var _0x6b3cxc8 = 0;
  3264.   var _0x6b3cxc9 = -65;
  3265.   _0x6b3cxc9 = 0 - _0x6b3cxc9;
  3266.   if (down === true) {
  3267.     if (fake <= _0x6b3cxc8 && down === true) {
  3268.       fake = fake + 1;
  3269.     }
  3270.     if (fake >= _0x6b3cxc8) {
  3271.       down = false;
  3272.     }
  3273.   }
  3274.   if (down === false) {
  3275.     if (fake >= -_0x6b3cxc9 && down === false) {
  3276.       fake = fake - 1;
  3277.     }
  3278.     if (fake <= -_0x6b3cxc9) {
  3279.       down = true;
  3280.     }
  3281.   }
  3282. }
  3283. var real = -58;
  3284. var up = true;
  3286. function realsway() {
  3287.   var expect = 65;
  3288.   var _0x6b3cxce = 0;
  3289.   _0x6b3cxce = 0 - _0x6b3cxce;
  3290.   if (up === true) {
  3291.     if (real <= expect && up === true) {
  3292.       real = real + 1;
  3293.     }
  3294.     if (real >= expect) {
  3295.       up = false;
  3296.     }
  3297.   }
  3298.   if (up === false) {
  3299.     if (real >= -_0x6b3cxce && up === false) {
  3300.       real = real - 1;
  3301.     }
  3302.     if (real <= -_0x6b3cxce) {
  3303.       up = true;
  3304.     }
  3305.   }
  3306. }
  3307. const modules = [{
  3308.   ref : ["Rage", "Target", "General", "Minimum damage"],
  3309.   draw : function(data) {
  3310.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  3311.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[2];
  3312.     weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
  3313.     var sections = {
  3314.       "usp s" : "USP",
  3315.       "glock 18" : "Glock",
  3316.       "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
  3317.       "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
  3318.       "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
  3319.       "p250" : "P250",
  3320.       "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
  3321.       "mp9" : "MP9",
  3322.       "mac 10" : "Mac10",
  3323.       "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
  3324.       "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  3325.       "ak 47" : "AK47",
  3326.       "sg 553" : "SG553",
  3327.       "aug" : "AUG",
  3328.       "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
  3329.       "m4a4" : "M4A4",
  3330.       "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
  3331.       "awp" : "AWP",
  3332.       "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
  3333.       "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
  3334.       "xm1014" : "XM1014",
  3335.       "mag 7" : "MAG7",
  3336.       "m249" : "M249",
  3337.       "negev" : "Negev",
  3338.       "p2000" : "General",
  3339.       "famas" : "FAMAS",
  3340.       "five seven" : "Five Seven",
  3341.       "mp7" : "MP7",
  3342.       "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  3343.       "p90" : "P90",
  3344.       "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
  3345.       "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
  3346.       "galil ar" : "GALIL",
  3347.       "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
  3348.     };
  3349.     var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
  3350.     var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
  3351.     if (section == undefined) {
  3352.       section = "General";
  3353.     }
  3354.     const _0x6b3cxd1 = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Minimum damage override"]);
  3355.     if (_0x6b3cxd1 == 1) {
  3356.       var default_favicon = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Damage Override"]);
  3357.     } else {
  3358.       default_favicon = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Minimum damage"]);
  3359.     }
  3360.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  3361.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  3362.       pictGrad = 26;
  3363.     }
  3364.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  3365.       pictGrad = 31;
  3366.     }
  3367.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  3368.       pictGrad = 36;
  3369.     }
  3370.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  3371.     if (fnparams[1]) {
  3372.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  3374.       if (default_favicon == 101) {
  3375.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 1", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3376.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 1", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3377.       }
  3378.       if (default_favicon == 102) {
  3379.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 2", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3380.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 2", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3381.       }
  3382.       if (default_favicon == 103) {
  3383.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 3", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3384.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 3", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3385.       }
  3386.       if (default_favicon == 104) {
  3387.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 4", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3388.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 4", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3389.       }
  3390.       if (default_favicon == 105) {
  3391.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 5", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3392.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 5", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3393.       }
  3394.       if (default_favicon == 106) {
  3395.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 6", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3396.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 6", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3397.       }
  3398.       if (default_favicon == 107) {
  3399.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 7", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3400.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 7", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3401.       }
  3402.       if (default_favicon == 108) {
  3403.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 8", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3404.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 8", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3405.       }
  3406.       if (default_favicon == 109) {
  3407.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 9", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3408.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 9", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3409.       }
  3410.       if (default_favicon == 110) {
  3411.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 10", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3412.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 10", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3413.       }
  3414.       if (default_favicon == 111) {
  3415.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 11", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3416.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 11", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3417.       }
  3418.       if (default_favicon == 112) {
  3419.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 12", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3420.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 12", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3421.       }
  3422.       if (default_favicon == 113) {
  3423.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 13", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3424.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 13", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3425.       }
  3426.       if (default_favicon == 114) {
  3427.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 14", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3428.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 14", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3429.       }
  3430.       if (default_favicon == 115) {
  3431.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 15", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3432.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 15", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3433.       }
  3434.       if (default_favicon == 116) {
  3435.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 16", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3436.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 16", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3437.       }
  3438.       if (default_favicon == 117) {
  3439.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 17", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3440.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 17", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3441.       }
  3442.       if (default_favicon == 118) {
  3443.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 18", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3444.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 18", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3445.       }
  3446.       if (default_favicon == 119) {
  3447.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 19", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3448.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 19", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3449.       }
  3450.       if (default_favicon == 120) {
  3451.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 20", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3452.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 20", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3453.       }
  3454.       if (default_favicon == 121) {
  3455.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 21", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3456.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 21", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3457.       }
  3458.       if (default_favicon == 122) {
  3459.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 22", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3460.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 22", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3461.       }
  3462.       if (default_favicon == 123) {
  3463.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 23", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3464.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 23", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3465.       }
  3466.       if (default_favicon == 124) {
  3467.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 24", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3468.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 24", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3469.       }
  3470.       if (default_favicon == 125) {
  3471.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 25", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3472.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 25", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3473.       }
  3474.       if (default_favicon == 126) {
  3475.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 26", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3476.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 26", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3477.       }
  3478.       if (default_favicon == 127) {
  3479.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 27", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3480.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 27", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3481.       }
  3482.       if (default_favicon == 128) {
  3483.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 28", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3484.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 28", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3485.       }
  3486.       if (default_favicon == 129) {
  3487.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 29", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3488.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 29", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3489.       }
  3490.       if (default_favicon == 130) {
  3491.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "HP + 30", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3492.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "HP + 30", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3493.       }
  3494.       if (default_favicon === 0) {
  3495.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "DYNAMIC", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3496.         Render.String(18, data, 0, "DYNAMIC", [255, 255, 255, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3497.       }
  3498.       if (default_favicon < 101 && default_favicon !== 0) {
  3499.         Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, default_favicon.toString(), [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3500.         Render.String(18, data, 0, default_favicon.toString(), [255, 255, 255, 220], lastviewmatrix);
  3501.       }
  3502.       drawn++;
  3503.     }
  3504.   }
  3505. }, {
  3506.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
  3507.   draw : function(data) {
  3508.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  3509.     const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  3510.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  3511.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  3512.       pictGrad = 26;
  3513.     }
  3514.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  3515.       pictGrad = 31;
  3516.     }
  3517.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  3518.       pictGrad = 36;
  3519.     }
  3520.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  3521.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Resolver override"]) == 1) {
  3522.       return;
  3523.     }
  3524.     var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
  3525.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  3526.     if (fnparams[7]) {
  3527.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  3528.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "EDGE: ON", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3529.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "EDGE: ON", [154, 205, 50, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3530.       drawn++;
  3531.     }
  3532.   }
  3533. }, {
  3534.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
  3535.   draw : function(data) {
  3536.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  3537.     const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  3538.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  3539.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  3540.       pictGrad = 26;
  3541.     }
  3542.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  3543.       pictGrad = 31;
  3544.     }
  3545.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  3546.       pictGrad = 36;
  3547.     }
  3548.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  3549.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Resolver override"]) == 0) {
  3550.       return;
  3551.     }
  3552.     var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
  3553.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  3554.     if (fnparams[7]) {
  3555.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  3556.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "EDGE: OFF", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3557.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "EDGE: OFF", [154, 205, 50, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3558.       drawn++;
  3559.     }
  3560.   }
  3561. }, {
  3562.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"],
  3563.   draw : function(data) {
  3564.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  3565.     const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  3566.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  3567.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  3568.       pictGrad = 26;
  3569.     }
  3570.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  3571.       pictGrad = 31;
  3572.     }
  3573.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  3574.       pictGrad = 36;
  3575.     }
  3576.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  3577.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Ragebot activation"])) {
  3578.       return;
  3579.     }
  3580.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  3581.     if (fnparams[3]) {
  3582.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  3583.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "MT", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3584.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "MT", [255, 255, 255, 220], lastviewmatrix);
  3585.       drawn++;
  3586.     }
  3587.   }
  3588. }, {
  3590.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"],
  3591.   draw : function(data) {
  3592.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  3593.     const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  3594.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  3595.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  3596.       pictGrad = 26;
  3597.     }
  3598.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  3599.       pictGrad = 31;
  3600.     }
  3601.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  3602.       pictGrad = 36;
  3603.     }
  3604.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  3605.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Misc.", "Helpers", "General", "Extended backtracking"])) {
  3606.       return;
  3607.     }
  3608.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  3609.     if (fnparams[3]) {
  3610.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  3611.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "PING", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3612.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "PING", [154, 205, 50, 250], lastviewmatrix);
  3613.       drawn++;
  3614.     }
  3615.   }
  3616. }, {
  3617.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "General", "Enabled"],
  3618.   draw : function(data) {
  3619.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  3620.     const glyphSet = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  3621.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  3622.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  3623.       pictGrad = 26;
  3624.     }
  3625.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  3626.       pictGrad = 31;
  3627.     }
  3628.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  3629.       pictGrad = 36;
  3630.     }
  3631.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  3632.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Autowall key"]) == 1) {
  3633.       return;
  3634.     }
  3635.     var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("MT", 4)[0];
  3636.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  3637.     if (fnparams[4]) {
  3638.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  3639.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "Awall", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3640.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "Awall", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
  3641.       drawn++;
  3642.     }
  3643.   }
  3644. }, {
  3645.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
  3646.   draw : function(data) {
  3647.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  3648.     const glyphSet = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  3649.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  3650.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  3651.       pictGrad = 26;
  3652.     }
  3653.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  3654.       pictGrad = 31;
  3655.     }
  3656.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  3657.       pictGrad = 36;
  3658.     }
  3659.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  3660.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Force body aim"]) == 1) {
  3661.       return;
  3662.     }
  3663.     var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
  3664.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  3665.     if (fnparams[5]) {
  3666.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  3667.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "BAIM", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3668.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "BAIM", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
  3669.       drawn++;
  3670.     }
  3671.   }
  3672. }, {
  3673.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
  3674.   draw : function(data) {
  3675.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  3676.     const glyphSet = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  3677.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  3678.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  3679.       pictGrad = 26;
  3680.     }
  3681.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  3682.       pictGrad = 31;
  3683.     }
  3684.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  3685.       pictGrad = 36;
  3686.     }
  3687.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  3688.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Force safe point"]) == 1) {
  3689.       return;
  3690.     }
  3691.     var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
  3692.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  3693.     if (fnparams[5]) {
  3694.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  3695.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "SAFE", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3696.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "SAFE", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
  3697.       drawn++;
  3698.     }
  3699.   }
  3700.   }, {
  3701.   draw : function(data) {
  3702.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[0];
  3703.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  3704.     weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
  3705.     var sections = {
  3706.       "usp s" : "USP",
  3707.       "glock 18" : "Glock",
  3708.       "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
  3709.       "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
  3710.       "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
  3711.       "p250" : "P250",
  3712.       "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
  3713.       "mp9" : "MP9",
  3714.       "mac 10" : "Mac10",
  3715.       "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
  3716.       "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  3717.       "ak 47" : "AK47",
  3718.       "sg 553" : "SG553",
  3719.       "aug" : "AUG",
  3720.       "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
  3721.       "m4a4" : "M4A4",
  3722.       "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
  3723.       "awp" : "AWP",
  3724.       "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
  3725.       "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
  3726.       "xm1014" : "XM1014",
  3727.       "mag 7" : "MAG7",
  3728.       "m249" : "M249",
  3729.       "negev" : "Negev",
  3730.       "p2000" : "General",
  3731.       "famas" : "FAMAS",
  3732.       "five seven" : "Five Seven",
  3733.       "mp7" : "MP7",
  3734.       "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  3735.       "p90" : "P90",
  3736.       "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
  3737.       "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
  3738.       "galil ar" : "GALIL",
  3739.       "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
  3740.     };
  3741.     var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
  3742.     var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
  3743.     if (section == undefined) {
  3744.       section = "General";
  3745.     }
  3746.     var _0x6b3cx33 = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Field of view"]);
  3747.     var _0x6b3cxd2 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  3748.     if (_0x6b3cxd2 == 0) {
  3749.       indicatorssize2 = 26;
  3750.     }
  3751.     if (_0x6b3cxd2 == 1) {
  3752.       indicatorssize2 = 31;
  3753.     }
  3754.     if (_0x6b3cxd2 == 2) {
  3755.       indicatorssize2 = 36;
  3756.     }
  3757.     var artistTrack = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", indicatorssize2, true);
  3758.     if (fnparams[2]) {
  3759.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  3760.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "FOV: " + "10", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  3761.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "FOV: " + "10", [102, 0, 255, 255], artistTrack);
  3762.       if (indicatorssize2 === 26) {
  3763.         if (_0x6b3cx33 <= 9) {
  3764.         }
  3765.         if (_0x6b3cx33 > 9 && _0x6b3cx33 < 99) {
  3766.         }
  3767.         if (_0x6b3cx33 > 99) {
  3768.         }
  3769.       }
  3770.       if (indicatorssize2 === 31) {
  3771.         if (_0x6b3cx33 <= 9) {
  3772.         }
  3773.         if (_0x6b3cx33 > 9 && _0x6b3cx33 < 99) {
  3774.         }
  3775.         if (_0x6b3cx33 > 99) {
  3776.         }
  3777.       }
  3778.       if (indicatorssize2 === 36) {
  3779.         if (_0x6b3cx33 <= 9) {
  3780.         }
  3781.         if (_0x6b3cx33 > 9 && _0x6b3cx33 < 99) {
  3782.         }
  3783.         if (_0x6b3cx33 > 99) {
  3784.         }
  3785.       }
  3786.       drawn++;
  3787.     }
  3788.   }
  3789. }, {
  3790.   ref : ["Rage", "GENERAL", "Force safe point"],
  3791.   draw : function(data) {
  3792.     const _0x6b3cxd0 = modules[3];
  3793.     const _0x6b3cxd5 = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators color"]);
  3794.     var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  3795.     if (pictGrad == 0) {
  3796.       pictGrad = 26;
  3797.     }
  3798.     if (pictGrad == 1) {
  3799.       pictGrad = 31;
  3800.     }
  3801.     if (pictGrad == 2) {
  3802.       pictGrad = 36;
  3803.     }
  3804.     var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  3805.     if (!UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "Fake duck"]) == 1) {
  3806.       return;
  3807.     }
  3808.     var _0x6b3cxd6 = Render.TextSize("FAKE", 4)[0];
  3809.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  3810.     if (fnparams[6]) {
  3811.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  3812.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "DUCK", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3813.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "DUCK", [255, 255, 255, 220], lastviewmatrix);
  3814.       drawn++;
  3815.     }
  3816.   }
  3818. }, {
  3819.   ref : ["Rage", "Target", "General", "Minimum damage"],
  3820.   draw : function(data) {
  3821.     var fnparams = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators"]).toString(2)["split"]("")["reverse"]()["map"](Number);
  3822.     const medianDot = Local.GetRealYaw();
  3823.     const dotIndex = Local.GetFakeYaw();
  3824.     const value = Math["abs"](normalize_yaw(medianDot % 360 - dotIndex % 360)) / 2;
  3825.     var oldCondition = Math["abs"](value);
  3826.     const glyphSet = [186 + (154 - 186) * value / 60, 0 + (205 - 0) * value / 60, 16 + (50 - 16) * value / 60, 255];
  3827.     if (fnparams[0]) {
  3828.       var pictGrad = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  3829.       if (pictGrad == 0) {
  3830.         pictGrad = 26;
  3831.       }
  3832.       if (pictGrad == 1) {
  3833.         pictGrad = 31;
  3834.       }
  3835.       if (pictGrad == 2) {
  3836.         pictGrad = 36;
  3837.       }
  3838.       var lastviewmatrix = Render.GetFont("Calibrib.ttf", pictGrad, true);
  3839.       Render.GradientSkeet(9, data + 4, 100, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
  3840.       Render.String(18, data + 2, 0, "FAKE", [17, 17, 17, 255], lastviewmatrix);
  3841.       Render.String(18, data, 0, "FAKE", glyphSet, lastviewmatrix);
  3842.       drawn++;
  3843.     }
  3844.   }
  3845. }];
  3846. const do_indicators = function() {
  3847.   localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  3848.   localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index);
  3849.   if (localplayer_alive == true) {
  3850.     if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Helpers", "Helpers", "Autowall indicator under crosshair"]) == 1) {
  3851.       if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Autowall key"]) == 1) {
  3852.         screen = Render.GetScreenSize();
  3853.         _0x6b3cx4b = screen[0] / 2;
  3854.         y2 = screen[1] / 2;
  3855.         const artistTrack = Render.GetFont("Verdanab.ttf", 12, true);
  3856.         Render.String(_0x6b3cx4b - 35, y2 + 17, 0, "AUTOWALL", [180, 238, 0, 255], artistTrack);
  3857.       }
  3858.     }
  3859.   }
  3860.   if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) {
  3861.     return;
  3862.   }
  3863.   const _0x6b3cx4b = Render.GetScreenSize()[0];
  3864.   const cyclingLength = Render.GetScreenSize()[1];
  3865.   const xmz = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators Y offset"]);
  3866.   drawn = 0;
  3867.   var j = 0;
  3868.   for (; j < modules["length"]; j++) {
  3869.     const proto = modules[j];
  3870.     var _0x6b3cxd2 = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Indicators size"]);
  3871.     if (_0x6b3cxd2 = 1) {
  3872.       var xzz = 35;
  3873.     }
  3874.     if (_0x6b3cxd2 = 2) {
  3875.       xzz = 37;
  3876.     }
  3877.     if (_0x6b3cxd2 = 3) {
  3878.       xzz = 43;
  3879.     }
  3880.     proto["draw"](cyclingLength - xmz + drawn * xzz);
  3881.   }
  3882. };
  3884. function allauto() {
  3885.   var _0x6b3cxdd = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Autowall key"]);
  3886.   weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()));
  3887.   var sections = {
  3888.     "usp s" : "USP",
  3889.     "glock 18" : "Glock",
  3890.     "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
  3891.     "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
  3892.     "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
  3893.     "p250" : "P250",
  3894.     "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
  3895.     "mp9" : "MP9",
  3896.     "mac 10" : "Mac10",
  3897.     "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
  3898.     "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  3899.     "ak 47" : "AK47",
  3900.     "sg 553" : "SG553",
  3901.     "aug" : "AUG",
  3902.     "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
  3903.     "m4a4" : "M4A4",
  3904.     "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
  3905.     "awp" : "AWP",
  3906.     "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
  3907.     "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
  3908.     "xm1014" : "XM1014",
  3909.     "mag 7" : "MAG7",
  3910.     "m249" : "M249",
  3911.     "negev" : "Negev",
  3912.     "p2000" : "General",
  3913.     "famas" : "FAMAS",
  3914.     "five seven" : "Five Seven",
  3915.     "mp7" : "MP7",
  3916.     "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  3917.     "p90" : "P90",
  3918.     "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
  3919.     "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
  3920.     "galil ar" : "GALIL",
  3921.     "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
  3922.   };
  3923.   var numFmts = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
  3924.   var section = sections[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
  3925.   if (section == undefined) {
  3926.     section = "General";
  3927.   }
  3928.   if (_0x6b3cxdd == 0) {
  3929.     UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Disable autowall"], 1);
  3930.   }
  3931.   if (_0x6b3cxdd == 1) {
  3932.     UI.SetValue(["Rage", "Target", section, "Disable autowall"], 0);
  3933.   }
  3934. }
  3936. // Hit logs -- Start
  3938. hitboxes = [
  3939.     'generic',
  3940.     'head',
  3941.     'chest',
  3942.     'stomach',
  3943.     'left arm',
  3944.     'right arm',
  3945.     'left leg',
  3946.     'right leg',
  3947.     '?'
  3948. ];
  3949. var shots = 0;
  3950. var predicthc = 0;
  3951. var safety = 0;
  3952. var hitboxName = "";
  3953. var choked = 0;
  3954. var exploit = 0;
  3955. var logs = [];
  3956. var logsct = [];
  3957. var logsalpha = [];
  3958. function getHitboxName(index)
  3959. {
  3960.     switch (index)
  3961.     {
  3962.         case 0:
  3963.             hitboxName = "head";
  3964.             break;
  3965.         case 1:
  3966.             hitboxName = "head";
  3967.             break;
  3968.         case 2:
  3969.             hitboxName = "stomach";
  3970.             break;
  3971.         case 3:
  3972.             hitboxName = "stomach";
  3973.             break;
  3974.         case 4:
  3975.             hitboxName = "stomach";
  3976.             break;
  3977.         case 5:
  3978.             hitboxName = "chest";
  3979.             break;
  3980.         case 6:
  3981.             hitboxName = "chest";
  3982.             break;
  3983.         case 7:
  3984.             hitboxName = "left leg";
  3985.             break;
  3986.         case 8:
  3987.             hitboxName = "right leg";
  3988.             break;
  3989.         case 9:
  3990.             hitboxName = "left leg";
  3991.             break;
  3992.         case 10:
  3993.             hitboxName = "right leg";
  3994.             break;
  3995.         case 11:
  3996.             hitboxName = "left leg";
  3997.             break;
  3998.         case 12:
  3999.             hitboxName = "right leg";
  4000.             break;
  4001.         case 13:
  4002.             hitboxName = "left arm";
  4003.             break;
  4004.         case 14:
  4005.             hitboxName = "right arm";
  4006.             break;
  4007.         case 15:
  4008.             hitboxName = "left arm";
  4009.             break;
  4010.         case 16:
  4011.             hitboxName = "left arm";
  4012.             break;
  4013.         case 17:
  4014.             hitboxName = "right arm";
  4015.             break;
  4016.         case 18:
  4017.             hitboxName = "right arm";
  4018.             break;
  4019.         default:
  4020.             hitboxName = "body";
  4021.     }
  4022.     return hitboxName;
  4023. }
  4024. function HitgroupName(index) {
  4025.     return hitboxes[index] || 'body';
  4026. }
  4028. var target = -1;
  4029. var shots_fired = 0;
  4030. var hits = 0;
  4031. var lastUpdate = 0;
  4032. var logged = false;
  4034. function ragebotfire() {
  4035.     predicthc = Event.GetInt("hitchance");
  4036.     safety = Event.GetInt("safepoint");
  4037.     hitboxName = getHitboxName(Event.GetInt("hitbox"));
  4038.     exploit = (Event.GetInt("exploit")+1).toString();
  4039.   target = Event.GetInt("target_index");
  4040.   shots_fired++;
  4041.   logged = false;
  4042.   lastUpdate = Globals.Curtime();
  4043. }
  4045. function hitlog() {
  4046.     var hit = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("userid"));
  4047.     var attacker = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetInt("attacker"));
  4048.     if (attacker == Entity.GetLocalPlayer() && hit == target) hits++;
  4050.     var hittype = "Hit ";
  4051.     me = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  4052.     hitbox = Event.GetInt('hitgroup');
  4053.     target_damage = Event.GetInt("dmg_health");
  4054.     target_health = Event.GetInt("health");
  4055.     victim = Event.GetInt('userid');
  4056.     attacker = Event.GetInt('attacker');
  4057.     weapon = Event.GetString('weapon');
  4058.     victimIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(victim);
  4059.     attackerIndex = Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(attacker);
  4060.     name = Entity.GetName(victimIndex);
  4061.     //targetName.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
  4062.       var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 17;
  4064.     var flags = "";
  4066.     if (exploit == 2)
  4067.       flags += "T";
  4069.     flags += "B";
  4071.     if (hitbox == 1)
  4072.       flags += "H";
  4074.       if (safety == 1) {
  4075.           safety = "true";
  4076.       }
  4077.       else {
  4078.           safety = "false";
  4079.       }
  4081.     if (weapon == "hegrenade")
  4082.       hittype = "Naded ";
  4083.     else if (weapon == "inferno")
  4084.       hittype = "Burned ";
  4085.     else if (weapon == "knife")
  4086.       hittype = "Knifed ";
  4089.     if(UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Hit logs"]) == 1) {
  4090.     if (me == attackerIndex && me != victimIndex) {
  4091.         Cheat.PrintColor([1, 0, 187, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
  4092.     if (hittype == "Hit ") {
  4093.       Cheat.Print("["+shots.toString()+"] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) \n");
  4094.           logs.push("["+shots.toString()+"] "+hittype+name+"'s "+HitgroupName(hitbox)+" for "+target_damage.toString()+" ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining)");
  4096.     if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Enable Chat Logging"])==1) {
  4097.             Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense\x03] [\x0c"+shots.toString()+"\x08] "+hittype+name+"'s \x10"+HitgroupName(hitbox)+"\x08 for \x07"+target_damage.toString()+"\x08 ("+target_health.toString()+" remaining) aimed=\x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) safety=\x03"+safety+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)\n");
  4098.         }    
  4099.     }
  4101.         logsct.push(Globals.Curtime());
  4102.         logsalpha.push(255);
  4103.     }
  4104.     }
  4106.   if (shots == 99)
  4107.     shots = 0;
  4108.   else
  4109.     shots++;
  4111. }
  4113. function removelogs() {
  4114.     if (logs.length > 6) {
  4115.         logs.shift();
  4116.         logsct.shift();
  4117.         logsalpha.shift();
  4118.     }
  4120.     if (logsct[0] + 6.5 < Globals.Curtime()) {
  4121.         logsalpha[0] -= Globals.Frametime() * 600;
  4122.         if (logsalpha[0] < 0) {
  4123.             logs.shift();
  4124.             logsct.shift();
  4125.             logsalpha.shift();
  4126.         }
  4127.     }
  4128. }
  4131. function onDraw() {
  4132.     if (!World.GetServerString()) return;
  4133.     var font = Render.GetFont("Arial.ttf", 12, true);
  4136.     for (i = 0; i < logs.length; i++) {
  4137.         Render.String(4, 4 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [0, 0, 0, logsalpha[i]], font);
  4138.         Render.String(3, 3 + 13*i, 0, logs[i], [255, 255, 255, logsalpha[i]], font);
  4139.     }
  4141.     if(UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Hit logs"]) == 1) {
  4142.     if (shots_fired > hits && (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 0.33)) {
  4143.       if (Globals.Curtime() - lastUpdate > 1) {
  4144.         shots_fired = 0;
  4145.         hits = 0;
  4146.       }
  4147.       if (!logged) {
  4148.         var simtime = Globals.Tickcount() % 16;
  4149.         logged = true;
  4150.         var issafe = "true";
  4151.         var reason = "?";
  4152.         if (safety == 0) {
  4153.           issafe = "false";
  4154.         }
  4156.         // Note that these miss logs arent accurate!
  4157.         if (Entity.IsAlive(target) == false)
  4158.             reason = "death";
  4159.         else if (Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) == false)
  4160.             reason = "dead";
  4161.         else if (safety == true && predicthc < 76)
  4162.             reason = "spread";
  4163.         else if (safety == true && predicthc > 76)
  4164.             reason = "prediction error";
  4166.         var flags = "";
  4168.         if (exploit == 2)
  4169.           flags += "T";
  4171.           flags += "B";
  4172.         Cheat.PrintColor([1, 0, 187, 255], "[Pastesense] ");
  4173.         Cheat.Print("Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+"("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to "+reason+", safety="+issafe+" ("+flags+") ("+simtime+":"+exploit+")\n");
  4174.             logs.push("Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s "+hitboxName+"("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to "+reason+", safety="+issafe+" ("+flags+") ("+simtime+":"+exploit+")");
  4176.             if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Pastesense Logs", "SHEET_MGR", "Pastesense Logs", "Enable Chat Logging"])==1) {
  4177.                 Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense\x03] \x08Missed "+Entity.GetName(target)+"'s \x10"+hitboxName+"\x08("+predicthc.toString()+"%%) due to \x07"+reason+"\x08, safety=\x03"+issafe+"\x08 (\x10"+flags+"\x08) (\x10"+simtime+"\x08:\x10"+exploit+"\x08)");
  4178.             }
  4179.         logsct.push(Globals.Curtime());
  4180.             logsalpha.push(255);
  4181.         if (shots == 99)
  4182.           shots = 0;
  4183.         else
  4184.           shots++;
  4185.       }
  4186.     }
  4187. }
  4188. }
  4191. Global.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "hitlog");
  4192. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
  4193. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "removelogs");
  4195. // Hit logs -- End
  4197. var wep2tab = {
  4198.   "usp s" : "USP",
  4199.   "glock 18" : "Glock",
  4200.   "dual berettas" : "Dualies",
  4201.   "r8 revolver" : "Revolver",
  4202.   "desert eagle" : "Deagle",
  4203.   "p250" : "P250",
  4204.   "tec 9" : "Tec-9",
  4205.   "mp9" : "MP9",
  4206.   "mac 10" : "Mac10",
  4207.   "pp bizon" : "PP-Bizon",
  4208.   "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  4209.   "ak 47" : "AK47",
  4210.   "sg 553" : "SG553",
  4211.   "aug" : "AUG",
  4212.   "m4a1 s" : "M4A1-S",
  4213.   "m4a4" : "M4A4",
  4214.   "ssg 08" : "SSG08",
  4215.   "awp" : "AWP",
  4216.   "g3sg1" : "G3SG1",
  4217.   "scar 20" : "SCAR20",
  4218.   "xm1014" : "XM1014",
  4219.   "mag 7" : "MAG7",
  4220.   "m249" : "M249",
  4221.   "negev" : "Negev",
  4222.   "p2000" : "General",
  4223.   "famas" : "FAMAS",
  4224.   "five seven" : "Five Seven",
  4225.   "mp7" : "MP7",
  4226.   "ump 45" : "UMP45",
  4227.   "p90" : "P90",
  4228.   "cz75 auto" : "CZ-75",
  4229.   "mp5 sd" : "MP5",
  4230.   "galil ar" : "GALIL",
  4231.   "sawed off" : "Sawed off"
  4232. };
  4233. var tab_names = ["General", "USP", "Glock", "Five Seven", "Tec-9", "Deagle", "Revolver", "Dualies", "P250", "CZ-75", "Mac10", "P90", "MP5", "MP7", "MP9", "UMP45", "PP-Bizon", "M4A1-S", "M4A4", "AK47", "AUG", "SG553", "FAMAS", "GALIL", "AWP", "SSG08", "SCAR20", "G3SG1", "M249", "XM1014", "MAG7", "Negev", "Sawed off"];
  4235. function Pastedmg() {
  4236.   if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment", "Minimum damage override"])) {
  4237.     var section = wep2tab[Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))];
  4238.     if (section == undefined) {
  4239.       section = "General";
  4240.     }
  4241.     var lastviewmatrix = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Minimum damage override"]);
  4242.     if (lastviewmatrix == 0 && section != "General") {
  4243.       lastviewmatrix = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Aimbot", "Aimbot", "Minimum damage override"]);
  4244.     }
  4245.     var attsByName = Entity.GetEnemies();
  4246.     for (e in attsByName) {
  4247.       Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(attsByName[e], lastviewmatrix);
  4248.     }
  4249.   }
  4250. }
  4252. function antiaimarrows() {
  4253.   var repository = UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Arrows X offset"]);
  4254.   const medianDot = Local.GetRealYaw();
  4255.   const dotIndex = Local.GetFakeYaw();
  4256.   const _0x6b3cx1e = Math["abs"](normalize_yaw(medianDot % 360 - dotIndex % 360)) / 2;
  4257.   localplayer_index = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
  4258.   localplayer_alive = Entity.IsAlive(localplayer_index);
  4259.   if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Arrows fake color"])) {
  4260.     arrowcolor = [186 + (154 - 186) * _0x6b3cx1e / 60, 0 + (205 - 0) * _0x6b3cx1e / 60, 16 + (50 - 16) * _0x6b3cx1e / 60, 255];
  4261.   } else {
  4262.     arrowcolor = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Arrows color"]);
  4263.   }
  4264.   var _0x6b3cxf3 = Render.GetScreenSize();
  4265.   {
  4267.     var coerce = function(length, array) {
  4268.       return [length[0], length[1], length[2], array];
  4269.     };
  4270.     i = 1;
  4271.     if (localplayer_alive == true) {
  4272.       if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Antiaim arrow type"]) == 1) {
  4273.         if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"])) {
  4274.           LPx = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - 25 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 + 7];
  4275.           LPy = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - 25 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 7];
  4276.           LPz = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - 37 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2];
  4277.           Render.Polygon([[LPx[0] + 1, LPx[1] + 1], [LPz[0] + 1, LPz[1] + 1], [LPy[0] + 1, LPy[1] + 1]], [0, 0, 0, 100]);
  4278.           Render.Polygon([LPx, LPz, LPy], [100, 100, 100, 200]);
  4279.           Render.Polygon([LPx, LPz, LPy], coerce(arrowcolor, 255));
  4280.         } else {
  4281.           RPx = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + 25 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 + 7];
  4282.           RPy = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + 25 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 7];
  4283.           RPz = [_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + 37 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2];
  4284.           Render.Polygon([[RPy[0] + 1, RPy[1] + 1], [RPz[0] + 1, RPz[1] + 1], [RPx[0] + 1, RPx[1] + 1]], [0, 0, 0, 100]);
  4285.           Render.Polygon([RPy, RPz, RPx], [100, 100, 100, 200]);
  4286.           Render.Polygon([RPy, RPz, RPx], coerce(arrowcolor, 255));
  4287.         }
  4288.       }
  4289.     }
  4290.   }
  4291.   {
  4292.     var artistTrack = Render.GetFont("calibrib.ttf", 28, true);
  4293.     if (localplayer_alive == true) {
  4294.       if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Antiaim arrow type"]) == 3) {
  4295.         if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"])) {
  4296.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4297.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4298.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 - 1, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4299.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 + 1, 1, ">", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4300.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, ">", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  4301.         } else {
  4302.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4303.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4304.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 - 1, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4305.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13 + 1, 1, "<", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4306.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 13, 1, "<", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  4307.         }
  4308.       }
  4309.     }
  4310.   }
  4311.   {
  4312.     artistTrack = Render.GetFont("Arial.ttf", 28, true);
  4313.     if (localplayer_alive == true) {
  4314.       if (UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Indicators", "Indicators", "Antiaim arrow type"]) == 2) {
  4315.         if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "General", "Key assignment", "AA Direction inverter"])) {
  4316.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4317.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4318.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4319.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4320.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4321.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4322.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4323.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4324.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4325.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  4326.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  4327.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 - repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  4328.         } else {
  4329.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4330.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4331.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4332.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4333.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4334.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4335.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4336.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4337.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14 - 1, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [17, 17, 17, 255], artistTrack);
  4338.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 14, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  4339.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository + 7, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  4340.           Render.String(_0x6b3cxf3[0] / 2 + repository, _0x6b3cxf3[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
  4341.         }
  4342.       }
  4343.     }
  4344.   }
  4345. }
  4347. function onUnload() {
  4348.   Global.SetClanTag(" ");
  4349.   AntiAim.SetOverride(0);
  4350. }
  4351. Global.RegisterCallback("ragebot_fire", "ragebotfire");
  4352. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "PasteFOV");
  4353. Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "allauto");
  4354. Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "Pastedmg");
  4355. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "smokecheck");
  4356. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "reset_tick");
  4357. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "reset_tick2");
  4358. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_tick");
  4359. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "Pasteaa");
  4360. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "realsway");
  4361. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "fakesway");
  4362. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_tick");
  4363. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "legs");
  4364. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "FakeDuck");
  4365. Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "Security");
  4366. Global.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "menuoptions");
  4367. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "removelogs");
  4368. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
  4369. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "do_indicators");
  4370. Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "dispDamage");
  4371. Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "watermark");
  4372. Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "clantag");
  4373. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
  4374. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "getObservators");
  4375. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "drawObservators");
  4376. Global.RegisterCallback("round_start", "resetObservators");
  4377. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Security");
  4378. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Security");
  4379. Global.RegisterCallback("Draw", "menuoptions");
  4380. Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "antiaimarrows");
  4381. Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "Pasteaa");
  4382. Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "on_frame");
  4383. Cheat.RegisterCallback("weapon_fire", "on_weapon_fire");
  4384. Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_connect_full", "reset");
  4385. Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_death", "on_player_death");
  4386. Cheat.RegisterCallback("player_hurt", "on_player_hurt");
  4387. Cheat.RegisterCallback("item_purchase", "BuyLogs");
  4388. Cheat.RegisterCallback("vote_options", "onVoteOptions");
  4389. Cheat.RegisterCallback("vote_cast", "onVoteCast");
  4390. Cheat.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "aspectratio");
  4391. Cheat.RegisterCallback("Unload", "onUnload");
  4392. Cheat.RegisterCallback("FrameStageNotify", "fsn");
  4393. Cheat.RegisterCallback("announce_phase_end", "announce_phase_end");
  4394. Cheat.RegisterCallback("cs_win_panel_match", "cs_win_panel_match");
  4395. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "updateDamageValues")
  4396. Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "XTOnKey");
  4397. Cheat.PrintChat(" \x03[\x03Pastesense.garbage\x03]\x08 is ready to use!");
  4398. My Pastes
  4399. TeamSkeet Indicato...
  4400. JavaScript | 43 sec ago
  4401. LegitOnE
  4402. Lua | 36 days ago
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  4413. Quick Peek (Aimwar...
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  4417. C | 22 min ago
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