
Predator If It Bleeds 10

Dec 21st, 2023
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  1. A sound like wood crackling in a fire was followed by a whoosh that Stonewall heard, and felt. Something sailed past him and struck Cracker Jack. The big man was lifted off the ground and slapped against Cotton's corpse. As Cracker Jack's voice rose up in a scream, a crisscross of lines appeared on his face, squeezing the side of his head, and then cutting into it. Blood erupted from the conjoined wounds. His clothing fell away, small squares of neatly cut fabric revealing the same
  2. crisscross wounds all over his body. He was ensnared by a tightening net, squeezing his body against Cotton's.
  4. As Cracker Jack's scream reached fever pitch, Stonewall drew his pistol once more and shot the man in the head.
  6. "I am getting tired of shootin' my own men," he shouted. "Show yourself, like a man. I want to know who's killing me before I die."
  8. Stonewall had no intention of dying, but he couldn't very well fight someone he couldn't see. He hoped the taunt would do the trick. It didn't.-pg.55-56 chpt.2
Tags: Predator
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