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- Install-Module ZLocation -Scope CurrentUser; Import-Module ZLocation; Add-Content -Value "`r`n`r`nImport-Module ZLocation`r`n" -Encoding utf8 -Path $PROFILE.CurrentUserAllHosts
- Get-Command -Module name
- Install-Module Find-String
- Install-Module Get-ChildItemColor
- Install-Module Selenium
- Install-Module -Name PowerRemoteDesktop_Server
- Install-Module -Name PSScriptAnalyzer -Force
- Install-Module -Name LatestUpdate -Force
- Install-Module -Name RdpToolkit
- Install-Module -Name PSItems
- Import-Module -Name PSItems
- Install-Module -Name 'Carbon.Cryptography'
- Import-Module -Name 'Carbon.Cryptography'
- Install-Module PSPasswordGenerator
- Install-Module Pscx -Scope CurrentUser
- Install-Module -Name Find-String -Scope CurrentUser
- Install-Module -Name Get-DuplicateItem -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser -Verbose
- Install-Module PSScriptTools
- Install-Module -Name PSFzf
- Install-Module -Name Fasdr
- Install-Module MSOnline
- Install-Module AzureAD
- Install-Module -Name InstallModuleFromGitHub
- Install-Module -Name PSWriteOffice
- Install-Module -Name PSmRemoteNG -Repo PSGallery
- Install-Module -Name Evergreen
- Import-Module -Name Evergreen
- Install-Module PSBlackListChecker
- Install-Module PSTeams
- Install-Module PSSharedGoods
- Install-Module PSSlack
- Install-Module Az
- Install-Module PSTimeSheets
- Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Scope CurrentUser
- Install-Module AzureAD
- Install-Module GMSACredential
- Get-GMSACredential -GMSAName 'Identity' -Domain 'DomainName'
- Install-Module Office365.Connect
- Install-module PSGALLERYMODULE -scope User
- Install-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.GraphicalTools
- Install-Module CimDiskImage
- Install-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleGuiTools
- Install-Module PSKit
- Install-Module PSWordle
- Install-Module PnP.PowerShell -AllowPrerelease
- Install-Module Get-WLANs
- Import-Module Get-WLANs
- Get-WLANs
- Install-Module MSAL.PS
- Install-Module PSWriteWord
- Install-Module M365Documentation
- Install-Module EZLog
- install-module gundog
- 1. Install latest PSReadline:
- Install-Module PSReadLine -AllowPrerelease -Force
- 2. Add to profile file:
- Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionViewStyle ListView -PredictionSource History -HistoryNoDuplicates
- Install-Module "PSURLhaus"
- Get-UrlHausData -Tag 'emotet' | Where url_status -eq "online"
- Install-Module MicrosoftTeams -Force
- Install-Module DockerCompletion
- Import-Module DockerCompletion
- Install-Module Graphical
- Install-Module Enable-RemoteDesktop
- Install-Module Get-ADUserLastLogon
- Install-Module Get-AntiMalwareStatus
- Install-Module Microsoft365DSC -Force
- Install-Module PSUnixUtilCompleters
- Install-Module ORCA
- Install-Module DCToolbox
- Install-Module Subnet
- Install-Module krbtgt
- Install-Module -Name DCToolbox -Force
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