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- /*
- [13:28] * dmiles attempts to write a program in FOL today! just a simple 14 key caclulator
- [13:29] <dmiles> just to discover the hellishness
- [13:29] <anniepoo_> the calculator believes that X is 7?
- [13:31] <dmiles> yes
- [13:31] <dmiles> well the other parts is believing the key buffer represents cerain values and so forth
- [13:32] <dmiles> and even believing there are keys to be pressed
- part of why i doing the calculator (outside of a test case for logicmoo/prologmud).. is it has been belived that programs might be hard to express physically
- */
- :_ include(test_header).
- % =================================================================================
- % Set our engine up
- % =================================================================================
- :_ set_lang(clif).
- :_ begin_pfc.
- % deduce instances from usages in args having the effect of deducing human,dwelling,beverage_class are classes
- ==> feature_setting(make_wff,true).
- ==> feature_setting(add_admitted_arguments,true).
- % set truth maintainance system to remove previous assertions that new assertions disagree with
- ==> feature_setting(tms_mode,remove_conflicting).
- % i been resisting the urge to expand the 'dictoo' language (of one of my packs) into a scripting language for prolog.
- :_ set_prolog_flag(runtime_debug,3). % mention it when we remove previous assertions
- :_ set_prolog_flag_until_eof(do_renames,mpred_expansion).
- :_ kif_compile.
- % =================================================================================
- % Begin program
- % =================================================================================
- % Create out 14 keys
- exists(Key,labeled(Key,"1")). exists(Key,labeled(Key,"2")).
- exists(Key,labeled(Key,"3")). exists(Key,labeled(Key,"4")).
- exists(Key,labeled(Key,"5")). exists(Key,labeled(Key,"6")).
- exists(Key,labeled(Key,"7")). exists(Key,labeled(Key,"8")).
- exists(Key,labeled(Key,"9")). exists(Key,labeled(Key,"0")).
- exists(Key,labeled(Key,"+")). exists(Key,labeled(Key,"_")).
- exists(Key,labeled(Key,"=")). exists(Key,labeled(Key,"CLR")).
- % Make each key unique depending on its label
- forall([Key1,Key2,Label1,Label2],
- labeled(Key1,Label1) & labeled(Key2,Label2) & different(Label1,Label2) => different(Key1,Key2)).
- % Let same/2 be our unification identify
- forall(X,same(X,X)).
- % same/2 implies not differnt
- forall([X,Y], same(X,Y) => ~ different(X,Y)).
- % Note all unquantified vars will be universal from here on out
- subclass(S,C) & isa(I,S) => isa(I,C).
- % an accumulator is a numeric buffer
- subclass(accumulator,numbuffer).
- % a display is a numeric buffer
- subclass(display,numbuffer).
- % numeric buffer and operation buffer are buffers
- subclass(numbuffer,buffer). subclass(opbuffer,buffer).
- % Create some buffers
- exists(X,isa(X,accumulator)).
- exists(X,isa(X,display)).
- exists(X,isa(X,opbuffer)).
- /*
- Extra TODO ?
- define how a buffer is shown in screen locations
- exactly(10,X, isa(X,screenLocation)).
- */
- % All number buffers have a, inital value of 0
- forall(X,isa(X,numbuffer) => initalValue(X,0)).
- % exists an initial world
- exists(C,initialWorld(C)).
- % initial world is populated by inital values
- initalValue(N,V) & initialWorld(W) => currentValue(W,N,V).
- % All numeric buffers have a value
- forall(W,forall(N,exists(V,isa(N,numbuffer) & world(W) => currentValue(W,N,V))).
- % Op buffer is intialized to null
- forall(X,isa(X,opbuffer) => initalValue(X,null)).
- % exists a current world (Fluent 1)
- exists(C,currentWorld(C)).
- nextWorld(C,N)=> isa(C,world) & isa(C,world).
- => currentValue
- % CTL or LTL version of automation?
- currentWorld(C) & onEvent(Evt,Props) =>
- exists(W,
- isa(W,world)
- & nextWorld(C,W)) ....
- % after "CLR" is pressed re_init the buffers
- onEvent(pressed("CLR"), forall([N,V], initalValue(N,V) => currentValue(N,V))).
- % after "=" is pressed the "accumulator" buffer is shown.
- % after "+" or "_" is pressed the
- my_minus_one(N,M) <=> (N > 1) & (M = N-1).
- % Lits in KBs are considered true
- consistent(W) <=> min_lits(1, W) .
- exactly_N_lits(1,W) <=>
- exists([W,Prop],
- ( true_in_world(Prop,W)
- & ~exists(Other_Prop,
- ( true_in_world(Other_Prop,W)
- & ~equiv(W,Other_Prop,Prop))))) .
- exactly_N_lits(2,W) <=>
- exists([W,Prop1,Prop2],
- ( true_in_world(Prop1,W)
- & true_in_world(Prop2,W)
- & ~equiv(W,Prop1,Prop2)
- & ~ exists(Other_Prop,
- ( true_in_world(Other_Prop,W)
- & ~equiv(W,Other_Prop,Prop1)
- & ~equiv(W,Other_Prop,Prop2)))))
- exactly_N_lits(N,W) <=>
- range_lits(N,N,W).
- range_lits(N,M,W) <=>
- exists(W,
- ( min_lits(N,W)
- & max_lits(M,W))) .
- min_lits(1,W) <=>
- exists([W,Prop],
- (true_in_world(Prop,W))).
- min_lits(2,W) <=>
- exists([W,Prop1,Prop2],
- ( true_in_world(Prop1,W)
- & true_in_world(Prop2,W)
- & ~equiv(W,Prop1,Prop2))).
- max_lits(2,W) <=>
- exists([W,Prop1,Prop2],
- ( true_in_world(Prop1,W)
- & true_in_world(Prop2,W)
- & ~exists(Other_Prop,
- ( true_in_world(Other_Prop,W)
- & ~equiv(W,Other_Prop,Prop1)
- & ~equiv(W,Other_Prop,Prop2))))).
- % exists a W with no lits?
- exactly_N_lits(0,W) <=>
- exists(W,
- ~exists(Prop1, true_in_world(Prop1,W))).
- max_lits(1,W) <=>
- exactly_N_lits(0,W) v exactly_N_lits(1,W).
- difference_at_least_1_truths(W1,W2) <=>
- exists(Prop, (true_in_world(Prop,W1) => ~true_in_world(Prop,W2))) .
- disjoint_truths(W1,W2) <=>
- ~exists(Prop, (true_in_world(Prop,W1) & true_in_world(Prop,W2))).
- subset_truths(W1,W2) <=>
- all(Prop,
- true_in_world(Prop,W1) => true_in_world(Prop,W2) ).
- union_s_v2(W1,W2,W) <=>
- all(Prop,
- (true_in_world(Prop,W) <=>
- (true_in_world(Prop,W1) v true_in_world(Prop,W2)))).
- union_truths(W1,W2,W) <=>
- exists(KB,
- union_truths(W1,W2,KB)
- & ~difference_at_least_1_truths(W,KB)).
- union_disjoint_truths(W1,W2,W) <=>
- ( union_truths(W1,W2,W)
- & disjoint_truths(W1,W2)).
- min_lits(4,W) <=>
- exists([W1,W2],
- min_lits(2,W1)
- & min_lits(2,W2)
- & union_disjoint_truths(W1,W2)).
- min_lits(N,W) <=>
- exists([W1,W2],
- min_lits(1,W1)
- & min_lits(M,W2)
- & consistent(W2)
- & union_disjoint_truths(W1,W2)
- & my_minus_one(N,M)).
- max_lits(N,W) <=>
- exists([W1,W2],
- max_lits(1,W1)
- & max_lits(M,W2)
- & consistent(W2)
- & union_disjoint_truths(W1,W2)
- & my_minus_one(N,M)).
- equal_v1_truths(W1,W2) <=>
- ( ~difference_at_least_1_truths(W1,W2)
- & ~difference_at_least_1_truths(W2,W1)
- & consistent(W1)
- & consistent(W2)).
- equal_v2_truths(W1,W2) <=>
- ( consistent(W1)
- & all(Prop,
- (true_in_world(Prop,W1) <=> true_in_world(Prop,W2)))).
- % v1: lameness
- equiv_v1(W,Prop1,Prop2) <=>
- true_in_world(Prop1,W) <=> true_in_world(Prop2,W).
- % v2 Prop2 and Prop2 logically "imply" each other in the W.
- equiv_v2(W,Prop1,Prop2) <=>
- true_in_world((Prop1 <=> Prop2),W).
- % v3 the actual semantics implemented based that both logical sentences use the same proof
- equiv(W,Prop1,Prop2) <=>
- equiv_v4(W,Prop1,Prop2) v equiv_v2(W,Prop1,Prop2).
- % v4 sameness (current implementation in LogicMOO )
- equiv_v4(W,X,Y) <=>
- same(X,Y) &
- forall(X,
- exists(W,
- true_in_world(X,W))).
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