
Kalos' Games #spacecopsic 3/25/2017

Mar 25th, 2017
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  1. DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
  2. DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
  3. Ommy|GM: @everyone, you all get a prompt from the goverment that there was a Psion in your midst, and to watch out for these wolf. they were colored a dark brown, black eyes, red bandana and gray scale clothes. And that was all that was said on your TacNETs
  4. Cyril: _PANICS AND TAKES OFF VR HEADSET. Looks around. Welp, not here._
  5. Runi: "Well duh, did you guys every think you'd get a real vacation?"
  6. Lily: what in one of my books calls "A wizard's vacation" meaning, you think you're on vacation, but really you are there for a reason and you have to work
  7. Lily: and good work is rewarded with more, harder work
  8. Runi: "From my grand total of two weeks as a spaceknight, I learned this is standard practise."
  9. Keith: "Well... Shit..." Keith says, over the comms, while nearing the suite with <@!Miri>
  10. Lily: ( I feel like I'm the only person in the world who read that book series lol )
  11. Lily: ( "Young wizard" series by diane duane )
  12. Miri: "Crap, crap crap crap *crap.* Ugh."
  13. Runi: _pulls out the PSIDETECTOR_
  14. Keith: "Calm down, Miri, it is a whole planet for only one Psion..." Keith says, trying to calm <@!Miri> "It is not like he'll start ripping buildings right out of the ground"
  15. Runi: _looks at it- does it say anything?_
  16. Lily: "Is that all the info we're getting, not even anything on what this psion can do, or like, what they've done bad?"
  17. Keith: "After all, they've sent *us* to do the job"
  18. Ommy|GM: There is no Psions in your general vicinity, but it does point at the general location of where it possibly could be.
  19. Runi: which is where? How many 'cities' are there where they could be?
  20. Ommy|GM: The radar seems to be pointing down underground, where everything is really unrestrained there.
  21. Lily: ( I thought this tech only worked in very close proximity o3)
  22. Ommy|GM: As for Lily and Lotus, you're radars go hawire as they sit in your pockets and a wolf passes you by.
  23. Keith: (Not very accurate over long lengths... Could be *any* place underground, or the other side of the planet)
  24. Lily: ( On the other side of the planet? that's a huge radius for what it does, don't you think, even if it's not super accurate, it'll still lead you there eventually @_@ )
  25. Runi: "So i heard you guys have a ship...?"
  26. Lily: (small world syndrome)
  27. Lily: ( where did you come from, where did you go? where did you come from runi eyed joe)
  28. Miri: "Not worried about the *job.* Annoyed we have to *break off our plans.*" She irritably pops her head back on.
  29. Runi: _does have gigantic eyes, though_
  30. Runi: gigantic, non-spherical avali eyes
  31. Lily: _sends a message to her team that she literally has visual contact with the suspect, mentally_
  32. Runi: *"you do?"*
  33. Keith: "Well... Miri... I mean, I don't think he'll go very far away, we can probably do things before-"
  34. Lily: _sends Runi a screenshot_
  35. Ommy|GM: The wolf turns the corner and heads up the stairs back to the normal resort area, they don't seem to be armed based on the screenshot.
  36. Miri: "He doesn't look so dangerous."
  37. Runi: <"He's cute. Where are you though?">
  38. Miri: _puts in a request for more intel._
  39. Lily: _sends a message to their employers that she has seen said suspect, and request additional info_
  40. Lily: _also decides... fuck it, time to tail the perp :3_
  41. Lily: is there a "shadowing" skill I can roll for?
  42. Keith: (There's literlly a skill called that, I think?)
  43. Lily: ( ah yes here it is)
  44. Ommy|GM: The Psion apparently reanimates itself upon **death** and apparently cannot die, also dying in this sense rejuvenates them in case of broken limbs or bodily malfunction, they advise to stun or tranq them.
  45. Miri: "Maintain your distance until we have more intel. We don't need another Dom."
  46. Miri: "'Apparently' reanimates? *'Apparently'*? Do we seriously not have anything more to go on?"
  47. Lily: _is underground :B now following wolfboy, and is going to roll shadowing to do it stealthily, as soon as I figure out what to roll again_
  48. Keith: _Keith reaches for the suite's door, and opens it. "Miri, should we go into the suite?"_
  49. Lily: !groll 9
  50. DiscoDude: <@Lily> rolled 11 (degree -2; failure)
  51. Lily: :3
  52. Miri: _sighs._
  53. Ommy|GM: The wolf's name is Ni Volek
  54. Runi: _blinks for a moment, and heads off to her room- she's going to suit up first before anything really wacky goes down- and bonus points for her, her combat cloak can look just like any normal clothes._
  55. Miri: "Only long enough to change back into my normal outfit."
  56. Miri: "And tighten up the screws on my collar."
  57. Lily: _also sends a waypoint to her team where she is :B_
  58. Keith: _Keith sighs with dissapointment, you can almost hear the *disappointment* dripping from it._
  59. "Yes, of course."
  60. Ommy|GM: Everyone gets a trail leading to the underground, by this point the wolf is already about halfway to the exit.
  61. Cyril: _heads down, hangs out at the stairway or elevator or whatever into the Underground Zone. Doesn't seem to want to go under :I_
  62. Lily: _still follows him, thinking she's stealthy_
  63. Lily: :B
  64. Lily: It's a roll for shadowing
  65. Lily: let me copy pasta if for ou
  66. Ommy|GM: Cyril sees the wolf exit the stairway and continues to walk, he turns around a bit to see Lily and shrugs, not paying much attention to Cyril.
  67. Runi: _likely has a seperate room from the rest, not having arrived at quite the same time- She arrived in front of Miri and Keith before too long. "How do I look?" she had on almost traditional avali robes, ... which were also amazing for concealing things like her sword and her survival laser.
  68. Miri: "Mark my words, Keith...soon as this is done, I've got a kumquat long overdue for a popping." She pauses. "That *is* the right fruit, right?"
  69. Keith: "Oh, um... Hi, Runi?" Keith says, before leaning towards Miri
  70. Miri: _comes out of the suite in her normal outfit._
  71. Keith: *"Did you mean a cherry?"*
  72. Keith: _Keith wiggles his eyebrows_
  73. Miri: "I think I might have, yes," Miri whispers back.
  74. Runi: what's Miri's normal outfit?
  75. Lily: _is just going to... keep following wolfboy :B She sends a message to the others to uh... not follow_
  76. Cyril: _will stay still, to avoid attention. Will RUSH IN TO THE RESCUE if the team gets into trouble! Excellent strategy._
  77. Keith: "Oh my...~" Keith says, placing a hand over his mouth
  78. Lily: _says, Alone, she might be thought of as a weirdo just following him out of the sexy zone, but if they are a group, things will get hairy before we want it too_
  79. Keith: _Keith changes into his usual clothing... By going into the bathroom to do it, like a normal person(?)_
  80. Ommy|GM: The wolf makes his way to the gate, people don't really notice anything besides a wolf walking out, nothing wrong.
  81. Lily: _will literally keep following the wolf maybe a yard away or so :B_
  82. Miri: "So, uh. We got a job to do."
  83. Cyril: _hops on the group brainchat. "I... Think we should find out what this guy's been up to? I mean, we can't just kidnap him if he's not doing anything wrong." Gonna try to check for a criminal record or something! Research roll?_
  84. Ommy|GM: The wolf reaches the gate and flashes the ID for admission, they let them through no problem and just sit on a bench outside.
  85. Lily: _just wants to keep an eye on him :3_
  86. Runi: _sighs "I can just feel how electric girl is way too close to the perp."_
  87. Runi: "Lily- her name's lily, I mean."
  88. Keith: "Yeah, if we can show the autorites that he's dangerous." Keith says into the comms "I think most place makes laws that makes it legal to arrest dangerous individuals."
  89. Miri: "We don't need to read in the authorities on this," Miri says, back in business mode.
  90. Lily: _also like... turns on her tac net now so she can share the info of herself and the perp with her team :o_
  91. Keith: _Turns on tac net_
  92. Miri: "We don't need enthusiastic rent-a-cops throwing themselves at a psion and getting themselves killed...or otherwise escalating the situation."
  93. Keith: "Well... Rather, Miri..."
  94. Cyril: _brainchats again! "I got this guy's criminal record from the government. It doesn't look like he's done anything wrong."_
  95. Keith: "We don't need locals cops thinking that he's innocent."
  96. Keith: "And that we are kidnappers."
  97. Miri: "Seriously? Spotless? We're only targeting this guy 'cause he's a Psion?"
  98. Miri: _looks at Keith._
  99. Miri: "You're not seriously suggesting we take this guy on trumped-up charges, are you?"
  100. Lily: _walks up and sits down next to him :3_
  101. Runi: <"What, did you think this job was going to be anything different?"> she's following along with miri and Keith
  102. Cyril: _sends a message to the government agent folks! <"We're on a team meant to bring in a psion named Ni Volek. Has he actually done anything that warrants capture?">_
  103. Keith: <"Wait, no, I was trying to say that before Cyril said- Nevermind, Miri">
  104. Runi: _is also far too used to doing other jobs of dubious yet assured morality._
  105. Ommy|GM: He turns to look at Lily and just looks down at the ground, silent.
  106. Ommy|GM: <@!Cyril> They respond with a simple, "We need them for reserach." and that was all they said.
  107. Lily: _leans up to him, "Hey so, I saw you in the underground, you're pretty cute~ Want to get a drink together?"_
  108. Miri: (does Miri have access to the response Cyril got?)
  109. Ommy|GM: "No thanks...just waiting for the bus right now."
  110. Cyril: _goes back to groupchat. Makes sure they're not monitored. And that Runi can't hear. "We can't do this. They just want him for research."_
  111. Miri: <"Yeah, fuck this. But what the hell do we *do?*">
  112. Lily: _puts a hand on his thigh and turns her sex appeal on full, " are you sure sweetie?~ I promise I'm good company"_
  113. Lily: Im going to roll sex appeal, it worked with one psion so, why not :3
  114. Keith: <"Okay, that's kinda scary... Knowing his power... That this would means that- What kind of tests... Oh God...">
  115. Runi: "<I mean... we just grab him? isn't this what you signed up for?>"
  116. Lily: !groll 13
  117. DiscoDude: <@Lily> rolled 13 (degree 0; success)
  118. Runi: _isn't aware of contractual wiggling_
  119. Ommy|GM: !roll 3d6 12
  120. DiscoDude: <@Ommy|GM> rolled 3d6 for 10 [3d6 = 4, 4, 2] and 12 for 12 []
  121. Lily: yeah you beat the contest :B
  122. Miri: <"I thought we were in the biz of taking down superpowered *bad guys.* Emphasis on *bad.* People who'd use psion powers to blow shit up or murder people.">
  123. Ommy|GM: "Sorry, but no, I need to meet up with some old freinds."
  124. Miri: <"Capturing someone who's done nothing wrong and making 'em a guinea pig...*that's* bad guy shit.">
  125. Lily: _pouts some, "Well, I could go with you then, I'm here alone in this resort and it's awfuly lonely, maybe yyou could me to your friends, we could get to know eachother a little"_
  126. Keith: <"Yeah, didn't sign up for this, didn't the contract specify... Y'know... 'Dangerous and unstable psions'?">
  127. Miri: <"Hang on. Maybe we might be able to get off the hook here.">
  128. Ommy|GM: "They're in the hospital in critical condition."
  129. Runi: <"Fine, i'll call them.">
  130. Miri: <"Maybe if we investigate and find a different psion - an *asshole* psion - we can send 'em in, and say this Nil guy got away.">
  131. Lily: _blanched, "Oh... dear, I'm sorry."_
  132. Runi: _finds a seat- and blanks out for a moment, messaging their employer._
  133. Ommy|GM: "Yeah..." They mumbled, wiping their eyes, "It's not fair..."
  134. Lily: <I'm going to just keep an eye on him, who knows what a little observation will turn up.>
  135. Miri: <"Do that.">
  136. Lily: "Look, I'm sorry, I was coming on a little strong there. Can I make it up to you? I can go with you as emotional support, I won't be weird about it, I promise. I know what it feels like to visit your friends in a hospital..."
  137. Keith: _Keith re-examines the contract, he was sure it only mentioned "unstable" and "dangerous" psions._
  138. Runi: <"Looks like you kids were right, this is a mis-send. we're not after that guy."> Runi says after a few moments of implant use.
  139. Lily: <look guys, I don't want to mess with him if he's not hurting anybody too. Let's keep an eye on him and formulate a plan of what we're g... oh>
  140. Keith: <"Oh!">
  141. Miri: <"Wait, what?">
  142. Runi: _stands up, speaking diretly to Miri "I think they'll still have another job for us though."_
  143. Miri: "A different job?"
  144. Runi: "I also suspect they'll just send someone else after him, but they won't share a word on that."
  145. Ommy|GM: New info arrises and your employers give you a Psion on a station in space close to this planet.
  146. Miri: _is a little hesitant. Something doesn't feel right about this._
  147. Miri: "So what's this other guy's deal?"
  148. Keith: "I think they were testing us..."
  149. Runi: "No idea. let's find out."
  150. Keith: "To see..."
  151. Miri: <"Lily. You stay on Nil.">
  152. Keith: "If we would do a job, no matter what."
  153. Runi: <"pack your bags, we have to go down the street.">
  154. Runi: _turns around and heads for her room_
  155. Keith: <"Whaaat... B-but... Vacation...">
  156. Lily: (does wolfboy respond to me?)
  157. Ommy|GM: The info on the new Psion is that they have strange aura, and the victims they kill have last seen a ghost based on implant recordings.
  158. Ommy|GM: "...Sure, I could use all the support I have."
  159. Miri: <"Wait, what? The victims see a ghost before they die, or...?">
  160. Runi: [<"Do we have photos or other information on the victims?">]
  161. Ommy|GM: He looks at Lily and smiles, sniffling a lil.
  162. Ommy|GM: (Exactly Miri)
  163. Lily: "If you don't mind me asking, what happened?"
  164. Keith: <"A ghost-like vision.">
  165. Runi: (gotta find out whe mechanic of wounding)
  166. Runi: (Drop-dead heart attacks? flaying?)
  167. Ommy|GM: Vicitims were other people hunting them down for bounties and such, their bodies based on the images were impaled and clawed at by huge claws, and that the ghost was like bandages and black colored.
  168. Miri: _whistles._
  169. Ommy|GM: "Lethal force is authroized, just do not kill them."
  170. Keith: <"Wha- But... Logic?">
  171. Lily: <honestly guys, I have no problem with a psion killing people hunting them if they didn't do anything fucked up... is that just me?>
  172. Keith: <"Did he do something before people started going after him, tho?">
  173. Miri: <", was this guy a murderer or serial killer or something crazy to earn a bounty?">
  174. Ommy|GM: "He has been found other than killing people that were after him, they also stole lots of medical supplies and equipment.
  175. Miri: <"Or is this the same 'because Psion' bullshit, just in a package more likely to get us all ghost-killed?">
  176. Miri: <"Medical supplies?">
  177. Keith: <"Medical-">
  178. Lily: <alright, that's good enough for me>
  179. Cyril: _gives the brainchat thumbs-up emoji_
  180. Runi: _has a bit of a different perspective on things, apparrantly. "<I'm still wondering how you signed up with that clause in the contract.>"_
  181. Miri: <"Wait. What if this has something to do with...that psion's friend?">
  182. Cyril: _👁‍🗨 👍 ☁_
  183. Keith: <"That's stretching it, Miri...">
  184. Keith: <"Specially because he's being taken care of, I assume.">
  185. Ommy|GM: "From our records, no emails, phone calls, or other sources of contact were made with Ni Velok, but his friend we do not know about."
  186. Lily: <Idk, probably because we would have taken a shapeshifting psion to someone else otherwise>
  187. Lily: (weirdness magnet)
  188. Lily: (that's a disadvantage you can have)
  189. Lily: <I'm going to be with wolfboy for a while so we can't go hunting after the new guy until this guy is taken care of... >
  190. Ommy|GM: The bus comes and he gets on and waits for Lily, paying for both her and himself.
  191. Lily: _heads along with him_
  192. Keith: _Keith looks over to Miri_
  193. Miri: <"We can still go investigate without Lily, can't we?">
  194. Runi: _knocks on Keith's and Miri's door_
  195. Ommy|GM: The bus was mostly empty, with a few other people leaving, making them the only two here.
  196. Runi: _has her guns and stuff in a suitcase now, in tow._
  197. Lily: < if investigation is what got people killed, I'd rather you didn't >
  198. Keith: "Who goes there?!" Keith answers from inside
  199. Keith: not the best selection of words
  200. Lily: ( Friend or foe! )
  201. Miri: (wait, since when were we inside?)
  202. Keith: (Right, I think we changed and we left- but then we were "Oh, this guy did nothing wrong")
  203. Runi: (oh, didn't you go in? nevermind)
  204. Runi: <"I heard you guys had a ship- a small one? I'll sleep on a couch.">
  205. Runi: _prefers couches_
  206. Keith: <"We had a small ship... But now we are waiting our new ship to get done...">
  207. Runi: <"oh. then we'll have to get a small ship at a spaceport for passage">
  208. Cyril: _grumbles to nobody. \*He\* knows a few shipyards that could've finished this in a day! With exorbitant cost, but still!_
  209. Lily: < please don't go without me? :3 >
  210. Keith: <"I wonder how much a luxury ticket costs...">
  211. Runi: <"the place is like an hour away- tops. you wanna pay for luxury?">
  212. Keith: <"Fiiiine...">
  213. Runi: <"you'll get to enjoy your in flight steak, that you won't have time to eat.">
  214. Keith: <"I am still kinda sore that our vacation went to shit.">
  215. Miri: <"SAME.">
  216. Runi: "<what, VR too good for ya?>" Runi may or may not be a workaholic.
  217. Lily: < have you been on a first class flight? They are WORTH it>
  218. Lily: < and that's coming from someone who treats normal seats like a bed >
  219. Runi: <"I fly first class when I have enough time to enjoy the diamond studded bathrooms.">
  220. Lily: ( aren't diamonds in this setting... cheap? )
  221. Lily: ( platinum :3 )
  222. Lily: ( platinum would be difficult to make even with fusion )
  223. Keith: <"Alright, anyways. Runi. Lily kinda wants us to wait for her.">
  224. Lily: (yeah I'm staying with him at least for the rest of the day lol )
  225. Lily: ( or you know, as long as makes sense )
  226. Lily: < Please don't come? just relax, I'll take care of this>
  227. Lily: < I told him I was alone>
  228. Cyril: _skitters back to the group!_
  229. Lily: (If we're doing a timeskip or something ommy, is there any information I can learn from this guy? )
  230. Ommy|GM: The bus heads off towards one of the only cities with a hospital.
  231. Ommy|GM: (My mic borked)
  232. Runi: >we proceed through starport security and buy a ticket to the space station
  233. Lily: _tells runi to try the Galactic Blastzapper in the underground bar_
  234. Ommy|GM: (soo...yes timeskip Lily)
  235. Lily: ( ok so what happened? )
  236. Lily: (to his buddies? )
  237. Ommy|GM: (They were assaulted by a Black Ghost)
  238. Lily: (see that's valuable, non-timeskip information to have)
  239. Miri: (Black Ghost Coast to Coast)
  240. Lily: (Well if I saw that this was the attack, I would give a heads up to the party first)
  241. Lily: ( then I'd ask them if I should tell this guy what's really going on )
  242. Ommy|GM: (Ni Velok explains he was also attacked by the ghost...but the attacker realized he just comes back to life and left him with their friend.)
  243. Lily: ( so... he outs himself as a psion :V )
  244. Ommy|GM: (He just thinks he blacks out and has some super regenerative powers or something, he doesn't know the term psion.)
  245. Lily: ( ok but like... ok.)
  246. Ommy|GM: (Or doesn't want to believe his is one)
  247. Lily: < any advice anybody? Should I get more information from this guy, should I leave or what? >
  248. Keith: <"Get his number, on the very least.">
  249. Runi: <"Hm Do you want to ask directly what he knows?">
  250. Lily: < I could reveal what I was here for... To be honest I was planning on telling him that bounty hunters were on his trail and to hide anyways so >
  251. Lily: (brb a moment)
  252. Ommy|GM: (I am back with cereal)
  253. Lily: (I'm back as well :3 )
  254. Lily: ( fuck it, I'm gonna just go for it since nobody is chiming in~)
  255. Keith: <"Lily... Try to be...">
  256. Keith: <"Subtle?">
  257. Runi: _wasn't really going to suggest stopping you. Their employers didn'tsay they were going to do soemthing about him to her, so to Runi, they obviously don't care enough_
  258. Lily: "Look, I'm gonna square with you. I haven't been totally honest, the thing that hurt your friends, we're after that guy. If there's anything you can tell us, it will help us bring justice for your friends and stop it from happening to anyone else."
  259. Ommy|GM: "Well...I don't know anything about them, but I hit the ghost with a baseball bat and it's arm unraveled...I guess once you see it you have to do some blunt damage...As for why the baseball bat, we were playing baseball."
  260. Lily: "Can you think of any reason you might have been attacked?"
  261. Ommy|GM: "Uhm...No not really...I can't really remember that well."
  262. Lily: <anybody else think of anything I should ask?>
  263. Runi: "hm.."
  264. Runi: <"Ask him how he got away">
  265. Lily: _relays all questions_
  266. Keith: <"Hmmm, that is a good one...">
  267. Miri: <"Useful to know, if worse comes to worse.">
  268. Ommy|GM: "...I...Blacked out and had woken up with cops and paramedics around me...They said I was declared dead but they rechecked my vitlas and everything was nominal."
  269. Lily: <so basically, he didn't>
  270. Keith: <"What about your friend?">
  271. Lily: _still relays the questions :P_
  272. Ommy|GM: "He's right here, in the hospital."
  273. Runi: "<Is he aware he is a psion?>"
  274. Lily: _relays that question too_
  275. Ommy|GM: "What's a Psion?"
  276. Runi: "<Fair enough>"
  277. Lily: "oh brother. Alright, let me tell you something before I leave. Your healing isn't normal, and it's caught some people's attention. These people will want to capture you, and study you against your will. I knew who you were when I first saw you because I was originally supposed to bring you in, but I used to be a cop, and I don't really like the idea of capturing people who haven't done anything wrong... So here's my advice. As soon as you can, you should probably leave, and try to vanish, because you can bet some people with less scruples than me are probably after you now." she says and leaves before things get awkard
  278. Runi: <"Alright, uh, Lily- right? can you get to a starport?">
  279. Lily: _is already heading there, <I'll meet yall htere>_
  280. Ommy|GM: He sits there and gulps hard before looking at his friend, leaving a letter before looking down at the ground floor to see armored vehicles pull up. "I guess these are the people she was talking about", as Lily leaves the room, she can hear the window open behind you and if you looked, he was gone.
  281. Cyril: (Be free, wolfman)
  282. Ommy|GM: All of you meet up at the starport.
  283. Ommy|GM: >What do
  284. Runi: _would have been in line early_
  285. Cyril: _tries to get a window seat_
  286. Runi: _gets to the front counter. "5 tickets to <STATION> please."_
  287. Lily: heyho let's make like a varluxian thromp beast and leaf
  288. Runi: Lets make like a hockey stick and get the puck out of here
  289. Miri: (XD)
  290. Keith: (Pleasure Planet Space Station 1)
  291. Ommy|GM: Lotus sits in the back of the ship.
  292. Cyril: _raises flatcam in preparation to take pictures of hyperspace_
  293. Keith: _Keith tries to make everyone get seats more-or-less close_
  294. Runi: _takes the printouts "Thanks." and heads to the group. "alright, don't blow all your money on duty free chocolates from Alpha Centauri"_
  296. Miri: "Ugh. I hear 'Alpha Centauri' and all I think of is the creepy fungus they have on Chiron."
  297. Runi: for most of the group this is their 3rd time or so in spess proper- going places. for Runi this more like her 3000th
  298. Keith: "Hey, Lotus, how are you holding up?"
  299. Ommy|GM: "Pretty eh...But y'know, do you think they're using Ommy for research or other Psions for research as well?"
  300. Runi: "They'll use em all. this aint some charity to clean up the galactic streets or anything."
  301. Keith: "I mean. It was specified in the contract that this would be testing the psions..."
  302. Ommy|GM: "It makes me uneasy though, they could making weapons tests for all I know."
  303. Miri: "It's dirty bullshit, is what it is."
  304. Miri: "But there are still dangerous assholes out there."
  305. Miri: "I don't like the idea we're cleaning up the streets just to set the stage for an even worse war tomorrow."
  306. Cyril: _leans over! "I think if anyone starts using psychic weapons, the rest of the galaxy's gonna kick their spacedust out real fast."_
  307. Miri: "But...."
  308. Miri: "...yeah, we can hope, Cyril."
  309. Runi: "Heh. Weapons. My last job was finding and stopping production of those."
  310. Runi: "Never heard of these guys though."
  311. Keith: "Hm... Reminds me of the raid we did, back when we were cops."
  312. Runi: "worked with plenty of psions- the more stable ones at least."
  313. Keith: "Speaking of psions, I am still convinced that the paramedic that worked with my leg was one..."
  314. Keith: "I mean, one moment it was crippled, on the other, I could continue my job."
  315. Lily: "Heh, maybe we better not talk about that now lest our sponsors... idk, go after him..."
  316. Keith: "Eeech... No, shut up... That's the worse thing you could say."
  317. Runi: "most of the ones we hire just see the future and stuff."
  318. Runi: "Funny things about those- they get lots of visions. 95% of them never come true."
  319. Runi: "Future's mutable, and all that."
  320. Ommy|GM: "I'd hate to see an army of Ommy spies for espionage and stuff...That would be horrible."
  321. Lily: "something something change what you observe by observing it"
  322. Cyril: _looks down at his psion-sensor. Starts getting worried, the people who might be making psion weapons also controlling psion-detecting tech..._
  323. Keith: "Well, I mean, we are in a deterministic world. I can't see why it is so damn hard to see the future."
  324. Keith: "At least..."
  325. Keith: "In a way that it actually happens."
  326. Miri: "Heisenberg," Miri mutters idly.
  327. Ommy|GM: The only Psion in the vicinity was Lotus, no one else.
  328. Cyril: "...Is Heisenberg another one of your gods?"
  329. Lily: (Lotus, Alias: "Look, Look with your special eyes")
  330. Lily: ( "my bran!!!" )
  331. Miri: " He was a human scientist who posited the Uncertainty Principle. The one Lily just quoted."
  332. Lily: "what you think only humans figured that out? The guy who discovered it on our planet was called Kevin"
  333. Keith: "Ah, of course, the human culture."
  334. Miri: "Apart from the general creepiness of the idea, it's why you can't build one of those 'break down matter molecule by molecule and put it back together elsewhere' teleporters like in the Martian flicks."
  335. Runi: "What, you're call caught up on that stuff? if we wanna be strictly correct, it was an Avali who did it first."
  336. Cyril: "You're... *not* supposed to be able to build those teleporters? I'm gonna have to remember to send a message back home."
  337. Runi: "Avali hit the stars 800 years ago. humanity only like 250."
  338. Miri: _shrugs._
  339. Lily: "Yeah yeah, you Avali are like space youtube comments"
  340. Lily: "It's always filled with "FIRST"
  341. Runi: _giggled_
  342. Keith: _Keith laughts loudly_
  343. Miri: "It was a human ship that found the Aisoph system first, so..."
  344. Cyril: ("Oh yeah? Well, we Viav destroyed our homeworld first! ...oh")
  345. Runi: (avali are special- they still totes have a homworld!)
  346. Miri: (the Chater do too, but they share it with four other species :P)
  347. Miri: (and they don't really get along with *any* of them XD)
  348. Ommy|GM: The ship comes to the stop of the space station, and it feels...strangely familar to the old one where you were all cops.
  349. Cyril: _checks to make sure it's not actually the same station_
  350. Ommy|GM: It is indeed NOT the same space station.
  351. Keith: _Keith checks to see if- yeah_
  352. Lily: (I'd argue that the natural passivity of most of Lily's species would mean they didn't really feel much need to blow things up, except to dig out their cities)
  353. Keith: "Man, are these... made from the same mold as..."
  354. Runi: it might look very similar. if it's nearby it might have been built by the same construction companies
  355. Runi: and in the same architectural style
  356. Keith: "You know what I am saying?"
  357. Ommy|GM: "I think so, yeah."
  358. Lily: "I mean, it makes sense, should be handy to have a little familiarity"
  359. Runi: "Alright, let's go find out what this station will let us bring aboard or not."
  360. Ommy|GM: The space station only allows for, Class 3 items.
  361. Lily: what if we flash our federali cards? :B
  362. Lily: we are feds
  363. Lily: oh yeah keith is probably class 3 naturally
  364. Ommy|GM: >What do now you are all on the station
  365. Lily: check the psiodetector
  366. Cyril: _starts playing minesweeper with the psion scanner_
  367. Lily: _takes a few steps away from lotus first_
  368. Lily: _takes a few more steps_
  369. Cyril: _just runs off to the other end of the station._
  370. Lily: _keeps taking steps until she finds a bar_
  371. Ommy|GM: The arrow flashes once Lily has gotten has gone a certain distance to a different direction.
  372. Ommy|GM: Which is to say, the bar.
  373. Miri: "Too bad we can't sit down for a drink."
  374. Lily: "Why not, it worked last time"
  375. Lily: _orders a drink first, THEN follows the arrow_
  376. Lily: :3
  377. Lily: of course 😛
  378. Lily: the cheap stuff
  379. Ommy|GM: The bartender hands you a mug with some pretty cheap alcohol.
  380. Runi: _finds a seat outside and spaces out._
  381. Lily: _wants a pan galactic gargle blaster_
  382. Ommy|GM: The alcolhol is actually given to Lily
  383. Lily: anyways x3
  384. Lily: _follows the arrow_
  385. Keith: _Follow Lily, after having drank a drink best described as rubbing alcohool_
  386. Ommy|GM: Arrow points towards multiple streets and after following it for a while, you see an Alvali, slav squating down near an alley way and smoking a cigarette.
  387. Cyril: (Mmm, isopropanol)
  388. Ommy|GM: >Do you approach the Avali
  389. Lily: > no
  390. Ommy|GM: After finishing their cigarette, they walk into the alleyway.
  391. Lily: <guys? what do?>
  392. Cyril: _RUNS OFF TO LILY. Subtly. Tries to avoid actually getting in sight._
  393. Keith: <"Um... Is it a dead-end alleyway? Can we go around?">
  394. Ommy|GM: It is indeed a deadend alleyway.
  395. Keith: <"We can literally wait him for to come out.">
  396. Lily: _shrugs, her impulsiveness starting to kick in < I'm gonna go in>_
  397. Miri: <"Shit, *no!*">
  398. Keith: <"I'll punch you if you do.">
  399. Lily: <Why not?>
  400. Cyril: _starts plotting! <"Guys, we could use the interphase suits to set up like, a hunting blind-- oh">_
  401. Lily: < And if you punch me keith you won't like what I'll do back> :T
  402. Lily: < let's just go in, I've got my force gun, we outnumber him, I've got some tanglers too, It'll be fine we're pros>
  403. Keith: <"Lily, let's not start going there, alright? Anyways... We should not wander in range of this guy's mojo">
  404. Keith: <"Like, he can kill us with his mind?">
  405. Miri: <"This guy's a comic book villain! We've got tools and we've got talent but he can still punk us if we go in half-cocked!">
  406. Runi: _wakes up, and walks on over, wondering what's going on, cloak morphing into a proper getup as she walks._
  407. Lily: <who knows what his range is, all I know is that we are more likely to lose our element of surprise the longer we wait>
  408. Keith: <"We can ambush him as he leaves, how about that surprise element?">
  409. Cyril: _moves to follow Lily. She's obviously going in, might as well provide backup and more firepower :D_
  410. Keith: <"In there, it is crowded, and we will be bumping elbows.">
  411. Lily: < or we could ambush him right now>
  412. Lily: < Look I could probably walk up to him and zap him unconcious before he even know's what's going on, It's literally never not worked >
  413. Miri: <"...Okay. You can try that.">
  414. Miri: <"But I swear, if this doesn't work...">
  415. Keith: <"Lily.">
  416. Keith: <"Gimme a plan B as well, C'mon.">
  417. Lily: <I'll just ask him if I can bum a smoke, and then BAM>
  418. Lily: <It's sonic stun tonfa time>
  419. Keith: <"I feel like we are underestimating our target.">
  420. Keith: <"He prolly knows we are after him.">
  421. Lily: < and if it doesn't work, which won't happen, yall can rush in behind me and make sure he doesn't squish my brain, which he won't, because I'm fucking fast, and you know what they say, "Fast don't lie">
  422. Lily: _starts heading into the alleyway_
  423. Ommy|GM: As Lily was about to go in, she can see the Avali get flung up to the top of the building with great force by something that isn't there.
  424. Keith: _Keith presses himself against the corser of the alleyway, crowched down._
  425. Lily: _stops going on_
  426. Lily: <Ok that was weird, yall saw that on the tacnet right?>
  427. Cyril: _freezes o^o_
  428. Keith: <"I... Um...">
  429. Miri: <"I *told* you, Lily. This guy's *used to( hunting hunters.">
  430. Ommy|GM: Lily could see the ghost, but it starts disappating, and the weird thing was, no one else could see the ghost.
  431. Lily: !groll 10
  432. DiscoDude: <@Lily> rolled 6 (degree 4; success)
  433. Runi: "<Yea. I saw. I wonder if he threw himself- now do the smart thing and get out rather than lookin there>"
  434. Lily: _backs up_
  435. Ommy|GM: It speaks, "No...Thing...Person...Al..."
  436. Ommy|GM: And then disappears.
  437. Keith: <"So, about underastimating our foe... How did it work out?">
  438. Lily: < not that badly, right? I mean we're all fine, and now we know more>
  439. Runi: "<get out of the dark alley first, then we talk.>"
  440. Runi: _makes sure she's in the light._
  441. Lily: _is walking out of the alley_
  442. Lily: that's what my groll was for
  443. Lily: or wait
  444. Lily: actually I think I failed that roll technically
  445. Lily: if you roll UNDER impulsiveness, that means you do the impulsive thing right?
  446. Keith: (Yes)
  447. Lily: well fuck
  448. Keith: (What's there impulsive to do?)
  449. Keith: (Stare at a wall?)
  450. Lily: _runs to where the ghost was while it dissapates_
  451. Lily: "Get back here!"
  452. Ommy|GM: You can heard another rush of wind as the Avali flies to the next block over.
  453. Lily: can
  454. Lily: can I climb up the building :3
  455. Lily: _has climbing 16 though, but not "clinging" but, morphsuit?_
  456. Lily: avali can glide at 1g yeh?
  457. Runi: (yea)
  458. Lily: I assume he's chucking himself in the air and then gliding
  459. Lily: but anyways what I'm saying is
  460. Lily: people climb buildings without ghost powers
  461. Lily: or gecko powers
  462. Lily: rather
  463. Lily: no people climb buildings by hand
  464. Lily: _has really tiny fingers_
  465. Cyril: _switches implant to anti-air mode_
  466. Lily: so we've said I can't climb? ;w;
  467. Lily: !groll 16
  468. DiscoDude: <@Lily> rolled 9 (degree 7; success)
  469. Lily: _fucking climbs_
  470. Lily: _climbs 3.5 per second_
  471. Keith: <"Aaaand she is climbing the building. Should we do something?">
  472. Cyril: _tries to climb. Has no climbing skill, prooobably can't do it._
  473. Lily: <Haha! He won't get away, I fucking ROCK!>
  474. Lily: (there's no way she'll catch him lol, but she's trying so hard)
  475. Ommy|GM: By the time Lily gets to the top, he's already 4 blocks over.
  476. Runi: figured,
  477. Lily: _uses her vantage to at least see where he's going_
  478. Runi: "<Can you see where he's going?>"
  479. Runi: _by the way, has her wings clipped for space suits- so no flight for her!_
  480. Lily: _also shouts "HARD CORE PARKOUR!" to the city at general_
  481. Lily: this is a good place to wrap up lol
  482. Ommy|GM: !end
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